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We present an analysis of strong single pulses from PSR J0034-0721. Our observations were made using the Urumqi 25-m radio telescope at a radio frequency of 1.54GHz. A total of 353 strong pulses were detected during eight hours of observing. The signal-to-noise ratios of the detected pulses range from 5 to 11.5. The peak fluxes of those pulses are 17 to 39 times that of the average pulse peak. The cumulative distribution of the signal-to-noise ratios of these strong pulses has a rough power-law distribution...  相似文献   

利用南山基地25 m射电望远镜在1.54 GHz频段对脉冲星PSRJ0034-0721强单个脉冲进行了观测.使用单脉冲探测方法,从1 h观测数据中探测到116个信噪比R_(SN)N≥5的单个脉冲信号.在1.54 GHz频段探测到的单个脉冲R_(SN)从5到10.5,峰值流量约是平均脉冲峰值流量的14~29倍,远小于典型巨脉冲强度与其平均脉冲强度的比.这些脉冲的强度累积分布基本符合幂律谱,拟合得到谱指数α=-4.3±0.4.本次观测对R_(SN)≥5的单个脉冲探测率为3%,对R_(SN)≥10的单个脉冲探测率约为0.08%.这些脉冲的半峰线宽(W_(50))从1.6到8 ms,平均为3.9 ms.探测到的绝大多数强单脉冲发射相位集中分布在平均脉冲轮廓的峰值相位处,但也探测到两个R_(SN)8.5的强脉冲相位提前平均脉冲轮廓峰值相位33 ms左右,表明强脉冲发射区可能有两个,符合前人在40 MHz和111 MHz频段的观测结果,但1.54 GHz频段的平均脉冲轮廓只显示一个成份.  相似文献   

利用中国科学院国家授时中心昊平观测站40m射电望远镜, 在L波段对Vela脉冲星(PSR J0835-4510)进行了单个脉冲观测研究. 在56min的观测数据中, 共观测到38040个单脉冲. 探测到观测时间内辐射的所有单脉冲信号, 其中单脉冲的半峰线宽(half-maximum line width, $W_{50  相似文献   

The very small braking index of PSR J1734-3333, n = 0.9 ± 0.2, chal- lenges the current theories of braking mechanisms in pulsars. We present a possible interpretation that this pulsar is surrounded by a fall-hack disk and braked by it. A modified braking torque is proposed based on the competition between the magnetic energy density of the pulsar and the kinetic energy density of the fall-back disk. With this torque, a self-similar disk can fit all the observed parameters of PSR J1734-3333 with natural initial values of parameters. In this regime, the star will evolve to the re- gion having anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma repeaters in the P -/5 diagram in about 20 000 years and stay there for a very long time. The mass of the disk around PSR J1734-3333 in our model is about 10M similar to the observed mass of the disk around AXP 4U 0142+61.  相似文献   

Stimulated by the recent discovery of PSR J1833-1034 in SNR G21.5-0.9 and its age parameters presented by two groups of discovery, we demonstrate that the PSR J1833-1034 was born 2053 years ago from a supernova explosion, the BC 48 guest star observed in the Western Han (Early Han) Dynasty by ancient Chinese. Based on a detailed analysis of the Chinese ancient record of the BC 48 guest star and the new detected physical parameters of PSR J1833-1034, agreements on the visual position, age and distance between PSR J1833-1034 and the BC 48 guest star are obtained. The initial period P0 of PSR J1833-1034 is now derived from its historical and current observed data without any other extra assumption on P0 itself, except that the factor PP is a constant in its evolution until now.  相似文献   

We present 3 yr of timing observations for PSR J1453+1902, a 5.79-ms pulsar discovered during a 430-MHz drift-scan survey with the Arecibo telescope. Our observations show that PSR J1453+1902 is solitary and has a proper motion of  8 ±  2  mas yr−1. At the nominal distance of 1.2 kpc estimated from the pulsar's dispersion measure, this corresponds to a transverse speed of  46 ± 11   km s−1  , typical of the millisecond pulsar population. We analyse the current sample of 55 millisecond pulsars in the Galactic disc and revisit the question of whether the luminosities of isolated millisecond pulsars are different from their binary counterparts. We demonstrate that the apparent differences in the luminosity distributions seen in samples selected from 430-MHz surveys can be explained by small-number statistics and observational selection biases. An examination of the sample from 1400-MHz surveys shows no differences in the distributions. The simplest conclusion from the current data is that the spin, kinematic, spatial and luminosity distributions of isolated and binary millisecond pulsars are consistent with a single homogeneous population.  相似文献   

