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Numerous dolomite concretions have been discovered in marls of the Eocene Sobrarbe deltaic complex as part of the Ainsa Basin (Spain). This paper presents the first analyses of the shapes, the spatial relationships, the mineralogical, chemical and isotopic compositions of these concretions.The concretions are located above a major fossil submarine slide scar. They are mainly perpendicular to the sedimentary layers. Four distinct shapes of concretions have been distinguished: horizontal flat, sub-vertical cylindrical or cylindrical-complex and stocky. Three main mineral phases are associated with most of the concretions: calcite, celestite and barite. Concretion shapes and mineral occurrences are organized vertically in the marls from bottom to top: (i) at the bottom, flat shapes with septarian cracks filled by calcite and celestite, (ii) in the middle and at the top, cylindrical and cylindrical-complex concretions associated with prismatic barite, calcite and celestite filling conduits related to bioturbations, and (iii) at the top, cylindrical and cylindrical-complex concretions associated with calcite and celestite filling conduits related to bioturbations, and stocky shape concretions.We postulate that concretions have formed by dolomite cementation of the surrounding marls during early diagenesis in the zone of methanogenesis. The high sedimentation rate of the infilling seems to be a factor controlling the mineralogical composition of the concretions. Brown calcite precipitated in voids and fractures of the concretions. Celestite precipitated during burial, completing the filling of voids and fractures. Barite precipitated before celestite, but its time of precipitation relative to brown calcite remains unknown.  相似文献   

Various transformation mechanisms can generate turbidity currents from subaqueous debris flows. Different transformation mechanisms have been described and interpreted in the past from laboratory experiments and from deposits, but the two approaches have not generally been linked. This has made the genetic interpretation and comparison of deposits difficult. In this paper a generic classification scheme of debrite–turbidite couplets is proposed based on transformation mechanisms inferred from laboratory experiments. Five different flow types (called A–E herein) and their resulting deposits are detailed, but they are all part of a continuous spectrum, and a mixture of types is likely to be found in the field. Type A flows are strong, dense debris flows that undergo little transformation. Their deposit will be a debrite overlain by a thin turbidite, which is separated from it by a clear grain size break. Type B flows are weaker and can develop waves at the debris flow-turbidity current interface. The deposit will be a debrite with a wavy top overlain by a turbidite that is thicker than for type A flows. For type C flows, the interfacial waves will grow so much that the debris flow disintegrates into separate parts. The deposit will consist of debrite lenses encased in a turbidite. Type D flows will undergo even more mixing than type C flows so that the debrite parts will be mixed. Their deposit will be a turbidite with laterally varying areas of debrite characteristics near the bed. Type E flows will be so transformed that the debris flow character has disappeared and the flow is a turbidity current with high sediment concentration. The deposit will be largely turbiditic. The flow types and deposits will be illustrated with some examples from two field areas: the Polish Carpathians and the French Maritime Alps.  相似文献   

Submarine channel levee systems form important hydrocarbon reservoirs in many deep marine settings and are often deposited within a structurally active setting. This study focuses on recent submarine channels that developed within a deepwater fold and thrust belt setting from the Levant Basin, eastern Mediterranean Sea. Compressional deformation within the study area is driven by the up-dip collapse of the Nile cone above the ductile Messinian Evaporites. Structures such as folds and strike slip faults exert a strong control on channel location and development over time. From this study four end-member submarine channel–structure interactions can be defined: Confinement, diversion, deflection and blocking. Each of these channel–structure interactions results in a distinct submarine channel morphology and pattern of development compared to unconfined channel levee systems. Each interaction can also be used to assess timing relationships between submarine channel development and deformation.  相似文献   

