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Calculations of the acoustic energy generation for helium-rich composition show that the maximum acoustic energy generation is located around 12000 K at logg=4 and 15000 K at logg=6. The author's suggestion in his last paper that a helium star Sgr may have a corona seems to be justified. X-ray from a corona around a helium star is strongest when the physical parameters of the star are logg6 andT e15000 K. But the total energy flux is too small to account for the observed X-ray sources.Presented at the Trieste Colloquium on Mass Loss from Stars, September 12–16, 1968.  相似文献   

Assuming that soft X-ray sources in symbiotic stars result from strong thermonuclear runaways, and supersoft X-ray sources from weak thermonuclear runaways or steady hydrogen burning symbiotic stars, we investigate the Galactic soft and supersoft X-ray sources in symbiotic stars by means of population synthesis. The Galactic occurrence rates of soft X-ray sources and supersoft X-ray sources are from ~2 to 20 yr?1, and ~2 to 17 yr?1, respectively. The numbers of X-ray sources in symbiotic stars range from 2390 to 6120. We simulate the distribution of X-ray sources over orbital periods, masses and mass accretion rates of white dwarfs. The agreement with observations is reasonable.  相似文献   

The second variation of the mass-energy (by constant baryon number) is analysed to inquire into the stability of the equilibrium for a spherical mass under the action of its own gravitation. The equations of general relativity are used. For zero density at the surface, the sphere is stable if (and only if) a solution of a second order equation (Jacobi equation) has only one zero in the interior (at center) of the sphere. The results obtained in this way coincide of course with those obtained by means of the Chandrasekhar-Misner-Zapolsky variational principle, but the solution of the Jacobi equation is more simple and straightforward. In particular, the stability of the several modes are analysed without making any choice of a trial function for the Lagrangian displacement.The method is applied to the GrattonR-polytropic model of supermassive stars.Work done in the Laboratorio Astrofisico, Frascati-Roma, Italy.  相似文献   

Numerical integration of the linear non-adiabatic equations for radial perturbations of physical models of supermassive stars confirm the existence of both dynamical and secular instabilities above a critical mass. The value of the latter agrees very well with that deduced from approximate stability criteria. The present analysis brings out for the first time the existence of a continuous transition between dynamical and secular modes in a sequence of models of different masses.  相似文献   

Formation of the spectra of X-ray pulsars and gamma bursters is investigated. Interpretation of a hard X-ray spectrum of pulsars containing cyclotron lines is feasible on the basis of an isothermal model of a polar spot heated due to accretion to a neutron star. It has been ascertained that in the regions responsible for the formation of continuum radiation and lines the mode polarization is determined by a magnetized vacuum rather than by a plasma. Bearing this in mind, the influence of the magnetic field of a star on the wide wings of the cyclotron line and on its depth is discussed. The part played by the accreting column in the case of strong accretion (1019 el cm–3) needed for long sustaining of the high level of X-rays from a neutron star-pulsar is studied. There occur the gaps in spectrum at frequencies close to the electron gyro-frequency and its harmonics due to the screening of the hot spot by the opaque gyro-resonant layers located within the accreting column. These gaps ensure the formation of cyclotron lines in absorption irrespective of the presence of such lines in the X-ray spectrum of a polar hot spot.The spectra of gamma-bursters recorded by Venus 11 and Venus 12 are interpreted in terms of a two-layer model of a polar hot spot. The estimates are given of the distance to some of the bursters, of the emission measure from a high-temperature layer responsible for continuum radiation and of the dispersion measure of a colder layer forming cyclotron lines in absorption. It is noted that the action of an accreting column leads generally to the radiation depression at frequencies below cyclotron lines. By the observed depression for one of the bursters the electron density of near-star accreting plasma during the burst has been directly estimated (4×10–14 el cm–3). Possible appearance of false cyclotron lines associated with cyclotron scattering in accreting column has been revealed.The problem of measuring the magnetic fields of neutron stars taking account of the gravitational redshift and the quantum recoil effect in emission and in absorption is discussed. Possibilty for a more precise measurement of the magnetic fields of those bursters whose spectrum contains both a cyclotron and an annihilation lines is noted.  相似文献   

The binding energy and stability of supermassive stars (SMS's) is examined in the framework of the Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism of Will and Nordvedt. The PPN formalism encompasses the post-Newtonian limit of virtually every theory of gravity, differentiating between theories by means of nine PPN parameters. A general expression is derived for the energy integral in the PPN framework, and it is found that only in those theories in which the parameters 1=2=3=4=3=0 will the energy be conserved. In all such theories, a SMS of radius less than a critical radius will be unstable against adiabatic radial perturbations. Present experimental limits on the PPN parameters and do not exclude the possibility of the existence of stable, non-rotating, hydrogen-burning SMS's of masses an order of magnitude larger than the upper limit for the mass of such stars predicted in general relativity.  相似文献   

