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改革开放30多年来,我国城镇化发展迅速,城镇化水平稳步提高,城镇化率由1978年的17.92%发展到2011年的51.27%,年均增长1.01%;城镇人口由1978年的17245万人发展到2011年的69079万人,年均增长1571万人.未来20年,我国城镇化仍将处于较快发展阶段,在推进城镇化进程中,工业与农业、城镇与农村、生产生活与生态等各方面的用地需求将更加旺盛,土地供需矛盾将更加突出,将倒逼各级党委和政府更加注重节约集约用地.  相似文献   

十六大报告指出:“必须全面繁荣农村经济,加快城镇化进程。”这一重要观点是根据我国80%人口在农村,全国的城镇化水平仍然很低这一实际提出的。百色市是一个山多耕地少,城镇化水平只有19.8%的城市,必须根据自己现有的环境和条件,合理地引导农民下山进城入镇,有重点地发展小城镇建设和乡镇企业,这是推进百色市城镇化进程的必由之路。在这一过程中,无一不与用地问题密切相关。为此,在不违反土  相似文献   

浅谈城镇化进程中的耕地保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国正处于城市化高速发展期,根据国际经验,城镇化水平达到30%以后,城镇化发展进入加速阶段。当前我国的城镇化水平为40.53%,正处在加速发展的过程中。在全面建设小康社会的目标中,城镇人口比重大幅度提高是一项重要指标。为此十六大报告提出要加快城镇化进程,逐步提高城镇化水平,但与此同时人口多,人均耕地少,人地之间矛盾突出,是我国的基本国情。城镇化必然会大量占用农村土地,特别是耕地。怎样处理好最严格的耕地保护制度与城镇化之间的矛盾,如何保证我国的粮食安全,同时又保证城镇化进程的顺利实施呢?统筹耕地保护与建设用地的关系成为了当前急待解决的问题。1我国城镇化过程中的土地利用现状土地不仅是农业生产的基本要素,也是城市发展和房地产业发展的基础,我国的土地资源正面临着十分严峻的处境,这直接关系到农业的发展和城镇化的进程。目前我国人均耕地仅为1.43亩,不到世界人均水平的40%。而许多大中城市的人均耕地已经远远低于全国人均水平。根据《全国土地利用总体规划纲要》,党中央国务院确定我国2010年耕地保有面积为19.2亿亩,但到2003年底,我国耕地面积已经降至18.51亿亩。1997~2003年间,我国耕地净减少1亿多亩。农村人...  相似文献   

从城镇体系结构、城镇化水平、城镇扩张水平、城镇投入产出效率和生态覆被等5个方面构建了区域城镇化发展水平综合评价指标体系;采用层次分析法和多因素综合评判相结合的方法,以及数据包络分析法综合评价武汉城市圈城镇化发展水平。结果表明武汉城市圈城镇化综合发展水平2005~2011年增长速率最快,2000~2005年和2011~2013年增速缓慢,说明武汉城市圈经历2000~2011年高速增长之后,城镇化综合发展速率减缓。  相似文献   

丁锋 《国土资源》2003,(4):25-27
“城镇人口的比重较大幅度提高,工农差别、城乡差别和地区差别扩大的趋势逐步扭转”,这是党的十六大提出的全面建设小康社会的目标之一;“要逐步提高城镇化水平,坚持大中城市和小城镇协调发展,走中国特色城镇化之路。发展小城镇要以现有县城和有条件的建制镇为基础,科学规划,合理布局,同发展乡镇企业和农村服务业结合起来。消除不利于城镇化发展的体制和政策障碍,引导农村劳动力合理有序流动”,这是十六大报告中提出的完成目标的具体措施。也就是说,未来20年内,中国城市化人口比例将从36%提高到50%。  相似文献   

研究青藏高原城镇化格局的时空分异及其影响因素,有利于推动青藏高原现代人类活动时空过程的认知,对青藏高原就地就近城镇化及可持续发展具有参考意义。根据历次人口普查数据,本研究构建青藏高原县市尺度城镇化空间数据集,参考城镇化发展阶段,采用LISA空间类型划分法和空间计量回归模型,系统分析1990-2010年青藏高原内部城镇化格局的时空分异特征及影响因素。主要结论包括:① 青藏高原整体城镇化水平偏低,2017年底,青藏高原主体部分青海省和西藏自治区的常住人口城镇化水平分别为53.07%和30.8%,低于全国同期水平的58.52%,但青藏高原内不乏高水平城镇化地区,而且各地区间城镇化水平的空间差异缩小;② 青海西部柴达木盆地是高水平城镇化集聚区,羌塘地区是低水平城镇化集聚区,地级行政中心所在县市多呈现自身高、周边低的城镇化格局;③ 与内地相似,第二、三产业从业机会是推动青藏高原城镇化发展重要因素,社会公共服务资源对城镇化拉动作用开始凸显。研究结果可以为青藏高原人类活动研究和青藏高原就地就近城镇化可持续发展政策提供参考。  相似文献   

