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We consider a solar dynamo mechanism that generates large-scale magnetic fields due to the combined action of cyclonic flows (the α effect), differential rotation (the Θ effect), and the non-uniformity of large-scale magnetic fields (the Θ × J effect). Our results are based on numerical model which takes into account currently available data on the differential rotation of the convection zone and the intensity of convective flows in the solar interior. A reasonable choice of parameters characterizing the intensity of magnetic-field generation by the α and Θ × J mechanisms can account for an oscillatory dynamo regime with properties similar to the 22-year magnetic-activity cycle of the Sun. We analyze the nonlinear saturation of the generation effects in the large-scale magnetic field, due to either magnetic stresses or the conservation of magnetic helicity. Allowance for the helicity of the small-scale magnetic fields is of crucial importance in limiting the energy of the generated large-scale magnetic field.  相似文献   

An analysis of the characteristics of unipolar structures detected at latitudes from ?40? to +40?, longitudes of 0??360?, and altitudes of 1–1.15 solar radii during the period from May 1996 (the 23rd solar minimum) to October 2000 (the 23rd solar maximum) has been carried out. Synoptic maps of the solar radial magnetic field calculated in a potential approximation are used. The boundaries between unipolar structures with opposite magnetic polarities (“+/?” and “?/+” polarities) form chains extending along meridians at all the considered latitudes and altitudes. Depending on the latitude, the single-peaked distributions of the number of structures found at the lowest altitudes are replaced by double-peaked distributions at higher altitudes. The time variations of the total number of structures are non-monotonic. The growth in the number of unipolar structures begins before the growth in the Wolf number. This indicates that new unipolar structures already appear together with flocculi, preceding the formation of sunspots. It is found that structures with positive field have larger mean sizes that do structures with negative field. The polar field in the northern hemisphere penetrates to middle latitudes of the southern hemisphere. The existence of sets of structures with typical sizes is shown. The sizes of the smallest structures vary little with latitude, but increase slightly with altitude.  相似文献   

Typical changes of the accretion-disk structures in intermediate polars are studied as a function of the inclination of the accretor’s magnetic field. Thre-dimensional numerical modeling was performed for seven differentmagnetic-axis inclinations. The results showthat the system forms a magnetosphere region, and that column accretion occurs. The action of the magnetic field tilts the inner parts of the disk along the magnetic axis of the accretor. The magnetic-field inclination appreciably influences matter transfer in the disk and accretion processes. Generation of toroidal magnetic field, magnetic braking, and alignment of the dipole magnetic field result in oscillations of the accretion rate. A direct relationship between the field inclination and the oscillation amplitude is found, as well as an inverse relationship between the field inclination and the oscillation period.  相似文献   

A brief account of the evolution of Russian airborne geomagnetics is given. It is shown that the development of aeromagnetic systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is of great interest. This paper presents theoretical and experimental data that concern the development of the optimal UAV layout in order to create a UAV-based aeromagnetic survey system using a new-generation optically pumped quantum rubidium aeromagnetometer. The new UAV-based aeromagnetic system is planned for use for high-precision aeromagnetic surveying at low altitude (30 m and more) for geological, engineering, and environmental applications.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a synthetic-spectrum analysis of the elemental abundances in the atmosphere of the “spotted” roAp star HD 83368 are presented. The positions of two lithium spots on the star's surface are determined using an imaging technique based on the Doppler shifts for various rotation phases.  相似文献   

Measurements of the mean magnetic field of the Sun as a star (the line-of-sight component of the magnetic field of the visible hemisphere for a given day) carried out at six observatories are used to compile a catalog of the mean magnetic field for 1968–2006 (containing about 18 000 daily values). The cataloged data are compared with direct daily measurements of the absolute line-of-sight field made at the Kitt Peak Observatory in 2003–2006 (original data with a resolution of 1″ averaged over the solar disk). The true absolute mean field strength averaged over the visible solar hemisphere is determined for 1968–2006 to be B 0 = 7.7 ± 0.2 G. This figure exceeds previous estimates by almost a factor of four. B 0 exhibits no appreciable slow trend over the entire 39-year interval, but varies substantially with the cycle. The period of this variation is 10.5 ± 0.7 yr, and its harmonic amplitude is 1.7 G. The magnetic flux of spots and active regions makes B 0 almost twice the field strength in the “normal” photosphere at the solar minimum, i.e., for the “quiet” Sun.  相似文献   

