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Coronal reaction textures occur in metanorite and related intrusions in the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen of West Africa; they apparently formed by retrograde subsolidus reactions during cooling of the intrusions from 900 to 700 °C at c. 9±1 kbar. The coronas that formed around orthopyroxene (Opx) consist of sequential layers of diopside (Dio), hornblende (Hbl), garnet (Grt) and plagioclase (Pl) with inclusions of kyanite (Ky) or sillimanite (Sil). Three well-organized mineral assemblage sequences have been identified and modelled using steady-state diffusion theory for closed and open systems. The mineral sequence Opx|Hbl+Qtz|Hbl|Pl+Ky, formed by diffusion-controlled reactions in a closed system as layer thicknesses are very sensitive to relative component mobilities defined by Onsager diffusion coefficient (Lii). Models of this corona (type i) that satisfy modes require LCaCa≥LMgMg≥LFeFe>LAlAl~LSiSi ; however, small open-system fluxes involving loss of Al and gain of Ca are required to obtain the best fit between model and observed mineral proportions. Under steady-state diffusion, the monomineralic hornblende layer grew by replacing plagioclase whereas the |Hbl+Qtz| grew by Opx replacement. The type ii corona, which consists of the sequence Opx|Dio|Grt+Dio|Pl+Sil, is also stable under steady-state diffusion in a closed system. Modelling results show that the diopside grew by replacing Opx whereas most of Grt+Dio grew by replacing plagioclase. Stable solutions to the closed-system diffusion model that approximate the mode are restricted to the L-ratio regions where Fe, Mg and Ca are more mobile than Si and Al but are unstable when LAlAl>100 LSiSi . However, type ii corona mineral proportions were only closely matched when open-system loss of Al and gain of small amounts of Fewere considered in the diffusion models and relative mobilities were LFeFe≥LCaCa≥LMgMg>LAlAl~LSiSi . The modelling results indicate that Ca and Mg were the most mobile elements in the formation of type i corona whereas Fe and Ca were the most mobile components in the growth of type ii coronas. A third corona type, consisting of the mineral sequence Act|Hbl|Grt|Pl+Sil, is only stable in open systems and requires large external fluxes involving gain of Fe, Al, Mg and Na and loss of Ca to obtain a solution of the diffusion model that approximates the estimated mineral proportions. Extensive recrystallization of plagioclase to produce sillimanite or kyanite inclusions accompanying corona formation may explain the open-system behaviour indicated by the diffusion models.  相似文献   

Omphacite breakdown reactions and relation to eclogite exhumation rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinopyroxene + plagioclase (±Hbl ± Qtz) symplectites after omphacite are widely cited as evidence for prior eclogite-facies or high-pressure (HP) metamorphism. Precursor omphacite compositions of retrograde eclogites, used for reconstructing retrograde PT paths, are commonly estimated by reintegrating symplectite phases with the assumption that the symplectite-forming reactions were isochemical. Comparisons of broadbeam symplectite compositions to adjacent unreacted pyroxene from various symplectites after clinopyroxene from the Appalachian Blue Ridge (ABR) and Western Gneiss Region (WGR) suggest that the symplectite forming reactions are largely isochemical. Endmember calculations based on reintegrated symplectite compositions from the ABR and WGR suggest that a minor Ca-Eskola (CaEs) component (XCaEs = 0.04–0.15) was present in precursor HP clinopyroxene. WGR symplectites consist of fine-grained (∼1 μm-scale), vermicular intergrowths of Pl + Cpx II ± Hbl that occur at grain boundaries or internally. ABR symplectites contain coarser (∼10 μm-scale) planar lamellae and rods of Pl + Cpx II + Qtz + Hbl within clinopyroxene cores. The contrasting textures correlate with decompression and cooling rate, and degree of overstepping of the retrograde reaction (lamellar: slow, erosionally controlled exhumation with slow/low overstepping; fine-grained, grainboundary symplectite: rapid, tectonic exhumation with rapid/high overstepping). Variations in XCaEs, Xjd, and XCaTs of precursor HP omphacite are related to the symplectic mineral assemblages that result from decompression. Quartz-normative symplectities indicate quartz-producing retrograde reactions (e.g., breakdown of precursor CaEs); quartz-free symplectities (e.g., diopside + plagioclase after omphacite) indicate quartz-consuming reactions (jd, CaTs breakdown) outpaced quartz-producing reactions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Orthopyroxene‐free garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± quartz‐bearing mineral assemblages represent the paragenetic link between plagioclase‐free eclogite facies metabasites and orthopyroxene‐bearing granulite facies metabasites. Although these assemblages are most commonly developed under P–T conditions consistent with high pressure granulite facies, they sometimes occur at lower grade in the amphibolite facies. Thus, these assemblages are characteristic but not definitive of high pressure granulite facies. Compositional factors favouring their development at amphibolite grade include Fe‐rich mineral compositions, Ca‐rich garnet and plagioclase, and Ti‐poor hornblende. The generalized reaction that accounts for the prograde development of garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± quartz from a hornblende + plagioclase + quartz‐bearing (amphibolite) precursor is Hbl + Pl + Qtz=Grt + Cpx + liquid or vapour, depending on whether the reaction occurs above or below the solidus. There are significant discrepancies between experimental and natural constraints on the P–T conditions of orthopyroxene‐free garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± quartz‐bearing mineral assemblages and therefore on the P–T position of this reaction. Semi‐quantitative thermodynamic modelling of this reaction is hampered by the lack of a melt model and gives results that are only moderately successful in rationalizing the natural and experimental data.  相似文献   

