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Current crustal movement in Chinese mainland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The quantification of tectonic deformation in the Eastern and Central Asia is of great significance for the study on global plate motion and lithospheric dynamics. In the past four years, the velocity field of horizontal crustal movement for the Chinese mainland has been established for the first time thanks to the intensified GPS measure-ments and its improved accuracy. The velocity field derived from GPS measurements delineates the patterns of tectonic deformation in the Chinese mainland in the unprecedented detail, and thus reveals the new features of the ongoing tectonic process resulted from the collision of Indian plate to Eurasian plate. Meanwhile, the surface offset induced by two strong earthquakes occurred in Chinese mainland was sampled precisely using InSAR technique.  相似文献   

Introduction In the last 20 years, with observation technique development in space monitoring to Earth, a large progress has been made in monitoring crustal movement. This makes it possible for us to study crustal movement and the present geodynamic. Continuous GPS observation conducted in Chinese mainland and its neighboring region provides us for studying the present strain field of crustal micro-behavior tectonic. Crustal micro-behavior tectonic means that we can study the dif-ference bet…  相似文献   

由GPS观测结果推导中国大陆现今水平应变场   总被引:45,自引:4,他引:45       下载免费PDF全文
以中国大陆及周边近400个GPS测站的水平运动速率为基础,给出了现今地壳水平应变场结果表明:①中国大陆水平应变为西强东弱,剪应变数值大于正应变数值(绝对值),应变量级一般为10-8/a,局部区域达到10-7/a,但应变分布不均匀;②南北向应变最突出的部位为中国西南部西段的喜马拉雅条带、西北部的36N~42N段及柴达木断块的北缘;③东西向应变西边缘变化最大.此外,由西向东还具有正负交替的变化特征;④REN(东-北向剪切应变)与Rmax(最大剪切应变)数值较大的区域分别是喜马拉雅条带、西北部的36N~42N段、柴达木断块的西部、川滇菱形块体,以及阿拉善、祁连及塔里木断块的交界区;⑤青藏块体周边以面收缩为主,内部则以面膨胀为主.其以北的地区以面收缩为主.西界数值最大,东部数值最小(除燕山构造带外);⑥西部西区主压应变为南北向,主张应变为东西向.西部东缘区主压应变为近东西向,主张应变为近南北向.川滇菱形块体主应变的方向发生了很大的变化,北部地区为东西压南北张,南部地区则恰好相反;⑦中国大陆的应变模式可能是断块模式与连续模式的组合.此外,小尺度优势应变可能是剪切应变.造成上述结果除与印度板块的碰撞及边界耦合有关外,还与深部物质的活动及地壳介质的物性有密切的关系.必须指出,由于GPS测站在空间上分布的不均匀性,那么,由此而来的应变场,其应变尺度也不一样.  相似文献   

On the basis of the GPS data obtained from repeated measurements carried out in 2004 and 2007,the horizontal principal strain of the Chinese mainland is calculated,which shows that the direction of principal compressive strain axis of each subplate is basically consistent with the P-axis of focal mechanism solution and the principal compressive stress axis acquired by geological method.It indicates that the crustal tectonic stress field is relatively stable in regions in a long time.The principal compressive stress axes of Qinghai-Tibet and Xinjiang subplates in the western part of Chinese mainland direct to NS and NNE-SSW,which are controlled by the force from the col-lision of the Eurasia Plate and India Plate.The principal compressive strain axes of Heilongjiang and North China subplates in the eastern part direct to ENE-WSW,which shows that they are subject to the force from the collision and underthrust of the Eurasia Plate to the North America and Pacific plates.At the same time,they are also af-fected by the lateral force from Qinghai-Tibet and Xinjiang subplates.The principal compressive strain axis of South China plate is WNW-ESE,which reflects that it is affected by the force from the collision of Philippine Sea Plate and Eurasia Plate and it is also subject to the lateral force from Qinghai-Tibet subplate.It is apparent from the comparison between the principal compressive strain axes in the periods of 2004~2007 and 2001~2004 that the acting directions of principal compressive stress of subplates in both periods are basically consistent.However,there is certain difference between their directional concentrations of principal compressive stress axes.The sur-face strain rates of different tectonic units in both periods indicate that the events predominating by compressive variation decrease,while the events predominating by tensile change increase.  相似文献   

Recent crustal horizontal movement in the Chinese mainland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionSupportedbytheNationaIClimbingProject"RecentCrustalMovementandGeodynamicResearch",acrustalmovementmonitoringnetworkdistributedinChinesemainlandhasbeenmeasuredfortWotimesinl994andl996.Thenetconsistsof22stationsthatarelocatedonsev-eralmajortectonicblocksinChinesemainland.ExceptNanchongstationwhichwasdestroyedatsometimebetWeenl994and1996andre-settledinl996,alltheother2lstationswereoccupiedfortwotimes.BasedontheresuItSobtainedfromcarefulpre-processingofGPSobservations,therecent…  相似文献   

