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At Sheep Mountain Bog, near Missoula, Montana, a late-glacial tephra, that probably fell in late summer, is preserved as an 8-mm-thick graded bed overlain by another 8 mm of redeposited ash mixed with lake deposits. Sediment surrounding the ash was 14C dated to about 11,200 yr B.P. Electron-microprobe analyses of the volcanic glass and hornblende phenocrysts from this ash layer indicate that they are similar in major-element chemistry to those of Glacier Peak layer G previously considered to be about 12,000 yr old or older.  相似文献   

Erta Ale and Boina are two volcanic areas in northern Afar riftwhere a complete suite of products from mildly alkalic transitionalbasalts to peralkaline rhyolites have been erupted in very recentQuaternary time. Subaphyric lava samples of both localities,representing the entire sequence of erupted magmas, have beenselected for a mineralogical study and all the main mineralphases analysed with the microprobe. Results confirm that ErtaAle and Boina rocks can be explained as suites of liquids producedby fractional crystallization of transitional basalts at shallowcrustal levels. The crystallization history is reconstructedand temperature and oxygen fugacity are evaluated. The differentiationprocesses are quantitatively reconstructed using the compositionsof analysed microphenocrysts to compute the fraction of thesolids separating at each step of fractionation. Slight butclear chemical differences in the parent basalt are reflectedin the two series particularly in the late stages of fractionation.The slightly more alkalic Boina series was produced under fO2controlled by QFM buffer; olivine was stable all along the crystallizationinterval and clinopyroxenes have compositions intermediate betweenthose considered typical of respectively tholeiitic and alkalicsuites. The main differences between the two series are a shiftin the appearance of oxides towards more evolved liquids, crystallizationat Erta Ale of more calcic plagioclase and more magnesian olivineand clinopyroxene than those observed at Boina from liquidswith the same Ca/(Na + Ca) and Mg/(Fe + Mg) and the lack ofalkali feldspar in Erta Ale rhyolites. Together with the lowerCa content of Erta Ale clinopyroxenes, they are the expressionof the more tholeiitic affinity of Erta Ale rocks. Departuresfrom the typical mineralogy of the series are observed for someErta Ale basalt and rhyolite and variously explained as an expressionof a slight difference in the primary nature of the magma, asa liquid-xenocrysts mixing and as fO2 changes in an open system. Present address: Bureau de Reacherches Géologiques et Minières, Département Géothermie, Orléans, France.  相似文献   

Volcanological and petrological evidence, 87Sr/86Sr data, thelinear correlation between pairs of residual elements (e.g.Th, U, Zr, Hf, La, Ce, Ta) indicate that the rock series frommildly alkaline (transitional) basalt to pantellerite eruptedin recent Quaternary times at the Boina volcanic centre, canbe entirely explained in terms of fractional crystallizationat shallow depth. The fractionation process has been reconstructedby referrin to variation diagrams of major and trace elementsreported as a function of the fraction (f) of the initial compositionformed by the residual liquid, evaluated from the distributionof residual elements and by estimating the composition of theparent magma. The main crystal phases involved in the differentiationare, in the order of appearance: olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene,Fe-Ti oxides, alkali feldspar. Crystallization of Fe-Ti oxidesoccurs only at an advanced stage of fractionation in iron richliquids (ferrobasalts). The transition to the peralkaline field(near f=0?20) occurs without passing through a ‘true’trachytic (low-silica) salic stage and is determined by the‘plagioclase effect’. Fractionation within the peralkalinefield is dominated by alkali feldspar. Evidence is given fora ‘low-temperature zone’ of the oversaturated mildlyperalkaline system running along a line of constant alkali-ratio.Po2 variations are recorded during the evolution of the Boinaseries as suggested by petrological data and distribution curvesof total iron, Fe++/Fe+++and europium. Po2 values calculatedfrom europium distribution in feldspar and whole rocks agreewith published Po2 mineralogical calculations in pantelleritesfrom other localities. A crucial stage is recognized near thetransition to the peralkaline field, with a sudden Po2 dropduring the crystallization of the oxides probably provokingthe precipitation of apatite, followed by a rapid Po2 increaseat f=0?30. This limited oxygen unbuffered zone is importantin the basalt-pantellerite evolution, as it determines markedchemical variations in a restricted crystallization interval.It is suggested that such a crucial stage occurs also in theother known pantellerite series, such as Pantelleria. It mayalso account for the scarcity of rocks frequently reported atthis stage (‘Daly gap’). Data obtained from Boina and comparisons with other volcanicseries indicate that many peralkaline rhyolites are geneticallyrelated to transitional basalts and that their nature is mainlycontrolled by the composition of the parent basaltic magma.The association is characteristically found in zones of extensionof both continental and oceanic environments. The views of Coombs(1963) are confirmed and the rocks series from transitionalbasalts to comendites and/or pantellerites should be distinguishedfrom the alkalic (undersaturated) igneous rock suites producedby differentiation of alkali basalts.  相似文献   