岩浆岩中斜长石矿物的结构、成分特征记录了岩浆演化过程的重要信息。本文对马努斯海盆东部裂谷(East Rift, ER)火山岩中的斜长石斑晶进行了详细的矿物学研究,结果表明:在玄武质安山岩中,斜长石斑晶具正环带结构,核-幔部属高An值(斜长石中钙长石分子百分数)斜长石(An值大于80,最大为87),而边缘的An值骤降(最小为63);而在英安岩中,大多数斜长石斑晶的成分从核部到边部变化较小, An值逐渐缓慢降低,呈现正环带结构,少量为韵律环带。结合火山岩斑晶矿物形成的温压条件计算结果,ER地区岩浆演化过程为:地幔源区发生部分熔融产生玄武质岩浆(温度~1300℃);在岩浆活动早期,由于岩浆供应充足,岩浆上升过程中速度较快,仅发生很小程度的分离结晶,形成少量斑晶矿物,并以较高的速度、温度(~1 100℃)直接喷出海底后形成玄武岩-玄武质安山岩;至岩浆活动晚期,岩浆供应量减少,岩浆在岩浆房(3~10km)停留较长时间,岩浆温度已经明显下降(960~1 020℃),发生强烈的分离结晶作用,岩浆喷出海底形成酸性火山岩;而在整个岩浆演化过程中,未有明显的岩浆混合作用发生。  相似文献   

In order to assess the controlling factors on the evolution of a shelf margin and the timing of sediment transfer to deep waters, a seismic stratigraphic investigation was carried out in the Eocene interval of northern Santos Basin, offshore Brazil. The studied succession configures a complex of prograding slope clinoforms formed in a passive margin and encompasses five seismic facies and their respective depositional settings: shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces, oblique slope clinoforms, sigmoidal slope clinoforms, continental to shelfal deposits and mass-transport deposits. These are stratigraphically arranged as seven depositional sequences recording a total shelf-edge progradation of about 35 km and a progradation rate of 1,75 km/My. Two main types of sequences can be recognized, the first one (type A) being dominated by oblique slope clinoforms and shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces in which shelf-edge trajectories were essentially flat to descending and extensive sandy turbidites were deposited on the foreset to bottomset zones. Sequences of this type are dominated by forced-regressive units deposited during extensive periods of relative sea-level fall. Type B comprises an upper part represented by aggradational shelfal deposits and a lower part composed of mass-transport deposits and high-relief sigmoidal clinoforms with descending shelf-edge trajectory. Steep slump scars deeply cut the shelfal strata and constitutes the boundary between the two intervals observed in type B sequences. Sandy turbidites occur at the same frequency in both forced- and normal-regressive units but are more voluminous within forced-regressive clinoforms associated with shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces. Major slope failures and mass-transport deposits, by the other hand, occurred exclusively in type B sequences during the onset of sea-level fall and their volume are directly related to the thickness of the shelfal sediments formed during the pre-failure normal regressions.  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地发育晚新生代河湖相沉积并记录了华北更新世人类活动历史。近年来的发现表明,作为盆地重要组成部分,蔚县盆地是解读中更新世古人类行为演化与环境适应的关键区域。吉家庄遗址地处蔚县盆地东部吉家庄-黄梅台地古人类活动集中区,是近年来新发现和发掘的中更新世古人类活动遗址之一。对遗址湖滨相沉积物易溶盐的测试和分析表明,此剖面代表的泥河湾古湖易溶盐为HCO3--SO42--Na+型,pH值平均为8.93,偏碱性;剖面平均含盐量为0.67‰,属于半咸水湖,指示半干旱区湖泊演化由碳酸盐湖向硫化物湖过渡阶段。SO42-、Cl-、Na+、Ca2+和Mg2+等5类离子的变化曲线与剖面沉积物易溶盐总含量变化大体一致。依据易溶盐主要离子比值和碳酸盐碳、氧稳定同位素含量,并结合沉积物特点将湖泊气候演化划分为4个阶段,记录了气候由相对冷湿→凉干→相对温暖湿润的变化过程,古人类在该遗址活动时期对应于湖泊演化的第2阶段早期,处在古湖水位降低且气候向干凉转变的湖滨环境。该项研究对探讨泥河湾古湖的演化以及蔚县盆地吉家庄遗址利用者的生存行为与气候关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Basin floor fans contain some of the largest deep-water hydrocarbon accumulations discovered, however they also demonstrate extremely complex stratigraphic architecture, understanding of which is crucial for maximum recovery. Here we develop a new method, based upon palynofacies analysis, for the distinction of the different depositional environments that are commonly associated with basin floor fans. Previous studies and our sedimentological analysis allow good confidence in the discrimination of the different depositional environments of the outcropping Marnoso-Arenacea Formation fan system. One hundred and thirty-five samples were collected from mudstones in conjunction with sedimentary logging of 871 m of outcrops. Six lithofacies associations are described and interpreted to represent lobe axis, lobe fringe, fan fringe, contained interlobe, basin plain, and starved high depositional sub-environments. Palynofacies of these elements demonstrate turbidites to be rich in terrestrial organic matter, with sixteen categories of matter recognised. The abundances and proportions of particles varies between sub-environments, with lobe axis deposits containing the largest, densest particles, with a transition to ever smaller and lighter particles moving toward the basin plain. Fuzzy C-means statistical analysis was used to explore this trend. Distribution of organic matter is not random, but is dominated by hydrodynamic sorting and sequential fall-out of particles as turbidity currents passed across the basin. This allows a palynofacies classification scheme to be constructed to assist the identification of depositional environments of submarine fans, which may be combined with subsurface data to assist reservoir characterisation.  相似文献   

