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To better understand the long-term climate history of Antarctica, we studied Lake Bonney in Taylor Valley, Southern Victoria Land (78°S). Helium isotope ratios and He, Ne, Ar and N2 concentration data, obtained from hydrocasts in the East (ELB) and West (WLB) Lobes of Lake Bonney, provided important constraints on the lakes Holocene evolution. Based on very low concentrations of Ar and N2 in the ELB bottom waters, ELB was free of ice until 200 ± 50 years ago. After which, low salinity water flowing over the sill from WLB to ELB, covered ELB and formed a perennial ice cover, inhibiting the exchange of gases with the atmosphere. In contrast to the ELB, the WLB retained an ice cover through the Holocene. The brine in the WLB bottom waters has meteoric N2 and Ar gas concentrations indicating that it has not been significantly modified by atmospheric exchange or ice formation. The helium concentrations in the deep water of WLB are the highest measured in non-thermal surface water. By fitting a diffusional loss to the 3He/4He, helium, and Cl profiles, we calculate a time of 3000 years for the initiation of flow over the sill separating the East and West Lobes. To supply this flux of helium to the lake, a helium-rich sediment beneath the lake must be providing the helium by diffusion. If at any time during the last million years the ice cover left WLB, there would be insufficient helium available to provide the current flux to WLB. The variations in water levels in Lake Bonney can be related to climatic events that have been documented within the Southern Victoria Land region and indicate that the lakes respond significantly to regional and, perhaps, global climate forcing.  相似文献   

Lakes in the Taylor Valley, Antarctica were investigated to determine the impact of a significant air temperature warming event that occurred during the austral summer of 2001–2002. The warming in the valleys caused an increase in glacial run-off, record stream discharge, an increase in lake levels, and thinning of the permanent ice covers. These changes in the physical environment drove subsequent changes in the biogeochemistry of the lakes. Primary production in West Lake Bonney during the flood was reduced 23% as a consequence of stream induced water column turbidity. Increased nutrient levels within the lakes occurred in the year following the temperature induced high flow year. For example, soluble reactive phosphorus loading to Lake Fryxell was four-fold greater than the long-term average loading rates. These high nutrient levels corresponded to an increase in primary production in the upper water columns of Lakes Bonney and Fryxell. Depth integrated chlorophyll-a values increased 149% in East Lake Bonney, 48% in West Lake Bonney, and showed little change in Lake Fryxell; chlorophyll-a in Lake Hoare decreased 18% compared to long-term averages recorded as part of our ten year monitoring program, presumably from a reduction in under-ice PAR caused by increased sediment loads on the ice cover. Overall the warming event served to recharge the ecosystem with liquid water and associated nutrients. Such floods may play an important role in the long-term maintenance of liquid water in these dry valley lakes.  相似文献   

