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新型砌块水土保持系统的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国江河湖库众多,同时水土流失日趋严重,流失面积及速度已逐年增加。每年水库除险加固和河流治理等投资数百亿元,随着人们环保意识的加强,特别在近几年以长江和黄河为重点的堤防建设护岸工程中,联锁式砼砌块水土保持系统已逐渐成为我国水土保持领域中最重要的一种全新解决方案,被广泛采用。该系统既能有效防止水土流失、长久地防止坡面冲刷和保持坡体稳定,又能代替成本较高的常规护面,具有较广的推广应用前景。联锁式砼砌块水土保持系统是由多个独立的砼砌块相互啮合组合在一起的联锁矩阵,联锁式砼砌块铺面在各种动、静水条件下具有良好的整体稳定性,铺设于渗水土工布上。能有效保护土体不受水流冲刷和浸泡破坏。该系统在欧美已有多年的历史,是被工程实践证明了的性能卓越、经济实用、美观环保、可持续发展的水土保持系统,可广泛应用于河道和灌渠衬砌、沿海防潮堤、水库大坝边坡加固、铁路、高速公路边坡等防护和城市绿化工程。  相似文献   

More than a strategy for environmental conservation, protected area paradigm has represented a specific conception of nature–society relationship. Originated in a context of capitalist consolidation, rapid urbanisation and frontier development in the US, this paradigm has given rise to a ‘politically viable rationale' in which utilitarian use of natural resources by tourism development would ensure nature preservation. This political rationality has deeply influenced environmental policies in developing countries, fostering a paradoxical model in the history of nature preservation. It also has brought into play diverse interests that have shifted patterns of local nature–society interaction, configuring a complex politicised environment. Established in ‘isolated' regions, protected areas have been implemented often by top–down approaches, disrupting resident peoples' livelihoods strategies through conflicts over the control of natural resources. Understanding the implications of development and conservation policies on resident peoples' livelihoods may represent a starting point for an integrated developmental conservation policy towards the promotion of sustainable livelihoods in environmentally sensitive regions in developing countries. These issues are analysed in the region of the Lençois Maranhenses National Park in Brazil. This paper argues that the context facing the region reveals a standardised conservationist paradigm marked by the absence of wider ecological criteria informing nature protection and a disregard for the strengthening of sustainability in existent socio-economic dynamics. The regional development and conservation policies have not only promoted tensions between resident peoples' livelihoods and the protected area paradigm, but also reinforced the legitimisation of social exclusion and environmental disruption under the prevalent rhetoric of nature protection and tourism development.  相似文献   

For normally consolidated clay, several researchers have developed a number of theoretical time factors to determine the coefficient of consolidation from piezocone test results. However, depending on assumptions and analytical techniques, it could vary considerably, even for a specific degree of consolidation. In this paper a method is proposed to determine a consistent coefficient of consolidation by applying the concept of an optimum design technique over all ranges of the degree of consolidation. Initial excess pore pressure distribution is assumed to be capable of being obtained by the successive spherical cavity expansion theory. The dissipation of pore pressure is simulated by means of a two-dimensional linear-uncoupled axi-symmetric consolidation analysis. The minimization of differences between measured and predicted excess pore pressure was carried out by the BFGS unconstrained optimum design algorithm with a one-dimensional golden section search technique. By analyzing numerical examples and in-situ test results, it was found that the adopted optimum design technique gives consistent and convergent results.  相似文献   

聂忆黄 《地学前缘》2010,17(3):269-275
基于区域水量平衡,利用地表能量平衡的原理计算陆地实际蒸散发量,采用SCS模型计算地表径流量,提出了一种定量评估区域水源涵养量的实用方法。利用该方法和GIS软件平台,结合1982-2003年遥感数据和对祁连山水源涵养重要区水源涵养能力强弱的空间分布及其变化规律进行了计算和分析。结果表明:(1)祁连山山地水源涵养重要区内水源涵养能力最强的区域为中部和东南部地区,而西部地区涵养水源的能力相对较弱;(2)祁连山山地水源涵养重要区内中部和靠东南部的水源涵养能力减弱比较明显,特别是以门源回族自治县为中心,形成了水源涵养能力持续减弱带。  相似文献   

Possibilities for water conservation in Bulgaria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The drought during the last 10 years in Bulgaria caused the interruption of water supply to more than 70% of the population of the country. Investigations on recent water demand showed that the role of water losses and irrational use so considerable that existing water resources became inqdequate. Bringing new water to existing supply systems is connected with considerable investments, time, and controversy. Water conservation could solve some water supply problems by providing more reasonable water consumption and additional time for development of new resources. In this paper the possibilities for reducing water use in Bulgaria and the need for developing a national conservation program are discussed. An analysis of the variables which effect water use is performed. The reasons for the water losses and using more than the necessary water quantities are discussed. Developing of water-use efficiency standards for plumbing fixtures and conservation-oriented water rates and measures are proposed.  相似文献   

