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A Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) succession of carbonate rocks in the southern Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, Spain) was analysed in terms of sedimentological and palaeontological criteria. The shallow marine sequence was deposited upon a homoclinal carbonate ramp. Five main facies types were distinguished: (A) peloidal and bioclastic grainstones and rudstones of the inner ramp shoals; (B) orbitolinid wackestones-packstones of the distal outer ramp; (C) peloid and Ostrea wackestones-packstones of the middle outer ramp; (D) coral-algal sheetstones of the proximal outer ramp; and (E) coral-algal platestones-domestones of the middle ramp. Coral-bearing facies types (D) and (E) showed similar major environmental factors: low energy hydrodynamism, low light intensity and apparently nutrient-rich water. Slight differences in these conditions are reflected in the different growth forms and coral assemblages. Coral-algal sheetstones are characterized by sheet-like and lamellar forms with a low coral diversity not clearly dominated by any taxon. Coral-algal platestones-domestones develop platy, tabular and irregular massive forms with a slightly higher coral diversity characterized by a Microsolenina-Faviina association. The coral fauna is revised taxonomically and yielded a total of 22 species in 18 genera (21 Scleractinia species, one Octocorallia species). Genera of the suborders Microsolenina and Faviina predominate, those of the suborders Stylinina, Fungiina, Rhipidogyrina and the order Coenothecalia are subordinate.  相似文献   

The attributes of a ‘four-systems-tract’ sequence are at times difficult to identify in outcrop-scale carbonate successions. Poor exposure conditions, variable rates of sediment production, erosion and/or superposition of surfaces that are intrinsic to the nature of carbonate systems frequently conceal or remove its physical features. The late Early–Middle Aptian platform carbonates of the western Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, Spain) display facies heterogeneity enabling platform, platform-margin and slope geometries to be identified, and provide a case study that shows all the characteristics of a quintessential four systems tract-based sequence. Five differentiated systems tracts belonging to two distinct depositional sequences can be recognized: the Highstand Systems Tract (HST) and Forced Regressive Wedge Systems Tract (FRWST) of Depositional Sequence A; and the Lowstand Prograding Wedge Systems Tract (LPWST), Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) and subsequent return to a highstand stage of sea-level (HST) of Depositional Sequence B. An extensive carbonate platform of rudists and corals stacked in a prograding pattern marks the first HST. The FRWST is constituted by a detached, slightly cross-bedded calcarenite situated at the toe of the slope in a basinal position. The LPWST is characterized by a small carbonate platform of rudists and corals downlapping over the FRWST and onlapping landwards. The TST exhibits platform backstepping and marly sedimentation. Resumed carbonate production in shelf and slope settings characterizes the second HST. A basal surface of forced regression, a subaerial unconformity, a correlative conformity, a transgressive surface and a maximum flooding surface bound these systems tracts, and are well documented and widely mappable across the platform-to-basin transition area analyzed. Moreover, the sedimentary succession studied is made up of four types of parasequence that constitute stratigraphic units deposited within a higher-frequency sea-level cyclicity. Ten lithofacies associations form these basic accretional units. Each facies assemblage can be ascribed to an inferred depositional environment in terms of bathymetry, hydrodynamic conditions and trophic level. The architecture of the carbonate platform systems reflects a flat-topped non-rimmed depositional profile. Furthermore, these carbonate shelves are interpreted as having been formed in low hydrodynamic conditions. The long-term relative fall in sea-level occurred during the uppermost Early Aptian, which subaerially exposed the carbonate platform established during the first HST and resulted in the deposition of the FRWST, is interpreted as one of global significance. Moreover, a possible relationship between this widespread sea-level drop and glacio-eustasy seems plausible, and could be linked to the cooling event proposed in the literature for the late Early Aptian. Because of the important implications in sequence stratigraphy of this study, the sedimentary succession analyzed herein could serve as an analogue for the application of the four-systems-tract sequence stratigraphic methodology to carbonate systems.  相似文献   

