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In an attempt to constrain a Late Paleozoic tectono-metamorphic event along the Lancang River Zone, fourteen samples were processed for K/Ar dating on fine mineral fractions and detrital muscovites from this zone in southwestern Yunnan, China. The samples include mica schists, mylonites and gneisses from the Proterozoic Lancang Group and phyllites from the western part of the Simao Basin. In addition, one Ar/Ar analysis was performed on separated phengites from a blueschist of the central part of the Lancang Group. The results reveal a considerable spread of ages; the tectonic evolution of the zone is constrained by the new data, which accentuate two temporally separate, but spatially overlapping events: (i) a Late Carboniferous high-P/low-T metamorphism related to an east-vergent, Late Paleozoic thrust belt, inverting a Devonian to Carboniferous marginal basin of the Yangtze-Platform, and (ii) an upper Permian and Triassic low-P/high-T belt caused by a post-orogenic stage of rifting with distinct petrological and geochemical similarities of the igneous rocks to the Emeishan Large Igneous Province. These results imply that no active continental margin accounts for the subduction of the Paleotethys main branch, proposed to be recorded either along the Lancang River or the Changning-Menglian Belt.  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘盆地形成的构造动力学背景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:南海北部陆缘盆地处于印度板块与太平洋及菲律宾海板块之间,但三大板块对南海北部陆缘盆地的影响是不同的。通过对三大板块及古南海演化的研究,可知南海北部陆缘地区应力环境于晚白垩世发生改变。早白垩世处于挤压环境,晚白垩世以来转变为伸展环境并且不同时期的成因不同。晚白垩世-始新世,华南陆缘早期造山带的应力松弛、古南海向南俯冲及太平洋俯冲板块的滚动后退导致其处于张应力环境。始新世时南海北部陆缘裂陷盆地开始产生,伸展环境没有变,但因其是由太平洋板块向西俯冲速率的持续降低及古南海向南俯冲引起的,南海北部陆缘盆地继续裂陷。渐新世-早中新世,地幔物质向南运动及古南海向南俯冲导致南海北部陆缘地区处于持续的张应力环境;渐新世早期南海海底扩张;中中新世开始,三大板块开始共同影响着南海北部陆缘盆地的发展演化。  相似文献   

We report zircon U-Pb geochronology,geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data from mafic granulites and garnet amphibolites of the Wuhe Complex in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton (NCC).In combination with previous data,our results demonstrate that these rocks represent fragments of the ancient lower crust,and have features similar to those of the granulite basement in the northern margin of the NCC.A detailed evaluation of the Pb isotope data shows that Pb isotopes cannot effectively distinguish the role of the Yangtze Craton basement from that of the NCC basement with regard to the source and generation of magmas,at least for southeastern NCC.The age data suggest that the protoliths of the granulites or amphibolites in the Wuhe Complex were most likely generated in Neoarchean and that these rocks were subjected to Paleoproterozoic(1.8-1.9 Ga) high-pressure granulite facies metamorphism. This study also shows that the Precambrian metamorphic basement in the southeastern margin of the NCC might have formed in a tectonic setting characterized by a late Neoarchean active continental margin.  相似文献   

东亚大陆边缘的俯冲带构造   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
东亚大陆边缘自北向南发育了琉球海沟和马尼拉海沟等俯冲带。简要论述了这些俯冲带的构造特征、演化历史和一些科学前缘问题 ;认为愈来愈多的地球科学问题 ,如地震的发生机制、俯冲板块动力学等 ,集中在俯冲板块边界 ;解决弧后盆地成因和中国大陆边缘张裂过程等许多地质科学问题 ,有待于对俯冲带构造演化的深入了解。同时 ,在这些俯冲带发现了丰富的天然气水合物 ,具有良好的资源前景 ,因而 ,俯冲带的构造研究成为科学研究的前沿热点  相似文献   

