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Around Fiskefjord, southern West Greenland, Archaean amphibolite-facies, granulite-facies and retrograde orthogneisses occur in lithological and structural continuity with each other. The granulite-facies rocks here—and elsewhere in West Greenland—are surrounded by extensive areas of retrograde gneisses. Both the prograde and retrograde metamorphism took place in a major event of continental crust formation c. 3000 Ma ago, which gave rise to granulite-facies conditions in part of the rock complex exposed today. In the Fiskefjord area distributions of major and trace elements, as well as strontium and lead isotopes, show that the fades transformations were accompanied by pronounced metasomatism, and mineral chemistry indicates that the hydrous retrograde metamorphism took place under amphibolite-facies conditions and was gradual and incomplete. The metamorphic and metasomatic processes in the Fiskefjord area are believed to have been controlled by heat from continuous intracrustal injection of large masses of tonalitic magma, which caused gradual dehydration and partial melting, followed by liberation of aqueous fluids during crystallization of anatectic melts. These fluids partially retrograded previously dehydrated gneisses. In contrast, South Indian high-grade gneisses have mainly prograde amphibolite–granulite-facies transitions which are distinct and well preserved, later than penetrative deformation, and are likely to have been controlled by CO2 streaming. These amphibolite–granulite-facies transitions are reported to be near-isochemical. It is suggested that there are (at least) two different kinds of granulite-facies metamorphism: a near-isochemical prograde type in stabilized tectonic environments, perhaps controlled by influx of CO2 (e.g. in South India) and significantly post-dating original crust formation; and a fluid-deficient type with widespread anatexis, hydrous retrogression and metasomatism, which takes place during accretion of continental crust, and in which heat is the governing factor (e.g. in southern West Greenland).  相似文献   

A regional lineament of highly parallelized planar and linear structures can be followed over a distance of 150 km from the coast to the Inland Ice at Nordre Strømfjord in central West Greenland. This shear zone is situated within the Nagssugtoqidian mobile belt and transects an area of intricate interference structures, from which it has been formed by high shear strain. By using data for the orientation of planar structures outside and within the zone, the shear strain is calculated to be approximately 6. This value applies to the shear zone close to the coast where its width is approximately 15 km. The zone is cut by the granulite/amphibolite facies boundary, and towards lower metamorphic grade the width of the zone decreases. At the same time the shear strain increases, so that the offset across the zone could be constant irrespective of width. At the coast, where the zone has been mapped, the fanning of planar structures shows the zone to be wedge-shaped, thinning upwards.It is therefore suggested that the zone represents a deep-seated ductile part of a major, transcurrent fault with a sinistral displacement of at least 100 km.  相似文献   

Extensive scheelite-bearing calc-silicate zones with elevated contents of chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, yttrium and barium are found in Archaean supracrustal rocks of the Nuuk area, West Greenland. The calc-silicate zones are largely stratabound and occur in mafic and ultramafic metavolcanic rocks. The calc-silicates are interpreted as amphibolite facies metamorphosed alteration zones in komatiitic intrusive and extrusive rocks as well as in tholeiitic pillow lavas. The alteration which antedates the amphibolite facies metamorphism and the main deformation of the supracrustal rocks, presumably took place at the sea-floor or immediately below the sea-floor. The brines which caused the alteration were enriched in elements such as tungsten, boron, sulphur, iron, copper and zinc. The boron was precipitated as thin tourmalinites and the iron in massive to semi-massive sulphide bodies. The scheelite in the calc-silicates is mainly found as disseminated grains, as stringers and as veinlets. Rare veins up to 15 cm wide with massive scheelite are encountered. Channel sampling revealed grades up to 0.35% W over a width of 2.5 m. Highly anomalous bromine contents up to 418 ppm and equally anomalous chlorine/bromine ratios down to 3 have been found in scheelite-bearing calc-silicates. Somewhat similar anomalous bromine contents and Cl/Br ratios have been reported from serpentinites in the Outokumpu ore body, Finland. At Mount Isa, northern Australia and in the Antimony line in the Murchinson greenstone belt, southern Africa anomalous Cl/Br ratios have been observed. The possible role of bromine in the ore-forming processes is as yet poorly understood.  相似文献   