Promotion of green technologies related to notebook computer will have significant benefits in the environment. Notebook companies need to make a careful market assessment for green technologies. Due to the variety of consumer preferences for green technologies, as well as a hot competitive climate in notebook market, consumer preferences should be taken into consideration during the assessment process. This study classifies the green technologies of notebook industry. Some green technologies are not controlled by the environmental regulations but are popular among customers. This study named this kind of technologies niche green technologies. The product line design model can evaluate the design scheme based on customer preferences. Therefore, this study uses conjoin analysis to investigate the consumers’ preferences for assorted technology. Subsequently, product line design model is utilized to seek the optimal scheme of niche green technologies adoption based on the consumers’ preference. Results of conjoint analysis reveal that consumers value two attributes, including price and size. Furthermore, the preferences for niche green technologies in solid state drive disk and light emitting diode backlight surpass the former technology. After the assessment of market situation with product line design model, two types of niche green technologies, including lithium polymer battery and light emitting diode backlight are suggested for the adoption of new products design.  相似文献   

黄土高原地区水土保持生态环境用水量估算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
立足于黄土高原地区社会经济可持续发展,以实现生态环境良性发展为目标,探讨了水土保持生态环境用水量的内涵,提出了黄土高原地区水土保持生态环境用水量计算框架,以黄山高原地区泾河流域为例,估算其1970-1996年水土保持年生态环境用水量为6.368亿m3.研究成果丰富了生态环境用水量的理论研究,可为黄土高原地区生态环境建设和水资源合理利用提供科学的决策依据.  相似文献   

Flooded underground mines are attractive for groundwater heat pump systems, as the voids created during mining operations enhance the subsurface permeability and storage capacity, which allows the extraction of significant volumes of groundwater without requiring extensive drilling. Heat exchange at a flooded mine is, however, difficult to predict because of the complex geometry of the underground network of tunnels. A case study is presented here to demonstrate that numerical simulations of groundwater flow and heat transfer can help assess production temperatures required to optimize the design of a heat pump system that uses mine water. A 3D numerical model was developed for the Gaspé Mines located in Murdochville, Canada, where a district heating and cooling system is being studied. The underground mining tunnels and shafts are represented in the model with 1D elements whose flow and heat transfer contributions are superimposed to those of the 3D porous medium. The numerical model is calibrated to simultaneously reproduce the groundwater rebound that occurred when the mine closed and the drawdown measured during a pumping test conducted in a former mining shaft. Predictive simulations over a period of 50 years are subsequently performed to minimize pumping rate and determine maximum heat extraction rate.  相似文献   

Because of a high population density in the coastal plain, any future nuclear power plants will be located in the sparsely settled Negev desert Since this part of Israel has no surface water, the only alternatives to cooling water are piped-in Mediterranean. Water and local, brackish groundwater One particular aquifier was examined for its potential to provide the required amount of cooling water over the lifetime of the plant, without causing a drastic lowering of the regional water table It was concluded that given the assumed range of aquifer properties, extraction of brackish water for cooling purposes will not result in large changes in the regional water table, furthermore, it could possibly halt the gradual deterioration of the quality of the water supply of the city of Beer Sheva  相似文献   

水工程规划设计关键生态指标体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从河流开发与保护的流域生态安全概念出发,基于驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应(DPSIR)的模型方法,构建了水工程规划设计关键生态指标体系。在分析流域生态系统结构和功能的基础上,提出该指标体系包括5个生态属性层,即水文水资源、水环境、河流地貌、生物及栖息地和社会环境,分析各属性主要生态要素,并进一步细分为19个要素层。根据中国水工程规划设计类型和阶段划分,考虑不同的空间尺度效应,建立了该指标体系的结构框架,并采用专家咨询、频度分析方法,筛选确定了36个关键生态指标。该指标体系具有多维度、多层次的特点,可适用于不同空间尺度、不同规划设计阶段及水工程类型。  相似文献   

姜德文 《地学前缘》2021,28(4):42-47
山水林田湖草是一个生命共同体,山水林田湖草的系统治理观是水土流失治理与生态修复的重要指导思想.水土流失的发生、发展和变化是一个复杂的系统,有其自身规律,水土保持是一门多学科交叉学科,有其科学性与不可替代性,防治水土流失应坚持系统思维,整体施策,系统和综合是水土保持学科建立和事业发展的生命力所在.水土流失在中国广泛分布并...  相似文献   

刘毓氚  刘祖德 《岩土力学》2004,25(1):105-108
针对桩筏基础复杂的大系统问题,提出了系统模拟法优化设计思想。首先应用正交试验设计优化系统输入,其次采用桩筏基础有限元分析程序计算系统输出响应,最后运用多目标决策技术优化系统输出响应并确定桩筏基础优化设计均衡解。该方法实现了人机交互的优化设计,可确保优化结果可行性。  相似文献   

