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以2001—2011年美国NOAA长波辐射数据为背景数据,利用涡度背景场法研究2010年9月3日新西兰南岛M7.1级地震前后卫星长波辐射数据变化特征。结果表明,地震当月在震中西南侧出现显著的长波辐射异常变化,这种变化在全年各月及2001—2011年11年历年同月变化中都是最为显著的,认为其是本次地震的1次映震表现。用同样方法对区内2001—2011年11年间发生6次7.0级以上地震的长波辐射数据进行分析,结果在3次陆地地震发震前都检测到了长波辐射异常变化,而海域地震前则未发现这种现象。检索前人的相关研究结果,发现仅有2次海域地震(2004年12月26日印度尼西亚苏门答腊西北海域8.7级地震和2010年1月12日海地7.0级地震)前有长波辐射异常变化的报道,而根据全球云量分布资料显示,这2个地震所发生的区域是全球洋面云量分布最少的2个区域,而新西兰地震发生的区域位于全球洋面云量分布最多的区域。因此,认为由于水汽和云层对地表红外辐射的强吸收作用,长波辐射捕捉陆地地震红外辐射异常变化更加灵敏,对陆地地震的映震效能要强于海洋地震。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Surface sediments, cores and seismic reflection profiling delineate sedimentary environments and processes of sedimentation in Lake Tekapo. Sedimentation is dominated by the Godley River which forms an extensive delta in the northern third of the lake. Delta growth accounts for 55% of annual sediment deposition. In winter sandy muds are deposited at the top of the delta slope, where they may move under gravity as a surficial slide. Oversteepening of the upper slope also generates deep seated failures. The entire 20 km2 of delta slope is subjected to rotational slumping which episodically reworks large volumes of sediment. Down the delta slope sedimentation rates decrease, surface sediments get finer and varves become better developed.
In the lake basin sediments are parallel bedded varves, which contain typical winter-summer annual cycles as well as minor, non-annual flood varves. Annual varve thickness and semi-annual varve frequency are determined by variations in the discharge of the Godley River. Sedimentation in the basin accounts for 40% of the budget and sedimentation rates decrease with distance from the delta, except at the distal end of the basin, where turbid underflows are stopped by the rising lake floor. Beyond the basin, sedimentation rates decrease abruptly. Coriolis deflection of inflowing river water increases sedimentation rates down the eastern shore. The remaining 5% of the sediment is deposited on the lateral slopes and shoulders where sediments form a thin muddy veneer over basement, which occasionally slumps to the basin floor.  相似文献   

Barrier dunes on the northern side of the Tawharanui Peninsula, north of Auckland, New Zealand, appear to have been overtopped by extreme waves that have deposited two large sand washover lobes in a back beach wetland. Present-day storm surges and storm waves are incapable of overtopping the barrier dunes. However, historical data and numerical models indicate tsunamis are amplified by resonance within the adjacent bay and Hauraki Gulf. Further, the location of nearshore reefs in close proximity to the washover lobes suggests that the interaction between tsunamis and the reefs further amplified the waves at those locations. The presence of a distinctive pumice (Loisels Pumice) within the washover deposits suggests that the deposits are associated with a 15th Century eruption from the submarine Mt Healy caldera located northeast of New Zealand.  相似文献   

A generalised crustal structure of Fiordland is proposed.Detailed mapping in part of Western Fiordland has led to the recognition of a basement granulite facies lower crustal material, probably Precambrian in age) separated by a regional thrust zone from a cover sequence (amphibolite facies gneisses, of Lower Paleozoic age). With the recognition of the basement—cover relationship and the aid of aeromagnetic anomalies Fiordland has been divided into four, generally north-northeast trending, regions. The Western Fiordland region is composed chiefly of basement rocks. The Central Fiordland and Southwestern Fiordland regions are made up predominantly of amphibolite and greenschist-facies metasediments and gneissic granodiorites of the cover sequence, which in Central Fiordland have a regional dip to the east, off the basement. The Eastern Fiordland region is characterised by a series of basic, intermediate and acid intrusive rocks. The more prominent magnetic anomalies in Eastern Fiordland, Southwestern Fiordland, and a large anomaly off the coast of Western Fiordland, are all considered to be caused by intrusive bodies. The presence of a positive gravity anomaly over Western Fiordland, coupled with a gravity low offshore, is consistent with the lower crust being uplifted and exposed in this area. Continuing shallow and intermediate-depth seismic activity beneath Fiordland, as well as the large size of the gravity anomaly, suggest that tectonic forces are currently acting to maintain Western Fiordland at its unusually high level.Fiordland thus displays a cross-section of continental crust: Precambrian(?) metaigneous granulites in the lower crust; Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary amphibolitefacies gneisses and melted equivalents in the middle crust; Mesozoic intrusives, and overlying Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments in the upper crust.  相似文献   

