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We examine the infrared properties of 43 high-redshift (0.1 < z < 1.2), infrared-luminous galaxies in the Extended Groth Strip (EGS), selected by a deep 70 μm survey with the Multiband Imaging Photometer on Spitzer (MIPS). In addition and with reference to starburst-type spectral energy distributions (SEDs), we derive a set of equations for estimating the total infrared luminosity ( L IR) in the range 8–1000 μm using photometry from at least one MIPS band. 42 out of 43 of our sources' optical/infrared SEDs (λobserved < 160 μm) are starburst type, with only one object displaying a prominent power-law near-infrared continuum. For a quantitative analysis, models of radiation transfer in dusty media are fit on to the infrared photometry, revealing that the majority of galaxies are represented by high extinction, A v > 35, and for a large fraction (∼50 per cent) the SED turns over into the Rayleigh–Jeans regime at wavelengths longward of 90 μm. For comparison, we also fit semi-empirical templates based on local galaxy data; however, these underestimate the far-infrared SED shape by a factor of at least 2 and in extreme cases up to 10 for the majority (∼70 per cent) of the sources. Further investigation of SED characteristics reveals that the mid-infrared (70/24 μm) continuum slope is decoupled from various galaxy properties such as the total infrared luminosity and far-infrared peak, quantified by the L 160/ L 70 ratio. In view of these results, we propose that these high-redshift galaxies have different properties to their local counterparts, in the sense that large amounts of dust cause heavy obscuration and are responsible for an additional cold emissive component, appearing as a far-infrared excess in their SEDs.  相似文献   

We present high signal-to-noise ratio spectrophotometric observations of seven luminous H  ii galaxies. The observations have been made with the use of a double-arm spectrograph which provides spectra with a wide wavelength coverage, from 3400 to 10 400 Å free of second-order effects, of exactly the same region as that of a given galaxy. These observations are analysed applying a methodology designed to obtain accurate elemental abundances of oxygen, sulphur, nitrogen, neon, argon and iron in the ionized gas. Four electron temperatures and one electron density are derived from the observed forbidden line ratios using the five-level atom approximation. For our best objects, errors of 1 per cent in t e([O  iii ]), 3 per cent in t e([O  ii ]) and 5 per cent in t e([S  iii ]) are achieved with a resulting accuracy of 7 per cent in total oxygen abundances, O/H.
The ionization structure of the nebulae can be mapped by the theoretical oxygen and sulphur ionic ratios, on the one side, and the corresponding observed emission line ratios, on the other – the η and η' plots. The combination of both is shown to provide a means to test photoionization model sequences presently applied to derive elemental abundances in H  ii galaxies.  相似文献   

We discuss the chemical properties of a sample of UV-selected intermediate-redshift  (0≲z≲0.4)  galaxies in the context of their physical nature and star-formation history. This work represents an extension of our previous studies of the rest-frame UV-luminosity function (Treyer et al.) and the star-formation properties of the same sample (Sullivan et al.) . We revisit the optical spectra of these galaxies and perform further emission-line measurements restricting the analysis to those spectra with the full set of emission lines required to derive chemical abundances. Our final sample consists of 68 galaxies with heavy-element abundance ratios and both UV and CCD B -band photometry. Diagnostics based on emission-line ratios show that all but one of the galaxies in our sample are powered by hot, young stars rather than by an AGN. Oxygen-to-hydrogen (O/H) and nitrogen-to-oxygen (N/O) abundance ratios are compared with those of various local and intermediate-redshift samples. Our UV-selected galaxies span a wide range of oxygen abundances, from ∼0.1 to 1 Z, intermediate between low-mass H  ii galaxies and massive starburst nuclei. For a given oxygen abundance, most have strikingly low N/O values. Moreover, UV-selected and H  ii galaxies systematically deviate from the usual metallicity–luminosity relation in the sense of being more luminous by  2–3 mag  . Adopting the 'delayed-release' chemical evolution model, we propose our UV-selected sources are observed at a special stage in their evolution, following a powerful starburst that enriched their ISM in oxygen and temporarily lowered their mass-to-light ratios. We discuss briefly the implications of our conclusions on the nature of similarly selected high-redshift galaxies.  相似文献   

