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This study describes the adsorption features of cadmium on Fe2O3 and MnO2 in alkaline saline conditions. The adsorption reached equilibrium in 6 hours under alkaline conditions. The absorption of cadmium on Fe2O3 and MnO2 was consistent with Freundlich absorption isotherms, and the corresponding adsorption capacities were 16.3 and 16.7 mg·g-1, respectively. Moreover, the adsorption quantity of cadmium on Fe2O3 and MnO2 rose with increasing pH from acidic to neutral, and reached the maximum at pH= 9. The coexisting chlorides reduced the adsorption capacity of Fe2O3 and MnO2. The influence intensities of different cations follow the order of CaCl2>>KCl>NaCl. However, the influence of sodium salts on the capacities of Fe2O3 and MnO2 to adsorb cadmium appeared more complicated: the relatively low concentrations of sodium salts could reduce the adsorption capacity; with increasing concentrations of sodium salts, e.g. NaCl and NaNO3. The adsorption capacity decreased continually. Moreover, due to the competition adsorption and precipitation effects, the adsorption capabilities of Na2CO3, NaH2PO4 and Na2HSO4 could also be reduced and cadmium concentrations in the solution were reduced as well.  相似文献   

Based on the theoretical modelling of water-rock δD-δ18O isotopic exchange process, the evolution and sources of ore-forming fluid in four metallogenic epochs of the Jinduicheng superlarge-scale porphyry-type molybdenum deposit were investigated. It was revealed that in the pre-metallogenic and early-metallogenic epochs, the ore-forming fluid was a residual fluid derived from magmatic water-wall rock interaction at middle to high temperatures (T = 250–500°C) and lower W/R ratios (0.1> = W/R>0.001), while in the metallogenic and postmetallogenic epochs, the ore-forming fluid was a residual fluid derived from meteoric water-wall rock interaction at middle to lower temperatures (T = 150–310°C) and relatively high W/R ratios (0.5>W/R≥0.1). The meteoric water played an important role in molybdenum mineralization, and at the main metallogenic epoch the W/R ratio reached its maximum value. This project was financially supported by both the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Key Research Project of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China.  相似文献   

Albrechtschraufite, MgCa4F2[UO2(CO3)3]2?17-18H2O, triclinic, space group Pī, a?=?13.569(2), b?=?13.419(2), c?=?11.622(2) Å, α?=?115.82(1), β?=?107.61(1), γ?=?92.84(1)° (structural unit cell, not reduced), V?=?1774.6(5) Å3, Z?=?2, D c?=?2.69 g/cm3 (for 17.5 H2O), is a mineral that was found in small amounts with schröckingerite, NaCa3F[UO2(CO3)3](SO4)?10H2O, on a museum specimen of uranium ore from Joachimsthal (Jáchymov), Czech Republic. The mineral forms small grain-like subhedral crystals (≤ 0.2 mm) that resemble in appearance liebigite, Ca2[UO2(CO3)3]??~?11H2O. Colour pale yellow-green, luster vitreous, transparent, pale bluish green fluorescence under ultraviolet light. Optical data: Biaxial negative, nX?=?1.511(2), nY?=?1.550(2), nZ?=?1.566(2), 2?V?=?65(1)° (λ?=?589 nm), r < v weak. After qualitative tests had shown the presence of Ca, U, Mg, CO2 and H2O, the chemical formula was determined by a crystal structure analysis based on X-ray four-circle diffractometer data. The structure was later on refined with data from a CCD diffractometer to R1?=?0.0206 and wR2?=?0.0429 for 9,236 independent observed reflections. The crystal structure contains two independent [UO2(CO3)3]4? anions of which one is bonded to two Mg and six Ca while the second is bonded to only one Mg and three Ca. Magnesium forms a MgF2(Ocarbonate)3(H2O) octahedron that is linked via the F atoms with three Ca atoms so as to provide each F atom with a flat pyramidal coordination by one Mg and two Ca. Calcium is 7- and 8-coordinate forming CaFO6, CaF2O2(H2O)4, CaFO3(H2O)4 and CaO2(H2O)6 coordination polyhedra. The crystal structure is built up from MgCa3F2[UO2(CO3)3]?8H2O layers parallel to (001) which are linked by Ca[UO2(CO3)3]?5H2O moieties into a framework of the composition MgCa4F2[UO2(CO3)3]?13H2O. Five additional water molecules are located in voids of the framework and show large displacement parameters. One of the water positions is partly vacant, leading to a total water content of 17-18H2O per formula unit. The MgCa3F2[UO2(CO3)3]?8H2O layers are pseudosymmetric according to plane group symmetry cmm. The remaining constituents do not sustain this pseudosymmetry and make the entire structure truly triclinic. A characteristic paddle-wheel motif Ca[UO2(CO3)3]4Ca relates the structure of albrechtschraufite partly to that of andersonite and two synthetic alkali calcium uranyl tricarbonates.  相似文献   