The influence of the geomagnetic field on climate, a long hotly disputed issue, was examined for the Matuyama–Brunhes (MB) magnetic polarity transition using palynological and paleomagnetic data sets from a high accumulation rate (ca. 50 cm/kyr) sediment core from Osaka Bay. During the period from marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS) 20 to 18, climate change is well correlated with global ice volume variation in the precession cycle, with the exception of the early half of MIS 19. The postglacial warming after substage 20.2 was interrupted by cooling that began just before the sea-level highstand correlated with substage 19.3 and persisted until about a mid-point between 19.3 and 19.2, followed by a rapid warming. The thermal maximum clearly postdates the highest sea-level highstand by 6–7 kyr, and the connection between orbital forcing and climate was disrupted. The cooling event coincided with the center of the paleointensity low during the MB transition. This unusual climate cooling across a sea-level peak is very likely related to the field intensity decrease. The data from Osaka Bay may suggest an instance where the geomagnetic field has influenced climate in the past.  相似文献   

The basis is laid out for a theory relating various phenomena in the solar atmosphere, including localized concentrations of magnetic field at the bases of coronal magnetic arches, chromospheric spicules, twisted coronal magnetic flux tubes, and flows of energy carried by Alfvén waves propagating upward into the corona. The structure of photospheric currents localized in the vicinity of supergranule boundaries and excited by convective motions is studied. These currents exist primarily in a “dynamo layer” of sharply enhanced transverse conductivity, which forms in the weakly ionized thermal photospheric plasma located in the solar gravitational field. The motions of the electrons and ions in this layer have appreciably different characters: the ions are collisionly driven by the flows of neutral atoms, while the electrons drift in the crossed electric and magnetic fields. The electric field supporting the current arises due to the polarization of the electrons and ions. This field also gives rise to Alfvén perturbations that propagate upward into the corona, together with their associated longitudinal currents. The character of this “loading” makes the system of fields and currents uniquely defined. Moreover, the momentum flux carried by these Alfvén waves should be transferred to the cool chromospheric gas, facilitating the vertical ejection of this gas in the form of spicules, as was first proposed in 1992 by Haerendel.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) applied to an alkaline granite from Meruoca (NE Brazil) recorded weak anisotropies, typically below 4%, and a considerable dispersion of the AMS axes. Red-clouded feldspars and clots of metasomatic minerals enclosed in magmatic crystals indicate that hydrothermal fluids altered the granite. U–Pb isotopic data show high-common Pb on zircons but allowed the calculation of a mean SHRIMP age of 523 ± 9 Ma attributed to the magmatic crystallization. Growth of fine oxides by late fluid–rock interactions was responsible for the scattering of AMS. Rock magnetic data indicate they consist mainly of an oxidized magnetite and (titano)hematite. Shape preferred orientation of mafic aggregates measured in granite quarries shows that the pluton preserves a gently dipping magmatic foliation. AMS in some quarries with a well-defined magmatic fabric, however, remains highly dispersed. When AMS mimics the mafic shape fabric, only magnetic foliations share a common orientation. Locally, AMS grounded in coarse Ti-poor magnetite associated with titanite develops a consistent subhorizontal oblate fabric that agrees with tectonic models suggesting that the cupola of the pluton has been exposed by erosion.  相似文献   

Samples prepared by the novel method based on the thermal decomposition at 700 °C in air of mixed Fe and Ni oxinates were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements, and variable-temperature Mössbauer spectroscopy. It is found that the combustion treatment produces Ni-hematite and trevorite, the fraction of the latter increasing with the increment of Ni in the metal oxinates. Results indicate that the substitution of Ni2+ for Fe3+ in the hematite structure, which was found to be less than 5.3 mol%, is accompanied by the presence of oxygen and structural vacancy sites. Both the metal replacement and the presence of defects cause the a and c cell hematite parameters to decrease. The Néel temperature and the difference between the saturation fields for the antiferromagnetic AF and the weakly ferromagnetic WF phases are also found to decrease with nickel content. These effects are due to the fact that the magnetic behavior of hematite depends on the presence of Ni, vacancy sites, and lattice distortion. The large decrease in the Néel temperature with Ni doping suggests that structural vacancies are also present On the contrary, Ni incorporation does not appreciably affect the Morin temperature and the temperature range in which both AF and WF phases coexist. It is suggested that these effects are probably due to the differing effects that Ni and defects can produce on the magnetic dipolar and the single ion anisotropies.  相似文献   

