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Watershed degradation due to soil erosion and sedimentation is considered to be one of the major environmental problems in Iran. In order to address the critical conditions of watershed degradation in arid and semiarid regions, a study based on the Modified Pacific Southwest Inter-Agency Committee (MPSIAC) model was carried out at Golestan watershed, northeast of Iran. The model information layers comprising nine effective factors in erosion and sedimentation at the watershed site were obtained by digitalization and spatial interpolation of the basic information data in a GIS program. These factors are geology, soil, climate, runoff, topography, land cover, land use, channel, and upland erosion. The source data for the model were obtained from available records on rainfall and river discharge and sediment, topography, land use, geology, and soil maps as well as field surveys and laboratory analysis. The results of the MPSIAC model indicated that 60.75 % (194.4 km2) and 54.97 % (175.9 km2) of the total watershed area were classified in the heavy sedimentation and erosion classes, and the total basin sediment yield and erosion were calculated as 4,171.1 and 17,813.4 m3 km?2 year?1, respectively. In the sensitivity analysis, it was found that the most sensitive parameters of the model in order of importance were topography (slope), land cover and use, runoff, and channel erosion (R 2?=?0.92–0.94), while geology, climate (rainfall), soil, and upland erosion factors were found to have moderate effect to the model output (R 2?=?0.74–0.59).  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate land use change impact and management scenarios on annual average surface runoff (SR) and sediment yield (SY) using the GeoWEPP tool in the Lighvanchai watershed (located in northwestern Iran). Following a sensitivity analysis, the WEPP model was calibrated (2005–2007) and validated (2008–2010) against monthly observed SY and SR. The coefficient of determination (R 2), Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), mean bias error (MBE), and root-mean-square error (RMSE) were applied to quantitatively evaluate the WEPP model. The results indicate a satisfactory model performance with R 2 > 0.80 and NSE > 0.60. Therefore, the model for current land use (scenario 1) was run for a 30-year time period (1982–2011). The annual average of SR and sediment load were predicted as 93,584 m3/year and 4340 ton/year, respectively. To reduce the annual average surface runoff and sediment yield at the watershed scale, the second scenario (alfalfa cultivation with suitable tillage) and the third scenario (grassland development) as two management scenarios of land use changes were defined by identifying the critical hillslopes. The rate of SR and sediment load in the second scenario were 42,096 m3/year and 429 ton/year, respectively. For the third scenario, the model predictions were 30,239 m3/year and 226 ton/year, respectively. Compared to the first scenario, the reduction rates in annual average of sediment load were about 90 and 94%, respectively. Moreover, for the second and third management scenarios, the reduction rates in annual average of SR were about 55 and 67%, respectively.  相似文献   

Ibadan experiences violent, tropical convectional storms of small areal extent. Hence, it is common observation that whilst very heavy rainfall can occur in one part of the city, another part can be totally dry. The annual average rainfall among stations in Ibadan do not differ significantly.The characteristics of the storms in Ibadan are not well documented. This study was carried out to evaluate and compute some of the characteristics of the Ibadan storm from the normal conventional rainfall autographs.It was found that there are 30 storms in a year accounting for over 70 % of total annual rainfall. It was also found that whilst rain may fall continuously for one or two hours in Ibadan, most of it is concentrated in only 20 minutes of fall which often coincides with the middle portion of the rain period.  相似文献   

Sediment yield from modern continental blocks is a function of the area (dissolved load) and hypsometry (mechanical load) of the blocks. Hypsographic curves for modern continental blocks show that the change in the percentage area flooded for any change in eustatic sea level depends on the size of the block and the absolute sea level. This allows predictions of changes in sediment yield around different sized blocks for any given eustatic change. The range in size of continental blocks is such that, for any given sea level change, the blocks will show different percentage changes in yield. Data from modern continental blocks are compared with theoretical results. Assuming that the rules governing modern hypsometries applied in the past, and a constant volume of continental crust, it is possible to estimate the hypsographic curves of former continental blocks. The implications of suggested past continental configurations and sea levels for sediment yield are discussed.  相似文献   

