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岩体风化程度量化分带研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
岩体风化程度分带,是常用于区分地壳表部岩体工程地质性质优劣的一种较老的岩体质量分类,由于参与风化带划分的因素中定量指标较少,因而造成分带的误差较大。从风化岩体裂缝发育程度的变化、岩体完整性的变化和岩体结构的变化出发,研究用岩体裂隙间距、岩石质量指标、岩体完整性系数和原有的定性因素,对风化岩进行量化分带。  相似文献   

岩体风化的综合分带研究   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
岩体的风化不仅会引起岩石物质成份、化学成份变化 ,而且也引起岩体裂隙、岩体完整性的改变。因而风化岩体中裂隙数量、岩体块度的变化与岩体的风化程度具有较好的对应关系。论文研究了用岩体裂隙间距、岩体的完整性指标、岩石质量指标对岩体风化程度进行分带 ,较好地将岩体风化分带与岩体结构、岩体工程特性紧密地结合起来。在岩体风化程度的定量划分上作了新的探索。  相似文献   

岩体与岩石的力学强度之间既有内在联系又存在明显的差异,场地岩石力学指标对于评价场地岩体的力学特性至关重要。以三门核电场地为研究对象,在室内岩石力学试验的基础上,结合野外地质调查,综合考虑岩体结构特征和应力分布状态等因素的影响,引入定量描述岩体结构特征和风化程度的地质强度指标(GSI),采用Hoek Brown强度准则估计岩体力学参数,同时与岩体地质力学分类法(RMR)计算得到的岩体力学参数进行对比分析。基于GSI的Hoek-Brown法得到的中等风化凝灰质砂岩、微风化凝灰质砂岩和微风化安山玄武岩岩体的c值分别为4.03、6.20、6.10 MPa,φ值分别为31.96°、34.37°和33.87°。基于RMR评分的Hoek-Brown法得到的c值分别为4.42、6.44、7.24 MPa,φ值分别为28.92°、32.43°和34.51°。研究结果表明,采用Hoek-Brown准则确定的核电场地岩体力学强度指标比较合理,得到的岩体力学指标可以作为核电站基础设计的重要依据。  相似文献   

软岩风化粗颗粒土填料的工程特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在贵州潮湿多雨亚热带环境中,红粘土的起始含水量高,一般较难满足填筑要求,而软岩风化粗颗粒土是解决这一关键问题的最好填料,本文较翔实地论述了粗颗粒土填料的工程特性。  相似文献   

掌握地基岩体的力学性质和工程特性,对评价岩土工程项目的安全性与稳定性至关重要。依托云南玉溪“十三五”规划某大型基建项目,对本区内主要地基土——中等风化炭质板岩和强风化炭质板岩的物理力学性质进行了深入研究。基于室内物理力学试验分别进行了中等风化板岩在天然和饱和状态下的单轴压缩试验,揭示了含水率增加对板岩单轴抗压强度的弱化规律,讨论了板岩在单轴应力作用下的典型破坏模式。基于室内颗粒分析试验对强风化板岩的级配特性进行描述,并基于现场原位剪切试验对其在不同含水率下的抗剪强度指标变化规律进行探讨。基于三种土工试验对中等风化板岩的化学组成以及强风化板岩的渗透性和承载力进行研究。研究成果可为本区域类似地质条件的工程建设提供参考。  相似文献   

在分析和总结新生代半成岩地质特征与工程特性的基础上,通过应用现行各相关规范中的工程岩体分级方法对新生代半成岩进行了基本分级评价,发现目前各相关规范中的工程岩体分级方法对大部分工程岩体具有较强的普适性,然而对于新生代半成岩这种介于"岩"与"土"之间的过渡型特殊介质适用性不强,评价结果难以突显新生代半成岩对工程建设影响的工...  相似文献   

日益严重的风化侵蚀,严重影响了莫高窟围岩的稳定性和壁画的赋存环境,成为威胁洞窟文物安全的严重隐患。为研究莫高窟北区崖体沿纵深方向的风化特征,选取莫高窟北区北侧一处崖体为试验点,采用逐层剖切的方法,沿水平方向由外向里依次取样编号。通过室内颗分试验、现场声波测试、可溶盐测试及X射线衍射测试,分析其变化规律。试验结果表明:地层颗粒组成的差异将影响崖体的抗风化能力;声波波速呈现震荡性的变化趋势;在水平深度0.7 m范围内钠长石含量相对减少,石英含量相对增加;崖体在水平深度0.4~1.0 m范围内可溶盐含量呈现递减特征;可溶盐是影响北区崖体风化的重要因素之一。综合分析各测试结果,认为1号、2号和3号探洞风化厚度分别为1.0 m、0.6 m和0.4 m。崖体风化呈现空间差异性,顶部风化最为严重,底部风化最弱。  相似文献   

