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Hydrogeochemical simulation is an effective method to study water-rock interaction. In this paper, PHREEQM was used for the simulation of water-rock interaction under water flooding in the Renqiu Oilfield. Calculated results revealed that when fresh water was injected into the reservoir, Cl and Na+ would decrease without involvement in water-rock interaction. Erosion to dolomite will lead to an increase in Ca2+, Mg2+ and CaHCO 3 + . Saturation index of calcite and aragonite decreased first and then increased. With fresh water accounting for up to 70%, mixed water has the strongest erosion ability. Deoiled water has erosion ability under high temperature and high partial pressure of CO2. Pyrite and gypsum were sensitive to deoiled water, which can cause the dissolution of pyrite and the precipitation of gypsum. Micrographs revealed a great deal of information about water-rock interaction. The project was granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49672159).  相似文献   

Geochemistry of Brines from Salt Ore Deposits in Western Tarim Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the geological evolution of the Tarim Basin, many transgressions and relictions happened. So there have been plentiful sources of salt. Moreover, because of uttermost drought, a lot of salt has been deposited. It is possible to find potash salt in this area. In our fieldwork, we have found salt and brine in western Tarim Basin. Based on a geological survey and the characteristics of sedimentary facies and paleogeography, this paper deals with the geochemical parameters and discusses the possibility of formation of potash salt in terms of the chemical analyses of samples collected from western Tarim Basin. Results of brine analysis lead to some conclusions: most of these salt brines have eluviated from very thick halite beds, mainly chloridetype salt and this kind of halite does not reach the stage of potash deposition in all aspects; WKSL (Wukeshalu) occupies a noticeable place, and we should attach importance to this district because there have been some indicators of the occurrence of potash deposits as viewed from the contents of Br and K. Finally, low Br contents are recognized in the Tarim Basin as a result of salt aggradation, and this point of view has been proved by the results of this experiment and the data available. It cannot depend upon the index of Br to judge the evolution stage of halite. We must look for other facies of potash except marine facies.  相似文献   

Two kinds of mylonite series rocks,felsic and mafic,have been recognized in the NW-striking shear zone of the Jiapigou gold belt.During ductile deformation, a large amount of fluid interacted intensively with the mylonite series rocks:plagioclases were sericitized and the An values declined rapidly,finally all of them were transformed to albites;dark minerals were gradually replaced by chlorites(mostly ripidolite).Meanwhile,large-scale and extensive carbonation also took place,and the carbonatization minerals varied from calcite to dolomite and ankerite with the development of deformation.Theδ^13 Cvalues of the carbonates are-3.0‰--5.6‰suggesting a deep source of carbon.The ductile deformation is nearly an iso-volume one(fv=1).With the enhancement of shear deformation,SiO2 in the two mylonite series rocks was depleted,while volatile components such as CO2 and H2O,and some ore-forming elements such as Au and S were obviously enriched.But it is noted that the enrichment of Au in both the mylonite series rocks did not reach the paygrade of gold.The released SiO2 from water-rock interactions occurred in the form of colloids and absorbed gold in the fluid.When brittle structures were formed locally in the ductile in the ductile shear zone,the ore-forming fluids migrated to the structures along microfractures,and precipitated auriferous quartz because of reduction of pressure and temperature.Fluid inclusion study shows that the temperature and pressure of the ore-forming fluids are 245-292℃and 95.4-131.7MPa respectively;the salinity is 12.88-16.33wt% NaCl;the fluid-phase is rich in Ca^2 ,K^ ,Na^ ,Mg^2 ,F^- and Cl^-,while the gaseous phases are rich in CO2 and CH4.The δD and δ^18O values of the ore-forming fluid are -84.48‰--91.73‰and -0.247‰- 2.715‰respectively,suggesting that the fluid is composed predominantly of meteoric water.  相似文献   

Molecular stable carbon isotope technique was employed to study well-sourced crude oils collected from a single drilling well and from the entire Lunnan oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China. The stable carbon isotopic composition of n-alkanes from crude oils showed that Ordovi-clan-derived oils are enriched in ^13C and Triassic-derived oils are depleted in ^13C. This is consistent with the distribution and evolution trend of stable carbon isotope ratios in crude oils/organic matter from all over the world in geological history (Stahl, 1977; Andrusevich et al. ,1998). An extensive survey of literature indicates that, except for thermal maturity, organic matter input and depositional environment, paleoenvironmental background is another key factor that affects the stable carbon isotopic composition of Ordovician- and Triassic-derived crude oils. The results showed that gas chromatographic-isotope ratio mass spectrometry ( GC-C-IRMS), combining with biogeoehemical evolution of organic matter in geological history, may be a powerful tool in refining oil/oil, oil/source correlations in multi-age, multi-source petroliferous basins like Tarim.  相似文献   

