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Evaluating magnetic lineations (AMS) in deformed rocks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic lineation in rocks is given by a cluster of the principal axes of maximum susceptibility (Kmax) of the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) tensor. In deformed rocks, magnetic lineations are generally considered to be the result of either bedding and cleavage intersection or they parallel the tectonic extension direction in high strain zones. Our AMS determinations, based on a variety of samples that were taken from mudstones, slates and schists from the Pyrenees and Appalachians, show that strain is not the only factor controlling the development of magnetic lineation. We find that the development and extent to which the magnetic lineation parallels the tectonic extension direction depends on both the original AMS tensor, which in turn depends on the lithology, and the deformation intensity. Rocks having a weak pre-deformational fabric will develop magnetic lineations that more readily will track the tectonic extension.  相似文献   

喀喇昆仑断裂带磁组构特征及其构造意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
周勇  杨灿尧 《岩石学报》2000,16(1):134-144
本文讨论了喀喇昆仑断裂带的磁组组构特征。磁化率几何平均值随岩石所含矿物不同而有很大改变,校正磁各向异性度PJ在变形强弱不同的岩石中有较大区别。大多数磁化率椭球体有良好的磁面理和最短轴方位,表现出强烈的压扁型应变型式;最短轴方位被视为最大主应力方向,在工作区呈NE-S工有低至中等大小的倾角,由于喀喇昆仑断裂走向NNW=SSE,表明其走滑运动为右旋,在不同地区断裂两盘则有不同的垂向差异运动。同位素测年  相似文献   

The Ardara pluton as part of the Donegal batholith was intruded into Neoproterozoic metasediments and metadolerites at mid-crustal levels. The emplacement mechanism of the Ardara granite is very controversial, and mechanisms ranging from diapirism, ballooning and stoping followed by nested diapirism have been proposed. Magnetic fabrics, rock fabrics and K/Ar dating of micas are used here to constrain the emplacement history. The compositional zoning of the Ardara pluton is clearly reflected in the different bulk magnetic susceptibilities between the outer quartz monzodiorite and the central granodiorite, whereas the intervening tonalite is of intermediate nature. The magnetic carriers are characterized by the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS), thermomagnetic measurements and through high field analyses (HFA). The separation of the ferrimagnetic and paramagnetic contributions revealed that biotite and magnetite control the AMS in the quartz monzodiorite. Both minerals are oriented in such a way that their summed contribution is constructive and originates from the shape fabric of magnetite and the texture of biotite. Biotite is responsible mainly for the AMS in the tonalite and granodiorite. The magnetic foliation can be directly related to the macroscopic foliation and also to the D4 structures in the country rocks. The foliation is consistent with the geometry of the roughly circular shape and has a mostly steep to vertical dip. Towards the central granodiorite the magnetic foliation dies out, although plagioclase texture measurements indicate a weak magmatic shape fabric. With the exception of the tail, the Kmax axes (magnetic lineation) vary from steeply to gently plunging. The so-called lineation factor is approximately 1.01 and therefore points to a less significant axial symmetry. These observations coincide with strain estimates on mafic enclaves that show a very consistent pattern of K ∼0 flattening strain. Texture analyses of biotite and quartz additionally support the observations made by the strain analyses and the magnetic fabric data. Microstructural investigations give evidence that the fabrics are associated with the emplacement over a range of temperatures from truly magmatic to high-temperature solid-state conditions. The age of the intrusion is still under discussion, but a new cooling age was determined by K/Ar dating of biotite at 403.7±8 Ma corresponding to a temperature range between 450 and 300°C. For a mylonite along the southern contact between the Ardara pluton and the country rock a K/Ar muscovite age of 378.8±7 Ma indicates a minimum age for the shear zone when the Ardara pluton must have already been cooled down below 350±50°C. Received: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   

