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This research examines methods for detecting unknown transient waveforms that are contaminated by noise. The sensitivity of the performance levels of the energy detector and the lack of knowledge about the structure of the transient waveform motivate the examination of other moment- or spectra-based detection techniques. We examine the performance of a bispectral energy detector and show that its performance will degrade if the bispectra is smoothed and that signals with no bispectral content can be detected if the bispectra is not smoothed. Further, it is shown that the performance levels of the bispectral detector are slightly better, and slightly less sensitive, than those of the energy detector for the multipath linear frequency modulated signal. Finally, the performance levels of narrowband implementations of the energy and bispectral energy detectors are compared. It is shown that for a large enough sample, the performance levels of the bispectral detector are nearly as good as those of the optimal energy detector for the single narrowband signal case. However, when the received waveform contains multiple narrowband components, the narrowband bispectral detector performs slightly better than the energy detector  相似文献   

粒度分析中偏度系数的影响因素及其意义   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
金秉福 《海洋科学》2012,36(2):129-135
利用粒度分析中的偏度系数对区分不同搬运动力和不同沉积环境下的沉积物具有重要的鉴定意义,通过对偏度系数内涵的深入分析和粒度分析不同方法的比较,研究表明:偏度是非正态粒度分布下的偏斜程度,可敏感地反映粒度分布两端的微量变化,正偏是沉积物粒度分布的细偏,负偏则是粗偏,偏度正负大小与多种因素有关,它主要受沉积物属性控制,既与沉积环境类型密切相关,又与环境能量是否对应平衡有关;偏度还受计算方法和测试方法等人为因素影响。筛析法结合图解法计算较适用于粒度粗、跨度大的沉积物粒度分析,激光粒度法结合矩法计算更适用于粉砂—黏土粒级沉积物的粒度分析。  相似文献   

Using the well-established technique of geoacoustic inversion, one can estimate a set of acoustic sea-bed parameters from sonar array data. Simultaneously, one can search for geometric parameters such as range, water depth, and hydrophone depth. When the technique is applied in a range-dependent environment, there is a potentially much larger set of parameters to match, unless one has perfect knowledge of the bathymetry. From the point of view of optimization, one needs to handle uncertainties in bathymetry without hugely increasing the amount of computation. A simple time-domain view (which is shown to be equivalent to the adiabatic approximation) suggests that it is sufficient to use a range-independent model with an empirical "effective" depth even when the bottom is not flat. In fact, there is a set of effective environments that will suffice; one can choose whichever is the most convenient. The success of this concept is demonstrated with some test cases from a recent Geoacoustic Inversion Techniques Workshop.  相似文献   

The spectral structure of oceanic incoherent Doppler sonar data is analyzed with Fourier and two finite-parameter modeling methods (Spectral Moment Estimation (SME) and AutoRegressive (AR)). Fourier spectral analysis, applied to long-range segments of echo return data, validates a theoretical point scattering model. It is demonstrated that Fourier spectral techniques, applied to data from incoherent sonar systems, cannot be used to probe oceanic spectral and velocity fields on the scales that frequently are important in oceanographic applications. The finite-parameter methods model the spectral structure on closely spaced range intervals. The SME method calculates the first moment of the Doppler spectrum at each range interval and the AR method provides spectral estimates at these same intervals. Trade-offs in estimating scatterer radial velocity using the various algorithms are considered. It is shown that a frequency-integrated AR technique has velocity estimation performance comparable to the SME method. In addition, the AR technique reveals that several regions of data possess asymmetric spectral structure. The implications of this spectral structure for oceanic velocity estimates are discussed.  相似文献   

人类活动引起的岸线变化影响着近岸海域的潮波在传播过程中的运动特征。本研究基于瓯江口与乐清湾5个验潮站,时间跨度为1984−2019年的逐时潮位实测资料,分析了该海域潮波形态的时空变化规律并解构造成潮汐不对称性的主要分潮簇的贡献度。研究发现,温州湾海域瓯江河口与乐清湾潮形有明显的不同,潮汐不对称性在瓯江河口涨潮占优,且向上游方向持续增大,但在乐清湾内则落潮占优。该海域潮汐不对称性呈现出明显的季节性变化特征。在6−7月、12月至翌年1月时$ \gamma $值达到最大。该海域潮汐不对称性主要由分潮组合M2/M4、M2/S2/MS4、M2/N2/MN4等分潮簇控制,分潮簇如M2/S2/MS4、M2/N2/MN4、O1/K1/M2的不对 称贡献度则表现出明显的季节性变化。从2000年起,温州湾海域涨潮占优的潮汐不对称性呈现逐渐减弱的趋势,这与瓯江河口频繁的海岸工程存在一定的联系。  相似文献   