The terrigenously-dominated marine shales which were deposited in the lower Eocene Pinghu Formation were thought to be a potential source rock in the Xihu Depression of the East China Sea Shelf Basin. However, the exceptionally high total organic carbon content (TOC, >6% on average) of the tidal sand ridge samples was not compatible with their sedimentary environment, indicating coal-bearing sedimentary debris may have been transferred from the coast to the ocean. In this study, new sights into the origins and supply of organic materials in the coastal environment were proposed in the neritic organic matter of the Eocene Pinghu Formation. A discriminant model was developed using plynofacies analysis data to pinpoint the source of organic materials in marine source rocks. The discrimination results suggested that marine mudstones were associated with tidal flat mudstones rather than deltaic ones. The biomarker characteristics of mudstones deposited in various environments support this assertion, indicating that the supply of plant materials in tidal flats is the primary organic matter source for the marine environment. The organic matter abundance was elevated in tidal flats due to their superior preservation conditions. Additionally, the lithological assemblage of tidal flats suggests that tidal currents can scour marshes and then transport dispersed terrigenous organic materials to neritic areas. These findings indicate that coal-bearing sedimentary debris was likely transferred from the coast to the ocean, and tidal currents are thought to be the dominant mechanism driving organic matter from the tidal to the marine environment.  相似文献   

The provenance of the Danish Miocene sands has been deduced from zircon ages and heavy minerals integrated with an existing detailed stratigraphic model of the fluvio-deltaic sand successions that prograded into the North Sea Basin in large delta lobes. The stratigraphic model allowed interpretation of the depositional ages of the samples, which were used to reconstruct the outline of the river pathway system for each time slice. The contribution from individual source areas to a specific position in the Miocene succession was controlled by depositional environment and tectonics. The major rivers each flowed separately to the sea, so mixing between supplies from different sources could only have occurred in the marine environment, where a wave-induced shallow current and a tidally-induced deeper current transported the sediment along the shore in opposite directions. Changes in grain size parameters and mineral assemblages across Denmark showed that the overall sediment transport direction for southern Scandinavia was to the south-west. They also showed that the sediments are immature with regards to transport length, so the high maturity of the heavy mineral suite suggests that kaolinisation has been a widespread phenomenon in the source areas. Rapid uplift and/or extensive denudation may have been revealed by an apparent eastward migration of the dominating provenance area, which was observed in the zircon age data for two consecutive time spans; the early Miocene first tectonic pulse and the intra-early Miocene tectonic phase. Comparison of the zircon age distributions with age markers defined using the published ages of the Scandinavian basement terranes shows that most of the sand came from several Sveconorwegian source areas in south-eastern Norway and south-western Sweden. Contributions from the Svecofennian Orogen, the Caledonian belt and the Oslo Rift are also found and the presence of Archaean zircon grains suggests that contributions to the river systems came from as far away as Finland.  相似文献   