The sedimentary succession of a Late Jurassic (Oxfordian to basal Kimmeridgian) carbonate ramp is described and interpreted. The study area is located in the central part of the Lower Saxony Basin in NW Germany, which forms part of the Central European Basin. Eight well-exposed and undeformed sections of the study area (Süntel area, Wesergebirge and eastern part of the Wiehengebirge) provide detailed information about lithofacies and lateral thickness variations. Biostratigraphically, the age of these sediments is poorly constrained. Twenty microfacies types are recognized that can be grouped into seven facies associations: (a) strongly bioturbated marlstones deposited near storm wave base (SWB), (b) foraminifera-rich wackestones, (c) wackestones and floatstones with biostromes and (d) bioclastic limestones deposited between SWB and fair-weather wave base (FWWB), (e) oolitic and iron-oolitic limestones and (f) siliciclastic sediments deposited above FWWB, and (g) lagoonal deposits. These facies associations characterize a storm dominated shallow mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp. Based on facies changes, quartz content, and gamma ray logs, the Korallenoolith Formation can be subdivided into a lower carbonate-dominated and an upper siliciclastic-dominated part, build up by different scales of small- to large-scale deepening- and shallowing-upward cycles. A preliminary correlation of measured outcrops of this formation is presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The middle member of the Loma del Toril formation (Kimmeridgian-Lower Tithonian, Intermediate units, Betic Cordillera) consists of up to 250 m of resedimented carbonate material. Three units have been distinguished. The lower, Unit A, is composed of conglomerates that are interpreted as deposited in a major valley on the lower slope of a basin margin. Unit B, calcarenites with some conglomerate intercalation, is interpreted as distributary channel deposits and Unit C, calcarenites, as the result of poorly developed depositional lobes of a submarine fan. The three units form a recessional sequence. They cannot be related to a transgression because the Kimmeridgian-Lower Tithonian in the Prebetic zone, where epicontinental sediments exist, is clearly regressive. The upper member of the Loma del Toril formation, made up of pelagic limestones with sporadic calcarenites or even thin conglomerate intercalations, is best interpreted as a basin plain facies. Lateral facies relationships suggest that down-faulting of the basin floor controlled the development of the fan. The scarce occurrence of turbidite beds in the basin plain facies, the prevailing channelized facies and the obvious lack of overbank deposits, suggest a transport system of low efficiency, with fan deposition at the base of slope. The underlying Jurassic strata cropping out along fault scarps, coeval carbonate shelf material, and upper slope deposits were the main sources of turbiditic resediments. With respect to basin morphology sedimentary processes and fan geometry, this Jurassic turbidite basin can be compared with the modern California continental borderland. Ancient analogues have been described by Reinhart (1977) and Price (1977).  相似文献   

It is now generally accepted that the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a [OAE 1a] correlates with the lower part of the Leupoldina cabri planktonic foraminiferal Zone. Its calibration against the standard ammonite scale, however, seems to be more problematic. This is due, in part, to the fact that ammonites are scarce and/or of little diagnostic value from a biochronological viewpoint in the lower Aptian pelagic successions where the black shale horizons are better developed.We have been able to characterize OAE 1a geochemically in the relatively shallow water deposits of the eastern Iberian Chain (Maestrat Basin, eastern Spain), where ammonite faunas are rich. The interval corresponding to this event is dominated by the genera Roloboceras and Megatyloceras, accompanied by Deshayesites forbesi and Deshayesites gr. euglyphus/spathi. This assemblage is characteristic of the middle/upper part of the Deshayesites weissi Zone. The first occurrence of the species Deshayesites deshayesi (d'Orbigny), which marks the base of the overlying zone, takes place in our sections some metres above the OAE 1a interval.In the historical stratotype region of Cassis-La Bédoule (southern Provence Basin, southeastern France), the OAE 1a interval is also characterized by the presence of Roloboceras and Megatyloceras. Nevertheless, it has usually been correlated with the D. deshayesi Zone. In our opinion, this discrepancy is due to divergences in the taxonomic assignments of the deshayesitids present in these beds. In fact, the specimens attributed by French authors [Ropolo, P., Conte, G., Gonnet, R., Masse, J.P., Moullade, M., 2000. Les faunes d'Ammonites du Barrémien supérieur/Aptien inférieur (Bédoulien) dans la région stratotypique de Cassis-La Bédoule (SE France): état des connaissances et propositions pour une zonation par Ammonites du Bédoulien-type. Géologie Méditerranéenne 25, 167–175; Ropolo, P., Moullade, M., Gonnet, R., Conte, G., Tronchetti, G., 2006. The Deshayesitidae Stoyanov, 1949 (Ammonoidea) of the Aptian historical stratotype region at Cassis-La Bédoule (SE France), Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology Memoir 2006/01, 1–46.] to D. deshayesi and D. dechyi can be reinterpreted as belonging to D. forbesi.Following this reinterpretation, the Roloboceras beds (equivalent of OAE 1a) of Cassis-La Bédoule would also correspond to the D. weissi Zone. This age is additionally corroborated by data from southern England [Casey, R., 1961a. The stratigraphical palaeontology of the Lower Greensand. Palaeontology 3, 487–621; Casey, R., 1961b. A Monograph of the Ammonoidea of the Lower Greensand, part III. Palaeontographical Society, London, pp. 119–216], and by our recent observations in Le Teil (Ardèche Platform, southeastern France), where the Roloboceras faunas are also associated with Deshayesites consobrinus and Deshayesites gr. euglyphus, taxa that are characteristic of the D. weissi Zone.  相似文献   