An early Archaean (>3·81 Ga) chromitite–ultramaficlayered body from the Ujaragssuit nunât area, west Greenland,may represent the Earth’s oldest chromitite. The layeredbody occurs as a large xenolith (800 m x 100 m) entrained withintonalitic gneisses and preserves primary igneous layering andtextures. New Re–Os and Pb–Pb isotope results supportthe view that it has been metamorphosed twice, in the earlyand late Archaean at 3·75 Ga and 2·8 Ga. Mineralchemistry and textures indicate that the chromite compositionspreserve two different evolutionary trends. There is a mainmagmatic trend in which Cr/(Cr + Al) ratios remain relativelyconstant but in which there is strong enrichment in Fe3+, Fe2+and Ti with progressive differentiation. This trend is a compositeof magmatic-liquidus, magmatic-cooling and subsolidus re-equilibrationprocesses. A second trend is defined by chromites from harzburgitesin the upper part of the layered body. These chromites showmagmatic replacement textures in which Fe-rich chromites arealtered to aluminous chromites. Chromites showing magmatic replacementtextures are thought to have formed by reaction with a late,interstitial melt during the solidification of the layered body.The close association between the Fe3+–Cr-chromites ofthe main trend and Al-rich chromites of the type found in otherArchaean megacrystic anorthosites suggest a magmatic-geneticrelationship between the two types of chromite. We propose thatanorthositic chromites form in an Fe-rich basaltic melt derivedfrom a komatiitic, boninitic or basaltic parent magma throughreaction between the melt and early-formed Fe-rich chromite. KEY WORDS: chromite; anorthosite; Archaean; Greenland; Re–Os  相似文献   

The MD dyke swarm is composed of four generations of large basictholeiite dykes which cut the entire Archaean craton of southernWest Greenland. The four successive generations (MD1, MD2, MD3a,MD3b) are characterized by their orientation and cross-cuttingrelationships and by their mineralogy, texture and progressivelyevolved tholeiitic chemistry. Rare-earth element (REE) abundancessuggest that the dykes may have a fairly complex petrogeneticevolution. The suite varies from early (MD1) heteradcumulatenorites to ophitic and sub-ophitic gabbroic and doleritic rocks(MD2 and MD3) and the youngest generation (MD3b) comprises plagioclase-phyricdolerites. The pyroxene chemistry parallels the geochemical evolution ofthe dykes showing an overall Fe-enrichment trend. However, theclinopyroxenes are enigmatic in that, although they occur predominantlyas part of medium and coarse-grained holocrystalline textures,they are chemically highly variable and calcium-poor, many plottingin the metastable field in the system MgSiO3 (En)-CaSiO3 (Wo)-FeSiO3(Fs). Many individual grains are extremely complex and may beregularly or irregularly zoned. Along with more typical pyroxene forms, the MD1 dykes containpyroxene dendrites poikilitically enclosed by plagioclase. Thedendrites vary compositionally from hypersthene bases to branchesof pigeonite and subcalcic augite and terminate in augite branchtips. The MD2 and MD3a dyke pyroxenes are the most complex.The majority of them are sub-ophitic grains, many with successivezones of orthopyroxene, pigeonite, subcalcic augite, augiteand ferroaugite. However, Ca-enrichment or Ca-depletion, Fe-enrichmentor Fe-depletion and apparently opposing zoning trends can occurin neighbouring grains. Even small interstitial pyroxenes showa very wide range of compositions. Morphologically unusual andcomplex clinopyroxene ‘cylinders’ occur in someof the MD3a dykes. They are chemically relatively uniform andare normal tholeiitic augites. The MD3b rocks have small concentricallyzoned sub-ophitic pyroxenes which show Ca-enrichment with arelatively constant Fs component (29 to 39 mol. per cent). Themost extremely zoned grains have hypersthene cores with successivecoronas of pigeonite and subcalcic augite and have margins ofaugite or ferroaugite. The present ‘coexistence’of such compositionally widely variable pyroxenes and the extremeand often irregular nature of their chemical zoning make thedetermination of true original coexisting pyroxene phases andthe use of a two pyroxene geothermometer very difficult andof limited significance. The presence of a wide variety of pyroxenes of apparently bothstable and metastable compositions in these holocrystallinedykes suggests that these rocks have undergone a complex andrather unusual cooling history. The principal genetic factorswhich could have influenced their crystallization are (1) supercooling,(2) the evolution of discrete interstitial liquid cells, (3)augite-pigeonite peritectic reactions and (4) plagioclase growthand delay of pyroxene nucleation during supercooling of liquidto below the basalt liquidus.  相似文献   

