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Theoretical study indicates that a contact binary system would merge into a rapidly rotating single star due to tidal instability when the spin angular momentum of the system is more than a third of its orbital angular momentum. Assuming that W Ursae Majoris (W UMa) contact binary systems rigorously comply with the Roche geometry and the dynamical stability limit is at a contact degree of about 70 per cent, we obtain that W UMa systems might suffer Darwin's instability when their mass ratios are in a region of about 0.076–0.078 and merge into the fast-rotating stars. This suggests that the W UMa systems with mass ratio   q ≤ 0.076  cannot be observed. Meanwhile, we find that the observed W UMa systems with a mass ratio of about 0.077, corresponding to a contact degree of about 86 per cent would suffer tidal instability and merge into the single fast-rotating stars. This suggests that the dynamical stability limit for the observed W UMa systems is higher than the theoretical value, implying that the observed systems have probably suffered the loss of angular momentum due to gravitational wave radiation (GR) or magnetic stellar wind (MSW).  相似文献   

In a previous paper, using Eggleton's stellar evolution code, we have discussed the structure and evolution of low-mass W Ursae Majoris (W UMa) type contact binaries with angular momentum loss owing to gravitational radiation or magnetic braking. We find that gravitational radiation is almost insignificant for cyclic evolution of low-mass W UMa type systems, and it is possible for angular momentum to be lost from W UMa systems in a magnetic stellar wind. The weaker magnetic activity shown by observations in W UMa systems is likely caused by the lower mass of the convective envelopes in these systems than in similar but non-contact binaries. The spin angular momentum cannot be neglected at any time for W UMa type systems, especially for those with extreme mass ratios. The spin angular momenta of both components are included in this paper and they are found to have a significant influence on the cyclic evolution of W UMa systems. We investigate the influence of the energy transfer on the common convective envelopes of both components in detail. We find that the mass of the convective envelope of the primary in contact evolution is slightly more than that in poor thermal contact evolution, and that the mass of the convective envelope of the secondary in contact evolution is much less than that in poor thermal contact evolution. Meanwhile, the rate of angular momentum loss of W UMa type systems is much lower than that of poor thermal contact systems. This is indeed caused by the lower masses of the convective envelopes of the components in W UMa type systems. Although the models with angular momentum loss for W UMa systems exhibit cyclic evolution, they seem to show that a W UMa system cannot continue this type of cyclic evolution indefinitely, and it might coalesce into a fast-rotating star after about 1200 cycles of evolution (about  7.0 × 109 yr  ).  相似文献   

We consider the magnetic and spin evolution of the X-ray binary pulsars Her X-1 and 4U 1626–67, assuming that their magnetic fields are of crustal origin. We adopt the standard evolutionary model which implies that the neutron star passes through several phases in a binary system ('isolated pulsar' – propeller – wind accretion – Roche lobe overflow). In the framework of the model under consideration, the strong magnetic fields of relatively old pulsars like Her X-1 and 4U 1626–67 can naturally be understood if, at their birth, they had a sufficiently strong magnetic field, ∼3 × 1013 G, comparable to the maximal field observed in radio pulsars.  相似文献   

Photometric data on FG Hya obtained in 2002 and 2004 are presented. Three data sets show the exchange between A-type, W-type and the variable O'Connell effects. The photometric mass ratio  ( q = 0.1115 ± 0.0003)  derived from B and V light curves is almost the same as the spectroscopic mass ratio  ( q sp= 0.112 ± 0.004)  . The new photometric solutions reveal that FG Hya is a deep overcontact binary system  ( f = 85.6 ± 1.8 per cent)  with a spotted massive component. A period investigation, based on all available photoelectric or CCD times of light minimum, shows that the O–C curve of FG Hya can be explained as a combination of a secular period decrease and a cyclic variation with a period of 36.4 yr and an amplitude of 0.0289 d. By comparing the variation of the depth of the primary minimum with the change of the cyclic period, it is discovered that both of them may vary with the same cycle length of 36.4 yr and in the same phase. The variation of the light curve, the spotted primary component and the connection between the cyclic period change and the depth of the primary minimum, all may suggest that the G0-type component displays solar-type magnetic activity with a 36.4-yr cycle length. The long-time period decrease is interpreted by mass transfer from the more massive component to the less massive one or/and angular momentum loss due to mass outflow from the outer Lagrangian point.  相似文献   