The history of life on Earth is critically dependent on the carbon, sulfur and oxygen cycles of the lithosphere – hydrosphere – atmosphere – biosphere system. An Archean oxygen-poor greenhouse atmosphere developed through: (i) accumulation of CO2 and CH4 from episodic injections of CO2 from volcanic activity, volatilised crust impacted by asteroids and comets, metamorphic devolatilisation processes and release of methane from sediments; and (ii) little CO2 weathering-capture due to both high temperatures of the hydrosphere (low CO2 solubility) and a low ratio of exposed continents to oceans. In the wake of the Sturtian glaciation, enrichment in oxygen and appearance of multicellular eukaryotes heralded the onset of the Phanerozoic where greenhouse conditions were interrupted by periods of strong CO2-sequestration through intensified capture of CO2 by marine plants, onset of land plants and burial of carbonaceous shale and coal (Late Ordovician; Carboniferous – Permian; Late Jurassic; Late Tertiary – Quaternary). The progression from Late Mesozoic and Early Tertiary greenhouse conditions to Late Tertiary – Quaternary ice ages was related to the sequestration of CO2 by rapid weathering of the emerging Alpine and Himalayan mountain chains. A number of peak warming and sea-level-rise events include the Late Oligocene, mid-Miocene, mid-Pliocene and Pleistocene glacial terminations. The Late Tertiary – Quaternary ice ages were dominated by cyclic orbital-forcing-triggered terminations which involved CO2-feedback effects from warming seas and the biosphere and albedo flips due to ice-sheet melting. Since ca AD 1750 human emissions were ~305 Gt of carbon, as compared with ~750 Gt C in the atmosphere. The emissions constitute ~12% of the terrestrial biosphere and ~10% of the known global fossil fuel reserve of ~4000 Gt C, whose combustion would compare to the ~ 4600 Gt C released to the atmosphere during the K – T impact event 65 million years ago, with associated ~65% mass extinction of species. The current growth rate of atmospheric greenhouse gases and global mean temperatures exceed those of Pleistocene glacial terminations by one to two orders of magnitude. The relationship between temperatures and sea-levels for the last few million years project future sea-level rises toward time-averaged values of at least 5 m per 1°C. The instability of ice sheets suggested by the Dansgaard – Oeschinger glacial cycles during 50 – 20 ka, observed ice melt lag effects of glacial terminations, spring ice collapse dynamics and the doubling per-decade of Greenland and west Antarctic ice melt suggest that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's projected sea-level rises (<59 cm) for the 21st century may be exceeded. The biological and philosophical rationale underlying climate change and mass extinction perpetrated by an intelligent carbon-emitting mammal species may never be known.  相似文献   

We report partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and ancillary data in three rivers (Bia, Tanoé, and Comoé) and five lagoons (Tendo, Aby, Ebrié, Potou, and Grand-Lahou) in Ivory Coast (West Africa), during four cruises covering the main climatic seasons. The three rivers were oversaturated in CO2 with respect to atmospheric equilibrium, and the seasonal variability of pCO2 was due to dilution during the flooding period. Surface waters of the Potou, Ebrié, and Grand-Lahou lagoons were oversaturated in CO2 during all seasons. These lagoons behaved similarly to the oligohaline regions of macrotidal estuaries that are CO2 sources to the atmosphere due to net ecosystem heterotrophy and inputs of riverine CO2 rich waters. The Aby and Tendo lagoons were undersaturated in CO2 with respect to the atmosphere because of their permanent haline stratification (unlike the other lagoons) that seemed to lead to higher phytoplankton production and export of organic carbon below the pycnocline.  相似文献   

Thermal dynamics of lakes has a key role in chemical and biological processes in lakes including nutrient distributions and phytoplankton growth. Applications of hydrodynamic models to lakes can provide insights into possible future alterations in thermal dynamics induced by climate change. In this study, we present the calibration and validation of the newest version of the open-source hydrodynamic model GLM (General Lake Model) to the dimictic Lake Ammersee, located in south-east Germany. The simulation of lake water temperatures for the calibration period revealed an overall root mean square error of 0.65 °C and a mean error of 0.08 °C. The seasonal stratification pattern and the annual thermal structure of this dimictic lake were reproduced by the model. The model simulated the presence of winter ice cover for the only year out of 8 years simulated, when ice cover was observed. Elevated lake water temperatures were also reproduced in model simulations during a period in 2003 of unusually high air temperatures. Statistical analysis of the model calibration results for Lake Ammersee indicates a fit comparable to or better than most other well-established hydrodynamic models and provides an opportunity for continuous simulations through periods of ice cover. Our results indicate a major improvement in GLM compared with earlier model versions and demonstrate the applicability of GLM for limnophysical studies, particularly for altered forcing conditions such as climate change.  相似文献   