渭河源区典型小流域水沙演变规律分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据渭河源区清源河典型小流域实测水文资料,分析了流域水文要素的年内和年际变化规律,流域降水、径流和泥沙主要集中在汛期,5-9月降水量占全年的78.5%,5-10月径流占全年的78.7%,5-8月输沙量占全年的88.9%。受上游修建水库、水土保持等人类活动的影响,流域汛期径流和泥沙1997-2013年比1980-1996年均减少了5.9%。流域面平均降水量、平均流量、平均输沙量年际变化不稳定,总体呈减少趋势,序列最大可能变异点分别为1995年、1994年和1997年。建立了流域年降水量与年径流深、次降水量P+Pa与次径流深相关模型,相关系数达到0.902和0.860。以年最大洪峰流量为参数,分别建立了流域年径流量与年输沙量、次径流量与次输沙量关系模型,相关系数达到0.835和0.917,公式模拟值与实测值接近,误差较小,可以作为以径流推算泥沙的重要依据。通过定性定量分析人类活动对流域径流、泥沙的影响程度,对区域抗旱防洪减灾、水资源管理、小流域治理及生态环境保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Understanding the sediment source is very significant for erosion control in small watersheds. On the Loess Plateau of China, over 110 thousands of check dams were constructed in the past 60 years, which played an important role in controlling soil loss and also kept much information of erosion and sediment yield in the past. The objective of this investigation is to identify the sediment source by the 137Cs tracing method in a small watershed in the Loess Hilly Region of China. Fifty-five sampling sites were selected from the watershed (44 from the inter-gully area, 7 from the gully sides and 4 from the reference sites), and a total of 114 soil samples were collected from three sediment profile cores at the Sidizui watershed check dam constructed in 1959. Based on the erosion rate from the inter-gully area by the 137Cs models, and the total erosion amount deposited in the check dam since 1963, the relative contributions of sediment from the inter-gully area and gully area were estimated during 1963–2013. By comparing the difference of 137Cs activities of surface soils from the check dam (deposited in the 2011–2013 flood events), the inter-gully and gully areas, the relative contributions of sediment derived from the two source areas to the flood sediment during recent years (2011–2013) were estimated by a simple mixing model. Results showed that the erosion rate from the inter-gully area was about 3054 t/km2 a during 1963–2013, and the relative contributions of sediment from the inter-gully area and gully area were estimated to be 27 and 73%, respectively. The sediment from the inter-gully area was about 20% of the total sediment yield amount to the 2011–2013 floods, and from the gully area it was about 80%. The relative contribution of sediment from the inter-gully or gully area was not a fixed value in the watershed. Both of the inter-gully erosion and gully erosion should be simultaneously controlled, and more erosion control measures on the gully area should be taken in the subsequent watershed management in order to reduce the erosion amount in this region.  相似文献   

The landslide area along the Tachia River catchment of central Taiwan was investigated using the remote sensing images of various typhoon and earthquake events taken from 1996 to 2004 and the sediment discharge measured at hydrometric stations. Our findings indicate that 88% of the coseismic landslides triggered by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake were first-time occurrences. After the Chi-Chi earthquake, 59% of the landslide area was reactivated during typhoon Toraji and 66% during typhoon Mindulle. The landslides prone to reactivation were on the formations with closely spaced discontinuities. It is suggested that further rock-mass defects in the formations were added or opened by the earthquake, and that the landslide areas continued to extend until the end of 2004. Post-1999 rainstorms delivered large amounts of colluvial sediment into the main channel, leading to a 2-fold increase in post-seismic sediment discharge while the precipitation was only half that of the pre-earthquake rate.  相似文献   

The Canary Debris Flow formed an extensive deposit on the NW African Continental Margin west of the Canary Islands. Sidescan sonar images and 3.5-kHz profiles show that the middle part of the debris flow deposit consists of complex channel systems separated by banks and ridges of debris. Channels are typically up to 10 km wide and 10 to 20 m deep, and have little or no debris fill. They appear to feed a more laterally continuous debris flow sheet which is seen further downslope. Interchannel banks and ridges are composed of 5 to 20 m thick debris deposits. This morphology is remarkably similar to that seen in subaerial debris flows, and we therefore infer that the observed submarine debris flow morphology is a primary flow fabric, rather than the result of the debris flow interacting with or exploiting pre-existing channels. High-resolution Sidescan sonar images show that the debris flow surface is covered by sediment blocks up to 300 m in diameter. A single core collected from the flow shows that most of the 4.6-m flow thickness at the core site is composed of a single clast. The clast has been folded, with its upper part consisting of an inverted minor image of the lower part. The same sequence occurs again, in situ, beneath the debris flow, suggesting that the clast may have a local source, rather than having been derived from the debris flow source area, some 200 km upslope. This indicates that the debris flow was capable of substantial seabed erosion in the middle part of its course. In these middle reaches, erosion within the channelled areas probably occurred simultaneously with deposition in the interchannel areas. Interchannel deposits may contain both locally derived and original source area material.  相似文献   

不同植被类型的坡面径流侵蚀产沙试验研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用野外模拟降雨试验,研究不同植被类型的侵蚀产沙、径流、地表糙度和入渗规律以及相关关系。结果表明,植被对水沙调控作用大小依次为:植物根系,整个坡面植被,坡面下部植被和坡面上部植被。林草地具有蓄水减沙的水土保持措施功效,该机制通过植物根系对水沙的调控作用实现;草地具有直接拦沙的水土保持功效,该机制通过地表植被对水沙的调控作用体现。累计产沙量随累计径流量呈幂函数递增趋势,具有很好的相关性;坡面径流产沙过程分为发育期、活跃期和稳定期3个阶段。植被覆盖度越大,地表糙度变化越小。  相似文献   