喀什凹陷西部位于塔里木盆地、帕米尔构造带和南西天山构造带的交接处,在新生代以来接受了大量来自于南天山和帕米尔的沉积物,并记录了新生代以来南西天山构造抬升的信息。本文选择了位于南西天山山前的铁热克萨孜晚新生代剖面开展磁组构研究。铁热克萨孜剖面晚新生代沉积序列自下而上为一套整体上粒度逐渐变粗的陆相沉积,由河流湖泊相逐渐变为扇三角洲相,并最终变为冲积扇相和洪积扇相。岩石磁学结果的分析表明剖面晚新生代沉积序列中的主要磁性矿物为赤铁矿,仅在帕卡布拉克组下部为以磁铁矿为主。磁组构结果表明该剖面的磁组构为早期的同沉积弱变形磁组构,指示了当时构造应力的方向和变化。在22.1Ma以来南西天山山前晚新生代磁组构所反映的构造应力整体上为N-S向挤压,这与帕米尔和南天山的南北向持续汇聚作用相一致。在安居安组和西域组时期,应力方向由N-S向挤压变为NNE-SSW向挤压,这一变化可能是由塔拉斯-费尔干纳断裂的活动所导致的。塔拉斯-费尔干纳断裂(Talas-Fergana Fault, TFF)的右行走滑活动可能吸收了南西天山晚新生代的部分应变量,使得南西天山山前的构造应变量相对TFF以东的南天山山前地区要更小,使...  相似文献   

The shallow intrusive bodies and lava flows emplaced within the Permian upper red unit in the Anayet Massif, represent a magmatic episode that occurred about 255 Ma (Saxonian) in the Pyrenean Axial Zone (northern Spain). Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements, in both igneous bodies and their host rocks, allow us to infer the existence of magnetic fabrics of tectonic origin linked to the main cleavage-related folding episode. The relationship between the susceptibility axes and the field structures is the criterion that permits to differentiate normal from inverse magnetic fabrics in the igneous samples. The structural interpretation of all AMS data taken from the igneous bodies and sedimentary host rocks, is in accordance with a folding model which include: (i) flattening associated with cleavage formation during fold amplification in incompetent layers (host pelites), responsible for a magnetic lineation at high angles with respect to the regional folding axis and (ii) buckling in competent (conglomerates and igneous bodies) levels, responsible for a magnetic lineation parallel to the regional fold axes.  相似文献   

<正>The Ailaoshan-Red River(ASRR) shear zone is one of the major Southeast Asian tectonic discontinuities that have figured the present tectonic framework of the eastern Tibet.Several metamorphic massifs are distributed linearly along the shear zone,e.g.Xuelongshan,Diancangshan, Ailaoshan and Day Nui Con Voi from north to south.They bear a lot of lines of evidence for the tectonic evolution of the eastern Tibetan at different crustal levels in different tectonic stages.Controversy still exists on the deformation structures,microstructures and their relationship with metamorphisms along the ASRR.In this paper detailed microstructural and EBSD(Electron Backscattered Diffraction) fabric analysis of some highly sheared granitic rocks from different massifs along the ASRR are conducted.High temperature structures and microstructures are preserved in unsheared gneisses,in weakly sheared xenoliths or in some parts of the highly sheared rocks(mylonites).Several types of high temperature quartz c-axis fabrics show symmetrical patterns or transitions from symmetrical to asymmetrical patterns.The former are attributed to coaxial deformation during regional shortening in an early stage of the Indian-Eurasian tectonic interaction and the latter are related to the transitions from coaxial compression to noncoaxial shearing during the post-collisional ASRR left lateral shearing.  相似文献   

石英是自然界中最主要的造岩矿物之一,也是地壳流变过程的主要变形矿物,其c轴组构特征与变形温度、剪切指向具有密切的关系,因而常被用来获取剪切指向、估计变形温度、计算运动学涡度等。但由于受到变形分解、先存构造、流体等因素的影响,同一岩石中常会得到多个不同的石英c轴组构结果。如果天然变形岩石同时受到多种因素的影响,其石英c轴组构会表现为何种特征?与岩石变形温度、剪切旋向是否仍具有很好的对应性?基于以上问题,本次工作以大别山东缘郯庐断裂带内经历了多期变形、富含流体活动的超糜棱岩为研究对象,在同一岩石薄片中选择不同区域,利用EBSD开展石英c轴组构分析。分析结果表明,选择的超糜棱岩的石英c轴组构点极密分布形态指示岩石变形发生于非共轴变形条件下;剪切指向方面,6个分析区域中区域1表现为左旋剪切指向特征,与薄片中优势剪切指向一致,而除区域4外的其他4个区域显示出与优势剪切指向相反的右旋剪切指向特征;变形温度方面,区域4以柱面滑移为主,显示了高温变形特征,而其余5个区域均以底面滑移为主,指示了低温变形环境。根据本次石英c轴组构特征分析结果,可以得出一些认识:岩石中石英表现为完全的GBM动态重结晶,所指示的温度明显高于大量沿糜棱面理分布的绿泥石所指示的绿片岩相环境,显示流体活动促进了岩石变形;而石英c轴组构指示的变形温度为绿片岩相环境,与绿泥石存在的现象一致,表明糜棱岩化过程中流体活动对石英c轴组构的影响并不明显。在发生过多期变形事件的岩石中,岩石中早期高温变形信息有可能保留下来并记录在石英c轴组构特征中,因而通过石英c轴组构分析有可能获得早期事件的信息;虽然石英c轴组构影响因素众多,但首先开展详细的显微镜下观察,然后有选择地对剪切指向清晰区域开展石英c轴组构分析,仍然能够得到与岩石中优势剪切指向一致的石英c轴组构结果。  相似文献   

