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We study two CME events on 13 and 14 December 2006 that were associated with large-scale dimmings. We study the eruptions from pre-event on 11 December through the recovery on 15 December, using a combination of Hinode/EIS, SOHO/EIT, SOHO/MDI, and MLSO Hα data. The GOES X-class flares obscured the core dimmings, but secondary dimmings developed remote from the active region (AR) in both events. The secondary dimmings are found to be formed by a removal of bright coronal material from loops in the plage region to the East of the AR. Using Hinode/EIS data, we find that the outflows associated with the coronal-dimming regions are highly structured. The concentrated outflows are located at the footpoints of coronal loops (which exist before, and are re-established after, the eruptions), and these are correlated with regions of positive magnetic elements. Comparative study of the Hinode/EIS and SOHO/EIT data shows that the reduction in outflow velocity is consistent with the recovery in intensity of the studied regions. We find that concentrated downflows develop during the recovery phase of the dimmings and are also correlated with the same positive magnetic elements that were previously related to outflows.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that transient coronal holes (TCHs, dimmings) correspond to the magnetic footpoints of CMEs that remain rooted in the Sun as the CME expands out into the interplanetary space. However, the observation that the average intensity of the 12 May 1997 dimmings recover to their pre-eruption intensity in SOHO/EIT data within 48 hours, whilst suprathermal unidirectional electron heat fluxes are observed at 1 AU in the related ICME more than 70 hours after the eruption, leads us to question why and how the dimmings disappear whilst the magnetic connectivity is maintained. We also examine two other CME-related dimming events: 13 May 2005 and 6 July 2006. We study the morphology of the dimmings and how they recover. We find that, far from exhibiting a uniform intensity, dimmings observed in SOHO/EIT data have a deep central core and a more shallow extended dimming area. The dimmings recover not only by shrinking of their outer boundaries but also by internal brightenings. We quantitatively demonstrate that the model developed by Fisk and Schwadron (Astrophys. J. 560, 425, 2001) of interchange reconnections between “open” magnetic field and small coronal loops is a strong candidate for the mechanism facilitating the recovery of the dimmings. This process disperses the concentration of  “open” magnetic field (forming the dimming) out into the surrounding quiet Sun, thus recovering the intensity of the dimmings whilst still maintaining the magnetic connectivity to the Sun. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We discuss footpoints of loops seen by Yohkoh in soft X-rays that connect active regions across the equator (transequatorial interconnecting loops – TILs). While most TILs are rooted in moderately strong fields at peripheries of active regions, there are also cases when these loops are anchored in very weak or very strong fields, ranging from < 30 G to several hundred gauss. Some have their footpoints near sunspot penumbrae, creating `X-ray fountains' in a combination with active region loops. But TILs are never rooted in sunspots. The most likely explanation is that magnetic field lines leave spots almost vertically so that TILs rooted in them extend high into the corona and density in them is below the limit of visibility in X-rays. The fact that in force-free modeling some TILs are rooted in sunspots is most probably due to the difference between field-line connections in `vacuum' and in the highly conductive plasma on the Sun. Some TILs end before they reach active regions which sometimes may indicate the real situation, but mostly this `gap' is probably due to a temperature decrease near the loop footpoints which makes them invisible in X-rays. In that case the fact that these cool lowest parts of TILs are never found in TRACE or SOHO EIT images indicates that plasma density in TILs must be very low. Still, the total absence of any counterparts of X-ray TILs in TRACE and EIT images is puzzling and, therefore, other possible interpretations of the `gap' origin are also briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

