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Summary An exploration of the electrical properties of the atmosphere on and above the island of Hawaii, as indicated by a portable corona current unit, is described. A 30 foot telescopic mast having a radioactive probe mounted on an insulated bushing and connected by shielded cable to a sensitive microammeter was used. Corona currents were measured at a number of geographic locations ranging from sea level under conditions of heavy surf to the 10,000 foot level on Mauna Kea several thousand feet above the exchange layer, and over the land and ocean in a light plane. Observations were made under clear, cloudy and rainy conditions. Fair weather and cloudy conditions gave currents from air to earth of positive sign. With warm rain falling the currents had a negative sign and increased in value with intensity of precipitation. In several instances indications of incipient discharges similar to that observed in mild lightningstorms were noted.The island of Hawaii has many desirable features to recommend it for an extensive research program in atmospheric electricity. A simple and inexpensive approach to inaugurating such a program is suggested.  相似文献   

The paper presents the history of measurements of the geomagnetic field parameters over the territory of Russia in the 18th century derived from archival and literature sources. Topographical mapping of the European territory and neighboring seas of the Russian Empire from the late 17th to the mid 18th century during which magnetic measurements were made was of great importance for determining magnetic declination. The magnetic declination in Siberia and its neighboring seas was measured for the first time during the first expedition of V. Bering in 1728 and then during his second expedition (the Great Northern Expedition) in 1733–1742. Magnetic measurements were carried out along the northern coast of Siberia and in the Bering Sea. The academic group of the expedition performed magnetic declination measurements over southern regions of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Nerchinsk, Yakutsk, etc.) in 1735 and 1736. During the second half of the 18th century, Russian expeditions determined geographical coordinates of the cities of European Russia and carried out magnetic declination measurements for them. During these expeditions Inokhodtsev paid attention to the anomalous magnetic declination in the Kursk region. In his opinion, the anomaly could have been caused by the presence of iron ore.  相似文献   

花东海盆浊流沉积的磁性特征及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对取自台湾以东花东海盆GX168孔的浊流沉积物进行系统的岩石磁学研究,揭示其沉积学和岩石磁学特征,分析其物源和形成机制.研究结果显示,剖面上共识别出12层浊流沉积物,其分布存在规律,下部350~700 cm共发育11层浊流沉积物,而0~350 cm仅出现1层浊流沉积物.浊流沉积物粒径明显较背景沉积物粗,石英、长石含量更高,底部与下伏背景沉积呈突变接触,顶部与上覆背景沉积呈渐变接触,内部发育典型的正粒序韵律结构.浊流沉积物和背景沉积物具有相似的磁学特征,两者均以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物类型,且磁铁矿颗粒均以准单畴和多畴颗粒为主.同时,两者也存在一定差异,浊流沉积物中磁铁矿较背景沉积物更为富集,磁化率和饱和等温剩磁更强,磁铁矿粒径更粗,这与浊流沉积物原始沉积区更靠近物源区有关.花东海盆浊流沉积形成的诱发机制可能是末次冰期以来频发的海平面波动造成陆坡之上沉积物重力失稳,导致陆坡沉积物向海盆搬运.  相似文献   

典型沙漠绿洲城市表土磁性特征及环境指示意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
选取典型沙漠绿洲城市(乌海、石嘴山、银川)表土为研究对象,对其环境磁学性质、土壤质地与重金属含量分布进行系统研究.结果表明,乌海市和石嘴山市表土为典型砂土,银川市为砂壤土.三个城市表土样品均以较粗的MD-PSD颗粒的亚铁磁性矿物(磁铁矿)为主导,磁化率均值分别为152×10-8、104×10-8和117×10-8 m3·kg-1.乌海市表土磁性矿物含量和磁性颗粒大小都显著高于石嘴山和银川市.重金属(Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Fe)的污染负荷指数(PLI)均显示,三个城市表土均存在轻度污染特征.同时磁化率和污染负荷指数在非工业区表现出点状高值分布,在工业区表现为面状高值分布特征.乌海市表土磁参数与重金属的相关系数显著高于石嘴山和银川,表明磁参数对于污染来源单一地区的污染程度评估更具优势.尽管三个城市表土磁学性质存在较大差异,但其磁化率均随污染负荷指数的增加呈现相同程度的递增.磁化率可以作为宁夏平原地区表土重金属污染程度评估的统一有效的代用指标.  相似文献   