Extension in the Afar depression occurs on steeply dipping normal faults of many scales. An estimate for cumulative extension can be derived by summing the heave of these faults using digital topographic data, supplemented by field observations of fault dip. If it can be established that the distribution of faults exhibits self-similarity, an estimate of the contribution from faults too small to appear on the digital imagery can be incorporated into the integrated estimate for cumulative extension. A field study of faulting was undertaken within the Dobe and Guma grabens of Central Afar. A fractal dimension of 0.48 was obtained for the measured population of fault throws (n = 92) in 3 traverses totaling 42 km, a value interpreted to represent the dominant contribution to extension from faults with large throw. The local extension rate across Guma graben is estimated to be between 0.06 and 0.24 mm/year. The higher topographic position of the floor of Guma graben, relative to the sediment filled, adjacent floors of Dobe and Immino grabens is perhaps an indication of a slower rate of extension across Guma graben as compared to Dobe and Immino grabens, assuming they all initiated at the same time.  相似文献   

向文帅  姜军胜  雷义均  赵凯 《地球科学》2021,46(7):2299-2310
为进一步约束埃塞俄比亚西部地区区域地质构造演化,选取埃塞俄比亚西部布雷地区岩浆岩开展岩石地球化学、年代学等分析.结果显示:布雷岩体具有相对较高的SiO2(66.4%~68.5%)、K2O(4.56%~4.87%)及铁值[TFeO/(TFeO+MgO]为0.75~0.79,相对较低的MgO(0.80%~1.3%)、CaO...  相似文献   

Pleistocene fibrous aragonite fabrics, including crusts and spherules, occur in the Danakil Depression (Afar, Ethiopia) following the deposition of two distinctive Middle and Late Pleistocene coralgal reef units and pre‐dating the precipitation of evaporites. Crusts on top of the oldest reef unit (Marine Isotope Stage 7) cover and fill cavities within a red algal framework. The younger aragonite crusts directly cover coralgal bioherms (Marine Isotope Stage 5) and associated deposits. Their stratigraphic position between marine and evaporitic deposits, and their association to euryhaline molluscs, suggest that the crusts and spherules formed in restricted semi‐enclosed conditions. The availability of hard substrate controls crust formation with crusts more often found on steep palaeo‐slopes, from sea level up to at least 80 m depth, while spherules mainly occur associated with mobile substrate. Crusts reach up to 30 cm in thickness and can be microdigitate, columnar (branching and non‐branching) or non‐columnar, with laminated and non‐laminated fabrics. Two different lamination types are found within the crystalline fabrics: (i) isopachous lamination; and (ii) irregular lamination. These two types of lamination can be distinguished by the organization of the aragonite fibres, as well as the lateral continuity of the laminae. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy analyses on well‐preserved samples revealed the presence of Mg‐silicate laminae intercalated with fibrous aragonite, as well as Mg‐silicate aggregates closely associated with the fibrous aragonite crusts and spherules. The variety of observed fabrics results from a continuum of abiotic and microbial processes and, thus, reflects the tight interaction between microbially mediated and abiotic mineralization mechanisms. These are the youngest known isopachously laminated, digitate and columnar branching fibrous crusts associated with a transition from marine to evaporitic conditions. Understanding the context of formation of these deposits in Afar can help to better interpret the depositional environment of the widespread Precambrian sea‐floor precipitates.  相似文献   