In this paper, we reconstruct the finite energy force-free magnetic field of the active region NOAA 8100 on 4 November 1997 above the photosphere. In particular, the 3-D magnetic field structures before and after a 2B/X2 flare at 05:58 UT in this region are analyzed. The magnetic field lines were extrapolated in close coincidence with the Yohkoh soft X-ray (SXR) loops accordingly. It is found that the active region is composed of an emerging flux loop, a complex loop system with differential magnetic field shear, and large-scale, or open field lines. Similar magnetic connectivity has been obtained for both instants but apparent changes of the twisting situations of the calculated magnetic field lines can be observed that properly align with the corresponding SXR coronal loops. We conclude that this flare was triggered by the interaction of an emerging flux loop and a large loop system with differential magnetic field shear, as well as large-scale, or open field lines. The onset of the flare was at the common footpoints of several interacting magnetic loops and confined near the footpoints of the emerging flux loop. The sheared configuration remained even after the energetic flare, as demonstrated by calculated values of the twist for the loop system, which means that the active region was relaxed to a lower energy state but not completely to the minimum energy state (two days later another X-class flare occurred in this region).  相似文献   

We present detailed observations of the formations of four distinct coronal dimmings during a flare of 17 September 2002, which was followed by an eruption of a huge coronal loop system, and then an over-and-out partial halo coronal mass ejection (CME), with the same direction as the loop system eruption but laterally far offset from the flare site. Among the four dimmings, two compact ones were symmetrically located in the opposite polarity regions immediately adjacent to the highly sheared magnetic polarity inversion line in the flare region, and hence were probably composed of bipolar double dimmings due to a flux-rope eruption and represented its evacuated footpoints. However, another nearby compact dimming and a remote diffuse one were formed in the opposite polarity footpoint regions of the eruptive loop system, and thus probably consisted of a pair of dimmings magnetically linked by the erupting loop system and also indicated its evacuated footpoints. The loop system might have played a role in guiding the erupting flare field and producing the over-and-out CME, but its eruption might simply have been pushed out by the erupting flare field, because there was no reconnection signature between them. From comparison with a derived potential-field source-surface (PFSS) magnetic configuration, our observations consistently suggest that the dimmings were formed in pairs and originated from the eruptions of the two different magnetic systems. We thus define them as “quadrupolar dimmings.”  相似文献   

Very Large Array (VLA) observations at wavelengths of 20 and 91 cm have been combined with data from the SOHO and RHESSI solar missions to study the evolution of transequatorial loops connecting active regions on the solar surface. The radio observations provide information about the acceleration and propagation of energetic electrons in these large-scale coronal magnetic structures where energy release and transport take place. On one day, a long-lasting Type I noise storm at 91 cm was seen to intensify and shift position above the northern hemisphere region following an impulsive hard X-ray burst in the southern hemisphere footpoint region. VLA 20-cm observations as well as SOHO EIT EUV images showed evolving coronal plasma that appeared to move across the solar equator during this time period. This suggests that the transequatorial loop acted as a conduit for energetic particles or fields that may have triggered magnetic changes in the corona where the northern noise storm region was seen. On another day, a hard X-ray burst detected at the limb was accompanied by impulsive 20- and 91-cm burst emission along a loop connecting to an active region in the same hemisphere but about 5′ away, again suggesting particle propagation and remote flare triggering across interconnecting loops.  相似文献   

We present a case study of the 13 July 2004 solar event, in which disturbances caused by eruption of a filament from an active region embraced a quarter of the visible solar surface. Remarkable are the absorption phenomena observed in the SOHO/EIT 304 Å channel, which were also visible in the EIT 195 Å channel, in the Hα line, and even in total radio flux records. Coronal and Moreton waves were also observed. Multispectral data allowed reconstructing an overall picture of the event. An explosive filament eruption and related impulsive flare produced a CME and blast shock, both of which decelerated and propagated independently. Coronal and Moreton waves were kinematically close and both decelerated in accordance with an expected motion of a coronal blast shock. The CME did not resemble a classical three-component structure, probably because some part of the ejected mass fell back onto the Sun. Quantitative evaluations from different observations provide close estimates of the falling mass, ~3×1015?g, which is close to the estimated mass of the CME. The falling material was responsible for the observed large-scale absorption phenomena, in particular, shallow widespread moving dimmings observed at 195 Å. By contrast, deep quasi-stationary dimmings observed in this band near the eruption center were due to plasma density decrease in coronal structures.  相似文献   