正交混凝试验在矿井水处理设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对高悬浮物矿井水,设计了5水平6因素的L25(56)正交混凝试验,并通过极差分析确定了混凝的最优化条件,即选择PAC作为混凝剂,pH值调节为9,混凝剂与助凝剂浓度比为20∶1,助凝剂PAM投加滞后30 s,水力条件依次为n=350 r.min-1快速搅拌30 s,n=120 r.min-1中速搅拌4 min,n=60 r.min-1慢速搅拌6 min。通过单因素分析了6种因素对混凝的影响程度,即:PAM投量>混凝剂种类>pH值>混凝剂投量>水力条件>投加时间。依试验结果,对垂向轴式混合反应池进行了参数设计。  相似文献   

为了提高季节冻土隧道的防冻保温性能,常采用铺设聚氨酯类有机保温层的方式以防止围岩冻结,但由于有机材料在冻融循环过程中老化速度快、保温结构设计缺少科学依据等局限性,使得部分隧道在长期运营过程中反复出现冻融病害。以西藏圭嘎拉隧道为研究对象,通过建立热流固耦合计算模型,对现行保温措施的防冻效果进行分析,发现距离洞口一定长度范围内的围岩仍会发生冻融破坏。在隧道运营后第20年2月15日,距洞口5 m处断面拱顶围岩的边界温度仅为-0.91 ℃,并且该关键位置的纵向冻结长度超过500 m,严重影响隧道结构的安全。为防止此隧道出现冻害问题,提高其服役能力,拟采用新型无机建筑材料气凝胶毡对隧道的保温结构进行加固,其具有良好的保温、阻燃和耐久性能,并且铺装简便、易于操作。此外通过对不同厚度气凝胶毡条件下的围岩温度场进行多维度分析,确定了最不利时刻气凝胶毡厚度与拱顶围岩关键位置纵向冻结长度之间的关系。研究成果可为圭嘎拉隧道防冻保温优化设计提供技术支持,不仅能保障隧道结构的安全性和稳定性,也能为季节冻土隧道保温结构的设计、施工及维护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

高速公路滑坡稳定性分析及治理优化研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在分析溪沟口滑坡工程地质概况及形成机理的基础上,采用传递系数法和有限元法对其进行了稳定性评价。结果表明,该滑坡稳定性达不到安全标准,必须进行加固治理。考虑滑坡稳定状况,采用抗滑桩结合地表排水对滑坡进行治理。在传递系数法结合有限单元法计算结果的基础上,构造出一定数量的抗滑桩加固方案,分别计算其治理后的稳定性和工程造价,以此为进化神经网络的学习样本, 建立设计参数与稳定性及加固方案造价之间的非线性映射关系,利用遗传算法在全局范围内快速搜索出最优的设计参数,选择合理的滑坡治理方案。最后利用有限元法对滑坡体治理前后的稳定状况进行分析,对所提出的优化治理方案进行稳定性验算,结果证明优化方案能够达到滑坡治理的设计要求,治理效果明显。  相似文献   

石灰改性膨胀土施工最佳含水率确定方法探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石灰改性土在公路工程建设中得到广泛应用,研究者也积累了较多经验,但施工控制参数中石灰土的含水率确定方法还值得商榷。就公路工程中石灰改性膨胀土的施工最佳含水率确定方法进行了探讨,提出了与目前公路部门相关试验规程和技术规范中确定石灰稳定土最佳含水率不同方法,认为石灰改性膨胀土的施工最佳含水率应以由击实试验确定的最佳含水率大3 %左右为宜。  相似文献   

基于能量守恒思想,采用径向条分法,假设虚拟位移,建立滑坡的稳定性计算数学模型,为滑坡稳定性分析提供了一种新的方法。基于虚拟位移ds,推导了滑坡重力势能增量(35)U和滑面摩擦耗能(35)W,定义了能量法滑坡稳定性系数Sc,分别给出了在不考虑地下水和考虑地下水两种情况下滑坡稳定系数Sc的数学表达式。通过算例分析,并与极限平衡法中的简布法计算结果对比,结果表明,不考虑地下水情况下能量法的计算结果与简布法较为接近,且前者稳定系数略高,差值比为0.19%;考虑地下水影响的情况下能量法计算结果与简布法的差值比为9.77%,前者稳定系数较低,即能量法中地下水对滑坡稳定性系数影响较大。基于算例1,对模型的主要参数进行了关于稳定系数Sc的敏感性分析。最后从本质上对比分析了能量法与简布法的异同。  相似文献   

节水及节水型社会的分析和对比评价研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
对节水的内涵和节水型社会的发展进行了讨论,阐述了节水型社会的发展对水政策、水管理以及水工程的实践性的指导作用.基于节水型社会是水资源系统-生态系统-经济社会协调发展的认识,遵循科学、实用及简明的原则,构建了节水型社会评价指标体系,对我国各省(市、区)节水型社会相对水平进行量化评价.  相似文献   

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