Brown and red, and to a lesser extent green, macroalgae are a hallmark of intertidal rocky coasts and adjacent shallow marine environments swept by stormy seas in middle and high latitudes. Such environments produce carbonate sediment but the sediment factory is neither well‐documented nor well‐understood. This study documents the general marine biology and sedimentology of rocky coastal substrates around Kaikoura Peninsula, a setting that typifies many similar cold‐temperate environments with turbid waters and somewhat elevated trophic resources along the eastern coast of South Island, New Zealand. The macroalgal community extends down to 20 m and generally comprises a phaeophyte canopy beneath which is a prolific rhodophyte community and numerous sessile calcareous invertebrates on rocky substrates. The modern biota is strongly depth zoned and controlled by bottom morphology, variable light penetration, hydrodynamic energy and substrate. Most calcareous organisms live on the lithic substrates beneath macroalgae or on algal holdfasts with only a few growing on macroalgal fronds. A live biota of coralline red algae [geniculate, encrusting and nodular (rhodoliths)], bryozoans, barnacles and molluscs (gastropods and epifaunal bivalves), together with spirorbid and serpulid worms, small benthonic foraminifera and echinoids produce sediments that are mixed with terrigenous clastic particles in this overall siliciclastic depositional system. The resultant sediments within macroalgal rocky substrates at Kaikoura contain bioclasts typified by molluscs, corallines and rhodoliths, barnacles and other calcareous invertebrates. In the geological record, however, the occurrence of macroalgal produced sediments is restricted to unconformity‐related early transgressive systems tract stratigraphic intervals and temporally constrained to a Cenozoic age owing to the timing of the evolution of large brown macroalgae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A silica–carbonate deposit is forming from the dilute alkali chloride waters of Pavlova spring, a small thermal pool and outflow channel (85 to <40 °C), situated at the northern extent of the South Orakonui area of the Ngatamariki geothermal field, Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand. It is one of a small but growing number of thermal spring features known to yield deposits of mixed mineralogy. At Pavlova, a distinctive, crustose, chalk‐white, meringue‐like sinter, comprising non‐crystalline opal‐A silica with subordinate calcite, is actively precipitating both around the margins of and as small islets within the spring, with an average accumulation rate of ≈ 2 mm year?1. Both emergent and partly submerged substrates host the sinter, including fallen pine branches, twigs, needles and cones, gum leaves, grass blades, bracken fronds, pumice, sediment and microbial mats. The sinter is thin (25–35 mm thickness), finely laminated and contains three distinct types of stacked horizons. Submerged basal layers constitute stratiform to undulatory microstromatolites with pseudocolumns, which grew outwards and upwards on narrow twig nuclei. Emergent middle layers comprise discontinuous, spicular microstromatolites (to 10 mm height), with prostrate and erect microbial filaments, silica spheres and silicified mucus, overlain by silicified structures of probable fungal origin. In places, lower and middle sinter layers are capped by white, smooth, convex surfaces that coalesce into subdued, curved ridges, resembling laterally continuous peaks of egg‐white meringue. The meringue is internally laminated, with fossilized microbes preserved in thin horizons. Small lensoid masses of calcite crystals nestle between silica laminae throughout the sinter. The near‐neutral (pH ≈ 7·2) spring water is a dilute chloride‐carbonate type (HCO≈ 470 µg g?1, Cl≈ 600 µg g?1) with low (≈ 50 µg g?1), typical of TVZ thermal fields where deep chloride fluid mixes with CO2‐rich, steam‐heated shallow waters before discharge. The hot water changed little in composition from 1993 to 1999 and, despite dilution by meteoric waters, contains sufficient SiO2 (≈ 220 µg g?1) for opal‐A to deposit at the surface upon cooling. However, the concentration of Ca2+ (≈ 6 µg g?1) is such that the precipitation of calcite is not expected without modification of spring waters. Precipitation occurs by evaporation of thin water films at exposed substrate surfaces, via meniscoid as well as capillary creep (wicking), through porous sinter horizons and across emergent vegetative surfaces in contact with spring water or steam. The height of the deposit above the water surface is restricted by the upper limit of moisture bathing these substrates. Splash and spray are not involved in the formation of Pavlova spicular microstromatolites, as is the case for other texturally similar deposits from hotsprings elsewhere. This young (< 15 years), mineralogically and morphologically complex hot‐spring deposit exhibits > 10 times lower accumulation rates than typical siliceous sinters in the TVZ, and deposition of both silica and calcite is controlled by microchemical conditions and local temperature gradients, rather than by bulk spring water chemistry.  相似文献   