High-temperature hydrothermal activity occurs in all ocean basins and along ridge crests of all spreading rates. While it has long been recognized that the fluxes associated with such venting are large, precise quantification of their impact on ocean biogeochemistry has proved elusive. Here, we report a comprehensive study of heat, fluid and chemical fluxes from a single submarine hydrothermal field. To achieve this, we have exploited the integrating nature of the non-buoyant plume dispersing above the Rainbow hydrothermal field, a long-lived and tectonically hosted high-temperature vent site on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Our calculations yield heat and volume fluxes for high-temperature fluids exiting the seafloor of ~0.5 GW and 450 L s?1, together with accompanying chemical fluxes, for Fe, Mn and CH4 of ~10, ~1 and ~1 mol s?1, respectively. Accompanying fluxes for 25 additional chemical species that are associated with Fe-rich plume particles have also been calculated as they are transported away from the Rainbow vent site before settling to the seabed. High-temperature venting has been found to recur at least once every ~100 km along all slow-spreading ridges investigated to-date, with half of all known sites on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge occurring as long-lived and tectonically hosted systems. If these patterns persist along all slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges, high-temperature venting of the kind reported here could account for ~50% of the on-axis hydrothermal heat flux along ~30,000 km of the ~55,000 km global ridge crest.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地中央坳陷带拆离断层及其控盆作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Using regional geological, newly acquired 2D and 3D seismic, drilling and well log data, especially 2D long cable seismic profiles, the structure and stratigraphy in the deep-water area of Qiongdongnan Basin are interpreted. The geometry of No.2 fault system is also re-defined, which is an important fault in the central depression belt of the deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan Basin by employing the quantitative analysis techniques of fault activity and backstripping. Furthermore, the dynamical evolution of the No.2 fault sys-tem and its controls on the central depression belt are analyzed. This study indicates that the Qiongdongnan Basin was strongly influenced by the NW-trending tensile stress field during the Late Eocene. At this time, No.2 fault system initiated and was characterized by several discontinuous fault segments, which controlled a series small NE-trending fault basins. During the Oligocene, the regional extensional stress field changed from NW-SE to SN with the oceanic spreading of South China Sea, the early small faults started to grow along their strikes, eventually connected and merged as the listric shape of the No.2 fault system as ob-served today. No.2 fault detaches along the crustal Moho surface in the deep domain of the seismic profiles as a large-scale detachment fault. A large-scale rollover anticline formed in hanging wall of the detachment fault. There are a series of small fault basins in both limbs of the rollover anticline, showing that the early small basins were involved into fold deformation of the rollover anticline. Structurally, from west to east, the central depression belt is characterized by alternatively arranged graben and half-graben. The central depression belt of the Qiongdongnan Basin lies at the extension zone of the tip of the V-shaped northwest-ern ocean sub-basin of the South China Sea, its activity period is the same as the development period of the northwestern ocean sub-basin, furthermore the emplacement and eruption of magma that originated from the mantle b  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2002,78(1):1-8
The activities of naturally occurring radium isotopes (226Ra and 228Ra) in estuarine water were measured downstream of the dam constructed in the Nakdong River, Korea. The sampling of surface waters for radium, silicate, and suspended solid (SS) analyses was conducted at 18 stations during three periods (July 1997, April 1998, and June 1999). In general, radium activities exceeded the value expected from the mixing of two freshwater and seawater endmembers. We characterized the responses of Ra and Si according to three different conditions: (1) when the freshwater discharge and the water level of the dam relative to the sea level at low tide were lower (April 1998), the excess Ra and Si contents were lower in the estuary; (2) when the fresh water discharge was larger following heavy precipitation (July 1997), both excess Ra and Si contents were higher in the estuary with conservative mixing of Si; and (3) when the water level of the dam relative to the sea level at low tide was highest under low freshwater discharge (June 1999), high excess Ra but low Si levels were observed. The occurrence of high Ra activity in June 1999 was likely due to the large submarine brackish groundwater discharge downstream of the estuary. Since brackish groundwater in general contains high concentrations of nutrients, Ba, Ra, etc, our result suggests an important role for the submarine groundwater discharge on the biogeochemistry of estuarine/coastal waters, especially when the water level of the dam (hydraulic head) is high.  相似文献   