The geochemical characteristics of crude oils and reservoir core extracts from the Kuche petroleum system are described and studied systematically by means of various geochemical techniques and methods to acquire molecular information. The results suggest crude oils from the petroleum system can be divided into two groups: marine oils and non-marine oils. The former represents the dominant oils found in the area. Tar mats were firstly discovered and determined accurately in terrestrial oil and gas reservoirs, with Lower Tertiary sandstone reservoirs in the Yaha oilfield of the Tarim Basin. However, based on the ratio of 20S/(20S 20R)C29 sterane as a maturity parameter, lacustrine oils filled into the Tertiary reservoirs in the direction toward the western part of the petroleum system. In contrast, according to the fact that methylcyclohexane indices of eastern oils are greater than those of western oils, the location in which coalgenerated oils filled into the Tertiary reservoirs lies in the eastern part of the petroleum system.  相似文献   

Based on the theoretical modelling of water-rock δD-δ18O isotopic exchange process, the evolution and sources of ore-forming fluid in four metallogenic epochs of the Jinduicheng superlarge-scale porphyry-type molybdenum deposit were investigated. It was revealed that in the pre-metallogenic and early-metallogenic epochs, the ore-forming fluid was a residual fluid derived from magmatic water-wall rock interaction at middle to high temperatures (T = 250–500°C) and lower W/R ratios (0.1> = W/R>0.001), while in the metallogenic and postmetallogenic epochs, the ore-forming fluid was a residual fluid derived from meteoric water-wall rock interaction at middle to lower temperatures (T = 150–310°C) and relatively high W/R ratios (0.5>W/R≥0.1). The meteoric water played an important role in molybdenum mineralization, and at the main metallogenic epoch the W/R ratio reached its maximum value. This project was financially supported by both the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Key Research Project of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China.  相似文献   

The Guandishan granitoids consist mainly of various granitoid intrusions with different scales, including the Huijiazhuang intrusion, Shizhuang intrusion and Hengjian intrusion, which were formed between 1906 Ma and 1848 Ma. On the basis of geological and petrological characteristics, these granitoids can be classified into two groups: the earlier gneissic granodiorites and monzogranites, and the later massive leuco-monzogranites. Their geochemical and Nd isotopic features indicate that they could be derived from complicated partial melting of supracrustal rocks with an affinity of continental arc materials, such as sandy shale and pelite, and with garnet, pyroxene, hornblende and plagioclase as residual phases. Biotite, feldspar and other minerals were most likely fractionated during the magma evolution. Their source may have an affinity with continental arcs, and the granitoids could be derived from the main syn-collisional to late-orogenic tectonic environment, which may be related to the final amalgamation between the Eastern and Western continental blocks in the North China Craton.  相似文献   

