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The Greek coastal town of Egion on 15 June 1995 was shaken by a strong, small epicentral distance, earthquake that caused heavy damages to buildings and loss of life. The damages were concentrated in the central elevated part of the town whereas the flat coastal region remained almost intact. This non-uniform distribution of damage is studied in this article in terms of surface topography effects by conducting seismic response analyses of a simplified 2-D profile of the town. A dynamic finite element code implementing the equivalent-linear soil behavior (FLUSHPLUS) was used for the analyses and it was found that the step-like topography amplified greatly the intensity of motion without affecting its frequency content. The analyses showed that the motion recorded by an accelerograph installed at the center of the town is in agreement with the computed values; they also indicated a particularly intense amplification close to the crest of the steep slope, where a multi-story RC residential building partially collapsed. In contrast, the level of motion was found to be low at the flat coastal zone of the town where the earthquake damages were insignificant. It is concluded that the characteristic surface topography of the town played an important role in modifying the intensity of base motion.  相似文献   

Antiplane response of two scalene triangular hills and a semi-cylindrical canyon by SH-waves is studied using wave function expansion and complex function method. Firstly, the analytical model is divided into three parts, and the displacement solutions of wave fields are constructed based on boundary conditions in the three regions. Three domains are then conjoined to satisfy the "conjunction" condition at shared boundary. In addition, combined with the zero-stress condition of semi-cylindrical canyon, a series of infinite algebraic equations for the problem are derived. Finally, numerical examples are provided and the influence of different parameters on ground motion is discussed.  相似文献   

The response of an elastic circular wedge on a flexible foundation embedded into a half-space is investigated in the frequency domain for incident pane SH-waves. The problem is solved by expansion of the motion in all three media (wedge, foundation and half-space) in cylindrical wave functions (Fourier-Bessel series). The structural model is simple, but accounts for both differential motions of the base and for the effects of soil-structure interaction. Usually, structural models in earthquake engineering consider either differential ground motion, but ignore soil-structure interaction, or consider soil-structure interaction, but for a rigid foundation, thus ignoring differential ground motion. The purpose of the study is to find how stiff the foundation should be relative to the soil so that the rigid foundation assumption in soil-structure interaction models is valid. The shortest wavelength of the incident waves considered in this study is one equal to the width of the base of the wedge. It is concluded that, for this model, a foundation with same mass density as the soil but 50 times larger shear modulus behaves as ‘rigid’. For ratio of shear moduli less than 16, the rigid foundation assumption is not valid. Considering differential motions is important because of additional stresses in structures that are not predicted by fixed-base and rigid foundation models.  相似文献   

An earthquake of magnitude ML=5.9 occurred in Dinar, a town located at the edge of an alluvial basin in Southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Inflicted structural damage throughout the town was highly concentrated in a region located on the alluvium and adjacent to the rock outcrop bounding the eastern side of the town. As an attempt to explain this discrepancy, possible effects of the edge of basin on which the town is located were investigated through 1D and 2D response analyses. Response spectra, computed at distinct locations of the town were contrasted to the building damage statistics of the three zones identified in the town. It is found that the 1D analyses considerably underpredict the spectral response in the heavily damaged area. Differences between the spectral responses obtained from the two approaches diminish with increasing distance from the rock outcrop. These results, which indicate that the 2D amplification was significant over a distance from the edge of the basin, provide a meaningful explanation for the observed distribution of damage throughout the town.  相似文献   