The rare earth element (REE) patterns in the 3.8 Ga-old Isua iron-formation are generally flat, resembling those of some primitive basalts. Samples with positive, negative or no europium anomaly were found. It is shown that diagenesis and metamorphism did not significantly change the REE patterns. The presence or absence of europium anomalies in iron-formations cannot be used as an indicator of the presence or absence of oxygen in the atmosphere during the Archaean and Precambrian. The REE contents cannot be used to distinguish Algoma-type from Superior-type iron-formations. There appears to be a striking similarity between the Archaean submarine exhalations and modern submarine hydrothermal systems. It is considered likely that Archaean and early Precambrian seawater had a chondritic REE pattern with a slight enrichment of light REE.  相似文献   

J. Winter 《Lithos》1974,7(4):235-238
On the basis of chemical charactiristics (major elements) it is concluded that the investigated amphibolite was formed as a result of high-grade regional metamorphism of a calcareous sediment mixed with basic igneous material, probably in the form of tuff. In view of the many recent publications on the origin of amphibolites it seems justified to propose a new definition of the term ‘para-amphibolite‘.  相似文献   

The Archaean rocks of West Greenland are predominantly bandedquartzofeldspathic gneisses enclosing thin migmatized sheetsof older metabasic and metasedimentary lithologies. Isotopicdating (Moorbath & Pankhurst, 1976) indicates that muchof the Archaean crust presently exposed in southern West Greenlandwas generated from predominantly upper mantle sources 3000-2800m.y. ago. Parts of this crust crystallized under prograde granulitefacies conditions 2950-2750 m.y. ago. The granulite gneisseswere severely depleted in some of the lithophile and heat producingelements, Si, Na, Sr, Rb, U and Th, during the granulite metamorphism.These elements appear to have been transferred to higher crustallevels by the migration of a dispersed vapour phase. The pressureand temperature recorded by amphibolite and granulite faciesassemblages have been estimated using thermometers and barometerscalibrated against the results of phase equilibrium experiments.These estimates (800 °C, 10.5 kb and 630 °C, 7.3 kbfor granulite and amphibolite facies respectively) indicatethat the Archaean continental crust in southern West Greenlandwas at least 30–40 km thick 2800 m.y. ago. Water vapourpressures in the granulites were extremely low, 0.3 to 0.1 Ptotal.The thermal evolution of the Archaean crust during the period3000-2700 m.y. was controlled by the emplacement of large volumesof acid-intermediate melts into a relatively thin metabasiccrust. The thermal perturbations generated by this convectivetransfer of heat from the upper mantle to the crust relaxedduring the period immediately following crustal accretion. Progradegranulite facies assemblages could have developed under stronglydehydrating conditions and progressively falling temperatures,or during a phase of rising temperature in the lower crust.  相似文献   

Summary In the Archaean Malene supracrustal rocks of West Greenland different types of stratiform tourmalinites have been found. The present article describes schistose anthophyllite-rich tourmalinites hosted in anthophyllite-cordierite schists. It is shown that the boron is of submarine exhalative origin and was absorbed from seaweater by clay minerals. Tourmaline was formed at an early stage of metamorphism up to staurolite grade. At higher metamorphic grades staurolite became unstable and porphyroblasts of cordierite and tourmaline were formed. The boron is suggested to be from the same brines which supplied tungsten for the extensive stratabound scheelite occurrences found in banded amphibolites and in some tourmalinites in the Malene supracrustal belt.
Stratiforme Turmalinite in der archaischen Wolfram-Provinz von West-Grönland
Zusammenfassung In den archaischen suprakrustalen Gesteinen Westgrönlands kommen verschiedene schichtgebundene Turmalinite vor. Schiefrige anthophyllitreiche Turmalinite, die in Anthophyllit-Cordierit-Schiefern auftreten, sind der Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung. Das Bor stammt aus submarinen Exhalationen und wurde an Tonmineralen absorbiert. Turmalin wurde bereits in einem frühen Stadium der Metamorphose bis hin zur Staurolith-Fazies gebildet. Mit steigender Metamorphose bildeten sich Cordierit- und Turmalin-Porphyroblasten auf Kosten von Staurolith. Es wird angenommen, daß das Wolfram in den weitverbreiteten schichtgebundenen Scheelitvorkommen der suprakrustalen Gesteine des Malene-Gürtels ebenso wie das Bor aus submarinen Exhalationen stammt.