Feldspathic hornblende granulites from Doubtful Sound, New Zealand with the assemblage plagioclase+hornblende+clinopyroxene+orthopy-roxene +oxide+apatite are criss-crossed by a network of garnetiferous anorthosite veins and pegmatites. The feldspathic gneiss in contact with anorthosite has a reaction zone containing the assemblage plagioclase +garnet+clinopyroxene+quartz+rutile+apatite. The garnet forms distinctive coronas around clinopyroxene. The origin of these rocks is discussed in the light of mineral and whole rock chemical analyses and published experimental work.It is thought that under conditions leading up to 750 °C, 8 kb load pressure and 5 kb H2O pressure, partial melting occured in feldspathic hornblende granulites. The melt migrated into extensional fractures and eventually crystallised as anorthosite pegmatites and veins. The gneisses adjacent to the pegmatites from which the melt was extracted changed composition slightly, by the loss of H2O and Na2O, so that plagioclase reacted simultaneously with hornblende, orthopyroxene, and oxide to form garnet, clinopyroxene, quartz and rutile.  相似文献   

Troctolitic gabbros from Valle Fértil and La Huerta Ranges, San Juan Province, NW‐Argentina exhibit multi‐layer corona textures between cumulus olivine and plagioclase. The corona mineral sequence, which varies in the total thickness from 0.5 to 1 mm, comprises either an anhydrous corona type I with olivine|orthopyroxene|clinopyroxene+spinel symplectite|plagioclase or a hydrous corona type II with olivine|orthopyroxene|amphibole|amphibole+spinel symplectite|plagioclase. The anhydrous corona type I formed by metamorphic replacement of primary olivine and plagioclase, in the absence of any fluid/melt phase at <840 °C. Diffusion controlled metamorphic solid‐state replacement is mainly governed by the chemical potential gradients at the interface of reactant olivine and plagioclase and orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Thus, the thermodynamic incompatibility of the reactant minerals at the gabbro–granulite transition and the phase equilibria of the coronitic assemblage during subsequent cooling were modelled using quantitative μMgO–μCaO phase diagrams. Mineral reaction textures of the anhydrous corona type I indicate an inward migration of orthopyroxene on the expense of olivine, while clinopyroxene+spinel symplectite grows outward to replace plagioclase. Mineral textures of the hydrous corona type II indicate the presence of an interstitial liquid trapped between cumulus olivine and plagioclase that reacts with olivine to produce a rim of peritectic orthopyroxene around olivine. Two amphibole types are distinguished: an inclusion free, brownish amphibole I is enriched in trace elements and REEs relative to green amphibole II. Amphibole I evolves from an intercumulus liquid between peritectic orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Discrete layers of green amphibole II occur as inclusion‐free rims and amphibole II+spinel symplectites. Mineral textures and geochemical patterns indicate a metamorphic origin for amphibole II, where orthopyroxene was replaced to form an inner inclusion‐free amphibole II layer, while clinopyroxene and plagioclase were replaced to form an outer amphibole+spinel symplectite layer, at <770 °C. Calculation of the possible net reactions by considering NCKFMASH components indicates that the layer bulk composition cannot be modelled as a ‘closed’ system although in all cases the gain and loss of elements within the multi‐layer coronas (except H2O, Na2O) is very small and the main uncertainties may arise from slight chemical zoning of the respective minerals. Local oxidizing conditions led to the formation of orthopyroxene+magnetite symplectite enveloping and/or replacing olivine. The sequence of corona reaction textures indicates a counter clockwise P–T path at the gabbro–granulite transition at 5–6.5 kbar and temperatures below 900 °C.  相似文献   