We investigate the early phase of the 13 February 2009 coronal mass ejection (CME). Observations with the twin STEREO spacecraft in quadrature allow us to compare for the first time in one and the same event the temporal evolution of coronal EUV dimmings, observed simultaneously on-disk and above-the-limb. We find that these dimmings are synchronized and appear during the impulsive acceleration phase of the CME, with the highest EUV intensity drop occurring a few minutes after the maximum CME acceleration. During the propagation phase two confined, bipolar dimming regions, appearing near the footpoints of a pre-flare sigmoid structure, show an apparent migration away from the site of the CME-associated flare. Additionally, they rotate around the ‘center’ of the flare site, i.e., the configuration of the dimmings exhibits the same ‘sheared-to-potential’ evolution as the postflare loops. We conclude that the motion pattern of the twin dimmings reflects not only the eruption of the flux rope, but also the ensuing stretching of the overlying arcade. Finally, we find that: i) the global-scale dimmings, expanding from the source region of the eruption, propagate with a speed similar to that of the leaving CME front; ii) the mass loss occurs mainly during the period of strongest CME acceleration. Two hours after the eruption Hinode/EIS observations show no substantial plasma outflow, originating from the ‘open’ field twin dimming regions.  相似文献   

A vertical current sheet is a crucial element in many flare/coronal mass ejection (CME) models. For the first time, Liu et al. reported a vertical current sheet directly imaged during the flare rising phase with the EUV Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). As a follow-up study, here we present the comprehensive analysis and detailed physical interpretation of the observation. The current sheet formed due to the gradual rise of a transequatorial loop system. As the l...  相似文献   

We present a case study of two successive filament eruptions at the southeast limb of the Sun observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) on 2012 April 19. At the initial stage of the first filament (F1) eruption, one leg of the F1 moved toward the second filament (F2) and swept the F2. The interaction between two filaments occurred. After the leg of the F1 swept the F2, it returned from northeast to southwest following the F1 expansion. During the F1 eruption, the middle of the F1 exhibited an obvious twisted structure. The rising speed of the F1 was 85.6 km/s. The partial material of the F1 fell back to the surface along the other leg of the F1 after the F1 eruption and the falling speed was 311.6 km/s. A CME was observed by SOHO/LASCO after the F1 eruption. One of the bright flare ribbons and the dimming regions formed after the F1 eruption were found to move toward the F2. The propagation speeds of the flare ribbons were 4.7 km/s and 4.1 km/s and the propagation speeds of the dimmings were 3 km/s and 6.3 km/s. The small active region was emerging in the northern flank of the F2. The ejection and the falling plasma in the small active region produced the disturbance to the right part of the F2. When the F1 erupted, the large-scale overlying coronal loops of the F1 were pushed out toward the southeast of the Sun by its expanding. During the F1 eruption, the large-scale overlying coronal loops of the F2 began to open toward the southeast. Following the opening of the large-scale overlying coronal loops, the F2 became instable and began to erupt. The rising speed of the F2 was 300.1 km/s. A two-ribbon flare and a weak CME were formed after the F2 eruption. These observations evidenced that the interaction of two filaments and the opening of the large-scale overlying coronal loops caused by the F1 eruption are the most important reason that led to the F2 eruption. Our observations also support the standard solar flare model.  相似文献   