A reactive flow model of the geothermal reservoir Waiwera, New Zealand   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A numerical model of the complex interaction between fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical reactions of the shallow, coastal, hydrothermal system of Waiwera (New Zealand) is used to test the proposed conceptual model of the field.Due to declining water levels, resulting from over-exploitation during the 1970s, the objective here was to set up a coupled fluid flow and heat transfer model to help in enabling a predictive and sustainable use of the resource. The presented conceptual model of the area is based on hydraulic, thermal, and chemical field observations, which date back as far as 1863. The numerical simulations were carried out with the reactive transport code SHEMAT.The inflow of geothermal water at the bottom of the reservoir prevents seawater from entering the aquifer. If seawater intrusion occurs, it is due to over-exploitation and happens in the upper parts of the aquifer. This is in contrast to common seawater-freshwater interfaces where seawater intrudes at the bottom. The numerical investigations emphasize that, after modifications of the production regime in the late 1980s, the system is recovering again.Additionally, geochemical calculations have been conducted to answer the question if dissolution or precipitation reactions might change the hydraulic properties of the geothermal aquifer. Mixing of fresh, geothermal, and seawater, although each of them in thermodynamic equilibrium with calcite, lead to calcite precipitation or dissolution. Nevertheless, the simulations show that the hydraulic properties of the aquifer are not significantly affected by dissolution or precipitation.
Resumen Se ha utilizado un modelo numérico de la interacción compleja entre el flujo de fluidos, la transferencia de calor y las reacciones químicas del sistema hidrotermal costero poco profundo de Waiwera (Nueva Zelanda) con el objeto de probar el modelo conceptual del área propuesto. Debido a los niveles de agua decrecientes, el objetivo de este trabajo es establecer un modelo pareado del flujo de aguas y de la transferencia de calor para colaborar en el uso predecible y sostenible del recurso. El modelo conceptual del área presentado está basado en observaciones de terreno hidráulicas, termales y químicas que datan de 1863. Las simulaciones se llevaron a cabo con el código de transporte reactivo SHEMAT. El influjo de agua geotermal al fondo del reservorio impide que el agua de mar entre en el acuífero. Si la intrusión de agua de mar se presenta, esto sucede a causa de la sobreexplotación y ocurre en las partes superiores del acuífero. Esto contrasta con las interfaces comunes de agua de mar-agua dulce donde la intrusión del agua de mar se da al fondo. Las investigaciones numéricas enfatizan que el sistema se está recuperando de nuevo luego de las modificaciones al regimen de producción a fines de los 80. Adicionalmente, los cálculos geoquímicos están dirigidos a contestar si las reacciones de disolución o precipitación pueden cambiar las propiedades hidráulicas del acuífero geotérmico. La mezcla de agua dulce, geotermal y de mar causa precipitación o disolución de calcita a pesar de que cada una de ellas se encuentra en equilibrio termodinámicao con la calcita. Sin embargo, las simulaciones muestran que las propiedades hidráulicas del acuífero no son afectadas siginificativamente por la disolución o precipitación.

