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This study is the first detailed account of freshwater to restricted marine molluscs from the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the northern sector of the Neuquén Basin. The fossils are from the Campanian–Maastrichtian Loncoche Formation in southern Mendoza, west-central Argentina, which records the initial connection of the Neuquén Basin to the Atlantic Ocean. Six species of bivalves (Diplodon bodenbenderi, Pleiodon? sp., Isognomon? mechanquilensis, Mactridae? indet., Panopea? sp., and Laternula sp.) and three of gastropods (Paleoanculosa macrochilinoides, Paleoanculosa ameghiniana, and a possible cerithioidean) are described. Specimens were collected from fine to coarse sandstones, which may be massive or with planar stratification, planar-cross stratification or trough-cross stratification, and a few from bioclastic limestones and mudstones. Although the sections are from 50 to 300 m thick, the specimens are found only in the lower 120 m. Molluscs represent autochthonous/parautochthonous assemblages composed of mostly non-broken gastropods and articulated bivalve specimens, some of which show signs of postmortem transport; however, they were not removed far from their original habitat. Review of the habitats of living genera supports the inference of dominantly freshwater palaeoenvironments in the lower and middle part of the Loncoche Formation, with restricted marine influence in the southernmost localities studied where there are a few samples that contain specimens belonging to predominantly marine groups (e.g., Laternula, Panopea).  相似文献   

Exposures of the Menuha Formation (Santonian–Early Campanian, Mount Scopus Group) in the Makhtesh Ramon region of the southern Negev have produced numerous chondrichthyan teeth. The isolated teeth represent at least ten different species: Cretalamna appendiculata, Cretoxyrhina mantelli, Squalicorax falcatus?, S. kaupi, Scapanorhynchus rapax, S. raphiodon?, Carcharias samhammeri, Carcharias cf. C. holmdelensis?, and two other fish (Hadrodus priscus and a pycnodont). This assemblage has important implications for Late Cretaceous chondrichthyan palaeobiogeography. The majority of teeth were contained within a glauconite-rich, yellow-brown, soft chalk that included oysters (Pycnodonte vesicularis?), trace fossils (Planolites, Thalassinoides, and Chondrites), phosphatic peloids, and foraminiferans (globigerinids). The teeth were collected mainly through surface-sampling and sieving. The Menuha Formation probably represents a temperate to subtropical, shallow, open-shelf environment deposited during the formation of the Ramon anticline. Reworked conglomeratic chalks in the western section represent marginal facies derived from this structural uplift. With little to no published material describing the chondrichthyan fauna of the Menuha Formation, these data improve interpretations of its palaeoenvironment. Interpretation of the palaeoenvironment of the formation is important for understanding the larger stratigraphic/tectonic framework of the Ramon monocline region of southern Israel.  相似文献   

An almost complete skull, which was collected from the Upper Cretaceous of the Bayan Mandahu area in Inner Mongolia, China by the Sino-Canadian Dinosaur Project, is described and assigned to a new genus of protoceratopsid dinosaur, Magnirostris dodsoni gen. et sp. nov. This new taxon is distinguished from other protoceratopsids by the robust rostral bone and the existence of incipient orbital horn cores. The existence of an additional antorbital fenestra indicates a close relationship between Magnirostris and Bagaceratops.  相似文献   

A gastrolith set, comprising 197 elements, associated with an indeterminate elasmosaurid plesiosaur collected from the Campanian–Maastrichtian La Colonia Formation, Chubut, Argentina, is described. Most of the gastroliths are discoidal (41.9%) or spheroidal (34.8%), with a mean Maximum Projection Sphericity Index value of 0.69 and a mean OP Index value of −0.74. The values of these indices are compared with those recorded for gastroliths associated with other Upper Cretaceous elasmosaurids to see if patterns with palaeobiological relevance are evident. The mean values of the Maximum Projection Sphericity Index and the Oblate-Prolate Index allow us to infer a fluvial or estuarine origin for all the elasmosaurid gastroliths for which these indices have been calculated. This inference is palaeobiologically informative because it indicates that at least some Upper Cretaceous elasmosaurs entered into estuarine (or fluvial) environments. It also helps explain the interesting vertebrate assemblage of the Allen and La Colonia formations where a rich continental fauna is recorded but elasmosaurids and polycotylids are the only well represented vertebrates with marine affinities.  相似文献   

