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Our ability to deal with complex systems has improved through information system research which includes improved modeling (both data and system), the use of semantics and advances in distributed computing. The past decade has seen an explosion in the amount and variety of geosciences data and the emergence of true open data repositories through which scientists can freely access this data. Those data are found in thousands of repositories located around the world. Virtual observatories have been created to address the challenge of helping scientists search those repositories to find and access the required data. This challenge is been addressed by using technologies such as the Internet (with ample connectivity and bandwidth), the Web, cheap computing power, cheap storage and standards for critical components. Many scientific disciplines are developing virtual observatories. Yet some of the most compelling science questions cross multiple domains. While semantics can provide cross domain reasoning, often the first step in answering a question is determining what resources are available which may be relevant to a topic. The topic can be expressed as simple phrases or word sequences. Using a common relevance scoring method at all locations can enable a federated search across loosely coupled providers. The results of which can be organized into facets to aid the user in selecting the most promising resources with which to pursue the scientific investigation. We describe an approach to developing and deploying relevance scoring methods and faceted results in this brave new (virtual) world. We have found that a scoring method which considers both the presence of terms and the proximity of these terms relative to the order of the terms in the query improves the assessment of relevance. We call this Term Presence-Proximity (TPP) scoring and describe a method for calculating a normalized score. TPP scoring compares favorably with other scoring approaches.  相似文献   

Virtual observatories have been introduced by the astrophysics community as an environment connecting distributed data sources with a unified interface. The heliophysics community soon recognized that they faced a similar problem of many distributed data sets with varying amount of information about them and several discipline specific virtual observatories have been established. Two of them, the virtual heliospheric observatory (VHO) and the virtual magnetospheric observatory (VMO), share a common architecture design with development efforts oriented towards a structured data search. This paper describes the VHO/VMO middleware and its components from metadata preparation and processing to the user interface.  相似文献   

We describe the Russian Virtual Observatory (RVO), a prestigious international project sponsored by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). In 2001, the RAS Scientific Council on Astronomy included this project in a list of the most important international projects of the RAS. Its main goal to create and develop the RVO, intended to provide Russian astronomers with direct and effective access to worldwide astronomical data resources. The RVO is one component of the International Virtual Observatory (IVO), a system in which vast astronomical archives and databases around the world, together with analysis tools and computational services, are linked together into an integrated facility. The IVO unites all important national and international projects to create virtual observatories, coordinated by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance. The RVO is one of the organizers and an important participant of the IVO Alliance.  相似文献   

The recent Heliophysics Virtual Observatory (VxO) effort involves the development of separate observatories with a low overlap in physical domain or area of scientific specialization and a high degree of overlap in metadata management needs. VxOware is a content and metadata management system. While it is intended for use by a VxO specifically, it can also be used by any entity that manages structured metadata. VxOware has many features of a content management system and extensively uses the W3C recommendations for XML (Extensible Markup Language), XQuery (XML Query), and XSLT (Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformations). VxOware has features such as system and user administration, search, user-editable content, version tracking, and a wiki. Besides virtual observatories, the intended user-base of VxOware includes a group or an instrument team that has developed a directory structure of data files and would like to make this data, and its associated metadata, available in the virtual observatory network. One of the most powerful features of VxOware is the ability to link any type of object in the observatory to other objects and the ability for every object to be tagged.  相似文献   

刘福江  彭李  郭艳 《地球科学》2010,35(3):375-379
基于目录体系的政务信息资源整合有利于信息资源的共享和交换.针对自然资源和地理空间信息资源的特点,分析了国家电子政务资源目录体系,提出了面向综合决策的自然资源和地理空间信息资源整合改造的数据目录体系,这样的整合方法为信息资源的动态有机整合建立了基础,可以适应信息资源的动态变化,同时通过目录编制明确了数据提供者和共享部门,为信息资源的整合和共享建立长效机制提供了依据.   相似文献   

虚拟水战略已经被认为是一种提高全球水资源利用效率和缺水地区获得水安全的有效工具. 虚拟水战略新论指出, 应充分利用各种社会资源, 打通优化配置水资源(实体水和虚拟水)的渠道. 虚拟水战略能否有效实施的首要任务, 是地区产业结构内部配置的优化. 本文在估算民勤县主要农作物虚拟水量的基础上, 利用部门水效益分析了虚拟水由农业(种植业)部门向第二、三产业转移的三种情景下产生的净效益和创造的社会就业机会, 刻画了实施虚拟水战略的重要理论意义, 佐证了虚拟水战略全新定义的现实意义.  相似文献   

