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装设粘弹性阻尼器钢筋混凝土结构抗震实用分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了设计装设粘弹性阻尼器受控结构、推进此项技术的工程应用,分别利用粘弹性阻尼器的复刚度模型和有限元模型,编制了振型分解反应谱程序和弹性时程分析程序,并对一装设粘弹性阻尼器的16层钢筋混凝土结构和相应原结构在多遇地震下的响应进行了分析。  相似文献   

针对某型钢混凝土框支剪力墙高层建筑结构高宽比过大、竖向刚度不规则等问题,采用耗能减震技术,在转换层与避难层处设置黏滞阻尼器,采用ETABS进行非线性动力时程分析,研究黏滞阻尼器对型钢混凝土框支剪力墙结构的地震和风荷载控制作用,提高型钢混凝土转换构件的抗震性能。研究结果表明,在不同地震动作用下黏滞阻尼器均能有效地降低型钢混凝土框支剪力墙结构的地震响应,结构峰值位移和最大层间位移角的减幅分别介于3%~45%和2%~43%,而黏滞阻尼器耗散总输入能量比例最高达73.65%;在风荷载时程作用下,结构各控制楼层的峰值位移减幅介于1%~11%之间。  相似文献   

利用形状记忆合金(SMA)材料的超弹性,本文提出了一种放大位移型SMA阻尼器,建立了装有该阻尼器的框架有限元模型并对该框架的地震反应实施了模拟减震控制。分不安装阻尼器、安装不放大位移阻尼器和安装放大2倍层间位移阻尼器三种工况,输入El Centro和Taft地震动,对比研究了阻尼器的减震控制效果。分析结果表明:(1)放大位移型SMA阻尼器的控制效果优于不放大位移型SMA阻尼器;(2)该放大位移型SMA阻尼器对位移的控制效果优于对加速度的控制效果。  相似文献   

本文对一种新型形状记忆合金阻尼器——锥形形状记忆合金阻尼器的性能进行了数值分析和试验研究。基于形状记忆合金的超弹性双线型本构模型,利用非线性有限元方法分析了锥形形状记忆合金阻尼器的滞回性能,并且用大型能用程序ANSYS进行了验证,得出锥形形状记忆合金阻尼器的滞回模型可简化为分段线性滞回模型,试验包括形状记忆合金丝的本构试验、疲劳试验阳阻尼器的性能试验.试验结果与数值分析结果基本吻合,形状记忆合金表现出良好的超弹性。  相似文献   

新型形状记忆合金阻尼器的试验研究   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
本文在对形状记忆合金(SMA)的力学性能研究的基础上,设计和制造出一种性能良好的SMA阻尼器,介绍了其工作原理及有关试验结果,将该阻尼器安装在斜拉桥模型上,进行了斜拉桥模型振动试验。试验结果表明该阻尼器的耗能效果明显,在工程结构振动控制方面具有比较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于"强水平缝弱竖向缝"的设计理念,对采用软钢阻尼器直接连接腹板墙和翼缘墙的L形装配式剪力墙试件进行低周反复荷载试验。试验结果表明试件的整体工作性能良好,其位移延性系数均大于2.6,具有良好的变形性能;阻尼器平面内工作性能良好,能够实现屈服耗能。设计中应考虑阻尼器的屈服力对单片墙肢轴压比的影响,以满足规范对试件轴压比的要求,同时避免试件在两个加载方向的承载力产生较大差异。  相似文献   

形状记忆合金拉压型超弹性阻尼器的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者研制了一种新型的形状记忆合金拉压型超弹性阻尼器,介绍了其构造和工作原理,并进行了力学性能试验。试验结果表明:(1)对形状记忆合金阻尼器中NiTi丝缆施加初始预变形可以获得不同的迟滞循环行为,施加预变形到超弹性平台的中点位置,阻尼器可以获得较为饱满的迟滞环和稳定的阻尼力;(2)位移幅值影响阻尼器的力学性能,随着位移幅值的增加,阻尼器的等效刚度逐渐减小。等效阻尼比逐渐线性增大;(3)加载速率影响阻尼器的力学性能,随着加载速率的增加,滞回环变得狭长,其包围的面积逐渐减小,阻尼器的等效刚度略有提高,等效阻尼比逐渐减小。  相似文献   