Two scales of levee confinement are commonly recognised from submarine channel-levee systems on the seafloor and in the subsurface. Large-scale external levees bound the entire system whilst smaller-scale internal levees bound individual thalweg channels within the channel-belt. Although thin beds are commonly identified in core and well logs, their origin, and consequently their stratigraphic significance is currently poorly understood. This knowledge gap stems, in part, from the lack of unambiguously identified outcrop analogues of channel-levees, and in particular the lack of identifiable internal and external levees. Here we report from two exhumed channel-levee systems where both scales of confinement can be recognised: the Rosario Fm. of Baja California, and the Fort Brown Fm. of South Africa. A suite of characteristic sedimentary features are recognised from internal and external levees respectively: internal levees are characterised by structures indicative of complexity in the waxing-waning style of overspill, interactions with topography and flow magnitude variability; in contrast, external levees are characterised by structures indicative of simple surge-like waning flows, relatively uniform flow directions, laterally extensive beds, and a lack of erosive events. Using these observations, together with published literature, we propose a simple nomenclatural scheme for levee sub-environments, and criteria to differentiate between levee sub-environments in core or outcrop.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea has accumulated >2 km of Eocene sediments in its deep basin, and has become the exploration focus due to the recent discoveries of the HZ25-7 oil field in the Eocene Wenchang (E2w) Formation. In this study, the geochemical characteristics of potential source rocks and petroleum in the HZ25-7 oil field are investigated and the possible origins and accumulation models developed. The analytical results reveal two sets of potential source rocks, E2w and Enping (E2e) formations developed in the study area. The semi-deep-to-deep lacustrine E2w source rocks are characterized by relatively low C29 steranes, low C19/C23 tricyclic terpane (<0.6), low C24 tetracyclic terpane/C30 hopane (<0.1), low trans-trans-trans-bicadinane (T)/C30 hopane (most <2.0), and high C30 4-methyl sterane/ΣC29 sterane (>0.2) ratios. In contrast, the shallow lacustrine and deltaic swamp-plain E2e source rocks are characterized by relatively high C29 steranes, high C19/C23 tricyclic terpane (>0.6), high C24 tetracyclic terpane/C30 hopane (>0.1), variable yet overall high T/C30 hopane, and low C30 4-methyl sterane/ΣC29 sterane (<0.2) ratios. The relatively low C19/C23 tricyclic terpane ratios (mean value: 0.39), low C24 tetracyclic terpane/C30 hopane ratios (mean value: 0.07), high C30 4-methyl sterane/ΣC29 sterane ratios (mean value: 1.14), and relatively high C27 regular sterane content of petroleum in the HZ25-7 oil field indicate that the petroleum most likely originated from the E2w Formation mudstone in the Huizhou Depression. One stage of continuous charging is identified in the HZ25-7 oil field; oil injection is from 16 Ma to present and peak filling occurs after 12 Ma. Thin sandstone beds with relatively good connectivity and physical properties (porosity and permeability) in the E2w Formation are favorable conduits for the lateral migration of petroleum. This petroleum accumulation pattern implies that the E2w Formation on the western and southern margins of the Huizhou Depression are favorable for petroleum accumulation because they are located in a migration pathway. Thus exploration should focus in these areas in the future.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that benthic foraminifera are useful proxies of local methane emissions from the seafloor has been verified on sediment core KS16 from the headwall of the Ana submarine landslide in the Eivissa Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea. The core MS312 from a nearby location with no known methane emissions is utilised as control. The core was analysed for biostratigraphy, benthic foraminiferal assemblages, Hyalinea balthica and Uvigerina peregrina carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition, and sedimentary structures. The upper part of the core records post-landslide deglacial and Holocene normal marine hemipelagic sediments with highly abundant benthic foraminifera species that are typical of outer neritic to upper bathyal environment. In this interval, the δ13C composition of benthic foraminifera indicates normal marine environment analogous to those found in the control core. Below the sedimentary hiatus caused by the emplacement of the slide, the foraminiferal assemblages are characterised by lower density and higher Shannon Index. Markedly negative δ13C shifts in benthic foraminifera are attributed to the release of methane through the seabed. The mean values of the 13C anomaly in U. peregrina are ? 0.951 ± 0.208 in the pre-landslide sediments, and ? 0.269 ± 0.152 in post-slide reworked sediments deposited immediately above the hiatus. The δ13C anomaly in Hyalinea balthica is ? 2.497 ± 0.080 and ? 2.153 ± 0.087, respectively. To discard the diagenetic effects on the δ13C anomaly, which could have been induced by Ca–Mg replacement and authigenic carbonate overgrowth on foraminifera tests, a benthic foraminifera subsample has been treated following an oxidative and reductive cleaning protocol. The cleaning has resulted, only in some cases, in a slight reduction of the anomaly by 0.95% for δ13C and < 0.80% for δ18O. Therefore, the first conclusion is that the diagenetic alteration is minor and it does not alter significantly the overall carbon isotopic anomaly in the core. Consequently, the pre-landslide sediments have been subject to pervasive methane emissions during a time interval of several thousand years. Methane emissions continued during and immediately after the occurrence of Ana Slide at about 61.5 ka. Subsequently, methane emissions decreased and definitely ceased during the last deglaciation and the Holocene.  相似文献   