Quartz microfabrics and associated microstructures have been studied on a crustal shear zone—the Main Central Thrust (MCT) of the Himalaya. Sampling has been done along six traverses across the MCT zone in the Kumaun and Garhwal sectors of the Indian Himalaya. The MCT is a moderately north-dipping shear zone formed as a result of the southward emplacement of a part of the deeply rooted crust (that now constitutes the Central Crystalline Zone of the Higher Himalaya) over the less metamorphosed sedimentary belt of the Lesser Himalaya. On the basis of quartz c- and a-axis fabric patterns, supported by the relevant microstructures within the MCT zone, two major kinematic domains have been distinguished. A noncoaxial deformation domain is indicated by the intensely deformed rocks in the vicinity of the MCT plane. This domain includes ductilely deformed and fine-grained mylonitic rocks which contain a strong stretching lineation and are composed of low-grade mineral assemblages (muscovite, chlorite and quartz). These rocks are characterized by highly asymmetric structures/microstructures and quartz c- and a-axis fabrics that indicate a top-to-the-south sense that is compatible with south-directed thrusting for the MCT zone. An apparently coaxial deformation domain, on the other hand, is indicated by the rocks occurring in a rather narrow belt fringing, and structurally above, the noncoaxial deformation domain. The rocks are highly feldspathic and coarse-grained gneisses and do not possess any common lineation trend and the effects of simple shear deformation are weak. The quartz c-axis fabrics are symmetrical with respect to foliation and lineation. Moreover, these rocks contain conjugate and mutually interfering shear bands, feldspar/quartz porphyroclasts with long axes parallel to the macrosopic foliation and the related structures/microstructures, suggesting deformation under an approximate coaxial strain path.On moving towards the MCT, the quartz c- and a-axis fabrics become progressively stronger. The c-axis fabric gradually changes from random to orthorhombic and then to monoclinic. In addition, the coaxial strain path gradually changes to the noncoaxial strain path. All this progressive evolution of quartz fabrics suggests more activation of the basal, rhomb and a slip systems at all structural levels across the MCT.  相似文献   

本文对藏东昌都地区侏罗纪汪布组、东大桥组和小索卡组红层共71个采点开展了磁组构(AMS)研究。磁组构测试结果表明,早侏罗世汪布组岩石磁线理较磁面理发育,磁化率各向异性度较高,磁化率椭球最小轴K3散布于层面缩短方向,代表了与构造成因相关的磁组构;中侏罗世东大桥组和晚侏罗世小索卡组岩石则磁面理较磁线理发育,磁化率各向异性度较低,磁化率椭球最小轴K3与层面近垂直,指示了原生沉积磁组构。早侏罗世汪布组地层的磁组构揭示了其构造应力场方向为NE-SW向。中侏罗世东大桥组的磁组构指示了其沉积时的古水流方向为SE向(138.3°),而晚侏罗世小索卡组磁组构指示了其沉积时的古水流方向为NNW向(328.3°)。古水流方向的明显变化揭示了昌都地区从中侏罗世到晚侏罗世沉积物物源发生了相应的转变,表明昌都地区南早北晚的隆升过程。  相似文献   