碎裂岩体作为一种结构复杂、强度较弱的岩体类型,在工程中通常作为弱带而被处理。为了探究碎裂岩体的工程特性,从碎裂岩体的物理力学特性入手,利用自行研发的原位取样新技术,对不同电站碎裂岩体原位状态下的粒度成分、密度、孔隙比等物理指标进行深入分析,以公伯峡水电站碎裂岩体为研究对象,开展了室内等效压密试验,通过与国内外沉积物压密试验成果及现场原位物理参数测量结果进行对比,成功验证了室内等效压密试验能够获得与原位应力状态下相同的物理力学指标。  相似文献   

利用公伯峡电站泄水洞左岸边坡开挖过程中获得的各种资料,分析、研究边坡在开挖后岩体松弛程度和工程特性的变化。分析表明,边坡开挖后,一定深度范围内边坡岩体将松弛,松弛带的厚度可以通过现场调查、地震波速、声波速度来划分。岩体发生松弛后,松弛带岩体力学参数明显降低。开挖后尽快支护是防止边坡岩体松弛有效方法之一。  相似文献   

降雨作为边坡失稳破坏的最常见诱因,在非均质性、非连续性特征显著的球状风化花岗岩类土质边坡中具有更为复杂的影响特征。依托ABAQUS及其二次开发,通过构建降雨条件下球状风化体类土质边坡渗流模型,综合考虑降雨参数的影响,开展了降雨条件下球状风化花岗岩类土质边坡渗流特性与其稳定性研究。研究结果表明:受球状风化体影响,边坡浅层土体更快达到饱和,并且其饱和速率亦受风化体的埋藏深度、“迎雨”面横截面积和含量控制;降雨条件下球状风化花岗岩类土质边坡潜在滑动面仍表现出显著的复杂多样性,存在与无雨状态相似的滑面,也可能拓展形成新的浅层滑面;边坡安全系数与降雨历时和降雨强度为负相关,随着降雨的持续有趋于平缓的趋势,但也能在球状风化体的影响下失去平缓趋势而持续降低;在所设雨型中,渐变递增型对边坡稳定性影响最大。研究成果可为降雨条件下球状风化花岗岩类土质边坡稳定性评价提供科学依据。  相似文献   

陈作彬 《探矿工程》2009,36(3):76-78
综述了在商业运行的核电站周边山体爆破控制要点,尤其对爆破振动的控制和爆破过程质量控制点的设置进行了较详细的讨论,为类似工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The Alvand batholith is one of the largest plutonic bodies in the west of Iran. In this research, several physico-mechanical tests have been performed on granodiorite and porphiroid monzogranite consisting of five degrees of weathering in Hamedan area, west of Iran. Furthermore, weathering process of Alvand granitoid is studied by chemical analysis and petrographical studies. The results indicated that engineering properties of weathered granodiorite and monzogranite vary over the wide range depending on the degree of weathering. On the other hand, this research is focused on the assessment of relationship between weathering indices and uniaxial compressive strength. For this reason, some of the most important weathering indices are reviewed. It should be noted that, application of these chemical, engineering and petrographical indices are good quantitative indicators for describing the degree of weathering. Using these indices for the assessment of uniaxial compressive strength of granodiorite and monzogranite rocks, yields suitable and meaningful results.  相似文献   

Weathering indices typified by the Miura index (Wom) that are the ratios of geochemically mobile to relatively immobile elements can be shown to be logarithmically related to the free energy of the weathering reaction. This can be demonstrated for silicate minerals; other extensive properties such as the moduli of elasticity and rigidity are similarly correlated. The mass strength envelope implied by the corresponding o-log W plot concurs well with plotted values for rocks, suggesting that the correlation is valid for intact rocks as well.By a combination of the Miura index and an index believed to show not only the state of weathering but also the susceptibility to further weathering (the Parker index Wop), it is possible to obtain estimates of the activation energy for the incongruent aqueous dissolution of minerals, which compare favourably with experimental determinations. Although the engineering behaviour of rocks is generally governed by physical parameters, and thus by short-term mechanical or physico-chemical forces, there are some instances where failure has been attributed to the chemistry of the rock itself. For these rocks a good correlation is obtained between a chemical weatherability index (log Wom/Wop) and rock durability, as measured by the Los Angeles abrasion test.  相似文献   