Seeded, solid-media piston-cylinder runs of unusually long duration up to 31 days indicate growth or persistence of synthetic gedrite of the composition □Mg6Al[AlSi7O22](OH)2(=6:1:7), prepared from the purest chemicals available, at 10 kbar water pressure and 800 °C. Conversely, breakdown was observed at 11 kbar and 850 °C to aluminous enstatite, Al2SiO5, and a melt of the composition MgO·Al2O3·8SiO2. Thus, pure gedrite free of iron, sodium, and calcium is likely to have only a small PT stability field in the MASH system, estimated as 10 ± 1 kbar, 800 ± 20 °C, even though metastable growth of gedrite can be observed over a larger PT range. A second starting material with the anhydrous composition 5MgO · 2Al2O3 · 6SiO2 also yielded gedrite of the composition 6:1:7, together with more aluminous phases such as kyanite, corundum or sapphirine, thus suggesting that the end-member gedrite defined as □Mg5Al2[Al2Si6O22](OH)2(=5:2:6) by the IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names probably does not exist. With the use of this second starting material, which contains FeNaCa impurities, growth of 6:1:7-gedrite was observed over a still wider PT-range. Seeded runs indicate that the true stability field of such slightly impure 6:1:7-gedrites may also be larger than that of the pure MASH phase and extend at least to 15 kbar, 800 °C. There is, thus, a remarkable stabilization effect on the orthoamphibole structure by impurities amounting only to a total of less than one weight percent of oxides in the starting material. The gedrites synthesized are structurally well ordered amphiboles nearly free of chain multiplicity faults, as revealed by HRTEM. The X-ray diffraction work on the gedrites synthesized yielded the smallest cell volume yet reported for this phase. The small stability field of the pure MASH gedrite is intersected by the upper pressure stability limit of hydrous cordierite for excess-H2O conditions, thus leading to complicated phase relations for both gedrite and cordierite involving the additional phases aluminous enstatite, talc, quartz, Al2SiO5, melt and perhaps boron-free kornerupine. Received: 29 July 1998 / Accepted: 7 January 1999  相似文献   

Micas of the composition K(Fe3–x Mg x )AlSi3 O10(OH)2 (x=0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4 and 3.0, corresponding to ann80phl20, ann60phl40, ann40phl60, ann20phl80 and ann0phl100) were synthesized hydrothermally under controlled oxygen fugacity conditions. Lattice parameters a 0 and b 0 show a distinct linear decrease with increasing Mg content. With increasing ferric iron content a deviation from this linear trend is observed especially within iron rich samples. The tetrahedral rotation angle increases smoothly from 0° in annite to 9.1° in phlogopite. Mössbauer spectra show Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the octahedral M1 and M2 sites and partially also Fe3+ on the tetrahedral site. There is a smooth increase of the quadrupole splitting on both the M1 and the M2 site going from annite to phlogopite, probably due to changes in the lattice contribution to the electric field gradient, assuming a positive correlation between quadrupole splitting and distortion. Fe3+ contents, as determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy, versus oxygen fugacity shows that, depending on the composition of the micas, minimum amounts of Fe3+ are present. For ann80phl20 this minimum amount of Fe3+ is about 8% decreasing to about 1–2% Fe3+ for ann20phl80.The molar volume of each solid solution member has been estimated from the determined relations of the molar volume versus % Fe3+ contents, extrapolated back to 0% Fe3+. Plotting these volumes as a function of Xphl shows that negative excess volume occur in the annitephlogopite join, with the maximum deviation from ideality around X phl=0.3. Margules volume parameters have been constrained as: Wv, AnnPhl=0.018±0.016 J/(bar.mol) and Wv, PhlAnn=-0.391±0.025 J(bar.mol) (three site basis).  相似文献   

