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The toxicity of transformation products of 2,6-dinitrotoluene (2,6-DNT) and 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (picric acid) were assessed in spiked sandy and fine-grained marine sediments and in seawater. Toxicity of pore water from sediments spiked with 2,6-DNT decreased for the macro-alga, Ulva fasciata, zoospores as biotransformation proceeded, but increased for the copepod, Schizopera knabeni, nauplii. The primary biotransformation product of 2,6-DNT, 2-amino-6-nitrotoluene, was also more toxic than the parent compound to copepod nauplii, but not to alga zoospores, in spiked seawater tests. Two biotransformation products of picric acid, picramic acid and 2,4-DNP, were more toxic than their parent compound. Porewater toxicity from picric acid-spiked sediments decreased significantly at the end of six-months incubation. Fine-grained sediment spiked with either ordnance compound had lower toxicity than its sandy counterpart after six months, suggesting faster microbial transformation in the former and production of less toxic products. Photo-transformation of 2,6-DNT in seawater resulted in a reduction in toxicity.  相似文献   

This paper serves as the missing piece in a more fuller understanding about economic losses from marine pollution, and demonstrates what losses have been estimated in the literature. Biological effects from marine pollution are linked with resulting economic effects and losses. The merging of these two areas is usually absent in studies of marine pollution losses. The literature has examined several effects due to marine pollution: damages due to harvest closures-restrictions, damages from consumption of unsafe seafood, damages due to decreased recreational activity, and damages related to waterfront real estate adjacent to contaminated water. Overall, marine pollution can and has resulted in sizable economic effects and losses. On the basis of the literature there is adequate justification for public policy actions to curb marine pollution, require inspection of seafood for toxic substances, and preserve marine water quality and sensitive marine environments.  相似文献   

Non-eroding silicone-based coatings can effectively reduce fouling of ship hulls and are an alternative to biocidal and heavy metal-based antifoulings. The products, whose formulations and make up are closely guarded proprietary knowledge, consist of a silicone resin matrix and may contain unbound silicone oils (1-10%). If these oils leach out, they can have impacts on marine environments: PDMS are persistent, adsorb to suspended particulate matter and may settle into sediment. If oil films build up on sediments, infiltration may inhibit pore water exchange. PDMS do not bioaccumulate in marine organisms and soluble fractions have low toxicity to aquatic and benthic organisms. At higher exposures, undissolved silicone oil films or droplets can cause physical-mechanic effects with trapping and suffocation of organisms. These 'new' effects are not covered by current assessment schemes. PDMS make the case that very low water solubility and bioavailability do not necessarily preclude damage to marine environments.  相似文献   

Analysis of water samples from the New York Bight area and Narragansett Bay reveals that a small fraction of the total Pu (probably Pu (III + IV) species) is continuously removed to the sediments at a rate similar to that of the particle-reactive isotope228Th. A more “soluble” Pu species appears to be released at times from the sediments to the water column in these nearshore regions. Sediments in shallow areas of the New York Bight south of Rhode Island and Narragansett Bay have high Pu inventories and relatively deep penetration of this element, although the net sediment accumulation rate is generally low (<0.03 g/cm2 yr). The high Pu inventories can be explained if both sediment resuspension and sediment mixing are assumed to be the major controlling factors for the effective transfer of Pu from the water column to the sediments. By simultaneous modelling of the depth distribution of three tracers which operate on vastly different time scales:234Th (half-life 24 days),210Pb (half-life 22 years) and239,240Pu (introduced into the environment during the past 30 years), bioturbation rates ranging from 4 to 32 cm2/yr in the surface mixed layer (5–10 cm thick) and from 0.3 to 2.5 cm2/yr in the layer below (up to 40 cm thick) and net sediment accumulation rates of approximately zero to 0.14 g/cm2 yr were calculated for these areas.  相似文献   

The passive sampler called 'Artificial Mussel' (AM) developed by Wu et al. (2007) can provide a time-integrated estimate of metal concentrations in the marine environment, and offers a potential device to assess and compare metal concentration in different marine environments worldwide. The aim of this study was to compare metal accumulation on AM and natural mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis at three sites with different metal loads along the Portuguese coast for four months. M. galloprovincialis were placed in cages alongside AMs at each site. Samples were collected monthly and Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations in whole soft tissues and AMs compared. For both Cu and Cd, the results were similar between AMs and natural mussels. Higher concentrations of Zn were observed in natural mussels, whereas the inverse was shown for Pb (about 10-fold higher). Our results showed that AMs are promising tools for assessing metal concentrations in marine environments.  相似文献   

