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杨丰华  刘仁强 《高原气象》2023,(6):1529-1535
通常基于准地转的变换的欧拉平均框架下提出的涡动热通量近似理论计算极区平流层温度变化的动力和非绝热加热贡献,但是这可能会带来一定的误差。本文根据Liu and Fu(2019)提出的欧拉平均框架下新形式的面积加权平均的热力学能量方程,通过滑动累加得到逐月的温度变化方程。再利用1980-2019年欧洲中期天气预报中心第五代再分析资料(EuropeanCentreforMedium-range Weather Forecasts fifth reanalysis data, ERA5),计算北半球极区低平流层100 hPa在全时段(1980-2019年)和两个分时段(1980-1999年、 2000-2019年)各月温度增量、动力加热、非绝热加热和对流加热项(W项)的气候平均值,进而讨论涡动热通量近似理论成立的最佳参考纬度。结果表明,新导出的W项使得极区累积的动力和非绝热加热项之和与温度增量项之间的误差在冬春季减少了一半。在100 hPa上,W项随月份和纬度变化,尤其在冬春季节对温度变化贡献明显,由此得到涡动热通量近似成立的最佳参考纬度应该在W项的零等值线附近。进一步验证表明参考纬度可以取在...  相似文献   

应用涡动相关法计算水热、CO2通量的国内外进展概况   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前涡动相关法被认为是国内外测定CO2、水热通量的最可靠方法。国外应用此方法解决了均匀下垫面假设下森林和农田等生态系统的CO2、水热通量的计算问题,目前致力于非理想下垫面(真实地形)的CO2、水热通量的计算。而国内应用涡动相关技术起步较晚,用此方法测定水热通量已有一定的知识积累,但测定CO2通量还处于资料收集阶段。我国自然生态系统、环境外交和社会经济可持续发展都要求精确查明我国CO2的时空变化特征和动力学机制,这应是今后研究的重点,并提出了应用该方法存在的主要问题及可能的解决方法,指出值得深入研究的领域。  相似文献   

地表通量的计算问题   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
该文简略地评述了地表通量(动车,感热和潜热通量)计算的用途,方法,某些结果以及不同方法的优缺点,对于未来的工作也提出了建议。  相似文献   

曹帮军  吕世华  张宇  李彦霖 《大气科学》2020,44(6):1188-1202
为了研究湍涡对中尺度绿洲灌溉的响应,利用WRF模式大涡模拟模块(WRF-LES)在西北半干旱区绿洲区开展灌溉前和灌溉后两个大涡模拟试验(分别简称为BI和AI),其中灌溉可能会改变绿洲非均匀强度。利用面积平均的办法计算湍流热通量并利用小波分析将湍流热通量模态分解到不同的尺度。结果表明灌溉增加了土壤湿度,引起绿洲内部非均匀强度增加,灌溉对垂直热通量以及通量频散都有较大影响。AI中的湍涡为网状,与BI中一致。AI与BI中的感热通量的频散高度都随着感热通量的减小而减小。AI与BI中感热通量小波能量谱尺度一致,但是BI中强度比AI小。潜热通量的频散高度依赖于感热通量,且潜热通量能量谱随高度减小。空间滞后相关系数的结果表明由于灌溉前地表加热较强,感热通量对地表热通量的响应高度在灌溉之前(BI)比灌溉后(AI)更高。灌溉后的通量模态的飘移距离小于灌溉前的。  相似文献   

利用1980-2009年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料,研究了在全球变暖背景下北半球对流层大气涡动减弱现象。结果表明:北半球涡度拟能30a来整体呈减弱趋势,在北太平洋地区和极地减弱尤为显著,12.5~50°N为影响北半球大气涡动变化的关键区域。由于对流层200hPa以下大气的增暖,特别是中高纬地区显著增暖,减弱了经向温度梯度,使得副热带西风急流的强度亦呈减弱趋势。这与涡度拟能的变化有显著的正相关关系。分析了北半球正压Rossby波动诊断量E和热量经向涡动通量的变化,表明中纬度波能传播在不同地区有不同趋势,而热量的经向涡动输送与涡度拟能的变化也呈现显著的正相关关系,减弱明显。研究结果对深刻认识大气环流变化规律和理解全球变暖的可能影响具有重要意义。  相似文献   

台风的发展维持受制于自身(内部结构)及与下垫面间的通量传输过程,利用台风“利奇马”登陆前后的涡动相关仪观测数据,分析台风过境前后地面要素变化及动量通量特征。分析结果表明:台风过境期间,地面气象要素在短时间内出现急剧的变化,动量通量在台风登陆过程中显示出“三峰”的结构,对应的摩擦速度随风速的变化以10 m/s为分界线,低风速下呈现明显的正相关性,高风速时则慢慢转为持平甚至回落;能谱分析中,峰值主要存在于0.000 2 Hz和0.06 Hz的位置上,另有一位于0.001 Hz外的较弱峰值;能量贡献上,大尺度系统占据主导作用,但中尺度对流系统与湍流尺度运动在能量贡献中同样不可忽视。  相似文献   

