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The spatialization of population of counties in China is significant.Fistly,we can gain the estimated val-ues of population density adaptive to different kinds of regions.Secondly,we can integrate effectively population data with other data including natural resources,environment,society and economy,build 1km GRIDs of natural resources re-serves per person,population density and other economic and environmental data,which are necessary to the national manage-ment and macro adjustment and control of natural resources and dynamic monitoring of population.In order to establish population information system serving national decision-making,three steps ought to be followed:1)establishing complete geographical spatial data foundation infrastructure including the establishment of electric map of residence with high resolu-tion using topographical map with large scale and high resolution satellite remote sensing data,the determination of at-tribute information of housing and office buildings,and creating complete set of attribute database and rapid data update-ing;2) establishing complete census systems including improving the transformation efficiency from census data to digital database and strengthening the link of census database and geographical spatial database,meanwhile,the government should attach great importance to the establishment and integration o population migration database;3)considering there is no GIS software specially seving the analysis and management of population data,a practical approach is to add spe-cial modules to present software system,which works as a bring actualizing the digitization and spatialization of popula-tion geography research.  相似文献   

自动散点控制回归技术在遥感数据辐射归一化中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以厦门幅TM遥感影像为例, 在分析各种遥感数据相对辐射归一化方法存在的不足基础上, 介绍自动散点控制回归 (ASCR)新技术的具体算法。对运算结果做了分析比较, 并对其提出改进意见.  相似文献   

Digital elevation model(DEM) is the most popular product for three-dimensional(3D) digital representation of bare Earth surface and can be produced by many techniques with different characteristics and ground sampling distances(GSD). Space-borne optical and synthetic aperture radar(SAR) imaging are two of the most preferred and modern techniques for DEM generation. Using them, global DEMs that cover almost entire Earth are produced with low cost and time saving processing. In this study, we aimed to assess the Satellite pour l'observation de la Terre-5(SPOT-5), High Resolution Stereoscopic(HRS), the Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer(ASTER), and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) C-band global DEMs, produced with space-borne optical and SAR imaging. For the assessment, a reference DEM derived from 1∶1000 scaled digital photogrammetric maps was used. The study is performed in 100 km2 study area in Istanbul including various land classes such as open land, forest, built-up land, scrub and rough terrain obtained from Landsat data. The analyses were realized considering three vertical accuracy types as fundamental, supplemental, and consolidated, defined by national digital elevation program(NDEP) of USA. The results showed that, vertical accuracy of SRTM C-band DEM is better than optical models in all three accuracy types despite having the largest grid spacing. The result of SPOT-5 HRS DEM is very close by SRTM and superior in comparison with ASTER models.  相似文献   

Review of studies on land use and land cover change in Nepal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land use and land cover(LULC) in Nepal has undergone constant change over the past few decades due to major changes caused by anthropogenic and natural factors and their impacts on the national and regional environment and climate.This comprehensive review of past and present studies of land use and land cover change(LUCC) in Nepal concentrates on cropland, grassland, forest, snow/glacier cover and urban areas. While most small area studies have gathered data from different sources and research over a short period, across large areas most historical studies have been based on aerial photographs such as the Land Resource Mapping Project in 1986. The recent trend in studies in Nepal is to focus on new concepts and techniques to analyze LULC status on the basis of satellite imagery, with the help of geographic information system and remote sensing tools. Studies based on historical documents, and historical and recent spatial data on LULC, have clearly shown an increase in cropland areas in Nepal,and present results indicating different rates and magnitudes. A decrease in forest and snow/glacier coverage is reported in most studies. Little information is available on grassland and urban areas from past research. The unprecedented rate of urbanization in Nepal has led to significant urban land changes over the past 30 years. Meanwhile, long term historical LUCC research in Nepal is required for extensive work on spatially explicit reconstructions on the basis of historical and primary data collection, including LULC archives and drivers for future change.  相似文献   