Résumé Un modèle numérique de linteraction complexe entre lécoulement de leau, le transfert de chaleur et les réactions chimiques du système hydrothermal côtier peu profond de Waiwera (Nouvelle-Zélande) est utilisé afin de tester le modèle conceptuel. Lobjectif est de bâtir un modèle couplé découlement et de transfert de chaleur afin dencourager une approche prévisioniste et une utilisation durable de la ressource en réponse à des niveaux deau en déclin qui résultent dune surexploitation depuis les années 1970. Le modèle conceptuel présenté est basé sur des observations de terrain concernant lhydraulique, la température et la composition chimique de laquifère, des observations qui peuvent dater daussi loin que 1863. Les simulations numériques ont été réalisées avec le modèle de transport SHEMAT. Lentrée deau géothermale à la base du réservoir préviens lintrusion deau de mer dans laquifère. Si lintrusion deau de mer a lieu, elle est due à la surexploitation qui a lieu dans la partie supérieure de laquifère. Cette situation est lopposée des interfaces eau de mer - eau douce traditionnelles où leau de mer pénètre par la base. Les simulations numériques suggèrent que suite aux modifications du régime de production à la fin des années 1980, le système récupère. De plus, des calculs géochimiques ont été effectués afin de répondre à la question à savoir si les réactions de dissolution et de précipitation changent les propriétés hydrauliques de laquifère géothermal. Le mélange de leau douce, leau géothermale et leau de mer, même si elle sont tous en équilibre thermodynamique avec la calcite, provoque la dissolution ou précipitation de la calcite. Néanmoins, les simulations montrent que les propriétés hydrauliques de laquifère ne sont pas significativement affectées par la dissolution ou la précipitation.

 Sediments from stormdrain catchments and outlets in Wellington city and sediment traps from Wellington Harbour were sampled for trace metal content. Samples were analysed for total metal content using XRF and ICP-MS. High values of Pb and Zn were found in stormdrain catchments and outlets, decreasing to elevated background rock levels in the harbour. Maximum values were recorded in an inner city stormdrain catchment, with levels of Pb (4605 ppm), Cu (2981 ppm) and Zn (3572 ppm) all higher than the biological probable effects levels (PEL). Concentrations of As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn concentrations in all harbour sediment trap samples were below the PEL. The mean values for each harbour sediment trap sample can be used as an accurate historical baseline in future studies. Stormdrain samples with high trace metal levels were close to industrial and construction sites. The proximity of these outlets to recreational areas should be of concern to local authorities. Received: 28 August 1997 · Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
C. A. Fleming: The Geological History of New Zealand and its Life ,  相似文献   