The strikingly cyclic character of digitally filtered gamma ray logs from the Oxfordian to Portlandian interval of the Wessex Basin, onshore United Kingdom, facilitates high resolution log correlation over considerable distances, allowing the systematic calibration of biostratigraphic with lithostratigraphic data through graphic correlation. This involves the systematic cross-plotting of biostratigraphic events, based on samples taken from cuttings and sidewall cores, from a set of wells to produce a composite standard. Initially the standard is a single well, chosen for maximum thickness and completeness. Biostratigraphic events are added to by drawing lines of correlation and projecting the data points onto the composite standard. The scatter of biostratigraphic events is generally such that a line of correlation cannot be drawn with confidence from the biostratigraphic data alone. Independent lines of correlation are established between wells by first matching cycles (? parasequences) on digitally filtered gamma ray traces and using these as a framework for adding biostratigraphic events to the composite standard. This has advantages over the conventional approach in that the effects of outliers in the data are minimized and hiatuses and subtle changes in rock accumulation rates become apparent. By adding all the biostratigraphic events from all wells to the composite standard a range chart is produced depicting the scatter or dispersion of all biostratigraphic events relative to the log based cycles. The end result is an integrated stratigraphy in which biostratigraphic events are calibrated against rock events giving a measure of dispersion, and hence confidence, for each biostratigraphic event.  相似文献   

This study documents long-term changes of a Zostera noltii landscape induced by a natural cyclic event in a coastal lagoon. The barrier-islands forming this system are very dynamic with drifting movements controlling ecological patterns and processes occurring in this area. Changes in the areal extent of the Z. noltii meadows were assessed using historical aerial photographs from 1940, 1980, 1989, 1996 and 1998. Landscape indices such as total patch area (TA), mean patch size (MPS), number of patches (NP), mean shape coefficient of variation (CV) and landscape fractal dimension (D) were calculated for each year and related to an index of disturbance intensity. The spatial distribution of the Z. noltii meadows varied greatly during the studied period and changes observed were related to the disturbance created by the barrier-islands' spatial dynamics. After an artificial inlet relocation the Z. noltii area, number of patches, patch mean size and coefficient of variation decreased. The fractal dimension of the Z. noltii landscape increased by 50% showing that besides a decrease in total area, number of patches, and patch mean area, patch fragmentation was an important consequence of this anthropogenic disturbance.Seagrass natural distribution patterns changed in response to natural and human-induced activities. This study emphasizes the importance of the landscape approach and the historical perspective when studying seagrass changes and the importance of taking into consideration long-term changes in seagrass landscapes to avoid confusion between man-induced effects with natural cyclic events.  相似文献   