In Upper Jurassic carbonate turbidites of the Betic mountains (southern Spain), chert occurs in three morphologies: bedded chert, nodular chert and mottled chert. The last refers to a weak dispersed and selective silification which gives a speckled appearance to the rock. The three types of chert are formed by replacement of limestones and are associated with different calcareous facies. Turbidite packstones of Saccocoma and peloids, and turbidite lime mudstones of pelagic material contain bedded and nodular cherts. The silicification textures are mainly micro- and cryptocrystalline quartz, with local chalcedonic quartz (both length-fast and length-slow) which is more common in the packstones. Only mottled chert is produced where calcareous breccia beds are silicified. Mottled chert consists of micro- and cryptocrystalline quartz, length-slow chalcedonic quartz and mosaics or individual crystals of euhedral megaquartz. Beds and nodules are the result of early diagenetic silicification, with silica derived from the calcitization and dissolution of radiolarians and, subordinately, sponge spicules, whereas mottled chert is the consequence of later silicification in a probably Mg-rich environment. Early silicification is mainly confined to turbidite beds and only rarely occurs in the interbedded pelagic limestones. Turbidite sedimentation favours silicification because rapid burial of the transported siliceous tests prevents silica from the dissolution of tests passing into overlying sea water. A silica-rich interstitial fluid develops in the turbidite layer and this migrates to more permeable zones giving rise to bedded and nodular chert.  相似文献   

The process of organomineralization is increasingly well understood with respect to modern carbonate sediments accumulating adjacent to tropical reef atolls and reef caves. Mineralization related to non-living organic substrates results in autochthonous micrite production (‘automicrites’). ‘Automicrites’ are the main constructive element of Lower Cretaceous (Albian) carbonate mud mounds in northern Spain. These slope mud mounds occur within transgressive and early highstand system tracts encompassing several macrobenthic ecological zones. They are clearly separated from the biocalcifying carbonate factory (Urgonian carbonate platforms), in both space and time. Within these build-ups, most ‘automicrites’ were initially indurated and accreted to form a medium-relief growth framework. ‘Automicrites’ have a uniform, presumably high-Mg-calcite precursor mineralogy. They show an inorganic stable-isotope signature (?13C around +3·3‰) within the range of early marine cements, and skeletal compounds lacking major vital effects. Epifluorescence microscopy shows that they have facies-specific fluorescence, which is similar to skeletal compounds of Acanthochaetetes, but clearly different from allomicritic sediment and cements, which are mostly non-fluorescent. The EDTA-soluble intracrystalline organic fraction (SIOF) of Albian automicrites shows an amino acid spectrum that is similar to shallow subsurface samples from their modern counterparts. Gel electrophoresis of the SIOF demonstrates an exclusively acidic character, and a mean molecular size range between 20 and 30 kDa. Experiments in vitro (inhibition tests) indicate that the SIOF has a significant Ca2+-binding capacity. Fluorescence and chemical characteristics of SIOF point to a main substance class, such as humic and fulvic acids, compounds that form from pristine organic matter during early diagenesis. Biomarker analyses provide evidence for the crucial role of biodegradation by heterotrophic microorganisms, but no biomarker for cyanobacteria has been found. Primary sources of organic material should have been manifold, including major contributions by metazoans such as sponges. It is concluded that many carbonate mud mounds are essentially organomineralic in origin and that the resulting fabric of polygenetic muds (‘polymuds’) may represent ancestral metazoan reef ecosystems, which possibly originated during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

