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The Zargoli granite, which extends in a northeast–southwest direction, intrudes into the Eocene–Oligocene regional metamorphic flysch‐type sediments in the northwest of Zahedan. This pluton, based on modal and geochemical classification, is composed of biotite granite and biotite granodiorite, was contaminated by country rocks during its emplacement, and is slightly changed to more aluminous. The SiO2 content of these rocks range from 62.4 to 66 wt% with an alumina saturation index of Shand [molar Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O)] ~ 1.1. Most of its chemical variations could be explained by fractionation or heterogeneous distribution of biotite. The features of the rocks resemble those which are typical to post‐collisional granitoids. Chondrite‐normalized rare‐earth element patterns of these rocks are fractionated at (La/Lu)N = 2.25–11.82 with a pronounced negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 3.25–5.26). Zircon saturation thermometry provides a good estimation of magma temperatures (767.4–789.3°C) for zircon crystallization. These characteristics together with the moderate Mg# [100Mg/(Mg + Fe)] values (44–55), Fe + Mg + Ti (millications) = 130–175, and Al–(Na + K + 2Ca) (millications) = 5–50 may suggest that these rocks have been derived from the dehydration partial melting of quartz–feldspathic meta‐igneous lower crust.  相似文献   

基于2011—2020年在龙门山地区发生的地震,分3个区段估算累积贝尼奥夫应变。结果表明,龙门山北段对九寨沟MS7.0地震存在阶跃,震后一年内累积贝尼奥夫应变抬升量约为2 000×10~8;龙门山中段对芦山MS7.0地震存在明显阶跃,震后一年内累积贝尼奥夫应变抬升量约为5 300×10~8。由此可以认为,龙门山中段与芦山地震有较高关联度,而其北段与九寨沟地震的关联度次之。这个抬升量是该区域构造运动与对应地震关联度的一个描述,这对于研究地震的动力源、孕震构造及发震机理有参考意义。另外,对累积贝尼奥夫应变时变斜率的研究结果还表明,累积贝尼奥夫应变的时变斜率在邻近地震前均存在降低的现象,这可能是震前应力松弛过程的表现,但这仅是一个初步研究,对其机理以及可否成为大地震孕育指标等问题还需要对更多震例作进一步研究。  相似文献   

Summary Indicators of magmatism in the northwestern part of the Trans-European Suture Zone are outlined. The igneous rocks are predominantly mafic and of mantle origin. The changing character of the magma geochemistry of the Permosilesian volcanic series (rhyolitic-andesitic and MORB-type/continental tholeiites), via Uckermark and Rügen to Skåne, is consistent with the changing crustal thickness along the border of Baltica. Some features of Early Palaeozoic volcaniclastic sediments hint at Early Palaeozoic oceanic development (ophiolite association ?) in a suture zone, whereas the Permo-Carboniferous to Eocene volcanic associations are related to rift structures and deep-seated structural elements within the Tornquist-Teisseyre Zone (TTZ).  相似文献   

额尔齐斯-佐伦-黑河缝合带是古亚洲造山运动形成的巨大取型构造带,该构造带横穿我国北疆,是控制和影响中国北部地震活动的主要构造带之一。额尔齐斯-佐伦-黑河缝合带在地质构造上处于中国大陆板内构造的北部,呈北东-南西向延伸。地域辽阔、区域地质构造复杂,新构造运动强烈,中强地震活动较为频繁。喜马拉雅运动对本区具有强烈影响,区内构造运动较为强烈,  相似文献   

对鲁27井、豫01井、豫11井和豫14井几近相同的下降变化进行综合分析,结果说明,鲁27井和豫01井水位下降变化与中原油田、巨野煤矿及地下水开采不存在直接关系,这种深井水位下降由区域应力异常变化导致。  相似文献   