Zabuye Salt Lake in Tibet, China is a carbonate-type salt lake, which has some unique characteristics that make it different from other types of salt lakes. The lake is at the latter period in its evolution and contains liquid and solid resources. Its brine is rich in Li, B, K and other useful minor elements that are of great economic value. We studied the concentration behavior of these elements and the crystallization paths of salts during isothermal evaporation of brine at 15°C and 25°C. The crystallization sequence of the primary salts from the brine at 25°C is halite (NaCl) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3)→ trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → sylvite (KCl), while the sequence is halite (NaCl) → sylvite (KCl) → trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) at 15°C. They are in accordance with the metastable phase diagram of the Na+, K+-Cl?, CO32?, SO42?-H2O quinary system at 25°C, except for Na2CO3·7H2O which is replaced by trona and thermonatrite. In the 25°C experiment, zabuyelite (Li2CO3) was precipitated in the early stage because Li2CO3 is supersaturated in the brine at 25°C, in contrast with that at 15°C, it precipitated in the later stage. Potash was precipitated in the middle and late stages in both experiments, while boron was concentrated in the early and middle stages and precipitated in the late stage.  相似文献   

We have determined the halogen and boron concentrations in the ice-covered lakes of Taylor Valley, Antarctica, to better establish the sources of salts and evolutionary histories of these unusual water bodies. In addition, we report on a series of 129I measurements that were compared with previous 36Cl data that also help constrain the source of solutes and histories of the lakes. The new data, when put into context of previous work on these systems over the past forty years, allow us to make the following conclusions. The primary source of solutes to Lake Hoare, the youngest of the lakes, is the dissolution of marine aerosols and aeolian salts and the chemical weathering of dust on the glaciers. The geochemistry of Lake Fryxell, the brackish water lake, is primarily dominated by the diffusion from a halite-saturated brine at the sediment-water interface and the recent infilling of the lake by glacier meltwater. These waters have chemical weathering and marine aerosols components. Lake Bonney has two distinct lobes whose hypersaline hypolimnia have different chemistries. Both of the lobes are remnants of ancient marine waters that have been modified by the input of weathering products. This lake has also been modified by periods of cryogenic concentration when solutes have been lost via mineral precipitation. Thus the geochemistry of Lake Bonney owes its unusual geochemistry, in part, to variations in the climate in the Taylor Valley over at least the past 300kyr. The 129I data from the Taylor Valley are similar to those from fracture fluids in crystalline rocks from the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

The paired chemical reactions, Ca2+ + 2HCO3 ? ? CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O, overestimate the ratio of CO2 flux to CaCO3 flux during the precipitation or dissolution of CaCO3 in seawater. This ratio, which has been termed ??, is about 0.6 in surface seawater at 25°C and at equilibrium with contemporary atmospheric CO2 and increases towards 1.0 as seawater cools and pCO2 increases. These conclusions are based on field observations, laboratory experiments, and equilibrium calculations for the seawater carbonate system. Yet global geochemical modeling indicates that small departures of ?? from 1.0 would cause dramatic, rapid, and unrealistic change in atmospheric CO2. ?? can be meaningfully calculated for a water sample whether or not it is in equilibrium with the atmosphere. The analysis presented here demonstrates that the atmospheric CO2 balance can be maintained constant with respect to seawater CaCO3 reactions if one considers the difference between CaCO3 precipitation and burial and differing values for ?? (both <1.0) in regions of precipitation and dissolution within the ocean.  相似文献   

We have collected and analyzed a series of water samples from three closed-basin lakes (Lakes Bonney, Fryxell, and Hoare) in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, and the streams that flow into them. In all three lakes, the hypolimnetic waters have different 87Sr/86Sr ratios than the surface waters, with the deep water of Lakes Fryxell and Hoare being less radiogenic than the surface waters. The opposite occurs in Lake Bonney. The Lake Fryxell isotopic ratios are lower than modern-day ocean water and most of the whole-rock ratios of the surrounding geologic materials. A conceivable source of Sr to the system could be either the Cenozoic volcanic rocks that make up a small portion of the till deposited in the valley during the Last Glacial Maximum or from marble derived from the local basement rocks. The more radiogenic ratios from Lake Bonney originate from ancient salt deposits that flow into the lake from Taylor Glacier and the weathering of minerals with more radiogenic Sr isotopic ratios within the tills. The Sr isotopic data from the streams and lakes of Taylor Valley strongly support the notion documented by previous investigators that chemical weathering has been, and is currently, a major process in determining the overall aquatic chemistry of these lakes in this polar desert environment.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Sea has been identified as one of the hotspots for climate change. Intense warming in the Mediterranean Sea may have strong implications for biological activity and ecosystem functioning. To elucidate the effects of warming on planktonic and benthic metabolism, we performed experiments under different increasing temperature regimes, ranging from three to six different temperatures. The lowest range of temperatures assessed was of 2.6 °C and the maximum was 7.5 °C. Our results suggest that a 6 °C warming of the Mediterranean waters may yield a mean increment in planktonic respiration rates of coastal communities of 24 %, higher than the mean increase expected for planktonic gross primary production (9 %). These results confirm earlier theories, and agree with previous experiments, of a higher increase in respiration rates than in primary production with warming, with the subsequent consequences for the carbon cycle, resulting in a negative feedback to climate warming, as ocean communities will capture less CO2.  相似文献   