Complex multivariant reactions involving Fe-Ti oxide minerals, plagioclase and olivine have produced coronas of biotite, hornblende and garnet between ilmenite and plagioclase in Adirondack olivine metagabbros. Both the biotite (6–10% TiO2) and the hornblende (3–6% TiO2) are exceptionally Titanium-rich. The garnet is nearly identical in composition to the garnet in coronas around olivine in the same rocks. The coronas form in two stages:
  1. Plagioclase+Fe-Ti Oxides+Olivine+water =Hornblende+Spinel+Orthopyroxene±Biotite +more-sodic Plagioclase
  2. Hornblende+Orthopyroxene±Spinel+Plagioclase =Garnet+Clinopyroxene+more-sodic Plagioclase
The Orthopyroxene and part of the clinopyroxene form adjacent to olivine. Both reactions are linked by exchange of Mg2+ and Fe2+ with the reactions forming pyroxene and garnet coronas around olivine in the same rocks. The reactions occur under granulite fades metamorphic conditions, either during isobaric cooling or with increasing pressure at high temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract The prograde metamorphism of eclogites is typically obscured by chemical equilibration at peak conditions and by partial requilibration during retrograde metamorphism. Eclogites from the Eastern Blue Ridge of North Carolina retain evidence of their prograde path in the form of inclusions preserved in garnet. These eclogites, from the vicinity of Bakersville, North Carolina, USA are primarily comprised of garnet–clinopyroxene–rutile–hornblende–plagioclase–quartz. Quartz, clinopyroxene, hornblende, rutile, epidote, titanite and biotite are found as inclusions in garnet cores. Included hornblende and clinopyroxene are chemically distinct from their matrix counterparts. Thermobarometry of inclusion sets from different garnets record different conditions. Inclusions of clinozoisite, titanite, rutile and quartz (clinozoisite + titanite = grossular + rutile + quartz + H2O) yield pressures (6–10 kbar, 400–600 °C and 8–12 kbar 450–680 °C) at or below the minimum peak conditions from matrix phases (10–13 kbar at 600–800 °C). Inclusions of hornblende, biotite and quartz give higher pressures (13–16 kbar and 630–660 °C). Early matrix pyroxene is partially or fully broken down to a diopside–plagioclase symplectite, and both garnet and pyroxene are rimmed with plagioclase and hornblende. Hypersthene is found as a minor phase in some diopside + plagioclase symplectites, which suggests retrogression through the granulite facies. Two‐pyroxene thermometry of this assemblage gives a temperature of c. 750 °C. Pairing the most Mg‐rich garnet composition with the assemblage plagioclase–diopside–hypersthene–quartz gives pressures of 14–16 kbar at this temperature. The hornblende–plagioclase–garnet rim–quartz assemblage yields 9–12 kbar and 500–550 °C. The combined P–T data show a clockwise loop from the amphibolite to eclogite to granulite facies, all of which are overprinted by a texturally late amphibolite facies assemblage. This loop provides an unusually complete P–T history of an eclogite, recording events during and following subduction and continental collision in the early Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

Both high- and medium-pressure granulites have been found asenclaves and boudins in tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioriticgneisses in the Hengshan Complex. Petrological evidence fromthese rocks indicates four distinct metamorphic assemblages.The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved only in thehigh-pressure granulites and represented by quartz and rutileinclusions within the cores of garnet porphyroblasts, and omphacitepseudomorphs that are indicated by clinopyroxene + sodic plagioclasesymplectic intergrowths. The peak assemblage (M2) consists ofclinopyroxene + garnet + sodic plagioclase + quartz ±hornblende in the high-pressure granulites and orthopyroxene+ clinopyroxene + garnet + plagioclase + quartz in the medium-pressuregranulites. Peak metamorphism was followed by near-isothermaldecompression (M3), which resulted in the development of orthopyroxene+ clinopyroxene + plagioclase symplectites and coronas surroundingembayed garnet grains, and decompression-cooling (M4), representedby hornblende + plagioclase symplectites on garnet. The THERMOCALCprogram yielded peak (M2) P–T conditions of 13·4–15·5kbar and 770–840°C for the high-pressure granulitesand 9–11 kbar and 820–870°C for the medium-pressuregranulites, based on the core compositions of garnet, matrixpyroxene and plagioclase. The P–T conditions of pyroxene+ plagioclase symplectite and corona (M3) were estimated at  相似文献   

