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We perform numerical simulations to study the secular orbital evolution and dynamical structure of the quintuplet planetary system 55 Cancri with the self-consistent orbital solutions by Fischer and coworkers. In the simulations, we show that this system can be stable for at least 108 yr. In addition, we extensively investigate the planetary configuration of four outer companions with one terrestrial planet in the wide region of 0.790AU 〈 a 〈 5.900AU to examine the existence of potential asteroid structure and Habitable Zones (HZs). We show that there are unstable regions for orbits about 4:1, 3:1 and 5:2 mean motion resonances (MMRs) of the outermost planet in the system, and several stable orbits can remain at 3:2 and 1:1 MMRs, which resembles the asteroid belt in the solar system. From a dynamical viewpoint, proper HZ candidates for the existence of more potential terrestrial planets reside in the wide area between 1.0 AU and 2.3 AU with relatively low eccentricities.  相似文献   

张旭东  周济林 《天文学报》2006,47(2):175-185
最近的多普勒观测表明恒星HD 12661周围存在两颗中等偏心率轨道上运行的行星,内行星的最小质量为2.3木星质量,轨道周期为263.6天;外行星的最小质量为1.57木星质量,轨道周期为1444.5天.该系统的稳定性要求两颗行星处在平运动轨道共振.用数值方法研究了该系统形成初期在恒星气体盘作用下的轨道迁移与稳定性,计算了行星在迁移中被平运动共振俘获的概率.发现这两颗行星目前很可能正处在11:2平运动共振边缘,且运动是混沌的,从而澄清了关于系统目前构形的不同说法,并且很可能在系统形成后行星迁移到目前构形时,气体盘几乎消失了.  相似文献   

The Kozai mechanism often destabilizes high-inclination orbits. It couples changes in the eccentricity and inclination, and drives high inclination, circular orbits to low inclination, eccentric orbits. In a recent study of the dynamics of planetesimals in the quadruple star system HD 98800, there were significant numbers of stable particles in circumbinary polar orbits about the inner binary pair which are apparently able to evade the Kozai instability.
Here, we isolate this feature and investigate the dynamics through numerical and analytical models. The results show that the Kozai mechanism of the outer star is disrupted by a nodal libration induced by the inner binary pair on a shorter time-scale. By empirically modelling the period of the libration, a criteria for determining the high-inclination stability limits in general triple systems is derived. The nodal libration feature is interesting and, although affecting inclination and node only, shows many parallels to the Kozai mechanism. This raises the possibility that high-inclination planets and asteroids may be able to survive in multistellar systems.  相似文献   

The size distribution of the stability region around the Lagrangian point L 4 is investigated in the elliptic restricted three-body problem as the function of the mass parameter and the orbital eccentricity of the primaries. It is shown that there are minimum zones in the size distribution of the stability regions, and these zones are connected with the secondary resonances between the frequencies of librational motions around L 4. The results can be applied to hypothetical Trojan planets for predicting values of the mass parameter and the eccentricity for which such objects can be expected or their existence is less probable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the global stability properties of single‐planet systems by using a catalogue of stability maps. The data of the catalogue were used to generate probability values on the mass parameter–eccentricity plane for the occurrence of stable orbits. We showed that the probability data can be well approximated by a second order surface. Using the resulted formula the likelihood of finding Earth‐like planets in single‐planet systems can be easily estimated. As an example, we derived estimations for four known exoplanetary systems. Our formula can be useful in selecting target stars for future space missions. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The 2/1 resonant dynamics of a two-planet planar system is studied within the framework of the three-body problem by computing families of periodic orbits and their linear stability. The continuation of resonant periodic orbits from the restricted to the general problem is studied in a systematic way. Starting from the Keplerian unperturbed system, we obtain the resonant families of the circular restricted problem. Then, we find all the families of the resonant elliptic restricted three-body problem, which bifurcate from the circular model. All these families are continued to the general three-body problem, and in this way we can obtain a global picture of all the families of periodic orbits of a two-planet resonant system. The parametric continuation, within the framework of the general problem, takes place by varying the planetary mass ratio ρ. We obtain bifurcations which are caused either due to collisions of the families in the space of initial conditions or due to the vanishing of bifurcation points. Our study refers to the whole range of planetary mass ratio values  [ρ∈ (0, ∞)]  and, therefore we include the passage from external to internal resonances. Thus, we can obtain all possible stable configurations in a systematic way. As an application, we consider the dynamics of four known planetary systems at the 2/1 resonance and we examine if they are associated with a stable periodic orbit.  相似文献   