The multi-wavelength analysis is performed on a flare on September 9, 2002 with data of Owens Valley Solar Arrays (OVSA), Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO), Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), and Extreme UV Imager Telescope (EIT), and The Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on board of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The radio sources at 4.8 and 6.2 GHz located in the intersection of two flaring loops at 195 of SOHO/EIT respectively with two dipole magnetic fields of SOHO/MDI, in which one EIT loop was coincident with an X-ray loop of RHESSI at 12–25 keV, and two Hαbright kernels a1 and a2 of BBSO, respectively at the two footpoints of this loop; the second EIT loop connected another two Hαkernels b1 and b2 and radio sources at 7.8 and 8.2 GHz of OVSA. The maximum phase of microwave bursts was evidently later than that of hard X-ray bursts and Hαkernels a1 and a2, but consistent with that of Hαkernels b1 and b2. Moreover, the flare may be triggered by the interaction of the two flaring loops, which is suggested by the cross-correlation of radio, optical, and X-ray light curves of a common quasi-periodic oscillation in the rising phase, as well as two peaks at about 7 and 9 GHz of the microwave spectra at the peak times of the oscillation, while the bi-directional time delays at two reversal frequencies respectively at 7.8 and 9.4 GHz (similar to the peak frequencies of the microwave spectra) may indicate two reconnection sites at different coronal levels. The microwave and hard X-ray footpoint sources located in different EUV and optical loops may be explained by different magnetic field strength and the pitch angle distribution of nonthermal electrons in these two loops.  相似文献   

Coronal holes are regions of dominantly monopolar magnetic field on the Sun where the field is considered to be ‘open’ towards interplanetary space. Magnetic bipoles emerging in proximity to a coronal hole boundary naturally interact with this surrounding open magnetic field. In the case of oppositely aligned polarities between the active region and the coronal hole, we expect interchange reconnection to take place, driven by the coronal expansion of the emerging bipole as well as occasional eruptive events. Using SOHO/EIT and SOHO/MDI data, we present observational evidence of such interchange reconnection by studying AR 10869 which emerged close to a coronal hole. We find closed loops forming between the active region and the coronal hole leading to the retreat of the hole. At the same time, on the far side of the active region, we see dimming of the corona which we interpret as a signature of field line ‘opening’ there, as a consequence of a topological displacement of the ‘open’ field lines of the coronal hole. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

With SDO observations and a data-constrained magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)model,we identify a confined multi-ribbon flare that occurred on 2010 October 25 in solar active region 11117 as a magnetic bald patch(BP)flare with strong evidence.From the photospheric magnetic field observed by SDO/HMI,we find there are indeed magnetic BPs on the polarity inversion lines(PILs)which match parts of the flare ribbons.From the 3D coronal magnetic field derived from an MHD relaxation model constrained by the vector magnetograms,we find strikingly good agreement of the BP separatrix surface(BPSS)footpoints with the flare ribbons,and the BPSS itself with the hot flaring loop system.Moreover,the triggering of the BP flare can be attributed to a small flux emergence under the lobe of the BPSS,and the relevant change of coronal magnetic field through the flare is reproduced well by the pre-flare and post-flare MHD solutions,which match the corresponding pre-and post-flare AIA observations,respectively.Our work contributes to the study of non-typical flares that constitute the majority of solar flares but which cannot be explained by the standard flare model.  相似文献   

Coronal dimmings are often present on both sides of erupting magnetic configurations. It has been suggested that dimmings mark the location of the footpoints of ejected flux ropes and, thus, their magnetic flux can be used as a proxy for the flux involved in the ejection. If so, this quantity can be compared to the flux in the associated interplanetary magnetic cloud to find clues about the origin of the ejected flux rope. In the context of this physical interpretation, we analyze the event, flare, and coronal mass ejection (CME) that occurred in active region 10486 on 28 October 2003. The CME on this day is associated with large-scale dimmings, located on either side of the main flaring region. We combine SOHO/Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope data and Michelson Doppler Imager magnetic maps to identify and measure the flux in the dimming regions. We model the associated cloud and compute its magnetic flux using in situ observations from the Magnetometer Instrument and the Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor aboard the Advance Composition Explorer. We find that the magnetic fluxes of the dimmings and magnetic cloud are incompatible, in contrast to what has been found in previous studies. We conclude that, in certain cases, especially in large-scale events and eruptions that occur in regions that are not isolated from other flux concentrations, the interpretation of dimmings requires a deeper analysis of the global magnetic configuration, since at least a fraction of the dimmed regions is formed by reconnection between the erupting field and the surrounding magnetic structures.  相似文献   