Recent field observations have indicated that water saturation of soils may strongly affect the vertical ground motion. A study is therefore carried out to investigate the effect of saturation on horizontal and vertical motion at an interface of porous soils with potential contributions directed to site evaluation based on field observations of both the horizontal and vertical motion. The problem described in this paper corresponds to an SV wave incident at the interface between the overlying soil and the underlying rock formation. The soils are modeled as partially water-saturated porous material with a small amount of air inclusions, while the rock are approximately regarded as ordinary one-phase solid. Theoretical formulation is developed for the computation of amplitudes of horizontal and vertical interface motion, which are expressed as functions of the degree of saturation, the angle of incidence as well as the frequency. Numerical results are given for a typical sand to illustrate the influence of saturation on the interface motion in two directions and their ratios. The present study demonstrates that the effect of water saturation may be substantial on both the horizontal and vertical motion as well as on their ratios, implying the importance of such effects in the interpretation of field observations.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of differential ground motions on structural response generally do not consider the effects of the soil-structure interaction. On the other end, studies of soil-structure interaction commonly assume that the foundation of the structure (surface or embedded) is rigid. The former ignore the scattering of waves from the foundation and radiation of energy from the structure back to the soil, while the latter ignore quasi-static forces in the foundations and lower part of the structure deforming due to the wave passage. This paper studies a simple model of a dike but considers both the soil-structure interaction and the flexibility of the foundation. The structure is represented by a wedge resting on a half-space and excited by incident plane SH-waves. The structural ‘foundation’ is a flexible surface that can deform during the passage of seismic waves. The wave function expansion method is used to solve for the motions in the half-pace and in the structure. The displacements and stresses in the structure are compared with those for a fixed-base model shaken by the free-field motion. The results show large displacements near the base of the structure due to the differential motion of the base caused by the wave passage.  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced hazards are profoundly affected by site effects related to the amplification of ground motions, which are strongly influenced by local geologic conditions such as soil thickness or bedrock depth and soil stiffness. In this study, an integrated geographic information system (GIS)-based system for geotechnical data, called the geotechnical information system (GTIS), was developed to establish a regional counterplan against earthquake ground motions in the Seoul metropolitan area. In particular, to reliably predict spatial geotechnical information, a procedural methodology for building the GTIS within a GIS framework was developed and applied to the Seoul area in Korea. To build the GTIS, pre-existing geotechnical data were collected in and around the study area, and then a walk-over site survey was conducted to acquire surface geo-knowledge data. In addition, the representative shear wave velocities for geotechnical layers were derived by statistically analyzing many seismic test data in Korea. The GTIS was used in a practical application to estimate site effects in the study area; seismic zoning maps of geotechnical earthquake parameters, such as the depth to bedrock and the site period, were created and presented as a regional synthetic strategy for earthquake risk assessment. Furthermore, seismic zonation of site classification was also performed to determine the site amplification coefficients for seismic design and seismic performance evaluation at any site and administrative sub-unit in the study area. The methodology and results of the case study of seismic zonations in the Seoul area verified that the GIS-based GTIS can be very useful for the regional estimation of seismic risk and also to support decisions regarding seismic hazard mitigation, particularly in the metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Numerical evaluation of slope topography effects on seismic ground motion   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper presents results of numerical analyses for the seismic response of step-like ground slopes in uniform visco-elastic soil, under vertically propagating SV seismic waves. The aim of the analyses is to explore the effects of slope geometry, predominant excitation frequency and duration, as well as of the dynamic soil properties on seismic ground motion in a parametric manner, and provide qualitative as well as quantitative insight to the phenomenon. Among the main conclusions of this study is that this kind of topography may lead to intense amplification or de-amplification variability at neighboring (within a few tens of meters) points behind the crest of the slope, especially for high frequency excitations. Nevertheless, a general trend of amplification near the crest and de-amplification near the toe of the slope seems to hold for the horizontal motion. As a result of these two findings, it becomes evident that reliable field evidence of slope topography aggravation is extremely difficult to establish. Furthermore, this study highlights the generation of a parasitic vertical component of motion in the vicinity of the slope, due to wave reflections at the slope surface, that under certain preconditions may become as large as the horizontal. Criteria are established for deciding on the importance of topography effects, while approximate relations are provided for the preliminary evaluation of the topographic aggravation of seismic ground motion and the width of the affected zone behind the crest.  相似文献   

