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The fact that the energy density ρg of a static spherically symmetric gravitational field acts as a source of gravity, gives us a harmonic function \(f\left( \varphi \right) = e^{\varphi /c^2 } \) , which is determined by the nonlinear differential equation $$\nabla ^2 \varphi = 4\pi k\rho _g = - \frac{1}{{c^2 }}\left( {\nabla \varphi } \right)^2 $$ Furthermore, we formulate the infinitesimal time-interval between a couple of events measured by two different inertial observers, one in a position with potential φ-i.e., dt φ and the other in a position with potential φ=0-i.e., dt 0, as $${\text{d}}t_\varphi = f{\text{d}}t_0 .$$ When the principle of equivalence is satisfied, we obtain the well-known effect of time dilatation.  相似文献   

The development of the post-nova light curve of V1500 Cyg inUBV andHβ, for 15 nights in September and October 1975 are presented. We confirm previous reports that superimposed on the steady decline of the light curve are small amplitude cyclic variations. The times of maxima and minima are determined. These together with other published values yield the following ephemerides from JD 2 442 661 to JD 2 442 674: $$\begin{gathered} {\text{From}} 17 {\text{points:}} {\text{JD}}_{ \odot \min } = 2 442 661.4881 + 0_{^. }^{\text{d}} 140 91{\text{n}} \hfill \\ \pm 0.0027 \pm 0.000 05 \hfill \\ {\text{From}} 15 {\text{points:}} {\text{JD}}_{ \odot \max } = 2 442 661.5480 + 0_{^. }^{\text{d}} 140 89{\text{n}} \hfill \\ \pm 0.0046 \pm 0.0001 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ with standard errors of the fits of ±0 . d 0052 for the minima and ±0 . d 0091 for the maxima. Assuming V1500 Cyg is similar to novae in M31, we foundr=750 pc and a pre-nova absolute photographic magnitude greater than 9.68.  相似文献   

The ratio between the Earth's perihelion advance (Δθ) E and the solar gravitational red shift (GRS) (Δø s e)a 0/c 2 has been rewritten using the assumption that the Newtonian constant of gravitationG varies seasonally and is given by the relationship, first found by Gasanalizade (1992b) for an aphelion-perihelion difference of (ΔG)a?p . It is concluded that $$\begin{gathered} (\Delta \theta )_E = \frac{{3\pi }}{e}\frac{{(\Delta \phi _{sE} )_{A_0 } }}{{c^2 }}\frac{{(\Delta G)_{a - p} }}{{G_0 }} = 0.038388 \sec {\text{onds}} {\text{of}} {\text{arc}} {\text{per}} {\text{revolution,}} \hfill \\ \frac{{(\Delta G)_{a - p} }}{{G_0 }} = \frac{e}{{3\pi }}\frac{{(\Delta \theta )_E }}{{(\Delta \phi _{sE} )_{A_0 } /c^2 }} = 1.56116 \times 10^{ - 4} . \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ The results obtained here can be readily understood by using the Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism, which predicts an anisotropy in the “locally measured” value ofG, and without conflicting with the general relativity.  相似文献   