Uranium–Pb sphene and apatite, and 40Ar/39Ar hornblende,muscovite and K-feldspar ages from the core of the ProterozoicNagssugtoqidian orogen, West Greenland, are used to constrainthe timing of granulite-facies metamorphism and the subsequentcooling history. Metamorphic monazite growth occurred at 1858± 2, 1830 ± 1 and 1807 ± 2 Ma and definesthe peak of metamorphism. The uncertainty in the cooling rateshas to include the error in the decay constants of the systemsused. This source of uncertainty is, however, negligible ifa single decay scheme is used or when the age difference betweenthe chronometers is large (>100 m.y.). Over the last twodecades increasingly higher closure temperatures have been proposed.This trend reflects the difficulty of determining ‘absolute’closure temperatures and in using a limited number of closuretemperature estimates to infer closure temperatures of othergeochronometers. Cooling rates at Ussuit were 2·9 ±1·7°C/m.y. from 1762 Ma (670°C) to 1705 Ma (500°C),1·5 ± 1·1°C/m.y. from 1705 Ma to 1640Ma (410°C), and 0·9 ± 0·4°C/m.y.between 1640 and 1416 Ma (200°C). Between 1720 and 1645Ma cooling rates in Lersletten, 60 km north of Ussuit, are indistinguishablefrom those at Ussuit. After 1645 Ma, however, the area cooledto 200°C at a slightly faster rate of 2·6 ±1·2°C/m.y. KEY WORDS: 40Ar/39Ar and U–Pb geochronometers; granulite metamorphism; slow cooling; T–t path  相似文献   

Relict discordant relationships between the c.3000–2800 Ma old Nǔk granitic (s.l.) gneisses and the c.3700 Ma old Amǐtsoq gneisses of Ivisǎrtoq clearly indicate that the Nǔk gneisses originated as intrusive sheets and bosses. The older gneisses are preserved as continuous banded units which are injected by thin granitic dykes and sills and become progressively disrupted by increasing proportions of intrusive Nǔk granitic material until they occur merely as discrete xenoliths and enclaves dissemminated within a younger gneiss matrix. The Nǔk granites were emplaced into the cores of developing large scale folds within intercalated oceanic and ancient continental portions of the Archaean crust, previously interleaved by thrusting.  相似文献   

Broadly the science of geology has passed through a number of distinct phases. In the early days attention was focussed on establishing a stratigraphic framework, concentrating on fossils and lithologies—the days of mapping and systematizing of sedimentary successions and the uncovering of the succession of life. Later, in the early twentieth century, geologists became much more interested in igneous rocks. By the 1960s attention turned to the ocean basins, culminating in the acceptance of the paradigm of plate tectonics. At the end of the 1960s, one area of geology that remained relatively little understood was the huge span of time represented by the Precambrian, about 80 per cent of Earth's history. By the 1960s this was changing. Radiometric dating was beginning to show the relative ages of such terranes and new methods of mapping were beginning to be used.  相似文献   

Sulphide separates from mineralisation in Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic host rocks of the Disko Bugt area, central West Greenland, have been analysed for trace elements and Pb isotopes. Isotopic compositions of lead from sulphide separates of Archaean supracrustal rocks show wide variations. Archaean semi-massive sulphides and sulphides separated from felsic metavolcanites yield an errorchron age of 2821 +77/−82, with a model μ1 value of 7.36; this is comparable to the estimated age of the supracrustal rocks. The two most prominent mineralised sites, the Andersen and Eqip prospects, have their own unique Pb isotope pattern; the Andersen prospect is considered to represent the result of an upper crust of Palaeoproterozoic process. The sulphide separates of Palaeoproterozoic epigenetic mineralisation hosted in shear and fault zones in the supracrustal rocks has a common origin, e.g. linked to a metamorphic peak and/or hydrothermal alteration. Gold-bearing samples indicate a local origin for associated sulphides; no regional processes seem to be involved in the formation of the gold occurrences. Received: 17 March 1997 / Accepted: 8 July 1997  相似文献   