Identification of magnetic minerals using the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility in low field (κ–T) combined with optical microscopy, microprobe, X-ray diffraction, and chemical analysis provided new constraints on the alteration of Fe-bearing minerals of the magnetite-bearing Soultz-sous-Forêts granite from the EPS-1 borehole (upper Rhine Graben, France). While relatively fresh granite shows largely reversible κ–T curves typical of magnetite, the altered granite revealed a wide variety of irreversible heating and cooling curves, which allowed an assignment to different alteration stages under specific geochemical conditions. Though paramagnetic minerals like Fe-bearing carbonates, pyrite, or antiferromagnetic hematite could not be detected according to their Curie or Neél temperature, they were identified due to reactions to new ferrimagnetic phases during the heating/cooling experiments at specific temperatures. Mineral reactions were proved by measurements of the single mineral phases hematite, Fe-carbonates, and illite. Our mineralogical results combined with the thermomagnetic measurements imply that first faulting of the granite occurred already during cooling of the magma, which caused a first magnetite oxidation event. During uplift of the granitic body and exposure to a paleo-erosion surface, strongly acidic fluids, emerged from pyrite oxidation, caused a decomposition of Fe-bearing minerals like martite (hematite derived from magnetite oxidation) and Fe-carbonates and an ongoing transformation of magnetite to martite. Subsequently, precipitation of fine-grained hematite was restricted only to the upper part of the pluton. In the deeper part of the borehole, pyrite was preserved from oxidation. In an active fault, zone martite was reduced back to magnetite, which can be explained with the occurrence of organic matter transported by fluids.  相似文献   

The thermal characteristics of magnetic susceptibilities and their anisotropies of single crystal of ilvaite, a mixed valence iron sorosilicate, have been analysed in the light of Ligand Field (LF) theory using a minimum number of approximations. The electronic energy pattern and the corresponding wavefunctions were obtained from best fitting of these experimental results with the corresponding theoretical values. These results were next used to calculate the thermal characteristic of the quadrupole splitting E Q in ilvaite. It was found that the values of E Q are reasonably close to those reported from Mössbauer studies. The present analysis suggest appreciable molecular overlap between the orbits of the ligand electrons and those of the Fe2+ atoms, the overlap being prominent along the chain direction as also observed from electrical conductivity measurements.  相似文献   

The Planalto Suite is located in the Canaã dos Carajás subdomain of the Carajás Province in the southeastern part of the Amazonian Craton. The suite is of Neoarchean age (∼2.73 Ga), ferroan character, and A-type affinity. Magnetic petrology studies allowed for the distinction of two groups: (1) ilmenite granites showing low magnetic susceptibility (MS) values between 0.6247×10−3 and 0.0102 × 10−3 SI and (2) magnetite-ilmenite-bearing granites with comparatively higher but still moderate MS values between 15.700×10−3 and 0.8036 × 10−3 SI. Textural evidence indicates that amphibole, ilmenite, titanite, and, in the rocks of Group 2, magnetite also formed during magmatic crystallization. However, compositional zoning suggests that titanite was partially re-equilibrated by subsolidus processes. The amphibole varies from potassian-hastingsite to chloro-potassian-hastingsite and shows Fe/(Fe + Mg) > 0.8. Biotite also shows high Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios and is classified as annite. Plagioclase porphyroclasts are oligoclase (An25-10), and the grains of the recrystallized matrix show a similar composition or are albitic (An9-2). The dominant Group 1 granites of the Planalto Suite were formed under reduced conditions below the FMQ buffer. The Group 2 granites crystallized under more oxidizing conditions on or slightly above the FMQ buffer. Pressures of 900–700 MPa for the origin and of 500–300 MPa for the emplacement were estimated for the Planalto magmas. Geothermometers suggest initial crystallization temperatures between 900 °C and 830 °C, and the water content in the magma is estimated to be higher than 4 wt%. The Neoarchean Planalto Suite and the Estrela Granite of the Carajás Province reveal strong mineralogical analogies, and their amphibole and biotite compositions have high total Al contents. The latter characteristic is also observed in the same minerals of the Neoarchean Matok Pluton of the Limpopo Belt but not in those of the Proterozoic rapakivi A-type granites. On the other hand, in terms of the degree of magma oxidation, the Planalto and Estrela granites approach the reduced Mesoproterozoic rapakivi granites and the reduced to moderately oxidized Paleoproterozoic granites of the Velho Guilherme and Serra dos Carajás Suites, respectively, and differ from the oxidized granites (Jamon Suite) of the Carajás Province as well as those of Matok pluton. The high total Al content of amphibole and mica could be caused by crystallization at high pressures that, in turn, can be a reflex of the association of the studied granites and Matok with charnockitic rocks.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This paper reports on the first U–Pb dating of zircons from dacites of the volcanic paleo-edifice of the andesite–dacite complex of the Eastern Zone of the...  相似文献   