In order to understand the paleoenvironment of the Early Cambrian black shale deposition in the western part of the Yangtze Block, geochemical and organic carbon isotopic studies have been performed on two wells that have drilled through the Qiongzhusi Formation in the central and southeastern parts of Sichuan Basin. It shows that the lowest part of the Qiongzhusi Formation has high TOC abundance, while the middle and upper parts display relative low TOC content. Redox-sensitive element (Mo) and trace elemental redox indices (e.g., Ni/Co, V/Cr, U/Th and V/(V + Ni)) suggest that the high-TOC layers were deposited under anoxic conditions, whereas the low-TOC layers under relatively dysoxic/oxic conditions. The relationship of the enrichment factors of Mo and U further shows a transition from suboxic low-TOC layers to euxinic high-TOC layers. On the basis of the Mo-TOC relationship, the Qiongzhusi Formation black shales were deposited in a basin under moderately restricted conditions. Organic carbon isotopes display temporal variations in the Qiongzhusi Formation, with a positive excursion of δ13Corg values in the lower part and a continuous positive shift in the middle and upper parts. All these geochemical and isotopic criteria indicate a paleoenvironmental change from bottom anoxic to middle and upper dysoxic/oxic conditions for the Qiongzhusi Formation black shales. The correlation of organic carbon isotopic data for the Lower Cambrian black shales in different regions of the Yangtze Block shows consistent positive excursion of δ13Corg values in the lower part for each section. This excursion can be ascribed to the widespread Early Cambrian transgression in the Yangtze Block, under which black shales were deposited.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2001,172(3-4):287-307
Submarine volcaniclastic deposits, both modern and ancient, pose a conundrum in distinguishing between syn- and post-eruptive processes. High-standing, submarine volcanic edifices of the late Quaternary southern Kermadec arc (SW Pacific) are point sources of pyroclastic/hyaloclastic deposits that are bathed and modified by a complex current system of the South Pacific gyre flowing southeast along the northern margin of New Zealand, which in part comprises the anticyclonic flow of the warm-cored East Cape Eddy (ECE). Flow of the ECE across the southern Kermadec arc provides a present-day case of extensive and in situ, post-eruptive, textural modification of modern pyroclastic/hyaloclastic deposits on the crests and upper flanks of submarine stratovolcanoes. Photographic observations (and limited textural data) from seven Kermadec volcanoes reveal pervasive evidence of sediment winnowing (including crag and tail structures, scour and moating around volcanic blocks, coarse sand-granule lag deposits, epifaunal deflection, lineated mud streaking, and moulded bioturbation mounds) and asymmetric current-ripple bedforms at water-depths of at least 1500 m. All bedforms indicate increasing current speed at progressively higher elevations (decreasing water-depth) for each volcano. Current-ripples mostly have discontinuous, asymmetric, shorted-crested, linguoid–lunate forms below 1000 m water-depth, progressing to semi-continuous, asymmetric, shorted-crested, linear-sinuous forms above 500 m. Current elutriation of the Kermadec deposits progressively removes fines with decreasing water-depth resulting in relatively fines-depleted, volcaniclastic sands and granules. This post-eruptive process overprints syn-eruptive processes that notionally generate more comminuted fine-grained clasts with decreasing water-depth as phreatomagmatic explosive eruptions become more vigorous. Current-elutriation also modifies volcaniclastic detritus prior to subsequent removal by episodic, mass-gravity flow. In addition the sand-granule traction load, driven by current-flow, moves sediment nearly continuously to gully and rill heads for removal down-slope, independently of syn-eruptive sediment flux. The underlying observation is that volcaniclastic deposits rarely reflect just syn-eruptive processes, and that significant in situ current-elutriation of at the least surficial pyroclastic/hyaloclastic eruption products can occur on submarine volcanoes.Threshold current velocities, derived assuming unidirectional flow over cohesionless sand-lapilli grainsizes, and accounting for bed friction, yield current velocities (at 100 cm above the bed) of ≤15 cm s−1 for water-depths >1500 m through to ∼70 cm s−1 for depths <500 m at the crests of Rumble III and V volcanoes. Estimated velocities are consistent with short-term current velocities of 30–40 cm s−1, measured directly from either acoustic doppler current profile data or relative geostrophic flow, since the latter do not account for seafloor topographic intensification. The variable hydrographic climatology of the ECE, known from sea-surface dynamic heights and repeat CTD surveys, is possibly recorded by seafloor substrates as evinced by worm-trails post-dating ripple formation and differing orientations of winnowed structures and ripples.  相似文献   

The Yanshiping section, which includes the Quemo Co, Buqu, Xiali, Suowa and Xueshan Formations (Yanshiping Group) exposes organic-rich Middle to Late Jurassic deposits in the Qiangtang Basin of northern Tibet. The biostratigraphic data, from bivalves, brachiopods as well as dinoflagellate cysts, define a Bajocian to Tithonian age. This study focuses on the biomarkers present in these mudstones and limestones to determine the sources, thermal maturity and depositional environment of the organic matter. Most samples show a clear dominance of short-chain (C15–C20) n-alkanes with a maximum at C19 or C19 with a secondary maximum at C23 except for the sample BP01(22)S1 where the predominant range is C22 to C26 with a maximum at C24, significant CPI and odd-to-even predominance. The hopanoids and steroids suggest that the sources of organic matter were dominated by phytoplankton, especially algae, as the primary source. Furthermore, the Pr/Ph, Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18, with relatively low values plus high abundance of 17α(H)-hopanes, support deposition in dysoxic to reducing, relatively shallow-water depositional settings, and the presence of gammacerane indicates normal marine salinity and/or water-column stratification. All samples are fairly mature with respect to petroleum generation, a conclusion supported by maturity parameters such as C31 22S/(22S + 22R) hopanes and C29 ααα20S/(20S + 20R) steranes.  相似文献   

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