刘飞  刘慧  刘银山 《地下水》2019,(3):100-103
鄂尔多斯盆地赋存多种矿产且资源量极为丰富,是我国重要的能源基地。盆地内各矿产资源存在交叉,特别是能源矿产资源如石油、天然气、煤层气、煤炭等资源的矿区叠置问题极为严重,极大制约了矿产资源开发利用和产业发展。本文结合鄂尔多斯盆地内能源矿产的特征,以及开发现状、管理模式、法律法规等方面深入分析了矿权叠置形成原因,针对性的探析解决机制,并提出:建议协同开发,确定合理的利益分配。制定统一管理措施,加强协调监管。构建精简的矿权审批体系,形成一贯的执行标准。探明采矿权和探矿权,制定配套信息共享制度等措施建议。  相似文献   

地质档案数字信息化是为了提高地质档案利用率和管理水平,为读者提供高质量、高水平的服务,使利用者足不出户便可查阅有关的目录、索引和全文资料。地质档案数字信息化建设与发展体现在地质档案数据库平台建设、数字化软硬件环境建设构想、数字化检索功能设置和网络数据库权限设置等方面。其优越性在于:信息管理数字化:采用先进数字化存储技术方案,达到通用性强、安全性高、标准化程度;资源管理虚拟化:通过网络互联和馆馆共建虚拟资源,实现地质档案信息资源共享;信息资源管理智能化:可以使利用者运用超文本及多媒体技术进行智能化检索;用户使用方便化:用户可以在任何时间、任何地点通过计算机获取更为及时、准确的资源信息。  相似文献   

Groundwater is an important and readily available source of fresh water in the Mekong-Lancang River Basin. With a rapid population growth and increasing human activities, an increasing number of countries in the Mekong-Lancang River Basin are experiencing depleted and degraded groundwater supplies. In transboundary river basins, such as the Mekong-Lancang River, prioritizing the use of the shared aquifer by one riparian government may affect the opportunities of other riparian governments and lead to potential water conflicts between neighboring countries. To promote the sharing of strategies and information for the sustainable and equitable use of water resources of the shared basin, international collaborative workshops on groundwater resources have been organized for all Mekong-Lancang River countries. These workshops provide an opportunity to communicate and discuss nationally sensitive issues on groundwater by the associated countries, with topics covering multiple aspects of groundwater, such as the groundwater status in the basin, quality issues, water use conflicts, hydrological information gaps, management policies and capacity building for successful water resource management. Consensus has been reached by all countries on the importance of catchment-based groundwater management and the need for close communication among the countries. Strategies for managing transboundary aquifer issues must foster international collaboration based on the regional network, influence national networks and enhance the capacity to building maps and monitoring systems based on associated databases. The sustainability of water resources cannot be achieved without the integrated involvement and contributions by multiple countries and various stakeholders. Therefore, collaborative workshops provide a great opportunity to further our understanding of the hydrologic processes of the Mekong River Basin, share the benefits of the aquifer and provide a strategy and vision for sustainable water resource management in the Mekong-Lancang River countries.  相似文献   

多维GIS矿产评价数据管理系统设计和实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿产资源评价需通过各种物探、化探、航空磁法、遥感、地质和实地调查资料综合分析以确定钻井孔位.针对多源、多时相、多尺度矿产资源勘探资料一体化管理和可视化分析,提出了一种基于分布式多维GIS模型的矿产资源评价数据管理方法.首先,分析了矿产资源预测评价数据资料特征,提出基于多维GIS模型的矿产资源评价数据管理模型;其次,提出了多源矿产资源评价数据处理策略,设计了一种全球瓦片金字塔模型的栅格和地形数据处理方法;再次,设计了分布式多维GIS矿产资源评价数据管理系统体系结构和功能模块,提出了双缓存性能优化方案;最后,开发实现了一个典型的矿产资源评价数据管理系统,实现了多达40种二维、三维数据、文档、多媒体等矿产资源评价数据一体化管理和可视化分析,可用于分布式矿产资源勘探评价的全球协同办公.  相似文献   