Yan  Yihua  Aschwanden  Markus J.  Wang  Shujuan  Deng  Yuanyong 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):27-40
The finite energy force-free magnetic fields of the active region NOAA 9077 on 14 July 2000 above the photosphere were reconstructed. We study the evolution of the 3D magnetic field structures in AR 9077 and compare the reconstructed field lines with TRACE EUV 171 Å flare loops during the flare maximum, which confirms the process that flaring loops extended from lower sheared level to higher arcades. We also demonstrate the 3D magnetic field evolution before the 3B/X5.7 flare on 14 July and the magnetic structure after the flare on 15 July. This shows that the helical magnetic structures were significantly changed, suggesting that the flux rope was indeed erupted during the energetic flare at 10:24 UT on 14 July.  相似文献   

We have analyzed dimmings, i.e., regions of temporarily reduced brightness, and manifestations of a coronal wave in the famous event of 14 July 2000 using images produced with the EUV telescope SOHO/EIT. Our analysis was inspired by a paper by Andrews (2001, Solar Phys. 204, 181 (Paper I)), in which this event was studied using running-difference EIT images at 195 Å formed by subtraction of a previous image from each current one. Such images emphasize changes of the brightness, location, and configuration of observed structures occurring during the 12-min interval between two subsequent heliograms. However, they distort the picture of large-scale disturbances caused by a CME, particularly, dimmings. A real picture of dimmings can be obtained from fixed-base difference ‘de-rotated’ images. The latter are formed in two stages: first, the solar rotation is compensated using three-dimensional rotation of all images (‘de-rotation’) to the time of a pre-event heliogram, here 10:00 UT, and then the base heliogram is subtracted from all others. We show real dimmings to be essentially different from those described by Andrews (Paper I). The restructuring of large-scale magnetic fields in the corona in connection with the CME was accompanied by the appearance and growth of two large dimmings. One of them was located along the central meridian, southward of the eruption center, at the place of the pre-eruption arcade. Another dimming occupied the space between the flare region and a remote western active region. Several smaller dimmings were observed virtually over the whole solar disk, especially, within the northwest quadrant. We have also revealed a propagating disturbance with properties of a coronal wave in the northern polar sector, where no dimmings were observed. This fact is discussed in the context of probable association between dimmings and coronal waves. Having suppressed the ‘snowstorm’ produced in the EIT images by energetic particles, we have considered dimming manifestations in all four EIT pass bands of 171, 195, 284, and 304 Å as well as the light curves of the main dimmings including several later images at 195 Å. Our analysis shows that the major cause of the dimmings was density depletion that reached up to 30% in this event. The picture of dimmings implies that the CME in the Bastille Day event was an octopus-like bundle of some magnetic ropes, with the ‘arms’ being connected to several active regions disposed over almost the whole visible solar surface.  相似文献   

Andrews  M.D. 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):179-196
The period of 10–14 July 2000 saw a large number of energetic solar events ending with a very energetic flare that was associated with a large solar energetic particle event and a fast halo coronal mass ejection (CME) that produced the largest geomagnetic disturbance since 1989. This paper tries to summarize the complex coronal activity observed during this period, in order to establish a background for a number of papers in this topical issue. The GOES X-ray data are presented. Data animations of observations from EIT and LASCO C2 and C3 are presented on the accompanying CD-ROM. The observations around the time of the three X-class flares are considered. EIT observations of the Bastille Day flare show coronal brightening followed by dimming. LASCO had good data coverage for all three events. For one of the flares, no coronal response was seen. The other two flares are associated with halo CMEs. The timing suggests that the start of the flares and CMEs are simultaneous to approximately 30 min. Analysis of the LASCO and EIT images following the Bastille Day flare show the arrival of energetic particles at SOHO at approximately 10:41 UT on 14 July. Individual features of these CMEs have been tracked and the height–time plots used to estimate the dynamics of the CMEs. The initial speed and deceleration of the halo CMEs estimated from the fitting of height–time plots are compared with the in-situ observations at L1. The three flares are identified as the solar sources of three shocks observed at 1 AU. Finally, it is stressed that global heliospheric effects during periods of exceptional activity should consider a cumulative scenario rather than events in isolation.  相似文献   