陕北风沙区含砾石工程堆积体坡面产流产沙试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用室内人工模拟降雨方法,研究了陕北风沙区含砾石工程堆积体边坡的产流产沙过程。结果表明:①砾石存在改变了坡面入渗速率,径流系数受入渗速率的影响,随砾石含量的增加先线性递减后线性递增,并在10%砾石含量处存在阈值;径流系数随降雨强度的增加线性递增。②含砾石堆积体坡面流速较纯土堆积体降低,且随雨强增大,砾石延缓径流流动的作用越显著;雨强对径流流速的影响随砾石含量增加持续减弱。③土壤剥蚀率在产流24~33 min后显著增加,砾石主要对显著增加后的平均剥蚀率产生影响。④雨强1.0 mm/min时,砾石存在促进降雨侵蚀,产沙量增大;雨强大于1.0 mm/min时,砾石具有显著的减沙效应。  相似文献   

Water reservoirs, lakes, and larger basins, including their drainage areas, represent sedimentologically closed to semi-closed denudation-accumulation systems. The mean rates of mechanical denudation, DRme, and clastic sedimentation, SRme, are related by the ratio of the drainage/lake area, Ad/Al. If the latter is known, DRme (or the specific sediment yield SY in t per km2/a) can be calculated from SRme, or vice versa. The best data for modern SY mainly come from the sediment fills of artificial reservoirs. Small drainage areas of mountainous regions show SY values up to two orders of magnitude higher than lowlands and approximately one order higher than larger regions of mixed relief. This is also true of arid to semi-arid zones which often provide approximately as much sediment (SY) as humid temperate and even tropical zones of comparable relief. Lithology and climate (river runoff) also may play some role for SY from catchments of limited size. The importance of these factors is exemplified by perialpine lakes and two East African lakes. Sediment yields gained from some large reservoirs compare well with long-term denudation rates derived from geological studies (e.g., the Tarbela dam reservoir along the Indus River). In many other cases, human activities have raised SY by factors of 2–10, locally up to >100. Artificial reservoirs in mountainous regions with SY in the range of 300–2000?t?per?km2/a tend to become filled within several tens to hundreds of years; some have even shorter lifetimes. Perialpine lakes of the Alps and British Columbia are strongly affected by delta prograding and have lifetimes mostly between 15 and 40?ka. Closed lake systems in deep morphological depressions (Lake Bonneville, Aral Sea, northern Caspian Sea) have a high potential for sediment storage up to the level of spillover and therefore can persist over long time periods. Basins with markedly subsiding basin floors (lakes of the East African rift zone, the southern Caspian Sea, and the Black Sea, both on oceanic crust) can survive for many Ma in the future, despite relatively high terrigenous input.  相似文献   

Hydrologic processes are complex, non-linear, and distributed within a watershed both spatially and temporally. One such complex pervasive process is soil erosion. This problem is usually approached directly by considering the sediment yield. Most of the hydrologic models developed and used earlier in sediment yield modeling were lumped and had no provision for including spatial and temporal variability of the terrain and climate attributes. This study investigates the suitability of a recent evolutionary technique, genetic programming (GP), in estimating sediment yield considering various meteorological and geographic features of a basin. The Arno River basin in Italy, which is prone to frequent floods, has been chosen as case study to demonstrate the GP approach. The results of the present study show that GP can efficiently capture the trend of sediment yield, even with a small set of data. The major advantage of the GP analysis is that it generates simple parsimonious expression offering some possible interpretations to the underlying process.  相似文献   

With a capacity of 86 MCM, King Talal Reservoir is considered a major water supply in Jordan. It was built exclusively to irrigate the land in the Jordan Valley. Unexpectedly, the design capacity of the reservoir was confronted by the elevated sediment inflows during and after the construction of the Irbid–Amman Highway in 1987. Since then the annual sediment inflow measured at the mouth of the reservoir was higher than expected in a similar year. Notably, the over-wet season of 1991/2, as a result of six major landslides along the highway, registered the highest sediment inflow into the reservoir. In the present work the fractional contribution of these landslides to total sediment yield at the reservoir was evaluated. The evaluation was made by applying the well-known erosion model, AGNPS (Young et al., USDA Conservation Research Report 35, 1987). To calibrate the model, it was successively applied from 1980/1 to 1990/1 on the measured sediment data before the occurrence of landslides. With a slight tune-up of some of the King Talal watershed erosion variables, fairly good agreement was obtained in some years. However, the disagreement noticed in other years might be attributed to some conservation measures practised in the watershed. Because the serious landslides occurred in the wet season of 1991/2, the model was run for the two scenarios in this year: with and without landslides. The difference in results represents the contribution of landslides to sediment yield at the reservoir. It is concluded, based on these results, that landslides, if continued without control, will definitely jeopardize the design capacity of the reservoir.  相似文献   