A new land cover classification system was established for the Three Gorges Reservoir Region (TGRR) after considering the continuity of inundation and the natural characteristics of land cover. The potential evapotranspiration (PET) was predicted using a modified Penman-Monteith (P-M) model. The region’s ratio of precipitation to evapotranspiration was calculated as the humidity index (HI). The data obtained was used to analyze climatic responses to land cover conversions from the perspectives of evapotranspiration and humidity variations. The results show that, from 1997 to 2009, the average annual PET increased in the early years and decreased later. In terms of overall spatial distribution, a significant reciprocal relationship appeared between annual PET and annual HI. In 1997, the annual PET was higher in the lower reaches than in the upper reaches of the TGRR, but the areas with high PET shifted substantially westward by 2003. The annual PET continued to increase in 2006, but the areas with high PET shrank by 2009. In contrast, the annual HI showed varying degrees of localized spatial variability. Over the three periods, the dominant forms of land cover conversions occurred from evergreen cover to seasonal green cover, from seasonal green cover to evergreen cover, and from seasonal green cover to seasonally inundated areas, respectively. These accounted for 48.0%, 38.4%, and 23.8% of the total areas of converted land covers in the three periods, respectively. During the period between 1997 and 2003, the main forms of land cover conversions resulted in both positive and negative growths in the average annual PET, while all of them pushed down the average annual HI. From 2003 to 2006, the reservoir region experienced neither a decrease in the annual PET nor an increase in the annual HI. The period between 2006 and 2009 saw a consistent downward trend in the annual PET and a consistent upward trend in the annual HI.  相似文献   

This study uses DEM(Digital Elevation Model) data and remote sensing maps of the study area in 1993, 1999, and 2009 to analyze the slope gradient change of land use patterns in Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou province, China. The land use data were classified into five types, forest, farmland, grassland, water and built-up, the slope gradients were divided into four grades. Indices for analyzing land use features were defined by their proportions, transformation matrixes, land use degree and changes.The results showed that all land use types can be found at every gradient. Generally, with the slope degree increased, the area of forest being augmented as well, while the area of the other land use types(farmland, grassland and build-up) declined. Moreover, a mass of farmland were shifted from other land use types from 0° to 25°, while a quantity of forest were transformed from the other land use types on 25° from 1993 to 2009. In terms of land use degree and changes, the area of farmland and buildup land use types decreased when slope degree increased. Finally, we calculated the five landscape pattern metrics: Patch Density(PD) value, Largest Patch Index(LPI), Shannon's Diversity Index(SHDI), Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index(AWMSI) and Contagion Index(CONTAG). The results of metricsanalysis showed that PD values, SHDI values and CONTA values had a similar variation trend, that is, they decreased when slope degree increased. There was no obvious variation trend on LPI value.  相似文献   

GC-GIS system is a geochemical data processing system based on fractal theory. The system realized quantity statistics function by calling Surfer and MapInfo software, and it is compiled with Visual Ba...  相似文献   

Changes in glacial lakes and the consequences of these changes, particularly on the development of water resources and management of glacial lake outburst flood(GLOF) risk, has become one of the challenges in the sustainable development of high mountain areas in the context of global warming. This paper presents the findings of a study on the distribution of, and area changes in, glacial lakes in the Koshi basin in the central Himalayas.Data on the number of glacial lakes and their area was generated for the years 1977, 1990, 2000, and 2010 using Landsat satellite images. According to the glacial lake inventory in 2010, there were a total of 2168 glacial lakes with a total area of 127.61 km~2 and average size of 0.06 km~2 in the Koshi basin. Of these,47% were moraine dammed lakes, 34.8% bedrock dammed lakes and 17.7% ice dammed lakes. The number of glacial lakes increased consistently over the study period from 1160 in 1977 to 2168 in 2010, an overall growth rate of 86.9%. The area of glacial lakes also increased from 94.44 km~2 in 1977 to 127.61 km~2 in 2010, a growth rate of 35.1%. A large number of glacial lakes in the inventory are small in size(≤ 0.1km~2). End moraine dammed lakes with area greater than 0.1 km~2 were selected to analyze the change characteristics of glacial lakes in the basin. The results show that, in 2010, there were 129 lakes greater than 0.1 km~2 in area; these lakes had a total area of 42.92km~2 in 1997, increasing to 63.28 km~2 in 2010. The distribution of lakes on the north side of the Himalayas(in China) was three times higher than on the south side of the Himalayas(in Nepal).Comparing the mean growth rate in area for the 33 year study period(1977-2010), the growth rate on the north side was found to be a little slower than that on the south side. A total of 42 glacial lakes with an area greater than 0.2 km~2 are rapidly growing between 1977 and 2010 in the Koshi basin, which need to be paid more attention to monitoring in the future and to identify how critical they are in terms of GLOF.  相似文献   