Attenuation of High-Frequency Seismic Waves in Eastern Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the frequency-dependent attenuation of the crust in Eastern Iran by analysis data from 132 local earthquakes having focal depths in the range of 5–25 km. We estimated the quality factor of coda waves (Q c) and body waves (Q p and Q s) in the frequency band of 1.5–24 Hz by applying the single backscattering theory of S-coda envelopes and the extended coda-normalization method, respectively. Considering records from recent earthquakes (Rigan M w 6.5, 2010/12/20, Goharan M w 6.2, 2013/5/11 and Sirch M w 5.5, 2013/1/21), the estimated values of Q c, Q p and Q s vary from 151 ± 49, 63 ± 6, and 93 ± 14 at 1.5 Hz to 1,994 ± 124, 945 ± 84 and 1,520 ± 123 at 24 Hz, respectively. The average frequency-dependent relationships (Q = Q o f n ) estimated for the region are Q c = (108 ± 10)f (0.96±0.01), Q p = (50 ± 5)f (1.01±0.04), and Q s = (75 ± 6)f (1.03±0.06). These results evidenced a frequency dependence of the quality factors Q c, Q p, and Q s, as commonly observed in tectonically active zones characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity, and the low value of Q indicated an attenuative crust beneath the entire region.  相似文献   

姑咱台的YRY-4型四元件钻孔应变仪是2006年底安装的,至今仍在正常工作,已经有十多年的分钟值观测数据.姑咱台的这种观测的高质量,首先体现在连续性上,除仪器本身的耐久性外,认真有效的运维管理是一个重要原因.这种高质量观测的另一个特点是稳定性,十年来耦合系数保持稳定,说明观测系统的稳定.这种观测数据保持了良好的自洽性,作为四元件钻孔应变观测,这是一项关键指标.所有这些指标(连续性、稳定性和自洽性),说明了观测技术和产出数据的可靠性.根据这十多年的可靠观测数据,得到两个重要认识:一个是这种仪器可以观测长期的构造应变速率,改变了过去对钻孔应变观测频响性能的认识,有助于对现今构造运动特别是地震断层现今活动性的研究;另一个是汶川地震前观测到的异常变化得到进一步确认,这为地震前兆研究提供了一个可靠的个案.不仅如此,姑咱台还进行了这种钻孔应变仪的高频观测实验,采样率达到每秒100次,与摆式地震仪相同.结果表明,这种应变仪在高频端的观测表现非常好.这为地震波研究提供了新手段.更重要的是,它说明这种钻孔应变观测是一个地球动力学的全频段观测技术.这种观测创造了一种可能性,就是将地震孕育以及发生的过程完整...  相似文献   

Cretaceous volcanic rocks (SCV) are widely developed in the northern part of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, northwest Iran. Based on the mineralogy, texture and geochemical composition these rocks are divided in two main groups, the first and main one situated in the central part of the study area and the second one in the northeast. The former is dominantly basalts, andesitic basalts, and andesites and the latter comprises andesite, trachy-andesite to acidic variants, with porphyritic to microlithic porphyry and vitrophyric textures. Beside the differences between these two groups, the chemical compositions all of these rocks show a calc-alkaline affinity and enrichment in LIL elements (Rb, Ba, Th, U, and Pb) and depletion in Nb, Ti, and Zr, as evident in spider diagrams normalized to primitive mantle. The rocks are particularly enriched in Rb and depleted in Nb and Ti, as well as displaying high Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios and low ratios of incompatible elements such as Nb/U (<10; range, 0.6–9), Th/U (<2), and Ba/Rb (<20). The significant U enrichment relative to neighbouring Nb and Th in the mantle-normalized variation diagram is mainly a result of source enrichment by slab-derived fluids. Significantly lower Nb/U ratios are observed in arc volcanics. These low values are generally ascribed to the strong capacity of LILE and the inability to transfer significant amounts of HFSE via slab-derived hydrous fluid. The results of geochemical modelling suggest a mantle lithospheric source that was metasomatized by fluids derived from a Neo-Tethyan subducted slab during the Middle to Late Cretaceous in the northern part Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone.  相似文献   