The replenishment and persistence of marine species is contingent on dispersing larvae locating suitable habitat and surviving to a reproductive stage. Pelagic larvae rely on environmental cues to make behavioural decisions with chemical information being important for habitat selection at settlement. We explored the sensory world of crustaceans and fishes focusing on the impact anthropogenic alterations (ocean acidification, red soil, pesticide) have on conspecific chemical signals used by larvae for habitat selection. Crustacean (Stenopus hispidus) and fish (Chromis viridis) larvae recognized their conspecifics via chemical signals under control conditions. In the presence of acidified water, red soil or pesticide, the ability of larvae to chemically recognize conspecific cues was altered. Our study highlights that recruitment potential on coral reefs may decrease due to anthropogenic stressors. If so, populations of fishes and crustaceans will continue their rapid decline; larval recruitment will not replace and sustain the adult populations on degraded reefs.  相似文献   

The presence of alkylphenols (APs) in coastal and marine ecosystems is not as well-documented as it is in freshwater ecosystems. This paper reviews reported concentrations of alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEOs) and APs in seawater, sediments and organisms of marine environments such as estuaries, coastal lagoons, bights, harbours or deep sea in order to study their distribution. Overall contamination of marine aquatic compartments by APs and APEOs has been observed, while coastal areas in the vicinity of wastewater discharges are more impacted than deep sea environments, but to a lesser extent than freshwater sites. Sediments act as sinks for APs and APEOs, especially around wastewater discharge sites. Reported AP concentrations in marine organisms are higher in bivalves and gastropods than in fishes. As nonylphenols and octylphenols are estrogenomimetic, biological responses induced in marine organisms are discussed. Finally, we describe the cell bioassay approach for the biodetection of APs.  相似文献   

Marine prawns (Penaeus japonicus) were exposed to various combinations of chromium and phenol. The yield of prawns was synergistically inhibited by a 63-day exposure to combinations of chromium and phenol, when compared to controls and single-factor treatments. The accumulation of chromium in prawns was not only dependent on the concentration of chromium in the seawater, but was also related to the concentration of phenol in the seawater. The accumulation of phenol in prawns increased with an increase in the concentration of chromium in the seawater, even when the concentration of phenol in the seawater was constant.  相似文献   

Hypoxia alters the oxidation–reduction balance and the biogeochemical processes in sediments, but little is known about its impacts on the microbial community that is responsible for such processes. In this study, we investigated the effects of hypoxia and the ubiquitously dispersed flame-retardant BDE47 on the bacterial communities in marine surface sediments during a 28-days microcosm experiment. Both hypoxia and BDE47 alone significantly altered the bacterial community and reduced the species and genetic diversity. UniFrac analysis revealed that BDE47 selected certain bacterial species and resulted in major community shifts, whereas hypoxia changed the relative abundances of taxa, suggesting slower but nonetheless significant community shifts. These two stressors targeted mostly different taxa, but they both favored Bacteroidetes and suppressed Gammaproteobacteria. Importantly, the impacts of BDE47 on bacterial communities were different under hypoxic and normoxic conditions, highlighting the need to consider risk assessments for BDE47 in a broader context of interaction with hypoxia.  相似文献   

Mud crabs, Scylla serrata, were sampled from four estuaries (the Normanby, Herbert, Burdekin and Fitzroy Rivers) along the coast of northern Queensland, Australia, representing a pollution gradient from low to high contamination based upon previous chemical monitoring. Four biomarkers; glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity, cholinesterase (ChE) inhibition and the urinary metabolite concentrations of naphthalene (NPH) and benzo-a-pyrene (BaP) were evaluated in S. serrata hepatopancreas, haemolymph and urine. Site-specific evidence of elevated GST activity and BaP metabolite concentrations and significant ChE inhibition was detected. Biomarker responses from this field study provide evidence of contaminant exposure of S. serrata from river estuaries along the coast of northern Queensland and indicate that further investigation is warranted. Based on the current results, and with further work on characterising the dose-response and seasonal variation in this species, mud crabs have great potential as indicator species for water quality and ecosystem monitoring programs across tropical coastal regions of Australia.  相似文献   

The implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive necessitates the development of common criteria and methodological standards for marine environmental monitoring and assessment across Europe. Eelpout (Zoarces viviparus) is proposed as a key indicator organism in the Baltic and North Sea regions. This benthic fish species is widely used in ecotoxicological studies and as a bioindicator of local pollution due to its stationary behavior. Eelpout is included in the environmental monitoring program of several Baltic States, covering both chemical and biological effects measurements, and samples have been archived in environmental specimen banks for >15 years. A method for evaluating the frequency of larval aberrations has been suggested as a standardized assessment tool. The large scientific knowledge-base and considerable experience of long-term chemical and biological effects monitoring and specimen banking, make eelpout a suitable species for the assessment of Good Environmental Status in the Baltic and North Seas.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,87(1-2):402-410
An overview of literature about isolating biosurfactant producers from marine sources indicated no such producers have been reported form North Atlantic Canada. Water and sediment samples were taken from petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated coastal and offshore areas in this region. Either n-hexadecane or diesel was used as the sole carbon source for the screening. A modified colony-based oil drop collapsing test was used to cover sessile biosurfactant producers. Fifty-five biosurfactant producers belong to genera of Alcanivorax, Exiguobacterium, Halomonas, Rhodococcus, Bacillus, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, and Streptomyces were isolated. The first three genera were established after 1980s with interesting characteristics and limited relevant publications. Some of the 55 isolated strains were found with properties such as greatly reducing surface tension, stabilizing emulsion and producing flocculant. Isolates P6-4P and P1-5P were selected to demonstrate the performance of biosurfactant production, and were found to reduce the surface tension of water to as low as 28 dynes/cm.  相似文献   

In the aggressive marine environment over a long-term service period,coastal bridges inevitably sustain corrosion-induced damage due to high sea salt and humidity.This paper investigates the strength reduction of coastal bridges,especially focusing on the effects of non-uniform corrosion along the height of bridge piers.First,the corrosion initiation time and the degradation of reinforcement and concrete are analyzed for bridge piers in marine environments.To investigate the various damage modes of the concrete cover,a discretization method with fiber cells is used for calculating time-dependent interaction diagrams of cross-sections of the bridge piers at the atmospheric zone and the splash and tidal zone under a combination of axial force and bending moment.Second,the shear strength of these aging structures is analyzed.Numerical simulation indicates that the strength of a concrete pier experiences dramatic reduction from corrosion initiation to the spalling of the concrete cover.Strength loss in the splash and tidal zone is more significant than in the atmospheric zone when structures’service time is assumed to be the same.  相似文献   

Hazardous waste site investigations have shown that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be transported via sewer pipes and migrate into indoor spaces. Despite field data confirming the presence of this exposure pathway, there is lack of context-based numerical models that provide guidance to characterize and predict VOCs concentration in sewer gas at vapor intrusion sites. Particularly, this poses a challenge when assessing and mitigating risks associated with these exposure pathways. Therefore, a numerical model has been developed to simulate the concentration of VOCs in sewer gas in different stages throughout the sewer lines. The developed model considers various input parameters, including temperature, sewer liquid depth, groundwater depth, and sewer construction characteristics to incorporate local and operational conditions. The model's output is verified using field data from a sewer system constructed near a Superfund site. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the model's response to variation of the external input parameters. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to model VOCs concentration in sewer gas, particularly to address vapor intrusion. The developed model can be used as a numerical tool to support the development of sewer assessment guidelines, risk assessment studies, and mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Experiments using radioactive tracers in microcosms of 150 l and 13 m3 volumes, which are designed to mimic Narragansett Bay, indicate that Th isotopes are good analogues for studying the removal behavior of “particle-reactive” pollutants such as Am, Pb, Po, Hg and Cr(III) in coastal environments. The removal of Th isotopes and Fe has been found to be closely linked in microcosms and Narragansett Bay. In addition, the settling velocities of tracer microspheres in the experimental tanks were found to be faster in spring and summer than expected from Stokes' law and similar to those of234Th-containing particles in Narragansett Bay [5]. It is concluded that aggregation of particles is important in accelerating the removal of surface-reactive elements during the warm season.  相似文献   

Many highly productive marine ecosystems exhibit nitrogen limitation or co-limitation. This article is a status review of research into the exchange of nitrogen between the atmosphere and these ecosystems with a particular focus on reactive nitrogen compounds. A summary of research conducted over the past ten years is presented and a perspective given as to remaining uncertainities and research needs. Looking toward development of coastal management modeling tools, we illustrate the processes that need to be resolved in order to accurately simulate the flux from the atmosphere and provide guidance on the required resolution of such models.  相似文献   

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