Diffuse X-ray scattering distributions have been recorded for reciprocal layers normal to c * of a synthetic mullite with composition Al2(Al2+2xSi2–2x) O10–xx, where represents an oxygen vacancy and x is close to 0.4. The effect on the diffuse scattering pattern of different schemes for ordering of the oxygen vacancies and the accompanying cation shifts within a single ab-layer of mullite has been investigated using optical diffraction analogue experiments in conjunction with Monte Carlo simulation.A simple scheme in which the only driving force for the ordering is that the Oc oxygens are precluded from being bonded to four T/T* cations, results in a 2D diffuse intensity distribution which displays many of the features that are observed in the x-ray scattering patterns. An alternative scheme in which bonding to four T/T* cations was favoured, resulted in a domain structure consisting of islands of the -alumina structure within a matrix of sillimanite. This gave diffraction patterns bearing no resemblance to the observed x-ray patterns and can, we believe, be discounted completely.  相似文献   

The heat capacity of synthetic andradite garnet (Ca3Fe2Si3O12) was measured between 9.6 and 365.5 K by cryogenic adiabatic calorimetry and from 340 to 990 K by differential scanning calorimetry. At 298.15 K Cop,m and Som are 351.9 ± 0.7 and 316.4 ± 2.0 J/(mol·K), respectively.Andradite has a λ-peak in Cop,m with a maximum at 11.7 ± 0.2 K which is presumably associated with the antiferromagnetic ordering of the magnetic moments of the Fe3+ ions. The Gibbs free energy of formation, ΔfGom (298.15 K) of andradite is −5414.8 ± 5.5 kJ/mol and was obtained by combining our entropy and heat capacity data with the known breakdown of andradite to pseudowollastonite and hematite at ≈ 1410 to 1438 K. From a reexamination of the calcite + quartz = wollastonite equilibrium data we obtained ΔfHom (298.15 K) = − 1634.5 ± 1.8 kJ/mol for wollastonite.Between 300 and 1000 K the molar heat capacity of andradite can be represented by the equation Cop,m = 809.24 - 7.025 × 10−2T− 7.403 × 103T−0.5 − 6.789 × 105T−2. We have also used our thermochemical data for andradite to estimate the Gibbs free energy of formation of hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6) for which we obtained ΔfGom (298.15 K) = −2674.3 ± 5.8 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

We have carried out ab initio calculations using density functional theory to determine the bulk elastic properties of mirabilite, Na2SO4·10H2O, and to obtain information on structural trends caused by the application of high pressure up to ~60 GPa. We have found that there are substantial isosymmetric discontinuous structural re-organisations at ~7.7 and ~20 GPa caused by changes in the manner in which the sodium cations are coordinated by water molecules. The low-pressure and intermediate-pressure phases both have sodium in sixfold coordination but in the high-pressure phase the coordination changes from sixfold to sevenfold. These coordination changes force a re-arrangement of the hydrogen-bond network in the crystal. The trend is towards a reduction in the number of hydrogen bonds donated to the sulphate group (from twelve down to six over the range 0–60 GPa) and an increase in hydrogen bonding amongst the Na-coordinated water molecules and the two interstitial water molecules. Ultimately, we observe proton transfers from the interstitial waters (forming OH? ions) to two of the Na-coordinated waters (forming a pair of H3O+ ions). The equation of state in the athermal limit of the low-pressure phase of mirabilite, parameterised by fitting an integrated form of the third-order Birch-Murnaghan expression to the calculated energy as a function of unit-cell volume, yields the zero-pressure unit-cell volume, V 0 = 1468.6(9) Å3, the incompressibility, K 0 = 22.21(9) GPa, and the first pressure derivative K 0′ = (?K/?P)0 = 5.6(1).  相似文献   

Sol-gel法制备Fe3 掺杂TiO2催化剂的基础上,掺入SiO2纳米粉体,制备了一种改性Fe3 -SiO2-TiO2薄膜。以甲醛为降解对象,探讨金属掺杂和半导体复合量、活化温度、负载量等对该薄膜光催化活性的影响。结果表明,在500℃焙烧、质量比Fe3 ∶SiO2∶TiO2=1.0∶12∶100、镀膜5层时,Fe3 -SiO2-TiO2薄膜的光催化活性最高,150min后甲醛降解率达93%,是单纯TiO2薄膜的1.9倍。  相似文献   

深井水温观测在中国已经开展了20多年,但目前对于水温响应机理的研究还不充分.而且利用温泉水对水温响应机理研究甚少.本文在2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前后,即2008年5月1日至7月4日,对重庆北温泉水(距震中约400 km)进行采样监测,发现泉水水温水量发生较大变化:震后水温下降了1℃:海拔相对较高的BWQ-2、BWQ-3、BWQ-4相继断流,监测点BWQ-1的水量增加了15 L/s;与此同时.各泉点Fe~(3+)、Mn~(2+)浓度于地震当日成倍增长,随后逐渐减小,7月4日时浓度与5月1日相当.重庆北温泉位于四川盆地东部边缘地带,受汶川地震强烈影响导致冷水下渗作用,海拔相对较高而温度较低的温泉水改道,并有其他来自裂隙或者地表的低温水汇入温泉含水层,Fe~(3+)、Mn~(2+)浓度的变化从水化学上印证了冷水下渗学说.  相似文献   