During the full cycle of the emergency management, Civil Protection operative procedures involve many actors belonging to several institutions playing different roles. In this context the sharing of information is a vital requirement to make correct and effective decisions. Therefore a European-wide technological infrastructure providing a distributed and coordinated access to different kinds of resources (data, information, services, expertise, etc.) could enhance existing Civil Protection applications and even enable new ones. In the recent years Grid technologies have reached a mature state providing a platform for secure and coordinated resource sharing between the participants in the so-called Virtual Organizations. Moreover the Earth and Space Sciences Informatics provide the conceptual tools for modelling the geospatial information shared in Civil Protection applications during its entire life cycle. Therefore a European Civil Protection e-infrastructure could be based on a Grid platform enhanced with Earth Sciences specific services. However Civil Protection applications stress the requirements of Earth Sciences research applications, for example in terms of real-time support. Therefore a set of high-level services specifically tailored for such applications must be built on top of the Grid platform. As a result of a requirement analysis, the FP6 project CYCLOPS has proposed an architectural framework for the future European Civil Protection e-Infrastructure. In this architecture a layer of high-level services tailored to Civil Protection applications is built on top of the EGEE Grid middleware. This architectural approach has been tested implementing a prototype of a grid-enabled RISICO, the application for wild fire risk assessment used by the Italian Civil Protection.  相似文献   

姬宗皓  韩梅  孙高众 《山东地质》2012,(4):39-40,44
济宁市煤炭企业为安全高效开采煤炭资源,开展了煤炭充填开采技术研究,该技术的实施既释放了地下煤炭资源,提高资源回收率;又控制了土地塌陷,减少矸石占压,保护矿区生态环境,提高矿井开采安全保障程度,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益。但该技术还存在生产效率低、厚层煤充填效果不理想、不能满足大面积实施等一些问题,需要进一步完善提高。  相似文献   

全国矿产资源潜力评价、全国矿产资源储量利用现状调查、全国矿业权实地核查是我国在矿产资源领域开展的三项全国性基本国情调查项目,形成了多于10 Tb的地质资料数据。为了促进地质资料共享,提升为找矿突破战略行动、企事业单位及社会大众的多方服务能力,分析了具有典型海量、异构特性的三项调查成果数据集成需求,提出了“地质信息一张图”的构建思想,分别从数据集成、应用集成两个角度对成果的共享与应用进行了研究。通过服务接口提供地质数据资源、计算资源,使用各类客户端完成三项成果数据的在线访问、分析、融合展示、专题图生成等业务。提出了在线按需提供多种地质资料产品、网上提交需求而离线加工的两种新型地质资料服务模式。以金矿、铁矿的区域性成果数据为研究对象,初步搭建了三大专项集成与共享试验平台,基于GIS编程实现了原型系统,实现了跨专项的数据分析、各种图件自动生成等功能,证明了方案的可操作性,为我国后续开展三大专项的全国性集成工作、国土资源“一张图”建设等提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术在水文地质研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
虚拟现实技术是利用计算机生成的虚拟环境逼真地模拟人在自然环境中的视觉、听觉、运动等行为的人机界面的新技术。利用虚拟现实技术沉浸感、与计算机的交互功能和实时表现功能,建立相关的地质、水文地质模型和专业模型,进而实现对含水层结构、地下水流、地下水质和环境地质问题(例如地面沉降、海水入侵、土壤沙漠化、盐渍化、沼泽化及区域降落漏斗扩展趋势)的虚拟表达。具体实现步骤包括建立虚拟现实数据库、三维地质模型、地下水水流模型、专业模型和实时预测模型。  相似文献   