The basic functionality and performance of a new Schlumberger active wireline heave compensation system on the JOIDES Resolution was evaluated during the sea trial and a 3-year period of the IODP Phase II operations. A suite of software programs was developed to enable real-time monitoring of the dynamics of logging tools, and assess the efficiency of wireline heave compensation during downhole operations. The evaluation of the system effectiveness was performed under normal logging conditions as well as during stationary tests. Logging data were analyzed for their overall quality and repeatability, and to assess the reliability of high-resolution data such as formation microscanner (FMS) electrical images. This revealed that the system reduces 65–80 % of displacement or 88–98 % variance of downhole tool motion in stationary mode under heave conditions of ±0.2–1.5 m and water depths of 300–4,500 m in open holes. Under similar water/heave conditions, the compensator system reduces tool displacement by 50–60 %, or 75–84 % variance in downhole tool motion during normal logging operations. Such compensation efficiency (CE) is comparable to previous compensation systems, but using advanced and upgradeable technologies, and provides 50–85 % heave motion and heave variance attenuation. Moreover, logging down/up at low speeds (300–600 m/h) reduces the system’s CE values by 15–20 %, and logging down at higher speeds (1,000–1,200 m/h) eliminates CE values by 55–65 %. Considering the high quality of the logging data collected, it is concluded that the new system can provide an improved level of compensation over previous systems. Also, if practically feasible, future integration of downhole cable dynamics as an input feedback into the current system could further improve its compensation efficiency during logging operations.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽中南部不同环境表层沉积物质来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对冲绳海槽中南部3种不同沉积环境(东海外陆架、东海陆坡和冲绳海槽)表层沉积物进行了稀土等元素地球化学分析,结果显示,冲绳海槽和陆坡表层沉积物具有与台湾物质来源类似的稀土元素配分模式,La/Sm-Gd/Yb散点图也显示海槽和陆坡沉积物主要分布在台湾物源端元区,表明冲绳海槽中南部海槽和陆坡表层沉积物主要来源于台湾,而外陆架...  相似文献   

We assess the influence of changes in the skewness and kurtosis of the distribution of elevations on a rough sea surface that were observed in field conditions on the accuracy of the recovery of the sea-surface level along the satellite trace. For different values of a significant height of surface waves, we obtain numerical estimates for the bias in relief recovery due to the simultaneous variation in skewness and kurtosis. It is shown that, with a decrease in kurtosis, the effect of skewness changes on the accuracy of altimetry measurements of the level increases. We note the limitations of the Gram-Charlier model in simulating the radar waveforms return from the sea surface.  相似文献   

南海北部相干内潮和非相干内潮演变特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过南海北部跨越陆坡和陆架区的3套潜标数据,对全日和半日相干、非相干内潮的动能变化特征进行了研究。研究表明,全日内潮沿陆坡区向陆架区传播的过程中,在陆坡区主要以全日相干内潮生成为主,平均动能生成率为2.32 J/(m3·s);在陆架区以全日相干内潮耗散为主,平均动能耗散率为0.44 J/(m3·s)。全日非相干内潮动能在陆坡和陆架区均增长,平均动能生成率分别为0.39 J/(m3·s)和0.03 J/(m3·s)。全日与半日相干内潮动能在陆坡和陆架区的表现不同,陆坡区的全日相干内潮动能明显大于陆架区的全日相干内潮动能,而半日相干内潮动能在陆坡和陆架区没有明显差别;陆架区的全日和半日非相干内潮动能要大于陆坡区的全日和半日非相干内潮动能。  相似文献   

为了解海洋环境对GPS多路径效应的影响,基于海边两个测站的观测数据,利用Anubis软件对两测站多年、多天数据在海洋环境与陆地环境下受多路径效应影响的差异进行对比分析。结果表明:(1)低卫星高度角时,随着卫星高度角的降低,海洋环境和陆地环境下的多路径误差都逐渐增大,且海洋环境下的多路径误差增幅明显大于陆地环境下的增幅。(2)当卫星高度角小于20°时,海洋环境下的多路径误差大于陆地环境下的多路径误差;当卫星高度角大于20°时,海面方向和陆地方向多路径误差差异较小。  相似文献   