The Plio‐Pleistocene non‐marine sequence in the northeast Guadix–Baza Basin (southern Spain) comprises alluvial and lacustrine deposits (Baza Formation). The results of a revised lithostratigraphical correlation between sections from the middle and upper members of the Baza Formation in the northeast part of the basin, supported by detailed mapping, is presented. The position of micromammal sites in the lithostratigraphical scheme, together with the results of intensive palaeontological sampling for small mammal remains, has allowed us to develop a high‐resolution biostratigraphical framework for the area. This provides an opportunity to refine the biozonation for the Plio‐Pleistocene micromammal faunas, and to define faunal events from the late Villanyian (late Pliocene) to the early Pleistocene. On the basis of the lithostratigraphical and biostratigraphical approaches we obtain the following sequence of biozones for the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene: Kislangia gusii, Mimomys cf. reidi, M. oswaldoreigi, Allophaiomys pliocaenicus and A. burgondiae. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In interpreting the inception and demise of different carbonate depositional systems, climatic-oceanographic variations together with sea-level oscillations are commonly considered key elements. However, local tectonic controls cannot be ruled out. In attempts to discriminate among the main factors controlling the evolution of the southern Apennine mid-Cretaceous carbonate system, detailed facies analyses have been performed on Aptian–Albian carbonate successions in the Matese Group (southern Apennines). Since the mid Aptian, the analysed successions testify to a tectonically-driven topography, replacing the previous large tropical shallow-water domain with subdomains characterised by diversified sedimentological trends. Nevertheless, around the middle part of the Aptian, the studied successions register palaeoecological signals that cannot be linked exclusively with tectonic disturbance because of the coeval appearance of analogous signals at a global scale, including a significant change in biological assemblages and an outbreak of organisms indicative of stressful conditions in the water mass.Upper Bedoulian strata clearly record open marine settings characterised by a significant richness of the benthic communities. The biota included rudists, gastropods and echinoids plus many different benthic foraminifers and green algae. Rudists considered to be typically “tropical” forms (the caprinid Offneria nicolinae (Mainelli) and Offneria murgensis Masse, the requieniid Lovetchenia Masse and the monopleurid Agriopleura Kühn) characterise thick subtidally deposited strata in which large coral colonies and mollusc shells contributed to occasional storm-related skeletal concentrations.The analysed Gargasian strata show impoverished biota: caprinids totally disappear, both as in situ and storm-related layer components, and hermatypic corals are drastically reduced. Muddy lithofacies prevail in intertidal metric cycles in which cyanobacterial consortia, both in the form of dense laminae and coalescent oncoids, orbitolinids and small gastropods (cerithiids) suggest restricted, nutrient-rich water. Large oncoids of Bacinella irregularis/Lithocodium aggregatum and mollusc (mostly chondrodontids and gastropods) shell fragments significantly contribute to storm-related coarse skeletal intercalations, in which oligotrophic condition-adapted forms (e.g., hermatypic corals) are reduced or absent. This pattern suggests generalised conditions of stress in the water mass and in more marginal open areas.During the mid-Aptian interval, characterised by the flourishing of assemblages adapted to mesotrophic–eutrophic conditions, the southern Apennines shallow-water domain shows a progressive reduction of the previous mainly aragonite-dominated chlorozoan assemblages and an increase of calcite-dominated skeletal components, including rudists with thickened calcitic outer shell layers. Cyanobacteria and polychaetes characteristically marked the first phases of recovery in the shallow-water domains, rapidly evolving into more complex and differentiated assemblages. The outbreak of nerineid and acteonid gastropods seems to be related to a flourishing of cyanobacterial mats and related microphytae and also to the presence of polychaetes tubes (Thartarella cocumeriformis (Wahlman)). Moreover, the grazing activity of the nerineids favoured the flourishing of oyster-like bivalves. Among the rudists, the persistence and radiation of species adapted to a wide range of temperatures, such as Requieniidae and Monopleuridae as well as the first elevator Radiolitidae suggests some kind of oceanographic change (e.g., seawater chemistry and/or temperature).On the basis of the features described above, we propose the existence of a complex environmental scenario in which cooler conditions, presumably coupled with meso/eutrophic and locally oligophotic conditions, related to climatic/oceanographic global changes, cooperated in modifying the carbonate factory characterisation in a tectonically controlled setting.  相似文献   

