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均质黏土中圆形平板锚的抗拉承载力分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王栋  胡玉霞  宋振河 《岩土力学》2007,28(6):1242-1246
基于网格重新生成和场变量映射的大变形有限元模型,探索了立即脱离和无脱离两种典型条件下均质黏土中圆形平板锚的抗拉承载力。与小变形有限元比较,大变形分析克服了锚周围土体初始网格畸变的不利影响,能够追踪平板锚整个拔出过程中抗拉力的变化。通过具体算例,考察平板锚表面摩擦性质和上覆土重等因素对立即脱离工况承载力的影响程度,指出有重土中深锚的承载力小于无重土中对应的承载力与上覆土重之和,其上限是无脱离条件下的承载力。计算结果表明:土重对无脱离条件下的承载力影响很小,进而给出了无脱离承载力系数与初始埋深的关系曲线。  相似文献   

正常固结黏土中平板锚基础的吸力和抗拉力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘嘉  王栋 《岩土力学》2009,30(3):735-740
平板锚是新近出现的一种系泊深海浮式结构的基础型式。当黏土地基中的平板锚承受上拔力时,平板上、下表面超静孔压差形成的吸力使其抗拉承载力显著增加,对于风浪等快速加载条件尤其如此。利用有限元软件ADINA建立有效应力形式的轴对称动力有限元模型,研究圆形平板锚在缓慢加载与快速加载时的超静孔压分布与地基破坏型式。快速加载时重黏土和高岭土两组典型正常固结土样所得极限承载力系数与塑性极限分析解一致。进而通过变动参数分析,讨论加载速率和埋深对吸力和总抗拉力极限值的影响,并给出排水和不排水加载条件对应的临界加载速率。结果表明,不排水加载条件的总抗拉力可能达到排水总抗拉力的3倍。  相似文献   


Vertical anchor plates are often provided to increase the performance of various geotechnical engineering structures such as sheet pile walls, bulkheads, bridge abutments and offshore structures. Hence, the safe design of such structures needs a better understanding of the 3D behaviour of the anchor plate. This paper presents and discusses the results obtained from a series of 3D finite-difference analyses of vertical square anchor plate embedded in cohesionless soil. The 3D model is found to closely predict experimental pullout load–displacement relationship. The failure mechanism observed in the numerical model is found to be very similar to the failure reported in experimental studies. For a given embedment depth, the stiffness of the breakout factor–displacement response substantially reduces with increase in anchor plate size. However, the ultimate reduction in anchor capacity is found to approximately 8% with an increase in anchor size from 0.1 to 1 m. Numerical analysis reveals that at deeper embedment depth, the friction angle of sand is the critical parameter in enhancing the performance of anchor plate. The obtained 3D model results are then compared with the published results and are found to be reasonably in good agreement with each other.  相似文献   

舒恒  但汉波 《岩土力学》2010,31(10):3313-3318
基于虚功原理的Hill稳定条件可较为明确地判定岩土材料的局部稳定性和整体稳定性:当地基系统的局部二阶功小于0时,材料点局部潜在失稳;当地基的整体二阶功小于0时,地基系统达到极限状态,整体潜在失稳。对ABAQUS进行了二次开发,使Hill稳定条件与有限元法相结合,求解胶结钙质土地基中条形锚板的抗拔承载力。研究结果表明,对于条形锚板在摩擦型岩土材料中的抗拔承载力问题,采用有限元方法结合Hill稳定条件,能较好地预测地基失稳范围和潜在失稳区域,失稳判据明确,易于确定极限荷载,并能较为准确地描述锚板的承载力系数及其随埋深的变化规律。利用有限元法结合Hill稳定条件求解承载力问题的思路和方法是有效和可行的,有明确的物理意义和力学理论基础,应用方便,值得进一步研究、推广并应用于较为复杂的岩土工程问题。  相似文献   

饱和黏土中固定锚腚拖曳锚的嵌入轨迹和承载力预测是深水系泊系统设计的关键。从固定锚腚拖曳锚在饱和黏土海床嵌土的初始状态出发,将固定锚腚拖曳锚和周围土体视作宏单元,假设在锚链拉力作用下宏单元沿土体屈服面法向运动,利用锚链方程计算锚眼拉力,基于增量迭代法建立了预测固定锚腚拖曳锚嵌入运动轨迹和锚眼拉力的模型,编制了相应的计算程序。利用程序预测了Bruce Dennla MK4固定锚腚拖曳锚、Murff算例拖曳锚在饱和黏土中的运动轨迹和承载力,结果表明:本文所建立的模型预测结果正确,可以用于预测固定锚腚拖曳锚嵌入饱和黏土全过程中板锚的运动轨迹、运动形态和锚眼拉力;固定锚腚拖曳锚嵌入过程中,锚运动形态有一个调整过程,因此,旋转角先减小,而后增加,并逐渐趋于稳定值。  相似文献   

