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The spatial emission from the core of cooling-flow clusters of galaxies is inadequately described by a β -model. Spectrally, the central region of these clusters is well approximated with a two-temperature model, where the inner temperature represents the multiphase status of the core and the outer temperature is a measure of the ambient gas temperature. Following this observational evidence, I extend the use of the β -model to a two-phase gas emission, where the two components coexist within a boundary radius r cool and the ambient gas alone fills the volume shell at a radius above r cool. This simple model still provides an analytic expression for the total surface brightness profile     (Note in the first term the different sign with respect to the standard β -model.) Based upon a physically meaningful model for the X-ray emission, this formula can be used (i) to improve significantly the modelling of the surface brightness profile of cooling flow clusters of galaxies when compared to the standard β -model results, (ii) to constrain properly the physical characteristics of the intracluster plasma in the outskirts, like, e.g., the ambient gas temperature.  相似文献   

We have used the ROSAT PSPC to study the properties of a sample of 24 X-ray-bright galaxy groups, representing the largest sample examined in detail to date. Hot plasma models are fitted to the spectral data to derive temperatures, and modified King models are used to characterize the surface brightness profiles.
In agreement with previous work, we find evidence for the presence of two components in the surface brightness profiles. The extended component is generally found to be much flatter than that observed in galaxy clusters, and there is evidence that the profiles follow a trend with system mass. We derive relationships between X-ray luminosity, temperature and optical velocity dispersion. The relation between X-ray luminosity and temperature is found to be L X∝ T 4.9, which is significantly steeper than the same relation in galaxy clusters. These results are in good agreement with pre-heating models, in which galaxy winds raise the internal energy of the gas, inhibiting its collapse into the shallow potential wells of poor systems.  相似文献   

Studies of the X-ray surface brightness profiles of clusters, coupled with theoretical considerations, suggest that the breaking of self-similarity in the hot gas results from an 'entropy floor', established by some heating process, which affects the structure of the intracluster gas strongly in lower-mass systems. By fitting analytical models for the radial variation in gas density and temperature to X-ray spectral images from the ROSAT PSPC and ASCA GIS, we have derived gas entropy profiles for 20 galaxy clusters and groups. We show that, when these profiles are scaled such that they should lie on top of one another in the case of self-similarity, the lowest-mass systems have higher-scaled entropy profiles than more massive systems. This appears to be due to a baseline entropy of depending on the extent to which shocks have been suppressed in low-mass systems. The extra entropy may be present in all systems, but is detectable only in poor clusters, where it is significant compared with the entropy generated by gravitational collapse. This excess entropy appears to be distributed uniformly with radius outside the central cooling regions.
We determine the energy associated with this entropy floor, by studying the net reduction in binding energy of the gas in low-mass systems, and find that it corresponds to a pre-heating temperature of 0.3 keV. Since the relationship between entropy and energy injection depends upon gas density, we are able to combine the excesses of 70140 keV cm2 and 0.3 keV to derive the typical electron density of the gas into which the energy was injected. The resulting value of implies that the heating must have happened prior to cluster collapse but after a redshift z 710. The energy requirement is well matched to the energy from supernova explosions responsible for the metals which now pollute the intracluster gas.  相似文献   

I suggest that the β -model used to fit the X-ray surface brightness profiles of extended sources, like groups and clusters of galaxies, has to be corrected when the counts are collected in a wide energy band comparable to the mean temperature of the source, and a significant gradient in the gas temperature is observed. I present a revised version of the β -model for the X-ray brightness that applies to an intracluster gas with temperature and density related by a polytropic equation and extends the standard version that is strictly valid for an isothermal gas. Given a temperature gradient observed through an energy window of 1–10 keV typical for the new generation of X-ray observatories, the β parameter can change systematically by up to 20 per cent from the value obtained under isothermal assumption, i.e. by an amount larger than any statistical uncertainty obtained from the present data. Within the virial regions of typical clusters of galaxies, these systematic corrections affect the total gravitating mass estimate by 5–10 per cent, the gas mass by 10–30 per cent and the gas fraction value up to 50 per cent, when compared with the measurements obtained under the isothermal assumption.  相似文献   