We consider particles with low free or proper eccentricity that are orbiting near planets on eccentric orbits. Through collisionless particle integration, we numerically find the location of the boundary of the chaotic zone in the planet's corotation region. We find that the distance in semimajor axis between the planet and boundary depends on the planet mass to the 2/7 power and is independent of the planet eccentricity, at least for planet eccentricities below 0.3. Our integrations reveal a similarity between the dynamics of particles at zero eccentricity near a planet in a circular orbit and with zero free eccentricity particles near an eccentric planet. The 2/7th law has been previously explained by estimating the semimajor at which the first-order mean motion resonances are large enough to overlap. Orbital dynamics near an eccentric planet could differ due to first-order corotation resonances that have strength proportional to the planet's eccentricity. However, we find that the corotation resonance width at low free eccentricity is small; also the first-order resonance width at zero free eccentricity is the same as that for a zero-eccentricity particle near a planet in a circular orbit. This accounts for insensitivity of the chaotic zone width to planet eccentricity. Particles at zero free eccentricity near an eccentric planet have similar dynamics to those at zero eccentricity near a planet in a circular orbit.  相似文献   

In previous papers, we developed a technique for estimating the inner eccentricity in hierarchical triple systems, with the inner orbit being initially circular. We considered systems with well-separated components and different initial setups (e.g., coplanar and non-coplanar orbits). However, the systems we examined had comparable masses. In the present paper, the validity of some of the formulae derived previously is tested by numerically integrating the full equations of motion for systems with smaller mass ratios (from 10−3 to 103, i.e. systems with Jupiter-sized bodies). There is also discussion about HD 217107 and its planetary companions.  相似文献   

The planets with a radius < 4 R observed by the Kepler mission exhibit a unique feature, and propose a challenge for current planetary formation models. The tidal effect between a planet and its host star plays an essential role in reconfiguring the final orbits of the short-period planets. In this work, based on various initial Rayleigh distributions of the orbital elements, the final semi-major axis distributions of the planets with a radius < 4 R after suffering tidal evolutions are investigated. Our simulations have qualitatively revealed some statistical properties: the semi-major axis and its peak value all increase with the increase of the initial semi-major axis and eccentricity. For the case that the initial mean semi-major axis is less than 0.1 au and the mean eccentricity is larger than 0.25, the results of numerical simulation are approximately consistent with the observation. In addition, the effects of other parameters, such as the tidal dissipation coefficient, stellar mass and planetary mass, etc., on the final semi-major axis distribution after tidal evolution are all relatively small. Based on the simulation results, we have tried to find some clues for the formation mechanism of low-mass planets. We speculate that these low-mass planets probably form in the far place of protoplanetary disk with a moderate eccentricity via the type I migration, and it is also possible to form in situ.  相似文献   

Recent Doppler velocity measurements have revealed the existence of two planets orbiting the star HD 12661 on medium-eccentricity orbits. The inner planet has a period of 263.6 d and a mass of 2.3 Jupiter masses, and the outer planet has a period of 1444.5d and a mass of 1.57 Jupiter masses. The stability of this system requires the two planets to be in a state of mean-motion orbit resonances. By numerical method we have studied the orbit migration and stability of the system in its early ages under the action of the proto-stellar disk, and calculated the probabilities of the planets being captured into the mean -motion resonances during their migrations. It is found that at present the two planets are probably situated at the edge of the 11:2 mean-motion resonance and are in chaotic motions. This result may be helpful to clarify the arguments on the present configuration. Besides, it is indicated that very probably, after the formation of the system, the gaseous disk has almost disappeared before the planets migrated to the present configuration.  相似文献   