During the late Miocene, the Guadalquivir Basin and its satellite basin, the Ronda Basin, were under Atlantic cool-water influence. The aim of our study is to develop a sequence stratigraphic subdivision of the Ronda Basin fill and to provide models for the cool-water carbonates. The Upper Miocene of the Ronda Basin can be divided into three depositional sequences. Sequence 1 is early Tortonian, Sequence 2 late Tortonian to earliest Messinian, and Sequence 3 Messinian in age. The sediments were deposited in a ramp depositional system. Sequence 1 is dominated by conglomerates and marls. In Sequence 2 and Sequence 3, carbonate deposits dominate in the inner ramp whereas siliciclastics preferentially occur in the middle and outer ramp. Bryomol carbonate sediments occur in all sequences whereas rhodalgal carbonates are restricted to Sequence 3. In bays protected from siliciclastic influx, rhodalgal deposits formed under transgressive conditions. A bryomol factory occurs in zones of continuous siliciclastic supply. This distribution results from facies partitioning during the flooding of the Ronda Basin, which has a rugged and irregular relief. Embayments were protected from siliciclastic influx and provided regions with less hydraulic energy.  相似文献   

In the Causses platform (south‐east France), Late Hettangian to Sinemurian deposits were interpreted previously as shallow‐water carbonate ramp deposits. A new look at these deposits has shown a fault‐controlled mosaic carbonate platform that is different from the carbonate ramp models. Within the platform mosaic, 15 lithofacies have been recognized, which are organized in four facies associations, including peritidal, restricted shallow sub‐tidal, sand dunes and sub‐tidal shelf facies associations. The rapid lateral and vertical facies changes, and the lack of consistent landward or seaward direction indicated by the pattern of facies changes, question the existence of a shoreline suggested by the traditional models for this region. Instead, the facies organization and cycle stacking pattern suggest deposition in a mosaic of intertidal islands between which sub‐tidal restricted or open conditions could coexist in very close proximity. Such a platform mosaic would have been defined by tectonic activities along normal faults which segmented the shallow‐water Causses platform. The facies and facies associations are arranged into metre‐scale, peritidal and sub‐tidal cycles that are also variable. Certain cycles show the same stacking pattern in all the sections and seem to be traceable over tens of kilometres. On the contrary, other cycles cannot be correlated; they are present only in specific sections and have a maximum lateral extension of 1 or 2 km. These metre‐scale cycles stack to form four medium‐scale cycles bounded by surfaces that display sub‐aerial exposure features. Medium‐scale cycles stack into two larger‐scale cycles (tens of metres thick) and are bounded by well‐defined karstic surfaces. Based on their lateral continuity and their stacking pattern, the metre‐scale cycles are controlled probably by high frequency eustatic variations overprinting the topographic irregularities formed by differential subsidence of fault‐bounded blocks. Episodic fault activities may reorganize the topography so that, even if eustatic changes may still be the major control of cycles, the expression and number of cycles could be different. Cycles of medium and large‐scale are interpreted as being allogenic, controlled by changes in eustasy and/or subsidence rates as evidenced by their lateral continuity and the correlations of the large‐scale cycles with third‐order depositional sequences.  相似文献   

The strata-bound fluorite-(barite-)Pb-Zn ore deposits occurring within the more than 3,000 m thick Alpujárride Carbonate Formation of the Betic Cordillera, southern Spain, are linked to two defined stratigraphic positions (within the Anisian and at the Ladinian-Carnian transition) and to definite sedimentary contexts. These are highly restricted lagoons isolated from the open sea by calcarenitic barriers with noticeable development of algal mats in their inner margins. Preevaporitic deposition conditions are usually recognized. The ore-bearing horizons are located either at the transition from evaporitic to normal marine deposition (as in the case of the Anisian ore-bearing horizon) or at the transition from normal marine to evaporite deposition (as in the case of the uppermost Ladinian to lowermost Carnian ore-bearing horizon). These vertical facies changes correspond also to the transitions from predominantly terrigenous (continental and/or coastal) sedimentation to marine carbonate sedimentation (Anisian ore deposits) and vice versa (upper Ladinian-lower Carnian). It is proposed that the ore deposits in the Triassic Alpujárride Formation are controlled by certain facies associations in the lagoonal environment. The depositional environment determines the hydrologic regimes responsible for early diagenetic formation of fluorite and of the related ore minerals in a way similar to that of early-diagenetic dolomite. This hypothesis is consistent with field and petrographic observations and with available geochemical and itotopic data reported in other works. The present investigation intends to underline the role played by surface-linked ore formation processes, i.e., by ore-forming processes essentially linked to the environments in which sedimentation and early diagenesis takes place, in the genesis of numerous strata-bound Zn-Pb-(F-Ba) ore deposits in carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