The CRISTA/MAHRSI experiment on board a space shuttle was accompanied by a broad campaign of rocket, balloon and ground-based measurements. Supporting lower ionospheric ground-based measurements were run in Europe and Eastern Asia between 1 October–30 November, 1994. Results of comparisons with long ionospheric data series together with short-term comparisons inside the interval October-November, 1994, showed that the upper middle atmosphere (h =80–100 km) at middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere in the interval of the CRISTA/MAHRSI experiment (4–12 November, 1994) was very close to its expected climatological state. In other words, the average results of the experiment can be used as climatological data, at least for the given area/altitudes. The role of solar/geomagnetic and “meteorological” control of the lower ionosphere is investigated and compared with the results of MAP/WINE, MAC/SINE and DYANA campaigns. The effects of both solar/geomagnetic and global meteorological factors on the lower ionosphere are found to be weak during autumn 1994 compared to those in MAP/WINE and DYANA winters, and they are even slightly weaker than those in MAP/SINE summer. The comparison of the four campaigns suggests the following overall pattern: in winter the lower ionosphere at northern middle latitudes appears to be fairly well “meteorologically” controlled with a very weak solar influence. In summer, solar influence is somewhat stronger and dominates the weak “meteorological” influence, but the overall solar/meteorological control is weaker than in winter. In autumn we find the weakest overall solar/meteorological control, local effects evidently dominate.  相似文献   

Pacific plate equatorial sediment facies provide estimates of the northward motion of the Pacific plate that are independent of paleomagnetic data and hotspot tracks. Analyses of equatorial sediment facies consistently indicate less northward motion than analyses of the dated volcanic edifices of the Hawaiian-Emperor chain. The discrepancy is largest 60–70 Ma B.P.; the 60- to 70-Ma equatorial sediment facies data agree with recent paleomagnetic results from deep-sea drilling on Suiko seamount [1] and from a northern Pacific piston core [2]. Equatorial sediment facies data and paleomagnetic data, combined with K-Ar age dates along the Emperor chain [3], indicate a position of the spin axis at 65 Ma B.P. of 82°N, 205°E in the reference frame in which the Pacific Ocean hotspots are fixed. This pole agrees well with the position of the spin axis in the reference frame in which the Atlantic Ocean hotspots and the Indian Ocean hotspots are fixed [4,5], supporting the joint hypotheses that (1) the Pacific Ocean hotspots are fixed with respect to the hotspots in other oceans, (2) the hotspots have shifted coherently with respect to the spin axis, and (3) the time average of the earth's magnetic field 65 Ma B.P. was an axial geocentric dipole. Global Neogene paleomagnetic data suggest that a shift of the mantle relative to the spin axis has been occurring during the Neogene in the same direction as the shift between 65 Ma B.P. and the present. All data are consistent with a model in which the hotspots (and by inference the mantle) have shifted with respect to the spin axis about a fixed Euler pole at a constant rate of rotation for the last 65 Ma.  相似文献   

