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 Glass fragments from three different hyaloclastites have been used to evaluate the range of cooling rates experienced by undersea volcanic deposits. We found that the glass fragments retain structures with a range of apparent quench rates from 25 to 0.15 K min–1. The most rapid cooling rates are interpreted to be those resulting from cooling of the lava near the water interface. Simple conductive cooling models produce a range of quench rates comparable to those of the more rapidly cooled samples. The very slow apparent quench rates are unlikely to result from simple linear cooling through the glass transition, because of the onset of crystallization; instead, they are indicators of a more complex thermal history that involves the annealing of glasses at temperatures within the glass transition interval for a dwell time sufficient to allow the relaxation of the glass to lower temperature structures. The thermal history recorded in these samples illustrates the complexity of eruptive processes and demonstrates that quench rates for natural glasses retain information relevant to more complex cooling models. Received: 10 February 1999 / Accepted: 9 September 1999  相似文献   

Apatite fission track thermochronology (AFTT) has been applied to the Precambrian basement rocks of southern Finland in an attempt to detect within the long-term thermal history, thermal manifestations in the cratonic interior of tectonic events at the craton margin. The likely subtle magnitude of these manifestations means that AFTT is a useful technique for such a study due to its low temperature sensitivity. A total of 10 samples have been analysed, generating AFTT ages, length statistics and thermal models. Ages range from 313 ± 22 to 848 ± 60 Ma and mean track lengths range from 11.0 ± 1.6 to 13.3 ± 1.8 μm. The data suggests the presence of thermal overprinting of an earlier cooling event. Thermal modelling produces similar results for all samples and typically contains the following major events: (1) two phases of Late-Proterozoic cooling, (2) Late-Silurian re-heating, (3) Cenozoic cooling. The first phase of Late-Proterozoic cooling is interpreted to be due to aulacogen inversion as a result of stress propagation from the collisional tectonics of the Sveconorwegian orogeny. The second phase is discussed in relation to passive margin formation and possible asthenospheric diaper induced relief and exhumation. The Late-Silurian re-heating coincides in time with a proposed Caledonian foreland basin. The Cenozoic cooling is interpreted to represent the latest exposure resulting from North Atlantic Margin formation induced uplift and associated denudation.  相似文献   

The warming trend observed during the last decades in the Bay of Biscay is put within the context of sea surface temperature (SST) changes observed in the area since 1854. Macroscopically, two consecutive warming–cooling cycles were detected during this period of time: cooling from 1867 to 1910; warming from 1910 to 1945; cooling from 1945 to 1974; and warming from 1974 to nowadays. Warming rates of 0.17 and 0.22 °C per decade were measured during the warming sub-periods and cooling rates of ?0.14 and ?0.10 °C per decade were measured during the cooling sub-periods. The present warming period is on the same order of magnitude although slightly more intense than the one observed from 1910 to 1945, which is consistent with previous analysis carried for the North Atlantic. Finally, the thermal amplitude defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum annual values has increased since 1974 at a rate of 0.06 °C per decade due to the different increasing rates of the maximum (0.26 °C per decade) and minimum (0.20 °C per decade) SSTs.  相似文献   

In this work we have modeled the thermal structure of the lithosphere of the Spanish Central System and the Tajo Basin, and their implications for lithospheric strength. For this, we have used refined heat-producing elements (HPE) values to obtain new estimates of heat production rates in the Spanish Central System and Tajo Basin areas, which have been used joined to the relation between topography and thermal structure of the lithosphere to calculate the best-fit surface heat flows in the study area. Moreover, we have implemented a temperature-dependent thermal conductivity (appropriate for olivine) for the lithospheric mantle to improve the calculations of temperature profiles in the mantle. The geotherms so obtained, together with the implementation of a new rheological law for the upper lithospheric mantle, have been used to calculate refined estimations of the strength and effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere. We have obtained surface heat flow values of 84 mW m−2 and ∼82 mW m−2 for the Spanish Central System and the Tajo Basin, respectively. The thermal state of the lithosphere affects mantle temperatures, and hence may be playing an important role in the uplift and maintenance of the Spanish Central System.  相似文献   