In upper amphibolite-facies Skagit Gneiss, certain rocks, usually carrying hornblende, display post-kinematic breakdown of almandine-rich garnets to symplectite consisting of plagioclase plus biotite and/or hornblende. Other almandine-rich garnets, widespread in hornblende-free schists and gneisses, remained stable to the end of the metamorphic cycle. Analysed garnets with symplectite coronas have 14 to 30 mol.% grandite. A set of garnets free of such coronas have 6 to 9% grandite and contain relatively more pyrope.In all symplectite-bearing rocks selected for mineral analyses, symplectite plagioclase is more calcic than the earlier main-fabric plagioclase. Fe and Mn are higher, and Mg and Ti lower, in symplectite than in main-fabric biotite and hornblende, except where late re-equilibration has been locally accomplished. Main-fabric biotite, hornblende, and cummingtonite partly preserve a record of original element partitioning between these phases and garnet, indicating that equilibrium was approached during the essentially syn-kinematic main stage of the metamorphism. Between the main-stage phases and their post-kinematic symplectite counterparts, equilibrium has rarely been attained, despite high T and presence of H2O. Instead, there are sequences of arrested chemical exchanges and of highly incomplete attainments of successive equilibria. The principles revealed by this study are thought to be more broadly applicable to questions of equilibrium vs. disequilibrium in regional-metamorphic sequences.Combined with petrographic-petrologic data, the mineral analyses permit one to calculate model equations that quantitatively describe symplectite-forming reactions, including the amounts of materials added to and removed from garnets transformed into symplectites. Na, K, minor Ba, H2O, and part of the Ti present were added; major portions of the garnets' Fe and of their subordinate Mn were removed. Transfers of Mg, Al, and Si during symplectite formation were minor, if any. Source and disposal of added and removed substances are discussed. The mass balance of symplectite formation ranges from significant losses in all hornblende-bearing reactions examined to minor gains in some only-biotite-bearing reactions. V is positive for all reactions examined and ranges from a few per cent for subordinate only-hornblende-bearing symplectites to somewhat over 50% for certain only-biotite-bearing symplectites; intermediate values are obtained for symplectites carrying both hornblende and biotite.  相似文献   

Migmatitic, granulite-grade mafic gneisses make up a significant part of the Kapuskasing Structural Zone (KSZ), Ontario. Although they contain a common mineral assemblage [hornblende (Hbl)+plagioclase (Pl)+diopside (Di)±garnet (Grt)+quartz (Qtz)±titanite (Ttn)], the mafic gneisses show wide variations in modal mineralogy from hornblende-rich to diopside+garnet-rich varieties and all gradations between. Up to 25 vol.% segregated plagioclase+quartz-rich (trondhjemitic) leucosome (Tdh) is intimately associated with the mafic gneiss, occurring in a continuum of patches, veins and transecting dykes at scales ranging from decimetres to micrometres. The texture and composition of the leucosome, combined with P-T estimates for the host rocks above the solidus, suggest it represents crystallized trondhjemitic melt. Quartz is mainly restricted to the segregated leucosomes but more rarely occurs in a variety of interstitial textures in the mafic gneiss, suggesting that it crystallized from a melt phase rather than having been present as a solid phase at peak metamorphic conditions. Modal and textural data indicate a reaction relationship of the form: Hbl+Pl(+Qtz?)=Grt+Di+Ttn+leucosome (Tdh), implying that the granulite-forming process involved dehydration melting of an amphibolite protolith. Pressure-temperature estimates from Grt+Di+Pl+Qtz geothermobarometry are 9 kbar and 685-735 °C; however, based on experimental studies of dehydration melting of amphibolite, we estimate that peak conditions were closer to 11 kbar, 850 °C. Mass balance analysis, using the technique of singular value decomposition, and reaction space analysis were used to quantify the reaction and to determine the controls on reaction progress. The following mass balance provides a model for the natural reaction:1.00 Hbl+0.92 Pl+3.76 Qtz=1.14 Grt+1.54 Di+0.21 Ttn+1.49 Tdh+0.14 ‘pg’+0.39 Fe?1Mg+0.33 NaSiCa?1Al?1where ‘pg’ is a pargasite-like exchange. In all model mass balances tested, quartz is a reactant with a large coefficient. We argue that the abundance of quartz in the amphibolite protolith was the primary control on the differing extents of reaction observed. Mineral compositional variation exerted a secondary control on reaction progress, with Fe-richer layers containing An-richer plagioclase and more actinolitic amphibole reacting earliest (i.e. at lowest temperatures). Comparison of the calculated amount of melt produced in the gneisses with that now observed implies expulsion of 5–30% of the melt. These volumes are similar to those predicted from REE modelling of Archaean tonalities and trondhjemites from a garnet amphibolite source, suggesting that the KSZ mafic gneisses may be representative of partially depleted source rocks for trondhjemite-tonalite generation.  相似文献   

