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This study describes the temporal variation of microphytobenthic biomass and its controlling factors, as well as the impact of microphytobenthic activities on coastal shallow sediment in the eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The chlorophyll a (Chl a), phaeopigments and sedimentary biophilic element (C, N, P and Si) contents in surface sediments, as well as nutrient concentrations at the sediment-water interface (overlying water and pore water) were observed monthly during November 2003 to May 2005 at one site in Shido Bay (water depth ca. 7 m) and at one site in Harima-Nada (35 m). No correlation was observed between the sedimentary biophilic elements and other parameters. The maximum chlorophyll a content of 48.2 μg g–1 was found in surface sediments under the photon flux reaching the seafloor of 537 μmol photon m–2 s–1 during the winter period when water transparency was the highest at station S (Shido Bay). Our results suggest that higher chlorophyll a content in surface sediment was due to the fresh microphytobenthic biomass (mainly benthic diatom). We also found a significant negative correlation between Chl a and inorganic nutrients in pore water during the low temperature period, especially silicic acid. This result suggests that the silicic acid was assimilated largely during the increase of microphytobenthic biomass in surface sediment. This study suggests that the microphytobenthic roles may have a great effect on nutrient budgets during the large supply of irradiance (winter periods) for their photosynthetic growth in shallow coastal waters.  相似文献   

Observations were made of time variations of carbon dioxide in seawater, pCO2, and in the atmosphere, PCO2, in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan. The pCO2 data showed well defined diurnal variation; high values at nighttime and low values during daylight hours. The pCO2 correlated negatively with dissolved oxygen. These results denote that the diurnal variation of pCO2 is associated with effects of photoplankton's activity in seawater. The pCO2 measured in the Seto Inland Sea showed higher values than the PCO2 during June to November, denoting transport of carbon dioxide from the sea surface to the atmosphere, and lower values during December to May, denoting transport of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to the sea surface. The exchange rates of carbon dioxide were calculated using working formula given by Andriéet al. (1986). The results showed that the Seto Inland Sea gained carbon dioxide of 1.0 m-mol m–2 d–1 from the atmosphere in March and lost 1.7 m-mol m–2 d–1 to the atmosphere in August.  相似文献   

The concentrations of228Ra in surface waters of the Seto Inland Sea were determined. Surface waters from the central region of the Seto Inland Sea, Hiuchi Nada and Bingo Nada, contained concentrations of228Ra of 655–811 dpm/1000 l which were 100 times higher than those obtained in the Pacific Ocean. These high concentrations of228Ra must be supported by a228Ra flux from the bottom sediment. The lower limit of this flux was estimated to be more than 0.16 dpm cm–2 y–1. The228Ra concentrations decreased markedly from central regions of the Seto Inland Sea to about 18 dpm/1000 l in the Kii and the Bungo Channels as salinity increased. Using a box model and the228Ra data, the mean residence time of sea water in the Seto Inland Sea with respect to the exchange with the open ocean water was estimated to be less than 10 y, and the most probable value is the order of several years.  相似文献   

Long-term changes of the fish-killing raphidophyte Chattonella spp. (Chattonella antiqua, Chattonella marina and Chattonella ovata) were examined in relation to environmental factors at 19 sampling stations in Harima-Nada, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan, for 36 years from 1973 to 2008. Long-term trends in the dynamics of Chattonella populations were considered to relate to environmental factors such as nutrient concentrations and water temperature. High nutrient levels during the period from the 1970s to the early 1980s have contributed to the high cell density and large-scale red tides of Chattonella spp. in Harima-Nada. However, nutrient levels exhibited a decreasing trend thereafter, and it is thought that Chattonella spp. cannot form large-scale blooms under the present conditions. After the mid-1990s, the occurrence period of vegetative cells of Chattonella spp. has been several weeks or 1 month earlier than that of the 1970s and early 1980s, and the appearance frequency of Chattonella spp. has increased in the northern coastal area, although the cell density and the spatial scale of the distribution have become lower and smaller than those in the previous decades. It is suggested that the timing of germination of Chattonella cysts has become earlier as a result of the increase in water temperature, and the chances of vegetative growth have also increased, especially at the northern coast where most of large rivers discharge into the Harima-Nada. In addition, the present results revealed that fewer diatoms were also one of the significant factors for the high abundance of Chattonella spp. in Harima-Nada.  相似文献   