作为菲律宾海板块残余岛弧的九州—帕劳海岭正沿着日本南海海槽的最西端俯冲于欧亚板块之下。沿走向布设的地震反射剖面显示出沿弧前增生楔前缘俯冲的九州—帕劳海岭70km宽的构造影像。地磁异常特征、海底地形特征、广角折射数据和陆地地貌证据等使得我们能够将俯冲海岭在弧前的延伸段一直追踪至九州岛的东部。正在俯冲的九州—帕劳海岭携带有大量冗余物质,可能具有相对较大浮力,因此在深部俯冲时与上覆板块的碰撞具有较大的抗性。有鉴于此,我们推测在俯冲海岭和上覆板块基底的接触区之间存在局部大应力构造。此局部大应力区人们已标出有历史冲断层型中等级别地震(6~7级)。当九州—帕劳海岭俯冲至深部时,漂浮的俯冲海岭其两侧的翼部更容易被撕裂而形成板块破裂。我们认为,俯冲的九州—帕劳海岭在深部不仅起到地震凹凸体的作用,而且产生板块破裂作为地震障碍体抑制邻近的日向段巨大逆冲地震的破裂传播。  相似文献   


青藏高原东北部新生代构造演化对理解高原隆升和变形模式具有重要意义, 而目前对于该地区挤压应力方向转变过程仍存在很大争议.本文对柴北缘逆冲带北西部骆驼泉剖面新生代地层开展系统磁组构(本文特指磁化率各项异性)研究, 以揭示该地区挤压应力方向的转变特征.系统岩石磁学结果表明, 骆驼泉剖面新生代样品中主要磁性矿物是顺磁性组分和赤铁矿以及少量磁铁矿.通过对磁组构特征分析及其与古水流方向对比表明, 骆驼泉剖面新生代地层磁组构主要为初始变形磁组构, 可用于指示沉积成岩时期的挤压应力方向.磁组构结果揭示, 骆驼泉地区挤压应力方向在上干柴沟组下部沉积时期为NNE-SSW向, 而上干柴沟组上部和油砂山组沉积时期转变为NE-SW向.结合柴北缘逆冲带已有磁组构结果指出, 该地区早期N-S向或NNE-SSW向挤压应力可能与印度—欧亚板块早新生代以来近N-S向碰撞挤压过程有关, 指示印度—欧亚碰撞的挤压应力自下干柴沟组下部沉积时期就已传播至高原东北部地区; 而后期NE-SW向挤压应力方向与该地区现今GPS揭示的上地壳运动方向一致, 可能与该时段高原东北部巨型走滑断裂构造体系(尤其是阿尔金断裂)有关.此外, 柴北缘逆冲带新生代挤压应力方向转变在其北西部起始于上干柴沟组下部沉积时期, 而南东部起始于上油砂山组下部沉积时期, 与地震反射剖面揭示的断裂活动等地质证据共同揭示柴北缘逆冲带新生代的构造活动自靠近阿尔金断裂的北西部向南东部传播和扩展.综合分析青藏高原东北部地区挤压应力方向转变和其他地质证据发现, 挤压应力方向转变显示出自柴北缘逆冲带北西部向东、西和南向扩展特征, 与阿尔金断裂在上干柴沟组下部-上油砂山组下部沉积时期剪切应力集中于断裂本身, 而上油砂山组下部沉积以来开始散布于高原东北部内部地区的两阶段走滑活动相关.


The sand-hill section in Hongguang, Pengze County, Jiangxi Province is composed of eolian sand beds interbedded with 12 weakly-pedogenetic paleosols, and this sedimentary sequence was formed from about 25 to 13 kaBP. A detailed rock-magnetic study demonstrates that the magnetic minerals in the sequence are dominated by multi-domain magnetite grains in addition to small amounts of maghemite and hematite. Compared with the eolian sand beds, the paleosols are characterized by smaller magnetic particles, higher proportion of low-coercivity minerals and markedly increase in the magnetic mineral content. In the section, various magnetic parameters (K, ARM, SIRM and S ratios) display a roughly gradual increase from eolian sand beds to the overlying paleosols but an abrupt decrease from paleosols to the overlying eolian sand beds. The content of low-coercivity magnetic minerals shows the lowest values in the second eolian sand bed from the bottom of the section, and from the bed upwards it gradually increases on the whole in the eolian sand beds. These magnetic properties reflect regional climatic changes during the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

