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The interest in the study of the Algol binary system Y Leonis is justified not only by its light curve having a very deep primary minimum, and pulsating character of its primary component, but also by the complex behavior of its OC curve which is featured by the presence of long and short time scale modulations. Taking into account the previously inferred K spectral type of the secondary component, one may expect that one of the involved periodicities could be related to magnetic cycles of this star. We gave the Wilson-Devinney solution of the eclipse light curve using our observational data obtained during 2009. The long- and short-term photometric variability of Y Leo is approached both through literature data and new CCD data. Even though these data are scarce, they revealed significant variability in the maximum and minimum brightness of this binary system at long time-scale. The nature of the rapid photometric variations during the deepest phase of primary minima can hardly be explained only by weak δ Scuti pulsations of the primary component which is still visible in partial eclipses.  相似文献   

用Kalimeris等人提出的分析周期新方法对RSCVn型双星系统ARLac的OC曲线进行分析,结果表明这颗食双星的轨道周期在长期减小的同时也含有周期为47年、振幅为1.56×10-5天的周期性变化.对引起轨道周期变化(非周期性变化和周期性变化)的各种物理机制进行了分析研究,并求出了它们的关键性物理参量.研究表明该系统轨道周期的变化可能是由于次子星周期性的磁场活动和由磁滞引起的角动量损失引起  相似文献   

Several new precise times of minima, based on CCD observations, have been secured for the relatively seldom studied eclipsing binary V865 Cyg (P=0d.365 days). Its OC diagram was analysed and new light elements are given. We showed that there is probably no parabolic period increase in V865 Cyg. Instead, a single abrupt period increase can be distinguished in the OC diagram.  相似文献   

收集了近相接双星BF Vir的光极小时刻,并对其轨道周期进行分析。结果表明该星的轨道周期在长期减小的财时也含有30年的周期性变化,对引起轨道周期变化的各种物理机制的分析研究表明:一个质量为0.281M⊙、绕公共质心的轨道半径为10.2UA的第3天体的存在能对轨道周期的周期性变化成份作出解释,如果轨道周期的周期性变化成份是由于次子星的周期性磁活动引起,那么系统总光度就应该有振幅0.097L⊙的周期性  相似文献   

Highly accurate W BV R photometric measurements of the eclipsing binary HP Aur were performed in 2002–2003 with the 48-cm AZT-14 reflector at the Tien-Shan High-Altitude Observatory to determine the rate of apsidal motion. A consistent system of physical and geometrical parameters of the components and the binary as a whole has been constructed for the first time by analyzing these new measurements together with other published data: we determined their radii (R1 = 1.05R, R2 = 0.82R) and luminosities (L1 = 1.10L, L2 = 0.46L), spectral types (G2V + G8V) and surface gravities (log g1 = 4.38, log g2 = 4.51), age (t = 9.5 × 109 yr), and the distance to the binary (d = 197 pc). We detected an ultraviolet excess in the spectra of both components, \(\Delta (W - B) \simeq - 0\mathop .\limits^m 25\), that is probably attributable to a metal deficiency in the atmospheres of these stars. In this system of two solar-type stars, we found a third body with the mass M3 sin i 3 3 = 0.17M that revolved with the period P3 = 13.7 yr around the eclipsing binary in a highly eccentric elliptical orbit: e3 = 0.70 and A3 sin i3 ? 7 AU. The orbit of the eclipsing binary itself was shown to be also elliptical, but with a low eccentricity (e = 0.0025(5)), while apsidal motion with a period Uobs > 80 yr was observed at a theoretically expected period Uth ≈ 92 yr. At least 20 to 30 more years of photoelectric measurements of this star will be required to reliably determine Uobs.  相似文献   

We obtained a photoelectric light curve (686 points) of AX Vir in yellow light and one principal minimum time and two secondary minimum times. A photometric orbit (the first one published, to our knowledge) is derived using the Russell-Merrill model.  相似文献   