We report sediment-infill volcanic breccia from the Neoarchean Shimoga greenstone belt of western Dharwar Craton which is associated with rhyolites, chlorite schists and pyroclastic rocks. The pyroclastic rocks of Yalavadahalli area of Shimoga greenstone belt host volcanogenic Pb–Cu–Zn mineralization. The sediment-infill volcanic breccia is clast-supported and comprises angular to sub-angular felsic volcanic clasts embedded in a dolomitic matrix that infilled the spaces in between the framework of volcanic clasts. The volcanic clasts are essentially composed of alkali feldspar and quartz with accessory biotite and opaques. These clasts have geochemical characteristics consistent with that of the associated potassic rhyolites from Daginkatte Formation. The rare earth elements (REE) and high field strength element (HFSE) compositions of the sediment-infill volcanic breccia and associated mafic and felsic volcanic rocks suggest an active continental margin setting for their generation. Origin, transport and deposition of these rhyolitic clasts and their aggregation with infiltrated carbonate sediments may be attributed to pyroclastic volcanism, short distance transportation of felsic volcanic clasts and their deposition in a shallow marine shelf in an active continental margin tectonic setting where the rhyolitic clasts were cemented by carbonate material. This unique rock type, marked by close association of pyroclastic volcanic rocks and shallow marine shelf sediments, suggest shorter distance between the ridge and shelf in the Neoarchean plate tectonic scenario.  相似文献   

邱燕  陈国能 《地学前缘》2011,18(1):32-38
研究表明,从中生代安第斯型大陆边缘发展到现代弧盆体系,华南大陆边缘的地貌演化经历了中生代末期的古华夏山脉、新生代早期的准平原和中新世以来的海盆三个阶段。古华夏山脉的夷平导致本区陆壳减薄、莫霍面埋深变浅和区域性的重力升高;而地壳温度的整体下降则导致中生代壳内岩浆层自上而下的固结和盖层断裂的向下延伸。两者的耦合最终导致陆缘地区从中新世起发生大规模的断块沉陷,其结果是古准平原面下降到海面之下、海区正断层体系形成、地幔岩浆大量溢出、莫霍面位置被压低、沉降区两侧地块被顶托隆起并形成岛弧和断块山。  相似文献   

The Zone of Samedan is part of a fossil, early Mesozoic rift system originally situated in the distal, Lower Austro-Alpine domain of the Adriatic passive continental margin. An early Mesozoic configuration of asymmetrical rift basins bounded by relative structural highs compartmentalized Late Cretaceous active margin tectonics; Jurassic half-grabens were folded into arcuate synclines, whereas relative structural highs engendered thin, imbricated thrust sheets. West-directed thrusting and folding initiated at the surface and continued to depths favoring mylonitization under lower greenschist-facies conditions. At this time Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites were accreted to Lower Austro-Alpine units directly underlying the Zone of Samedan. Late Cretaceous orogenic collapse of the Adriatic active margin involved the reactivation of west-directed thrusts as low-angle, top-to-the-east, normal faults. These faults accommodated extensional uplift of Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites and Lower Austro-Alpine units beneath and within the Zone of Samedan. During Paleogene collision, some Late Cretaceous faults in the Zone of Samedan were reactivated under lower anchizonal conditions as north-directed thrusts. The latter stages of this early Tertiary thickening were transitional to brittle, high-angle normal faulting associated with top-to-the-east extension and spreading above the warm, uplifting Lepontine dome.  相似文献   

南海的形成和演化是地学界长期争论的问题,前人给出了多种成因模式,目前较流行的模式是海底扩张,但它难以合理解释南海海底扩张中的洋中脊跳跃现象及南海大洋中的大陆残片。基于欧亚东缘的陆缘伸展,从地幔上涌和陆壳沿莫霍面的重力滑移的新大陆漂移模型出发,通过横跨南海的几条地震勘探剖面的地质新解释,研究了南海的形成和演化过程。结果说明,南海的形成是一种“构造被动挤出+微陆块主动漂移”模式。构造被动挤出是指印度-欧亚碰撞造成的欧亚大陆东南缘的微陆块被大规模挤出,而由陆缘伸展形成的微陆块在被挤出后发生了主动裂解漂移,南海的海底扩张现象是诸多微陆块主动漂移的结果。这个新的模式能够合理地解释南海形成过程中的洋中脊跳跃现象及南海中大陆残片的成因机制。进一步恢复了南海演化过程中周边陆块的运动演化历史,说明欧亚东缘在中生代晚期发生的大规模伸展构造运动是南海形成的基础,新生代印度-欧亚碰撞是南海形成的直接动力,微陆块的裂解漂移是南海形成的主要参与者。  相似文献   