A detailed biostratigraphic study of four sections (El Kantara, Menaa, Tighanimine and El Gaâga) in the Campanian–Maastrichtian of the Aures Basin in Algeria allows the identification of 109 ostracod species belonging to 50 genera. From a biochronostratigraphic point of view, none of the identified ostracod assemblages are typically restricted to the Campanian or to the Maastrichtian, but rather characterize a range covering the Campanian–Maastrichtian. As regards the paleobiogeography, the presence of species in common between Algeria and other countries or regions enables us to compile four maps showing the distribution of two provinces that developed during the Santonian-Paleocene, i) the South-West and South Tethyan Margins Province, including North Africa, the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula, and ii) the East Atlantic Margin Province, bordering West and Central-West Africa. We can also recognize relationships between the different regions making up these provinces, which remained under more or less arid, subtropical to tropical climates, with ostracods migrating according to the directions of ocean currents during the Late Cretaceous. The dispersal of the ostracods reflects marine communication between these provinces and India, the southern USA and Jamaica, Brazil and Europe.  相似文献   

A new larger benthic foraminifer is described as Braciana jelaskai n. gen., n. sp. from lower Campanian shallow-water foraminiferal wackestones to packstones of the island of Brač, Croatia. The Late Cretaceous Braciana is roughly homeomorphic to the Liassic taxa Lituolipora (type-species L. polymorpha Gušić & Velić) and Paleomayncina Septfontaine (type-species Mayncina termieri Hottinger). The generic differences to these taxa and other allied forms are discussed. Braciana jelaskai was confused with Pseudocyclammina sphaeroidea Gendrot in the literature with occurrences in the Santonian(?) of Slovenia and Greece.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty nine samples have been studied from the Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian of three deep wells drilled in Jiza’-Qamar Basin, Eastern Yemen to determine the calcareous nannofossil zones and the age of the sediments. Forty-seven calcareous nannofossil species were identified and four biozones were determined in the present study (CC21–CC24). These biozones are assigned to the Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian ages. Most of the studied species in this work refer to tropical–subtropical environment. The Campanian–Maastrichtian Boundary was determined in Al-Fatk well based on the last occurrence of Eiffelithus eximus and the last occurrences of Uniplanarius sissinghii and Uniplanarius trifidus.  相似文献   

The Aqra Formation represents a succession that was deposited over most of Northern Iraq and adjacent regions. In north Iraq, in the core of NW–SE trending Aqra anticline, a 438-m-thick section of the Aqra Formation crops out at Geli Zanta corge. The base of the Aqra Formation is not exposed here. The upper contact is unconformably overlain by Paleocene–Lower Eocene formations (Kolosh and Khurmala formations). A hundred and one samples were collected from the section and used for biostratigraphic and microfacies analysis. According to the occurrence of larger Foraminifera (Orbitoides media and Orbitoides apiculata) and planktonic Foraminifera (Abathomphalus mayaroensis), Late Upper Campanian–Maastrichtian age was determined for Aqra Formation. Fifteen facies were distinguishable throughout the formation, representing tidal flat (supratidal), restricted marine shelf (lagoon) and shelf margin rudist reef, and its related debris. These environments were used to interpret three depositional sequences which correlate with those of Aruma Formation (KSA), Simsima Formation (UAE) in Arabian Plate, and with Iraqi formation sequences. Three maximum flooding surfaces were recognized as MFS 175, MFS 180, and MFS 190.  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》2008,29(1):100-114
Late Cretaceous platform carbonates from the Salento peninsula (south Italy) were studied by strontium-isotope stratigraphy to improve their chronostratigraphy. Forty-three samples from nine localities were collected and the numerical ages were derived from fifteen geochemically well-preserved samples of rudist shells that were analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr values. Strontium isotope stratigraphy yielded new ages for the base of the Ciolo Limestone. The oldest successions studied in Salento are 85.9 Ma (+/− 0.6) and assigned to the Melissano Limestone. The youngest Cretaceous limestones observed at the Ciolo Limestone type locality (Ciolo cove) are 66.4 Ma (+/− 1.5), and the base of this formation is older than 72.8 Ma (+/− 0.4). Karstic cavities observed at the Cava Cocumola in the mid-Campanian S. Cesarea Limestone are tentatively interpreted to be linked to an intra-Campanian event which is related to a sea-level lowstand inferred also on the island of Brač (Adriatic coast of Croatia) and in the Boreal realm at 75–77 Ma. A new large recumbent rudist similar to Sabinia and Pseudosabinia is observed in the Ciolo and S. Cesarea Limestone and appears to be characteristic of the Apulian platform carbonates. Rudist associations from the S. Cesarea Limestone and the overlying Ciolo Limestone are remarkably similar, although they range over a time interval of more than 12 Ma.  相似文献   