Secondary magnetic remanences residing in pyrrhotite and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) were studied in low-grade metamorphic carbonates of the Tethyan Himalaya in Nar/Phu valley (central Nepal) and used for interpretation of tectonic deformations. The characteristic remanence (ChRM) is likely of thermomagnetic origin related to post-peak metamorphic cooling occurring after the Eohimalayan phase (35–32 Ma). The ChRM postdates small-scale folding (main Himalayan folding F1 and F2) as shown by a negative fold test of site mean directions at 99% confidence level, and has been probably acquired between 32 and 25 Ma. Late-orogenic long-wavelength folding associated with the Chako antiform (CA) is recorded by the spatial dispersion of ChRM directions and the distribution of the main axes of the AMS tensor. The mean tilting of the ChRM direction since remanence acquisition (≈20–30°) approximately coincides with the tilting of the CA (31°) at the study area indicating that the pyrrhotite remanence predates the CA (CA formed at <18 Ma according to preliminary U/Pb dating). However, comparison of tilt angles of remanence directions and AMS tensor axes suggests that remanence acquisition was not completed before the onset of the CA formation. This could imply a younger age (Early Miocene or even younger) of the ChRM. Using the distribution of remanence directions along a small-circle as well as the distribution of AMS tensor axes, a clockwise mean rotation of 16° is obtained for a remanence age of ≈30 Ma. An Early Miocene remanence age would not change this result substantially. Compilation of rotations in the Tethyan Himalaya deduced from secondary pyrrhotite remanences reveals an increasing clockwise rotation from the Hidden valley in the W to the Shiar valley in the E (≈150 km distance), incompatible with an oroclinal bending model.  相似文献   

There is a large ductile shear zone, 2 km wide and more than 3SO km long, in the South Qilian Mountains, western China. It is composed of volcanic, granitic and calcareous mylonites. The microstructures of the ductile shear zone show nearly E-W extending subvertical foliation, horizontal and oblique stretching lineations, shearing sense from sinis-tral to oblique sinistral strike-slip from east to west, "A" type folds and abundant granitic veins. Measured lattice preferred orientations (LPOs) of the mylonitic and recrystallized quartz of the granitic mylonite in the west segment suggest a strong LPO characterized by the dominant slip systems {1010} formed at high temperature (>650℃). K-feldspar of the mylonite shows an 39Ar/40Ar high-temperature plateau age of 243.3±1.3 Ma, and biotite, 250.5±0.5 Ma, which represent the formation age of the ductile shear zone. The 39Ar/40Ar plateau ages of 169.7±0.3 Ma and 160.6±0.1 Ma and the 39Ar/40Ar isochron ages of 166.99±2.37 Ma and 160.6±0.1 Ma of biot  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜(SEM)观察,首次在红河断裂带内的花岗糜棱岩中发现类微生物状纳米颗粒.高分辨率平插能谱分析结果表明,该类微生物状纳米颗粒成分中的C元素平均含量约为10%,指示无机成因,并非某些菌类微生物,结合XRD分析结果表明该类纳米颗粒成分来自花岗糜棱岩的造岩矿物.通过对各种形貌特征的纳米颗粒观察、筛查和规律分析,探讨...  相似文献   

张海迪 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1354-1365
康古尔构造带位于东天山觉罗塔格造山带北部,是构建中亚造山带晚古生代增生造山过程的关键。系统建立康古尔构造带的变形样式和变形条件,对进一步理解其构造背景和动力学机制具有重要意义。本文基于康古尔构造带红丘陵段构造解析、糜棱岩显微构造和石英c轴组构分析,厘定出2期构造变形:D1期为南北向挤压韧性剪切,变形温度为500~650℃;D2期为右行剪切,变形温度小于350℃。综合已有区域构造热年代学数据分析认为,D1期变形时间为294~280 Ma,形成于康古尔有限洋盆闭合后的中天山地块与吐哈地块南北向碰撞挤压过程,D2期右行剪切发生于276~242 Ma的后碰撞陆内缩短环境。本研究可为康古尔构造带晚古生代构造演化过程提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