This study focused on the causes of the variation in microphytobenthic biomass and the effects of this variation on macrobenthic animals in the western Seto Inland Sea, Japan, where the importance of microphytobenthos as the primary food source for benthic animals has been recently reported. We investigated the microphytobenthic biomass together with light attenuation of seawater, phytoplanktonic biomass, macrobenthic density and biomass at eight stations (water depth = 5–15 m) during four cruises in 1999–2000. The increased light attenuation coefficient of the water column associated with increased concentration of the phytoplanktonic Chl-a caused a decrease in light flux that reached the seafloor. The biomass of the microphytobenthos within the upper 1 cm of the sediment, 1.9–46.5 mg Chl-a m−2, was inversely correlated with the phytoplanktonic biomass in the overlying water column, 10.9–65.0 mg Chl-a m−2. Thus, interception of light by phytoplankton is considered to be a main cause of the variation in the microphytobenthic biomass. The microphytobenthos biomass showed a significant positive correlation with the macrobenthic density (78–9369 ind. m−2) and biomass (0.4–78.8 gWW m−2). It appears that the increase in oxygen production by the microphytobenthos allowed macrobenthic animals to become more abundant, as a consequence of oxygenation of the organically enriched muddy sediments (14.5 ± 2.69 mg TOC g−1). This study suggests that the variation in the microphytobenthic biomass is influenced by the phytoplanktonic biomass due to shading effect, and the balance between these two functional groups might affect the variability in the macrobenthic density and biomass.  相似文献   

The ratios of phosphorus and nitrogen originating from land and the open ocean in the Seto Inland Sea, which is the largest semi-enclosed coastal sea in Japan, have been estimated from data on total phosphorus and nitrogen loads and observed concentrations of total phosphorus and nitrogen. The ratios of land-origin and open-ocean-origin total phosphorus and nitrogen in the Seto Inland Sea are 0.28:0.72 and 0.19:0.81, respectively.  相似文献   

A simple model of lower trophic level ecosystem has been created to analyze possible environmental control of primary production in eight sub-areas of the Seto Inland Sea. The primary production rates observed by Hashimotoet al. (1997a) in these sub-areas are well reproduced by the model, including horizontal processes such as horizontal transport of nutrients and vertical processes such as vertical mixing, light intensity and sinking of particulate matter. Without taking account of horizontal processes the model also successfully reproduces the observed primary production rates in some areas, but if fails to reproduce those in the others. This shows that the relative importance of the horizontal transport on the primary production differs are by area. Two time scales,T z andT H, are introduced to explain this difference.T z is a vertical cycling time of material, which is defined as the time during which the stock of the material in the water column is utilized for primary production;T H is the horizontal transit time of the material. The relative importance of the horizontal process is well explained by theT H/T z ratio; that is, the horizontal transport process is important in the areas where this ratio is small. Further the possible mechanisms of nutrient supply for the primary production in each sub-area are investigated using this model.  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide in seawater (pCO2) was measured in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan using newly developed equilibrator instrument designed to be free from the correction for addition or extraction of the carbon dioxide from carrier gas. The temperature dependence of pCO2 was about 4.5%pCO2/°C for a single seawater sample which was processed as free from biological activity and change in total carbon dioxide content during an experiment. The decrease in pCO2 during daylight hours due to the photosynthetic fixation was about 30% of the daily mean of pCO2 during warm months and about 15% during cold months. The effect of carbon dioxide exchange between air and seawater on pCO2 was about 0.6 ppm in August and about 0.1 ppm in March. This is negligible small compared with the daily oscillation of carbon dioxide in seawater.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of water temperature in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan is examined using data analysis and numerical experiments and is shown to be controlled by heat exchange through the sea surface and horizontal heat dispersion from the Pacific Ocean. The average water temperature goes down from the Pacific Ocean to the center of the Seto Inland Sea indicating that 4.0 to 6.0×1015 cal day?1 (1.6 to 2.5×1016 joule day?1) of heat is transported from the Pacific Ocean to the Seto Inland Sea and is lost through the sea surface. The amplitude of seasonal variation of water temperature is large at the center of the Seto Inland Sea and the maximum water temperature is reached first at Bisan Straits and last at Iyo-Nada.  相似文献   