城镇化是地区经济发展和社会进步的重要标志,研究城镇化水平对城镇科学发展和政府高效决策具有重要意义。夜间灯光数据包含了人类活动和经济社会发展等信息,弥补了指标法的不确定性和滞后性等不足,可以更加直观地反映城镇化水平,为城镇化研究提供了新的思路。现有的研究,已经有用夜间灯光数据分析宏观尺度的城镇化水平,但由于DMSP-OLS数据和NPP-VIIRS数据的时间范围均较短,且2种数据的时间尺度不连续,且空间分辨率和辐射分辨率不一致,因此目前主要集中于使用一种夜间灯光数据研究城镇化水平,且研究的时间跨度较短。此外,虽然已有研究表明,大尺度的社会经济活动与夜间光照情况有较强的相关关系,但在较小尺度下,这种相关性受地区经济发展以及灯光数据分辨率的影响较大,对估算精度有更高的要求,因此需要使用实际数据证明使用夜间灯光数据估算县级城镇化水平的合理性。本文使用DMSP_OLS和NPP_VIIRS夜间灯光数据,估算了2006—2015年安徽省县级尺度城镇化水平,为夜间灯光数据在长时间序列的城镇化研究中提供理论支撑。首先分别计算DMSP-OLS和NPP-VIIRS平均夜间灯光指数,以NPP-VIIRS灯光指数为自变量,以DMSP-OLS灯光指数为因变量,对2012年和2013年的2种灯光指数年数据进行曲线拟合,建立2种灯光数据的对应关系,得到2006—2015年安徽省各区县的DMSP-OLS平均夜间灯光指数;然后从人口、经济、社会生活和农业机械化4个方面选取城镇化指标,使用层次分析法计算基于统计数据的城镇化水平;最后将灯光指数与基于统计数据的城镇化水平进行相关性分析和线性回归分析,讨论了安徽省各区县灯光指数和基于统计数据的城镇化水平的时空分布的异同点,分析了同时使用两种灯光指数估算长时间序列城镇化水平的合理性。研究结果显示,灯光指数和基于统计数据的城镇化水平在县级尺度上具有高度相关性,相关系数为0.91(P<0.05),线性回归的拟合优度R2=0.82。灯光指数和基于统计数据的城镇化水平的时空分布基本一致,空间上,安徽省城镇化水平整体分布不均衡,呈现出东高西低的规律;时间上,2006—2015年城镇化水平呈现逐年增长的趋势,合肥市辖区、马鞍山市辖区等发达城区的城镇化水平增长速度较快,而霍丘县、寿县等经济欠发达地区增长较缓慢。  相似文献   

新型城镇化与乡村振兴耦合协调发展是推动我国土地利用水平迈上新台阶的重要抓手,也是在新时代时期推进城乡融合的重要支撑。本文通过熵权法和耦合协调模型,探究了山东省新型城镇化与乡村振兴耦合协调特征,研究发现:山东省新型城镇化与乡村振兴耦合协调性总体表现为不均衡特征,各地市综合评价结果差距较大。山东省新型城镇化与乡村振兴耦合度空间部分区域差异显著,以高水平耦合为主,且呈“工”字形分布。山东省新型城镇化与乡村振兴协调度空间分布呈“东高西低”态势,以低水平协调为主。提出了推进山东省新型城镇化与乡村振兴耦合协调发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

国内外铝市场分析及对我省铝土矿经济政策的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铝工业是我国实现工业新型化与农业现代化及城镇化,进而实现全面建设小康社会目标的重要基础产业。它在我国产业中有很高的关联度,我国现有产业124个,使用铝产品的产业达113个,产业关联度为91%;铝产品消费量同我国GDP的线性相关系数高达0.933;它是我国总资产贡献率最高的产业之一,全国工业及有色金属工业总资产贡献率分别为9%与7~8%,全国铝工业总资产贡献率达10%以上。  相似文献   

伴随我国经济和社会发展特征的转变,城镇化从高速增长转向追求以人为本和高质量发展的新型城镇化阶段。城镇化要素的时空分布特征和城镇化发展的空间格局都在发生转变。结合我国新型城镇化的特点和发展趋势,适应国家对新型城镇化的发展要求,充分整合多元时空数据,构建一套适用于多空间尺度、多监测专题的新型城镇化动态监测评估指标体系,并搭建全国新型城镇化监测评估平台,及时、准确地反映城镇化的发展趋势和空间分异特征,全方位、立体化地实现对全国新型城镇化发展的动态监测评估。  相似文献   