Summary Results of measurements of the atmospheric electrical conductivity and potential gradient made during the sixth Scientific Cruise of the Indian Oceanographic Ship INS Kistna in the Bay of Bengal during February–March 1963 are presented. Observations were made when the skies were generally clear and the sea calm, in the geographical area 8°N to 17°N and 80°E to 95°E, on the outward journey of INS Kistna from Madras (80°E, 13°N) to Port Blair (93°E, 12°N) and on the return journey to Madras.Over the ocean where there are no local sources of pollution, the measured values of conductivity and potential gradient are in agreement with theoretical values, assuming that an ion equilibrium exists, that ions are destroyed primarily by collision with small ions of opposite sign and that small ions are produced only by cosmic radiation. The values of electrical conductivity obtained are generally of the same order as those to be expected from theoretical considerations and in general agreement with those obtained during the Carnegie cruises in the Indian Ocean in 1920. There are, however, significant variations near the coast where the electric structure above the ocean is affected by continental sources of pollution. Conductivity values near the land are about half that in the unpolluted air over the ocean but prevailing winds prevent the extension of pollution beyond 100–200 km from the coast in this season.
Zusammenfassung Es wird über Messungen der luftelektrischen Leitfähigkeit und des Potentialgefälles berichtet, welche während der Sechsten Wissenschaftlichen Kreuzfahrt des indischen Ozeanographischen Forschungsschiffes Ins Kistna in der Bengalischen Bucht im Februar und März 1963 ausgeführt wurden. Die Beobachtungen sind im allgemeinen bei klarem Himmel und ruhiger See gemacht worden, und zwar in dem geographischen Bereich zwischen 8 und 17°N und 80 und 95°E während der Ausfahrt der INS Kistna von Madras (80°E, 13°N) nach Port Blair (93°E, 12°N) und auf der Rückreise nach Madras. In den Bereichen des Ozeans, in denen keine örtlichen Pollutionsquellen bestehen, stimmen die gemessenen Werte der Leitfähigkeit und des Potentialgefälles mit den theoretischen Werten überein, die man erhält, wenn man annimmt, dass ein Ionengleichgewicht besteht, dass die schnellen Ionen vorwiegend durch Zusammenstoss mit schnellen Ionen des entgegengesetzten Vorzeichens vernichtet werden, und dass die schnellen Ionen nur durch die kosmische Höhenstrahlung erzeugt werden. Die Werte der Leitfähigkeit stimmen mit denen überein, die man aus theoretischen Überlegungen gewinnt, und auch mit denen, die während der Kreuzfahrten des Forschungsschiffes Carnegie im Indischen Ozean im Jahre 1920 gemessen Küste sind jedoch bedeutsame Abweichungen festzustellen, wo die elektrischen Verhältenisse über dem Ozean durch Pollutionsquellen auf dem Lande beeinflusst werden. Die Leitfähigkeitswerte nahe dem Land sind nur ungefähr halb so gross wie die in der pollutionsfreien Luft des offenen Ozeans-jedoch haben die während der Mess-Jahreszeit vorherrschenden Winde eine Ausbreitung der Pollutionszone auf einen Bereich von 100 bis 200 km von der Küste beschränkt.

天山北麓黄土环境磁学特征及其古气候意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
新疆黄土-古土壤序列环境磁学参数的变化机理及其气候意义仍存在争议.本文选择天山北麓的中梁黄土剖面,系统开展了低温和常温下环境磁学参数的测试与研究,测量包括室温的磁化率与饱和磁化强度,以及磁化率与饱和剩余磁化强度的低温变化.结果发现,该剖面黄土和古土壤样品的磁性矿物主要由磁铁矿与磁赤铁矿组成,不含任何粒级成壤形成的超顺磁矿物颗粒,其磁化率信号主要记录了粉尘磁性矿物含量变化,较高的磁化率指示较强的风动力状况或者较近的风尘源区,新疆黄土的这种环境磁学"风尘输入模式"可用来重建干旱区的风动力强弱变化.  相似文献   