中国大陆及周边地区的水平应变场   总被引:47,自引:11,他引:47       下载免费PDF全文
推导并建立了块体的两种弹性运动方程:块体的整体旋转与均匀应变方程和块体的整体旋转与线性应变方程. 应用统计学原理,使用西域、青藏和华北块体上的GPS站速度数据,对这两种弹性运动方程与刚体运动方程模拟块体站速度的无偏性和有效性进行了统计检验. 检验结果表明,块体的整体旋转与线性应变方程是描述块体运动的最优模型. 将中国大陆划分为10个块体,应用块体的整体旋转与线性应变方程和块体上的GPS站速度估计了各个块体上的旋转与应变参数,按照1°×1°的间距计算了中国大陆及周边地区上1005个点的应变参数,分析了中国大陆及周边地区应变场的基本特征. 用本文方法得到的主压应变方向与地质学方法和测震学方法得到的主压应力轴方向具有很好的一致性(华南块体除外).  相似文献   

Crustal block rotations in Chinese mainland revealed by GPS measurements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We simulate GPS horizontal velocity field in terms of rotations of crustal blocks to describe deformation behavior of the Chinese mainland and its neighboring areas.31 crustal blocks are bounded primarily by~30 Quaternary faults with distinct geometries and variable long-term rates of<20 mm/a,and 1 683 GPS velocities were determined from decade-long observations mostly with an averaged uncertainty of 1?2 mm/a.We define GPS velocity at a site by the combination of motion of rigid block and elastic strain ind...  相似文献   

The Chinese mainland is regarded as the best area for studying the continental crustal movement and dynamics. In the past, based on the ground surface observation, it was very difficult to study the movement of the intraplate blocks within a range of larger space and a time scale of several years quantitatively. In this paper, a method of calculating the Euler vectors of present-time motion among blocks by using Cardan angles has been given completely based on two periods of GPS repetition measurement data of the National Ascending Plan of China (NAPC) — the study and application of current crustal movement and geodynamics in 1994 and 1996. A present-time blocks movement model on the Chinese mainland (PBMC-1), which describes the motion of seven blocks—Tibet, Chuan-Dian, Gan-Qing, Xinjiang, South China, North China and Heilongjiang block, is established preliminarily. The velocity field of the relative motion among the intraplate blocks and boundary motion in the Chinese mainland are firstly given within several years time scale. It is shown by the results calculated with the model that the velocity-rate of each block is reduced gradually from the south to north and from the west to east, and the motion direction changes gradually from NNE to E, even SEE or SE. The collision of Indian plate plays a leading role in the movement of the intraplate blocks in the Chinese mainland, while the motion manner and velocity-rate of block boundary zone (fracture zone) depend on the motion of every block again. The present-time motion of a time scale of several years computed with the model is not only largely consistent with the average motion of a time scale of several million years derived from geology, but also very coincident with the results of geophysical and astronomic observation. It is shown preliminarily that the observed results of space geodesy techniques such as GPS etc. are capable of discovering the crustal movement at present. This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), National Ascending Plan of China (NAPC) and Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (CJSSF).  相似文献   

Based on the geodetic data taken from the National GPS Network established by China Climbing Program "Investigation of Crust Motion and Geodynamics in Modern Time",we derived the movement velocities of the GPS sites. In terms of the power series expansion of a rotation function for horizontal velocities on a spherical surface proposed by Haines and Holt (1993), we computed the horizontal velocity and strain-rate field. We preliminarily studied the appearances and characteristics of the present-day crustal movement and deformation in the Chinese mainland with the computed results. The researches demonstrated: ① The present-day crustal movement and deformation in the Chinese mainland are being jointly controlled by Indian, Pacific and Philippines Ocean Plates and Siberia-Mongolia block, and these three large plates and block form a situation of tripartite confrontation, but Indian Plate seems to play a leading role; ② The North-South Earthquake Zone plays an important adjustment role in the present-day crustal movement and deformation process, displaying clear characteristics of demarcation line of tectonics in large areas; ③ There seems to be another adjustment zone along the latitude line approximate N35°, but its characteristics are less obvious than that of the former; ④ Dynamic actions of these three large plates and block on the Chinese mainland are dynamic stable; appearing in stable push-press velocities. These results are generally accorded with the results determined from geology, geophysics, and seismology. By the contrast with seismicities, it appears preliminarily that there is some corresponding relation between intense shear strain zone and future strong seismicity area, but this problem needs further examination of earthquake examples.  相似文献   