临沂市毗邻江苏省,前者是革命老区,经济欠发达城市,后者则是全国经济发展速度最快的省份之一.经济发展形势的差异使得二者在保障用地的措施做法上产生了差别.文章以江苏省徐州市、宿迁市、南通市和扬州市为例,重点分析了经济发展较快地区化解用地矛盾的做法,并与临沂市作了比较,借以提出了可供经济欠发达地区借鉴的保障发展用地的措施建议.  相似文献   

根据 2 0 0 1年 11至 2 0 0 2年 1月间北部湾海域秋、冬季 2个航次的底拖网渔业资源调查资料 ,对北部湾海域甲壳类的种类组成及分布进行研究。本次调查共渔获虾类 2 4种 ,隶属于 6科 11属 ;蟹类 30种 ,隶属 9科 19属 ;虾蛄 9种 ,隶属 2科 6属。各种类沿水深和地理分布有明显变化 ,主要集中分布于湾中部水深 2 1~ 80m海域。  相似文献   

Mollisols properties and changes in Ukraine and China   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Soils are the foundation of civilizations and the basis for human food production.Mollisols in Ukraine and Northeast China are two out of the four major Mollisol regions in the world.The natural areas from which Mollisols developed are the prairies and steppes that experience temperate and freezing conditions.This review paper introduces the general climate,vegetation,and topography of Mollisols regions in Ukraine and Northeast China,analyzes their properties,including soil texture,soil organic matter content,soil bulk density,pH,cation exchange capacity and other chemical properties,and compares the property changes and management practices of Mollisols in relation to sustainable grain production.  相似文献   

Turbulence is defined as an eddy-like state of fluid motion where the inertial-vortex forces of the eddies are larger than any of the other forces that tend to damp the eddies out. Energy cascades of irrotational flows from large scales to small are non-turbulent, even if they supply energy to turbulence. Turbulent flows are rotational and cascade from small scales to large, with feedback. Viscous forces limit the smallest turbulent eddy size to the Kolmogorov scale. In stratified fluids, buoyancy forces limit large vertical overturns to the Ozmidov scale and convert the largest turbulent eddies into a unique class of saturated, non-propagating, internal waves, termed fossil-vorticity-turbulence. These waves have the same energy but different properties and spectral forms than the original turbulence patch. The Gibson (1980, 1986) theory of fossil turbulence applies universal similarity theories of turbulence and turbulent mixing to the vertical evolution of an isolated patch of turbulence in a stratified fluid as its growth is constrained and fossilized by buoyancy forces. Quantitative hydrodynamic-phase-diagrams (HPDs) from the theory are used to classify microstructure patches according to their hydrodynamic states. When analyzed in HPD space, previously published oceanic datasets showed their dominant microstructure patches are fossilized at large scales in all layers. Laboratory and field measurements suggested phytoplankton species with different swimming abilities adjust their growth strategies by pattern recognition of tur-bulence-fossil-turbulence dissipation and persistence times that predict survival-relevant surface layer sea changes. New data collected near a Honolulu waste-water outfall showed the small-to-large evolution of oceanic turbulence microstructure from active to fossil states, and revealed the ability of fossil-density-turbulence patches to absorb, and vertically radiate, internal wave energy, information, and enhanced turbulent-mixing-rates toward the sea surface so that the submerged waste-field could be detected from a space satellite (Bondur and Filatov, 2003).  相似文献   

Systematic studies of the changes in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and their effects on phytoplankton over the last 30 years in the Bohai Sea are presented. The amount of sewage disposal, use of fertilizer and the Huanghe River runoff were found to have a significant influence on the DIN or DIP concentrations in the Bohai Sea over the last 30 years. Moreover, the changes in DIN and DIP resulted in changes in the limiting nutrients of phytoplankton in the Bohai Sea from nitrogen in the early 1980s to nitrogen-phosphorus in the late 1980s, and then to phosphorus after the 1990s. In addition, changes in nitrogen and phosphorus had a significant effect on the phytoplankton community structure. The half saturation constant (K s) was used to evaluate the effect of nutrients on the phytoplankton community structure in the Bohai Sea over the last 30 years. Cell abundance percentages of dominant phytoplankton species with high K s values for phosphorus and low K s values for nitrogen have decreased since the 1980s, while those of dominant phytoplankton species with low K s values for phosphorus and high K s values for nitrogen increased during this period.  相似文献   