安装粘滞阻尼器结构的抗震设计方法研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文研究了安装粘滞阻尼器结构在常遇地震作用下层间最大剪力的分配情况,建立了层间最大构件力与层间最大剪力的关系以及层间最大附加力与层间最大剪力的关系,提出了该类结构在罕遇地震作用下层间弹塑性变形的简化计算方法,最后建议了安装滞阻尼器结构的抗震设计步骤。  相似文献   

应用形状记忆合金的桥梁结构振动控制研究及发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简要介绍了形状记忆合金(SMA)材料的本构关系及其显著特性。总结了桥梁结构在地震和风振作用下的灾害,以及SMA驱动器和阻尼器在桥梁结构隔震及减震应用上的研究现状,展望了SMA在桥梁结构尤其是在大跨度斜拉桥和悬索桥结构抗震风振动控制中的应用前景,指出了基于SMA材料的桥梁结构振动控制研究中亟待解决的一些关键技术。  相似文献   

采用复合型铅粘弹性阻尼器对带转换层框肢剪力墙结构的某酒店进行了耗能减震设计,对耗能减震结构和钢支撑结构进行了对比分析,包括反应谱和局部非线性多遇地震作用和罕遇地震作用下的时程分析。结果表明,底部框架结构布置复合型铅粘弹性阻尼器后,在多遇和罕遇地震情况下层间位移能满足《建筑抗震设计规范》要求,并且采用耗能减震结构能优化整体结构,不会对转换层上部结构产生不利的影响,能更好地改善结构的抗震性能。  相似文献   

Control devices incorporated with shape memory alloy   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) is a type of material that offers some unique characteristics for use in devices for vibration control applications. Based on SMA's material properties, four types of control devices that incorporate NiTi SMA wires are introduced in this paper, which include three types of dampers (SMA damper, SMA-MR damper and SMA-friction damper) and one kind of isolation bearing (SMA-rubber bearing). Mechanical models of these devices and their experimental verifications are presented. To investigate the control performance of these devices, the SMA-MR damper and SMA-rubber bearing are applied to structures. The results show that the control devices could be effective in reducing the seismic response of structures.  相似文献   

This study assesses the seismic performance of a hybrid coupled wall (HCW) system with replaceable steel coupling beams (RSCBs) at four intensities of ground motion shaking. The performance of the HCW system is benchmarked against the traditional reinforced concrete coupled wall (RCW). Nonlinear numerical models are developed in OpenSees for a representative wall elevation in a prototype 11‐story building designed per modern Chinese codes. Performance is assessed via nonlinear dynamic analysis. The results indicate that both systems can adequately meet code defined objectives in terms of global and component behavior. Behavior of the two systems is consistent under service level earthquakes, whereas under more extreme events, the HCW system illustrates enhanced performance over the RCW system resulting in peak interstory drifts up to 31% lower in the HCW than the RCW. Larger drifts in the RCW are because of reduced coupling action induced by stiffness degradation of RC coupling beams, whereas the stable hysteretic responses and overstrength of RSCBs benefit post‐yield behavior of the HCW. Under extreme events, the maximum beam rotations of the RSCBs are up to 42% smaller than those of the RC coupling beams. Moderate to severe damage is expected in the RC coupling beams, whereas the RSCBs sustain damage to the slab above the beam and possible web buckling of shear links. The assessment illustrates the benefits of the HCW with RSCBs over the RCW system, because of easy replacement of the shear links as opposed to costly and time‐consuming repairs of RC coupling beams. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高层钢结构地震反应形状记忆合金拉索控制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过形状记忆合金(SMA)材料的超弹性性能试验确定了SMA材料的各项参数和常温状态下的本构模型。对采用SMA拉索实施振动控制的20层钢结构的Benchmark模型的地震响应进行了时程分析。计算结果表明,实施SMA拉索控制后,层间相对位移可降低70%左右,且SMA材料很好的耗能作用有效地减少了地震能量向上部楼层的传递,对上部结构具有一定的隔振作用;顶层相对位移的控制效果达到51%;顶层加速度可降低43%;地震波强度和拉索初应变对拉索的被动控制效果影响较大。最后给出了拉索的安装位置与拉索的应变之间的关系曲线,建议了合理的布置方案。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构通过设置可更换连梁,在地震作用下集中损伤,保护主体结构不受或只受微小破坏,震后更换损伤构件即可恢复结构功能。参照现行规范和已有试验分析结果,在普通钢筋混凝土结构设计基础上,提出带有可更换连梁的钢筋混凝土结构实用设计方法,设定性能目标,总结设计流程。采用提出的设计方法对1个50层钢筋混凝土结构进行设计,并采用大型有限元分析软件ABAQUS建立数值模型,验证结构性能目标和提出的设计方法。结果表明:按该方法设计的带有可更换连梁的钢筋混凝土结构能满足所设定的性能目标,设计方法合理实用,为该新型结构的工程应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