豫西义马地区中-上三叠统发现大量软沉积物变形构造,包括柱状构造、枕状构造、负载构造和卷曲层理构造,它们大多保存在河流沉积的上部及湖泊三角洲沉积中.通过形态学、遗迹学及镜下薄片分析表明,这些软沉积物变形与沉积物液化有关,其中河-湖相快速沉积为沉积物液化创造了条件,古地震活动是它们形成的主要触发因素.对比该地区中三叠统油房...  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘鲜水河断裂带磁组构特征及构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探究鲜水河断裂带的几何学、运动学特征,在野外构造、显微构造分析基础上,研究了鲜水河断裂带296块构造岩定向样品的磁组构特征和热磁特征,结果显示样品的平均磁化率km值总体较小,属微弱磁性到弱磁性;热磁实验及其显微构造表明顺磁性的页硅酸盐(如黑云母)等矿物对糜棱岩类样品磁化率贡献较大;磁化率各向异性度PJ总体较大,表明鲜水河断裂带构造变形强烈;磁化率椭球体形状参数T总体大于0,扁率E总体在1附近分布,说明鲜水河断裂带磁化率椭球体以扁圆形为主,整体上磁面理较磁线理发育,进一步显示出鲜水河断裂带构造变形样式以剪切、压扁为主,伴有拉伸的构造变形,同时也反映出鲜水河断裂带多次变形的综合特征;最小磁化率主轴Kmin方位表明鲜水河断裂带北段和南段分别受近EW向和NE-SW向主压应力控制;同时Kmin方位及其倾伏角特征显示鲜水河断裂带总体以左行走滑剪切为主,北段两侧块体在鲜水河断裂带两次不同的构造活动时期,各自有一定的相对抬升,但抬升幅度均不大;南段则是SW块体相对NE块体抬升,抬升幅度较大;整个断裂带特征显示出鲜水河断裂带在向南发展逐渐转化为挤压构造,这可能与青藏高原物质的向东逃逸受阻以及鲜水河断裂带与龙门山断裂带在此交接的地质背景不无关系.  相似文献   

The 616 ± 3 Ma (Ediacaran) Egersund doleritic dike swarm cuts across the Rogaland anorthosite province and its granulitic country rocks, in SW Norway. The structure of eight out of eleven main dikes of the swarm was investigated using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) technique. Thermomagnetic data and values of the bulk magnetic susceptibility reveal a magnetic mineralogy dominated by Ti-poor titanomagnetite. Magnetic fabric and global petrofabric are coaxial, except in sites strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration, as demonstrated through image analysis. Asymmetrical dispositions of the magnetic foliation and lineation support the existence of a syn-emplacement, sinistral strike-slip shearing resolved on dike walls. Such asymmetrical fabrics are attributed to a transtension tectonic regime, in a context of oblique extension during the continental rifting phase which preceded the opening of the Iapetus Ocean along the SW margin (present-day orientation) of Baltica.  相似文献   

峨眉山大陆溢流玄武岩(ECFB)的西南部以丽江、大理和攀枝花三角区为中心的苦橄岩分布区,面积约5×10 4 km2 ,为峨眉地幔柱的轴部区。Sr、Nd、Pb同位素和痕量元素研究表明,大部分火山岩样品落在洋岛火山岩成分范围内,并存在类似FOZO、HIMU和EM - 的三个端元。这说明它们是在地幔柱轴部,由地幔岩和榴辉岩(古玄武质洋壳)组成的源区产生的岩浆形成的。岩浆源区再循环玄武质洋壳的存在可能是该区超大型钒钛磁铁矿床形成的根本原因。少部分分布在洋岛火山岩成分范围之外的样品,一部分属于地幔柱岩浆与地壳混染产物,另一部分低Ti岩石可能与岩石圈反应有关。地幔端元的地球化学特征如下:FOZO端元以白林山苦橄玄武岩(YB-0 1)为代表,低87Sr/86 Sr(0 .70 36 ) ,高1 43Nd/1 44 Nd(0 .5 12 7) ,中等2 0 6 Pb/2 0 7Pb(18.5 6 93) ;Nb/U =36 .6 7,Th/Nb =0 .0 82 ,L a/Nb=0 .91,Zr/Nb=6 .2 3。HIMU端元以丽江苦橄岩(JL - 2 9)为代表,高2 0 6 Pb/2 0 4 Pb(2 0 .6 4 12 )和2 0 7Pb/2 0 4 Pb(15 .74 89) ,低87Sr/86 Sr(0 .70 4 8)。EM - 端元包括两部分:1以二滩苦橄岩-玄武岩(R- 1、3、5、8)为代表,高87Sr/86 Sr(0 .70 73) ,低1 43Nd/1 44 Nd(0 .5 12 3) ,低2 0 6 Pb/2 0 4 Pb(17.996 8)和2 0 8Pb/2 0 4 Pb(37.94 5 0 )  相似文献   