This paper describes the geochemistry of pre-3000 m.y. metadolerite(Ameralik) dykes from the well documented areas of Isua, Godthaabsfjordand Ameralik in West Greenland. The dykes fall convenientlyinto three divisions: (A) a more magnesian range of basalticcompositions having low K2O contents and flat REE patterns,(B) a less magnesian range of basaltic compositions with morefractionated trace element geochemistry, and (C) an ‘Ugpik’group having compositions more consistent with the accumulationof pyroxenes in basaltic magma. Within Group A may be distinguishedtwo minor variants, additional to the main group, one of whichprobably represents the influence of secondary processes. The secondary influx of elements by residence contaminationhas been examined in the undeformed dykes at Isua, and is shownto have a negligible effect on the dyke interiors. Comparisonof the Isua dykes, all belonging to group A, with more deformedmembers of Group A in Godthaabsfjord allows constraints to beplaced on element migration during deformation and metamorphismaffecting the latter area. The original igneous geochemicalaffinity of the dykes of group B, which are not representedin the well preserved Isua enclave, can thereby be defined withgreater confidence. Trace element fractionation tests in conjunction with a least-squarespetrographic mixing model are consistent with groups A and Bbelonging to a single igneous fractionation series. The Ameralik dykes are shown to have much in common geochemicallywith Archaean basalt lavas present in most greenstone belts,but the dykes do not appear to have supplied a typical greenstonebelt assemblage. It is argued that the Archaean tholeiite associationhas no exact geochemical analogue among recent examples of low-Ktholeiite, and that geochemical comparisons therefore providelittle information on the tectonic setting in which greenstonebelts comparisons therefore provde little information on theteactonic setting in which greenstons beltsdeveloped. The occurrenceof low-K tholetitic dykes in the interior of a continental massis without parallel in recent geological history (except wherethe continent has subsequently rifted apart), and implies anArchaean sub-sialic mantle structure different from the present-daysubcontinental mantle. * Present address: Department of Geology, Chelsea College, University of London, 271 King Street, London W6 9LZ.  相似文献   

Ph isotopic analyses are reported for 119 samples of late Archaean (ca. 3000-2800 Myr) calc alkaline orthogneisses and associated anorthosites from southern West Greenland. Over most of the area. PbPb whole rock isotope systematics indicate derivation of the magmatic precursors of the gneisses and anorthosites from a source region with a typically mantle-type UPb ratio (μ1 value of 7.5) at. or shortly before, ca. 3000-2800 Myr ago. In contrast, in the Godthaabsfjord region, late Archaean Nûk gneisses and associated anorthosites were emplaced into or through early Archaean (ca. 3700 Myr) Amîtsoq gneisses, and crystallised with variable proportions of two isotopically distinct types of Pb which commenced their respective crustal developments at ca. 3000-2800 Myr and at ca. 3700 Myr ago. Isotopic and other geochemical constraints demonstrate that Nûk gneisses and their temporal equivalents were not produced by reworking or melting of Amîtsoq gneisses. Mixing of early and late Archaean Pb results from contamination of the magmatic precursors of Nûk gneisses and anorthosites (characterised by mantle-type Pb at time of emplacement) with ancient, unradiogenic Pb derived from ca. 3700 Myr-old Amîtsoq-type continental crust invaded by the Nûk magmas. The contaminant is considered to be a trace-element enriched fluid phase released from dehydrating older continental crust during progressive burial and heating by emplacement of calc alkaline magmas in the late Archaean ‘accretion differentiation superevent’. This was followed by mixing of the released fluids with younger Nûk magmas.Pb isotopic compositions of late Archaean gneisses and anorthosites outside the Godthaabsfjord region provide no evidence for the presence of early Archaean Amîtsoq-type continental crust in southern West Greenland in areas more than a few tens of km outside the known outcrop of Amîtsoq gneisses. We suggest that early Archaean crust does not exist at depth in late Archaean areas with undisturbed Pb-isotope systematics, either in Greenland or elsewhere in the North Atlantic craton.Pb-isotope evidence for crust magma interaction, involving selective extraction of certain trace elements by a fluid phase from wall rock and subsequent mixing between magma and contaminant fluid, provides a powerful tool for detection, sub-surface ‘mapping’, and geochronological and geochemical characterisation of deep, ancient continental crust.  相似文献   