The replaceable coupling beam (RCB) is an innovative structural component developed to increase the seismic resilience of reinforced concrete (RC) shear wall structures. In this study, two 1/5‐scale 5‐story 3‐dimensional RC shear wall structures—one with conventional RC coupling beams and the other with RCBs—were designed, constructed, and tested on a shaking table. The failure pattern, dynamic properties, and structural responses, including the acceleration, displacement, story force, and strain responses, of the 2 structures are compared under earthquake excitations. The test results demonstrate that the seismic performance of the structure with RCBs was improved when RCBs were working compared with the structure with conventional RC coupling beams. In addition, the replaceable devices suffering the severe damage during an earthquake can be conveniently replaced after the earthquake. However, after the sudden failure of RCBs during the severe earthquakes, the inter‐story drift and floor acceleration of the structure with RCBs became larger. The design and manufacture quality of RCBs should be improved to avoid the sudden failure. Then, numerical models for the test structures were established using the commercial software PERFORM‐3D. Numerical simulations of the tests were conducted. The simulation results correspond well with the experimental results, thus verifying the accuracy of the numerical models. The RC shear wall structure installed with RCBs can be applied as a new type of earthquake‐resilient structure in engineering practice.  相似文献   

混合暗支撑高阻尼混凝土联肢剪力墙是一种新型延性双肢剪力墙,它将暗支撑引入双肢墙的两个墙肢,将内置带剪力钉钢板连梁作为剪力墙洞口连梁,墙身由高阻尼混凝土浇筑而成.本文对这种新型联肢剪力墙结构进行了低周反复加载实验与数值模拟,较系统地分析了该新型剪力墙结构的承载力、延性、耗能、破坏机制、破坏特征以及刚度衰减过程等性能.结果表明:与现有暗支撑混凝土联肢剪力墙相比,混合暗支撑高阻尼混凝土联肢剪力墙开裂强度、极限承载力、耗能能力及变形能力均有一定程度的提高,显示了良好的抗震性能;当剪力墙连梁跨高比越小,混合暗支撑高阻尼混凝土剪力墙的抗震性能越好.  相似文献   

In this paper,the seismic effectiveness of a density-variable tuned liquid damper(DVTLD) with a sloping bottom is experimentally investigated through a series of shake table tests on a 1/4-scale,3-story frame structure and numerically simulated by a new semi-analytical model.Special attention was given to reducing the fi rst peak and maximum response under near-and far-fi eld ground motions,and the robustness of a density-variable control system consisting of multiple DVTLDs with closely-spaced frequencies....  相似文献   

A damper device based on shape memory alloy (SMA) wires is developed for structural control implementation. The design procedures of the SMA damper are presented. As a case study, eight such SMA dampers are installed in a frame structure to verify the effectiveness of the damper devices. Experimental results show that vibration decay of the SMA damper controlled frame is much faster than that of the uncontrolled frame. The finite‐element method is adopted to conduct the free and forced vibration analysis of the controlled and uncontrolled frame. The experimental and numerical results illustrate that the developed SMA dampers are very effective in reducing structural response and have great potential for use as efficient energy dissipation devices with the advantages of good control of force and no lifetime limits, etc. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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