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Summary On the basis of investigating 10 storms (1965–1967) good correlation was found between the density of the solar wind energy (2=1/2mNv2) and the intensity of the main phase of the geomagnetic storms, expressed in terms of the maximum decrease of the horizontal intensity (B=H/cos). The relation between 2, or Nv2, and B could then be used to determine the quantities and 0 ( is the factor expressing the increase in energy density in the magnetosphere, 0 is the energy density of the particles in a quiet magnetosphere). A comparison with the directly observed distribution of the energy density of the particles in the magnetosphere indicates that the computed value of 0 seems to be realistic. The magnitude of the factor will have to be checked again.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersion in Rayleigh waves is discussed for semi-infinite media with = 1(1 ± cos s z) and = 1(1 ± cosh s z), being the rigidity of the medium. A few workers tried with the above Fourier type of model but failed to find the dispersive nature. Because they neglected s due to the complexity of the calculation they arrived at a non dispersive frequency equation. This difficulty is removed in this paper and a dispersive frequency equation is obtained which shows both direct and inverse dispersion. The second model leads to non-convergent solution forz but shows many interesting results which are also discussed.  相似文献   

Riassunto L'A. completa le proprie ricerche sull'onda superficiale () già trattata in precedenza (Parte I). Gli argomenti qui svolti rispettivamente riguardano: 1) la distribuzione spaziale del vettore spostamento totale e, correlativamente, il «locus» (traiettoria ideale stazionaria) per un punto del mezzo legato allo «strain» periodico dell'onda (); 2) il rapporto delle componenti massimali, nonchè la velocità di gruppo del moto vibratorio studiato; 3) la determinazione delle costanti elastiche e di una roccia superficiale della crosta terrestre, attraverso un metodo suggerito dall'A. e basato sulla registrazione di impulsi del tipo () (Esperienze di Genova-Fegino, 1939); 4) una dimostrazione analitica della divergenza geometrica fra i raggi sismici (rettilinei) relativi ad un'onda piana teorica ed i raggi (curvilinei) lungo i quali fluisce l'energia del moto ondoso esaminato.
Summary The Author completes his analytical investigation on the surfacewave (), in continuation of Part I. Following subjects are treated: 1) The spatial distribution of the displacement vector and, correlatively, the trajectory-equation of a point displaced by periodic strain; 2) The ratio between the maximal components of ()-wave motion, as well as the corresponding group velocity formula; 3) An estimate of the elastic constants and of surface-rocks, trough the dynamic method give by the Author, based on the recording of any pulses () spread by an explosion (Genoa's experiences, 1939); 4) the analytical demonstration of the geometric divergence existing between seismic and energetic rays of this surface-waves.

Summary A system of 15 seismically active fracture zones was delineated on the basis of the distribution of earthquake foci in the continental lithosphere of northern Peru. The position and width of the outcrop, thickness, dip and maximum depth of the individual fracture zones were estimated and correlated with surface geological and tectonic phenomena. The pattern of the seismically active fracture zones in the equatorial part of Andean South America and the existing fault plane solutions indicate an east-west compression of the continental wedge induced by the subduction of the Nazca plate.
uma 15 uu amu a a aa a auu an¶rt;u a mu muma um . u n¶rt; nu u uua a nmu, mua, u auaaua m¶rt; a u n¶rt; u nmau nmu u mmu amu. aam an¶rt;u mu a amua amu a¶rt; uu u mu ¶rt;a n aua mu naam a m-ana¶rt; amu muma ua ¶rt;mu ¶rt;uu num aa n¶rt; auau mum.