A Holocene tephra record from the Lofoten Islands, Arctic Norway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pilcher, J., Bradley, R. S., Francus, P. & Anderson, L. 2005 (May): A Holocene tephra record from the Lofoten Islands, Arctic Norway. Boreas , Vol. 34, pp. 136–156. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
A tephrochronology has been established for a peat bog in the Lofoten Islands that provides a dating framework for future lake and bog studies of climate variation in this climatically sensitive area. Twenty-three tephra layers were identified, all apparently of Icelandic origin. These included the historically dated tephras of AD 1875 (Askja), AD 1362 (Öraefajökull), AD 1158 (Hekla), AD 1104 (Hekla) and the Landnam tephra identified at AD 875 in the GRIP ice core. Other layers, previously radiocarbon dated in Ireland and elsewhere, include the Hekla eruptions of c. 2310 BC and c. 5990 BC. The basal clays below the peat contain tephra of both the Askja eruption of c. 9500 BC (10 000 radiocarbon years BP) and the well-known Vedde Ash of c. 12 000 BP (10 030 80 BC in GRIP ice core).  相似文献   

Several cryptotephra layers that originate from Icelandic volcanic eruptions with a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) of ≤ 4 and tephra volumes of < 1 km3 have previously been identified in Northern Europe, albeit within a restricted geographical area. One of these is the Hekla 1947 tephra that formed a visible fall-out in southern Finland. We searched for the Hekla 1947 tephra from peat archives within the previously inferred fall-out zone but found no evidence of its presence. Instead, we report the first identification of Hekla 1845 and Hekla 1510 cryptotephra layers outside of Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Ireland and the UK. Additionally, Hekla 1158 tephra was found in Finland for the first time. Our results confirm that Icelandic eruptions of moderate size can form cryptotephra deposits that are extensive enough to be used in inter-regional correlations of environmental archives and carry a great potential for refining regional tephrochronological frameworks. Our results also reveal that Icelandic tephra has been dispersed into Finnish airspace at least seven times during the past millennium and in addition to a direct eastward route the ash clouds can travel either via a northerly or a southerly transport pathway.  相似文献   

The lavas in the active volcanic chain of the Erta Ale were emplaced 1 million years ago on the new crust of oceanic character created by the separation of the Arabic plate and the African plate. This differentiated series ranges from the basalts to the hyperalkaline rhyolites, passing through all the intermediate members. It is characterized by an iron enrichment in the intermediate series, and the role of silica is secondary in the differentiation which is controlled by the fractionation of olivine, pyroxene, and calcic plagioclases. By applying correspondence factor analysis to the rock samples analyzed for major and trace elements, factors were found expressing the importance of certain associations between the samples and their elements. The variables were projected onto factorial axes and graphs were plotted automatically showing their positions. Ellipses corresponding to the groups based on the rock types, volcanoes, and the indices of Kuno were drawn so that their situation in relation to the oxides and trace elements could be seen. From the plan of the axes, the degree of differentiation of the samples in the considered series is indicated, and the petrological terminology of the rocks may be verified. Two graphs, representing the series, are proposed using indices for the oxides and traces obtained from the results of correspondence analysis.  相似文献   