If a satellite orbit is described by means of osculating Jacobi α's and β's of a separable problem, the paper shows that a perturbing forceF makes them vary according to $$\dot \alpha _\kappa = {\text{F}} \cdot \partial {\text{r/}}\partial \beta _k {\text{ }}\dot \beta _k = {\text{ - F}} \cdot \partial {\text{r/}}\partial \alpha _k ,{\text{ (}}k = 1,2,3).{\text{ (A1)}}$$ Herer is the position vector of the satellite andF is any perturbing force, conservative or non-conservative. There are two special cases of (A1) that have been previously derived rigorously. If the reference orbit is Keplerian, equations equivalent to (A1), withF arbitrary, were derived by Brouwer and Clemence (1961), by Danby (1962), and by Battin (1964). IfF=?gradV 1(t), whereV 1 may or may not depend explicitly on the time, Equations (A1) reduce to the well known forms (e.g. Garfinkel, 1966) $$\dot \alpha _\kappa = {\text{ - }}\partial V_1 {\text{/}}\partial \beta _k {\text{ }}\dot \beta _k = \partial V_1 {\text{/}}\partial \alpha _k ,{\text{ (}}k = 1,2,3).{\text{ (A2)}}$$ holding for all separable reference orbits. Equations (A1) can of course be guessed from Equations (A2), if one assumes that \(\dot \alpha _k (t)\) and \(\dot \beta _k (t)\) depend only onF(t) and thatF(t) can always be modeled instantaneously as a potential gradient. The main point of the present paper is the rigorous derivation of (A1), without resort to any such modeling procedure. Applications to the Keplerian and spheroidal reference orbits are indicated.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to obtain an expression for the rate of stellar mass loss using dimensional analysis. The best expression for O and B stars is of the form: $$\dot M = A'{\text{ }}\left( {\frac{1}{{G^{1/2} c^4 }}} \right){\text{ }}L^{\text{2}} {\text{ (}}R/M)^{{\text{3/2}}} .$$ It is also found thatA′ increases as one goes from B→O stars and from O→O(f)→O(f)), but is not sensitive to luminosity.  相似文献   

A spherically-symmetric static scalar field in general relativity is considered. The field equations are defined by $$\begin{gathered} R_{ik} = - \mu \varphi _i \varphi _k ,\varphi _i = \frac{{\partial \varphi }}{{\partial x^i }}, \varphi ^i = g^{ik} \varphi _k , \hfill \\ \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where ?=?(r,t) is a scalar field. In the past, the same problem was considered by Bergmann and Leipnik (1957) and Buchdahl (1959) with the assumption that ?=?(r) be independent oft and recently by Wyman (1981) with the assumption ?=?(r, t). The object of this paper is to give explicit results with a different approach and under a more general condition $$\phi _{;i}^i = ( - g)^{ - 1/2} \frac{\partial }{{\partial x^i }}\left[ {( - g)^{1/2} g^{ik} \frac{\partial }{{\partial x^k }}} \right] = - 4\pi ( -g )^{ - 1/2} \rho $$ where ?=?(r, t) is the mass or the charge density of the sources of the field.  相似文献   

Non-linear stability of the libration point L 4 of the restricted three-body problem is studied when the more massive primary is an oblate spheroid with its equatorial plane coincident with the plane of motion, Moser's conditions are utilised in this study by employing the iterative scheme of Henrard for transforming the Hamiltonian to the Birkhoff's normal form with the help of double D'Alembert's series. It is found that L 4 is stable for all mass ratios in the range of linear stability except for the three mass ratios: $$\begin{gathered} \mu _{c1} = 0.0242{\text{ }}...{\text{ }}{}^{{\text{\_\_}}}0.1790{\text{ }}...{\text{ }}A_1 , \hfill \\ \mu _{c2} = 0.0135{\text{ }}...{\text{ }}{}^{{\text{\_\_}}}0.0993{\text{ }}...{\text{ }}A_1 , \hfill \\ \mu _{c3} = 0.0109{\text{ }}...{\text{ }}{}^{{\text{\_\_}}}0.0294{\text{ }}...{\text{ }}A_1 . \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$   相似文献   

Some useful results and remodelled representations ofH-functions corresponding to the dispersion function $$T\left( z \right) = 1 - 2z^2 \sum\limits_1^n {\int_0^{\lambda r} {Y_r } \left( x \right){\text{d}}x/\left( {z^2 - x^2 } \right)} $$ are derived, suitable to the case of a multiplying medium characterized by $$\gamma _0 = \sum\limits_1^n {\int_0^{\lambda r} {Y_r } \left( x \right){\text{d}}x > \tfrac{1}{2} \Rightarrow \xi = 1 - 2\gamma _0< 0} $$   相似文献   