Visiting professors at Instituto Geofísico and Facultad de Geología, Minas y Petróleos, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito (Ecuador).  相似文献   

Gomes  E.  Zheng  X.  Pšenčík  I.  Horne  S.  Leaney  S. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2004,48(1):215-231
We apply the inversion scheme of Zheng and Peník (2002) to the walkaway VSP data of Horne and Leaney (2000) collected in the Java Sea region. The goal is a local determination of parameters of the medium surrounding the borehole receiver array. The inversion scheme is based on linearized equations expressing qP-wave slowness and polarization vectors in terms of weak anisotropy (WA) parameters. It thus represents an alternative approach to Horne and Leaney (2000), who based their procedure on inversion of the Christoffel equation using a global optimization method. The presented inversion scheme is independent of structural complexities in the overburden and of the orientation of the borehole. The inverson formula is local, and has therefore potential to separate effects of anisotropy from effects of inhomogeneity. The data used are components of the slowness vector along the receiver array and polarization vectors. The inversion is performed without any assumptions concerning the remaining components of the slowness vector. The inversion is made (a) assuming arbitrary anisotropy, i.e., without any assumptions about symmetry of the medium, (b) assuming transverse isotropy with a vertical axis of symmetry and (c) assuming isotropy of the medium. Inverted are the raw data as well as data, in which weighting is used to reduce the effect of outliers. It is found that the WA parameters z, 15 and 35 are considerably more stable than the parameters x and x. The latter two parameters are also found to be strongly correlated. Weaker correlation is also found between the mentioned two parameters and z. The results of inversion show clearly that the studied medium is not isotropic. They also seem to indicate that the studied medium does not possess the VTI symmetry.  相似文献   

Summary The source functions of the stress wave patterns at an elastic source of these waves are analysed. The comparison of the properties of the functions with the stress wave records obtained earlier showed that their parameters do not satisfy, to a greater or lesser extent, the stress wave patterns in the neighbourhood of explosive sources. For this reason a new source function (1) was defined, which fully approximates the observed stress wave patterns in gravel sandy soil. The coefficientsP 0, , , and were experimentally determined as functions of the distance from the source, its size and the radius of the elastic source in the medium considered. The properties of source function (1) are demonstrated on an example.Paper presented at the XIIIth General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Braov (Romania), 28 August to 6 September, 1972.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of Love waves propagating in slowly varying layered media with a general geometry is solved by using the method of multiple scales. A first-order uniformly valid solution is obtained for the modulation of the amplitude as a function of the scale x1=x, where is a measure of the amplitude of the geometrical variation of the layer. This solution is particularly suited for computational procedures.  相似文献   

Summary A new magnetic observatory, named the Magnetic Observatory of Pendeli, was established and put in operation in 1958 near Athens (Greece). This Observatory was organized by and belongs to the Greek «Institute for Geology and Subsurface Research». The geographical position of the Pendeli Observatory is given by =38° 02.8, =23°51.8 andh=495 m (above sea level). The gemagnetic coordinates of the same are =36°.2, =102°.0. The Observatory is situated near Pendeli Mt. (18 km NEE of Athens). The site of the Observatory consists of marmor underlain by mica schists, both magnetically inactive.The building of the Observatory is constructed of stone and its roof made of tiles. The magnetograph room is in the underground of the building. The magnetic and thermal conditions in the variometer room are satisfactory enough.The variometers of the Observatory forH andZ are of the magnetic balance type. ForD a fibre suspension declinometer is used. The scale values of the variometers are H =7.2 /mm, D =1.0/mm (7.6 /mm), Z =11.5 /mm. The speed of recording amounts to 12 mm/h and the width of the record is 9 cm.The Pendeli Observatory has been operating since April 1958. The record is changed every day. The scale and base-line values are determined every 10 days. The room for the absolute measurements is found in the ground floor of the building. A field magnetic theodolite is being used in the absolute measurements.D is measured with two magnets in a fibre suspension declinometer.H is measured by means of the deflection oscillation method and with a QHM as well. For the measurement ofI an earthinductor is available. The values of the magnetic elements are properly corrected in order to represent the external normal field.  相似文献   

Summary Spatial and temporal variability of natural ELF-VLF phenomena field intensity has been studied using data from Interkosmos satellites with apogees below 2000 km. The results show a distinct dependence of the diurnal variation and latitudinal intensity distribution on the magnetic activity. The L-value at which the maximum of plasmaspheric noise occurs, e.g., correlates better with the Dst-index than with other indicies.
mama u a auau anmu n mm - u a ua a uu ¶rt;a uu m an u 2000 . mam naam m auum m ¶rt;a u um an¶rt;u uu m aum amumu. uua L-naama, a m nm au naa uu, um Dst-u¶rt; ¶rt;uu u¶rt;auaum amumu.