中国大陆地壳应力场与构造运动区域特征研究   总被引:25,自引:16,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
系统研究了1918~2006年间中国大陆及其周缘发生的3115个M4.6以上中、强地震的震源机制解,得到中国大陆地壳区域应力场的压应力轴和张应力轴空间分布的统计结果.探讨了大陆应力场的结构,以及周围板块运动对中国大陆应力场影响作用范围及其界线.结果表明,中国东部的华北地区受到太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲挤压的同时,又受到从贝加尔湖经过大华北直至琉球海沟的广阔范围内存在的方位为170°引张应力场的控制.华北地区大地震的震源机制解反映出,该区地震发生为NEE向挤压应力和NNW向张应力的共同作用结果.印度洋板块向欧亚板块的碰撞挤压运动所产生的强烈的挤压应力,控制了喜马拉雅、青藏高原、乃至延伸到天山及其以北的广大地区.在青藏高原周缘地区和中国西部的大范围内,压应力P轴水平分量位于20°~40°,形成了近北东方向的挤压应力场,大量逆断层型强震集中发生在青藏高原的南、北和西部周缘地区以及天山等地区. 本文结果表明,正断层型地震集中发生在青藏高原中部高海拔的地区.证明了青藏高原周缘区域发生南北向强烈挤压短缩的同时,中部高海拔地区存在着明显的近东西向的扩张运动.根据本文最新结果,得到了华北、华南块体之间地壳区域应力场的控制边界线,发现该分界线与大地构造、岩石圈板块构造图等有较大差异,特别是在大别及其以东地区, 该分界线向东南偏转,在沿海的温州附近转向东,最终穿过东海直至琉球海沟.台湾纵谷断层是菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块之间碰撞挤压边界,来自北西西向运动的菲律宾海板块构造应力控制了从台湾纵谷、华南块体,直到中国南北地震带南段东部地域的应力场. 地震震源机制结果还表明,南北地震带南段西侧其P轴大约为NNE方向,与青藏高原的P轴方位一致.南北地震带南段东侧其P轴大约为NWW方向,与华南块体的P轴方位一致.因此,将中〖JP2〗国大陆分成东、西两部分的南北地震带南段是印度洋板块与菲律宾海板块在中国大陆内部影响控制范围的分界线.  相似文献   

中国大陆现今应变场动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2004年和2007年GPS复测资料,计算出中国大陆的水平主应变数据,显示出各亚板块的主压应变轴方向与震源机制解的P轴和用地质方法得到的主压应力轴基本一致,表明在区域上和长时期中,地壳的构造应力场是相对稳定的.中国大陆西部的青藏亚板块和新疆亚板块的主压应力轴,为南北向及北北东-南南西向,受欧亚板块和印度板块相互碰撞而产生的作用力的控制;东部的黑龙江亚板块和华北亚板块的主压应变轴,为北东东-南西西向,显示出受欧亚板块与北美板块、太平洋板块碰撞俯冲产生的作用力影响,同时也受青藏亚板块和新疆亚板块侧向作用力的影响;华南亚板块的主压应变轴,为北西西-南东东向,反映出受菲律滨海板块与欧亚板块碰撞产生的作用力影响,同时也受青藏亚板块侧向作用力的影响.通过比较2004-2007年与2001-2004年的主压应变轴方向,反映出两个时间段各亚板块的主压应力作用方向基本一致,只是主应力轴方向集中程度有一定差别.前后两个时间段不同单元的面应变率显示,压性变化为主的数量减少,张性变化为主的数量有所增多.  相似文献   

20世纪中国地区主磁场变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
冯彦  孙涵  蒋勇  毛飞 《地震学报》2013,35(6):865-875
为了研究2 0世纪中国地区主磁场变化, 首先使用最新的全球模型IGRF11, CALS3K. 4 (3K. 4) 和GUFM1进行计算, 并分析了1900—1990年的主磁场年变率均值的变化; 然后基于1960—2000年以10年为间隔的实测数据, 结合全球模型CM4与区域模型泰勒(Taylor)多项式(TY)模型分析了中国地区主磁场的年变率分布及年变率均值, 并与上述几种全球模型进行了比较. 结果显示: 20世纪利用IGRF11, GALS3K.4和GUFM1模型得到的主磁场的年变率均值均很接近. 它们所绘制的1960—2000年中国地区的主磁场年变率分布类似. 其原因主要是由于它们的建模原理相同且截断阶数接近所致. 基于实测点绘制的年变率分布与全球模型基本一致, X分量的年变率逐年减少, Y、 Z、 F分量的年变率均呈现先减小后增大的趋势.但两者也存在一定差异, 主要原因是由于更高密度的实测点及使用区域模型所致. 结果还显示了基于实测值绘制的年变率均值变化与CM4较为接近. 作者认为 CM4模型可以较好地反映中国地区主磁场的变化.  相似文献   