The variability of the pathway of the Kuroshio is known to control that of the intensity of upwelling of the cold and nutrient-rich deep shelf water at the shelf-break point. This study has investigated the influences of the long-term variability of the hydrographical and biogeochemical conditions at the shelf-break point on those in the inner Seto Inland Sea. Results from observations conducted since 1972 by prefectural fisheries observatories showed a temporary decrease of temperature in the lower layer of the entrance of Kii Channel in summertime in the specific years when the Kuroshio pathway favored deep shelf water intrusion. A corresponding change in temperature was also found in the inner shelf sea, such as western Osaka Bay and Harima-Nada. The model developed in this study covers a 30-year period and well reproduces the temporal change in temperature. It also shows sufficient reproducibility in both seasonal behavior of hydrographical and biogeochemical properties and the inter-annual variability of hydrographical properties throughout the eastern Seto Inland Sea. It was found that the inter-annual variations of annual total flux through the section at the entrance to Kii Channel affect the inter-annual variation of the observed concentration of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) in Harima Nada, but the effect was smaller than those of river input and other parameters.  相似文献   

Purine and pyrimidine bases in marine environmental particles collected in Harima-Nada, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, were investigated by high performance liquid chromatography.Purines and pyrimidines concentrations varied from 0.3 to 9.3 μg l−1 (n=20) for suspended matter, and 0.3 to 0.6 mg g−1 (n=10) for sinking particles. A good correlation was found between chlorophyll a and purine+pyrimidine bases in suspended matter, indicating that these bases contained in suspended matter originated from phytoplankton.A comparison between several compositional data of the suspended matter and the sinking particles, namely CN ratio, composition of purines and pyrimidines, and percentages of the nitrogen bases relative to total particulate organic nitrogen, demonstrates that the sinking particles were different from suspended matter. Also, from the variety of purine and pyrimidine concentrations of marine particle samples, it was estimated that the decomposition rate of these bases seemed more rapid than decomposition rates of amino acids reported in our earlier study.  相似文献   

Constant flows, as well as oscillatory tidal flow, play an important role in the long-term dispersion of water in the Seto Inland Sea. Two kinds of numerical model (1-line and 2-line models) of the Seto Inland Sea have been developed to determine the role of density-induced currents, one type of the constant flow, in water dispersion in the Inland Sea. The seasonal variations of temperature, salinity and density fields are simulated and the density-induced current field is predicted at the same time. It is found that the most appropriate value of the longitudinal eddy diffusion coefficient,K x, is 5×106–7×106 cm2sec–1. The value of the overall mean dispersion coefficient is of the order of 107cm2sec–1 (Hayami and Unoki, 1970). Consequently, it is suggested that 50–70% of the total dispersion in the Seto Inland Sea can be attributed to currents other than density-induced currents,i.e., tidal currents, tide-induced currents and wind-driven currents.In winter, both density and velocity fields, calculated using the 1-line model, satisfy the conditions for the existence of a coastal front in Kii Channel and in the eastern Iyo-nada.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of water circulation in the Seto Inland Sea is investigated using a high resolution, three-dimensional numerical ocean model. The model results are assessed by comparison with long-term mean surface current and hydrographic data. The simulated model results are consistent with observations, showing a distinct summer and winter circulation patterns. In summer the sea water is highly stratified in basin regions, while it is well mixed near the straits due to strong tidal mixing there. During this period, a cold dome is formed in several basins, setting up stable cyclonic eddies. The cyclonic circulation associated with the cold dome develops from May and disappears in autumn when the surface cooling starts. The experiment without freshwater input shows that a basin-scale estuarine circulation coexists with cyclonic eddy in summer. The former becomes dominant in autumn circulation after the cold dome disappears. In winter the water is vertically well mixed, and the winter winds play a significant role in the circulation. The northwesterly winds induce upwind (downwind) currents over the deep (shallow) water, forming a “double-gyre pattern” in the Suo-Nada, two cyclonic eddies in Hiuchi-Nada, and anticyclonic circulation in Harima-Nada in vertically averaged current fields.  相似文献   