The Jinman deposit is a Ag-bearing copper vein deposit located at the north margin of the Lanping-Simao back-arc basin in West Yunnan. Systematic studies of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes are presented in this paper. The filling-replacement stage and the boiling-exhalative precipitation stage of mineralization took place atT 1 = 140–280°3 andT 2 = 94–204°C under pressure of (600 – 1200) x 105 Pa. The salinity of ore-forming solutions ranges from 5 wt% –20.8 wt% (NaCl). Sulphide δ34S(CDT) values are in the range of -9.6%.– +11.03%. with a range of 22. 66%. showing an apparent “pagoda”-shaped distribution in histogram. Meanwhile, the δ34S values of the various sulphides are consistent with the characters of isotope equilibrium fractionation, i.e., δ34 SPy34SCp34SBn. The TS/TOC ratios of the ores are widely variable between 0.16 and 5.54 with no correlation of any kind can be established. According to the model of Ohmoto, the oxidation-reduction ratios of sulfur species in ore-forming solutions at the two mineralization stages were calculated to be R′1 = 2.16 x 10-17 and R′2 = 1.55 x 104. δ13Coo2(PDB) values obtained from fluid inclusions in calcite and quartz are between -8.12%.-3.18%., averaging -5.26%., which are comparable with the isotopic composition of mantle-derived CO2. Inclusions in quartz yield δ13CCH4 (PEB) between -32. 11%. and -22.04%. (averaging -26.69%.), similar to that of methane in modern geothermal gases. For the ore-forming solutions, δ18 OH2O (SMOW) values are between -10.57%. and +9.77%. and δDH2O (SMOW) are between -51%. and -135%. Considering the effect of isotope exchange during water-rock reactions, most of the data are plotted along or close to the line defined by the reaction of meteoric water with clastic rocks, while a small part of the points fall near the reaction line of magmatic water with clastic rocks. In δ13C vs. δ18O diagram, the ore-forming solutions are plotted for the most part into the mixing area between the meteoric fluid and the deep-seated fluid and partially on the mixing line of P = 1. This project was founded by the “Eighth Five-Year Plan Period” State Key Program (85–901) and the Open Lab. of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Measurements of the absolute and relative concentrations of nitrogen-containing compounds in crude oils from different reservoir strata (Ordovician, Silurian and Carboniferous) in the Tazhong region of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China, showed that even though there are quite a number of factors affecting the distributional and compositional characteristics of neutral nitrogen-containing compounds in crude oils, the distributional and compositional characteristics of crude oils whose source conditions are approximate to one another are influenced mainly by the migration and fractionation effects in the process of formation of oil reservoirs. In addition, crude oils in the Tazhong region show obvious migration-fractionation effects in the vertical direction. Carboniferous crude oils are characterized by high migration parameters and low compound concentrations, just in contrast to Ordovician crude oils. This indicates that crude oils from shallow-level oil reservoirs were derived from those of deep-level oil reservoirs via faults, unconformable contact or carrier beds. Crude oils from the Tazhong region show some migration-fractionation effects in the lateral direction, but mixing of crude oils derived from different hydrocarbon source rocks in the process of formation of oil reservoirs made it more complicated the migration and accumulation of crude oils, as well as the formation of oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

This study is focused on geothermal heat flow and the origin of non-hydrocarbons in natural gases in terms of the isotope geochemical characteristics of Ar, He, CO2 and N2 in natural gases from the Sanshui Basin, Guangdong Province. China.3He/4He ratios are of (1.60-6.39) × 10-6, and40Ar/36Ar ratios of 450–841. The carbon isotopic composition (δl3C PDB) of carbon dioxide ranges from -20‰ to -2‰. δl5N(air) ratios have a wider range of-57 ‰- +95 ‰. The isotope geochemical characteristics of non-hydrocarbons indicate that He, Ar and N2 in the gas reservoirs enriched in non-hydrocarbons were derived largely from the upper mantle. Non-hydrocarbons in gaseous hydrocarbon reservoirs consist mainly of crustal radiogenic He and40Ar and some mantle-derived He and Ar, as well as of13C-depleted carbon dioxide and nitrogen generated as a result of thermal decomposition of organic matter in strata. Carbon dioxide enriched in13C was derived largely from carbonate rocks and partially from the lower crust and upper mantle. Based on the relationship between geothermal heat flow (Q) and3He/4 He ratio in natural gases, the Q values for the area studied have been calculated. Similar Q values are reported from the upper mantle uplift area (77 mWm-2) in Huabei and the Tancheng-Lujiang Rift Zone (88 mWm-2). More than 60 percent of geothermal heat flow in the Sanshui Basin may have been derived from the upper mantle. The project is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the origin and migration of basinal brines in the Bachu Bulge, Tarim Basin, we have carried out analyses on chemical composition, and boron, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of formation waters together with the XRD of clay minerals from the Paleozoic strata. The waters show Ca, B, Li and Sr enrichment and SO4 depletion in the Carboniferous and Ordovician and K enrichment in part of the Ordovician relative to seawater. The relationship between δD and δ^18O shows that all the data of the waters decline towards the Global Meteoric Water Line with the intersection of them close to the present-day local meteoric water, suggesting that modern meteoric water has mixed with evaporated seawater. The ^87Sr/^86Sr ratios range from 0.7090 to 0.7011, significantly higher than those of the contemporary seawater. The δ^11B values range from +19.7 to +32.3‰, showing a decrease with the depth and B concentrations. The results suggest that isotopically distinct B and Sr were derived from external sources. However, since the percentages of illite are shown to increase with depth among clay minerals in the study area, i.e., illite is due to precipitation rather than leaching during deeper burial, it is unlikely for illite to have contributed a significant amount of B to the waters. Thus, B with low δ^11B values is interpreted to have been added mainly from thermal degradation of kerogen or the basalts in the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician.  相似文献   