The transition from the early Pliocene “Warmhouse” towards the present “Icehouse” climate and the role of Gateway dynamics are intensively debated. Both, the constrictions of the Central American Seaway and the Indonesian Gateway affected ocean circulation and climate during the Pliocene epoch. Here, we use combined δ18O and Mg/Ca ratios of planktonic foraminifera (marine protozoa) from surface and subsurface levels to reconstruct the thermal structure and changes in salinities from the Southwest Pacific Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 590B from 6.5 to 2.5 Ma. Our data suggest a gradual cooling of ~ 2 °C and freshening of the sea surface during ~ 4.6–4 Ma with an increased meridional temperature gradient between the West Pacific Warm Pool and the Southwest Pacific when the closing of the Central American Seaway reached a critical threshold. After ~ 3.5 Ma, the restricted Indonesian Gateway might have amplified the East Australian Current, allowing enhanced heat transport towards the Southwest Pacific with reduced meridional temperature gradients when the global climate gradually cooled. At the same time our data suggest a cooling and freshening of Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) or/and an increased northward flow of SAMW towards Site 590B, possibly a first step towards the present Antarctic Frontal System.  相似文献   

Seismic techniques provide unique tools to investigate the structure and, in combination with petrological, geochemical and petrophysical study, the composition of the lower crust. Controversies can be solved with comparative study of metamorphic terrains or xenoliths that occur adjacent to areas where seismic refraction/reflection data are available. Xenoliths represent a direct sampling of the inaccessible lower crust at the time of the volcanism, whilst exposed crustal sections can only be used as analogue of present day lower crust.The present study is focused on the measurements of compressional wave velocities up to conditions exceeding the beginning of melting (950 °C at 500 MPa confining pressure) on three garnet–biotite–sillimanite metapelitic xenoliths recovered from the Neogene dacites of El Hoyazo (SE Spain). They preserve widespread interstitial rhyolitic glass as evidence of primary melt extraction and represent the best example of partially molten lower crust in the Alborán Domain. The influence of glass on Vp is primarily reflected by anomalous positive dVp/dT while heating with velocity increasing at 500 MPa from 4.98 to 5.50 km s 1 at room temperature to 5.85–6.79 km s 1 at 650–700 °C. This corresponds to the glass transition where all the grain boundaries and most of the pores within the glass are closed. After this point, the velocity decreases to 6.2–6.5 km s 1 at 950 °C where re-melting of the glass is achieved and additional partial melt produced. On cooling, the behavior is normal with negative dVp/dT. After the thermal treatment velocities are 30% higher (6.07–7.21 km s 1) and reveal that in the presence of intergranular melt velocity measurements at room temperature cannot be extrapolated to high temperatures.P-waves measured at melting conditions are in agreement with deep seismic refraction data and tomography in the area and corroborate the hypothesis that partial melts are actually present in Alborán lower crust.  相似文献   

The brittle/ductile transition is a major rheologic boundary in the crust yet little is known about how or if rates of tectonic processes are influenced by this boundary. In this study we examine the slip history of the large-scale Naxos/Paros extensional fault system (NPEFS), Cyclades, Greece, by comparing published slip rates for the ductile crust with new thermochronological constraints on slip rates in the brittle regime. Based on apatite and zircon fission-track (AFT and ZFT) and (U–Th)/He dating we observe variable slip rates across the brittle/ductile transition on Naxos. ZFT and AFT ages range from 11.8 ± 0.8 to 9.7 ± 0.8 Ma and 11.2 ± 1.6 to 8.2 ± 1.2 Ma and (U–Th)/He zircon and apatite ages are between 10.4 ± 0.4 to 9.2 ± 0.3 Ma and 10.7 ± 1.0 to 8.9 ± 0.6 Ma, respectively. On Paros, ZFT and AFT ages range from 13.1 ± 1.4 Ma to 11.1 ± 1.0 Ma and 12.7 ± 2.8 Ma to 10.5 ± 2.0 Ma while the (U–Th)/He zircon ages are slightly younger between 8.3 ± 0.4 Ma and 9.8 ± 0.3 Ma. All ages consistently decrease northwards in the direction of hanging wall transport. Most of our new thermochronological results and associated thermal modeling more strongly support the scenario of an identical fault dip and a constant or slightly accelerating slip rate of ∼ 6–8 km Myr 1 on the NPEFS across the brittle/ductile transition. Even the intrusion of a large granodiorite body into the narrowing fault zone at ∼ 12 Ma on Naxos does not seem to have affected the thermal structure of the area in a way that would significantly disturb the slip rate. The data also show that the NPEFS accomplished a minimum total offset of ∼ 50 km between ∼ 16 and 8 Ma.  相似文献   