Soil nitrogen(N) is critical to ecosystem services and environmental quality. Hotspots of soil N in areas with high soil moisture have been widely studied, however, their spatial distribution and their linkage with soil N variation have seldom been examined at a catchment scale in areas with low soil water content. We investigated the spatial variation of soil N and its hotspots in a mixed land cover catchment on the Chinese Loess Plateau and used multiple statistical methods to evaluate the effects of the critical environmental factors on soil N variation and potential hotspots. The results demonstrated that land cover, soil moisture, elevation, plan curvature and flow accumulation were the dominant factors affecting the spatial variation of soil nitrate(NN), while land cover and slope aspect were the most important factors impacting the spatial distribution of soil ammonium(AN) and total nitrogen(TN). In the studied catchment, the forestland, gully land and grassland were found to be the potential hotspots of soil NN, AN and TN accumulation, respectively. We concluded that land cover and slope aspect could be proxies to determine the potential hotspots of soil N at the catchment scale. Overall, land cover was the most important factor that resulted in the spatial variations of soil N. The findings may help us to better understand the environmental factors affecting soil N hotspots and their spatial variation at the catchment scale in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of space technology, earth observation technology and sky observatory technolo-gy, they have played a more and more important part in monitoring and predicting of earthquakes and volcanoes in the terres-trial land. In recent years, the related agencies have done the experiments and researches on monitoring and predicting ofearthquakes and volcanoes in the forewarning period by means of many approaches, such as satellite thermal infrared re-mote sensing (TIRS), Global Positioning System (GPS), differential interferometric synthesis aperture radar (D-INSAR),astronomical time-latitude residual anomaly, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), etc. A quite large number of re-search foundation has been built in the fundamental theories and application methods. The experiments and researcheshave shown that these technology is efficient methods for high frequency crust movement. If the existed separate scientificforces and results are possibly assembled together to form a more complete integration monitoring system with the combina-tion of space, sky observation, ground, deep geology and macro anomaly, it will come into a new stage of monitoring andpredicting of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

Water vapor in the earth′s upper atmosphere plays a crucial role in the radiative balance, hydrological process, and climate change. Based on the latest moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) data, this study probes the spatio-temporal variations of global water vapor content in the past decade. It is found that overall the global water vapor content declined from 2003 to 2012(slope b = –0.0149, R = 0.893, P = 0.0005). The decreasing trend over the ocean surface(b = –0.0170, R = 0.908, P = 0.0003) is more explicit than that over terrestrial surface(b = –0.0100, R = 0.782, P = 0.0070), more significant over the Northern Hemisphere(b = –0.0175, R = 0.923, P = 0.0001) than that over the Southern Hemisphere(b = –0.0123, R = 0.826, P = 0.0030). In addition, the analytical results indicate that water vapor content are decreasing obviously between latitude of 36°N and 36°S(b = 0.0224, R = 0.892, P = 0.0005), especially between latitude of 0°N and 36°N(b = 0.0263, R = 0.931, P = 0.0001), while the water vapor concentrations are increasing slightly in the Arctic regions(b = 0.0028, R = 0.612, P = 0.0590). The decreasing and spatial variation of water vapor content regulates the effects of carbon dioxide which is the main reason of the trend in global surface temperatures becoming nearly flat since the late 1990 s. The spatio-temporal variations of water vapor content also affect the growth and spatial distribution of global vegetation which also regulates the global surface temperature change, and the climate change is mainly caused by the earth's orbit position in the solar and galaxy system. A big data model based on gravitational-magmatic change with the solar or the galactic system is proposed to be built for analyzing how the earth's orbit position in the solar and galaxy system affects spatio-temporal variations of global water vapor content, vegetation and temperature at large spatio-temporal scale. This comprehensive examination of water vapor changes promises a holistic understanding of the global climate change and potential underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