Concentration of damage of buildings near the edge of cliff-type topographies has been observed during a number of recent earthquakes and interpreted by numerical dynamic analyses that illustrate the amplification of the horizontal acceleration and the generation of parasitic vertical acceleration near the tip of slopes. The paper performs a detailed parametric numerical analysis to investigate the ability of mitigating this topographic effect using anchors and piles. A typical field case, the Aegion slope of Greece, is considered. Different input motions are applied. The results illustrated that anchors and piles can be effective in mitigating the topographic effect. The main issue is that if the part of the slope in which topographic amplification occurs is connected to that at larger depths, in which the acceleration is smaller, then the accelerations at the top of the slope have to become more uniform and smaller. For typical diameter and material properties of anchors/piles the effectiveness of the mitigation depends on the length, inclination, location and number of anchors/piles. An optimum configuration of anchors/piles mitigating the topographic effect is proposed.  相似文献   

The analysis of site effects is very important since the amplification of seismic motion in some specific areas can be very strong. In this paper, the site considered is located in the centre of Nice on the French Riviera. Site effects are investigated considering a numerical approach (Boundary Element Method) and are compared with experimental results. The experimental results are obtained thanks to real earthquakes (weak motion) and microtremor measurements. The investigation of seismic site effects through numerical approaches is interesting because it shows the dependency of the amplification level on such parameters as wave velocity in surface soil layers, velocity contrast with deep layers, seismic wave type, incidence and damping.In this specific area of Nice, experimental measurements obtained for weak motion lead to strong site effects. A one-dimensional (1D) analytical analysis of amplification does not give a satisfactory estimation of the maximum reached levels. A boundary element model is then proposed considering different wave types (SH, P, SV) as the seismic loading. The alluvial basin is successively assumed as an isotropic linear elastic medium and an isotropic linear viscoelastic solid with Zener type behaviour (standard solid). The influence of frequency and incidence is analysed. The thickness of the surface layer, its mechanical properties, its general shape as well as the seismic wave type involved have a great influence on the maximum amplification and the frequency for which it occurs. For real earthquakes, the numerical results are in very good agreement with experimental measurements for each motion component. The boundary element method leads to amplification values very close to the actual ones and much larger than those obtained in the 1D case. Two-dimensional basin effects are then very strong and are well reproduced numerically.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the seismic response of landfills made of municipal solid waste has drawn attention mainly due to the environmental and public-health issues that could be raised in the event of a failure. Nevertheless, there are several associated technical issues that have not been adequately investigated. One of these is the impact of local site conditions on the earthquake-induced accelerations and, thereby, on the seismic design of a landfill. This study presents the results of a parametric numerical simulation that has been performed in order to examine the effects of local site conditions on the dynamic response of a typical landfill. Emphasis is given on the special characteristics of ground motion, while the material nonlinearity of both soil and waste is taken into account by an equivalent-linear procedure. Results indicate that local site conditions may play a significant role in the seismic response of a landfill. However, this role cannot be judged a priori as beneficial or detrimental, as it depends not only on soil conditions and seismic excitation, but also on the material and geometric characteristics of the landfill.  相似文献   

