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At Grobern (51°52'N, 12°6'E, altitude 94–98 m a.s.l., 50km north of Leipzig), a succession of lacustrine sediments has yielded a fossil coleopterous fauna permitting the reconstruction of climatic conditions through out the Eemian/Early Weichselian transition. In accord with other indicators, the Coleoptera show that this period was characterized by three major climatic oscillations during which the thermal climate fluctuated between conditions of arctic severity and more temperate conditions. During the cold episodes, the beetle faunas were dominated by species which today have exclusively northern or even Asiatic ranges. In the intervening warm periods these cold-adapted species were absent and the faunas included temperate species some of which are tree-dependent. Quantitative palaeotemperature estimates using the Mutual Climatic Range method, show that the mean July temperatures during the relatively colder intervals were 5°C to 6°C lower than during the warmer periods, but the depression of winter temperatures during the colder periods was much greater than this. Because different species of Coleoptera have different thresholds of temperature tolerance, their indications of climatic change do not always coincide with the changes in the lithology or pollen.  相似文献   

周口店地区第四纪哺乳动物群的演化与环境变迁探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程捷  田明中 《现代地质》1996,10(2):202-212
讨论了Alilepusannectens、HypolagusbrachypusLepussp.、Sciurotamiaspraecox、AllocricetusteilhardiCricetinusvarians、Hyperacriusyenshanensis、Allophaiomyscf.pliocaenicus、Proedromyscf.bedfordi、Chardinomysnihewanicus、Muscf.musculus和Apodemusdominans的地史分布。根据哺乳动物群的分析与对比,得出第18地点为早更新世早期,第12地点、东洞地点为早更新世中期,第9地点、西洞地点为早更新世晚期,第13地点为早更新世末期至中更新世初期,第1、2、5、6、11、10、21、23及上店洞地点为中更新世,新洞为中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期,东岭子洞为晚更新世,山顶洞为晚更新世晚期。还讨论了周口店地区一些主要第四纪哺乳动物群的生态类型特点,第四纪的气候波动及生态环境变迁。  相似文献   

临夏盆地晚新生代哺乳动物群演替与青藏高原隆升背景   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
邓涛 《第四纪研究》2004,24(4):413-420
临夏盆地的晚新生代沉积中富含哺乳动物化石,以晚渐新世巨犀动物群、中中新世铲齿象动物群、晚中新世三趾马动物群和早更新世真马动物群的化石最为丰富。晚新生代是青藏高原快速隆升的时期,临夏盆地的4个主要哺乳动物群在构造剧烈变化的背景下发生了显著的更替。通过对不同动物群所代表的生态特征的分析,恢复了临夏盆地晚新生代以来的气候环境演变过程:晚渐新世以温暖湿润的森林环境为主,间杂有一些开阔地带;中中新世的森林更加茂密,水体更加丰富;晚中新世演变为炎热半干旱的稀树草原环境,季节性变化加强;早更新世气候寒冷而干燥,并伴有显著的海拔升高。青藏高原在晚渐新世的隆升幅度还不足以阻挡大型哺乳动物在高原南北的交流,但到中中新世已成为明显的障碍,至晚中新世对动物迁徙的阻碍作用更加突出,而临夏盆地在早更新世已经达到相当大的高度,产生了一个高原或高山的动物群  相似文献   

Timing of the Nihewan formation and faunas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Magnetostratigraphic dating of the fluvio-lacustrine sequence in the Nihewan Basin, North China, has permitted the precise timing of the basin infilling and associated Nihewan mammalian faunas. The combined evidence of new paleomagnetic findings from the Hongya and Huabaogou sections of the eastern Nihewan Basin and previously published magnetochronological data suggests that the Nihewan Formation records the tectono-sedimentary processes of the Plio-Pleistocene Nihewan Basin and that the Nihewan faunas can be placed between the Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic reversal and the onset of the Olduvai subchron (0.78-1.95 Ma). The onset and termination of the basin deposition occurred just prior to the Gauss-Matuyama geomagnetic reversal and during the period from the last interglaciation to the late last glaciation, respectively, suggesting that the Nihewan Formation is of Late Pliocene to late Pleistocene age. The Nihewan faunas, comprising a series of mammalian faunas (such as Maliang, Donggutuo, Xiaochangliang, Banshan, Majuangou, Huabaogou, Xiashagou, Danangou and Dongyaozitou), are suggested to span a time range of about 0.8-2.0 Ma. The combination of our new and previously published magnetostratigraphy has significantly refined the chronology of the terrestrial Nihewan Formation and faunas.  相似文献   