通过学习前兆综合信息提取软件的使用方法及其在华北地区中的应用,收集并整理黑龙江地区定点前兆观测资料共计14项,逐一计算并提取地震前兆信息量,在此基础上,合成计算得到该地区地震综合前兆信息量时序曲线,分析并计算M4.0以上地震预测效能,给出黑龙江地区地震短期综合预测指标和方法.  相似文献   

我国东南沿海滨海断裂带是1条活动强烈的地震构造带,位于珠江口盆地北缘的粤东滨海断裂带是其重要组成部分,确定该断裂带的几何展布位置与最新活动特征对科学评价华南沿海地区地震危险性、地震构造和地球动力学具有重要科学意义。通过综合分析近年来南海东北部海域地质地貌、地震反射剖面、深部探测、地震活动等方面的研究成果,总结了粤东滨海断裂带几何结构与分段活动性,研究成果已应用于粤东沿海重大工程选址和地震区划工作中。  相似文献   

It is shown that episodes of comparative seismic quiescence that lasted about 20–25 years in the areas of study alternated with intervals of sharply increased seismicity as series of large (M ≥ 6.9) earthquakes occurred during two to three decades. Since no M ≥ 6.6 earthquake has occurred in the area for as long as 21 years after the 1992 Susamyr event, middle-term prediction would require identification of zones of imminent large earthquakes. More reliable identification of such zones rests on data relating to inhomogeneities in the field of S-wave attenuation in the lithosphere, as well as on the characteristics of ring structures of seismicity. Such structures are formed as zones of seismic quiescence that are bounded by M ? Mth earthquake epicenters, where Mth is the threshold magnitude value. Correlative relationships were previously derived, lgL(Mw) and Mth(Mw), for events with different focal mechanisms (L is the length of the longer axis of a seismicity ring and Mw is the magnitude of the associated large earthquake). These relationships were used to estimate the Mw of large events that can occur in these ring structures. The greatest earthquake with Mw ? 7.5 is probably about to occur in southern Tien Shan, east of the 1949 Khait earthquake rupture. A smaller event (Mw ~ 7.0) can occur in the Kyrgyz Range area. Still smaller earthquakes probably have their precursory areas north and east of Lake Issyk-Kul, as well as in Dzungaria.  相似文献   

根据地震前兆位移场的解析表达式,进一步给出各种应变,倾斜,地下水和地电阻率的前兆场的解析表达式,讨论了根据多种前兆场观测资料反演潜在震源参数的可能性。由于在这些表达式中具有相同的未知数F,x,y,hα,β,充分利用上述各种前兆场观测数据,联合反演潜在震源参数应数应该是可行的,但是,对于前兆台站来说,由于受局部条件和仪器漂移等因素的影响,观测资料往往与面上观测结果不一致。在实际反演计算时,还有许多技术问题需要解决。  相似文献   

华北山地的水系变迁与新构造运动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
华北山地的水系在第四纪有过重大变迁。其变过时段主要发生在早更新世早期和晚更新世早期,其次是早全新世和晚全新世。变迁方式主要是河流自下游面上游的溯源侵蚀袭夺,且袭夺点逐渐向下游移动;其次是断陷盆地的阻隔与诱导。变迁方向多是东西向河道袭夺南北向河道,使河流向东改道。目前许多河流仍处在进一步袭夺中,从而可看出,华北山地的水纱变迁严格受新构造运动控制,且以断块差异活动为主,水系变迁方向可能与青藏高原在第四纪强烈隆起和太行山,燕山在第四纪迅速抬升有关。  相似文献   

六盘山东麓断裂的古地震研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
向宏发  池田安隆 《中国地震》1999,15(1):74-81,91
野外详细调查和探开挖揭示,在六盘山东麓断裂的孙家庄-海子峡地段自距今4.6万年以来存在有6次古地震位借事件的地质形迷,它们分别发生在距今35250,20250,14750,12150,8550和4000年前,各次事件的重复间隔依次是15000,5500,2600,3600和4550年。按M-D经验关系,事件1,2约相当于8级地震的位错,其余各次事件约相当6.5-7.5级地震的位错。  相似文献   