Using semi-analytic models of galaxy formation set within the cold dark matter (CDM) merging hierarchy, we investigate several scenarios for the nature of the high-redshift     ) Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs). We consider a 'collisional starburst' model in which bursts of star formation are triggered by galaxy–galaxy mergers, and find that a significant fraction of LBGs are predicted to be starbursts. This model reproduces the observed comoving number density of bright LBGs as a function of redshift and the observed luminosity function at     and     with a reasonable amount of dust extinction. Model galaxies at     have star formation rates, half-light radii,     colours and internal velocity dispersions that are in good agreement with the data. Global quantities such as the star formation rate density and cold gas and metal content of the Universe as a function of redshift also agree well. Two 'quiescent' models without starbursts are also investigated. In one, the star formation efficiency in galaxies remains constant with redshift, while in the other, it scales inversely with disc dynamical time, and thus increases rapidly with redshift. The first quiescent model is strongly ruled out, as it does not produce enough high-redshift galaxies once realistic dust extinction is accounted for. The second quiescent model fits marginally, but underproduces cold gas and very bright galaxies at high redshift. A general conclusion is that star formation at high redshift must be more efficient than locally. The collisional starburst model appears to accomplish this naturally without violating other observational constraints.  相似文献   

We have used extensive libraries of model and empirical galaxy spectra [assembled, respectively, from the population synthesis code of Bruzual and Charlot and the fourth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)] to interpret some puzzling features seen in the spectra of high-redshift star-forming galaxies. We show that a stellar He  ii  λ1640 emission line, produced in the expanding atmospheres of Of and Wolf–Rayet stars, should be detectable with an equivalent width of 0.5–1.5 Å in the integrated spectra of star-forming galaxies, provided the metallicity is greater than about half solar. Our models reproduce the strength of the He  ii  λ1640 line measured in the spectra of Lyman-break galaxies for established values of their metallicities. With better empirical calibrations in local galaxies, this spectral feature has the potential of becoming a useful diagnostic of massive star winds at high, as well as low redshifts.
We also uncover a relationship in SDSS galaxies between their location in the [O  iii ]/Hβ versus [N  ii ]/Hα diagnostic diagram (the BPT diagram) and their excess specific star formation rate relative to galaxies of similar mass. We infer that an elevated ionization parameter U is at the root of this effect, and propose that this is also the cause of the offset of high-redshift star-forming galaxies in the BPT diagram compared to local ones. We further speculate that higher electron densities and escape fractions of hydrogen ionizing photons may be the factors responsible for the systematically higher values of U in the H  ii regions of high-redshift galaxies. The impact of such differences on abundance determinations from strong nebular lines are considered and found to be relatively minor.  相似文献   

We use a  0.040 < z < 0.085  sample of 37 866 star-forming galaxies from the Fourth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to investigate the dependence of gas-phase chemical properties on stellar mass and environment. The local density, determined from the projected distances to the fourth and fifth nearest neighbours, is used as an environment indicator. Considering environments ranging from voids, i.e.  log Σ≲−0.8  , to the periphery of galaxy clusters, i.e.  log Σ≈ 0.8  , we find no dependence of the relationship between galaxy stellar mass and gas-phase oxygen abundance, along with its associated scatter, on local galaxy density. However, the star-forming gas in galaxies shows a marginal increase in the chemical enrichment level at a fixed stellar mass in denser environments. Compared with galaxies of similar stellar mass in low-density environments, they are enhanced by a few per cent for massive galaxies to about 20 per cent for galaxies with stellar masses  ≲109.5 M  . These results imply that the evolution of star-forming galaxies is driven primarily by their intrinsic properties and is largely independent of their environment over a large range of local galaxy density.  相似文献   

Recent results have shown that a substantial fraction of high-redshift Lyman α (Lyα) galaxies contain considerable amounts of dust. This implies that Lyα galaxies are not primordial, as has been thought in the past. However, this dust has not been directly detected in emission; rather it has been inferred based on extinction estimates from rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) and optical observations. This can be tricky, as both dust and old stars redden galactic spectra at the wavelengths used to infer dust. Measuring dust emission directly from these galaxies is thus a more accurate way to estimate the total dust mass, giving us real physical information on the stellar populations and interstellar medium enrichment. New generation instruments, such as the Atacama Large Millimeter Array and Sub-Millimeter Array, should be able to detect dust emission from some of these galaxies in the submillimeter. Using measurements of the UV spectral slopes, we derive far-infrared flux predictions for of a sample of  23 z ≥ 4  Lyα galaxies. We find that in only a few hours, we can detect dust emission from 39 ± 22 per cent of our Lyα galaxies. Comparing these results to those found from a sample of 21 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs), we find that LBGs are on average 60 per cent more likely to be detected than Lyα galaxies, implying that they are more dusty, and thus indicating an evolutionary difference between these objects. These observations will provide better constraints on dust in these galaxies than those derived from their UV and optical fluxes alone. Undeniable proof of dust in these galaxies could explain the larger than expected Lyα equivalent widths seen in many Lyα galaxies today.  相似文献   

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