The first stars in the Universe were verymassive, with masses as large as 106 M . They evolved into massive black holes (BH), which could have become the grains of the formation of supermassive BH in active galactic nuclei. If a supermassive star (SMS) rapidly rotates, it ends up as a supermassive collapsar and produces a magnetically accelerated jet. In this paper we discuss the possibility of the detection of hard X-ray bursts similar to gamma-ray bursts, which are associated with normal collapsars [1]. We demonstrate that in the process of the formation of a supecollapsar a jet may form via the Blandford-Znajek mechanism. The power of the jet may be as high as several 1051 erg/s and the total energy of the outburst may amount to 1056 erg. Due to the long time scales and large redshifts, the initial bright phase of the burstmay last for about 105 s, whereas the activity time of the central engine may be as long as 10 days. The large redshifts should make the spectrum softer compared to those of common gamma-ray bursts. The maximum of the spectral distribution should lie near 60 keV. The maximum flux is relatively small-on the order of several 10−7 erg/(cm−2 s)-but quite detectable. Such events for SMS should be rather rare: their occurence frequency must be of about 0.03/yr. Observations are to be carried out as long-term programs and will possibly be made in the future.  相似文献   

Herring  J. R. H. 《Solar physics》1974,39(1):175-192
Solar Physics - A semi-empirical model of the soft X-ray source associated with solar flares is presented, based on the results of the two temperature analysis of OSO-5 data obtained by Herring and...  相似文献   

Strong (B?109 G) and superstrong (B?1014 G) magnetic fields profoundly affect many thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of dense plasmas in neutron star envelopes. In particular, they produce strongly anisotropic thermal conductivity in the neutron star crust and modify the equation of state and radiative opacities in the atmosphere, which are major ingredients of the cooling theory and spectral atmosphere models. As a result, both the radiation spectrum and the thermal luminosity of a neutron star can be affected by the magnetic field. We briefly review these effects and demonstrate the influence of magnetic field strength on the thermal structure of an isolated neutron star, putting emphasis on the differences brought about by the superstrong fields and high temperatures of magnetars. For the latter objects, it is important to take proper account of a combined effect of the magnetic field on thermal conduction and neutrino emission at densities ρ?1010 g?cm?3. We show that the neutrino emission puts a B-dependent upper limit on the effective surface temperature of a cooling neutron star.  相似文献   

We suggest that an X-ray source of Population II is produced by gas accreting onto a collapsed star from an extended quasi-transparent envelope formed in the distant past in a collision with a normal star. Most of the envelope is only weakly ionized; energy balance and hydrostatic equilibrium are ensured mainly by secondary line radiation, which is trapped there for very long times before it escapes or is reabsorbed. However, in the fully ionized innermost regions of the envelope the atomic particles that can absorb and re-emit line radiation are not present and matter is steadily accreting onto the black hole, producing the primary X-rays.On the basis of the mechanism that controls the escape of line photons, we distinguish between lines of the first and second kind. The first should fall in the visible or the infrared and appear in emission; the second, resulting exclusively from allowed transitions, should fall in the ultraviolet and appear as very broad absorption lines. Heat deposited by partial absorption of X-rays is withdrawn by radiation of the first kind; hydrostatic equilibrium is ensured primarily by that of the second.The collapsed star is probably a moderately massive (10M ) black hole.  相似文献   

We investigate the process of synchrotron radiation from thermal electrons at semirelativistic and relativistic temperatures. We find an analytic expression for the emission coefficient for random magnetic fields with an accuracy significantly higher than those derived previously. We also present analytic approximations to the synchrotron turnover frequency, treat Comptonization of self-absorbed synchrotron radiation, and give simple expressions for the spectral shape and the emitted power. We also consider modifications of the above results by bremsstrahlung.
We then study the importance of Comptonization of thermal synchrotron radiation in compact X-ray sources. We first consider emission from hot accretion flows and active coronae above optically thick accretion discs in black hole binaries and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We find that for plausible values of the magnetic field strength, this radiative process is negligible in luminous sources, except for those with hardest X-ray spectra and stellar masses. Increasing the black hole mass results in a further reduction of the maximum Eddington ratio from this process. Then, X-ray spectra of intermediate-luminosity sources, e.g. low-luminosity AGNs, can be explained by synchrotron Comptonization only if they come from hot accretion flows, and X-ray spectra of very weak sources are always dominated by bremsstrahlung. On the other hand, synchrotron Comptonization can account for power-law X-ray spectra observed in the low states of sources around weakly magnetized neutron stars.  相似文献   