Garnet pyroxenite from high pressure granulite facies occurs with different mineral assemblages which involve garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole and quartz with spinel developing as symplectite with orthopyroxene and plagioclase in large cracks. Three successive parageneses have been identified. The primary assemblage is characterised by the presence of quartz. The second assemblage involves orthopyroxene–plagioclase–hornblende symplectite, and the third assemblage is characterised by the development of spinel in symplectites with orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Using THERMOCALC (V2.7), a quantitative pseudosection in the system CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O has been calculated. The assemblage involving quartz developed at high pressure, while the assemblage involving spinel developed at lower pressure. The peak of metamorphism in Tin Begane was calculated at 860 °C and 13.5 kb with aH2O=0.2. These conditions are followed by a decrease of pressure down to 4.8 kb.  相似文献   

Metagabbros from two widely separated areas in the Adirondacks show development of coronas. In the Southern Adirondacks, these are cored by olivine which is enclosed in a shell of orthopyroxene that is partially, or completely, rimmed by symplectites consisting of clinopyroxene and spinel. Compositions of the corona phases have been determined by electron probe and are consistent with a mechanism involving three partial reactions, thus:
  1. Olivine=Orthopyroxene+(Mg, Fe)++.
  2. Plagioclase+(Mg, Fe)+++Ca++=Clinopyroxene+Spinel+Na+.
  3. Plagioclase+(Mg, Fe)+++Na+=Spinel+more sodic plagioclase+Ca++.
Reaction (a) occurs in the inner shell of the corona adjacent to olivine; reaction (b) in the outer shell; and (c) in the surrounding plagioclase, giving rise to the spinel clouding which is characteristic of the plagioclase in these rocks. Alumina and silica remain relatively immobile. These reactions, when balanced, can be generalized to account for the aluminous nature of the pyroxenes and for changing plagioclase composition. Summed together, the partial reactions are equivalent to:
  1. Olivine + Anorthite = Aluminous orthopyroxene + Aluminous Clinopyroxene + Spinel (Kushiro and Yoder, 1966).
In the Adirondack Highlands, coronas between olivine and plagioclase commonly have an outer shell of garnet replacing the clinopyroxene/spinel shell. The origin of the garnet can also be explained in terms of three partial reactions:
  1. Orthopyroxene+Ca++=Clinopyroxene+(Mg, Fe)++.
  2. Clinopyroxene+Spinel+Plagioclase+(Mg, Fe)++=Garnet+Ca+++Na+.
  3. Plagioclase+(Mg, Fe)+++Na+=Spinel + more sodic plagioclase+Ca++.
These occur in the inner and outer corona shell and the surrounding plagioclase, respectively, and involve the products of reactions (a)-(d). Alumina and silica are again relatively immobile. Balanced, and generalized to account for aluminous pyroxenes and variable An content of plagioclase, they are equivalent to:
  1. Orthopyroxene+Anorthite+Spinel=Garnet (Green and Ringwood, 1967).
Amphibole coronas about opaque oxides in rocks of both areas are the result of oxide/plagioclase reactions with addition of magnesium from coexisting olivine. Based on published experimental data, pressure and temperature at the time of corona formation were on the order of 8 kb and 800° C for the garnet bearing coronas, with somewhat lower pressures indicated for the clinopyroxene/spinel coronas.  相似文献   

An ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic slab at Yangkou Beach near Qingdao in the Sulu region of China consists of blocks of eclogite facies metagabbro, metagranitoid, ultramafic rock and mylonitic orthogneisses enclosed in granitic gneiss. A gradational sequence from incipiently metamorphosed gabbro to completely recrystallized coesite eclogite formed at ultra-high-pressures was identified in a single 30 m block; metagabbro is preserved in the core whereas coesite eclogite occurs along the block margins. The metagabbro contains an igneous assemblage of Pl+Aug+Opx+Qtz+Bt+Ilm/Ti-Mag; it shows relict magmatic textures and reaction coronas. Fine-grained garnet developed along boundaries between plagioclase and other phases; primary plagioclase broke down to Ab+Ky+Ms+Zo±Grt±Amp. Augite is rimmed by sodic augite or omphacite, whereas orthopyroxene is rimmed by a corona of Cum±Act and Omp+Qtz layers or only Omp+Qtz. In transitional rocks, augite and orthopyroxene are totally replaced by omphacite, and the lower-pressure assemblage Ab+Ky+Phn+Zo+Grt coexists with domains of Omp (Jd70–73)+Ky±Phn in pseudomorphs after plagioclase. Both massive and weakly deformed coesite-bearing eclogites contain Omp+Ky+Grt+Phn+Coe/Qtz+Rt, and preserve a faint gabbroic texture. Coesite inclusions in garnet and omphacite exhibit limited conversion to palisade quartz; some intergranular coesite and quartz pseudomorphs after coesite also occur. Assemblages of the coronal stage, transitional and UHP peak occurred at about 540±50 °C at c. 13 kbar, 600–800 °C at ≥15–25 kbar and 800–850 °C at >30 kbar, respectively. Garnet from the coronal- through the transitional- to the eclogite-stage rocks show a decrease in almandine and an increase in grossular±pyrope components; garnet in low-grade rocks contains higher MnO and lower pyrope components. The growth textures of garnet within pseudomorphs after plagioclase or along grain boundaries between plagioclase and other phases are complex; the application of garnet zoning to estimate P–T should be carried out with caution. Some garnet enclosing quartz aggregates as inclusions shows radial growth boundaries; these quartz aggregates, as well as other primary and low-P phases, persisted metastably at UHP conditions due to sluggish reactions resulting from the lack of fluid during prograde and retrograde P–T evolution.  相似文献   

The Fuping Complex and the adjoining Wutai and Hengshan Complexes are located in the central zone of the North China craton. The dominant rock types in the Fuping Complex are high‐grade tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic (TTG) gneisses, with minor amounts of mafic granulites, syntectonic granitic rocks and supracrustal rocks. The petrological evidence from the mafic granulites indicates three stages of metamorphic evolution. The M1 stage is represented by garnet porphyroblasts and matrix plagioclase, quartz, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and hornblende. Orthopyroxene+plagioclase symplectites and clinopyroxene+plagioclase±orthopyroxene coronas formed in response to decompression during M2 following the peak metamorphism at M1. Hornblende+plagioclase symplectites formed as a result of further isobaric cooling and retrograde metamorphism during M3. The P–T estimates using TWQ thermobarometry are: 900–950 °C and 8.0–8.5 kbar for the peak assemblage (M1), based on the core compositions of garnet, matrix pyroxene and plagioclase; 700–800 °C and 6.0–7.0 kbar for the pyroxene+plagioclase symplectites or coronas (M2); and 550–650 °C and 5.3–6.3 kbar for the hornblende+plagioclase symplectites (M3), based on garnet rim and corresponding symplectic mineral compositions. These P–T estimates define a clockwise P–T path involving near‐isothermal decompression for the Fuping Complex, similar to the P–T path estimated for the metapelitic gneisses. The inferred P–T path suggests that the Fuping Complex underwent initial crustal thickening, subsequent exhumation, and finally cooling and retrogression. This tectonothermal path is similar to P–T paths inferred for the Wutai and Hengshan Complexes and other tectonic units in the central zone of the North China craton, but different from anti‐clockwise P–T paths estimated for the basement rocks in the eastern and western zones of the craton. Based on lithological, structural, metamorphic and geochronological data, the eastern and western zones of the craton are considered to represent two different Archean to Paleoproterozoic continental blocks that amalgamated along the central zone at the end of Paleoproterozoic. The P–T paths of the Fuping Complex and other tectonic units in the central zone record the collision between the eastern and western zones that led to the final assembly of the North China craton at c. 1800 Ma.  相似文献   