The sulfur contents and sulfur isotope ratios (δ34S) have been measured for samples collected from the Isua area of West Greenland in an effort to place narrower limits on the time of the rise of sulfate respirers during the Precambrian.The δ34S values of the Isua sediments (3.7 × 109 yr old) including the various facies of the banded iron-formations have their mean values close to zero %. (CDT) (±0.5%.) with a standard deviation of less than 1%.. This comes extremely close to the respective means yielded by the presumed tuffaceous amphibolites (+ 0.3 ± 0.9%.) and by the somewhat younger, between 3.1 and 3.7 ± 109 yr, basaltic Ameralik dykes of the region (+ 0.6 ± 1.1%.).In view of the regional distribution of the Isua banded iron-formation sediments, the variety of environmental conditions under which the various facies were deposited and the complete absence of isotopic evidence for sulfate reducers, in contrast to the banded iron-formations of the middle Archaean (δ34Svariesfrom ?20 to +20%.), it seems most unlikely that evidence for 'sulfate reducers' existed or will be found in other sediments of Isua age.The very small spread in δ34S values for the Isua sediments is interpreted as due to minor fractionation during the passage of endogenic sulfur phases to their present sites of emplacement within the sedimentary succession.  相似文献   

The Inugssugssuaq nappe is made up of a membrane of anorthositic rocks sheathed by grey gneisses of Nûk age (2.800 Ma) and with a core of highly xenolithic Nûk grey gneiss. The structure was generated by magmatic diapirism followed by tectonic activity, but both stages probably resulted from thermally induced gravitational instability. Relations with geometrically similar structures in the area are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Inugssugssuaq-Decke wird durch eine Membran von anorthositischen Gesteinen aufgebaut, die durch graue Gneise von Nûk Alter (2.800 Ma) eingehüllt wird und die einen Kern aus grauem, stark xenolithischen Gneis besitzt.Die Struktur wurde durch magmatischen Diapirismus gebildet, gefolgt von tektonischer Aktivität. Beide Stadien waren wahrscheinlich die Folge thermisch verursachter Schwereinstabilität. Die Beziehungen zu geometrisch ähnlichen Strukturen in dem Gebiet werden diskutiert.

Résumé La nappe d'Inugssugssuaq est formée par une membrane de roches anorthositiques, enrobée par des gneiss d âge Nuk (2.800 Ma), avec un noyau de gneiss xénolithiques gris.La structure résulte d'un diapirisme magmatique auquel a succédé une activité tectonique. Ces deux étappes furent vraisemblablement la conséquence d'une instabilité gravitative d'origine thermique. Les relations avec des structures géométriques semblables dans la région sont discutées.

Inugssugssuaq , (2.800 ), . , . , , . .

Chemical data for pelitic rocks (shallow-marine platform sediments) of the 2.9 Ga old Pongola Supergroup, South Africa, and the 550–700 Ma old Nama Group, Namibia, revealed clearly different compositions in both groups. A comparison of the Pongola and Nama data with literature values for sedimentary rocks shows a trend for Cr/TiO2 and Cr/Zn ratios as well as the absolute Cr and Ni concentrations to lower values with decreasing age, whereas the Cr/Ni ratios seem to remain broadly constant through time. REE patterns of Pongola and Nama sediments show no significant difference, thus giving the impression of a post-Archaean origin for the demonstrably Archaean Pongola sediments. However, a plot of the trace element data for these sediments, normalized to the average shale of TuRekian &Wedepohl (1961) shows the Pongola shales to have a clear Archaean pattern whereas the Nama pelites display a typical post-Archaean signature. The results of this investigation confirm a model of rapid evolution of the Earth's upper continental crust from a predominantly mafic composition in the early Archaean to a more felsic character with increasing differentiation. The geochemistry of post-Archaean sediments may reflect the onset of cannibalistic recycling of older crust as proposed byVeizer (1973) and the end of major crustal growth.
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei Plattformsedimente (marine Flachwasserablagerungen) verschiedenen Alters (Pongola 2.9 Mrd. Jahre, Südafrika, Nama 550–700 Mio. Jahre, Südwest Afrika/Namibia) chemisch analysiert und miteinander verglichen. Analysen der Tonmineralfraktion sollten zusätzliche Informationen bereitstellen.Die Pelite der Pongola und Nama Gruppen lassen sich statistisch und nach geochemischen Parametern in Cluster unterteilen. Diese Cluster unterscheiden sich nur gering auf Grund ihrer Hauptelementanalysen, die Spurenelemente hingegen weisen einen altersabhängigen Trend auf. Ganz deutlich kommt dies bei den Cr-Werten zum Ausdruck. Von 545 ppm in dem ersten Cluster der ältesten Gesteine fällt er auf etwa 55 ppm in dem zweiten Nama Cluster der jüngsten Gesteine ab. Um die Entwicklungstendenzen darstellen zu können, wurden X/Y-Diagramme erstellt. Es stellte sich heraus, daß für Proben aus dem südlichen Afrika der Chromgehalt mit jünger werdendem Alter abnimmt. Zn und Ni zeigen deutlich, wie sehr diese Elementkonzentrationen in Sedimenten durch einen langen Transportweg und eine intensive Aufarbeitung beeinflußt werden können. Ein Vergleich der Pongola und Nama Daten läßt den Schluß zu, daß die Seltenen Erden nicht unbedingt zur Unterscheidung archaischer von post-archaischen Sedimente geeignet sind.Die Abnahme der Cr/TiO2- und der Cr/Zn-Verhältnisse sowei der absoluten Cr- und Ni-Konzentrationen mit abnehmendem geologischen Alter der Sedimente deuten auf eine rasche Entwicklung (von ca. 3.3 Mrd. J. bis ca. 2.3 Mrd. J.) von einer zunächst vorwiegend mafischen oberen Erdkruste zu einer zunehmend felsischen (d. h. stärker differenzierten) Kruste hin. Die relativ geringen Veränderungen in späterer Zeit (d. h. < 2.3 Mrd. J.) lassen auf den Beginn einer Aufarbeitung schon vorhandener Sedimente (recycling) und eine nur untergeordnete Bildung neuer kontinentaler Erdkruste schließen.