We discuss the X-ray properties of the cooling flows in a sample of 30 highly X-ray luminous clusters of galaxies, observed using the ASCA and ROSAT satellites. We demonstrate the need for multiphase models to consistently explain the spectral and imaging X-ray data for the clusters. The mass deposition rates of the cooling flows, independently determined from the ASCA spectra and ROSAT images, exhibit good agreement and exceed 1000 M yr−1 in the largest systems. We confirm the presence of intrinsic X-ray absorption in the clusters using a variety of spectral models. The measured equivalent hydrogen column densities of absorbing material are sensitive to the spectral models used in the analysis, varying from average values of a few 1020 atom cm−2 for a simple isothermal emission model, to a few 1021 atom cm−2 using our preferred cooling flow models, assuming in each case that the absorber lies in a uniform foreground screen. The true intrinsic column densities are likely to be even higher if the absorbing medium is distributed throughout the clusters. We summarize the constraints on the nature of the X-ray absorber from observations in other wavebands. Much of the X-ray absorption may be caused by dust.  相似文献   

It is known that resonant scattering can distort the surface brightness profiles of clusters of galaxies in X-ray lines. We demonstrate that the scattered line emission should be polarized and possibly detectable with future X-ray polarimeters. Spectrally resolved mapping of a galaxy cluster in polarized X-rays could provide valuable independent information on the physical conditions, in particular element abundances and the characteristic velocity of small-scale turbulent motions, in the intracluster gas. The expected degree of polarization is of the order of 10 per cent for the richest regular clusters (e.g. Coma) and clusters whose X-ray emission is dominated by a central cooling flow (such as Perseus and M87/Virgo).  相似文献   

We present a Chandra study of 38 X-ray-luminous clusters of galaxies in the ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample (BCS) that lie at moderate redshifts  ( z ≈ 0.15–0.4)  . Based primarily on power ratios and temperature maps, we find that the majority of clusters at moderate redshift generally have smooth, relaxed morphologies with some evidence for mild substructure perhaps indicative of recent minor merger activity. Using spatially resolved spectral analyses, we find that cool cores appear still to be common at moderate redshift. At a radius of 50 kpc, we find that at least 55 per cent of the clusters in our sample exhibit signs of mild cooling  ( t cool < 10 Gyr)  , while in the central bin at least 34 per cent demonstrate signs of strong cooling  ( t cool < 2 Gyr)  . These percentages are nearly identical to those found for luminous, low-redshift clusters of galaxies, indicating that there appears to be little evolution in cluster cores since   z ≈ 0.4  and suggesting that heating and cooling mechanisms may already have stabilized by this epoch. Comparing the central cooling times to catalogues of central Hα emission in BCS clusters, we find a strong correspondence between the detection of Hα and central cooling time. We also confirm a strong correlation between the central cooling time and cluster power ratios, indicating that crude morphological measures can be used as a proxy for more rigorous analysis in the face of limited signal-to-noise ratio data. Finally, we find that the central temperatures for our sample typically drop by no more than a factor of ∼3–4 from the peak cluster temperatures, similar to those of many nearby clusters.  相似文献   

Recent observations show that the cooling flows in the central regions of galaxy clusters are highly suppressed. Observed active galactic nuclei (AGN)-induced cavities/bubbles are a leading candidate for suppressing cooling, usually via some form of mechanical heating. At the same time, observed X-ray cavities and synchrotron emission point towards a significant non-thermal particle population. Previous studies have focused on the dynamical effects of cosmic ray pressure support, but none has built successful models in which cosmic ray heating is significant. Here, we investigate a new model of AGN heating, in which the intracluster medium is efficiently heated by cosmic rays, which are injected into the intra-cluster medium (ICM) through diffusion or the shredding of the bubbles by Rayleigh–Taylor or Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. We include thermal conduction as well. Using numerical simulations, we show that the cooling catastrophe is efficiently suppressed. The cluster quickly relaxes to a quasi-equilibrium state with a highly reduced accretion rate and temperature and density profiles which match observations. Unlike the conduction-only case, no fine-tuning of the Spitzer conduction suppression factor f is needed. The cosmic ray pressure, P c/ P g ≲ 0.1 and ∇ P c≲ 0.1ρ g , is well within observational bounds. Cosmic ray heating is a very attractive alternative to mechanical heating, and may become particularly compelling if Gamma-ray Large Array Space Telescope ( GLAST ) detects the γ-ray signature of cosmic rays in clusters.  相似文献   

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