Chemical and stable carbon isotopic modifications during the freezing of artificial seawater were measured in four 4 m3 tank incubations. Three of the four incubations were inoculated with a nonaxenic Antarctic diatom culture. The 18 days of freezing resulted in 25 to 27 cm thick ice sheets overlying the residual seawater. The ice phase was characterized by a decrease in temperature from −1.9 to −2.2°C in the under-ice seawater down to −6.7°C in the upper 4 cm of the ice sheet, with a concurrent increase in the salinity of the under-ice seawater and brine inclusions of the ice sheet as a result of physical concentration of major dissolved salts by expulsion from the solid ice matrix. Measurements of pH, total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) and its stable isotopic composition (δ13CT) all exhibited changes, which suggest minimal effect by biological activity during the experiment. A systematic drop in pH and salinity-normalized CT by up to 0.37 pHSWS units and 376 μmol C kg−1 respectively at the lowest temperature and highest salinity part of the ice sheet were coupled with an equally systematic 13C enrichment of the CT. Calculations based on the direct pH and CT measurements indicated a steady increase in the in situ concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2(aq)) with time and increasing salinity within the ice sheet, partly due to changes in the dissociation constants of carbonic acid in the low temperature-high salinity range within sea ice. The combined effects of temperature and salinity on the solubility of CO2 over the range of conditions encountered during this study was a slight net decrease in the equilibrium CO2(aq) concentration as a result of the salting-out overriding the increase in solubility with decreasing temperature. Hence, the increase in the in situ CO2(aq) concentration lead to saturation or supersaturation of the brine inclusions in the ice sheet with respect to atmospheric pCO2 (≈3.5 × 10−4 atm). When all physico-chemical processes are considered, we expect CO2 degassing and carbonate mineral precipitation from the brine inclusions of the ice sheet, which were saturated or highly supersaturated with respect to both the anhydrous (calcite, aragonite, vaterite) and hydrated (ikaite) carbonate minerals.  相似文献   

The partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and concentration of dissolved CH4 in surface waters have been studied in three coastal systems connected to Cadiz Bay (southwestern coast of Spain) over different time scales. The concentration of CH4 varied from 1 to 4200 nmol kg?1 (192.1 ± 463.6 nmol kg?1) and the saturation percent from 19 to 159,577% (6645 ± 16,921%), and pCO2 from 315 to 3240 μatm (841.9 ± 466.3 μatm), with saturation percent values varying between 72 and 981% (220 ± 133%). The seasonal variation of pCO2 mainly depends on the temperature. On the contrary, the annual distribution of dissolved CH4 is associated with the precipitation regime. In addition, pCO2 and dissolved CH4 showed spatial variation. pCO2 increased toward the inner part of the systems, with the proximity to the discharge points from human activities. Dissolved CH4 is influenced by both anthropogenic inputs and natural processes such as benthic supply and exchange with the adjacent salt marshes. pCO2 and dissolved CH4 also varied with the tides: The highest concentrations were measured during the ebb, which suggests that the systems export CO2 and CH4 to the Bay and adjacent Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