长周期变星的演化和振动一直是引人入胜的课题。这不仅仅是因为在它们的变化过程中有丰富的物理内容 ,更重要的是可以用它们来做河外星系距离的定标者。在本文中详细的计算了在z=0 .0 0 0 5,z=0 .0 0 1 ,z=0 .0 0 5,z =0 .0 1和z=0 .0 2这样一个大的金属丰度跨度下 ,质量为 1 5M⊙ ,2 0M⊙ 和 3 0M⊙ 恒星的演化和振动。在计算中采用了最新的不透明度 ,考虑了星风损失对大质量星的影响 ,对于每一个模型都从零年龄主序演化到了中心氦燃烧结束。在文中仔细研讨了混合长参数以及中心对流核的对流超射对演化模型的影响 ,同时在中心氦燃烧阶段蓝超巨星和红超巨星的比值被用来限定模型的参数 (尤其是混合长和对流超射 )。尽管在文中并没有得到和观测一致的结论 ,即随着金属丰度的增加B/R增加。但是 ,通过在低金属丰度区采用对流超射 ,而在高金属丰度区放弃对流超射这一方法得到了与观测更相符合的比值。在新的演化模型的基础上 ,对于大质量星的振动进行了详细的计算。各项振动的性质用来和LMC ,M3 3以及MW中的RSGs做比较。对于LMC和M3 3中长周期变星 ,理论的周光关系和观测在基频振动模式下很好的符合 ;而对于MW中长周期变星 ,它们更可能在一阶模式下振动。最终 ,得到了金属丰度和周光关系的之间的联系 ,即随  相似文献   

A brief review of the physical mechanisms that could produce the observed orbital period changes in close binaries, the methods used to study them, and a general discussion is given.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the plane motion of a star in the gravitational field of a system which is in a steady state and rotates with a constant angular velocity. For these systems a class of potentials permitting a local integral, linear with respect to the velocity components, has been found. The concept of the local integral itself was introduced by one of the authors of the present paper (Antonov, 1981). A detailed model has been constructed. The corresponding domain of the particle motion and the form of the trajectory coils have been determined. The result is compared with the motion in a more realistic potential.  相似文献   

New photometry for the eclipsing binary BE Cephei was performed from 2008 to 2011. The light-curve synthesis indicates that it is a marginal-contact binary with a mass ratio of q = 2.340(±0.009) and a degree of contact of f = 6.9%(±2.3%). From the O − C curve, it is discovered that the orbital period changes show a sinusoidal curve superimposed on a downward parabola. The period and semi-amplitude of the cyclic variation are Pmod = 59.26(±0.52) yr and A = 0.d0067(±0.d0010), which may be possibly attributed to light-time effect via the presence of an unseen third body. The long-term period decreases at a rate of dP/dt = −4.84(±0.31) × 10−8 d yr−1, which may result from mass transfer from the more massive component to the less massive one, accompanied by angular momentum loss. With the period decreasing, the degree of contact will increase. Finally, the marginal-contact binary BE Cep may be evolving into a deep-contact configuration.  相似文献   

Solutions of the new standard V‐light curves for the EA type binary UV Leo are obtained using the PHOEBE code (0.31a version). Absolute parameters of the stellar components were then determined, enabling them to be positioned on the absolute magnitude‐color (l.e. MV vs. BV) isochrones diagram, based on which the age of the system is estimated to be >4×109 yr. Also times of minima data (“OC curve”) have been analyzed. Apart from an almost sinusoidal variation with a period of 29.63 yr, which modulates the orbital period, and was attributed to a third body orbiting around the system, other cyclic variation in the orbital period and also brightness, with time scales of 24.25 and 22.77 yr were found, respectively. We associate this with a magnetic activity cycle newly reported here for UV Leo (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Star formation is a fundamental process that dominates the life-cycle of various matters in galaxies: Stars are formed in molecular clouds, and the formed stars often affect the surrounding materials strongly via their UV photons, stellar winds, and supernova explosions. It is therefore revealing the distribution and properties of molecular gas in a galaxy is crucial to investigate the star formation history and galaxy evolution. Recent progress in developing millimeter and sub-millimeter wave receiver systems has enabled us to rapidly increase our knowledge on molecular clouds. In this proceedings, the recent results from the surveys of the molecular clouds in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds as well as the Galactic center as the most active regions in the Milky Way are presented. The high sensitivity with unrivaled high resolution of ALMA will play a key role in detecting denser gas that is tightly connected to star formation.  相似文献   