Detailed rock magnetic investigations and X-ray diffraction (XRD)were carried out on loess-paleosol sequences of the last interglacial-glacial at Znojmo section in Czech Republic. The results indicate that pedogenesis causes susceptibility enhancement in the paleosols, which is similar to that observed in the Chinese Loess Plateau. k-T curves, IRM, and XRD show that magnetite is the dominant magnetic mineral in the loess-paleosol sequences at the Znojmo section, while maghemite, hematite, and pyrite/pyrrhotite are minor minerals. Measurements of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) indicate that the magnetic lineation is smaller than the foliation. The susceptibility ellipsoids are oblate and the directions of the maximum principal axes (Kmax) are distributed randomly, and cannot be used to determine the paleo-wind direction.  相似文献   

We present the results of a detailed petrological study of a sparsely phyric basalt (MAPCO CH98-DR11) dredged along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (30°41′N). The sample contains microphenocrysts of olivine that display four different rapid-growth morphologies. Comparison of these morphologies with those obtained in dynamic crystallization experiments allows us to constrain the thermal history of the sample. The dendritic morphology (swallowtail, chain and lattice olivine) is directly related to the final quenching during magma–seawater interaction. In contrast, the three other morphologies, namely the complex polyhedral crystal, the closed hopper and the complex swallowtail morphology result from several cycles of cooling–heating (corresponding to a maximum degree of undercooling of 20–25°C) during crystal growth. These thermal variations occurred before eruption and are interpreted to be the result of turbulent convection in a small magmatic body beneath the ridge. The results suggest that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is underlain by a mush zone that releases batches of liquid during tectonic segregation. Aphyric basalts are emitted during eruptions controlled by the tectonic activity, whereas phyric basalts correspond to small fractions of magma from the mush zone mobilized by reinjections of primitive magmas.  相似文献   

断层岩的物理、化学及结构特征是直接了解断层活动特性、形变环境、破裂摩擦机制等地震学特性,评价地震危险性与认识地震物理化学行为的最基本证据.本文对断层岩磁学研究这一岩石磁学与地震学交叉新领域的研究现状进行了总结论述.已有研究表明,断层岩的磁学研究能够为断层区域应力环境及应变历史、断层带温度状态、热事件及热历史、断层活动历...  相似文献   

Summary The direction of the geomagnetic field has changed substantially less in India than in Europe since the end of the 18th century.Whereas the European geomagnetic time series indicate a tendency of secular variation from which a remarkable westward drift of the non-axial field can be deduced, in India the field direction seems to have remained more or less fixed over the last two centuries. The drift of the non-axial field seems to be very small, or even eastward.  相似文献   

本文对发育在澳大利亚悉尼附近的Long Reef Beach中新世古土壤剖面进行了系统的岩石磁学研究,测量了磁化率、饱和磁化强度、饱和等温剩磁、非磁滞剩磁等常温磁学参数和磁滞回线,并对所有样品进行了热磁分析.实验结果表明:全新世软土层主要磁性矿物为MD颗粒磁铁矿,磁性矿物含量与黄土高原黄土层相当.中新世老成土层随地层深度增加主要磁性矿物由磁铁矿转变为磁赤铁矿,随着磁铁矿向磁赤铁矿的转化,开始出现赤铁矿;磁性矿物粒径分布较广,以PSD颗粒为主,其次为SD颗粒,同时含有少量MD颗粒;磁性矿物含量高于黄土高原强发育古土壤层.中新世红土矿层主要磁性矿物为赤铁矿,同时含有少量磁赤铁矿和针铁矿,属于铁的富集层,赤铁矿以SD颗粒为主,含少量PSD和MD颗粒.Long Reef Beach中新世古土壤形成时期,对应着一种全球性高温多雨气候,地表化学风化作用十分强烈.丰富的降水,导致中新世老成土层发生淋溶作用,磁铁矿在向下淋溶迁移过程中逐渐氧化为磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿,铁氧化物最终在红土矿层淀积,磁赤铁矿经高温压实作用再结晶转化为赤铁矿.磁性矿物转化过程可概括为磁铁矿—磁赤铁矿化的磁铁矿—磁赤铁矿—赤铁矿,其中部分磁赤铁矿具有热稳定性,在空气(氩气)环境中加热到700℃未发生转化.  相似文献   