周德刚 《大气科学》2016,40(2):411-422
气象台站观测的气象要素可能受城市化等因子的影响而与野外试验站的观测存在一定的差异,这影响野外试验获取的热力参数直接应用于西北干旱区台站感热通量的估算。本文选取了一些常用的热力参数化方案(包括Z10、B82、Z98、Y08和Z12等方案),通过敦煌站夏季估算的感热通量与野外观测的比较以及对整个西北干旱区夏季感热通量的估算,评价了这些热力参数化对动量粗糙度的敏感性和在西北干旱区的适用性。结果显示,热力输送系数取定值的方案计算西北干旱区的感热通量可能存在较大不确定;台站的动量粗糙度可能受城市化等因子的影响,但在感热通量计算时建议取台站下垫面的动量粗糙度;Y08方案估算的感热通量相对比较合理,可以用来研究西北干旱区的夏季地表感热输送特征。  相似文献   

凝结潜热与地表热通量对一次西南低涡暴雨影响分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用PSU/NCAR的非静力中尺度MM5V3模式,对2004年9月四川省及重庆市一次特大暴雨过程进行了凝结潜热与地表热通量的敏感性试验,结果表明:凝结加热与地表热通量通过影响中尺度系统环境场的高低空急流、高低层辐合辐散等动力、热力条件,从而影响中尺度系统的发展以及中尺度暴雨的发生。  相似文献   

提出了建立一个旨在提高国家环境预报中心区域谱模式降水预报技巧的降水物理过程库。库中包括一个网格尺度的降水预报方案和一个具有显式耦合于边界层和对流性降水过程的对流触发函数的对流参数化方案。针对1995年5月15~17日期间一次全美国花园内的暴雨个例,在格距约25km的网格上进行了综合的敏感性试验。该文讨论了在对流参数化方案中建立的对流触发函数及其对预报降水的影响,重点阐述了对流参数化方案中的云属性与  相似文献   

利用安徽省寿县国家气候观象台2008年2月10日至9月20日湍流通量观测资料,分别采用WPL和Liu修正方法对潜热通量和CO2通量进行修正,比较了修正前后对通量的影响以及两种方法间的差异。结果表明:两种修正方法能够有效消除直接计算含有虚假的吸收信息,从而提高通量数据的精度;经过两种方法修正,潜热通量增加约3%-5%,CO2通量减小1%-2%;WPL(Webb-Pearman-Leuning)方法对潜热通量和CO2通量的修正幅度均要大于Liu修正。  相似文献   

中尺度数值模拟结果特别是高影响天气的精细预报对近地层动量和热量通量极为敏感,因此近地层湍流通量参数化方案一直是大气科学研究中一个十分重要的课题.以TOGA-COARE观测试验资料为基础,本文将湍流通量参数化方案模块从天气研究预报(WRF)模式中提取出来,与最新研发的湍流通量参数化方案(即LGLC方案)进行对比测试分析....  相似文献   

Based on an eddy permitting ocean general circulation model, the response of water masses to two distinct climate scenarios in the South Pacific is assessed in this paper. Under annually repeating atmospheric forcing that is characterized by different westerlies and associated heat flux, the response of Subantarctic Mode Water(SAMW) and Antarctic Intermediate Water(AAIW) is quantitatively estimated. Both SAMW and AAIW are found to be warmer, saltier and denser under intensified westerlies and increased heat loss. The increase in the subduction volume of SAMW and AAIW is about 19.8 Sv(1 Sv =10~6m~3s~(-1)). The lateral induction term plays a dominant role in the changes in the subduction volume due to the deepening of the mixed layer depth(MLD). Furthermore, analysis of the buoyancy budget is used to quantitatively diagnose the reason for the changes in the MLD. The deepening of the MLD is found to be primarily caused by the strengthening of heat loss from the ocean to the atmosphere in the formation region of SAMW and AAIW.  相似文献   


Sea surface temperature (SST) from four Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) model simulations is analyzed to study the bulk flux parameterization to compute SST over the Hudson Bay Complex (HBC) for the summer months (August and September) from 2002 to 2009. The NEMO simulation was forced with two atmospheric forcing sets with different resolutions: the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiment, version 2 (COREv2), as the lower resolution and the Canadian Meteorological Centre’s Global Deterministic Prediction System Reforecasts (CGRF) as the higher resolution. The CGRF forcing is also implemented in the third and fourth runs using different runoff data and different NEMO resolutions (1/12° versus 1/4°). Results show that all four modelled SSTs followed observed SST patterns, with regional differences in SST bias between simulations with different atmospheric forcing. The SST differences are small between simulations forced with the same atmospheric forcing but with different model resolution or runoff. This implies that the model resolution and runoff have a small effect on the simulated SST in the HBC. Moreover, to better capture the effect of near-surface temperature (Tair) on simulated SST, we conducted three analyses using the Haney flux linearization formula. Results from these assessments did not indicate any direct influence on the model-simulated SSTs by Tair. Looking at the heat flux as a signature for SST showed that both averaged spatial distribution and time series of net heat flux produced by the three CGRF forcing simulations were higher than the net heat flux generated by the CORE 2 simulation. This was generally true for all four components of the total heat flux (sensible, latent, shortwave, and longwave) individually as well. Total heat flux in summer is governed by the shortwave heat flux, with values up to 120?W?m?2 in August, and the longwave heat flux is the main contributor to the total heat flux differences. These heat flux differences lead to corresponding colder model SSTs for the CGRF runs and warmer SSTs for the CORE 2 simulations.  相似文献   