In this work, a hybrid boundary integral equation method (BIEM) is developed, based on both displacement and hypersingular traction formulations, for the analysis of time-harmonic seismic waves propagating through cracked, multi-layered geological regions with surface topography and under plane strain conditions. Specifically, the displacement-based BIEM is used for a multi-layered deposit with interface cracks, while the regularized, traction-based BIEM is used when internal cracks are present within the layers. The standard uni-dimensional boundary element with parabolic shape functions is employed for discretizing the free surface and the layer interfaces, while special discontinuous boundary elements are placed near the crack tips to model the asymptotic behaviour of both displacements and tractions. This formulation yields displacement amplitudes and phase angles on the free surface of a geological deposit, as well as stress intensity factors near the tips of the cracks. Finally, in the companion paper, numerical results are presented which show that both scattered wave and stress concentration fields are sensitive to the incidence seismic wave parameters and to specific site conditions such as surface topography, layering, the presence of cracks and crack interaction.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study on the influence of water saturation on horizontal and vertical motion at the interface between porous soil and rock formation due to an incident P wave. The soil is modeled as a partially water-saturated porous material with a small amount of air inclusions, while the underlying rock is approximately regarded as an ordinary one-phase solid. Theoretical formulation is developed for the computation of motion amplitudes in both horizontal and vertical components, which are considered as functions of the degree of saturation, the angle of incidence as well as the frequency. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the effect of saturation on displacement amplitudes in both components and their ratios. The results show that even a slight decrease of complete saturation may lead to a substantial change in the motion amplitudes in both horizontal and vertical components. In general, partial saturation may cause lower horizontal-to-vertical ratios over the entire range of incident angles except the normal incidence, implying the potential importance of saturation effects in the interpretation of field observations.  相似文献   

局部地形下入射波散射效应对场地地震响应的影响是目前众多学者所关注的问题.其影响主要由入射波频率、入射角度、地形几何形状、介质性质等几个因素所制约,所反应出来的散射效应主要体现在地表位移变化上.本文归纳了凹陷地形、凸起地形、沉积谷地以及复合地形这四类局部地形入射波散射效应对场地地震响应的影响,对目前研究成果进行了评述,并针对数学技术、工程应用、模型建立等7个方面指出了现今存在的问题和今后发展的方向.  相似文献   

Estimation of Site Effects in Beijing City   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
— For the realistic modeling of the seismic ground motion in lateral heterogeneous anelastic media, the database of 3-D geophysical structures for Beijing City has been built up to model the seismic ground motion in the City, caused by the 1976 Tangshan and the 1998 Zhangbei earthquakes. The hybrid method, which combines the modal summation and the finite-difference algorithms, is used in the simulation. The modeling of the seismic ground motion, for both the Tangshan and the Zhangbei earthquakes, shows that the thick Quaternary sedimentary cover amplifies the peak values and increases the duration of the seismic ground motion in the northwestern part of the City. Therefore the thickness of the Quaternary sediments in Beijing City is the key factor controling the local ground effects. Four zones are defined on the base of the different thickness of the Quaternary sediments. The response spectra for each zone are computed, indicating that peak spectral values as high as 0.1 g are compatible with past seismicity and can be well exceeded if an event similar to the 1697 Sanhe-Pinggu occurs.  相似文献   

Safety against earthquake hazards presents two aspects: structural safety against potentially destructive dynamic forces and site safety related to geotechnical phenomena, such as amplification, landsliding and soil liquefaction. The correct evaluation of seismic hazard is, therefore, highly affected by risk factors due to geological nature and geotechnical properties of soils. In response to these new developments, several attempts have been made to identify and appraise geotechnical hazards and to represent them in the form of zoning maps, in which locations or zones with different levels of hazard potential are identified. The geotechnical zonation of the subsoil of the city of Catania (Italy) suggests a high vulnerability of the physical environment added to site amplification of the ground motion phenomena. The ground response analysis at the surface, in terms of time history and response spectra, has been obtained by some 1D equivalent linear models and by a 2D linear model, using a design scenario earthquake as input at the conventional bedrock. In particular, the study has regarded the evaluation of site effects in correspondence of the database of about 1200 boreholes and water-wells available in the data-bank of the Catania area. According to the response spectra obtained through the application of the 1D and 2D models, the city of Catania has been divided into some zones with different peak ground acceleration at the surface, to which corresponds a different value of the Seismic Geotechnical Hazard. A seismic microzoning map of the urban area of the city of Catania has been obtained. The map represents an important tool for the seismic improvement of the buildings, indispensable for the mitigation of the seismic risk.  相似文献   