Measurement of the vertical distribution of total suspended matter (TSM) was carried out during summer throughout the Seto Inland Sea. TSM concentration near the bottom is influenced significantly by water movement and turbid bottom water is observed in all areas where median grain size (Md) of the bottom sediment is more than 47gf. The high concentration of TSM near the bottom may be due to resuspension of the surface layer of bottom sediments. Comparison of the organic content of the resuspended matter with that of the bottom sediment shows that the resuspended matter contains more organic matter with a lower C : N ratio than the bottom sediment. The C : N ratio of the resuspended matter is similar to that of TSM in the surface layer of the water column. It is thought that TSM in surface waters sinks and settles on the surface of the bottom sediment. This deposited material is then easily resuspended in the water column by tidal currents before becoming permanently incorporated into the bottom sediment.  相似文献   

The metal load into sediments and the change in the sedimentary environment of Osaka Bay in the Seto Inland Sea have been studied through geochemical analysis of core sediments, using both Pb-210 dating and a selective chemical leaching technique. Analytical results from a 6-m core of sediment show that copper and zinc pollution started in the late 1800's and the present enrichment ratios of copper and zinc, relative to background levels (20 mg kg–1 for Cu and 94 mg kg–1 for Zn), are 2.8 and 4.1, respectively. The present anthropogenic copper and zinc loads into Osaka Bay sediments, are 47 and 368 ton yr–1, while natural copper and zinc loads are 40 and 186 ton yr–1, respectively. Osaka Bay sediment at the present day is considered to be seriously polluted by zinc, now. The vertical profiles of copper and zinc in four successively separated fractions (10% acetic acid soluble fraction: F-HAC, 0.1M hydrochloric acid-soluble fraction: F-HCl, hydrogen peroxide-soluble fraction: F-H2O2 and hydrofluoric acid-soluble fraction: F-HF) from the core sediments indicate that enrichments of copper and zinc in the upper layer of the sediment are dependent on increases in the metal contents of the F-HAC, F-HCl and F-H2O2 fractions. Copper in F-HAC, and zinc in F-HAC and F-HCl, seem to be of anthropogenic origin.Results of sequential studies of the whole Seto Inland Sea can be summarized as follows: At the present time, the sedimentary loads of copper and zinc over the whole Seto Inland Sea area are 630 and 3,500 ton yr–1, respectively, while the natural and anthropogenic loads are 320 and 310 ton yr–1 for copper and 1,800 and 1,700 ton yr–1 for zinc, respectively.  相似文献   

磷元素是海洋基础营养盐之一,其赋存形态及分布直接影响海区的初级生产力,是海洋生物地球化学循环的重要驱动力。但大河河口与近海等重要的水生关键带水动力循环过程复杂,导致悬浮颗粒物(SPM )中磷元素的赋存形态和分布特征变化多端,亟须深入研究。根据2016年春季(4−5月)、夏季(7月)和秋季(9−10月)对浙江近岸海域的调查结果,本研究分析了浙江近岸海域SPM中总磷(TPP)、无机磷(PIP)和有机磷(POP)的含量水平、空间分布特征和影响因素。结果表明,浙江近岸海域SPM中TPP含量范围为0.13~66.13 μmol/L,均值为3.35 μmol/L;PIP含量范围为0.03~34.19 μmol/L,均值为1.97 μmol/L;POP含量范围为0.06~31.94 μmol/L,均值为1.39 μmol/L。PIP是浙江近岸海域水体中TPP的主要存在形式,占52.3%。春季浙江近岸海域表层TPP含量占总磷(TP)含量的19.3%~97.7%。春、秋季的SPM中,TPP、PIP和POP含量空间分布相似,均呈现由内湾向外海逐渐降低的变化趋势。PIP、POP与SPM呈显著的正相关性,表现出高SPM含量的海区有着较高的颗粒态磷含量,说明其受陆源输入的影响。春季盐度大于28且SPM含量小于20 mg/L的外侧远海海域,POP与Chl a的相关系数和斜率均明显高于PIP与Chl a的相关系数和斜率,说明该区域浮游植物是POP的主要贡献来源。  相似文献   