The paper summarises materials on the mammal remains in northeastern Europe, dated by radiocarbon. Altogether, 23 local faunas of small mammals and 47 local faunas of large mammals were analysed. Multidimensional statistical analysis shows a strong correlation between changes in small mammal fauna composition and climate changes throughout time. The correlations with the spatial gradients, however, are less pronounced. The faunas are classified into three groups: (1) faunas of Holocene age; (2) Late Pleistocene ‘stadial’ assemblages; and (3) Late Pleistocene ‘interstadial’ assemblages. In some cases, changes in species abundance are better understood in terms of biotic interrelations rather than of climatic effects. The most pronounced change in small mammal fauna composition and structure occurred at the Preboreal/Boreal boundary, and a less conspicuous alteration took place at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. The most noticeable transformation in the large mammal fauna composition is dated to the early Holocene. Less significant changes are observed at the Middle Weichselian/LGM transition and at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. It is safely concluded that variations in the faunas of small and large mammals recorded in NE Europe during the last 35 000 years occurred synchronously and unidirectionally.  相似文献   

第四纪期间中国南北两大动物区系之间的过渡地带动物群   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
计宏祥 《地层学杂志》1994,18(4):248-254
中国第四纪期间的哺乳动物,可划分为南、北两大动物群,在两大动物群之间,存在过渡地带动物群。过渡地带的动物群,晚更新世的有河南新蔡、安徽五河戚咀及江苏武进;中更新世地点有安徽和县、巢县银山、河南南召及江苏南京汤山;早更新世地点有安徽巢县银山下部堆积、陕西蓝田公王岭及汉中盆地的勉县。裴文中(1957)首先提出淮河过渡区的存在,周明镇等认为不存在。事实上过渡地带的南、北混生动物群是存在的,过渡地带的范围大小及地点是随着地史的变迁而不断的变化。四不象鹿是过渡地带生活的一种特殊动物,而众多的古人类化石在过渡地带发现,也是这一地区的一个特色。  相似文献   

Cold-adapted large mammal populations spread southward during the coldest and driest phases of the Late Pleistocene reaching the Iberian Peninsula. Presence of woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) can be identified from 23 Iberian sites, which is compiled and analyzed herein, and the fossil specimens from seven of these sites are described here for first time.Morphological and biometrical analyses demonstrate that the Iberian woolly rhinoceros did not significantly differ from individuals of other European populations, but represent the westernmost part of a continuous Eurasian belt of distribution.The first presence of woolly rhino in the Iberian Peninsula has been identified during the late Middle Pleistocene and early Late Pleistocene. However, the highest abundance of this species is recorded during MIS 3 and 2. The latest Iberian occurrences can be dated around 20 ka BP. The presence of woolly rhinoceros in the Iberian Peninsula correlates with periods of extreme dry and cold climatic conditions documented in Iberian terrestrial and marine sediment sequences.From a palaeobiogeographic point of view, the maximum southern spread of C. antiquitatis on the Iberian Peninsula was registered during the late Middle Pleistocene or early Late Pleistocene, reaching the latitude of Madrid (about 40°N). Subsequently, during MIS 3 and 2, all Iberian finds were restricted to the Northern regions of Iberia (Cantabrian area and Catalonia). The southern expansion of C. antiquitatis during the Late Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula reached similar latitudes to other Eurasian regions.The ecological composition of fossil assemblages with presence of woolly rhinoceros was statistically analyzed. Results show that temperate ungulate species are predominant at Iberian assemblages, resulting in a particular mixture of temperate and cold elements different of the typical Eurasian cold-adapted faunal associations. This particular situation suggests two possible explanations: a) Eventual migrations during the coldest time spans, resulting in a mixing of cold and temperate faunas, instead a faunal replacing; b) Persistence of woolly rhinoceros populations in the Iberian Peninsula during interglacial episodes confined at cryptic southern refugia.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal faunas suggesting interglacial climatic conditions are present in several shallow drillings in the North Sea and in northern Jutland. Denmark. The interglacial deposits in six of the cores arc correlated by means of isoleucine epimerization, paleomagnetic data and environmental inferences. Four episodes of interglacial circulation are recorded in sediments of Brunhes age and one warm episode is found just below the Brunhes Matuyama boundary. The Holocene and Eemian faunas of the North Sea are richer in species and individuals and contain more thermophilous species than the older interglacial faunas. However. a much more northern distribution of Bulimina marginata in sediments of Eemian age suggests that oceanic circulation was different during this period than during the Holocene. Sediments of the three other Brunhes interglacials (the Holsteinian, the Norwegian Trench and the Devils Hole Interglacial) and the Leerdam Interglacial record periods of relatively cooler conditions and possibly reduced inflow of Atlantic water.  相似文献   