Antiplane response of isosceles triangular hill to incident SH waves   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
In this paper, antiplane response of an isosceles triangular hill to incident SH waves is studied based on the method of complex function and by using moving coordinate system. The standing wave function, which can satisfy the governing equation and boundary condition, is provided. Furthermore, numerical examples are presented; the influences of wave number and angle of the incident waves and the angle of the hill‘s peak on ground motion are discussed.  相似文献   

The seismic response of several sites in the Durban area of South Africa has been investigated using a refined version of the spectral ratio (H/V) generated by cultural seismic noise. Two samples of noise separated by an interval of several minutes for the vertical and the two orthogonal horizontal components were taken at each site. Though the two samples differed noticeably in the time as well as in the frequency domain, when the components are considered separately, the ratios of the horizontal to the vertical spectra were very similar for most of the pairs. This similitude was obvious not only in the frequencies of the peaks, but also in the range of amplifications involved. These observations have been used to introduce a refinement to the Nakamura Method. This refinement consists in using as a reference the H/V spectral ratio of a well-known, hard rock site. All the other soft sites of interest are then compared with this standard reference site. This comparison provides valuable information on the frequencies and amplification factors introduced by the critical soft sediments. This refined method will be referred here as the ‘Reference spectral noise ratio’.This method, is compared to a similar one devised to investigate the response of horizontal layers to longitudinal seismic waves, using the ratio of the spectra generated by long- period waves.  相似文献   

A simple displacement-type block model is proposed to compute the compression–load–time response of an idealized seismic buffer placed against a rigid wall and used to attenuate earthquake-induced dynamic loads. The seismic buffer is modelled as a linear elastic material and the soil wedge shear surface by a stress-dependent linear spring. The model is shown to capture the trends observed in four physical reduced-scale model shaking table tests carried out with similar boundary conditions up to a base excitation level of about 0.7g. In most cases, quantitative predictions are in reasonable agreement with physical test results. The model is simple and provides a possible framework for the development of advanced models that can accommodate more complex constitutive laws for the component materials and a wider range of problem geometry.  相似文献   

中国大陆主要地震活动区中小地震震源参数研究   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用中国大陆几个主要地震活动区近几年积累的大量ML≥3.0数字地震观测记录,在分别反演得到13个不同构造研究区域的介质衰减模型、348个台站的场地效应的基础上,自0.1~20 Hz的SH观测波形数据中逐步消除了仪器、噪声、几何扩散、传播路径的介质衰减、台站场地效应等影响后,恢复了2573次3.0≤ML≤6.0地震的震源谱,采用ω平方震源模型拟合震源谱后,利用Brune的圆盘模型计算了它们的震源参数,并讨论了中国大陆中小地震的震源特征,比较了中国大陆不同地区的应力降释放水平,综合讨论了地震应力降与震源深度、机制解类型、地震大小等各种因素的关系.研究表明,中国大陆中小地震释放的应力降在0.1~20 MPa之间,绝大多数在10 MPa以下.新疆天山中东段地区、青藏块体东北缘及龙门山断裂带东北缘是高应力降地震集中的区域,表明这里的断层受到相对较强的构造剪应力作用.中小地震释放的应力降随着震级的增大而增大,应力降Δσ∝M03.14,不遵循常数应力降模型.在深度20 km以内,中小地震释放的应力降对深度的依赖不显著,但在20 km以上深度显示出随深度增大而增大的现象.中小地震释放的应力降没有表现出与震源机制类型的相关性.本研究实现了震源参数的准实时计算,丰富了大陆块体内部地震震源定标率关系研究的样本.可以预见,随着中小地震数据的大量产出和积累,这些震源参数的时空分布特征研究将会为地震预测预报研究提供有实际物理意义的依据,得到的介质衰减模型及场地效应等也将对台网日常震级ML测定所需的量规函数、台站校正值的研究提供重要参考.  相似文献   

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