博罗科努石炭纪侵入岩为一巨大的岩基,主体岩性为闪长岩,边部发育石英闪长岩、花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩、花岗岩、斑状花岗岩等,属富含角闪石强—中等钙碱性系列。该岩体的形成主要与板块的俯冲作用有关。在闪长岩中获得锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄为308.2Ma±5.4Ma。岩体侵入最新地层为下石炭统大哈拉军山组,为石炭纪活动陆缘火山岩的深成组分,它们共同组成该区的陆缘型岩浆弧,从而说明该区在晚古生代存在古板块的俯冲作用。  相似文献   

Sr–Nd–Pb isotope ratios of alkaline mafic intra-plate magmatism constrain the isotopic compositions of the lithospheric mantle along what is now the eastern foreland or back arc of the Cenozoic Central Andes (17–34°S). Most small-volume basanite volcanic rocks and alkaline intrusive rocks of Cretaceous (and rare Miocene) age were derived from a depleted lithospheric mantle source with rather uniform initial 143Nd/144Nd ( 0.5127–0.5128) and 87Sr/86Sr ( 0.7032–0.7040). The initial 206Pb/204Pb ratios are variable (18.5–19.7) at uniform 207Pb/204Pb ratios (15.60 ± 0.05). A variety of the Cretaceous depleted mantle source of the magmatic rocks shows elevated Sr isotope ratios up to 0.707 at constant high Nd isotope ratios. The variable Sr and Pb isotope ratios are probably due to radiogenic growth in a metasomatized lithospheric mantle, which represents the former sub-arc mantle beneath the early Palaeozoic active continental margin. Sr–Nd–Pb isotope signatures of a second mantle type reflected in the composition of Cretaceous (one late Palaeozoic age) intra-plate magmatic rocks (143Nd/144Nd  0.5123, 87Sr/86Sr  0.704, 206Pb/204Pb  17.5–18.5, and 207Pb/204Pb  15.45–15.50) are similar to the isotopic composition of old sub-continental lithospheric mantle of the Brazilian Shield.

Published Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of Mesozoic to Cenozoic arc-related magmatic rocks (18–40°S) represent the composition of the convective sub-arc mantle in the Central Andes and are similar to those of the Cretaceous (and rare Miocene) intra-plate magmatic rocks. The dominant convective and lithospheric mantle type beneath this old continental margin is depleted mantle, which is compositionally different from average MORB-type depleted mantle. The old sub-continental lithospheric mantle did not contribute to Mesozoic to Cenozoic arc magmatism.  相似文献   

New SHRIMP radiogenic isotope dating on zircons in tuffs (280.8 ± 1.9 Ma) confirms the Early Permian (Artinskian) age of the uppermost section of the Tunas Formation. Tuff-rich levels in the Tunas Formation are exposed in the Ventana foldbelt of central Argentina; they are part of a deltaic to fluvial section corresponding to the late overfilled stage of the Late Paleozoic Sauce Grande foreland basin. Recent SHRIMP dating of zircons from the basal Choiyoi volcanics exposed in western Argentina yielded an age of 281.4 ± 2.5 Ma (Rocha-Campos et al., 2011). The new data for the Tunas tuffs suggest that the volcanism present in the Sauce Grande basin can be considered as the distal equivalent of the earliest episodes of the Choiyoi volcanism of western Argentina. From the palaeoclimatic viewpoint the new Tunas SHRIMP age confirms that by early Artinskian glacial conditions ceased in the Sauce Grande basin and, probably, in adajacent basins in western Gondwana.  相似文献   

江达—维西陆缘火山弧的形成演化及成矿作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
江达-维西陆缘火山弧为金沙江弧后洋盆向西俯冲消减和斜向碰撞过程中形成,其过程经历了俯冲造弧-碰撞成弧-张裂成盆的复杂发展历史。早二叠世晚期—晚二叠世(P12-P2)形成俯冲型弧火山岩,早中三叠世(T1+2)形成碰撞型弧火山岩,晚三叠世早期(T31)于裂谷盆地中发育“双峰式”火山岩。晚三叠世早期(T31)裂谷盆地从北向南形成生达-车所-鲁麻弧后盆地、徐中-鲁春-红坡上叠(弧后)裂谷盆地和箐口塘-催依比-上兰上叠(弧后)裂谷盆地三个次级半深海-深海盆地。生达-车所-鲁麻弧后盆地的拉裂时间为11.6 Ma,速度为0.27cm/a,距离为63km;徐中-鲁春-红坡上叠(弧后)裂谷盆地的拉裂时间为16.1 Ma,速度为0.43cm/a,距离为140km;箐口塘-催依比-上兰上叠(弧后)裂谷盆地的拉裂时间16.1 Ma,速度为0.36cm/a,距离为116km。弧火山岩中形成有沉积-改造型铜、金、银、铅、锌多金属矿,裂谷(火山)盆地中形成有喷流-沉积型铜、金、银、铅、锌多金属矿。晚三叠世早期火山-沉积盆地已成为三江地区中生代重要的成矿盆地。  相似文献   