During the formation and development of glacial meltwater runoff, hydrochemical erosion is abundant, especially the hydrolysis of K/Na feldspar and carbonates, which can consume H+ in the water, promote the formation of bicarbonate by dissolving atmospheric CO2, and affect the regional carbon cycle. From July 21, 2015, to July 18, 2017, the CO2 concentration and flux were observed by the eddy covariance (EC) method in the relatively flat and open moraine cover area of Koxkar Glacier in western Mt. Tianshan, China. We found that: (1) atmospheric CO2 fluxes ranged from ??408.95 to 81.58 mmol m?2 day?1 (average ? 58.68 mmol m?2 day?1), suggesting that the study area is a significant carbon sink, (2) the CO2 flux footprint contribution areas were primarily within 150 m of the EC station, averaging total contribution rates of 93.30%, 91.39%, and 90.17% of the CO2 flux in the snow accumulation, snow melting, and glacial melting periods, respectively. Therefore, the contribution areas with significant influences on CO2 flux observed at EC stations were concentrated, demonstrating that grassland CO2 flux around the glaciers had little effect at the EC stations, (3) in the predominant wind direction, under stable daytime atmospheric stratification, the measurement of CO2 flux, as interpreted by the Agroscope Reckenholz Tanikon footprint tool, was 79.09% ± 1.84% in the contribution area. This was slightly more than seen at night, but significantly lower than the average under unstable atmospheric stratification across the three periods of interest (89%). The average distance of the farthest point of the flux footprint under steady state atmospheric conditions was 202.61?±?69.33 m, markedly greater than that under non-steady state conditions (68.55?±?10.34 m). This also indicates that the CO2 flux observed using EC was affected primarily by hydrochemical erosion reactions in the glacier area, (4) a good negative correlation was found between net glacier exchange (NGE) of CO2 and air temperature on precipitation-free days. Strong ice and snow ablation could promote hydrochemical reactions of soluble substances in the debris area and accelerated sinking of atmospheric CO2. Precipitation events might reduce snow and ice melting, driven by reduced regional temperatures. However, a connection between NGE and precipitation, when less than 8.8 mm per day, was not obvious. When precipitation was greater than 8.8 mm per day, NGE decreased with increasing precipitation, (5) graphically, the slope of NGE, related to daily runoff, followed a trend: snow melting period?>?snow accumulation period?>?early glacial ablation period?>?late glacier ablation period?>?dramatic glacier ablation period. The slope was relatively large during snow melting, likely because of CO2 sinking caused by water–rock interactions. The chemical reaction during elution in the snow layer might also promote atmospheric CO2 drawdown. At the same time, the damping effect of snow cover and the almost-closed glacier hydrographic channel inhibited the formation of regional runoff, possibly providing sufficient time for the chemical reaction, thus promoting further CO2 drawdown.  相似文献   

The Service d’Observation de la Rade de Villefranche-sur-Mer is designed to study the temporal variability of hydrological conditions as well as the abundance and composition of holo- and meroplankton at a fixed station in this bay of the northwest Mediterranean. The weekly data collected at this site, designated as “Point B” since 1957, represent a long-term time series of hydrological conditions in a coastal environment. Since 2007, the historical measurements of hydrological and biological conditions have been complemented by measurements of the CO2–carbonic acid system parameters. In this contribution, CO2–carbonic acid system parameters and ancillary data are presented for the period 2007–2011. The data are evaluated in the context of the physical and biogeochemical processes that contribute to variations in CO2 in the water column and exchange of this gas between the ocean and atmosphere. Seasonal cycles of the partial pressure of CO2 in seawater (pCO2) are controlled principally by variations in temperature, showing maxima in the summer and minima during the winter. Normalization of pCO2 to the mean seawater temperature (18.5 °C), however, reveals an apparent reversal of the seasonal cycle with maxima observed in the winter and minima in the summer, consistent with a biogeochemical control of pCO2 by primary production. Calculations of fluxes of CO2 show this area to be a weak source of CO2 to the atmosphere during the summer and a weak sink during the winter but near neutral overall (range ?0.3 to +0.3 mmol CO2 m?2 h?1, average 0.02 mmol CO2 m?2 h?1). We also provide an assessment of errors incurred from the estimation of annual fluxes of CO2 as a function of sampling frequency (3-hourly, daily, weekly), using data obtained at the Hawaii Kilo Nalu coastal time-series station, which shows similar behavior to the Point B location despite significant differences in climate and hydrological conditions and the proximity of a coral reef ecosystem.  相似文献   