This paper reports ten new surface heat-flow density (qs) values for central and southern Israel (central Sinai Microplate), whose crystalline crust and lithosphere formed as part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield. Heat flow was calculated in Mesozoic sediments using the classical approach of heat-flow determination by implementing in the analysis high-precision continuous temperature logs obtained in air- and/or water-filled boreholes. Thermal conductivity (TC) measured for a large suite of rock samples of lithotypes making up the sequence was assigned to temperature gradients in intervals for which the lithology was known. The heat-flow values obtained for different depth intervals in a borehole as well as the average values for the individual borehole locations cover a narrow range, attesting heat-conduction conditions. A steady-state thermal model along an E–W crustal cross section through the area shows that the observed systematic spatial distribution of the qs values, which range between 50 and 62 mW m−2, can primarily be explained by variations in the thickness of the upper crust and in the ratio between sedimentary and crystalline rocks therein. Given the time lapse of thermal heat transfer through the lithosphere, the qs data monitor the crustal thermal conditions prior to rift- and plume-related lithospheric thermal perturbations that have started in the larger area ca. 30 Ma ago. Observed and modeled qs display the best fit for a pre-Oligocene lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) at ∼150 km, which would be at the upper end of LAB depths determined from stable areas of the Arabian Shield (150–120 km) not affected by the young, deep-seated thermal processes that have caused a further uprise of the LAB. Our data imply or predict that the surface heat flow of the Sinai Microplate generally tends to increase along N–S and W–E traverses, from ∼45–50 mW m−2 to ∼55–60 mW m−2. Surface heat flows on the order of 55–60 mW m−2 may be common in the northern Arabian Shield, where it exhibits typical lithosphere structure and composition and is unaffected by young heating processes, compared to values of ≤45 mW m−2 recently determined in the southern Arabian Plate for the Arabian Platform.  相似文献   

We have determined the post-perovskite phase transition boundary in MgSiO3 in a wide temperature range from 1640 to 4380 K at 119–171 GPa on the basis of synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements in-situ at high-pressure and -temperature in a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell (LHDAC). The results show a considerably high positive Clapeyron slope of + 13.3 ± 1.0 MPa/K and a transition temperature of about 3520 ± 70 K at the core–mantle boundary (CMB) pressure. The thermal structure in D″ layer can be tightly constrained from precisely determined post-perovskite phase transition boundary and the depths of paired seismic discontinuities. These suggest that temperature at the CMB may be around 3700 K, somewhat lower than previously thought. A minimum bound on the global heat flow from the core is estimated to be 6.6 ± 0.5 TW.  相似文献   

The Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project is located at the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt. It offers a unique opportunity for studying the radiogenic heat production of both shallower and deeper rocks. Based on the concentrations of radiogenic elements U, Th and K on 349 samples from main hole of CCSD (CCSD MH), pilot holes and exposures, we determined radiogenic heat productions of all major rock types in the Sulu UHPM belt. Results show the mean values of orthogneiss and paragneiss are respectively 1.65 ± 0.81 and 1.24 ± 0.61 µW m? 3. Due to different composition and grade of retrogressive metamorphism, the eclogites display significant scatter in radiogenic heat production, ranging from 0.01 to 2.85 µW m? 3, with a mean of 0.44 ± 0.55 µW m? 3. The radiogenic heat production in ultramafic rocks also varies within a large range of 0.02 to 1.76 µW m? 3, and the average turns out to be 0.18 ± 0.31 µW m? 3. Based on the measurements and crustal petrologic model, the vertical distribution model of heat production in Sulu crust is established. The resulting mean heat production (0.76 µW m? 3) contributes 24 mW m? 2 to the surface heat flow. 1-D thermal model indicates that the temperature at the Moho reaches above 750 °C, and the thermal thickness of the lithosphere is ~ 75 km, in good agreement with the geophysical results. The high teat flow (~ 75 mW m? 2) together with thin lithosphere presents strong support for the extension events during the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The anisotropic thermal conductivity and diffusivity of talc were simultaneously measured up to 5.3 GPa and 900 K using the pulse transient method. Although significant anisotropy was observed in the thermal conductivity of talc, the average thermal conductivity is comparable to that of olivine and roughly three times greater than that of antigorite. From the ratio of the thermal conductivity to the thermal diffusivity, the heat capacity of talc was evaluated. The pressure derivative of heat capacity was found to be positive, which is related to the anomaly of thermal expansivity of talc above 50 °C at atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   