用分子动力学方法,研究了1999 K下,压力由23 MPa上升到15183 MPa的过程中,CaAl_2Si_2O_8成分熔体的微观结构、剪切粘滞度和粒子自扩散系数的压力效应。在此基础上,探讨压力对剪切粘滞度与粒子自扩散系数之间关系的影响,并将它同微观结构的变化联系起来。结果表明,粒子自扩散系数的压力效应与熔体结构有很强的相关性;压力的挤压效应阻碍了粒子的扩散,而Si-O和Al-O 5次配位体的形成又加速了扩散过程,两种相反的作用相互抵消,造成的结果是在0~5 GPa范围内,Si~(4 ),O~(2-)和Al~(3 )等网架形成粒子的自扩散系数随压力变化不明显;当压力继续增大时,挤压效应占了主导,导致自扩散系数值快速减小。Ca~(2 )作为网架修饰粒子,自扩散系数随压力升高单调下降。压力小于5 GPa时,粒子自扩散系数的大小关系是:D_(Ca)>D_(Al)>D_O>D_(Si)。系统粘滞度随压力的变化与熔体中BO的含量密切相关:BO含量小于域值时,一定范围内BO含量的变化不会对粘滞度产生很大的影响,超过域值,BO含量的微小增加会导致粘滞度值迅速增大。有效应用Eyring方程的关键是方程中粒子跳跃距离的确定,本研究发现,Si~(4 )和O~(2-)的跳跃距离可以通过系统中非桥氧的百分含量来获得。这一发现使得我们能够利用系统中NBO的含量,结合Eyring方程有效进行不同压  相似文献   

The thermodynamic stability of selected alkylated, dealkylated and rearranged 17α- and 17β-hopane isomers in the C27, C28, C29, C30 and C31 families were calculated using molecular mechanics (MM2) methods and, where possible, calculated equilibrium ratios of certain isomers were compared with observed ratios of isomers in thermally mature crude oil samples. Those calculated and observed ratios having similar values include: (1) the relative distributions among 17β(H)/17α(H) and 21β(H)/21α(H)-hopanes including the absence of the 17β(H),21β(H)- and 17α(H),21α(H)-hopanes; (2) the 22R/22S ratios in 30-methyl-17α-hopane and 30-methyl-17β-moretane; (3) the relative distributions among 17α(H)/17β(H)- and 21α(H)/21β(H)-28,30-bisnorhopanes and among 25,28,30-trisnorhopanes, including the relatively greater stability of 17β(H) isomers in contrast to the regular hopane series; and (4) the ratios of 28(18−17S)abeo hopanes with respect to their unrearranged counterparts including the C27 compounds, Ts/Tm.  相似文献   

北疆牧区MODIS积雪产品MOD10A1和MOD10A2的精度分析与评价   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10  
以北疆为研究区,结合气象台站记录的雪情数据,利用地理信息系统方法分析了2004年12月1日至2005年2月28日期间北疆地区90个时相的MODIS每日积雪产品MOD10A1和8日合成产品MOD10A2的积雪分类精度.研究表明:1)当积雪深度≤3 cm时,MOD10A1对积雪的识别率非常低,仅为7.5%;积雪深度为4~6 cm时,积雪识别率达到29.3%;积雪深度为15~20 cm,平均积雪识别率达到45.6%.当积雪深度>20 cm时,平均积雪识别率为32.2%;2)MOD10A1产品的积雪分类精度受天气状况的严重影响.在晴空状况下,该产品的最大积雪识别率达到58.2%;但是在多云或阴天时,平均积雪识别率仅为17.8%;3)下垫面对MOD10A1的分类结果也会造成影响,在荒漠区MOD10A1的积雪识别率为39.8%,在草原和稀树草原区的积雪识别率为37.2%,农业用地的积雪识别率最低,为29.1%;4)MOD10A2产品可较好的消除云层对地表积雪分类精度的影响,平均积雪识别率达87.5%,可较好的反映地表积雪的分布状况.  相似文献   