A new biostratigraphic correlation for Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene strata of the Côte d’Ivoire–Ghana continental margin has been developed from the identification of significant dinoflagellate cyst events in ODP Hole 959D. The Late Cretaceous stage boundaries are mostly consistent with previous studies. However, the Maastrichtian/Danian boundary is placed much lower than previously recognized on the basis of the first occurrences of Carpatella cornuta and Damassadinium californicum. The base of the Selandian is recognized from the last occurrence of Cerodinium diebelii and the first occurrence of Adnatosphaeridium multispinosum. The base of the Thanetian is recognized from the first occurrence of Areoligera gippingensis. The rarity of the age-marker taxa is the main reason for different age determinations among studies of the same section.  相似文献   

A new anguimorph lizard from the late Barremian–Aptian of the Salas de los Infantes area (Cameros Basin, Iberian Peninsula) is described here as Arcanosaurus ibericus gen. et sp. nov. It corresponds to the first squamate remains from the Burgos Province. The unique combination of morphological and microanatomical characters enables us to erect a new genus and species that we tentatively assign to Varanoidea despite the strange seemingly absence on the axis of a posterior hypapophysis. The combination of both microanatomical and geological data suggests an essentially terrestrial mode of life. This discovery reveals itself particularly interesting concerning the evolutionary history of varanoids as this new Spanish taxon might correspond to the oldest terrestrial varanoid known to date.  相似文献   

Funiusaurus luanchuanensis gen. et sp. nov. was described on the basis of an incomplete skull from the Upper Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of the Tantou Basin in Luanehuan County, Henan Province. It is the second representative of lizards known from Luanchuan and adds a new member to the Luanchuan Fauna. F. luanchuanensis is a small-sized lizard and systematically assigned to the Polyglyphanodontidae of the Teiioidea because of the presence of a caniniform tooth and an elongate posterior process of the postorbital. It is distinctive in that the heterodont dentition bears 19 teeth in both the upper and lower jaws, the 3^rd maxillary tooth is large and caniniform, the post-caniniform teeth in maxilla and those posterior to the 3^rd dentary tooth are chisel-like in lateral view, the prefrontal possesses a fossa on its lateral surface, the postorbital with an extremely elongate posterior process and the well-developed retroarticular process has a deep fossa on its dorsal surface. In phylogeny, our analysis suggests a close relationship of Funiusaurus to the large-sized Tianyusaurus from the same basin within the Tuberocephalosaurinae. The discovery of Funiusaurus is significant in confirming the status of the Tuberocephalosaurinae, which includes a group of the Asian members of the Polyglyphanodontidae only.  相似文献   

Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous charophyte assemblages from the northern part of the Aquitaine Basin in south-west France are reviewed here to understand their palaeoecological, palaeobiogeographical and biostratigraphic features. Three sites were studied: the Tithonian-lower Berriasian of Chassiron, and the Berriasian of Cherves-de-Cognac and Angeac-Charente. Abundant porocharaceans, less abundant clavatoraceans and scarce characeans recorded in Cherves-de-Cognac and Angeac-Charente indicate that brackish water environments were substituted by freshwater environments eastwards. The occurrence of Clavator grovesii var. grovesii and morphotypes intermediate with C. grovesii var. discordis in the same areas is significant from a biostratigraphic viewpoint, since these species belong to the Maillardii, Incrassatus and Nurrensis European charophyte biozones, representing the Berriasian. This observation refutes a previous dating of the Angeac-Charente site and highlights the absence of Hauterivian–Barremian records in northern Aquitaine, which is in contrast to the more complete Lower Cretaceous record in southern Aquitaine. These contrasting records could be due to differences in the available sedimentary space produced by the opening of the Bay of Biscay during the Barremian.  相似文献   