沿雅鲁藏布江北岸广泛分布的比马组为一套上侏罗统至下白垩统的火山-沉积岩组合。本次工作通过对采集于汤白矿区的比马组砂岩进行岩相学和岩石地球化学研究,探讨了其物源特征、岩相古地理及大地构造演化背景。研究区的汤白比马组砂岩以火山岩夹层形式产出,碎屑分选差,磨圆度低,杂基含量高,结构成熟度低,以富含长石和岩屑为特征,为活动岩浆弧构造环境下的沉积物。除碳酸盐胶结物导致的CaO含量变化外,所有样品的元素地球化学特征基本与上地壳平均含量大体一致,且Fe_2O_3~T、MgO、TiO_2、P_2O_5及MnO与大陆岛弧成因砂岩含量相同。样品元素地球化学特征中的低CIA值(46%~68%)和较高的ICV值(0. 75~1. 14)表明砂岩遭受风化作用弱,成熟度低,粘土矿物(如高岭石和蒙脱石等)含量低,多属于构造活动区首旋回沉积物范畴。在稀土元素地球化学特征方面,汤白比马组砂岩显示右倾的球粒陨石标准化配分图,ΣREE值介于46. 16×10~(-6)~90. 03×10~(-6)之间,具有与后太古宙平均页岩类似的地球化学特征。δEu值介于1. 06~1. 36之间,呈明显正异常,为斜长石碎屑所致。δCe介于0. 92~0. 94之间,呈弱负异常,表明其沉积过程中受海水作用较弱。在微量元素球粒陨石标准化蛛网图中,汤白比马组砂岩显示为亏损Th、Nb、P、Ce、Ti等高场强元素,显示岛弧火山岩地球化学特征。因此,汤白比马组砂岩形成于新特提斯洋向拉萨地体俯冲的活动大陆边缘背景。  相似文献   

东南大陆边缘早侏罗世火成岩特征及其构造意义   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:36  
东南大陆边缘早侏罗世火成岩主要呈双峰式火山岩、基性超基性杂岩体及A型花岗岩等形态产出。本文运用岩石学探针技术,通过早侏罗世火成岩岩石学与地球化学研究,并与晚中生代火成岩作对比,提出早侏罗世火成岩的形成与南岭东段近EW向张性断裂活动有关,标志着印支挤压造山的结束;之后东南大陆进入晚中生代NE向活动大陆边缘俯冲造山阶段,经历了挤压造山—剪切拉张过程,并在晚白垩世末期进入又一轮后造山拉张裂解阶段,即中生代时东南大陆边缘经历了早中生代(三叠纪—早侏罗世)和晚中生代(中侏罗世—晚白垩世)两期造山事件,其中早侏罗世的区域拉张作用是特提斯构造域向滨太平洋构造域转换的前奏,构造域转换可能始于中侏罗世(165Ma)。  相似文献   

刘红涛 《岩石学报》2001,17(3):337-351
在东昆仑北部的祁漫塔格山地区发育一套晚三叠世陆相火山岩,这套火山岩主要由英安-流纹质熔岩和火山碎屑岩构成,并含有少量的玄武安山岩和安山岩夹层,岩石组合类似于消减带之上的玄武岩-安山岩-英安岩-流纹岩组合,其岩相特征与安第斯火山岩带发育的“灰流凝灰岩”组合基本一致,岩石地球化学研究表明,它属于典型的钙碱系列岩石(CA=59),并具有富钾特点;以富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素为重要特征,具有稀土总量较高(REE=151.26-288.43ug/g),轻稀土富集(LaCN/YbCN=8.42-21.77)和轻微-中等程度的负铕异常(Eu=0.25-0.82)的球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分图谱,根据上述岩石地球化学特征并结合其发育的区域地质条件,认为这套火山岩类似于中安第斯的弧火山岩,其形成的大地构造环境应活动大陆边缘,采集于火山岩东,西两个剖面中的两组同位素测年样品,获得的全岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄分别为208Ma和222Ma,指示火山岩的喷发时代相当于晚三叠世晚期(印支晚期)。根据同位素测年样品的地理分布,推断该期火山活动在西部喷发较早,东部则相对较晚。由于这套火山岩发育在昆仑造山带北侧与塔里木陆块的接合部位的祁浸塔格山地区,因而推断在印支晚期昆仑洋壳曾经向塔里木陆声发生过强烈的B消减事件,导致在塔里木陆块南缘发育大规模弧岩浆活动;本研究认为,这套陆相火山岩与本区的同时代(或稍晚)花岗岩类共同构成了塔里木陆块南缘的印支期弧岩浆带。  相似文献   