Equilibria between plagioclase, calcic amphibole and quartz can be described, in part, by the relation among mineral components: NaAlSi3O8+Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 = NaCa2Mg5AlSi7O22(OH)2+4SiO2; this relation governs the partitioning of Na between plagioclase and the A-site of coexisting amphibole. Data from natural amphibolites reveal that this partitioning is systematic and sensitive to metamorphic grade. The ideal portion of the equilibrium constant (K id = X Na, A/X, A · X Ab) derived from natural samples is sensitive to bulk composition, inasmuch as both plagioclase and amphibole are highly non-ideal. Samples from a single outcrop have values ranging from 0.5 (X Ab=0.74) to 4.1 (X Ab=0.10). The continuous reaction, NaAlSi3O8+Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 = NaCa2Mg5AlSi7O22(OH)2+4SiO2, proceeds to the right with increasing grade of metamorphism and for a given bulk composition, K id increases with increasing temperature. Two related discontinuous reactions, actinolite+albite=hornblende+oligoclase+quartz and actinolite+oligoclase=hornblende+anorthite+quartz, also proceed to the right with increasing metamorphic grade and result in changes in the topology of a phase diagram that describes the partitioning of Na between plagioclase and amphibole A-site. A Schreinemakers' net is presented that is consistent with natural occurrences. The results of this study should aid in the delineation of metamorphic facies within amphibolites.  相似文献   

The Buck Creek ultramafic body, North Carolina, includes aluminous lenses that have been described as troctolites. These lenses preserve mineral assemblages which record several different stages of metamorphism. The first stage is characterized by anhydrous reactions between olivine and plagioclase to produce coronas of orthopyroxene+ clinopyroxene/spinel symplectite. Thermo barometric results indicate minimum pressures of c. 6 kbar and c. 800 oC. Sapphirine replaces spinel in some clinopyroxene symplectites, and occurs as anhedral grains within amphibole, observations which in combination suggest peak metamorphic conditions of c. 9-10 kbar and c. 850 oC. Sapphirine-bearing hydrous assemblages formed at the expense of the coronas, indicating a second metamorphic episode involving deeper burial, deformation and hydration. Schistose rocks from the margins of the lenses are composed of anorthite+amphibole+margarite+corundum, and probably record a later, lower P-T event. Whole rock analyses for the Buck Creek lenses suggest an accumulate protolith of magnesian olivine and calcic plagioclase. Trace element data for the troctolites are consistent with data for adjacent amphibolites in suggesting that the Buck Creek mafic and ultramafic cumulates crystallized from magmas derived from a mantle source similar to that which produces modern intraplate or rift-related basalts. We propose that the Buck Creek ultramafics represent basal cumulates(± uppermost mantle) from ocean crust formed in a marginal basin in the latest Precambrian. Subduction-induced burial to at least 18 km under dry conditions induced corona formation. Collisional events of the Taconic orogeny thrust the Buck Creek rocks into the orogenic pile to at least 30 km depth and hydrated them along zones of weakness, locally producing P-T -PH2O conditions appropriate for formation of sapphirine and hydrated assemblages, but still preserving some dry symplectites.  相似文献   

Omphacite and garnet coronas around amphibole occur in amphibolites in the Hong'an area, western Dabie Mountains, China. These amphibolites consist of an epidote–amphibolite facies assemblage of amphibole, garnet, albite, clinozoisite, paragonite, ilmenite and quartz, which is incompletely overprinted by an eclogite facies assemblage of garnet, omphacite and rutile. Coronas around amphibole can be divided into three types: an omphacite corona; a garnet–omphacite–rutile corona; and, a garnet–omphacite corona with less rutile. Chemographic analysis for local reaction domains in combination with petrographical observations show that reactions Amp + Ab + Pg = Omp +Czo + Qtz + H2O, and Amp + Ab = Omp ± Czo + Qtz + H2O may lead to the development of omphacite coronas. The garnet–omphacite–rutile corona was formed from the reaction Amp + Ab + Czo + Ilm ± Qtz = Omp + Grt + Rt + H2O. In garnet–omphacite coronas, the garnet corona grew during an early stage of epidote amphibolite facies metamorphism, whereas omphacite probably formed by the reactions forming the omphacite corona during the eclogite facies stage. It is estimated that these reactions occurred at 0.8–1.4 GPa and 480–610 °C using the garnet–clinopyroxene thermometer and omphacite barometer in the presence of albite.  相似文献   