周万欢  殷建华 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):691-0696
灌浆土钉在边坡加固工程中有着广泛的应用。土钉在不同条件下的抗拔机制仍是进一步研究的课题。通过建立一个三维有限元模型,研究土钉在不同上覆压力和剪胀作用下的土钉抗拔行为。采用摩尔-库仑模型模拟花岗岩土,土与土钉界面采用“接触对”和库仑摩擦模型描述。模型可以模拟土钉发生较大抗拔位移下发生滑移破坏的过程。模型参数通过三轴试验结果进行校正。通过与大尺寸室内抗拔试验结果相比较,验证了模型的有效性。模型展现了土钉在钻孔后和抗拔过程中土钉周围的土压力的变化。最后通过参数分析,研究了上覆压力和剪胀对土钉抗拔力的影响。结果显示,当上覆压力较小时,剪胀角对抗拔应力的影响较小。随着上覆压力的增加,剪胀角对抗拔应力的影响变得更加明显。  相似文献   

Soil nailing is the most popular technique for stabilizing newly formed and existing sub-standard slopes in Hong Kong because of its economic and technical advantages. The nail–soil interface shear resistance is an important parameter in design of soil nailed structures. A three-dimensional finite element model was established and used for simulating soil nail pull-out tests. The finite element model was verified by comparing simulated results with measured data. The agreement between the experimental and simulated results in terms of both average pull-out shear stress and stress variation was very good. Using this finite element model, a parametric study was carried out to study the influences of the overburden pressure and soil dilation angle on the soil nail pull-out resistance. The simulated peak pull-out resistance was not directly related to the overburden pressure, which was coincident with the observations in laboratory pull-out tests. The simulated pull-out resistance increased significantly with the increase in dilation angle of the shearing zone. This analysis indicated that the constrained dilatancy of the nail–soil interface and the soil surrounding the nail contributed a lot to the development of peak pull-out resistance.  相似文献   

Plate anchors, such as suction embedded plate anchors and vertically driven plate anchors, offer economically attractive anchoring solutions for deep/ultra-deep water offshore developments. The rotation/keying processes of plate anchors will cause embedment losses, which lead to decreases of the uplift resistances of the anchors in normally consolidated soil. In the present paper, the keying processes of vertically installed strip and square plate anchors are simulated using the 3-D large deformation finite element method. The effects of loading eccentricity and pullout angle on the embedment loss during keying are investigated. Both the development of the uplift resistance and the soil flow mechanisms are presented. The numerical results show that the loading eccentricity e/B has a much larger effect on the embedment loss than the pullout angle does. The anchor shape has a minimal effect on the loss in anchor embedment. The shape factors (square/strip) are 1.05–1.09 for loss of embedment and 1.10–1.19 for capacity.  相似文献   

桩锚直径等对水泥土桩锚墙支护影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马海龙  唐志军  石敦敦 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3709-3714
土体采用双曲硬化模型,水泥土桩墙和水泥土桩锚采用弹塑性模型,计算分析了水泥土桩锚直径和长度对水泥土桩锚墙支护结构的影响。计算结果显示,在计算条件下,桩锚直径大于400 mm时,桩锚在饱和软黏土中的置换、占位、加筋效果明显,控制墙顶水平位移和墙后土体沉降效果显著,桩锚直径小于200 mm时,将失去置换、占位、加筋作用,从而降低对墙后土体的主动加固效果。桩锚长度达到开挖深度的1.6倍时,能有效控制墙顶水平位移以及墙后土体沉降,桩锚长度超过1.6倍开挖深度以后,控制水平位移和墙后土体沉降的效果不明显。经与同一基坑的监测数据对比,计算值与实测值重复性好、规律性好。  相似文献   