In the southern Tethyan margin, the Essaouira-Agadir Basin (EAB), south of Morocco, exhibits well-exposed and fossiliferous sections of Aptian–Albian age. Biostratigraphy by ammonoids and sedimentological analysis have been realized for five sections located along an E-W transect in the EAB. The studied successions were dated from the latest Early Aptian to the Early Albian and are characterized by five major sedimentary discontinuities defining at least four main sedimentary sequences. The Late Aptian–Early Albian succession can be considered a gently westward-dipping ramp, marked by a deepening upward evolution. A quantitative study of calcareous nannofossils and calcium carbonate content has been performed on three of these sections. At this time, the EAB was located in the tropical-equatorial hot arid belt. The decrease in both calcium carbonate content and Nannoconus abundances at the Aptian–Albian transition could be the result of cooler climatic conditions recognized in the EAB, and/or of the associated increasing terrigenous input and nutrients, which hindered carbonate production. In the EAB, the nannofossil productivity is higher below the deposition of dark levels, which are coeval with the Niveau Paquier, recognized as the expression in southern France of the OAE 1b (Early Albian). During the Early Albian, the EAB was characterized by nannofossil fluxes two times lower than the upwelling-influenced Mazagan Plateau (southern Tethyan margin) and eight times lower than the Vocontian Basin (northern Tethyan margin). These results show that, with respect to the northern Tethyan margin, trophic conditions in sea surface waters of the pelagic realm of the southern Tethyan margin were lower. Comparable results obtained by Heldt et al. in the neritic realm of the southern Tethyan margin have been ascribed to more arid climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The so-called Wealden sediments are no less than 2000 m thick in Santander and north Burgos (northern Spain). The succession rests on an extensive scoured and channeled surface over marine carbonates of Early Callovian age, and ends with the incoming of the Urgonian marine strata and equivalents (Lower Aptian). Two major sedimentary cycles (‘megacylothems’) and the beginning of a third are recognized. Following a widespread break in the succession, each megacyclothem opens with a coarse-grained clastic interval of fluviatile origin and then grades up into finer-grained clastics and carbonates recording fluviatile, lacustrine and shallow-marine conditions.The succession accumulated in an elongated fault-bounded basin trending E—W. Detritus came from source areas lying to the south and west of the depositional area, which was at times connected with the sea to the east and possibly to the north. The development of the basin was controlled by the reactivation of Late Hercynian faults acting contemporaneously with sedimentation. The frequency of faulting varied considerably, periods of relative calm alternating with periods of strong activity. These determined the characteristics of the successive megacyclothems.  相似文献   

The 14 km wide Valdorria outcrop (Pennsylvanian, northern Spain) is one of the few examples of entirely exposed flat‐topped and high‐relief carbonate platforms reported in the fossil rock record. Laterally and vertically traceable stratal patterns expose three phases of growth. Phase I is a 430 m thick platform to slope succession that prograded over 6 km, and is dated as Early Bashkirian (Akavasian–Askynbashian). Phase II aggraded and prograded, exhibiting 180 m thickness of cyclical platform top deposits, dated as Late Bashkirian (Asatauian). Phase III is a mound‐shape structure that developed over the platform top of Phase II as a new phase of platform nucleation. It is 535 m thick and 2 km wide, and dated as Late Bashkirian (Asatauian–Transition interval). The observed changes of growth styles during platform evolution, from a prograding to an aggrading–prograding system, and a rapid aggradational phase, are inferred to be controlled by flexural subsidence in the active Cantabrian foreland basin, at the Variscan orogenic front. The metre‐scale shallowing‐upward cycles of the platform top are most probably due to glacioeustasy, as evidenced by well‐recorded subaerial exposure surfaces superimposed on subtidal deposits, and by a stratal pattern recurrent in a short interval of about 160 kyr. Observations of outcropping Bashkirian cyclothems in an isolated carbonate system, devoid of siliciclastic input, are relevant for a better understanding of the impact of high‐frequency sea‐level fluctuations on the carbonate factory. Moreover, progradation of the platform margin during Phase I reaches a rate of 2500 m/Myr, and 1810 m/Myr during Phase II; rates that are high when compared to other Pennsylvanian examples. The aggradation rate of 447 m/Myr calculated for the Late Bashkirian–Transition interval (Phases II and III; uncorrected for compaction, missing beats and erosion) is uncommonly high in comparison to coeval Pennsylvanian examples. The platform exhibits a self‐nourishing prograding microbial boundstone‐dominated slope. Thus, the slope‐shedding model applies well to Valdorria. However, Phase II recorded eustatic variations able to inhibit the slope microbial boundstone factory during low sea‐level stands; this is marked by common slope red‐stained breccias synchronous to platform top subaerial exposure phases. Contrarily, periods of relative high sea‐level and rapid subsidence in Phase III registered a greater development of cemented microbial boundstone. These observed, partly opposing relationships of sea‐level stands, shedding modes and slope architecture provide an improvement of the currently used slope‐shedding model. The overall architecture of the Valdorria outcrop compares well with that of other contemporaneous platforms, such as Sierra del Cuera and Bolshoi Karatau. Valdorria shares the high‐relief and flat‐topped, steep slopes, cyclothemic patterns and occurrence of karst features with the Pricaspian Basin platforms (Tengiz, Karachaganak and Kashagan), with minor variations in facies distribution of the internal platform. Furthermore, the continuous seismic‐scale outcrop of Valdorria, together with its isolated setting and asymmetrical growth, makes it a very good candidate for potential subsurface analogues of hydrocarbon‐bearing systems.  相似文献   