Study on Paleoearthquakes of the Eastern Liupanshan Piedmont Fault Zone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Based on trench excavation and detailed field investigation, the authors have ascertained that 6 paleoearthquake events have occurred in the Haizixia area of the Eastern Liupanshan Piedmont fault zone since 46Ka B.P. The recurrence time of 6 events were about 15000a, 20250a, 14750a, 12150a, 8550a and 4000a B.P., respectively, the recurrence intervals were about 15000a, 5500a, 2600a, 3600a and 4550a, respectively. According to M-D empirical relations, the vertical dislocation of events 1 and 2 corresponded to the dislocation of the earthquake with M8.0; the vertical dislocation of events 3-6, was corresponded to the dislocation of earthquakes with M6.5~7.5.  相似文献   

杨文  周龙泉  刘杰  程佳 《中国地震》2014,30(2):219-225
利用中国地震台网的地震目录,分别计算新疆于田2008年3月21日7.3级、2014年2月12日7.3级地震前后30天南北地震带Benioff应变比。结果表明,2008年7.3级地震后1年内,后续5级以上地震均发生在Benioff应变比高值区域附近或者高、低值交界区域,强震活动与Benioff应变比的高值区域存在明显对应关系。这反映了相应区域应力水平可能较高,于田地震的发生导致这些应力高值区容易释放小地震,研究结果对该区域后续强震的发生有一定指示意义。  相似文献   

蔡瑶瑶  张军龙 《地震》2018,38(3):58-65
东昆仑断裂带是青藏高原东北部一条重要的活动断裂, 构成了巴颜喀拉块体的北边界。 根据阿尼玛卿山两侧滑动速率和历史地震的差异, 将断裂带分为东西两个部分。 滑动速率由西向东递减, 近百年的历史地震产生的破裂基本覆盖了西部和东部的一部分。 随着巴颜喀拉块体周缘强震的持续发生, 作为块体北边界的东昆仑断裂带的地震空区及地震潜势研究变得更加重要。 近些年通过对东昆仑断裂带不同段的研究得到了较多的滑动速率和古地震序列数据, 为评价断裂带未来百年地震危险性提供了有利条件。 利用NB模型中的对数正态分布方法, 得到了东昆仑断裂带在未来100 a的发震概率, 研究表明, 东部(玛曲段)发震概率相对较高, 需要进一步关注。  相似文献   

华北地区强震前兆空间动态场中短期综合预报研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李平  朱元清 《地震》2000,20(2):37-47
通过80多种测震学指标的筛选和多种稳定性试验,探索以一种新的指标筛选法-“对比筛选法”选取地震学单参数,在此基础上提取地震学综合预报指标P值。由此,发展了一种新的测震学的定量综合预报方法SQIP。同时研究了非测震学前兆综合指标PP值的确定和应用效果检验及其空间扫描的动态显示,尝试了震兆指标和前兆指标联合应用于地震预报的研究。以动态的思维逻辑不断追踪地震活动的异常行为,判定地震在中短期的危险地点。就  相似文献   

高立新  索亚峰 《地震》2005,25(1):103-110
2003年8月16日内蒙古巴林左旗—阿鲁科尔沁旗间发生5.9级地震。 根据年度危险区的确定、 前兆异常跟踪及其主要依据, 分析了这次5.9级地震前大甸子井、 库伦井地下水位、 开鲁井水氡等前兆异常, 在此基础上, 对内蒙古附近区域的前兆异常也进行了分析和探讨, 表明该次地震前在内蒙古及附近区域出现了一组中期、 短期前兆异常及宏观异常, 文中还研究了该区域前兆异常的演化过程。  相似文献   

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