Apatite distributions and compositions from cumulates from the EPR at Hess Deep, the MAR at the Kane Transform, and the SWIR at ODP Hole 735B were determined to assess the variability at each setting and to evaluate the potential utility of apatite in understanding the evolution of the lower ocean crust. Apatite in cumulates with low P2O5 contents are heterogeneously distributed along linear arrays or in tight clusters suggesting they crystallized from planar or pipe-like channels of evolved liquid. Most of the variation in the apatite composition is in the halogen site. The XApF and XApCl are inversely correlated defining trends at near constant XApOH with EPR XApOH=0.25, MAR XApOH=0.45, and SWIR XApOH=0.65. These trends are defined both by sample averages and by the range of individual analyses in samples with large ranges in their F/Cl ratio. These trends are interpreted to reflect the reequilibration of apatite from variably evolved liquids/fluids that moved through the crystal mush. Comparison of the F–Cl–OH contents of apatite with the F–Cl–OH contents of glasses recovered from the same ridges show approximate correspondence: apatite and glasses from the EPR have the highest halogen contents while apatite and glasses from the MAR and SWIR have more OH. Some of the higher Cl contents in the apatite are interpreted to be produced by degassing of the cumulus pile while others reflect the assimilation of a seawater component. We suggest that systematic analysis of apatite from oceanic cumulates might allow cumulates that crystallized at shallow depths and assimilated seawater-derived components to be distinguished from those that crystallized below the level of seawater interaction.  相似文献   

大地震会产生地面重力变化在50年前已被公认,中国开展重力变化与地震活动关系的研究已有30多年。中国地震局第二监测中心重力研究人员2006年发现,在中国的南北地震带存在明显的重力变化,认为2007~2008年四川汶川地区存在发生大地震的可能,并提出了中期预测意见。这一研究表明,把重力变化作为主要的地震前兆是可行的。本文中,我们给出了地震监视区重力测量的方法,以及分析地震测量数据的程序,还有汶川5·12地震之前重力变化的特征。尽管汶川震中附近存在明显的重力变化,但重力变化是否能被看成是汶川地震的前兆,还需要更多的研究。本文讨论了重力变化的不确定性,包括重力测量误差、地壳垂直运动及水文重力效应等。观测数据还存在其他局限,重力观测站点密度小以及观测时间间隔长(2~3年),不能捕捉到孕震过程中出现的完整前兆信息。基于这些,我们对重力数据采集提出几点建议,以期加强未来用重力监测数据研究地震的能力。  相似文献   

秦巴山区的大巴山断裂(镇巴-高川段)及周边地区实施了高精度磁力勘探,经过向上解析延拓、垂向不同阶导数及欧拉反褶积等新方法处理及其分析,结果表明研究区磁场特征具有明显的规律性:横向上分别显示出沉积区、挤压构造变形区及侵入岩区的磁性特征,这是研究区多样化构造特征的具体反映;纵向上,浅部磁场呈现方向性磁场,深部呈现稳定基底的特征,这种磁性差异分界面构成了北大巴山地区逆冲推覆构造的滑脱面.而大巴山主断裂在不同区段表现出不同磁性结构的多样化特征,也反映了不同挤压应力作用下变质程度的差异.  相似文献   

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