In this study, the flow around the pod unit is analysed and the performance characteristics of the propeller on the pod are investigated. The main objective of the present work is to further improve the original numerical method developed before for the prediction of performance of podded propellers and to further validate the earlier developed numerical model with a specific emphasis on the hydrodynamic interaction amongst the propulsor components. While in the earlier numerical method, the axial induced velocities by pod and strut parts were included into the calculations on the propeller disc plane, in the present method the tangential induced velocities on the propeller disc plane are included in the calculations as well. The flow domain around the podded propeller is mainly divided into three parts; the axisymmetric pod part, the strut part and the propeller part. While the pod and strut parts are modelled by a low-order boundary element method (BEM), the propeller is represented by a vortex lattice method (VLM). Coupling of the BEM and the VLM is carried out in an iterative manner to incorporate the effect of the pod on the propeller, and vice versa. The present numerical method is applied to two different podded propellers with zero yaw angles in order to compare the results with those of experimental measurements. The present numerical method is also validated in the case of 15° of yaw angle for a podded propulsor. The effect of pod and strut on the propeller and vice versa are discussed.  相似文献   

The reconstruction process of two-dimensional and three-dimensional sound-soft obstacles from a set of scattered field measurements is formulated as a linear filtering problem. Under coherent and incoherent insonification, the impulse response of the equivalent filter completely characterizes the acoustical imaging process. An energy-based criterion is proposed to describe the impulse response features in both cases. Numerical simulations are also presented, showing the better performance of the incoherent insonification  相似文献   

This paper presents reconstructions of ice sheet boundaries, lacustrine and marine paleobasins, as well as the connections of the Barents and Baltic seas with the North Atlantic from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene. The reconstructions are based on original and published data obtained from the northern and western parts of the Barents Sea and Baltic depressions with account for the available regional schematic maps of deglaciation. The early deglaciation of the Scandinavian–Barents ice sheet culminated with the Bølling-Allerød interstadial (14.5–12.9 cal ka BP), which was characterized by a more vigorous Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and a corresponding increase in surface Atlantic water inflow into the Barents Sea through deep troughs. The Baltic Ice Lake (BIL) remained a dammed-up isolated basin during deglaciation from 16.0 to 11.7 cal ka BP. In the Younger Dryas (YD), the lake drained into the North Sea and was replaced by a brackish Yoldia Sea (YS) at the beginning of the Holocene (Preboreal, 11.7–10.7 cal ka BP), due to a limited connection between two basins through the Närke Strait. In the Barents Sea, the next increase in the Atlantic water influx into the deep basins corresponded to terminal YD and Preboreal events with a culmination in the Early Holocene. The Yoldia Sea became a lake again during the next stage, the Ancylus (~10.7–8.8 cal ka BP). Atlantic water inflow both into the Barents and Baltic seas varied during the Holocene, with a maximum contribution in the Early Holocene, when the Littorina Sea (LS, 8–4 cal ka BP) connection with the North Sea via the Danish Straits was formed to replace the Ancylus Lake. The recent, post-Littorina stage (PS, the last 4 cal ka) of the Baltic Sea evolution began in the Late Holocene.  相似文献   

由若干独立摇板组成的多单元造波机是实验室研究波浪及其与海洋工程结构物相互作用的重要设备。由于单元摇板宽度和波浪周期对斜向波浪模拟方向角的限制、斜向波浪模拟引起的杂波和三维短峰波浪模拟的有效实验区范围等,是影响多单元造波机波浪模拟质量的关键问题。通过对海洋深水池双边多单元造波机性能的分析,获得了波向角与规则波浪周期的关系,避免杂波产生的波浪周期范围和三维短峰波浪有效实验区的范围。分析结果对于海洋深水池高质量模拟波浪并为海洋工程结构物模型试验提供良好的波浪环境条件具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A diverse and well-preserved non-marine and marine palynomorph assemblage was recovered from the Lower Cretaceous Yamama, Ratawi and Zubair formations in southern Iraq.A distinctive monospecific assemblage of the dinocyst Subtilisphaera in the Ru-19 Well, in addition to its frequent occurrence in other wells in the Zubair Formation, reflects an ecologically stressed, marginal-marine environment. This assemblage constitutes the first record of the Subtilisphaera ecozone in Iraq and Arabian realm and indeed only the second one east of Morocco.The palynofacies composition of the studied rock units has been related to previous organic geochemical analyses. Each rock unit has its own palynofacies characteristics and in general, samples dominated by amorphous kerogen have the highest total organic carbon (TOC) and hydrogen index (HI), as is the case for some samples from the studied Yamama Formation and samples belonging to palynofacies PF2 from the Zubair Formation. Samples that are mostly retrieved from the Zubair Formation, containing abundant phyoclasts, have the lowest TOC and HI values.  相似文献   