Character, Age and Ecology of the Hezheng Biota from Northwestern China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 Introduction In recent years, field works in the Hezheng area resulted in an explosive growth of new knowledge of Chinese mammalian faunas of the Late Cenozoic. A continuous sedimentary sequence from the Oligocene to the Pleistocene is developed and exposed in the Linxia Basin, Gansu Province, which contains a large number of mammal fossils. The Hezheng area comprises almost the whole Hezheng County, the western half of Guanghe County, the southern half of Dongxiang County, Linxia C…  相似文献   

Data from the mammal fauna of the North Urals during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene are synthesised. Analysis of differentiation the degree of small- and large-mammal faunas during this time has been undertaken. Only differences of mammal species composition were significant between the Late Pleistocene and Holocene complexes, and within these complexes, the distinction between faunas was insignificant. The transition from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene complex small-mammal faunas occurred in the Middle Late Valdai due to expansion of the forest species. In large-mammal faunas, the process was recorded later (in Dryas 3-Early Holocene) because of the extinction of some species and others that changed their areas of occupation.  相似文献   

中国北方晚更新世哺乳类动物群的划分及其地理分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑家坚  徐钦琦 《地层学杂志》1992,16(3):170-181,190
<正> 新第三纪以来,由于青藏高原、喜马拉雅山脉与西部山脉的隆起,我国形成了西高东低的地形特点,导致了气候和环境的变迁,明显地影响了中国哺乳动物的分布。在晚更新世,中国南北动物群分化逐渐扩大,动物群更替尤为频繁。中国晚更新世地层及动物群的研究已有一段相当长的历史,发现了众多重要的遗址和化石地点,积累了丰富的资料。笔者综合有关资料,对我国北方晚更新世动物群,特别是猛犸象-披毛犀动物群的划分、地  相似文献   

New TIMS dates from British sites underpin and extend the growing model of mammalian faunal history during the Late Pleistocene. The sequence of British faunas during the three successive warm phases of MIS 5 presents a challenging model in which the mammal faunas of the first two temperate phases, 5e and 5c is dominated by species of a classically interglacial character, while that of the final phase, sub‐stage 5a, is dominated by bison and reindeer. This we see as the ‘cold fauna’ appearing in Britain during the cool isotope sub‐stage 5b and subsequently isolated by the rising sea level of isotope sub‐stage 5a. All these three faunas are true island faunas. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The evolution of mammalian communities is a significant tool for reconstructing past environments and climate. In this paper, a palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction based on the study of the Italian mammal faunas ranging from Middle Pliocene to the Holocene is presented using the cenogram method and quantification of temperatures based on arvicolid species richness. These analyses reveal open and arid conditions during glacial periods and less open and more humid conditions during interglacials, with some differences between north and central–south Italy. Northern and Southern communities reflect similar trends in the evolution of palaeoenvironments and in the variation of the temperatures, but differences in estimated temperatures, which indicate a more temperate climate for southern Italy throughout the period, are considered here. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dr. L. Kordos 《GeoJournal》1987,15(2):163-166
Having revised some reference vertebrate faunas from Hungary and from Central Europe their biostratigraphic positions could be determined more accurately. By extending the vole thermometer method to the continental parts of Central Europe fairly well identifiable average July temperature curves could be obtained for the Upper Pleistocene. The main events shown by the climatic curve for Hungary can be well correlated with the soil and loess complexes of the Paks loess profile, and also with the global climatostratigraphic scale.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene ungulate communities from the western coastal plains of South Africa's Cape Floristic Region (CFR) are diverse and dominated by grazers, in contrast to the region's Holocene and historical faunas, which are relatively species-poor and dominated by small-bodied browsers and mixed feeders. An expansion of grassy habitats is clearly implied by the Pleistocene faunas, but the presence of ruminant grazers that cannot survive the summer dry season typical of the region today suggests other important paleoecological changes. Here we use dental ecometrics to explore the paleoecological implications of the region's Pleistocene faunas. We show that the dental traits (hypsodonty and occlusal topography) of the ungulates that occurred historically in the CFR track annual and summer aridity, and we use these relationships to reconstruct past aridity. Our results indicate that the Pleistocene faunas signal paleoenvironments that were on average less arid than today, including during the summer, consistent with other lines of evidence that suggest a higher water table and expansion of well-watered habitats. Greater water availability can be explained by lower temperature and reduced evapotranspiration during cooler phases of the Pleistocene, probably coupled with enhanced groundwater recharge due to increased winter precipitation.  相似文献   