针对含油气泥页岩有机非均质性强的特点,以松辽盆地南部小城子地区青山口组为例,提出利用井震联合反演方法预测有机碳质量分数的空间分布.该方法首先基于改进的Δlg R模型确定井剖面上有机碳质量分数的变化,分析有机碳质量分数与纵波阻抗的相关性;然后根据测井评价和稀疏脉冲约束波阻抗反演数据分别求取垂向和水平变差函数;最后利用井震联合反演得到高分辨率有机碳质量分数数据体.结果表明,该方法可以有效预测青山口组有机碳质量分数空间分布,后验井检验反演结果与测井评价有机碳质量分数符合率达82.7%;参照页岩油资源分级评价标准,研究区青山口组页岩油主要富集于青一段,区域上分布在西部和城10井区.该方法为少井或勘探初期地区泥页岩有机碳质量分数的空间分布预测提供新思路,对页岩油勘探开发具有指导意义.  相似文献   

Land use and land cover(LULC) changes and their impact on the mountain environment were studied in six catchments(~10 km~2 each) in the Polish Western Carpathians from the mid-19~(th) century to the early 21~(st) century. The analysis of cadastral and orthophoto maps indicates that during the investigated period, the forest area increased, quantified by an annual change index(Annch), between +0.12% to +0.27%, with a decrease of arable land index to –0.45% and –2.28% in the analysed catchments. LULC changes were accompanied by a continuous increase in settlement developments(residential and farming houses) by 50%-140% as well as significant changes related to their spatial distribution. Abandonment of arable land and forest succession have resulted in the geomorphological transformation of hillslopes, which predominantly includes a decrease in used road density, their transformation to road cuts and gorges. Overpopulation and the domination agriculture in the past caused the expansion of unpaved roads density and then the fragmentation of hillslopes, as well as the development of agricultural terraces.  相似文献   

Obtaining the spatial distribution of snow cover in mountainous areas using the optical image of remote sensing technology is difficult because of cloud and fog. In this study, the object-based principle component analysis–support vector machine(PCA–SVM) method is proposed for snow cover mapping through the integration of moderateresolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) snow cover products and the Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar(SAR) scattering characteristics. First, derived from the Sentinel-1 A SAR images, the feature parameters, including VV/VH backscatter, scattering entropy, and scattering alpha, were used to describe the variations of snow and non-snow covers. Second, the optimum feature combinations of snow cover were formed from the feature parameters using the principle component analysis(PCA) algorithm. Finally, using the optimum feature combinations, a snow cover map with a 20 m spatial resolution was extracted by means of an object-based SVM classifier. This method was applied in the study area of the Xinyuan County, which is located in the western part of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, China. The accuracies in this method were analyzed according to the data observed at different experimental sites. Results showed that the snow cover pixels of the extraction were less than those in the actual situation(FB1=93.86, FB2=59.78). The evaluation of the threat score(TS), probability of detection(POD), and false alarm ratio(FAR) for the snow-covered pixels obtained from the two-stage SAR images were different(TS1=86.84, POD1=90.10, FAR1=4.01;TS2=56.40, POD2=57.62, FAR2=3.62). False and misclassifications of the snow cover and non-snow cover pixels were found. Although the classifications were not highly accurate, the approach showed potential for integrating different sources to retrieve the spatial distribution of snow covers during a stable period.  相似文献   

研究采用锡林郭勒盟东部3旗、市(东乌珠穆沁旗、西乌珠穆沁旗以及锡林浩特市)1975年MSS数据、1990,2000\2005年的Landsat TM数据,以及2009年的HJ-1等遥感影像,在分析研究区陆地植被覆盖与变化特点的基础上,建立了研究区草地变化遥感解译的分类系统,构建了锡林郭勒盟东部地区5期草地现状、4期草地...  相似文献   