The differentiation between the concentration of metals associated with suspended sediments and those in the dissolved phase is often of importance in aquatic ecosystems, for such reasons as toxicity evaluation, total maximum daily load calculations, and a better understanding of metal transport. Often, published water quality data include only concentrations of total and dissolved metals, with particulate concentrations assumed equal to the difference between the two. The validity of this assumption for mining-influenced waters is addressed in this paper by comparing data determined from the subtraction of total (acid-soluble) and dissolved (operationally defined as less than 0.45-μm) metal concentrations (difference method) with data obtained from acid-digestion of the particles retained on the filters used for filtering the dissolved fraction (digestion method). Greater than fifty water samples containing suspended sediment were collected from each of three sites in the Clear Creek Watershed in Colorado during a two and one-half year study on the fate and transport of metals in the watershed. Volumes of water filtered ranged from 50 to 250 ml, representative of typical volumes used for the determination of dissolved metal concentrations. The particulate-associated concentrations of Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn determined from the difference method compared well with the concentrations determined by the digestion method. Statistical analyses indicated that there is not a statistically significant difference between the two methods at the 95% confidence level, with p-values of 0.65, 0.88, 0.39, 0.67, and 0.75, for Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn, respectively, over the three sites.  相似文献   

 King Talal Dam (KTD) watershed is the most important one in Jordan. At its outlet lies the KTD (80 MCM capacity) which serves irrigation purposes in the Jordan Valley. However, the dam suffers from accelerated annual sedimentation. Therefore, this study is directed to assess the erosion risk over the watershed, and to simulate actual annual sediment yield at the dam in order to devise the appropriate conservation practices. Generalized assessment was first conducted over the watershed on the basis of drainage texture, rainfall erosion index (R), and the ratio p2/P. As a result, the watershed is divided into zones of severe, high (gullying), high (overland flow) and low erosion risk. Sediment yield at the dam was evaluated by a simulation model. For model validation the simulation results were compared to the measured values over 12 years period, and a good agreement was obtained in some of the years. The simulation results allow us to assess the application of two practical conservation practices: terracing and plantation of trees. Received: 18 November 1997 · Accepted: 18 May 1998  相似文献   

This study examines rainfall thresholds for erosion and sediment yield in the upper Yangtze River basin. Sediment reduction effects of soil conservation measures depend on the magnitudes of rainstorm. When the latter is less than a critical threshold, sediment reduction effects of soil conservation measures are positive; when this magnitude is exceeded, the effect is negative. An analysis based on data from the Jialingjiang River shows that the sediment reduction by soil conservation measures increased with annual precipitation to a peak, and then decreased to a negative value. The annual precipitation at the peak and zero values of sediment reduction are 970 and 1,180 mm, respectively, which can be regarded as two thresholds. Annual precipitation at the zero-value of sediment reduction has a return period of 25 years. In general, the design standard of soil conservation works in China is related with rainstorms with return periods of 10–20 years. When the magnitude of rainstorm exceeds this, the soil conservation works may be partly or totally destroyed by rainstorms, and the previously trapped sediment may be released, resulting in a sharp increase in sediment yield. It was also found in the lower Jinshajiang River that when annual precipitation exceeds 1,050 mm or high-flow season precipitation exceeds 850 mm, the annual sediment yield increased sharply. These can also be regarded as key rainfall thresholds for erosion and sediment yields. When precipitation is less than the two thresholds, dominant erosion types are sheet, rill and gully erosions. When precipitation crosses the two thresholds, debris flows may occur more frequently. As a result, the previously stored loose sediment is released and sediment yield increases sharply.  相似文献   

This paper studies the hydrodynamics and variability of stream flow and sediment yield in Wadi El Hammam, located in the semi-arid region of Algeria. In this location, hysteresis effects are obvious especially during high discharge periods. The sediment concentration and load maxima go several months before discharge maxima, while decreased sediment concentrations are noticed during the discharge peaks. In order to explain these phenomena, we have adopted a methodology that consists of finding a simple regression model capable of explaining the sediment load as a function of the water discharge measured at gauging stations of three rivers at various scales, e.g., annual and seasonal. Suspended sediment concentrations are measured during a 22-year period (1986/1987–2007/2008). The results have shown that the power model explains the greatest part of the variance (80%). The changes in sediment availability result in so-called hysteresis effects. In this work, we have described different loops: clockwise or positive hysteresis loops and anti- or counter-clockwise hysteresis loops. The analysis of the seasonal sediment yields has shown that the autumn season contributes a large proportion of the annual sediment yield (62%).  相似文献   

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