陈作彬 《探矿工程》2010,37(2):74-78
综述了在商业运行的核电站周边进行核岛负挖爆破的设计和质量控制,尤其对负挖预裂爆破和核岛廊道爆破技术及质量控制要点进行了较详细的表述,为类似核电负挖工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The influence of pore structure, water transport properties and rock strength on salt weathering is evaluated by means of a thorough rock characterisation and a statistical analysis. The pore structure was described in terms of its porosity, pore size distribution (quantified by mean pore radius) and specific surface area, density and water transport was characterised by means of water permeability (saturated flow) and capillary imbibition (unsaturated flow); whilst the rock strength test was carried out using uniaxial compressive strength, compressional and shear wave velocities, dynamic elastic constants and waveform energy and attenuation were obtained from the digital analysis of the transmitted signal. A principal component analysis and a stepwise multiple regression model was carried out in order to examine the direct relationships between salt weathering and petrophysical properties. From the principal component analysis, two main components were obtained and assigned a petrophysical meaning. The first component is mostly linked to mechanical properties, porosity and density whereas the second component is associated with the water transport and pore structure. Salt weathering, quantified by the percentage of weight loss after salt crystallisation, was included in both principal components, showing its dependence on their petrophysical properties. The stepwise multiple regression analysis found that rock strength has a predominant statistical weight in the prediction of salt weathering, with a minor contribution of water transport and pore structure parameters.  相似文献   

由中国勘察设计协会建设项目管理和工程总承包分会为主编单位的国家标准《建设项目工程总承包管理规范》(GB/T50358-2005)(以下简称〈规范〉)已于8月1日正式实施,从而结束了推行工程总承包管理没有依据的状况。  相似文献   

The strontium isotope ratio in sea water has varied through geologic time owing to the input of strontium from rock weathering. To evaluate the possibility that Sr87Sr86 ratios might be altered during weathering, seven weathering profiles developed on Mesozoic arkoses located along the length of New Zealand were investigated. The rubidium-strontium-strontium isotope relations in these profiles give ‘isochron’ ages less than the ages of deposition of the arkoses. These ages appear to result from the weathering of a homogeneous source rock. The age calculated from the rubidium-strontium system (t′) is related to the original age (t) by the equation t′/t = (n ? 1)/n, where n is the ratio of the amounts of common and radiogenic strontium leached from the rock. Shales formed by the accumulation of these residual solids may inherit misleading isochron relationships which may not be erased during deposition or early diagenesis. The strontium which goes into solution and is transported to the sea is slightly less radiogenic than the strontium in the unweathered rock, while the residual clays may be much more radiogenic.  相似文献   

廖坊水利水利枢纽是抚河流域规划中的开发项目。为了确保农田继续耕种,本文对廖坊水利枢纽工程的浸没范围进行了研究,提出了堤基和堤身内设置防渗墙,在城区和农田内设置排水沟,城市供水和农田灌溉采用地下水源,并对防渗墙的厚度和渗透性进行了预测。  相似文献   

Halloysite A, which is a weathering product of feldspar in granitic rocks and of matrix clay minerals in sand, takes the shape of long tubes. Halloysite B which is a weathering product of pyroclastic materials takes the shape of balls, nodules, scrolls or short tubes. Stability of the interlayer water of halloysite varies from sample to sample, but does not show a simple relation to these genetical types. Chemical analysis and ESR show that halloysite B contains more structural Fe than halloysite A.  相似文献   

跨入21世纪,我国经济快速发展,综合国力迅速增强,加入世贸组织后,设计市场正逐步开放,党中央又提出了树立和落实科学发展观的战略。在这样的大背景下,就如何搞好城市规划建设;如何评价和选择规划设计方案,如何正确处理“适用、经济、美观”等问题作了较为详尽的阐述,并提出了见解和建议,可供工程项目管理和规划设计人员借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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