A Middle Pleistocene widespread tephra, defined here as Hegawa-Kasamori 5 tephra (Hgw-Ks5), has been newly recognized over a broad area of Japan. Large-scale pyroclastic flow deposits associated with co-ignimbrite ash fall deposits (CAFDs) of Hgw-Ks5 have been identified in the proximal southern Kyushu area, south-west Japan. Hgw-Ks5 possibly originated from the Aira caldera in southern Kyushu, and it is widely spread and intercalated with deposits of the Kasamori Formation, Honshu Island, more than 1000 km away from the source. In the north-west area of the Aira Caldera, the tephra is sparsely distributed in the form of non-welded ignimbrites, and is exposed stratigraphically above the well-known Kobayashi-Kasamori tephra. Hgw-Ks5 is characterized through petrographic features, major element geochemistry of glass shards, and refractive indices of orthopyroxene. The results of previous stratigraphic isotope studies indicate that the eruptive age of Hgw-Ks5 is 434–458 ka (Marine Isotope Stage 12). Assuming that the CAFDs originating from the Aira Caldera are distributed concentrically, the apparent volume of Hgw-Ks5, estimated from the area of distribution and CAFD thickness, is ~100 km3. Therefore, a volcanic explosivity index of 7 is assigned to the Hgw-Ks5 eruption.  相似文献   

This study examines the depletion of ferromagnesian silicate minerals from a sequence of thin, distal, mainly rhyolitic tephra layers of Holocene age preserved in an acid peat bog (Kopouatai), North Island, New Zealand. The rate of such depletion has been fast, as indicated by the complete loss of biotite from one tephra layer (Kaharoa Tephra), in which it is normally dominant, in only ca. 770 yr. Chemical dissolution is advocated as the likely cause for the depletion, with amphiboles and other mineral grains commonly showing etch pits, microcaves, and other characteristic surface solution features. Theoretical thermodynamic and kinetic models show a marked increase in the rate of dissolution of all ferromagnesian minerals under conditions of low pH (< 4), but that where silica concentrations in solution are high the relative proportions of minerals remaining are unaffected. However, where concentrations of dissolved silica are low, as in most bog environments, the relative proportions of ferromagnesian minerals are affected as well as absolute amounts being decreased. Amphiboles are depleted relative to pyroxenes, consistent with kinetic studies. The results show that the identification and correlation of tephras on the basis of relative abundances of ferromagnesian minerals alone may be unreliable, and emphasise the need to use multiple criteria in such studies.  相似文献   

A high-pressure, relatively low-temperature metamorphic complex is exposed at Motalafjella, Spitsbergen. White mica concentrates from the complex record variably discordant age spectra in which apparent ages systematically increase throughout low-temperature portions of the analyses and define intermediate- and high-temperature plateaux. Phengitic concentrates record plateau ages of c. 470 Ma whereas paragonitic concentrates yield c. 460 Ma plateaux. These ages are interpreted to date diachronous cooling through different argon closure temperatures following the high-pressure metamorphism. The slight discordance displayed in low-temperature portions of the experiments is interpreted to reflect a partial rejuvenation of intracrystalline argon systems during an c. 400–425 Ma thermal overprint associated with late Caledonian tectonothermal activity. White mica concentrates and associated whole-rocks yield Rb---Sr mineral + whole-rock ages from 457 ± 11 Ma to 474 ± 11 Ma. These are interpreted to date post-metamorphic cooling through Sr blocking temperatures. Because similar ages are recorded by both K---Ar and Rb---Sr isotopic systems, relatively rapid post-metamorphic cooling is implied. This and relatively rapid depressurization during uplift indicate that the and Rb---Sr mineral ages likely closely date the peak metamorphism.The high pressure complex is unconformably overlain by variably cleaved, Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian flysch which was deformed into regional recumbent folds prior to deposition of unconformably overlying Early Devonian molasse. Two penetratively cleaved slate samples display internally discordant whole-rock age spectra with ages increasing from c. 100 Ma to c. 470 Ma. The spectral discordance is interpreted to reflect the combined effects of: (1) a polymineralic character: (2) a detrital source similar in age to the Motalafjella complex; and (3) a partial, post-Paleozoic thermal rejuvenation of the detrital mica argon systems. No thermal overprint associated with Late Silurian cleavage formation appears to be recorded. This agrees with textural characteristics which suggest that the cleavage largely developed through pressure-solution assisted, grain-boundary sliding.  相似文献   