Efforts are made to understand the timing behaviors (e.g., the jumps in the projected pulsar semimajor axis at the periastron passages) observed in the 13-year monitoring of PSR B1259-63. Planet-like objects are suggested to orbit around the Be star, which may gravitationally perturb the (probably low mass) pulsar when it passes through periastron. An accretion disk should exist outside the pulsar's light cylinder, which creates a spindown torque on the pulsar due to the propeller effect. The observed negative braking index and the discrepant timing residuals close to periastron could be related to the existence of a disk with a varying accretion rate. A speculation is presented that the accretion rate may increase on a long timescale in order to explain the negative braking index.  相似文献   

强脉冲是一种特殊的单脉冲辐射,表现为较强的射电爆发.利用新疆天文台南山25 m射电望远镜研究了PSR B1237+25的强脉冲辐射特性.发现探测到的793个强脉冲出现在积分轮廓的所有辐射成分中,峰值流量密度是平均脉冲的10.2至82.5倍.用对数正态分布对强脉冲的峰值流量密度比、信噪比和脉冲宽度的分布进行了拟合.在15...  相似文献   

We report on the discovery of a binary pulsar, PSR J1740−3052, during the Parkes multibeam survey. Timing observations of the 570-ms pulsar at Jodrell Bank and Parkes show that it is young, with a characteristic age of 350 kyr, and is in a 231-d, highly eccentric orbit with a companion whose mass exceeds 11 M. An accurate position for the pulsar was obtained using the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Near-infrared 2.2-μm observations made with the telescopes at the Siding Spring observatory reveal a late-type star coincident with the pulsar position. However, we do not believe that this star is the companion of the pulsar, because a typical star of this spectral type and required mass would extend beyond the orbit of the pulsar. Furthermore, the measured advance of periastron of the pulsar suggests a more compact companion, for example, a main-sequence star with radius only a few times that of the Sun. Such a companion is also more consistent with the small dispersion measure variations seen near periastron. Although we cannot conclusively rule out a black hole companion, we believe that the companion is probably an early B star, making the system similar to the binary PSR J0045−7319.  相似文献   

We present the results of a high-precision timing campaign directed at the binary millisecond pulsar J1600−3053. Submicrosecond pulsar timing has long been the domain of bright, low dispersion measure millisecond pulsars or large diameter telescopes. This experiment, conducted using the Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales, Australia, and utilizing the latest baseband recording hardware, has allowed this pulsar, although distant and faint, to present residuals to a model of its spin behaviour of 650 ns over a period of more than 2 yr. We have also constrained the orbital inclination via Shapiro delay to be between 59° and 70° to 95 per cent confidence and obtained a scintillation velocity measurement indicating a transverse velocity less than 84 km s−1. This pulsar is demonstrating remarkable stability comparable to, and in most cases improving upon, the very best long-term pulsar timing experiments. If this stability is maintained, the current limits on the energy density of the stochastic gravitational wave background will be reached in four more years.  相似文献   

By reviewing the methods of mass measurements of neutron stars in four different kinds of systems, i.e., the high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), double neutron star systems (DNSs) and neutron star-white dwarf (NS-WD) binary systems, we have collected the orbital parameters of 40 systems. By using the boot-strap method and the Monte-Carlo method, we have rebuilt the likelihood probability curves of the measured masses of 46 neutron stars. The statistical analysis of the simulation results shows that the masses of neutron stars in the X-ray neutron star systems and those in the radio pulsar systems exhibit different distributions. Besides, the Bayes statistics of these four different kind systems yields the most-probable probability density distributions of these four kind systems to be (1.340 ± 0.230)M8, (1, 505 ± 0.125)M8,(1.335 ± 0.055)M8 and (1.495 ± 0.225)M8, respectively. It is noteworthy that the masses of neutron stars in the HMXB and DNS systems are smaller than those in the other two kind systems by approximately 0.16M8. This result is consistent with the theoretical model of the pulsar to be accelerated to the millisecond order of magnitude via accretion of approximately 0.2M8. If the HMXBs and LMXBs are respectively taken to be the precursors of the BNS and NS-WD systems, then the influence of the accretion effect on the masses of neutron stars in the HMXB systems should be exceedingly small. Their mass distributions should be very close to the initial one during the formation of neutron stars. As for the LMXB and NS-WD systems, they should have already under- gone the process of suffcient accretion, hence there arises rather large deviation from the initial mass distribution.  相似文献   