In a static gravitational field the paths of light are curved, as noticed by H. Weyl. This property can bea priori stated for aV 3 Riemannian manifold: through any two points ofV 3 it is possible to draw two families of curves, the straight lines of Euclidean geometry and the photon trajectoriesz. We can perform a fibration of the Galilean space-time in an original way, by taking thez-trajectories of the photons as the base, the isochronic surfaces as fibres, and ‘the equal length time on az trajectory to reach a given point’ as the equivalence relation. The straight lines of Euclidean geometry can then carry the classical mechanics timet, and thez trajectories can carry the optics time t. These times are related by dt=F(x,t) dt. If we class the Universe as a pseudo-Riemannian manifold of normal hyperbolic typeC , the time t determined above can be taken as the time coordinate inV 4. Under these conditions we have \(d\overline s ^2 \) =F 2 \(d\overline s ^2 \) , where \(d\overline s ^2 \) is the metric of the Riemannian manifold, conforming to the metric ds 2 and allowing t as the cosmic time. We can then use the results previously achieved by the author (Peton, 1979) and write: 1 +Z G =F(A s,t s,)/F(Aos,t o) wherez G denotes the shift of the spectral lines due to the metric. In the case of relative motion betweenO andS, we have $${\text{1 + z' = (1 + }}z_{\text{G}} {\text{)(1 + }}\beta _{\text{r}} {\text{)(1 }} - {\text{ }}\beta ^2 {\text{)}}^{ - 1/2} $$ The Doppler-Fizeau effect therefore appears as a result of the application of the Fermat principle.  相似文献   

The possibility of chemical ‘trapping’ of the Ar+ ion in the reaction $$v{\text{ }} + {\text{ }}^{{\text{37}}} {\text{Cl}} \to {\text{ }}^{{\text{37}}} {\text{Ar}}^{\text{ + }} + {\text{ e}}^ - ,$$ when it takes place in tetrachloroethylene (C2Cl4) liquid, is examined in detail. It is concluded that if trapping does take place, the rate is much smaller than the charge neutralization rate. Therefore, this niechanism cannot explain the observed small rate of Ar production in the Brookhaven solar neutrino experiment. A detailed examination of a number of experiments which are sensitive to possible trapping lends strong support to this conclusion.  相似文献   

It is suggested that gravitationally bound systems in the Universe can be characterized by a set of actions ?(s). The actions $$\hbar ^{\left( s \right)} = \left( {{\hbar \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\hbar {\frac{1}{{2\pi }}\frac{{C^5 }}{{GH_0^2 }}}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\frac{1}{{2\pi }}\frac{{C^5 }}{{GH_0^2 }}}}} \right)^{s/6} \left( {\frac{1}{{2\pi }}\frac{{C^5 }}{{GH_0^2 }}} \right)$$ ,derived from general theoretical consideration, are only determined by the fundamental physical constants (Planck's action ?, the velocity of lightC, gravitational constantG, and Hubble's constantH 0) and a scale parameters. It is shown thats=1, 2, and 3 correspond, respectively, to the scales of galaxies, stars, and larger asteroids. The spectra of the characteristic angular momenta and masses for gravitationally bound systems in the Universe are estimated byJ (s) andM (s) =(? (s) /G)1/2. Taken together, an angular momentum-mass relation is obtained,J (s)=A(M(s))2, where \(A = G/C\alpha ,{\text{ }}\alpha \simeq \tfrac{{\text{1}}}{{{\text{137}}}}\) , for the astronomical systems observed on every scale. ThisJ-M relation is consistent with Brosche's empirical relation (Brosche, 1974).  相似文献   

Dynamical systems with three degrees of freedom can be reduced to the study of a fourdimensional mapping. We consider here, as a model problem, the mapping given by the following equations: $$\left\{ \begin{gathered} x_1 = x_0 + a_1 {\text{ sin (}}x_0 {\text{ + }}y_0 {\text{)}} + b{\text{ sin (}}x_0 {\text{ + }}y_0 {\text{ + }}z_{\text{0}} {\text{ + }}t_{\text{0}} {\text{)}} \hfill \\ y_1 = x_0 {\text{ + }}y_0 \hfill \\ z_1 = z_0 + a_2 {\text{ sin (}}z_0 {\text{ + }}t_0 {\text{)}} + b{\text{ sin (}}x_0 {\text{ + }}y_0 {\text{ + }}z_{\text{0}} {\text{ + }}t_{\text{0}} {\text{) (mod 2}}\pi {\text{)}} \hfill \\ t_1 = z_0 {\text{ + }}t_0 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.$$ We have found that as soon asb≠0, i.e. even for a very weak coupling, a dynamical system with three degrees of freedom has in general either two or zero isolating integrals (besides the usual energy integral).  相似文献   