The age of the Rockland tephra, which includes an ash-flow tuff south and west of Lassen Peak in northern California and a widespread ash-fall deposit that produced a distinct stratigraphic marker in western North America, is constrained to 565,000 to 610,000 yr by 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb dating. 40Ar/39Ar ages on plagioclase from pumice in the Rockland have a weighted mean age of 609,000 ± 7000 yr. Isotopic ages of spots on individual zircon crystals, analyzed by the SHRIMP-RG ion microprobe, range from ∼500,000 to ∼800,000 yr; a subpopulation representing crystal rims yielded a weighted-mean age of 573,000 ± 19,000 yr. Overall stratigraphic constraints on the age are provided by two volcanic units, including the underlying tephra of the Lava Creek Tuff erupted within Yellowstone National Park that has an age of 639,000 ± 2000 yr. The basaltic andesite of Hootman Ranch stratigraphically overlies the Rockland in the Lassen Peak area and has 40Ar/39Ar ages of 565,000 ± 29,000 and 565,000 ± 12,000 yr for plagioclase and groundmass, respectively. Identification of Rockland tephra in ODP core 1018 offshore of central California is an important stratigraphic age that also constrains the eruption age to between 580,000 and 600,000 yr.  相似文献   

Most of previous models suggest that the Central Asia Orogenic Belt grew southward in the Phanerozoic. However, in the Bayanhongor region in west-central Mongolia, volcanic arc, accretionary prism, ophiolite, and passive margin complexes accreted northeastward away from the Baydrag micro-continent, and hence the region constitutes the southwestern part of a crustal-scale syntaxis close to the west. The syntaxis should be original, because presumably reorientation due to strike-slip faulting can be ignored. It is reconfirmed that the Baydrag eventually collided with another micro-continent (the Hangai) to the northeast. A thick sedimentary basin developed along the southern passive margin of the Hangai micro-continent. This region is also characterized by an exhumed metamorphosed accretionary complex and a passive margin complex, which are both bounded by detachment faults as well as basal reverse faults which formed simultaneously as extrusion wedges. This part of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt lacks exhumed crystalline rocks as observed in the Himalayas and other major collisional orogenic belts. In addition, we identified two phases of deformation, which occurred at each phase of zonal accretion as D1 through Cambrian and Devonian, and a synchronous phase of final micro-continental collision of Devonian as D2. The pre-collisional ocean was wide enough to be characterized by a mid-ocean ridge and ocean islands. Two different structural trends of D1 and D2 are observed in accretionary complexes formed to the southwest of the late Cambrian mid-ocean ridge. That is, the relative plate motions on both sides of the mid-ocean ridge were different. Accretionary complexes and passive margin sediments to the northeast of the mid-ocean ridge also experienced two periods of deformation but show the same structural trend. Unmetamorphosed cover sediments on the accretionary prism and on the Hangai micro-continent experienced only the D2 event due to micro-continental collision. These unmetamorphosed sediments form the hanging walls of the detachment faults. Moreover, they were at least partly derived from an active volcanic arc formed at the margin of the Baydrag micro-continent.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1522-1558
The Melrose Stock in the Dolly Varden Mountains of east-central Nevada is one of the many Mesozoic intrusion s in the Basin and Range Province. It consists of monzonites, quartz monzonites, granodiorites, and granites sharply intruding Mississippian to Triassic units. Phenocrysts of plagioclase (An38–An24) with oscillatory zoning and albitic rims, hornblende ± diopside, and biotite are common. Coexisting phases include orthoclase, quartz and accessory magnetite, apatite, titanite, ilmenite, and allanite. Mineral compositions suggest that the intrusion was emplaced at ~720 ± 40°C and 1.8–2.3 kbar.