萨拉乌苏组的沉积环境及地层划分问题   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
袁宝印 《地质科学》1978,13(3):220-234
鄂尔多斯高原东南部,萨拉乌苏河两岸广泛出露巨厚的第四纪河湖相沉积,自其中发现丰富的哺乳动物化石以来,便成为华北晚更新世标准地层之一,命名为萨拉乌苏组。但以前多偏重于化石和石器的研究,并将这套巨厚的河湖相沉积笼统地划为晚更新世。这种情况已远远不能满足当前生产和科研发展的要求,迫切需要从沉积物特征、沉积环境、古气候等不同角度对该地层做进一步的详细划分。作者曾有机会参加萨拉乌苏河流域第四纪地质调查及古脊椎动物化石的发掘工作。  相似文献   

Evidence in the world’s ocean current system indicates an abrupt cooling from 34.1 to 33.6?Ma across the Eocene–Oligocene boundary at 33.9?Ma. The remarkable cooling period in the ocean, called the Eocene–Oligocene transition (EOT), is correlated with pronounced mammalian faunal replacement as shown in terrestrial fossil records. For the first time within Asia, a section is magnetostratigraphically dated that also produces mammalian fossils that span the Late Eocene—Early Oligocene transition. Three fossil assemblages revealed through the EOT (34.8, 33.7, and 30.4?Ma) demonstrate that perissodactyl faunas were abruptly replaced by rodent/lagomorph-dominant faunas during climate cooling, and that changes in mammalian communities were accelerated by aridification in central Asia. Three fossil assemblages (34.8, 33.7, and 30.4?Ma) within the north Junggar Basin (Burqin section) tied to this magnetostratigraphically dated section, reveal that perissodactyl faunas were abruptly replaced by rodent/lagomorph-dominant faunas during climate cooling, and that changes in mammalian communities were accelerated by aridification in central Asia. The biotic reorganization events described in the Burqin section are comparable to the Grande Coupure in Europe and the Mongolian Remodeling of mammalian communities. That is, the faunal transition was nearly simultaneous all over the world and mirrored global climatic changes with regional factors playing only a secondary role.  相似文献   

文章根据对周口店地区四个哺乳动物群的分析,讨论了该区早更新世气候及生态环境的变迁。第18地点显示了约1.90MaB.P.的干凉气候和森林—草原植被。第12地点指示了1.70MaB.P.的湿热气候和茂密森林生态环境。东洞则记录了1.20MaB.P.的干冷气候和草原景观。到第9地点时(约1.00~0.90MaB.P.),气候炎热,森林和草原植被同时发育  相似文献   

In this work we study one of the most palaeopedological sequence formed in Central Spain, which is located on the Pliocene–Pleistocene erosional surface in the Madrid Basin. We also analyse its relationship to erosive and sedimentary Pleistocene events in order to obtain new data for a correct interpretation of the origin and evolution of forms at the top of tabular lands in this site. The geomorphic features and the properties of a sequence of very red palaeosols that developed on this old surface can help us in the understanding of the palaeoclimatic evolution of Central Spain in a Mediterranean climate. They were examined to identify pedologic and climatic changes during the Quaternary. The soil sequence comprises intercalated palaeoargillic and palaeopetrocalcic horizons. The clay minerals are mainly illite, kaolinite, smectite and sepiolite. The alternation of argillic and calcic horizons, limestone debris (cryoclastic colluvions) and aeolian sands suggests succeeding periods of phytostability and phytoinstability (biostasis/rhexistasis). Argillation, rubification and calcium carbonate accumulation were repeated throughout the Pleistocene and it is hypothesised that climatic conditions during numerous stages of this period were not very different from the present conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quantitative reconstruction of the European late Pleistocene paleoclimate based on 72 rodent assemblages of five sequences from France, Germany and Bulgaria, covering the last interglacial-glacial cycle. They show a pattern of severe changes in temperature, with reduced precipitation during the coldest periods. A tentative correlation between the isotopic and palynological records and the paleotemperature changes is shown. These changes are consistent with variations in atmospheric circulation patterns in response to an expanding-retracting Fennoscandian ice-sheet. They can be attributed to the enhancement-weakening of the Scandinavian-Polar anticyclone and its associated dry winds, the south-north shifting of the North Atlantic Polar Front, and the varying supply of moist air from the Atlantic. Qualitative paleoenvironmental analysis shows broadleaved-deciduous forests in France and Bulgaria during most of the studied period. Taiga and tundra appeared in eastern France during the lower Würm. The German sequence indicates the presence of coniferous forests. These results are broadly consistent with other paleobiological records (mammalian, avian and insect faunas, isotopic record in dental tissue, palynology). The main discrepancies with the paleoclimate inferred from the palynological record are found during the coldest periods and are probably due to the interaction between vegetation, climate, and atmospheric CO2 levels.  相似文献   

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