在深入分析区域水资源可持续利用评价系统的基础上,建立了区域水资源可持续利用能力评价指标体系,并将基于禁忌搜索优化的投影寻踪技术(TSPP)应用于水资源可持续利用评价。通过对淮河片区水资源可持续利用能力的初步研究,表明了此模型能完整而系统地反映区域水资源可持续利用能力,并且直观、简便,在各种实际系统评价中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

一种适合于科学数据的聚类算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聚类是科学数据挖掘中的核心问题.在已提出的聚类算法中大都是基于"距离"的概念,这类算法的缺点在于处理数据量大和维数高的科学数据时不够有效,因此提出迭代网格算法.这个算法与基于距离的损法有根本不同,它抛弃了距离的概念,而采取一种新的思路.它不仅能够自动发现包含有趣知识的子空间,并将里面存在的所有聚类挖掘出来;而且它能很好的处理维数高和数据量大的科学数据.  相似文献   

The relation between runoff and sediment and land cover is investigated in the Cedar Creek Watershed (CCW), located in Northeastern Indiana, United States. The major land cover types in this watershed are cultivated land, woodland and pasture /Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which account for approximate 90 % of the total area in the region. Moreover, land use was changed tremendously from aooo to 9004, even without regarding the effect of the crop rotation system (corn & soybean). At least 49 % of land cover types were changed into other types in this period. The land cover types, ranking by changing area from high to low series, are rye, soybean, corn, woodland and pasture/CRP. The CCW is divided into 21 subwatersheds, and soil and water loss in each sub-watershed is computed by using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). The results indicate that the variations in runoff and sediment have positive relation to the area of crops (especially corn and soybean); sediment is more sensitive to land cover changes than runoff; more heavy rainfall does not always mean more runoff because the combination of different land cover types always modify runoff coefficient; and rye, soybean and corn are the key land cover types, which affected the variation in runoff and sediment in the CCW.  相似文献   

The development of precision agriculture demands high accuracy and efficiency of cultivated land information extraction. As a new means of monitoring the ground in recent years, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) low-height remote sensing technique, which is flexible, efficient with low cost and with high resolution, is widely applied to investing various resources. Based on this, a novel extraction method for cultivated land information based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning (DTCLE) was proposed. First, linear features (roads and ridges etc.) were excluded based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN). Next, feature extraction method learned from DCNN was used to cultivated land information extraction by introducing transfer learning mechanism. Last, cultivated land information extraction results were completed by the DTCLE and eCognition for cultivated land information extraction (ECLE). The location of the Pengzhou County and Guanghan County, Sichuan Province were selected for the experimental purpose. The experimental results showed that the overall precision for the experimental image 1, 2 and 3 (of extracting cultivated land) with the DTCLE method was 91.7%, 88.1% and 88.2% respectively, and the overall precision of ECLE is 90.7%, 90.5% and 87.0%, respectively. Accuracy of DTCLE was equivalent to that of ECLE, and also outperformed ECLE in terms of integrity and continuity.  相似文献   

为对混沌信号进行降噪,提出基于变分模态分解(VMD)的混合去噪(VMD-SG-WT)方法,首先基于各分量间的最小巴氏距离确定VMD分解模态参数,通过VMD将混沌信号分解成多个本征模态函数(IMFs);然后分别计算各个IMF分量与原始信号间的相关因数,根据相关关系指标确定IMF分量的含噪程度,对有效成分主导的信息分量重构进行Savitzky-Golay平滑滤波,对噪声主导的噪声分量重构进行小波降噪处理;最后利用平滑的信息分量与小波去噪的噪声分量进行重构,得到最终去噪的信号。采用VMD-SG-WT去噪法对Lorenz系统产生的仿真信号和实测的太阳黑子数序列进行降噪处理,并与局部投影去噪法、小波去噪法、经验模态分解(EMD)去噪法和单一VMD去噪法进行对比。结果表明:VMD-SG-WT去噪法能够有效对混沌信号进行降噪,去噪效果相对优于其他去噪方法的去噪效果。  相似文献   

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