All rocks are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, defining a calcalkalic trend in which the monzonites and syenites are shoshonitic. Rare earth element patterns indicate that all studied rock types are comagmatic. Harker plots show curvilinear trends with some kinks consistent with fractionation, and mixing/assimilation. Major-element modelling and petrographic evidence suggest three stages of fractionation/mixing: Stage 1 marked by the fractionation of diopside and plagioclase; Stage 2 by fractionation of plagioclase, hornblende ± orthoclase ± biotite, accompanied by mixing through convection; and Stage 3 by fractionation of biotite, hornblende, plagioclase, and orthoclase.

Mineralogic, petrographic, and major- and trace-element data demonstrate that all rocks are I-type granitoids, suggesting a significant mantle contribution. Spider diagrams show troughs for Ti, P, and Nb, indicating magma genesis in a subduction-zone setting. Discrimination diagrams classify all rocks as late orogenic. Magma was therefore generated from mantle metasomatized by subduction, differentiated to a monzonitic magma, and emplaced in the thinned continental crust during a period of extension late in the cycle of Elko orogeny.  相似文献   

Textural evidence for the partial breakdown of staurolite-biotite and andalusite-biotite assemblages to cordierite-orthoamphibole implies high temperature metasomatic depletion of K2O in semi-pelitic rocks from Springton, South Australia. The origin of the reaction textures is discussed with reference to K2O-T diagrams derived from the topologically equivalent K2O–(-H2O) diagram showing both discontinuous and Fe–Mg continuous reactions. The involvement of fluids in the metasomatic process is implied by the scale of K2O removal and suggests that the outcrop pattern of cordierite-gedrite rocks reflects, at least in part, a heterogeneous distribution of advecting fluids in the metamorphic pile at high temperatures.Mineral abbreviations used in text and figures ab albite - alm almandine - als aluminosilicate - and andalusite - anth anthophyllite - bt biotite - cd cordierite - fe-bt Fe-rich biotite - fe-cd Fe-rich cordierite - fe-oa Fe-rich orthoamphibole - fe-st Fe-staurolite - gt garnet - ksp potassium feldspar - ky kyanite - mg-cd Mg-rich cordierite - mg-oa Mg-rich orthoamphibole - mg-st Mg-rich staurolite - mu muscovite - oa orthoamphibole - phl phlogopite - plag plagioclase - py pyrope - sill sillimanite - st staurolite - v vapour  相似文献   

The Askot crystallines form a doubly plunging synformal belt and occurs as a detached crystalline belt or klippen in the vast sedimentary terrain lying between Central crystallines towards north and the Almora crystallines to the south. It is dominated by granite gneiss and augen gneiss, and also comprise of metapelites, migmatites and basic intrusives. In this paper, the geochemical studies of the granite gneiss and augen gneiss from the Askot crystallines, Kumaun Himalaya were carried out in order to understand their origin and evolution. The granite gneiss is generally foliated, with less foliated and porphyritic variety seen in the core part. The K-feldspar shows Carlsbad twinning, while plagioclases show complex twinning. They show euhedral zircon and apatite along with titanite as accessory minerals. The granite gneiss is moderately evolved (Mg# ∼50) and has granodiorite composition with metaluminous, calc-alkaline trends. They show higher concentration of Ti, Ca, Mg and low abundance of ∑REE (∼165 ppm) in comparison to augen gneiss. They show volcanic arc signatures and compare well with Lateorogenic granites of Proterozoic times distributed world wide. These calc-alkaline granites appear derived from a Paleoproterozoic mafic/intermediate lower-crust reservoir probably involving arc magma underplating. Granite gneiss is also peraluminous with molar A/CNK>1.1, and the heterogeneity of granite gneiss can be explained with the precursor melts, experiencing assimilation during up-rise through crust or contamination of source itself involving sediments from the subduction zone.  相似文献   

