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Theoretical results and data are presented in order to describethe spectral modifications induced by the effects of surfaceinhomogeneity on the features of turbulent boundary-layer flows.The hill case is used by way of example, and atmospheric andlaboratory data in neutral conditions are discussed. Shear andblocking effects with different characteristics are shown to bepresent both upwind and over the hill top.  相似文献   

Recent investigations in complex terrain have found that remote sensing instrumentation commonly finds mean wind-speed differences when compared to cup anemometery. In many cases the difference is found to be an underestimation and varies from 2 to 9% depending on topology. We describe these differences in a theoretical sense for a five-beam sodar. An investigation is conducted on a New Zealand ridge with a five-beam sodar and three computational models, consisting of a potential flow model and two computational fluid dynamical simulations, OpenFOAM and the industry standard software WindSim. All models predict the difference to within 0.1–2.5%. A comparative assessment is made and it is found that, given the computing overheads, the potential flow model provides a good compromise in the prediction of mean wind-speed difference.  相似文献   

复杂地形局地环流的数值模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用一个三维中尺度动力学诊断模式,对重庆地区气象场进行了实例模拟,研究了复杂地形和不同下垫面型对流场的动力和热力作用,揭示了中尺度局地环流(山谷风、河陆风)的基本特征和变化规律,模拟结果与实测资料有好的一致性,表明该模式能够成功地模拟复杂地形局地环流。  相似文献   

复杂地形区域之大气环境容量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向可宗 《大气科学》1991,15(1):111-119
复杂地形区域之风场及污染物的输送,受地形影响往往是非均匀的,这类地区大气环境容量的估算也有别于平坦地形区域。本文以粤东山区之梅州市工业居民混合区为例,介绍了复杂地形条件下大气环境容量的计算方法。主要包括:1.确定地形影响下近地面之主要流型.2.合理给出模式调整前容量的初估值,以尽量减少模式调整的工作量.3.建立非均匀风场条件下的环境容量调整模式.4.通过模式调整得出大气环境容量的准确值。  相似文献   

复杂地形下山谷风的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用中尺度数值模式MM5,选用NCEP全球客观分析资料(1°×1°)和国内高空地面资料为初始场,采用张驰逼近边界条件和单一冰相水汽方案,模拟了河南省西部山区的复杂地形对2006年6月19日局地环流的影响,结果表明:太行山的南麓和熊耳山的东侧都有因地形热力作用而形成的山谷风存在.  相似文献   

由于观测资料不能覆盖研究所关注的高空区域,已有理论又无法解释所面对的问题,所以希望利用数值模拟来生产一套逼近真实的数据,以补充观测的欠缺。  相似文献   

利用中尺度数值模式MM5,选用NCEP全球客观分析资料(1°×1°)和国内高空地面资料为初始场,采用张驰逼近边界条件和单一冰相水汽方案,模拟了河南省西部山区的复杂地形对2006年6月19日局地环流的影响,结果表明:太行山的南麓和熊耳山的东侧都有因地形热力作用而形成的山谷风存在。  相似文献   

Global radiation is an important parameter necessary for most ecological models. However, in situ data barely meets the needs of modelling mountainous ecosystems since most field stations are located in flat areas. Consequently, it is usually necessary to extrapolate radiation measurements obtained from an adjacent flat area to the complex terrain of concern. The distribution of radiation in complex terrain depends upon two factors: the local atmospheric conditions, which determine the radiation potentially available to a supposed flat surface in a given location, and the topographic effects on this possible radiation. The latter have been included in detail in most radiation models for complex terrain, but the former are often only simply treated as constant or estimated by over-simplified empirical algorithms. In this paper we propose a novel model that uses a parametric atmospheric model to calculate the potential radiation for a supposed flat surface in a given location, and then account for topographic effects. Direct radiation, diffuse radiation and reflected radiation are calculated separately in the model due to the distinctive characteristics of and the effects by topography. Based on the parametric model, this paper has investigated the relationship between radiation transmittance, clearness indices and altitude under a series of water vapour content and turbidity conditions. This combines three ratios, R b, R d, and R r, defined as the direct radiation, diffuse radiation and reflected radiation received by the arbitrary surface, respectively, to their counterparts in the horizontal surface, to estimate the global radiation for any given location. The model has been validated with data from measurements in National Park Berchtesgaden, Germany, where six measurement sites with various altitudes and topographic characteristics have been deployed. The r 2 of modelled and measured hourly global radiation are greater than 0.90 in all six sites, with RMSE varies from 16 to 100 W m−2. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the model was not sensitive to change in water vapour content, which suggests the possibility to use an exponential algorithm of water vapour content when there is no in situ water vapour content information in complex terrains. The NRMSE was only reduced by 0.04, on average, in five of the six sites when water vapour content information was calculated from the in situ air temperature and relative humidity measurements.  相似文献   

复杂地形风场的精细数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风能是一种重要气候资源,随着我国风电规模的迅速增大,发展风能资源评估系统和风功率预测系统已成为一项重要的研究内容。国内外对复杂地形风场结构的数值模拟有大量研究,随着计算机能力增强,以往用于空气动力学精细流场计算的计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)模式越来越多地在气象领域得到应用,人们开始研究用中尺度预报模式和CFD模式结合进行复杂地形风场的数值模拟。本文的耦合模式系统采用中尺度气象模式(WRF),通过嵌套网格到内层尺度(一般是几公里),然后通过耦合CFD模式Fluent软件获得高分辨率(水平30~100 m,垂直150 m高度以下10 m)的风速分布资料,得到精细化的风场信息。通过对鄱阳湖北部区域和云南杨梅山复杂地形的风场模拟,提供了风能评估和预报的一种可行的方法。  相似文献   