Introduction To correctly understand the tectonic deformation of continental lithosphere, its dynamical mechanics and seismic activity, we should firstly acquire the velocity field and strain field of lithospheric tectonic motion with fine resolution and consistent accuracy (Molnar and Lyon-Caen, 1989; Molnar, 1990). And the quality, distribution and density of observed data are the basis for studying crustal tectonic deformation. In the past, crustal deformation is usually determined indi-r…  相似文献   

1 Introduction of GPS observation dataThe Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) is a major scientific project in China organized by China Seismological Bureau and paticipated by the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of the General Staff, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. Based on the observation data of 25 fiducial stations and 56 basic stations in CMONOC (Figure 1 and Table 1), collected from August 26 to September…  相似文献   

Based on GPS data from 1991- 2004 and the least-squares collocation method,we analyze the crustal deformation in the Chinese mainland. The results show that the first-order crustal deformation is unchanged in different periods in the Chinese mainland,which reflects the background of regional tectonic activity. The strain rate is much higher in Western China,especially in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Sichuan-Yunnan area. The variations in different periods are related with seismicity of strong earthquakes during the same time. The GPS data after 2004 shows the post-seismic deformation of the 2001 Kunlun Mountains M S8. 1 earthquake.  相似文献   

IntroductionChinesemainlandliesinthesoutheastofEurasianPlateandisclampedbyindian,PacificandPhilippineSeaPlates.Besides,itislocatedatbetweenthetwobigseismicactivebeltsintheworldatthesametime.Differingfromtheshowoftwobigseismicbeltswhichhaveseismiczonaldistributionalongplateboundary,Chinesemainlandanditsperipheralareahaveapeculiarcharacter,expressingseismicallylargestrength,highfrequency,widedistribution,shallowfocus,seriousdamage,multiplestyles,extremelynonuniformspace-timedistributionandsoo…  相似文献   

针对2015年4月25日尼泊尔Mw7.8地震的孕震特征,本文首先对覆盖尼泊尔及周边地区的5套GPS水平速度场结果进行了融合,得到了近似统一参考框架下的速度场结果;在此基础上通过对此次地震震源区及周边地区的速度场、应变率场、基线时间序列分析,识别了震前变形特征.GPS应变率场结果显示,喜马拉雅主边界断裂存在大范围挤压应变积累,震源区处于近南北向应变积累高值过渡区.跨喜马拉雅构造带的GPS基线时间序列结果表现为持续缩短现象,表明印度板块与欧亚板块之间的持续挤压变形特征,2012年以来的缩短增强现象反映了印度板块对青藏块体的推挤增强作用明显.距离震中较近的西藏南部GPS同震位移结果以南向运动为主且指向震中,反映了青藏高原存在逆冲应变释放现象.综合此次尼泊尔地震前变形和同震应变释放特征,认为此次地震的孕震区域和同震应变释放区域均较大,将会对青藏高原的地壳变形与强震孕育产生深远影响.  相似文献   

The numerical dynamic model of Chinese mainland lithosphere's stress and strain field was constructed with elasto-viscous creep constitutive relation. The most recent data of the stress field of Chinese mainland and the horizontal movement velocity of the crust blocks were used as constraint conditions. The values of the boundary force were computed by trial-and-error method. The effect of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau's excess potential energy to the movement of Chinese mainland was studied also in this model. The results of the numerical computing show that, recent rapid raising of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the generation of normal faults in the southern part of the plateau resulted from the convergence of Indian Plate to the Eurasian Plate, and also from the rapid convective thinning of the lower lithosphere. Horizontal extension of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is the main dynamic factor to form the present tectonic framework of the Chinese mainland. The compressive loads on the eastern boundary of the model were mainly applied by the subduction of the Pacific Plate. The compression from the Philippine Plate maybe slight.  相似文献   

中国大陆6级以上强震前的地震应变场研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



IdentifyingtheactiveandinactiveperiodofearthquakesinChinesemainlandisofgreatimportanceforguid-ingmid-shortterm,especiallyshortterm,earthquakeforecast.Thisisanindispensablestepforstudyingearth-quakepredictioninourcountry.Nowanintegratedsetofconceptsandmethodsforgeneraltrendpredictionofearthquakeactivityhasbeendeveloped.BasedontheChineseearthquakedatasincethebeginningofthe20thcentury,somestatisticalmethodshavebeendevelopedtoanalyzeoccurrencefrequencyandenergyreleaseofearthquakes,distinguishacti…  相似文献   

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