Pulsar radio emission beams have been studied observationally for a long time, and the suggestion is that they consist of the so-called core and conal components. To reproduce these components is a challenge for any emission model, and that the pulse profile of pulsars changes with frequency presents even a greater challenge. Assuming a local surface magnetic structure (to produce the core or central beam) and a global dipole magnetic field (to produce the conal beams), Gil & Krawczyk (1997) applied curvature radiation to the pulse profile simulation of PSR J0437-4715 (hereafter the GK model). Here we present an alternative multi-frequency simulation of the same profiles within the framework of the Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS) model. It is obtained from our simulation (1) that besides the core, the inner cone and the outer cone, there is an outer-outer cone; (2) that the emission components of the core and cones evolve strongly with frequency. Some important differences between the ICS model and the  相似文献   

One large glitch was detected in PSR B1737-30 using data spanning from MJD 57999 to 58406 obtained with the newly built Shanghai Tian Ma Radio Telescope(TMRT). The glitch took place at the time around MJD 58232.4 when the pulsar underwent an increase in the rotation frequency of △v about 1.38 × 10-6 Hz, corresponding to a fractional step change of △v/v~ 8.39 × 10-7. Post-glitch v gradually decreased to the pre-glitch value. The frequency derivative was observed to undergo a step change of about-9×10-16 s-2. Since July 1987, there have been 36 glitches already reported in PSR B1737-30 including this one. According to our analysis, the glitch size distribution is well described by a power law with an index of 1.13. The distribution of the interval between two adjacent glitches(waiting time △T) follows a Poisson probability density function. For PSR B1737-30, the interval is prone to be long after a large glitch. However, no correlation is found between glitch size and the interval since the previous glitch.  相似文献   

Giant pulses have been detected from the pulsar PSR B0031-07. A pulse with an intensity higher than that of the average pulse by a factor of 50 or more is encountered approximately once per 300 observed periods. The peak flux density of the strongest pulse was 530 Jy, which is a factor of 120 higher than the peak flux density of the average pulse. The giant pulses are a factor of 20 narrower than the integrated profile and are clustered about its center.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of PSR J1753−2240 in the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey data base. This 95-ms pulsar is in an eccentric binary system with a 13.6-d orbital period. Period derivative measurements imply a characteristic age in excess of 1 Gyr, suggesting that the pulsar has undergone an episode of accretion-induced spin-up. The eccentricity and spin period are indicative of the companion being a second neutron star, so that the system is similar to that of PSR J1811−1736, although other companion types cannot be ruled out at this time. The companion mass is constrained by geometry to lie above 0.48 solar masses, although long-term timing observations will give additional constraints. If the companion is a white dwarf or a main-sequence star, optical observations may yield a direct detection of the companion. If the system is indeed one of the few known double neutron star systems, it would lie significantly far from the recently proposed spin-period/eccentricity relationship.  相似文献   

PSR J1833−1034 and its associated pulsar wind nebula (PWN) have been investigated in depth through X-ray observations ranging from 0.1 to 200 keV. The low-energy X-ray data from Chandra reveal a complex morphology that is characterized by a bright central plerion, no thermal shell and an extended diffuse halo. The spectral emission from the central plerion softens with radial distance from the pulsar, with the spectral index ranging from  Γ= 1.61  in the central region to  Γ= 2.36  at the edge of the PWN. At higher energy, INTEGRAL detected the source in the 17–200 keV range. The data analysis clearly shows that the main contribution to the spectral emission in the hard X-ray energy range is originated from the PWN, while the pulsar is dominant above 200 keV. Recent High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) observations in the high-energy gamma-ray domain show that PSR J1833−1034 is a bright TeV emitter, with a flux corresponding to ∼2 per cent of the Crab in 1–10 TeV range. In addition, the spectral shape in the TeV energy region matches well with that in the hard X-rays observed by INTEGRAL . Based on these findings, we conclude that the emission from the pulsar and its associated PWN can be described in a scenario where hard X-rays are produced through synchrotron light of electrons with Lorentz factor  γ∼ 109  in a magnetic field of ∼10 μG. In this hypothesis, the TeV emission is due to inverse-Compton interaction of the cooled electrons off the cosmic microwave background photons. Search for PSR J1833−1034 X-ray pulsed emission, via RXTE and Swift X-ray observations, resulted in an upper limit that is about 50 per cent.  相似文献   

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