The variations of the orbital periods of two nearly neglected W UMa-type eclipsing binaries, EK Comae Berenices and UX Eridani, are presented through a detailed analysis of the OC diagrams. It is found that the orbital period of EK Com is decreasing and the period of UX Eridani is increasing, and several sudden jumps have occurred in the orbital periods of both binaries. We analyze the mechanism(s), which might underlie the changes of the orbital periods of both systems, and obtain some new results. The long-term decrease of the orbital period of EK Comae Berenices might be caused by the decrease of the orbital angular momentum due to a magnetic stellar wind (MSW) or by mass transfer from the more massive to the less massive component. The secular increase in the orbital period of UX Eridani might be caused by mass transfer from the less massive to the more massive star. The possible mechanisms, which underlie the sudden changes in the orbital periods of the close binary systems are as the followings: (1) the variations of the structure due to the variation of the magnetic field; (2) the rapid mass exchange between the close binaries and their circumstellar matter. Finally, the evolutionary status of the systems EK Comae Berenices and UX Eridani is discussed.  相似文献   

The orbital period modulation, observed in close binary systems with late-type secondary stars, is considered in the framework of a general model that allows us to test the hypothesis proposed by Applegate. It relates the orbital period variation to the modulation of the gravitational quadrupole moment of their magnetically active secondary stars produced by angular momentum exchanges within their convective envelopes. By considering the case of RS CVn binary systems, it is found that the surface angular velocity variation of the secondary component required by Applegate's hypothesis is between 4 and 12 per cent, i.e. too large to be compatible with the observations and that the kinetic energy dissipated in its convection zone ranges from 4 to 43 times that supplied by the stellar luminosity along one cycle of the orbital period modulation. Similar results are obtained for other classes of close binary systems by applying a scaling relationship based on a simplified internal structure model. The effect of rapid rotation is briefly discussed finding that it is unlikely that the rotational quenching of the turbulent viscosity may solve the discrepancy. Therefore, the hypothesis proposed by Applegate is not adequate to explain the orbital period modulation of close binary systems with a late-type secondary.  相似文献   

We examine the proposal that the subset of neutron-star and black-hole X-ray binaries that form with Ap or Bp star companions will experience systemic angular-momentum losses due to magnetic braking, not otherwise operative with intermediate-mass companion stars. We suggest that for donor stars possessing the anomalously high magnetic fields associated with Ap and Bp stars, a magnetically coupled, irradiation-driven stellar wind can lead to substantial systemic loss of angular momentum. Hence, these systems, which would otherwise not be expected to experience 'magnetic braking', evolve to shorter orbital periods during mass transfer. In this paper, we detail how such a magnetic braking scenario operates. We apply it to a specific astrophysics problem involving the formation of compact black-hole binaries with low-mass donor stars. At present, it is not understood how these systems form, given that low-mass companion stars are not likely to provide sufficient gravitational potential to unbind the envelope of the massive progenitor of the black hole during a prior 'common-envelope' phase. On the other hand, intermediate-mass companions, such as Ap and Bp stars, could more readily eject the common envelope. However, in the absence of magnetic braking, such systems tend to evolve to long orbital periods. We show that, with the proposed magnetic braking properties afforded by Ap and Bp companions, such a scenario can lead to the formation of compact black-hole binaries with orbital periods, donor masses, lifetimes and production rates that are in accord with the observations. In spite of these successes, our models reveal a significant discrepancy between the calculated effective temperatures and the observed spectral types of the donor stars. Finally, we show that this temperature discrepancy would still exist for other scenarios invoking initially intermediate-mass donor stars, and this presents a substantial unresolved mystery.  相似文献   

Among the dozen known magnetar candidates, there are no binary objects. Given that the fraction of binary neutron stars is estimated to be about 3–10 per cent, it is reasonable to address the question of solitarity of magnetars, to estimate theoretically the fraction of binary objects among them, and to identify the most probable companions. We present population synthesis calculations of massive binary systems. In this study, we adopt the hypothesis that magnetic field of a magnetar is generated at the protoneutron star stage due to a dynamo mechanism, so rapid rotation of the core of a progenitor star is essential. Our goal is to estimate the number of neutron stars originated from progenitors with enhanced rotation. In our calculations, the fraction of neutron stars originating from such progenitors is about 8–9 per cent. This should be considered as an upper limit to the fraction of magnetars, as some of the progenitors can lose momentum. Most of these objects are isolated due to coalescences of components prior to neutron star formation, or due to system disruption after the second supernova explosion. The fraction of such neutron stars in surviving binaries is about 1 per cent or lower. Their most numerous companions are black holes.  相似文献   

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