A 3×3 complete diallel cross comprising three families of the clam Meretrix meretrix(P1, P2 and P3) was used to determine the combining ability of parental families and heterosis of F1 under indoor and openair environments for growth traits. Analysis of variance for shell length and whole body weight indicated highly significant cross effects, environment effects and the interaction of cross by environment. General combining ability(GCA) and specific combing ability exhibited great variation among crosses and between two environments. Pooled over environments, P2 was the top combiner among the three parental families for both traits studied. The cross of P1 and P3 had the highest SCA. Additionally, significant reciprocal effects were observed. For individual environment, about half of the crossbred combinations showed favorable Mid-parent heterosis(MPH)(1%) for the shell length and whole body weight. Our data has shown that non-additive genetic and reciprocal effects constituted the major sources of genetic variation for both shell length and whole body weight, which indicates that crossbreeding among selective families could further explore the heterotic effects.  相似文献   

Active Doppler sonar systems are gaining popularity as a method to profile remotely the oceanic velocity field. Estimation of the variance with which an ideal single.beam sonar system measures relative Doppler motion is the subject of this paper. Theoretical formulations, simulated reverberation data, and sea data are considered to determine this variance. The sea data considered in this paper were selected carefully to avoid performance degrading physical/instrumental phenomena and bias corrected to remove further instrumental effects. Asymptotic performance, determined in this research, is realized when instrumental and physical phenomena do not measurably affect experimental performance. Oceanic and simulated data sets are processed with several velocity-estimation algorithms that are implemented in existing sonar systems. These algorithms are compared against each other and the velocity-estimation standard-deviation results tabulated. The algorithms are shown to possess similar performance characteristics when simulated, and sea data are processed in spite of the fact that some of these algorithms are suboptimal from a theoretical viewpoint. The results of this study show that the asymptotic performance of the Doppler system examined is approximately 25 percent above a theoretical lower bound.  相似文献   

An overview of matched field methods in ocean acoustics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A short historical overview of matched-field processing (MFP) is followed by background material in both ocean acoustics and array processing needed for MFP. Specific algorithms involving both quadratic and adaptive methods are then introduced. The results of mismatch studies and several algorithms designed to be relatively robust against mismatch are discussed. The use of simulated MFP for range, depth and bearing location is examined, using data from a towed array that has been tilted to produce an effective vertical aperture. Several experiments using MFP are reviewed. One successfully demonstrated MFP at megameter ranges; this has important consequences for experiments in global tomography. Some unique applications of MFP, including how it can exploit ocean inhomogeneities and make tomographic measurements of environmental parameters, are considered  相似文献   

The concentration of carbon disulfide (CS2) in surface water and relevant hydrographic parameters were determined in coastal waters of the eastern USA (Delaware Bay and Chesapeake Bay, including the Potomac River; 7–11 September 1986). The CS2 concentration varied extensively along the cruise track, from 4 to 510 pmol S(CS2) l−1 (n = 103). The average values in estuarine, shelf, and oceanic waters were found to be 118 ± 100 pmol S(CS2) l−1 (n = 54), 51 ± 34 pmol S(CS2) l−1 (n = 14), and 28 ± 12 pmol S(CS2) l−1 (n = 35), respectively. To help interpret the geochemical behavior of CS2, we analyzed the depth distribution of CS2 in the North Atlantic Ocean during an earlier cruise (23 April–2 May 1986). In most cases, these depth profiles show a near-surface maximum at about 10–20 m depth and a relatively steep gradient below this maximum. Based on the distribution pattern in the water column and evidence provided by earlier workers, we propose that diffusion of CS2 from bottom sediments may contribute to CS2 levels in surface seawater. The atmospheric concentration of CS2 was also investigated at some locations during the September cruise. Except during periods when there was a significant anthropogenic input, the concentration of CS2 in air was generally in the range of 4–15 pptv (parts per trillion by volume) with a mean of 10.4 ± 4.0 pptv (n = 10). The calculated sea-to-air emission rates of CS2 at each of our sampling stations show a decreasing trend across estuarine, shelf, and oceanic areas, in agreement with the trend in surface water concentrations.  相似文献   

The major obstacle to underwater acoustic communication is the interference of multi-path signals due to surface and bottom reflections. High speed acoustic transmission over a shallow water channel characterized by small grazing angles presents formidable difficulties. The reflection losses associated with such small angles are low, causing large amplitudes in multi-path signals. In this paper we propose a simple but effective model for multi-path interference, which is then used to assess the performance of a digital communication system operating in a shallow water channel. The results indicate that transmission rates in excess of 8 kbits/s are possible over a distance of 13 km and channel depth of only 20 meters. Such a system offers improved performance in applications such as data collection from underwater sensors  相似文献   

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