中国西北部银川盆地干旱少雨,大量的黄河水用于灌溉,灌溉入渗水对地下水循环的参与程度、参与深度研究是进一步解决灌区水环境问题和确定地下水污染来源的关键,需要深入研究。笔者通过氢氧稳定同位素特征分析和氚同位素年龄分析,构建了银川盆地不同水体同位素特征分布关系。结果表明:银川盆地降水和流经的黄河水的氢氧稳定同位素丰度均值都分布在全球雨水线上,降水和黄河水符合全球大气降水来源;深层地下水、浅层地下水及由地下水排泄汇集的排水沟水的氢氧稳定同位素都分布在地下水拟合线上(δD=8.24δ18O+1.08)。这条地下水拟合线与全球雨水线近似平行分布。两线之间的差异指向2种不同水循环的主导过程,即蒸发-混合主导过程和水岩交互-混合主导过程。两种解释对应的灌溉循环量分别占地下水排泄量的44.07%和89.76%,初步认为水岩交互-混合是地下水拟合线分布于全球雨水线下方的主导过程。  相似文献   

氢氧同位素在地热水研究中得到了广泛应用,但由于影响因素较多,对地热水氢氧同位素组成的控制过程通常缺少全面认识.本文以贵德盆地周边两条断裂带上五处温泉为例,通过对比不同地热水之间的水化学差异和热储温度差异,建立了不同地热水的水岩反应程度与氢氧同位素是否偏离大气降水线的关系.在前人识别并定量出扎仓寺地热水存在冷水混合作用的...  相似文献   

塔里木盆地油田水的成因与演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
蔡春芳  曾凡刚 《地质论评》1997,43(6):650-657
塔里木盆地油田水具有高矿化度,相对贫镁,富钙,富锶等特点,在含油层中铝浓度高,铝可能以有机络合物形成存在。氢氧同位素测量值表明;侏罗系,三叠系及寒武系-奥陶系内幕油田水为成岩改造原生水;白垩系,第三系为同生沉积水蒸发五余;侏罗系与石炭系,三叠系与石炭系的不整合面附近及奥陶系顶部,塔中地区石炭系是淡水与成岩改造或蒸发残余原生水混合成因。  相似文献   

新疆玛纳斯河流域平原地下水水-岩作用模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
玛纳斯河流域平原区地下水化学演化较为复杂,从上游至下游的变化特点主要以Na+、Ca2+、 HCO3-、SO42-含量和TDS值的高低相间交替演化为主。本文对此演化机理进行了水-岩作用模拟研究,模拟结果表明:①矿物相的溶解、析出和蒸发作用、稀释作用共同控制着地下水水化学的演化;②从研究区上游往下,由于地层岩性颗粒逐渐变细,水中矿物相迁入、迁出的数量逐渐增大,水-岩作用逐渐增强;③研究区上游的水-岩作用主要是地表水或灌溉水入渗补给的影响,研究区中下游的水-岩作用主要受蒸发作用的影响;④由于地表水或灌溉水的大量混入,局部的水化学演化往往不符合一般演化规律,甚至于往相反的方向演化,TDS呈下降趋势,产生复杂的过渡水化学类型。  相似文献   

热液体系水-岩作用过程中的氧氢同位素行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论述水-岩作用过程氧氢同位素地球化学行为特征。列举西华山钨矿、台上金矿、白乃庙金矿和额仁陶勒盖银矿的水-岩体系氧(氢)同位素组成特征。论证了开放体系单阶段和二阶段水-岩反应中氧同位素行为接近于封闭体系氧同位素交换演变轨迹,具有成因指示意义,但不具定量意义。探讨了大气降水热液矿床矿体产出位置与氧同位素组成之间关系。本文还指出开放体系中氢同位素动力分馏行为控因复杂,主要由于1H相对富集于各种含氢气体中逃逸出热液体系,使热液体系氢同位素地球化学行为偏离理论演化轨迹,因此氢同位素组成的成因指示意义远不如氧同位素。  相似文献   