A temporary seismological network of broadband three-component stations has been deployed N–S to investigate the crust and upper mantle structure across the Ordos Block and the Yinshan Mountains. P wave receiver functions reveal the Moho depth to be about 41 km beneath the central Ordos Block and down to 45 km beneath the northern Ordos Block, a slight uplifting to 42–43 km beneath the Hetao Graben, increasing to 47–48 km beneath the Yinshan Mountains and then decreasing to 44 km beneath the northern Yinshan Mountains along the profile. In the Ordos Block, the crustal Vp/Vs ratio (about 1.80) south to the Hetao Graben differs from that (about 1.75) beneath the center Ordos Block. The crustal Vp/Vs ratio is significantly lower (about 1.65–1.70) beneath the Yinshan Mountains. The P wave receiver function migration imaging suggests relatively flat discontinuities at 410 and 660 km, indicating the lack of a strong thermal anomaly beneath this profile at these depths, and a low S wave velocity anomaly in the upper mantle beneath the Hetao Graben. We suggest that the low S wave velocity anomaly may be attributable to heat and that the thermal softening advances the evolution of the Hetao Graben, while the lower-crustal ductile flows transfer from the Hetao Graben to the northern Ordos Block, resulting in crustal thickening.  相似文献   

This study reconstructs the late stages in the exhumation history of a nappe derived from the Meliatic accretionary wedge in the Western Carpathians by means of zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He dating. The Meliatic accretionary wedge formed due to the closure of the Neotethyan Triassic–Jurassic Meliata–Hallstatt Ocean in the Late Jurassic. The studied fragments of the blueschist-bearing Meliatic Bôrka Nappe were metamorphosed at low-temperature and high- to medium-pressure conditions at ca. 160–150 Ma and included into the accretionary wedge. The time of the accretionary wedge formation constrains the beginning of the Bôrka Nappe northward thrusting over the Gemeric Unit of the evolving Central Western Carpathians (CWC) orogenic wedge. The zircon (U-Th)/He data on four samples recorded three evolutionary stages: (i) cooling through the ∼180 °C isotherm at 130–120 Ma related to starting collapse of the accretionary wedge, following exhumation of the high-pressure slices in the Meliatic accretionary wedge; (ii) postponed exhumation and cooling of some fragments through the ∼180 °C isotherm from 115 to 95 Ma due to ongoing collapse of this wedge; and (iii) cooling from 80 to 65 Ma, postdating the thrusting (∼100–80 Ma) of the Bôrka Nappe slices during the Late Cretaceous compression related to formation of the CWC orogenic wedge. The third stage already documents cooling of the Meliatic Bôrka Nappe slices in the CWC orogenic wedge. The apatite (U-Th)/He data may indicate cooling of a Bôrka Nappe slice to near-surface temperatures at ∼65 Ma. The younger AHe age clusters indicate that at least one, or possibly two, reheating events could have occurred in the longer interval from ∼40 to ∼10 Ma during the Oligocene–Miocene. These were related to sedimentary burial and/or the magmatism as documented in other parts of the CWC.  相似文献   