Early Cretaceous magmatic rocks (including andesites, rhyolites, and granodiorites) occur in the Jiang Co and Zigetang Co areas of the middle segment of the Bangong–Nujiang suture zone, Tibet, and zircon UPb dating reveals that the magmatism took place between 118 and 113 Ma. The Zigetang Co andesites have geochemical features of the high-Mg adakitic andesites (HMAA) and are characterized by high K2O (2.95–3.58 wt%), Th (12.5–15.0 ppm), MgO (2.50–3.31 wt%), and Mg# (58–59), and relatively juvenile εHf(t) (+ 2.7 to + 6.4) isotopic compositions. These observations suggest that the andesites were derived from partial melting of the delaminated juvenile lower continental crust of the northern Lhasa terrane. The Zigetang Co granodiorites represent the melts generated by high-degree fractional crystallization of the HMAA magma. The andesites from the Jiang Co area are interpreted as deriving from partial melting of ancient heterogeneous subduction-modified lithospheric mantle. The Jiang Co rhyolites are probably products of crustal anatexis in a heterogeneous source. Taking into account previous data, we propose that these late Early Cretaceous magmatic rocks developed in a postcollisional tectonic setting and that they were related to the delamination of thickened lithosphere following the final Lhasa-Qiangtang amalgamation.  相似文献   

The Lechówka section comprises the most complete Cretaceous–Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary succession in Poland and is among 29 sites worldwide with the youngest ammonite record. Here, cephalopods (ammonites and nautilids), organic-walled dinoflagellates (dinocysts) and foraminifera from the uppermost Maastrichtian interval are studied. In terms of ammonite biostratigraphy, the upper Maastrichtian Hoploscaphites constrictus crassus Zone is documented up to a level 120 cm below the K-Pg boundary. There is no direct, ammonite-based evidence of the highest Maastrichtian H. constrictus johnjagti Zone. However, the predominance of the dinocyst marker taxon Palynodinium grallator suggests the presence of the equivalent of the uppermost Maastrichtian Thalassiphora pelagica Subzone, which is correlatable with the H. c. johnjagti ammonite Zone. The planktonic foraminiferal assemblage is coeval with that from the H. c. johnjagti Zone as well. These data indicate that the top of the Maastrichtian at Lechówka is complete within the limits of biostratigraphic resolution, albeit slightly condensed. The dinocyst and foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by taxa that are characteristic of high-energy, marginal marine environments. A reduction in test size among the calcareous epifaunal benthic foraminifera is observed at a level 50 cm below the K-Pg boundary, which is possibly related to environmental stress associated with Deccan volcanism.  相似文献   

A new bird from the early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China is described. This new species, Grabauornis lingyuanensis, shares several synapomorphies with the Enantiornithes. The specimen is relatively well preserved. The skeletal morphology of Grabauornis bears close resemblance to that of other Chinese members of this clade. The brachial index (the ratio between the lengths of humerus and ulna) is 0.95, which is close to the average for enantiornithine birds. It indicates that Grabauornis was a rather good flyer, and the presence of an alula in the wing further testifies to this.  相似文献   

A new dinosaur of Early Cretaceous age was recently discovered from the Mazongshan area of northwestern Gansu Province, China. The new dinosaur represents a new genus and species of Sauropoda, and is among the most basal members of Titanosauria. Its finding also suggests that titanosaurs might have originated in Asia no later than the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A new ankylosaurid species of Crichtonsaurus,C.benxiensis sp.nov.,is erected based on a well preserved skeleton and a nearly complete skull found in the Sunjiawan Formation(Cenomanian- Turonian),Beipiao,Liaoning Province.Crichtonsaurus benxiensis sp.nov.is characterized by width 84.6% of length of the skull,a deep depression located medial to the notch between the orbit and the squamosal horn,paroccipital processes fused to the quadrates,fused scapula and coracoid,a large foramen for the supracoracoid nerve to enter the coracoid and to exit out from the scapula.Based on the new specimen,Crichtonsaurus is assigned to Ankylosauridae.  相似文献   

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