Résumé L'objet de ce travail est de comparer les compositions chimiques de la fraction pélitique (< 2) dans des sédiments de plate-forme, déposés en mer peu profonde, et appartenant respectivement au supergroupe de Pongola (± 2.9 G.a., Afrique du S) et au groupe de Nama (550–700 M.a., Namibie).Cette comparaison, menée par la méthode statistique des «clusters analysis», ne révèle pas de différence entre les deux groupes, en ce qui concerne les éléments majeurs. Pour les éléments en traces, par contre, on constate avec l'âge décroissant des roches une diminution des rapports Cr/TiO2, Cr/Zn ainsi que des teneurs en Cr et en Ni, tandis que le rapport Cr/Ni reste sensiblement constant.Les distributions des terres rares des deux groupes ne présentent pas de différence significative, donnant l'impression d'un âge post-archéen pour les sédiments du groupe de Pongola (2.9 G.a.). Toutefois, le report de données des éléments en traces, normalisées par rapport au shale moyen deTurekian etWedepohl (1961) montre nettement des distributions archéennes pour le groupe de Pongola et post-archéennes pour le groupe de Nama.Ces investigations confirment le modèle d'une évolution rapide de la croûte continentale supérieure depuis une composition mafique à l'Archéen ancien (3.3 G.a.) vers un caractère plus felsique, c'est-à-dire plus différencié vers 2.3 G.a., le peu de changement au cours des périodes ultérieures (< 2.3 G.a.) indiquant un recyclage continuel des mêmes matériaux sans intervention notable d'un accroissement de la croûte continentale.

( 2,9 , — 550–700 ), , . , , . , . . 545 55 . , , . . , - . , ( 3,3 2.3 ) , . . . . . 2.3 , , . . recycling, .

Martin A. Harvey 《Lithos》1983,16(4):325-338
Coarse augen gneisses in this part of the west Norway Basal Gneiss Complex are shown to be derived from a rapakivi-like, porphyritic, plutonic body intruded into a mid-Proterozoic mobile belt. The rocks are intermediate to granitic in composition with little disturbance of either major or trace elements by metamorphism or metasomatism. This suggests that the Rb---Sr age of 1477±21 m.y., with a low I.E. of 0.7042 reflects an intrusive event. The tectonic controls of the intrusion appear to be similar to those for the advanced differentiates of the Proterozc anorthositic suite, although amajor difference in respective H2O contents resulted in differing Fe contents and resultant mineralogies. This example, with other supposed Proterozoic orthogeneisses Norway, suggests that plutonism at that time and in that area was more widespread than previously considered.  相似文献   

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