Skylab observations of the Sun in soft X-rays gave us the first possibility to study the development of a complex of activity in the solar corona during its whole lifetime of seven solar rotations. The basic components of the activity complex were permanently interconnected (including across the equator) through sets of magnetic field lines, which suggests similar connections also below the photosphere. However, the visibility of individual loops in these connections was greatly variable and typically shorter than one day. Each brightening of a coronal loop in X-rays seems to be related to a variation in the photospheric magnetic field near its footpoint. Only loops (rarely visible) connecting active regions with remnants of old fields can be seen in about the same shape for many days. The interconnecting X-ray loops do not connect sunspots.We point out several examples of possible reconnections of magnetic field lines, giving rise to the onset of the visibility or, more likely, to sudden enhancements of the loop emission. In one case a new system of loops brightened in X-rays, while the field lines definitely could not have reconnected. Some striking brightenings show association with flares, but the flare occurrence and the loop brightening seem to be two independent consequences of a common triggering action: emergence of new magnetic flux. In old active regions, growing and/or brightened X-ray loops can be seen quite often without any associated flare; thus, the absence of any flaring in the chromosphere does not necessarily mean that the overlying coronal active region is quiet and inactive.We further discuss the birth of the interconnecting loops, their lifetime, altitude, variability in shape in relation to the photospheric magnetic field, the similarity of interconnecting and internal loops in the late stages of active regions, phases of development of an active region as manifested in the corona, the remarkably linear boundary of the X-ray emission after the major flare of 29 July 1973, and a striking sudden change in the large-scale pattern of unipolar fields to the north of the activity complex.The final decay of the complex of activity was accompanied by the penetration of a coronal hole into the region where the complex existed before.  相似文献   

The structure of the solar corona is dominated by the magnetic field because the magnetic pressure is about four orders of magnitude higher than the plasma pressure. Due to the high conductivity the emitting coronal plasma (visible, e.g., in SOHO/EIT) outlines the magnetic field lines. The gradient of the emitting plasma structures is significantly lower parallel to the magnetic field lines than in the perpendicular direction. Consequently information regarding the coronal magnetic field can be used for the interpretation of coronal plasma structures. We extrapolate the coronal magnetic field from photospheric magnetic field measurements into the corona. The extrapolation method depends on assumptions regarding coronal currents, e.g., potential fields (current-free) or force-free fields (current parallel to magnetic field). As a next step we project the reconstructed 3D magnetic field lines on an EIT-image and compare with the emitting plasma structures. Coronal loops are identified as closed magnetic field lines with a high emissivity in EIT and a small gradient of the emissivity along the magnetic field.  相似文献   

The evolution of the soft X-ray and EUV coronal loops related to the April 15, 1998 solar flare–CME event is studied with multiwavelength observations including hard X-rays (BATSE), microwaves (NoRP, CNAO) and magnetograms (SOHO/MDI), as well as images from Yohkoh/SXT and SOHO/EIT at 195 Å. It is shown that: (1) two soft X-ray and EUV loops rose, crossed and turned bright, (2) near one footpoint of these loops, the background magnetic field decreased, (3) there were similar quasi periodic oscillations in the time profiles of hard X-ray and microwave emissions, which characterized the loop–loop coalescence instability, (4) after the loop–loop reconnection, two new loops formed, the small one stayed at the original place, and the large one ejected out as part of the constructed prominence cloud. Based upon these observations, we argue that the decrease of the background magnetic field near these loops caused them to rise and approach each other, and in turn, the fast loop–loop coalescence instability took place and triggered the flare and the CME.  相似文献   

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