We present a high‐resolution record of lacustrine sedimentation spanning ca. 30 000 to 9000 cal. a BP from Onepoto maar, northern North Island, New Zealand. The multi‐proxy record of environmental change is constrained by tephrochronology and accelerator mass spectrometric 14C ages and provides evidence for episodes of rapid environmental change during the Last Glacial Coldest Period (LGCP) and Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (LGIT) from northern New Zealand. The multi‐proxy palaeoenvironmental record from Onepoto indicates that the LGCP was cold, dry and windy in the Auckland region, with vegetation dominated by herb and grass in a beech forest mosaic between ca. 28 500 and 18 000 cal. a BP. The LGCP was accompanied by more frequent fires and influx of clastic sediment indicating increased erosion during the LGCP, with a mid‐LGCP interstadial identified between ca. 25 000 and 23 000 cal. a BP. Rapid climate amelioration at ca. 18 000 cal. a BP was accompanied by increased terrestrial biomass exemplified by the expansion of lowland podocarp forest, especially Dacrydium cupressinum. Increasing biomass production is reversed briefly by LGIT perturbations which are apparent in many of the proxies that span ca. 14 000–10 500 cal. a BP, suggesting generally increased wetness and higher in situ aquatic plant productivity with reduced terrestrial organic matter and terrigenous detrital influx. Furthermore, conditions at that time were probably warmer and frosts rare based on the increasing importance of Ascarina. The subsequent early Holocene is characterised by podocarp conifer forest and moist mild conditions. Postglacial sea‐level rise breached the crater rim and deposited 36 m of estuarine mud after ca. 9000 cal. a BP. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A section across the Haast Schist Group in the Southern Alps of New Zealand shows a sequence of metamorphosed eugeosynclinal sediments. Meta-basic rocks (greenschists) have been studied to determine the nature of the actinolite-hornblende transition and to investigate the change in amphibole composition through the Metamorphic Facies Series.Electron microprobe analyses of 21 representative amphiboles, including 3 amphibole pairs can be shown to support theories of a miscibility break in the calciferous amphibole solid solution series. The existence of a miscibility break is further supported by the widespread appearance, even at low metamorphic grades, of exsolution lamellae in actinolite and hornblende amphiboles.Amphibolite facies amphiboles differ from greenschist facies amphiboles in that (a) there are increased amounts of Ti entering the lattice and (b) that there is an increased occupancy of the A site at higher metamorphic grades.  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》1985,22(1):1-11
The formation and occurrence of subterranean erosion tunnels is considered to be a more widespread phenomenon than has previously been recognised. The formation of erosion tunnels is related to the physico-chemical characteristics of soils and is dependent upon the concurrent occurrence of a number of factors, including soil characteristics, climate, topography, geology and hydraulic considerations.Of particular consideration is the comparatively widespread identification of erosion tunnels in sedimentary deposits in which the phenomena have previously been thought to be isolated occurrences.The methods for determining the propensity for tunnelling to develop within a soil are not well defined, and lead to apparently anomalous results. There is thus a need for continued research on the occurrence of these phenomena, and the development of suitable laboratory tests to better define soils which present a risk.  相似文献   

In eastern North Island New Zealand, oblique subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Australian Plate is associated with strain partitioning. Dextral along-strike component of displacement occurred first at Early Miocene major faults within the eastern fore-arc domain. These faults were active from Early Miocene to Pliocene times. Since Pliocene times, most of the movement occurs at western faults such as the Wellington Fault. The latter joins the back-arc domain to the north. The jump of wrench faulting is related to the oblique opening of the back-arc domain. Both phenomena are impeded southwards by the Hikurangi oceanic plateau entering the subduction zone. To cite this article: J. Delteil et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

Schists with the mineral assemblage quartz-albite-dolomite-greenbiotite-aegirine-rie-beckite, occur as thin bands ? to I metrewide, within albite-epidote greenschists and garnet-plagioclasequartzo-feldspathic schists of the oligoclase zone of SouthWestland, New Zealand. Optical and chemical date show that the aegirine contains anegligible amount of the jadeite molecule whilst the opticsof the riebeckite indicate that it is a member of the arfvedsonite-riebeckiteseries. A typical schist has a high soda content, a molecularratio Na2O+K2O? Al2O3>1, a high oxidation ratio, and a lowlime content. These data, together with the fact that the calculatedmineral assemblage of the molecular mesonorm is identical withthat of the rocks, are taken as evidence that the schists resultfrom recrystallization of a rock with unusual chemical compositionunder P-T conditions on the boundary between those giving riseto the greenschist facies and the almandine-amphibolite facies.  相似文献   

<正>The forewing of a termite from Early Miocene lake sediments in Otago,southern New Zealand is figured and described.It exhibits the generic characters of the damp-wood termite Stolotermes Hagen,but differs from forewings of the known species in size and venation pattern and is described as Stolotermes kupe sp.nov.S.kupe represents the first confident record of fossil Stolotermitidae and extends the fossil record of the family back to the Early Miocene.It also is the first direct evidence of fossil Isoptera from New Zealand,though silicified termite faecal pellets,referable to Kalotermes brauni,have been previously described.S.kupe indicates that Stolotermitidae has been present in the Australasian region since at least the Early Miocene.  相似文献   

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