In this study, five cores of the Anllóns River bed sediments were analyzed in order to evaluate the downcore and downstream variations in their chemical composition. The first step was the evaluation of the metal distribution in the bulk (<2 mm) and fine fractions (<63 μm). The analysis revealed that most of the metals followed the same trend in both fractions, although the fine fraction presented usually higher concentrations. However, the concentration of both fractions tended to equalize with increasing contamination. No general increase was observed in the metal concentrations toward the surface which could be attributed to recent anthropogenic contributions. Instead, the distributions were homogeneous or peaked at various depths downcore. The most important historical feature was observed at the mouth of the river, at 96-cm depth, corresponding to the end of the eighteenth century. Upcore increased metal concentrations in parallel with increased fine fraction occurred from this depth, which were attributed to a bridge construction and consequent changes in sediment dynamics. As the metal concentrations can be influenced by variations in texture or other sediment characteristics, the second step was to evaluate the efficiency of several normalized indexes in the assessment of the degree of contamination, by calculating the enrichment factor (EF), the geoaccumulation index (I GEO) and the pollution load index (PLI). The EFs obtained were <10, thus revealing little anthropogenic inputs to the basin. The I GEO produced higher values when compared with the EFs. Instead of absolute EF or I GEO absolute values, the use of cumulative probability plots allowed identifying more accurately potential outliers indicating contamination. Only one population was identified for Zn and Pb, with a reduced number of outliers at the highest concentrations for Pb. As shown, a more complex plot with the outliers identified at C4 and C5. Finally, the PLI allowed determining the absence of a significant contamination in the bed sediments. The bioavailable and non-geogenic fractions contribute up to a 90% of the total concentrations in the case of As and Cu, and showed similar (dissimilar) profiles in comparison with total metals. Also, the quality guidelines were surpassed, so the high solubility of As, Zn, Pb and Ni in the sediments revealed the need to monitor the bed sediment quality of the Anllóns River.  相似文献   

The first results on current movements are presented for the western part of the Dzhugdzhur–Stanovoi Terrane based on GPS geodesy of a geodynamic survey area of the Upper Amur region. Processing of the GPS data resulted in a vector field of the displacement rates of points of the geodynamic survey area with zones of intense deformations. It was concluded from a comprehensive analysis of geological–geophysical data and estimates of the displacement rates that the terrane is characterized by kinematic integrity and was subjected to a complex of tectonic factors related to the evolution of the eastern segment of Baikal Rift Zone in the area of transpression interaction of the Eurasian and Amur plates.  相似文献   

Bursting the Limits of Time by the distin- guished historian of geology Martin Rudwick is a massive, two-part book. The first part contains what he calls a synchronous history of what eventually became historical geology in western Europe between the time of de Sans- sure's epoch-making ascent of Mont Blanc in 1787 and the discovery of the Kirkdale hyaena cave by Buckland in the winter of 1821-1822,  相似文献   

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