苏芳眉  刘海笑  李洲 《岩土力学》2016,37(9):2728-2736
当结构在土体中运动时,往往导致土体发生较大的变形,此类问题采用大变形数值分析方法更为恰当。耦合欧拉-拉格朗日(Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian, 简称CEL)法是大变形数值分析方法中的一种,在分析大变形问题时具有很强的适用性,但在国内尚未开展CEL法分析锚板承载力的研究。以方形锚板在均质土及线性土中的拔出试验为原型,基于CEL法建立数值模型,对锚板的极限承载力及破坏机制进行研究,并通过用户自定义子程序,实现了线性土的强度分布随锚板拔出而变化。计算结果表明,土体杨氏模量越大,锚板的极限承载力越大;随着位移增大,锚板的抗拔力先增大,后降低;当埋深小于临界埋深时,土体发生整体破坏;当埋深大于等于临界埋深时,土体发生局部破坏。数值计算反映的规律与试验结果基本吻合,体现了CEL法模拟锚板在海床中大位移响应的出色能力。  相似文献   

泥岩隧道施工过程中渗流场与应力场全耦合损伤模型研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在连续损伤力学理论基础上,将塑性损伤演化及渗流相互耦合的概念引入Mohr-Coulomb 破坏准则,用于分析在孔隙压力和塑性损伤演化共同作用下岩石损伤演化机制,建立了相应的有限元损伤数值分析模型,并应用于比利时核废料库开挖过程中泥岩隧道附近围岩发生损伤演化、渗流场和应力场耦合过程分析中,得到了开挖引起的围岩损伤特性、孔隙压力以及渗透性的变化规律,为进一步研究隧道流变过程水力耦合特性合理的数值计算模型建立方法提供基础。  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical model for the analysis of cone penetration in soft clay based on the finite element method. The constitutive behaviour of the soil is modelled by modifying an elastic, perfectly-plastic soil model obeying Von-Mises yield criterion to take into account the strain-softening, rate dependent behaviour of soft clay. Since this is a problem involving large soil deformations, the analysis is carried out using an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian method where the quality of the mesh is preserved during penetration. The variation of cone resistance is examined with various parameters such as rigidity index of the soil, in situ stress anisotropy and roughness at the cone–soil interface, which influence the penetration resistance of the cone. A theoretical correlation has been developed incorporating these parameters and the results have been compared with previous correlations based on the cavity expansion theory, finite element method and strain path method. With the increase in strain-softening, relative brittleness of the soil increases and the penetration resistance is significantly reduced. With the rising strain-rate dependency, penetration resistance increases but this increase is independent of the degree of brittleness of the soil.  相似文献   

陈佳莹  滕竞成  尹振宇 《岩土力学》2020,41(11):3823-3830
本研究旨在对黏土中的桶式基础进行从完整的有限元分析到简化的宏单元的建模。首先通过有限元方法分析了在不同单调组合荷载作用下的黏土中吸力桶基础。为保证模拟结果的可靠性,采用了硬化土模型(HS)对正常固结黏土地基进行模拟。通过对比离心试验验证了使用HS模型的有限元分析的有效性,并通过径向位移试验进一步延伸到V-H-M(竖向力-水平力-弯矩)空间的破坏模式研究,并在此基础上,提出了的V-H-M空间三维破坏包络面公式。接着,应用此三维破坏包络面公式,采用亚塑性框架提出了黏土中桶式基础的宏单元设计模型。通过与试验结果的比较,验证了宏单元模型在模拟单调和循环荷载条件下桶式基础的强度与变形响应的有效性。所提的宏单元模型对于海洋岩土工程设计实践将很有帮助。  相似文献   

Uplift capacity of plate anchors has been the focus of numerous studies, because anchor plates are designed for pull‐out in normal operating conditions. However, the response of plate anchors under 6‐degrees‐of‐freedom loading caused during extreme loading conditions is poorly understood. The purpose of this study is to propose a simple yet sufficiently accurate analytical solution to investigate the behavior of plate anchor under combined in‐plane translation and torsion and to evaluate its effect on the plate uplift bearing capacity. To this end, a modified plastic limit analysis (PLA) approach is introduced and compared with limit equilibrium and simplified upper bound baseline solutions. The proposed method is verified with 3‐dimensional finite element. The variables considered in this study include plate aspect ratio, plate thickness, as well as load direction and eccentricity. Results of analytical solutions indicate the insensitivity of the “shape” of the shear‐torsion yield envelope to plate thickness. This finding facilitates the use of simplified yet reasonable yield envelope for infinitely thin plate obtained from simplified PLA approach for other plate thicknesses. The “size” of the failure envelope (controlled by pure torsional and translational capacity) could be predicted fairly accurately by PLA and limit equilibrium methods. Combination of these analytical methods offers a simple yet reasonably accurate solution to describe shear‐torsion response of anchor plate. The obtained shear‐torsion yield envelope is then fitted in the generalized 6‐degrees‐of‐freedom yield surface which describes the reducing effect of moment, torsion, and planar forces on the uplift capacity of plate.  相似文献   