We perform numerical simulations to study the secular orbital evolution and dynamical structure of the quintuplet planetary system 55 Cancri with the self-consistent orbital solutions by Fischer and coworkers. In the simulations, we show that this sys-tem can be stable for at least 108 yr. In addition, we extensively investigate the planetary configuration of four outer companions with one terrestrial planet in the wide region of 0.790 AU ≤ a ≤ 5.900 AU to examine the existence of potential asteroid structure and Habitable Zones (HZs). We show that there are unstable regions for orbits about 4:1, 3:1 and 5:2 mean motion resonances (MMRs) of the outermost planet in the system, and sev-eral stable orbits can remain at 3:2 and 1:1 MMRs, which resembles the asteroid belt in the solar system. From a dynamical viewpoint, proper HZ candidates for the existence of more potential terrestrial planets reside in the wide area between 1.0 AU and 2.3 AU with relatively low eccentricities.  相似文献   

季江徽  刘林 《天文学报》2005,46(3):282-293
用直接数值积分方法通过模拟不同的行星构型探讨了HD82943行星系统(由两颗共振的巨行星组成)的长期动力演化,同时,还研究了在相空间的轨道运动.在对系统长达107年数值积分中,发现所有的稳定轨道均与2:1共振相关联.典型地,在相同的时标内,两个共振幅角θ1和θ2同时(或其中之一)存在秤动.由于共振幅角在一定范围内的秤动,因而使两颗行星轨道半长径被约束而表现为规则运动模式.另外,利用分析模型(包含了外行星偏心率e2的因素),还讨论了对于不同取值的e2和相对近星点经度θ时,内行星在相空间的运动,并发现2:1轨道共振对于相对较小的e2以及当θ=0°时易于保持.此外,适中的e2将导致系统的两颗行星进入深度共振状态.再者,分析模型和数值计算的结果吻合得很好,两者都揭示了行星系统的2:1共振结构.  相似文献   

The extended phase space of the Sitnikov problem is studied by using a stroboscopic map and computing escape times. Comparisons of phase portraits and plots of escape times reveal the intrinsic connection between the geometry of the phase space and the dynamical behaviour of the system. Properties of the phase space are analysed both in the central regular region and far from it. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the significantly expanded HARPS 2011 radial velocity data set for GJ 581 that was presented by Forveille et al. (2011). Our analysis reaches substantially different conclusions regarding the evidence for a Super‐Earth‐mass planet in the star's Habitable Zone. We were able to reproduce their reported χ2ν and RMS values only after removing some outliers from their models and refitting the trimmed down RV set. A suite of 4000 N‐body simulations of their Keplerian model all resulted in unstable systems and revealed that their reported 3.6σ detection of e = 0.32 for the eccentricity of GJ 581e is manifestly incompatible with the system's dynamical stability. Furthermore, their Keplerian model, when integrated only over the time baseline of the observations, significantly increases the χ2ν and demonstrates the need for including non‐Keplerian orbital precession when modeling this system. We find that a four‐planet model with all of the planets on circular or nearly circular orbits provides both an excellent self‐consistent fit to their RV data and also results in a very stable configuration. The periodogram of the residuals to a 4‐planet all‐circular‐orbit model reveals significant peaks that suggest one or more additional planets in this system. We conclude that the present 240‐point HARPS data set, when analyzed in its entirety, and modeled with fully self‐consistent stable orbits, by and of itself does offer significant support for a fifth signal in the data with a period near 32 days. This signal has a false alarm probability of <4% and is consistent with a planet of minimum mass 2.2 M, orbiting squarely in the star's habitable zone at 0.13 AU, where liquid water on planetary surfaces is a distinct possibility (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A problem of mass flow in the immediate vicinity of a planet embedded in a protoplanetary disk is studied numerically in two dimensions. Large differences in temporal and spatial scales involved suggest that a specialized discretization method for solution of hydrodynamical equations may offer great savings in computational resources, and can make extensive parameter studies feasible. Preliminary results obtained with help of Adaptive Mesh Refinement technique and high‐order explicit Eulerian solver are presented. This combination of numerical techniques appears to be an excellent tool which allows for direct simulations of mass flow in vicinity of the accretor at moderate computational cost. The present communication is focused on the structure of the outer part of the circumplanetary disk. We employ the multifluid option to the hydrodynamical solver to prove that the circumplanetary disk is composed of the gas transfered into it from the edges of the gap.  相似文献   

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