两种小型蒸渗仪在黑河流域山区植被带的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
为定量说明黑河流域山区植被带林地与草地在不同覆盖状况下的蒸发与下渗差异, 依据实际情况设计了桶式与环刀式两种小型蒸渗仪, 根据测算结果评价了两类小型蒸渗仪的适用性, 并剔除不合理测算数据. 根据2002年雨季蒸渗仪观测试验, 将黑河流域山区草地的雨季蒸发分为3个过程:雨季早期, 雨季中期和雨季晚期, 并对这3个过程的蒸发进行对比. 根据计算结果, 分析了草类和草地盖度变化对蒸散发的影响, 并计算了林地与草地的平均下渗量.  相似文献   

The Red Hills peridotite in the Dun Mountain ophiolite of SouthIsland, New Zealand, is assumed to have been produced in a paleo-mid-oceanridge tectonic setting. The peridotite is composed mostly ofharzburgite and dunite, which represent residual mantle andthe Moho transition zone (MTZ), respectively. Dunite channelswithin harzburgite blocks of various scales represent the MTZcomponent. Plagioclase- and clinopyroxene-bearing dunites occursporadically within common dunites. These dunites representproducts of melt–wall-rock interaction. Chondrite-normalizedrare earth element (REE) patterns of MTZ clinopyroxenes showa wide compositional range. Clinopyroxenes in plagioclase dunitesare extremely depleted in light REE (LREE) ([Lu/La]N >100),and are comparable with clinopyroxenes in abyssal peridotitesfrom normal mid-ocean ridges. Interstitial clinopyroxenes inthe common dunite have flatter patterns ([Lu/La]N 2) comparablewith those for dunite in the Oman ophiolite. Clinopyroxenesin the lower part of the residual mantle harzburgites are evenmore strongly depleted in LREE ([Lu/La]N = 100–1000) thanare mid-ocean ridge peridotites, and rival the most depletedabyssal clinopyroxenes reported from the Bouvet hotspot. Incontrast, those in the uppermost residual mantle harzburgiteand harzburgite blocks in the MTZ are less LREE depleted ([Lu/La]N= 10–100), and are similar to those in plagioclase dunite.Clinopyroxenes in the clinopyroxene dunite in the MTZ are similarto those reported from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) cumulates,and clinopyroxenes in the gabbroic rocks have compositions similarto those reported from MORB. Strong LREE and middle REE (MREE)depletion in clinopyroxenes in the harzburgite suggests thatthe harzburgites are residues of two-stage fractional melting,which operated initially in the garnet field, and subsequentlycontinued in the spinel lherzolite field. The early stage meltingproduced the depleted harzburgite. The later stage melting wasresponsible for the gabbroic rocks and dunite. Strongly LREE–MREE-depletedclinopyroxene in the lower harzburgite and HREE-enriched clinopyroxenein the upper harzburgite and plagioclase dunite were formedby later reactive melt migration occurring in the harzburgite. KEY WORDS: clinopyroxene REE geochemistry; Dun Mountain ophiolite; Moho transition zone; orogenic peridotite; Red Hills  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘磁静区及与全球大洋磁静区对比的研究评述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
磁静区与磁异常条带不同,具有宽缓的低幅值磁异常特征,但可能同样包含了从陆壳张裂到海底扩张早期的构造活动和演化信息.为了加深认识南海北部陆缘磁静区,归纳了全球深海和边缘两大类型磁静区的物理、化学及构造三大成因,主要包括大西洋和西太平洋侏罗纪磁静区,以及北太平洋、印度洋和南大洋白垩纪磁静区,强调磁静区与不同程度地幔柱活动、斜交扩张初始产生的小型错断磁源体及隐含弱磁条带关系的重要性.总结了南海北部陆缘磁静区的研究现状,并从区域综合地球物理和地幔热活动作用两方面探讨了南海北部陆缘磁静区的可能成因机制,最后阐述了需要关注的研究重点及其研究意义.  相似文献   

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