Two mineralogically and chemically distinct rhyolite magmas (T1 and T3) were syn-erupted from the same conduit system during the 21.9 ka basalt intrusion-triggered Okareka eruption from Tarawera volcano, New Zealand. High spatial resolution U–Th disequilibrium dating of zircon crystals at the ~ 3–5 μm scale reveals a protracted yet discontinuous zircon crystallization history within the magmatic system. Both magma types contain zircon whose interiors predate the eruption by up to 200 ka. The dominant age peak in the T1 magma is ~ 30 ka with subordinate peaks at ~ 45, ~ 75, and ~ 100 ka, whereas the T3 magma has a dominant zircon interior age peak at ~ 90 ka with smaller modes at ~ 35 and ~ 150 ka. These patterns are consistent with isolated pockets of crystallization throughout the evolution of the system. Crystal rim analyses yield ages ranging from within error of the eruption age to at least ~ 90 ka prior to eruption, highlighting that zircon crystallization frequently stalled long before the eruption. Continuous depth profiling from crystal rims inward demonstrates protracted growth histories for individual crystals (up to ~ 100 ka) that were punctuated by asynchronous hiatuses of up to 30 ka in duration. Disparate zircon growth histories can result from localized thermal perturbations caused by mafic intrusions into a silicic reservoir. The crystal age heterogeneity at hand-sample scale requires considerable crystal transport and mixing. We propose that crystal mixing was achieved through buoyancy instabilities caused by mafic magma flow through crystal mush. A terminal pre-eruptive rejuvenation event was capable of mobilizing voluminous melts that erupted, but was too short (< 102–103 years) to result in extensive zircon growth. The contrasting, punctuated zircon histories argue against closed-system fractional crystallization models for silicic magmatism that require protracted cooling times following a mostly liquid starting condition.  相似文献   

Located on the margin of the west Alboran basin, the Gibraltar Arc (Betic-Rif mountain belt) displays post-Pliocene vertical movements evidenced by uplifted marine sedimentary basins and marine terraces. Quantification of vertical movements is an important clue to understand the origin of present-day relief generation in the Betic-Rif mountain chain together with the causes of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. In this paper, we present the results of a pluridisciplinary study combining an analysis of low temperature thermochronology and Pliocene basins evolution to constrain the exhumation history and surface uplift of internals units of the Rif belt (Northern Morocco). The mean (U-Th)/He apatite ages obtained from 11 samples are comprised between 14.1 and 17.8 Ma and display a wide dispersion, which could be explained by a great variability of apatite chemistries in the analyzed samples. No correlations between altitude and age have been found along altitudinal profile suggesting a rapid exhumation during this period. Thermal modeling using our (U-Th)/He apatite ages and geochronological data previously obtained in the same area (40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar data on biotite, zircon and apatite fission track) allow us to propose a cooling history. The rocks suffered a rapid cooling at 60–100 °C/Ma between 22.5 and 19 Ma, then cooled to temperatures around 40 °C between 19 and 18 Ma. They were re-heated at around 110 °C between 18 and 15 Ma then rapidly cooled and exhumed to reach the surface temperature at around 13 Ma. The re-heating could be related to a renewal in thrusting and burying of the inner zones. Between 15 and 13 Ma the cooling resumed at a rate of 50 °C/Ma indicating an exhumation rate of 0.8 mm/y considering an average 40 °C/km geothermal gradient. This exhumation may be linked to the extension in the Alboran Sea. Otherwise biostratigraphic and sedimentological analysis of Pliocene basins of the internal Rif provided informations on the more recent events and vertical movements. Pliocene deposits of the Rifian coast represent the passive infilling of palaeo-rias between 5.33 and 3.8 Ma. The whole coastal area was uplifted at slow average rates (0.01–0.03 mm/y) in relation with a northeastward tilting of 0.2–0.3° since the Lower-Pliocene. A late Pliocene to present extensional tectonics associated to uplift has been identified all along the coastal ranges of the Internal Zone of the Rif chain. This extension was coeval with the major late Pliocene to Pleistocene extensional episode of the Alboran Sea and appears to be still active nowadays. No significant late Messinian uplift was evidenced, thus calling into question the geodynamic models relating the closure of the marine gateways and the MSC to slab roll back.  相似文献   