The Carbonero Formation represents a scarce, well documented example of Aptian anoxic facies in the Betic Cordillera. Generally, the Aptian record in the pelagic Subbetic basin is both very discontinuous and affected by frequent hiatuses, but in some subsident areas controlled by extensional faults (as in the Carbonero trough) an interesting record is preserved. The Carbonero Formation is characterised by a thick pelagic succession composed of marls with intercalations of calcareous turbidites and a thick interval of anoxic facies. This interval, dated as early Aptian, most likely represents the local expression of Ocean Anoxic Event 1a in the Subbetic basin. A multidisciplinary study including lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and sedimentology has been carried out in the Carbonero Formation, with special attention to the anoxic interval. A collection of facies and sedimentary features has been characterised and interpreted, including barite concretions, calcareous concretions, black shales, siliceous marls and radiolarites, and calcareous turbidites. All these facies seem to have been deposited under oxygen-depleted conditions on a fault-bounded depression with a high subsidence rate. The accumulation and burial of sediments and the preservation of organic matter were controlled by both local and regional factors, such as the physiography of the basin and tectonic setting, as well as by global factors, such as palaeoceanographic and climatic changes.  相似文献   

During the Aptian and Albian thick terrigenous and carbonate successions of sediments up to 5000 m thick, including shallow water rudist limestones (Urgonian facies), were deposited in the Basque– Cantabrian Basin of northern Spain as a result of an intense rift-related subsidence. Based on criteria from surface and subsurface data, syn-sedimentary faults, folds, angular unconformities, diapirs and sub-basins are distinguished within the Urgonian successions. Faults are grouped into N– S, E– W, NW– SE and NE– SW families and most are normal and strike-slip. Folds are gentle anticlines and synclines related to major faults. The angular unconformities have small hiatuses, poor lateral continuity and they are associated with either folds or tilted blocks. Diapirs are related to the intersection of major basement faults and in at least one instance the diapir was fossilized by Late Albian times. Strong differential subsidence controlled by basement faults determined the division of the basin into many subbasins of different sizes, which acted as depocentres (e.g. Bilbao). Despite the tectonic inversion which affected the basin during the Tertiary and created thrusts in their margins and centre, the present position of the syn-sedimentary tectonic structures gives approximate clues about the broad structural style and this reveals the original model of basin extension. Features characteristic of strike-slip identified in different parts of the basin are displaced geological lines, wrench corridors, drag effects, thickness shifts, paired uplifts and basins, vaulting of ‘slabs’, decreasing displacements, horsetail and fault splays, ‘chessboard’, oroflexural bending, pull-apart geometries, in-line horst slices, and restraining/releasing bends. Sinistral strike-slip movements along major NW– SE faults are supposedly responsible for transtension, which characterized the basin particularly during the Albian. In this scenario, the main wrench movements would have concentrated along the Oiz domain (Biscay Tertiary Synclinorium) and is a situation that has more in common with the strike-slip model proposed by some workers for the western Pyrenees, than with the simple extension models proposed for the northern margin of the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

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