Available satellite, rocket and balloon observations on cosmic X- and gamma ray background are critically examined to understand the spectral characteristics of the radiation. Appropriate corrections have been applied to the balloon observations to account for the multiple Compton scattering of X-rays in the atmosphere. It is shown that within the experimental uncertainties, all the available observations of cosmic X- and gamma ray background in the energy range 1 keV-1 MeV are consistent with a single spectrum of type $${\text{d}}N/{\text{d}}E = 30 E^{ - 2.0 \pm 0.2} {\text{photons cm}}^{{\text{ - 2}}} {\text{s}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} {\text{sr}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} {\text{keV}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} $$ .  相似文献   

This paper summarises an investigation of chaos in a toy potential which mimics much of the behaviour observed for the more realistic triaxial generalisations of the Dehnen potentials, which have been used to model cuspy triaxial galaxies both with and without a supermassive black hole. The potential is the sum of an anisotropic harmonic oscillator potential, ${\text{V}}_{\text{0}} = \frac{1}{2}\left( {a^2 x^2 + b^2 y^2 + c^2 z^2 } \right)$ , and aspherical Plummer potential, ${\text{V}}_{\text{P}} = M_{BH} /\sqrt {r^2 + \varepsilon ^2 } $ , with $r^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2$ . Attention focuses on three issues related tothe properties of ensembles of chaotic orbits which impact on chaotic mixing and the possibility of constructing self-consistent equilibria:(1) What fraction of the orbits are chaotic? (2) How sensitive are the chaotic orbits, that is, how large are their largest (short time) Lyapunov exponents? (3) To what extent is the motion of chaotic orbits impeded by Arnold webs, that is, how 'sticky' are the chaotic orbits? These questions are explored as functions of the axis ratio a: b: c, black hole mass M BH, softening length ε, and energy E with the aims of understanding how the manifestations of chaos depend onthe shape of the system and why the black hole generates chaos. The simplicity of the model makes it amenable to a perturbative analysis. That it mimics the behaviour of more complicated potentials suggests that much of this behaviour should be generic.  相似文献   

We compute the ultra-high energy (UHE) neutrino fluxes from plausible accreting supermassive black holes closely linking to the 377 active galactic nuclei (AGNs). They have well-determined black hole masses collected from the literature. The neutrinos are produced via simple or modified URCA processes, even after the neutrino trapping, in superdense proto-matter medium. The resulting fluxes are ranging from: (1) (quark reactions)— $J^{q}_{\nu\varepsilon}/(\varepsilon_{d}\ \mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1})\simeq8.29\times 10^{-16}$ to 3.18×10?4, with the average $\overline{J}^{q}_{\nu\varepsilon}\simeq5.53\times 10^{-10}\varepsilon_{d}\ \mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}$ , where ε d ~10?12 is the opening parameter; (2) (pionic reactions)— $J^{\pi}_{\nu\varepsilon} \simeq0.112J^{q}_{\nu\varepsilon}$ , with the average $J^{\pi}_{\nu\varepsilon} \simeq3.66\times 10^{-11}\varepsilon_{d}\ \mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}$ ; and (3) (modified URCA processes)— $J^{URCA}_{\nu\varepsilon}\simeq7.39\times10^{-11} J^{q}_{\nu\varepsilon}$ , with the average $\overline{J}^{URCA}_{\nu\varepsilon} \simeq2.41\times10^{-20} \varepsilon_{d}\ \mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\,\mathrm{sr}^{-1}$ . We conclude that the AGNs are favored as promising pure neutrino sources, because the computed neutrino fluxes are highly beamed along the plane of accretion disk, peaked at high energies and collimated in smaller opening angle θε d .  相似文献   