Summary The theory of methods of computing single- and inter-station transfer functions in both the spectral and time domains was developed in paper[1]. Both approaches are applied to the variation data recorded at field stations along two non-simultaneous profiles traversing the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif, where a zone of anomalous induction seems to mark an important geological boundary of formations with different histories of development. The results of both analyses are found to coincide within reasonable bounds of 20–30% in the principal induction characteristics.
u m¶rt; ama ¶rt;-u -mau n¶rt;am u nma u am a ua am[1]. am nua m am a n¶rt;¶rt;a nu ¶rt; aaua ¶rt;aaum auau aumua a n mau ¶rt; u nu, nau m au aua,¶rt; aa a aa u¶rt;uu. a, u¶rt;u, mamau a¶rt;a ¶rt; ¶rt; ¶rt;uuau au umuu aumu. mam aau nma u am auam a 20–30% ¶rt; u¶rt;u naam.

Summary The four primary geodetic parameters defining the geodetic reference system are discussed from the point of view of their physical meaning and current estimation of their actual accuracy. The geopotential scale factor has been treated as the primary geodetic parameter defining the Earth's dimensions.
¶rt;am m nu¶rt;uu naama, n¶rt;u¶rt;u um mumu, mu u uu a u mmu. ama amnmuaa ¶rt;am am nu¶rt;u naama, n¶rt; a u.

Summary The paper deals with the general theory of equivalent projection. By specifying the results derived, special cases may be treated. Examples of methods are described which enable free functions to be found in a general solution. A detailed procedure of solving the problem with a numerical example is given, taking into account the optimization according to the global criterton, established for extreme angular distortion.
aamuam a mu auu nu; ¶rt;am m am au. nu m¶rt;, nu amu ¶rt; uu uu. umam nmuauau n aamumu au, ma ¶rt; aua uau , u nuam n¶rt; m¶rt; u u nu.

Dedicated to Professor Frantiek Fiala on the Centenary of his Birthday  相似文献   

Summary The convection in a rapidly rotating, electrically conducting, horizontal fluid layer, non-constantly stratified and penetrated by an inhomogeneous magnetic field, is studied. The convection is investigated for various ratios of the thickness of the stable and unstable stratified part of the layer. The thermal model of the layer, as well as the analysis of the results have been treated with regard to the physical conditions in the liquid core of the Earth.
am u¶rt;m u m aa mn¶rt; u¶rt;uma nm mamuuau, nua ¶rt;¶rt; aum n. u u¶rt;m ¶rt; a mu m u mu u mu mamuuuao amu . ua ¶rt; , a u aau mam, n¶rt;a anm uuu u u¶rt; ¶rt; u.

Summary The propagator matrix is expressed in terms of cross-products of spherical Bessel functions and their derivatives. A fast computational algorithm is suggested. The matrix form of the variational principle with the boundary term is derived.
u nu u u u, n¶rt; u¶rt; nu¶rt;u uu u u u nuo¶rt;. ¶rt; au u . ¶rt; u uau nuuna u .

n¶rt;m mu ¶rt; mu uau aumma. mu aum u mu u m u mu auauu m¶rt;a. u¶rt;m u naam nm nmmuna uau aumma.  相似文献   