龚文惠  刘涛  黄燕宏 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z2):136-140
基于理想弹塑性本构模型和Drucker-Prager准则,运用ANSYS软件和有限元数值模拟技术,建立了顺层岩体边坡的有限元分析模型。结合沪蓉国道主干线宜昌至恩施公路白氏坪-榔坪段顺层路堑高边坡工程实例,对顺层岩体路堑边坡布设锚杆支护前后的应力、变形和稳定性进行了模拟分析。分析比较表明,锚杆支护结构可以减小边坡临界状态下的最大位移、增大最危险接触面的摩擦力和提高边坡的稳定性系数,从而能有效地提高边坡的稳定性以防止顺层滑坡的发生。  相似文献   

混凝土开裂对地基板弯矩的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前地基板的配筋设计均按弹性体计算得到的弯矩进行,这在理论上是不合理的,因为地基板是高次超静定问题,地基板开裂后其弯矩会有较大的改变。笔者通过合理模拟地基板裂缝开展过程及土.结构的相互作用,采用非线性有限单元法对地基板进行了分析,着重讨论了不同计算方法及裂缝对地基板弯矩的影响。计算结果表明,按平面问题计算得到的弯矩比按空间问题大40%左右,地基板开裂后弯矩减小,且裂缝越多,弯矩减小越多。  相似文献   

Plate anchor is one of the most common varieties of anchors used in the construction and maintenance work of various on-land and offshore structures. An accurate estimation of the uplift capacity of anchor foundations is necessary for an economical design as well as for the safety and stability of structures. This paper outlines the effect of shape of anchor plates on their breakout capacity, through a series of model tests. Both shallow and deep anchor behaviours were investigated under conditions developing suction force and without suction force. The results of these tests are presented in terms of load-displacement behaviour, variation of breakout factors (with and without suction force) with depth of embedment, the critical embedment depth of anchors and variation of suction force with embedment ratio. Further, the variations of breakout factor ratio with aspect ratio and embedment ratio are reported. Based on the experimental results and the model test results of other investigators an empirical relationship has been suggested to determine the shape factor and holding capacity of plate anchors buried in saturated cohesive soils.  相似文献   

In 1986, the Malaysian Highway Authority constructed a series of trial embankments on the Muar Plain (soft marine clay) with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of various ground improvement techniques. This study investigates the effect of two such ground improvement schemes: (a) preloading of foundation with surface geogrids and synthetic vertical drains and (b) sand compaction piles. The paper is focused on the finite element analysis of settlements and lateral displacements of the soft foundation. In scheme (a), the numerical predictions are compared with the field measurements. In scheme (b), only the numerical analysis is presented and discussed in the absence of reliable measurements due to the malfunctioning of the electronic extensometer and inclinometer system during embankment construction. The current analysis employs critical state soil mechanics, and the deformations are predicted on the basis of the fully coupled (Biot) consolidation model. The vertical drain pattern is converted to equivalent drain walls to enable plane strain modelling, and the geogrids are simulated by linear interface slip elements. The effect of sand compaction piles is investigated considering both ideal drains and non-ideal drains, as well as varying the pile stiffness. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以鲁西南地区深部粘性土为研究对象,通过试验得到基本工程地质性质参数,以多元统计分析为手段,研究了深部粘性土各物理力学指标之间的相关性,探讨了各项指标之间的内在联系,为进一步研究大埋深粘性土的各项指标的内在联系打下了基础。  相似文献   

既有建筑下增层开挖对已有桩基础的影响不同于基坑开挖对坑内桩基的影响。基于工程实例验证的有限元参数,用硬化土弹塑性模型模拟土体,用接触面单元模拟桩土相互作用,建立了桩筏基础-地基-增层开挖三维有限元模型,对增层开挖后群桩基础的竖向承载性状进行研究。分析了桩顶刚度、桩身轴力、桩侧摩阻力、桩端阻比以及土体回弹的变化规律,并研究了不同桩端土体刚度和增层开挖深度对这些参数的影响。结果表明,增层开挖后群桩中不同基桩表现出不同的承载性状,增大桩端土体刚度可明显提高单桩承载力和端阻比临界值;随着增层开挖深度的增加,侧阻和端阻的发挥程度也随之提高。研究结果有望为地下室增层开挖施工中的结构托换变形控制和补桩设计提供依据。  相似文献   

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