The temporal variation of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in surface seawater of Iyo Nada in the western Seto Inland Sea was measured by infrared absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) in air equilibrated with seawater. The variation of from January to late May in 1994 was relatively small (from 270 to 340 atm). on the contrary, the measured in September 1993 ranged from 200 to 450 atm. It seems that the relative high observed in the north and the south of Iyo Nada in September were caused by destruction of a stratification owing to tidal currents at straits between Hiroshima Bay and Iyo Nada and Hayasui Straits, respectively. The low observed in the central Iyo Nada in September was ascribed to a tidal front where high concentrations of chlorophyll-a and a relation between and chlorophyll-a in negative sense were found. Except the observation in the north of Iyo Nada in September, the in the surface seawater of Iyo Nada were lowe than the atmospheric (about 367 atm). The results obtained by this work and Kimotoet al. (1993) lead to the conclusion that Iyo Nada acts as a sink of the atmospheric CO2 on the average.  相似文献   

Biomass and primary productivity of benthic microalgae (BMA) and planktonic algae in Suo Nada, the western part of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan were compared in terms of unit area with regard to their seasonal and spatial distribution in 2002. Judging from light compensation depth and water depth, the southwestern part of Suo Nada was considered to be a potential habitat for BMA. Whereas the contribution of sedimented planktonic algae was high in biomass at the sediment surface, BMA was obviously significant both in biomass and primary production in the shallow southwestern part. However, the contribution of BMA to the total biomass in the entire water column was 7% in winter and 2% in summer. The primary production of BMA varied between 4.0 and 74.0 mg C m−2 d−1 in the southwestern part, accounting for 2–12% of the whole water column primary production. The ecological roles of BMA in the Suo Nada ecosystem are discussed, such as reduction of benthic nutrient flux, oxidation of surface sediments and feed for higher animals.  相似文献   

Field observations were conducted to examine the processes governing the phytoplankton distribution and photosynthetic activity in and around a tidal front formed in Iyo Nada, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The existence of a middle layer intrusion, which, it has been suggested, moves from the mixed region to the stratified region of the tidal front, was ascertained by the phytoplankton distribution in addition to a T-S diagram. Skeletonema costatum, which originally inhabited the mixed region, was used as the indicator to reveal the intrusion. However, the tip of water containing the S. costatum population did not extend deeply into the stratified region. The velocity of the intrusion seemed to be slow enough to make biological processes, such as nutrient uptake by phytoplankton and subsequent growth, as well as the decrease in cell density due to zooplankton grazing, dominate during the transportation. The patchy distribution of copepod nauplii implied that grazing has an influence on the distribution pattern of phytoplankton. The location of high photosynthetic activity did not coincide spatially with the center of high phytoplankton biomass, suggesting the importance of these biological processes. Therefore, it is considered that the middle layer intrusion plays a role as an inducer of subsequent biological processes at the tidal front by not only supplying nutrients from the mixed region but also by increasing the vertical diffusivity.  相似文献   

Standing stocks and production rates of phytoplankton and abundance of bacteria were investigated at 39 stations in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan during four crulses in October 1993, January, April and June 1994. Primary productivity was measured by the13C tracer method. Photosynthetic rate varied from 0.41 to 32.1 μgC/1/h with an average value of 4.67 μgC/l/h. Annual primary production was estimated to be 218 gC/m2/year. Annual primary production in this study was 1.8 times as high as the values which were previously reported at same area. The reason for the disagreement between our primary production value and previous values is not thought to be due to the difference of methods used for measuring primary production or the different Chl.a concentrations but to the method of estimating the primary production in the euphotic zone from thein vitro measurements. The distribution of bacterial cells in surface seawater was examined during the same cruises. Bacterial cell density ranged from 0.32 to 3.4×106 cells/ml. The density was relatively high in the eutrophic regions of Hiroshima Bay and Osaka Bay In addition, a high density of bacteria was also observed in an area within Suo Nada where Chl.a was relatively low. The disparity between Chla and bacterial density in Suo Nada suggests that bacterial abundance can be controlled by the availability of substrates other than phytoplankton exudate.  相似文献   

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