The total energy loss of the Earth is well constrained by heat flux measurements on land, the plate cooling model for the oceans, and the buoyancy flux of hotspots. It amounts to 46 ± 2 TW. The main sources that balance the total energy loss are the radioactivity of the Earth's crust and mantle, the secular cooling of the Earth's mantle, and the energy loss from the core. Only the crustal radioactivity is well constrained. The uncertainty on each of the other components is larger than the uncertainty of the total heat loss. The mantle energy budget cannot be balanced by adding the best estimates of mantle radioactivity, secular cooling of the mantle, and heat flux from the core. Neutrino observatories in deep underground mines can detect antineutrinos emitted by the radioactivity of U and Th. Provided that the crustal contribution to the geoneutrino flux can be very precisely calculated, it will be possible to put robust constraints on mantle radioactivity and its contribution to the Earth's energy budget. Equally strong constraints could be obtained from a deep ocean observatory without the need of crustal correction. In the future, it may become possible to obtain directional information on the geoneutrino flux and to resolve radial variations in concentration of heat producing elements in the mantle.  相似文献   

Grain sizes in the range (10−4 to 10−1 mm) are common in some rocks. Because thermal and/or chemical remanent magnetization of hematite in this range approaches intensities of single domain (SD) magnetite, careful exploration of this transition, may serve to develop new applications in rock magnetism that relate to magnetic anomaly source identification, and various paleomagnetic and grain size-dependent investigations.Grain size-dependent magnetic behavior of hematite reveals a SD–multidomain (MD) transition at 0.1 mm. This transition is recognized by variation in magnetic coercivity and susceptibility and is related to an anomaly in remanence recovery when cycling through the Morin transition. The coercivity decrease with increasing grain size occurs much more gradually above 0.1 mm than below this value. Magnetic susceptibility of the grains smaller than 0.1 mm has negligible dependence on the amplitude of the applied alternating magnetic field. For the larger grains a new amplitude-dependent susceptibility component is observed. The grain size of 0.1 mm is also associated with loss of most of the remanence when cycling through the Morin transition. This behavior is ascribed to a transition from the metastable SD to the MD magnetic state. The increase in magnetized volume causes the demagnetizing energy to destabilize the SD state, resulting in a transition where the demagnetizing energy is reduced by nucleation of the domain wall for grains larger than 0.1 mm. The 0.1 mm transition has no significant effect on shape of the temperature-dependent coercivity and saturation magnetization.  相似文献   

An integrated approach involving volcanology, geochemistry and numerical modelling has enabled the reconstruction of the volcanic history of the Fox kimberlite pipe. The observed deposits within the vent include a basal massive, poorly sorted, matrix supported, lithic fragment rich, eruption column collapse lapilli tuff. Extensive vent widening during the climactic magmatic phase of the eruption led to overloading of the eruption column with cold dense country rock lithic fragments, dense juvenile pyroclasts and olivine crystals, triggering column collapse. > 40% dilution of the kimberlite by granodiorite country rock lithic fragments is observed both in the physical componentry of the rocks and in the geochemical signature, where enrichment in Al2O3 and Na2O compared to average values for coherent kimberlite is seen. The wide, deep, open vent provided a trap for a significant proportion of the collapsing column material, preventing large scale run-away in the form of pyroclastic flow onto the ground surface, although minor flows probably also occurred. A massive to diffusely bedded, poorly sorted, matrix supported, accretionary-lapilli bearing, lithic fragment rich, lapilli tuff overlies the column collapse deposit providing evidence for a late phreatomagmatic eruption stage, caused by the explosive interaction of external water with residual magma. Correlation of pipe morphology and internal stratigraphy indicate that widening of the pipe occurred during this latter stage and a thick granodiorite cobble-boulder breccia was deposited. Ash- and accretionary lapilli-rich tephra, deposited on the crater rim during the late phreatomagmatic stage, was subsequently resedimented into the vent. Incompatible elements such as Nb are used as indicators of the proportion of the melt fraction, or kimberlite ash, retained or removed by eruptive processes. When compared to average coherent kimberlite the ash-rich deposits exhibit ~ 30% loss of fines whereas the column collapse deposit exhibits ~ 50% loss. This shows that despite the poorly sorted nature of the column collapse deposit significant elutriation has occurred during the eruption, indicating the existence of a high sustained eruption column. The deposits within Fox record a complex eruption sequence showing a transition from a probable violent sub-plinian style eruption, driven by instantaneous exsolution of magmatic volatiles, to a late phreatomagmatic eruption phase. Mass eruption rate and duration of the sub-plinian phase of the eruption have been determined based on the dimensions of milled country-rock boulders found within the intra-vent deposits. Calculations show a short lived eruption of one to eleven days for the sub-plinian magmatic phase, which is similar in duration to small volume basaltic eruptions. This is in general agreement with durations of kimberlite eruptions calculated using entirely different approaches and parameters, such as predictions of magma ascent rates in kimberlite dykes.  相似文献   