虚拟土战略与土地资源可持续利用的社会化管理   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
土地资源紧缺是威胁世界食物安全的主要限制因素之一, 土地资源可持续利用是区域生态经济系统经济增长和社会发展的关键. 类似于国内已经开展的虚拟水和虚拟水战略概念及相关研究, 首次提出"虚拟土"和"虚拟土战略"新概念, 分析了土地资源管理不同管理阶段及其相关问题. 结合当前国家耕地总量平衡、区域粮食安全问题以及土地资源利用中出现的一些新情况, 从土地资源的社会属性出发, 实证分析了土地生产能力与社会适应性能力的关系, 提出了基于虚拟土概念及虚拟土战略下区域土地资源可持续利用的分析框架. 最后提出了当前我国土地利用中解决区域粮食安全的一些新思路. 建议: 在保证国家粮食基本自足基础上, 实行区域耕地总量弹性平衡政策; 成立专业性土地银行, 加快创新土地使用权流转机制; 强化土地使用权拍卖机制, 提高市场配置土地资源的透明度; 实施虚拟土战略举措, 构建新的土地可持续发展模式, 加强开展虚拟土战略相关理论及其对策的研究工作.  相似文献   

Zaragoza city is located in the central Ebro Basin, in the Iberian Peninsula. The fluvial terraces formed by the Ebro River present a valuable resource of sand and gravel deposits. However, taking advantage of these available resources implies conflicts with other land use interests like urban and industrial development as well as agricultural use, which has also traditionally occupied the alluvial terraces. These deposits represent a substantial groundwater resource that should be preserved for future generations. The development of spatial decision support systems (SDSS) has greatly assisted efforts for solving land-use conflicts. These systems combine the benefits of geographic information systems (GIS) and decision support methodologies and are therefore suitable to manage sustainable development of urban areas. In this contribution, an extraction suitability map taking into consideration a variety of environmental criteria is created with the help of a SDSS. The method used is the analytical hierarchy process which is integrated in ArcGIS. Areas most suitable to sand and gravel extraction are located in the high terraces, and in those terraces covered by pediments where the thickness of resource is relatively high. These areas are far from valuable natural areas, outside areas most vulnerable to groundwater contamination, and beneath soils with poor irrigation characteristics.  相似文献   

资源环境科学多维信息平台研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
资源环境信息(地理信息)具有时空特点,其种类复杂、获取渠道多样、具有多种比例尺和分辨率以及不同的表达方式,因此,资源环境信息是多维的。遥感(RS)、地理信息系统(GIS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和数据库(DB)等现代信息技术为资源环境科学的发展起了巨大的推动作用,是资源环境科学由以定性描述为主走向定性、定量、定位综合研究的技术基础。然而,面对多维的资源环境信息,要构建一个具有多维信息表达方式、人机和谐、交互性和参与感强、满足资源环境科学研究人员需要的多维信息处理平台,仅靠这些技术是不够的。作为现代信息技术发展的重要分支,虚拟现实(VR)技术适应了这一形势发展的需要,它已经在许多领域得到广泛的应用。在描述资源环境科学多维信息特点的基础上,重点探讨了如何利用虚拟现实技术及其它信息技术构建满足研究人员需要的资源环境科学研究多维信息平台、它的功能以及实施方式。  相似文献   

“一带一路”矿产资源分布与投资环境   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
唐金荣  张涛  周平  郑人瑞 《地质通报》2015,34(10):1918-1928
“一带一路”行动倡议是新时期中国扩大对外开放、推动经济发展、提升国际地位的重大战略部署,矿产资源领域的发展合作在全球性和区域性的经济合作发展中起基础性和先行性作用。在研究“一带一路”沿线区域的地质矿产背景、资源潜力、矿产资源分布及特点、矿业投资环境的基础上,对中国与沿线国家开展矿业合作的前景进行了分析,认为该区域不仅与中国具有良好的资源互补性,而且矿产勘查开发及投资空间潜力巨大,但面临诸多风险。为此,一方面要加强地质矿产部门与“一带一路”沿线国家的合作,尤其是要加强基础地质调查、资源潜力评价、信息数据共享,以及共同参与矿产资源治理方面的工作;另一方面中国企业要创新经营模式,提高社会责任意识,践行“互惠共赢”的发展理念,同时要注意传统与非传统风险的防范。  相似文献   

基于GIS建立矿山土地管理信息系统可以进行矿山空间利用信息、土地与环境信息、土地可持续利用与社会经济发展的应用研究。通过对信息的数据采集深加工,可以在信息系统中,利用模拟仿真和虚拟现实等一系列的技术措施进行矿山土地资源合理利用,促进矿山生态环境的改善与为可持续发展作出最优决策。  相似文献   

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