Abstract The Kvamsøy pyroxenite complex consists of olivine websterite, olivine gabbro and leucogabbro-norite which have been subjected to regional high P-T (HPT) metamorphism. The metamorphism has resulted in a range of disequilibrium textures with the development of coronas and pseudomorphism of the igneous phases. Reactions between felsic and mafic mineral domains have been controlled by variable and selective diffusion of elements, resulting in a variety of local plagioclase-breakdown reactions and in significant compositional variations for the product garnet. Restricted diffusion favours transient reaction stages with garnet ± spinel ± corundum ± zoisite after calcic plagioclase in olivine gabbro and olivine websterite and garnet ± spinel ± kyanite ± quartz + sodic plagioclase in leucogabbro-norite. Complete HPT reaction has produced garnet pyroxenite which consists of garnet + diopside + hornblende + zoisite in gabbroic rocks, while amphibolitization continued during the cooling and uplift history. Grt + Ky + Pl + Qtz geobarometry suggests pressures in the range 13-16 kbar for T = 750°C, comparable with the regional eclogite-forming metamorphism.  相似文献   

 The Middle Miocene Tobe hornfels in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, western Shikoku, southwest Japan, is characterized by an abnormally steep metamorphic gradient compared with other hornfelses associated with intrusive bodies. The basic hornfels, originally Sanbagawa greenschist rocks, is divided into the following three metamorphic zones: plagioclase, hornblende, and orthopyroxene. The plagioclase zone is defined by the appearance of calcic plagioclase, the hornblende zone by the assemblage of hornblende+calcic plagioclase+quartz, and the orthopyroxene zone is characterized by the assemblage of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + quartz. Calcic amphibole compositions change from actinolite to hornblende as a result of the continuous reactions during prograde metamorphism. Petrographical and thermometric studies indicate a metamorphic temperature range of 300–475°C for the plagioclase zone, 475–680°C for the hornblende zone, and 680–730°C for the orthopyroxene zone. The temperature gradient based on petrological studies is approximately 5°C/m, which is unusually high. Geological and petrological studies demonstrate that the hornfelses were formed by the focusing of high-temperature fluids through zones of relatively high fracture permeability. The steep thermal gradient in the Tobe hornfels body is consistent with a large fluid flux, greater than 8.3 × 10–7 m3 m–2S–1, over the relatively short duration of metamorphism, approximately 100 years. Received: 10 October 1995 / Accepted: 28 May 1996  相似文献   

Reactions occurring during cooling of charnockitic intrusives on the Lofoten Islands produce characteristic diffusion-controlled textures around fayalite and Fe–Ti oxides. Thermobarometry indicates the corona textures formed at 780–840 °C and pressures of 4–10 kbar, whereas the magmatic assemblage of the charnockite (clinopyroxene–olivine–quartz) crystallized at about 850–870 °C and 4 kbar. The succession olivine|orthopyroxene+magnetite|orthopyroxene+garnet and olivine|orthopyroxene+magnetite|amphibole developed where olivine reacted with adjacent plagioclase or K-feldspar, but the modes and the thicknesses of the corona textures vary according to the feldspar type, indicating that the primary magmatic ternary feldspar was already exsolved into albitic plagioclase and alkali feldspar when the corona formation began. Simultaneously, in other parts of the rock, primary magmatic clinopyroxene reacted to amphibole and Fe–Ti oxides reacted to orthopyroxene+garnet coronas or to amphibole. Textures demonstrate significant Al diffusion in the rocks under granulite facies conditions and they suggest that no pervasive fluid influx occurred and that amphibole formation was dependant on a local source of H2O probably related to water-release during the last stages of magmatism. Calculation of the net reaction by accounting for all observed reactions at different sites in the rock indicates that the system can be regarded as balanced on a hand-specimen scale with respect to all elements except for Na and H2O. The larger variety of textures developed in rocks of granitic bulk composition provide more constraints than textures from gabbroic compositions, and permitted calculation of a set of relative diffusion coefficients which also reproduce textures in the gabbroic and anorthositic rocks from the Lofoten Islands. The following set of relative diffusion coefficients (Li/LFe) reproduces the observed textures in the Lofoten rocks: Si=0.82, Mg=0.59, Mn=0.05, Na=0.38, K=0.39, Al=0.05 and Ca=0.07.  相似文献   

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