Deep brine recovery enhanced by supercritical CO2 injection is proposed to be a win–win method for the enhancement of brine production and CO2 storage capacity and security. However, the cross-flow through interlayers under different permeability conditions is not well investigated for a multi-layer aquifer system. In this work, a multi-layer aquifer system with different permeability conditions was built up to quantify the brine production yield and the leakage risk under both schemes of pure brine recovery and enhanced by supercritical CO2. Numerical simulation results show that the permeability conditions of the interlayers have a significant effect on the brine production and the leakage risk as well as the regional pressure. Brine recovery enhanced by supercritical CO2 injection can improve the brine production yield by a factor of 2–3.5 compared to the pure brine recovery. For the pure brine recovery, strong cross-flow through interlayers occurs due to the drastic and extensive pressure drop, even for the relative low permeability (k = 10?20 m2) mudstone interlayers. Brine recovery enhanced by supercritical CO2 can successfully manage the regional pressure and decrease the leakage risk, even for the relative high permeability (k = 10?17 m2) mudstone interlayers. In addition, since the leakage of brine mainly occurs in the early stage of brine production, it is possible to minimize the leakage risk by gradually decreasing the brine production pressure at the early stage. Since the leakage of CO2 occurs in the whole production period and is significantly influenced by the buoyancy force, it may be more effective by adopting horizontal wells and optimizing well placement to reduce the CO2 leakage risk.  相似文献   

The carbon cycle of global inland waters is quantitatively comparable to other components in the global carbon budget. Among inland waters, a significant part is man-made lakes formed by damming rivers. Man-made lakes are undergoing a rapid increase in number and size. Human impacts and frequent algae blooms lead to it necessary to make a better constraint on their carbon cycles. Here, we make a primary estimation on the air–water CO2 transfer flux through an algae bloom year for a subtropical man-made lake—Hongfeng Lake, Southwest China. To do this a new type of glass bottles was designed for content and isotopic analysis of DIC and other environmental parameters. At the early stage of algae bloom, CO2 was transferred from the atmosphere to the lake with a net flux of 1.770 g·C·m?2. Later, the partial pressure (pCO2) of the aqueous CO2 increased rapidly and the lake outgassed to the atmosphere with a net flux of 95.727 g·C·m?2. In the remaining days, the lake again took up CO2 from the atmosphere with a net flux of 14.804 g·C·m?2. As a whole, Lake Hongfeng released 4527 t C to the atmosphere, accounting for one-third of the atmosphere/soil CO2 sequestered by chemical weathering in the whole drainage. With an empirical mode decomposition method, we found air temperature plays a major role in controlling water temperature, aqueous pCO2 and hence CO2 flux. This work indicates a necessity to make detailed and comprehensive carbon budgets in man-made lakes.  相似文献   

Repeated surveys of the Kennebec estuary, a macrotidal river estuary in Maine, USA, between 2004 and 2008 found spatial and temporal variability both in sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the estuary and the air–sea flux of estuary CO2. On an annual basis, the surveyed area of the Kennebec estuary had an area-weighted average partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) of 559 μatm. The area-weighted average CO2 flux to the atmosphere was 3.54 mol C m?2 year?1. Overall, the Kennebec estuary was an annual source of 7.2?×?107 mol CO2 to the atmosphere. Distinct seasonality in estuarine pCO2 was observed, with shifts in the seasonal pattern evident between lower and higher salinities. Fluxes of CO2 from the estuary were elevated following two summertime storms, and inputs of riverine CO2 outweighed internal estuarine CO2 inputs in nearly all months. River and estuarine inputs of CO2 represented 68 and 32 % of the total CO2 contributions to the estuary, respectively. This study examines the variability of CO2 in a large New England estuary, and highlights the comparatively high contribution of CO2 from riverine sources.  相似文献   

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