The Roccamonfina volcano in the Roman Region of Italy is characterizedby a High K series of ne-and lc-normative leucite-bearing lavasand a Low K series of ne-to Qz-normative olivine basalts, trachybasalts,and biotite augite latites. The lavas of the High K series areenriched in K, P, Ba, Ce, Rb, Sr, Th, and Zr relative to theLow K lavas, and there is an almost parallel enrichment of Kand associated elements in the primitive (i.e. most basic) lavas. The volcanoes of the Roman Region exhibit a wide variation inthe level of enrichment of K and associated elements and itcan be shown that the compositional variation can be relatedto two main differentiation processes. An intermediate- or high-pressureprocess produces the parental magmas with specific levels ofenrichment in K and associated elements while the evolutiontowards salic derivatives is controlled by low-pressure crystal-liquidfractionation. Crustal assimilation and vapour transfer processes,and partial melting of a primitive upper mantle composition,cannot account for the variation observed in the primitive lavasof the Roman Region nor for the geochemical characteristicsof potassic undersaturated rocks in general. The level of enrichmentof K and associated elements may, however, be controlled byhigh-pressure eclogite fractionation, zone-refining or mantlewall-rock reaction.  相似文献   

Cretaceous bakevelliids in Argentina are restricted to the Lower Cretaceous. They are recorded in shallow marine deposits in two Mesozoic basins located in the Andes foothills in Patagonia. In the Austral Basin (44°–55°S) there is only one genus, Gervillella, represented by a single specimen from the Barremian. In the Neuquén Basin (30°–40°S) two genera, Gervillaria and Gervillella, occur, ranging from the Berriasian to the Lower Barremian. In the Pilmatué Member of the Agrio Formation two species are identified: Gervillaria alatior (Imlay) and Gervillella aviculoides (J. Sowerby). The former is also recorded in Mexico while the latter is more widespread, occurring in Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the Bajada del Agrio section they come from eight tabular shell beds located near and on top of shallowing-upwards cycles. They were abundant only in four of these levels. These shell beds are interpreted as having been deposited in the mid-ramp (middle of cycles), and upper mid-ramp (top of cycles). A functional analysis of shells revealed two life habits: epibyssate and endobyssate.  相似文献   

Kamchatka Peninsula is one of the most active volcanic regions in the world. Many Holocene explosive eruptions have resulted in widespread dispersal of tephra-fall deposits. The largest layers have been mapped and dated by the 14C method. The tephra provide valuable stratigraphic markers that constrain the age of many geological events (e.g. volcanic eruptions, palaeotsunamis, faulting, and so on). This is the first systematic attempt to use electron microprobe (EMP) analyses of glass to characterize individual tephra deposits in Kamchatka. Eighty-nine glass samples erupted from 11 volcanoes, representing 27 well-identified Holocene key-marker tephra layers, were analysed. The glass is rhyolitic in 21 tephra, dacitic in two, and multimodal in three. Two tephra are mixed with glass compositions ranging from andesite/dacite to rhyolite. Tephra from the 11 eruptive centres are distinguished by their glass K2O, CaO, and FeO contents. In some cases, individual tephra from volcanoes with multiple eruptions cannot be differentiated. Trace element compositions of 64 representative bulk tephra samples erupted from 10 volcanoes were analysed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) as a pilot study to further refine the geochemical characteristics; tephra from these volcanoes can be characterized using Cr and Th contents and La/Yb ratios.

Unidentified tephra collected at the islands of Karaginsky (3), Bering (11), and Attu (5) as well as Uka Bay (1) were correlated to known eruptions. Glass compositions and trace element data from bulk tephra samples show that the Karaginsky Island and Uka Bay tephra were all erupted from the Shiveluch volcano. The 11 Bering Island tephra are correlated to Kamchatka eruptions. Five tephra from Attu Island in the Aleutians are tentatively correlated with eruptions from the Avachinsky and Shiveluch volcanoes.  相似文献   

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