Recently, the degradation of permafrost and marsh environments in the Da and Xiao Hinggan Mountains has become a great concern as more human activities and pronounced climate warming were observed during the past 30 years and projected for the near future. The distr/bution patterns and development mechanisms of the permafrost and marshes have been examined both in theories and in field observations, in order to better understand the symbiosis of permafrost and marshes. The permafrost and marshes in the Da and Xiao Hinggan Mountains display discernible zonations in latitude and elevation. The marsh vegetation canopy, litter and peat soil have good thermal insulation properties for the underlying permafrost, resulting in a thermal offset of 3 ℃ to 4℃ and subsequently suppressing soil temperature. In addition, the much higher thermal conductivity of frozen and ice-rich peat in the active layer is conducive to the development or in favor of the protection of permafrost due to the semi-conductor properties of the soils overlying the permafrost. On the other hand, because permafrost is almost impervious, the osmosis of water in marsh soils can be effectively reduced, timely providing water supplies for helophytes growth or germination in spring. In the Da and Xiao Hinggan Mountains, the permafrost degradation has been accelerating due to the marked climate warming, ever increasing human activities, and the resultant eco-environmental changes. Since the permafrost and marsh environments are symbiotic and interdependent, they need to be managed or protected in a well-coordinated and integrated way.  相似文献   

城镇地籍调查是国土资源管理的一项重要的基础性工作,是城镇土地登记的法定程序,主要内容包括土地权属调查和地籍测量。该文分析探讨了土地权属调查政策、调查程序以及地籍测量技术的创新及应用,对城镇地籍初始和变更地籍调查具有一定的指导和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Selected trace metals(Pb, Cd, Cu, Hg) and arsenic in seawater and surface sediments of Laizhou Bay were determined, to evaluate their spatial distribution, pollution risk and potential ecological risk. Concentrations of the elements were 0.56–2.07, 0.14–0.38, 12.70–18.40, 0.014–0.094, and 1.13–2.37 μg/L in the seawater and 8.94–32.2, 0.18–0.67, 4.51–30.5, 0.006–0.058, and 5.75–15.3 mg/kg in sediments for Pb, Cd, Cu, Hg and As, respectively. High concentrations of the trace metals and arsenic in seawater and surface sediments were generally observed near the river estuary. The pollution risk result of the elements showed that Cu was the prominent trace metal pollutant in seawater, followed by Hg, Pb, Cd and As. The metal complex pollution index in seawater was at a medium level. The most important trace metal pollutant in sediments was Cd, followed by As, Cu, Pb, and Hg. Our pollution assessment suggests that trace metal pollution in Laizhou Bay sediments was at a low level. The potential ecological risk was also low in surface sediment.  相似文献   

Resources and environment carrying capacity is central to not only regional sustainable development but also major function-oriented zoning. This paper presents an evaluation index system for resources and environment carrying capacity based on four aspects of carrying capacity(i.e., water resources, land resources, the environment, and ecosystems) by using a square deviation decision-making method, and on the basis of above effort evaluates the resources and environment carrying capacity across 31 provincial regions in China(not including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan regions of China). In addition, this paper evaluates the current state of socio-economic development, and analyzes the spatial distribution of resources and environment pressure. The results showed that distinct spatial differences in resources and environment carrying capacity and pressure across provincial regions. Resources and environment pressure is affected by both comprehensive resources and environment carrying capacity and socio-economic development. Regions subjected to lower degrees of resources and environment pressure will be restricted by resources and environmental problems through future courses of development owing to excessively low carrying capacities. By contrast, regions with higher comprehensive resources and environment carrying capacity will be subjected to excessively high levels of resources and environment pressure because of rapid socio-economic development. Both of resources and environment carrying capacity and pressure must therefore be considered in the allocation of country-binding targets to provincial regions.  相似文献   

The distribution of Al and F contents and the relationship between Al and F in tea plants and soils of 12 tea gardens in Central and Southwest China were investigated from October 31 to November 14, 2006. The results show that there were differences in pH, CEC, the contents of organic matter (OM), Al and F in the different soils of the tea gardens. The Al content ranged from 1196 to 7976mg/kg for old leaf, 370 to 2681mg/kg for young leaf and 285 to 525mg/kg for stem, whereas the content of F ranged from 221 to 1504mg/kg for old leaf, 49 to 602mg/kg for young leaf and 13.5 to 77.5mg/kg for stem. The concentrations of labile Al varied obviously in the different soils, but the distribution law of labile Al content for the same garden was Alexchangeable≈AlFe-Mn oxide>Alorganic>Alwater-soluble. The contents of different labile F fractions varied slightly in the different soils and the different soil layers, though the exchangeable F content was lowest among the labile F in the soils. The concentrations of Al and F in tea plants increased with increasing amount of water-soluble Al or F, especially the amount of water-soluble fractions in the soil layer of 0-20cm.The correlation between Al content and F content in the tea leaf was more significant than that in the tea stem. Furthermore, the correlation between Al content and F content in whole tea plant was strongly significant (r=0.8763, p<0.01, n=36). There were evident tendency that Al concentration increased with the increase of F concentration in different soil layers. The correlation of water-soluble Al with water-soluble F in all soils was also strongly significant (r=0.7029, p<0.01, n=34). The results may provide a proof that Al and F are jointly taken up by tea plants to some extent in natural tea gardens.  相似文献   

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