We analyzed the luminosity-temperature-mass of gas (L X ?T?M g ) relations for a sample of 21 Chandra galaxy clusters. We used the standard approach (β?model) to evaluate these relations for our sample that differs from other catalogues since it considers galaxy clusters at higher redshifts (0.4<z<1.4). We assumed power-law relations in the form $L_{X} \sim(1 +z)^{A_{L_{X}T}} T^{\beta_{L_{X}T}}$ , $M_{g} \sim(1 + z)^{A_{M_{g}T}} T^{\beta_{M_{g}T}}$ , and $M_{g} \sim(1 + z)^{A_{M_{g}L_{X}}} L^{\beta_{M_{g}L_{X}}}$ . We obtained the following fitting parameters with 68 % confidence level: $A_{L_{X}T} = 1.50 \pm0.23$ , $\beta_{L_{X}T} = 2.55 \pm0.07$ ; $A_{M_{g}T} = -0.58 \pm0.13$ and $\beta_{M_{g}T} = 1.77 \pm0.16$ ; $A_{M_{g}L_{X}} \approx-1.86 \pm0.34$ and $\beta_{M_{g}L_{X}} = 0.73 \pm0.15$ , respectively. We found that the evolution of the M g ?T relation is small, while the M g ?L X relation is strong for the cosmological parameters Ω m =0.27 and Ω Λ =0.73. In overall, the clusters at high-z have stronger dependencies between L X ?T?M g correlations, than those for clusters at low-z. For most of galaxy clusters (first of all, from MACS and RCS surveys) these results are obtained for the first time.  相似文献   

Two-charged bodiesM 1 andM 2 revolve round their centre of mass in circular orbits under Newton's inverse-square law and the so similar Coulomb's law. A third-charged-bodyM, without mass and charge (i.e., such that it is attracted or repulsed byM 1 andM 2, but does not influence their motion), moves in a field with a force function, namely $$U = {\text{ }}\frac{{q - \mu }}{{r_1 }}{\text{ }} + {\text{ }}\frac{{\mu - q}}{{r_2 }}$$ , which is created byM 1 andM 2. In what follows, the existence and location of the collinear and equilateral Lagrangian points or solutions with be discussed and the interpretation of them will be given. This work is a generalization of the classical restricted circular three-body problem.  相似文献   

Sedna is the first inner Oort cloud object to be discovered. Its dynamical origin remains unclear, and a possible mechanism is considered here. We investigate the parameter space of a hypothetical solar companion which could adiabatically detach the perihelion of a Neptune-dominated TNO with a Sedna-like semimajor axis. Demanding that the TNO’s maximum value of osculating perihelion exceed Sedna’s observed value of 76 AU, we find that the companion’s mass and orbital parameters (m c , a c , q c , Q c , i c ) are restricted to $$m_c>rapprox 5\hskip.25em\hbox{M}_{\rm J}\left(\frac{Q_c}{7850\hbox{ AU}} \frac{q_c}{7850\hbox{ AU}}\right)^{3/2}$$ during the epoch of strongest perturbations. The ecliptic inclination of the companion should be in the range $45{\deg}\lessapprox i_c\lessapprox 135{\deg}$ if the TNO is to retain a small inclination while its perihelion is increased. We also consider the circumstances where the minimum value of osculating perihelion would pass the object to the dynamical dominance of Saturn and Jupiter, if allowed. It has previously been argued that an overpopulated band of outer Oort cloud comets with an anomalous distribution of orbital elements could be produced by a solar companion with present parameter values $$m_c\approx 5\hskip.25em\hbox{M}_{\rm J}\left(\frac{9000\hbox{ AU}}{a_c}\right)^{1/2}.$$ If the same hypothetical object is responsible for both observations, then it is likely recorded in the IRAS and possibly the 2MASS databases.  相似文献   

The model is based on the assumption that logarithmic spiral arms of most spiral galaxies are due to the totating density wave obeying the steady wave equation . It is shown that this equation accounts also for the so-called Titius-Bode's law in the solar system.  相似文献   

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