Summary Frequency characteristics of a linear oscillator or a seismometer, whose equation of free oscillation is +n 2 x=0, are usually represented by takingh(=/n) as parameters. In this case, however, the independent variable is the frequency of impressed force or displacement from outside on the oscillator. But, we often encounter those cases, where the frequencies from outside are constant, and the frequency of the oscillator or pick-up is to be changed, or the several oscillators with various frequencies are to be used. Then, of course,h cannot be taken as parameters, as they vary with the oscillator's frequencyn. The author here calculated the amplitude- and phase-characteristics for the latter case, taking (=/n) as parameters and represented them in thick lines in the figures together with the ordinary ones in thin lines.
Résumé On rencontre souvent des problèmes où divers oscillateurs dé périodes propres différentesT 0j et de même coefficient d'amortissement , sont attaqués par un phénomène sinusoïdal de périodeT. Les courbes classiques qui donnent l'amplitude et la phase du mouvement forcé en fonction du rapportT/T 0 pour différentes valeurs du paramètreh=T 0/2, ne peuvent alors être utilisées. Nous donnons ici les courbes correspondant à des valeurs différentes du paramètreh(=/n)= T/2.

International language: Esperanto.  相似文献   

Summary The CHMI LAOFM is used in the daily routine of the Central Forecasting Office of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and some special results are transmitted to the regional offices. The model works in the region of Europe and the North Atlantic, uses conservative finite difference schemes and two types of semi-implicit schemes that allow effective model structurization in terms of programming language. The basic philosophy of the model is described.
¶rt; a zau mumuu unm zumzu umumm () ¶rt; z uz nza. m mam ¶rt;a zu nzam am amuu. z amam amu n u amu mamuz aa, un am , a a aa au. ama aum mu auau z n- , ma cam m nm a auuam mmauau nza. mam nuaa u u auauu.

Summary Problems of occurrence of density inhomogeneities in the upper mantle are discussed and their gravitational effects in the region of Central Europe are investigated. Attention is namely devoted to the density contrast between the asthenosphere and the lower lithosphere, and its possible dependence on depth.
¶rt;am n nu nmm ¶rt;¶rt;m amuu u uaumau ¶rt;mu a mumuu ¶rt; n. uau ¶rt;m n¶rt; nmm mam ¶rt; am u um u auumu mu aau.

¶rt;m n¶rt;u nu nm n m . m¶rt; n¶rt;am nuuu am uma au muna (6) u (10). amua aumnu m m nn unam u u, m nmu ama mm (u. 2). uu nu nm ¶rt;u am mu n¶rt; uua 15mu anau u mu u nn uua mu anau. u unauu m nn ¶rt;u am mu n¶rt; uua ¶rt; 21 anau.

Dedicated to 90th Birthday of Professor Frantiek Fiala  相似文献   

Summary The vertical distribution of the contribution of the energy flux density due to the Alfvén(ordinary) wave, guided by the geomagnetic field(and propagating through the ionosphere to the Earth's surface) in the horizontal direction is demonstrated in the mechanism of the horizontal propagation of the Pc1 signal. The distribution with height is shown of the variations of the polarization characteristics of the propagating wave(e.g. the rotation of the polarization plane, changes in ellipticity, attenuation, etc.), which are the result of coupling in the denser layers of the low ionosphere in which also suitable isotropic(extraordinary) modes are generated. The results obtained using the method described in[4, 13] are demonstrated on a model of the daytime ionosphere under incidence of ordinaryL-modes, frequency f=0.3 Hz, and various meridional angles at the ionosphere.
auauma anmau uaa Pc1 naa m an¶rt;u ¶rt;u nmmu ma uu uma anauu maum n n¶rt; , anma u nmu. naa m an¶rt;u uu aamumu nuauu anma (nauau nmu nuauu, uu unmumu, amau u m.¶rt;.), m m ¶rt;mu au¶rt;mu na uu u . ¶rt; mum n¶rt;¶rt;u umn() ¶rt;. mam num m¶rt; [4, 13] ¶rt;mua ¶rt;u ¶rt; u nu na¶rt;uu a u L-¶rt; amm f=0,3 n¶rt; au u¶rt;uau au.

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