The Ultra-luminous Compact X-ray Sources (ULXs)in nearby spiral galaxies and the Galactic super-luminaljet sources sharethe common spectral characteristic that they haveextremely high disk temperatures which cannot be explainedin the framework of the standard accretion disk modelin the Schwarzschild metric. We have calculated an extreme Kerr disk model to examine if the Kerr disk model can instead explain the observed `too hot' accretion disk spectra.We found that the Kerr disk spectrum becomes significantly hardercompared to the Schwarzschild disk only when the disk is highlyinclined.For super-luminal jet sources, which are known to beinclined systems, the Kerr disk model may thuswork if we choose proper values for the black hole angular momentum. For the ULXs, however, the Kerr disk interpretation will be problematic,as is is highly unlikely that their accretion disks are preferentiallyinclined.  相似文献   

Non-degenerate stars of essentially all spectral classes are soft X-ray sources. Their X-ray spectra have been important in constraining physical processes that heat plasma in stellar environments to temperatures exceeding one million degrees. Low-mass stars on the cooler part of the main sequence and their pre-main sequence predecessors define the dominant stellar population in the galaxy by number. Their X-ray spectra are reminiscent, in the broadest sense, of X-ray spectra from the solar corona. The Sun itself as a typical example of a main-sequence cool star has been a pivotal testbed for physical models to be applied to cool stars. X-ray emission from cool stars is indeed ascribed to magnetically trapped hot gas analogous to the solar coronal plasma, although plasma parameters such as temperature, density, and element abundances vary widely. Coronal structure, its thermal stratification and geometric extent can also be interpreted based on various spectral diagnostics. New features have been identified in pre-main sequence stars; some of these may be related to accretion shocks on the stellar surface, fluorescence on circumstellar disks due to X-ray irradiation, or shock heating in stellar outflows. Massive, hot stars clearly dominate the interaction with the galactic interstellar medium: they are the main sources of ionizing radiation, mechanical energy and chemical enrichment in galaxies. High-energy emission permits to probe some of the most important processes at work in these stars, and put constraints on their most peculiar feature: the stellar wind. Medium and high- resolution spectroscopy have shed new light on these objects as well. Here, we review recent advances in our understanding of cool and hot stars through the study of X-ray spectra, in particular high-resolution spectra now available from XMM-Newton and Chandra. We address issues related to coronal structure, flares, the composition of coronal plasma, X-ray production in accretion streams and outflows, X-rays from single OB-type stars, massive binaries, magnetic hot objects and evolved WR stars.  相似文献   

E. N. Parker 《Solar physics》1996,163(2):327-333
For solar cycles 20 and 21, the longitudinal distribution of the D, G, and H-type solar flares which are related to the final phases of active region evolution, have been analysed for the northern and the southern hemispheres separately. One active zone has been found for D, G, and H-type flares, and one more active zone has been found for the H-type flares of the northern hemisphere for cycle 20. Two active zones have been found for the D and H-type flares of the northern hemisphere for cycle 21. Southern-hemisphere flares are concentrated in two active zones for cycle 20. The active zone in the northern hemisphere, which rotates with a synodic period of about 26.73 days, produced 30% of the examined D-type flares during cycle 20 and persisted in the same position during the two solar cycles, 20 and 21. The active zone in the southern hemisphere rotated with a synodic period of about 27.99 days. Only the active zone producing D-type flares persisted in the same position during the two solar cycles.  相似文献   

A gas cocoon surrounding a neutron star can be heated to a high temperature by the low frequency radiation emitted by the neutron star whose rotation axis is inclined to its magnetic axis. This heated gas can emit X-rays and may be identified with thermal X-ray sources. If the neutron star emission shows periodicities larger than the cooling time of the gas, these will be reflected in the emission of X-ray; the recently observed X-ray sources which show oscillations and quasiperiodicities (Oscillars) may be such sources.  相似文献   

A third list of point sources from the IRAS Point Source Catalog (PSC), optically identified with late-type stars, is given. The list contains data on 34 objects. The identification was based on the Digitized Sky Survey (DSS), the First Byurakan Survey (FBS). blue and red maps of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, and infrared fluxes at wavelengths of 12, 25, 60, and 100 mm in the regions of +61° ≤ δ ≤ +65°, 06h45m ≤ α ≤ 17h28m and +69° ≤ δ ≤ +73°, 03h50m ≤ α ≤ 18h10m. Of 34 objects given in the IRAS PSC as unidentified sources of infrared radiation, 11 are associated with known stars in existing catalogs, 6 are objects from the FBS survey of late-type stars, and 17 sources remained unknown in the optical range, 3 of them also being sources in the IRAS Serendipitous Survey Catalog (SSC). The optical coordinates, their departures from the 1R coordinates, the V magnitudes, the color indices CI, and the preliminary spectral subtypes were determined. The objects have optical magnitudes in the range of 7h.6-13m.6. Finder charts from the DSS are given for 23 objects. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 77-84, January–March, 2000.  相似文献   

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