滇西北维西陆缘弧夹持于扬子地块和兰坪地块之间,是古特提斯时期形成的火山弧,中—下三叠统攀天阁组酸性端元和崔依比组基性端元构成的双峰式火山岩是其主要组成部分,被视为研究古特提斯洋俯冲和闭合过程的关键区带.本文初次在该火山岩带攀天阁组长英质火山岩中发现了1处V MS型矿床——月亮坪铅锌矿.初步野外调查显示,铅锌矿体具有"上...  相似文献   

吉林省延边地区二叠纪的三类植物群与古陆缘再造   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
彭玉鲸  刘爱 《吉林地质》1999,18(1):1-12
吉林省延边地区早二叠世晚期-晚二叠世早期存在着开山屯、解放村、青沟子等二处不同类型的植物群、前者属华夏植物群,中间为华夏与安加拉混生植物群,后者则是安 拉植物群,反映出和龙地块北部陆缘活动带、兴凯地块西部陆缘活动带、佳木斯地块东南部陆缘活带达三者鼎足而立的古地理展布格局。阐明这三类不同植物群的古植物地理区的属性,不仅藉以证明上三地块间各自陆缘活动带的存在及其相互关系,且将为解决延边地区争论至今的二  相似文献   




By compiling wide-angle seismic velocity profiles along the 400-km-long Lofoten–Vesterålen continental margin off Norway, and integrating them with an extensive seismic reflection data set and crustal-scale two-dimensional gravity modelling, we outline the crustal margin structure. The structure is illustrated by across-margin regional transects and by contour maps of depth to Moho, thickness of the crystalline crust, and thickness of the 7+ km/s lower crustal body. The data reveal a normal thickness oceanic crust seaward of anomaly 23 and an increase in thickness towards the continent–ocean boundary associated with breakup magmatism. The southern boundary of the Lofoten–Vesterålen margin, the Bivrost Fracture Zone and its landward prolongation, appears as a major across-margin magmatic and structural crustal feature that governed the evolution of the margin. In particular, a steeply dipping and relatively narrow, 10–40-km-wide, Moho-gradient zone exists within a continent–ocean transition, which decreases in width northward along the Lofoten–Vesterålen margin. To the south, the zone continues along the Vøring margin, however it is offset 70–80 km to the northwest along the Bivrost Fracture Zone/Lineament. Here, the Moho-gradient zone corresponds to a distinct, 25-km-wide, zone of rapid landward increase in crustal thickness that defines the transition between the Lofoten platform and the Vøring Basin. The continental crust on the Lofoten–Vesterålen margin reaches a thickness of 26 km and appears to have experienced only moderate extension, contrasting with the greatly extended crust in the Vøring Basin farther south. There are also distinct differences between the Lofoten and Vesterålen margin segments as revealed by changes in structural style and crustal thickness as well as in the extent of elongate potential-field anomalies. These changes may be related to transfer zones. Gravity modelling shows that the prominent belt of shelf-edge gravity anomalies results from a shallow basement structural relief, while the elongate Lofoten Islands belt requires increased lower crustal densities along the entire area of crustal thinning beneath the islands. Furthermore, gravity modelling offers a robust diagnostic tool for the existence of the lower crustal body. From modelling results and previous studies on- and off-shore mid-Norway, we postulate that the development of a core complex in the middle to lower crust in the Lofoten Islands region, which has been exhumed along detachments during large-scale extension, brought high-grade, lower crustal rocks, possibly including accreted decompressional melts, to shallower levels.  相似文献   

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