UBV photometric observations of the active binary star CG Cygnus have been presented and analyzed to obtain absolute parameters of both components. Updated O-C diagram analysis by Kalimeris method yielded the values of 1.55× 10-6 day and 1.4×10-7day as the amplitudes of orbital period modulation, and Pmod1∼ 52.3 yr and Pmod2 ∼ 15.9 yr as the modulation periodicities. Finally, the consequences of period changes have been discussed on the basis of Applegate mechanism.  相似文献   

We present photometric analysis of deep mid-infrared (mid-IR) observations obtained by Spitzer /IRAC covering the fields Q1422+2309, Q2233+1341, DSF2237a,b, HDFN, SSA22a,b and B20902+34, giving the number counts and the depths for each field. In a sample of 751 Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) lying in those fields, 443, 448, 137 and 152 are identified at 3.6-, 4.5-, 5.8-, 8.0-μm IRAC bands, respectively, expanding their spectral energy distribution to rest-near-IR and revealing that LBGs display a variety of colours. Their rest-near-IR properties are rather inhomogeneous, ranging from those that are bright in IRAC bands and exhibit  [ R ]−[3.6] > 1.5  colours to those that are faint or not detected at all in IRAC bands with  [ R ]−[3.6] < 1.5  colours and these two groups of LBGs are investigated. We compare the mid-IR colours of the LBGs with the colours of star-forming galaxies and we find that LBGs have colours consistent with star-forming galaxies at   z ∼ 3  . The properties of the LBGs detected in the 8-μm IRAC band (rest-frame K band) are examined separately, showing that they exhibit redder  [ R ]−[3.6]  colours than the rest of the population and that although in general, a multiwavelength study is needed to reach more secure results, IRAC 8-μm band can be used as a diagnostic tool, to separate high z , luminous AGN-dominated objects from normal star-forming galaxies at   z ∼ 3  .  相似文献   

The dynamical, physical and chemical processes which lead to planet formation constitute an astrophysical domain which will strongly benefit from ALMA in terms of frequency coverage, sensitivity and angular resolution. Recent results from current mm/submm interferometers obtained on molecules and dust in proto-planetary disks are presented. The observational coupling between gas and dust is discussed and it is shown that dust disks must be analyzed with the knowledge provided by gas disks, and respectively, both from the chemical and physical points. For these purposes, the methods of analysis of mm/submm interferometric data specific to disks are summarized. Emphasis is given on recent, unexpected, findings obtained in the highest sensitivity and resolution observations obtained so far, as they provide a hint of what ALMA could discover. A comparison with the expected sensitivities for ALMA illustrates how ALMA can enhance our knowledge of the disk physics, either by providing statistics or by allowing much more detailed studies of representative objects.  相似文献   

We present a study of weak near-IR absorption lines in 44 low luminosity YSOs. Using a spectral resolution of 1000 most Class II sources show CO overtone absorption bands of varying strength in the K window, whether they have optical counterparts or not. Class I sources tend to show featureless 2µm continua even though a S/N > 100 was achieved. High resolution (R=17000) echelle spectra were also obtained for a sub-sample of YSOs. Most show an unresolved12CO(2-0) bandhead, which when combined with inferred CO excitation temperatures and optical depths clearly points to a photospheric rather than a disk origin for the bands. They also show that embedded Class IIs are not rapidly rotating.We find an excellent correlation between increasing near-IR colour excess and decreasing band strength and interpret this in a straightforward way as due to veiling of the stellar photosphere by circumstellar dust emission at 1000-1200 K, probably from a disk. A veiling correction was applied and intrinsic indices obtained for many YSOs. The results provide confirmation that Class II sources are equivalent to T Tauri stars.  相似文献   

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