甘肃阿克塞县安南坝地区镁铁质麻粒岩呈脉状、透镜状赋存于新太古代米兰岩群和TTG片麻岩中。岩石主要由斜长石(Pl)+斜方辉石(Opx)+单斜辉石(Cpx)+角闪石(Amp)+磁铁矿(Mt)等组成。安南坝镁铁质麻粒岩中Ti、P、Nb、Ta、Th、Hf、Sr及REE等元素与Zr相关性较好,表明其在变质作用过程中保持基本稳定。地球化学数据显示其原岩属于拉斑玄武质岩系列,Si O_2、Ti O_2、Al_2O_3、P_2O_5含量相对较低,Ca O、Mg O含量相对较高。Mg~#值为41.52~43.09,低于原生玄武质岩石的Mg~#值,Fe_2O_3~T、Mg O、Ca O与Si O_2含量呈负相关性,指示原岩岩浆演化过程中可能发生了辉石、角闪石等镁铁质矿物的分异结晶作用。镁铁质麻粒岩∑REE较低,稀土元素配分模式为轻稀土元素弱富集、重稀土元素相对平坦的右倾型,Eu异常不明显(Eu/Eu~*=0.91~1.01)。岩石富集Rb、Ba、Sr等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr、Ti等高场强元素,具有显生宙典型岛弧玄武质岩石的地球化学特征。Sr、Nd、Pb同位素组成显示镁铁质麻粒岩原岩源自富集地幔,并受到一定程度的地壳物质混染。构造环境分析表明安南坝镁铁质麻粒岩原岩形成于与俯冲有关的岛弧环境。在俯冲作用机制下,俯冲板片流体交代使地幔楔发生富集,形成富集地幔,随着(弧后)伸展作用的加强,进一步诱发富集地幔的部分熔融形成镁铁质岩浆,最终岩浆就位形成辉长岩或辉绿岩脉,后期在麻粒岩相变质作用条件下变质为镁铁质麻粒岩。  相似文献   

Hundreds of precipitation samples collected from meteorological stations in the Ordos Basin from January 1988 to December 2005 were used to set up a local meteoric water line and to calculate weighted average isotopic compositions of modern precipitation.Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, with and gradually decrease in summer and fall,illustrating that the seasonal effect is considerable.They also show that the isotopic difference between south portion and north portion of the Ordos Basin are not obvious.and the isotope in the middle portion iS normally depleted.The isotope compositions of 32 samples collected from shallow groundwater(less than a depth of 150 m)in desert plateau range from for JD.Most of them are identical with modern precipitation.The isotope compositions of 22 middle and deep groundwaters(greater than a depth of 275 m)fall in ranges from-11.6‰to-8.8‰with an average of-10.2‰ for £18O and from-89‰ to-63‰ with an average of-76‰ for £D.The average values are significantly less than those of modern precipitation,illustrating that the middle and deep groundwaters were recharged at comparatively lower air temperatures.Primary analysis of 14C shows that the recharge of the middle and deep groundwaters started at late Pleistocene.The isotopes of 13 lake water samples collected from eight lakes define a local evaporation trend,with a relatively flat slope of 3.77,and show that the lake waters were mainly fed by modern precipitation and shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地北缘广泛分布的二叠纪火山岩,对于理解天山造山带晚古生代构造演化具有重要研究意义。本文以哈拉峻地区巴立克立克组凝灰岩为研究对象,开展了地球化学、年代学和Lu-Hf同位素研究,结果显示凝灰岩富硅(SiO2=74.59%~76.18%)、富碱(Na2O+K2O=7.48%~7.79%)、低铝(Al2O3=13.80%~14.29%),属于钾玄质过铝质流纹岩类;具轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素相对亏损的特征,具Eu弱正异常,相对富集Rb、Th等大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损P、Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素(HFSE),Nb/Ta值平均为16.60,Sr/Y值平均为2.42,Mg#值平均为34.71;LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学分析结果显示巴立克立克组凝灰岩的结晶年龄为280.47±2.58 Ma,εHf(t)值为-0.73~2.12,二阶段模式年龄(tDM2)为1 318~1 145 Ma。结合塔里木盆地北缘早二叠世的构造演化、岩浆活动及沉积分布等信息,指出巴立克立克组沉积于南天山洋壳向塔里木板块俯冲的板内裂谷盆地中,具非造山板内岩浆岩特征,可能为地幔柱作用背景下,岩石圈地幔底侵导致地壳物质部分熔融的产物,继承了壳源和幔源的双重源区特征。  相似文献   

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