Density-driven exchange flows between estuaries and harbour docks are influenced by the length of the dock. As a result, increasing dock size through its lengthening, not necessarily results in an increase in sedimentation rates. The propagation of a low-salinity surface patch into the dock is blocked at the head of a relatively short dock, resulting in a reversal of density-driven flows, and a reduction of the hydrostatic pressure gradients in the entrance of the dock. A reduced hydrostatic pressure in the dock, in turn, promotes near-bed inflow. When this increased near-bed inflow coincides with a high sediment supply on the adjacent river, the sediment transport into the dock increases. This has been tested with an extensively validated high-resolution numerical model developed for the Deurganckdok in the Port of Antwerp. In the Deurganckdok, siltation rates are expected to decrease when the dock is fully excavated compared to the present half-opened dock.Whether exchange flows between estuaries and harbour docks are influenced by the length of the dock, depends on the tidal variation in salinity. For small tidal density variations (around 0.5 kg/m3), the dock length is expected to influence exchange flows in a short dock (approximately 1 km), whereas the dock should be much longer (4 km) when the tidal density variation is higher (around 5 kg/m3). Whether these changing exchange flow result in a lowering or increase of sediment import, depends on the phase difference between sediment concentration peaks on the adjacent river/estuary and the salinity variation, and on the vertical distribution of sediment.  相似文献   

Patterns in fault slip rates through time and space are examined across the transition from the Sierra Nevada to the Eastern California Shear Zone–Walker Lane belt. At each of four sites along the eastern Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone between 38 and 39° N latitude, geomorphic markers, such as glacial moraines and outwash terraces, are displaced by a suite of range-front normal faults. Using geomorphic mapping, surveying, and 10Be surface exposure dating, mean fault slip rates are defined, and by utilizing markers of different ages (generally, ~ 20 ka and ~ 150 ka), rates through time and interactions among multiple faults are examined over 104–105 year timescales.At each site for which data are available for the last ~ 150 ky, mean slip rates across the Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone have probably not varied by more than a factor of two over time spans equal to half of the total time interval (~ 20 ky and ~ 150 ky timescales): 0.3 ± 0.1 mm year? 1 (mode and 95% CI) at both Buckeye Creek in the Bridgeport basin and Sonora Junction; and 0.4 + 0.3/?0.1 mm year? 1 along the West Fork of the Carson River at Woodfords. Data permit rates that are relatively constant over the time scales examined. In contrast, slip rates are highly variable in space over the last ~ 20 ky. Slip rates decrease by a factor of 3–5 northward over a distance of ~ 20 km between the northern Mono Basin (1.3 + 0.6/?0.3 mm year? 1 at Lundy Canyon site) to the Bridgeport Basin (0.3 ± 0.1 mm year? 1). The 3-fold decrease in the slip rate on the Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone northward from Mono Basin is indicative of a change in the character of faulting north of the Mina Deflection as extension is transferred eastward onto normal faults between the Sierra Nevada and Walker Lane belt.A compilation of regional deformation rates reveals that the spatial pattern of extension rates changes along strike of the Eastern California Shear Zone-Walker Lane belt. South of the Mina Deflection, extension is accommodated within a diffuse zone of normal and oblique faults, with extension rates increasing northward on the Fish Lake Valley fault. Where faults of the Eastern California Shear Zone terminate northward into the Mina Deflection, extension rates increase northward along the Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone to ~ 0.7 mm year? 1 in northern Mono Basin. This spatial pattern suggests that extension is transferred from more easterly fault systems, e.g., Fish Lake Valley fault, and localized on the Sierra Nevada frontal fault zone as the Eastern California Shear Zone–Walker Lane belt faulting is transferred through the Mina Deflection.  相似文献   

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