复杂地形对对流混合层的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用发展后的混合层模式研究下垫面(地形和地面热力)的不均匀性对混合层结构的影响。数值实验表明,在保持了混合层模式简便和实用等特点的同时,发展后的混合层模式能够很好地反映复杂地形对混合层厚度和风速的影响。  相似文献   

西双版纳地区雾的数值模拟研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
建立了一个适用于复杂地形上的三维非定常雾模式,用于研究西双版纳地区雾的生消规律。模式详细考虑了湍流、长短波辐射、凝结、蒸发、重力沉降等影响因子,特别注意了植被和气溶胶辐射效应对雾的生消的影响。利用本模式对山谷风及雾的生消过程进行了实况模拟,结果表明,模式在一定程度上反映了实际情况。  相似文献   

针对四川省复杂地形和雷达型号多样的特征,设计了一种以长时间序列统计单/双偏振天气雷达数据质量的评估方法,算法定性评估了天气雷达数据是否存在空回波、电磁干扰和地物干扰的问题,定量评估了雷达Zh(水平极化反射率因子)、Z_(dr)(差分反射率)、CC(相关系数)、Фdp(差分相移)和G_(C)(地物回波系数)的数据质量。通过评估2022年5—9月四川省12部新一代天气雷达基数据的数据质量,得到了如下结果:(1)同频电磁干扰严重影响四川省天气雷达数据质量,超过74%的宜宾和广元站数据存在电磁干扰回波;宜宾和乐山雷达站出现了较多空回波数据;超过77.91%的广元雷达站数据存在风电场地物回波干扰。(2)雷达性能正常时,地物回波系数G_(C)的均值变化不大,G_(C)系数的标准差可以有效反应出雷达数据问题,特别对空回波数据问题比较敏感。(3)四川省12部天气雷达Zh标准差总体较小,绵阳和宜宾站较优,乐山站较差。(4)四川省3部双偏振天气雷达的Z_(dr)和CC数据质量较好,?dp的数据波动较大。  相似文献   

This paper describes an adjoint method for data assimilation intoupstream boundary conditions of numerical modelsusing optimal control theory. Mathematical formalisms are given along with the numerical implementation of the schemein a column model of the atmospheric boundary layer. The optimized mean and turbulence profiles are used as an upstream solutionin a model of turbulent flow in complex terrain. To contrast thiswith other methods, two solutions for flow over an isolatedhill are calculated, one with an optimized upstream solution andone with a simple surface-layer formulation for the upstream solution.These two solutions are compared to observations and analytical theory. The adjoint optimization method is shown to producesolutions of flow in complex terrain that are substantively differentat the two solutions, with the optimized solution giving more accurate results.  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of turbulence structure is important for the understanding of atmospheric phenomena in the boundary layer, especially over complex terrain. In the present study, turbulence intensity parameters are analyzed for different conditions regarding stability, wind speed and wind direction over a mountainous region. The purpose of the analysis is to verify whether the observed parameters follow Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), despite the terrain heterogeneity. The dataset was collected during an experimental campaign at the Nova Roma do Sul site, in southern Brazil, with a micrometeorological tower located near a sharp slope, approximately 400 m high. The results show that the normalized standard deviations of the vertical velocity component as well as the normalized standard deviation of temperature follow Monin–Obukhov similarity for all stability regimes, regardless of the wind direction. However the normalized standard deviation of the horizontal components of the turbulent velocity obeys the similarity relationship only for a limited range of the stability parameters.  相似文献   

Meteorological data of velocity components and temperature have been measured on a mast of height 4.9 m at one site in the Heihe River Basin Field Experiment (HEIFE) conducted in west China. Mean and individual turbulence parameters, power spectra/cospectra, phase angles and their changes withfetch downwind of a change in surface roughness were analyzed. The turbulence characteristics depend strongly on the prevailing wind direction, which in turn is associated with changes in the upwind surface roughness pattern. The results show that values of horizontal velocity standard deviations sigma;u,v scaled with local friction velocity u under different stratifications are larger than those over flat terrain, while the values of w/u have the same values as over flat terrain. The differences between variance values of the horizontal velocity components, u and v, over inhomogeneous terrain were found to be significantly smaller than those over flat terrain. Since energy densities of the w spectra, uw and wT cospectra at low frequencies are relatively lower than those of longitudinal velocity spectra, total energies of w spectra, uw and wT cospectra tend to be in equilibrium with the local terrain. The values of phase angles at the low frequency end of the frequency showed obvious differences associated with changes of roughness.  相似文献   

利用区域中尺度模式ARPS(Advanced Regional Prediction System)模拟了华北西部复杂地形条件下发生在2010年9月18-22日的降水过程,并针对云分析方法对降水和温度预报的影响开展了敏感性试验.结果表明:①模式在复杂地形下有很好的适用性.24 h和48 h模拟结果,降水的起止时间、落区以及强降水中心的位置均和实况一致.24 h模拟降水的量级和实况接近,48 h的比实况偏大;②模式能准确模拟温度的变化,插值得到的5天内6个台站温度预报的平均绝对误差只有2.69℃;③云分析能显著提高模式初值的质量,特别是其中水物质的含量,从而可显著改善48 h强降水中心降水量偏大的状况,使模拟的降水场更接近于实况.但云分析对温度模拟结果的影响不明显.  相似文献   

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