 Time-resolved luminescence spectra of natural and synthetic hydrous volcanic glasses with different colors and different Fe, Mn, and H2O content were measured, and the implications for the glass structure are discussed. Three luminescence ranges are observed at about 380–460, 500–560, and 700–760 nm. The very short-living (lifetimes less than 40 ns) blue band (380–460 nm) is most probably due to the 4T2(4D) →6A1(6S) and 4A1(4G) →6A1(6S) ligand field transitions of Fe3+. The green luminescence (500–560 nm) arises from the Mn2+ transition 4T1(4G) →6A1(6S). It shows weak vibronic structure, short lifetimes less than 250 μs, and indicates that Mn2+ is tetrahedrally coordinated, occupying sites with similar distortions and ion–oxygen interactions in all samples studied. The red luminescence (700–760 nm) arising from the 4T1(4G) →6A1(6S) transition of Fe3+ has much longer lifetimes of the order of several ms, and indicates that ferric iron is also mainly tetrahedrally coordinated. Increasing the total water content of the glasses leads to quenching of the red luminescence and decrease of the distortions of the Fe3+ polyhedra. Received: 30 July 2001 / Accepted: 15 November 2001  相似文献   

用软锰矿直接制备高纯高比表面四氧化三锰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软锰矿经中性浸出,通过除杂净化,制备出高纯硫酸锰溶液;碱化沉淀,采用微波加热进行控制氧化合成四氧化三锰,确定了该方法的最佳工艺参数.分别用扫描电镜、透射电镜、X射线衍射仪和全自动氮吸附比表面仪对样品进行了检测,结果表明:该方法成功制备了高纯四氧化三锰,比表面积高达28.27 m2/g.  相似文献   

The formation of manganese oxides in nature is commonly mediated by microorganisms.In this study,the mineralization of biogenic manganese oxidation mediated by Pseudomanas putida has been experimentally investigated by employing various characterization techniques,including SEM,FESEM,TEM,XRD,and STXM-NEXAFS.The results indicate that Mn~(2+) ions can be oxidized into Mn(Ⅳ) minerals(birnessite and pyrolusite) and Mn(Ⅲ) minerals(hausmannite and feitknechtite),successively.The primary products(birnessite and pyrolusite) further transformed into hausmannite and feitknechtite under Mn~(2+) ion-enriched conditions.However,birnessite and pyrolusite are the endproducts of the continuous microbial oxidation processes.These biogenic Mn oxides are poorly crystallized,which provides them with a high potential for usage in environmental restoration of contaminated soils and waters contaminated with heavy metals.The approaches employed in this study will also enrich genesis research of biological oxidation of Mn(Ⅱ) species in nature.  相似文献   

溶液离子强度对自然水体生物膜吸附Pb2+和Cd2+的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过改变支持电解质(NaNO3)浓度的方法来探讨自然水体生物膜对Pb2 、Cd2 的吸附机制,研究了离子强度对生物膜吸附Pb2 、Cd2 的影响以及不同离子强度下生物膜吸附Pb2 、Cd2 的热力学特征.结果表明:当NaNO3浓度在0~0.4 mol·L-1之间,随着离子强度的增加,生物膜对Pb2 和Cd2 的吸附量和最大吸附量迅速降低;当NaNO3的浓度大于0.4 mol·L-1,生物膜对Pb2 和Cd2 的吸附量和最大吸附量变化趋于平缓,说明自然水体生物膜对Pb2 和Cd2 的吸附可能同时包括电性吸附和专性吸附.此外,研究还发现当Cd2 与Pb2 共存时,Pb2 对生物膜吸附Cd2 的能力有较大影响,而Cd2 对生物膜吸附Pb2 的能力的影响并不显著.  相似文献   

多粘芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa)吸附Cu2+的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
细菌表面往往存在多种化学基团,能够通过吸附作用影响环境流体中金属元素的活动性,从而与表生条件下的元素富集、矿物成核结晶等地球化学过程密不可分。为了深入认识细菌吸附作用的地球化学意义和环境效应,揭示细菌吸附金属离子的热力学行为,选择了多粘芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa)为研究细菌,系统开展了滴定实验和Cu2 吸附实验。通过连续酸滴定方法分析了细菌表面的化学特征,发现多粘芽孢杆菌在pH值为7.54~6.50范围内,表面带负电荷,表现出质子吸附行为;设计开展了Cu2 吸附实验,发现溶液的pH值对Cu2 吸附有一定影响,可能存在Cu2 与细菌表面质子的交换作用;根据Cu2 吸附等温线拟合计算,发现吸附等温线符合Langmuir和Freundlich吸附模型,根据Langmuir模型计算得到每个细胞的Cu2 饱和吸附量高达1.69×10-7mg。  相似文献   

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