湍流通量参数化方案的非迭代方法研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于Högström (1996) 和Beljaars et al.(1991) 的研究工作, 沿用Louis et al.(1982) 和Launiainen (1995) 的思路, 本文采用多元回归分析方法, 研发了一种采用非迭代方法的湍流通量参数化方案。该方案直接用整体理查森数、 空气动力学粗糙度长度和热力学粗糙度长度对稳定度参数进行参数化, 从而避免了通过循环迭代计算Monin-Obukhov长度。该方案不仅有效地节省了CPU计算时间, 而且其计算结果与迭代方案 (BHH方案) 的计算结果非常接近。  相似文献   

Using the standard eddy-covariance (EC) method to quantify mass and energy exchange at a single location usually results in an underestimation of vertical eddy fluxes at the surface. In order to better understand the reasons for this underestimation, an experimental set-up is presented that is based on spatial averaging of air temperature data from a network of ground-based sensors over agricultural land. For eight days during the 34-day observational period in May and June 2007, additional contributions to the sensible heat flux of more than 50Wm−2 were measured in the lower surface layer by applying the spatial EC method as opposed to the standard temporal EC method. Smaller but still significant additional sensible heat fluxes were detected for four more days. The additional energy is probably transported in organised convective structures resulting in a mean vertical wind velocity unequal to zero at the tower location. The results show that convective transport contributes significantly to the surface energy budget for measurement heights as low as 2–3 m. Since these structures may be quasi-stationary, they can hardly be captured by a single-location measurement. The spatial EC set-up presented here is capable of quantifying contributions to the sensible heat flux from structures up to the scale of our spatial sensor network, which covered an area 3.5 × 3.5 km. For future experiments aiming at closing the energy balance, the spatial EC method should be employed to measure both the sensible and latent heat fluxes. Experimental determination of the horizontal advection of sensible and latent heat should also be considered, since such transport must occur due to convergence and divergence related to convection.  相似文献   

Surface Flux Parameterization in the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
This study investigates some basic aspects related to surface-flux parameterization in the Tibetan Plateau, based on the measurement at three sites. These sites are essentially flat and covered by very sparse and short grasses in the monsoon season. The main contributions include: (1) an optimization technique is proposed to estimate aerodynamic roughness length based on wind and temperature profiles. The approach is not sensitive to random measurement errors if the number of data samples is large enough. The optimized values reasonably vary with surface characteristics. (2) At the three sites, kB-1 (the logarithm of the ratio of aerodynamic roughness length to thermal roughness length) experiences seasonal and diurnal variations in addition to a dependence on surface types. The mean values for the individual sites vary over a range of 2.7 to 6.4 with large standard deviations. (3) A formula for estimatingthe value of kB-1 isproposed to account for the effect of seasonal variation of aerodynamic roughness length and diurnal variation of surface temperature. With the formula, the flux parameterization with surface temperature estimates sensible heat flux better than profile parameterization for all the sites.  相似文献   

利用船测近海层湍流热通量资料验证OAFlux数据集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,WHOI)的客观分析海气通量(Objectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes,OAFlux)数据集中的近海层湍流热通量数据被公认为最可信,并被广泛地用于气候模式模拟结果检验。利用NOAA ETL(Environmental Technology Laboratory)两个固定观测站点的科学试验的船测通量数据库(TOGA COARE试验观测资料和KAWJEX试验观测资料),对OAFlux的热通量进行验证。结果表明:OAFlux的潜热通量普遍高于船测值,并且风速较大时,两者差异较大。风速对潜热通量的变化趋势起主导作用,海表和大气湿度差影响甚微。低风条件下,OAFlux的潜热通量和船测值差异则很小。海面湍流感热交换很弱,通量值本身依然受到风速的主导作用,但由于感热通量值与观测仪器误差十分接近,导致比较分析异常困难。分析结果表明:在上述两个观测试验期内,由于海表空气湿度和大气的湿度差变化不显著,海气相互作用的强度主要取决于海面风速的变化。  相似文献   

印度洋海气热通量交换研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
周天军  张学洪 《大气科学》2002,26(2):161-170
基于综合海洋大气资料集(COADS)资料的研究表明,热带印度洋的海气热通量交换具有明显的区域性特征,在部分海域,如冬季热带印度洋的中东部、夏季的热带西印度洋和北印度洋,它主要表现为海洋对大气的强迫.海洋对大气的这种强迫,主要是通过潜热加热实现的.与潜热加热相比,感热加热尽管是一个小量,但感热异常与表层海温的显著相关,较之潜热明显超前.无论冬季还是夏季,热带印度洋都存在大面积海域,其SST变化难以通过海气热通量交换来解释.  相似文献   

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