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赵密  张少华  钟紫蓝  侯本伟  杜修力 《岩土力学》2019,40(11):4506-4514
岩土工程随机参数统计特征的不确定性,使得岩土工程可靠度设计存在一定风险。岩土工程稳健性设计能够充分考虑随机参数的不确定性结合结构安全性、稳健性和经济性实现最优设计。针对随机参数统计特征的不确定性对柱下独立基础设计的影响,基于可靠度理论和岩土工程稳健性设计方法,考虑岩土参数、混凝土和钢筋材料力学参数统计特征不确定性的影响,以独立基础几何尺寸作为可控设计参数进行设计分析。将独立基础地基承载力、地基变形、基础结构冲切破坏和基础弯曲破坏4种失效模式视为串联系统,进行多失效模式下的结构体系稳健性设计,分析了多失效模式下结构几何参数与结构体系可靠度的关系。结合稳健性和经济性,进行了独立基础多目标优化设计,确定柱下独立基础设计的最优解。  相似文献   

The potential use of fibres in a number of geotechnical engineering applications is gaining more interest in the geotechnical community. A select application consists of the improvement of soft grounds to mitigate their problematic shear strength characteristics. Extensive experimental work has been reported on the response/behaviour of fibre-reinforced clay (FRC) and was recently complemented by several strength prediction models. The effectiveness of these models has not been thoroughly evaluated yet. The objectives of this study are to (1) quantify the model uncertainty of a newly developed FRC model that is aimed exclusively at predicting the “undrained” shear strength of FRCs, (2) combine the model uncertainty with other conventional sources of uncertainty to assess the reliability levels that are inherent in the ultimate limit state design of spread footings that rest on a top FRC layer underlain by weaker natural soft clay, and (3) recommend factors of safety that would ensure a target reliability level for these footings. Results indicate that the traditional safety factor of 3 should be used with caution as it may not be sufficient to yield the desired level of reliability, particularly for smaller footings, lower applied stresses, larger scales of fluctuation, and larger target reliability indices.  相似文献   

Traditional reliability-based design methodologies often involve selection of design which is of lowest cost and satisfies safety requirements. But, this design is sensitive to variation in statistics of input parameters (noise parameters) and might become unsatisfactory if an underestimation of coefficient of variation of input parameters is made. A relatively new design methodology known as robust geotechnical design (RGD) is applied for the case of reinforcement of rock slope using end-anchored rock bolts. This ensures selection of a cost-effective and safe design for which probability of failure (Pf) of reinforced rock slope is least sensitive to the noise parameters. Reliability-based RGD approach involves evaluation of Pf for each design with different possible noise parameters. Finding Pf for the complex geotechnical structure is computationally expensive, and thus an augmented radial basis function-based response surface is used as a surrogate to the finite element model of rock slope. This response surface, being very efficient, also performs well for a range of values of noise parameters. Later, minimum distance algorithm is applied to obtain a cost-effective and robust design. Finally, a comparison is made in the costs between two robust designs obtained for different target probability of failure for the same rock slope.  相似文献   


The economical and safe design of footings supported on aggregate-pier-reinforced clay could benefit from the implementation of a reliability-based approach that incorporates the different sources of uncertainty. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to quantify the probability distribution of the ultimate bearing capacity for practical design scenarios. A reliability analysis is then conducted to propose design charts that yield the required factor of safety as a function of the major input parameters. The novelty in the proposed methodology is the incorporation of a lower bound shear strength that is based on the remoulded undrained shear strength in the reliability analysis.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simplified procedure for reliability-based robust geotechnical design (RGD) using spreadsheet. In the RGD methodology, design robustness is achieved by adjusting “design parameters” without reducing the uncertainties in noise factors. This design approach generally involves a multi-objective optimisation, which is computationally challenging. To improve the efficiency of the RGD methodology, the design robustness is evaluated in terms of sensitivity index and the safety requirement is evaluated using mean value first order second moment (MFOSM). To ease the concern that the reliability index obtained with MFOSM may not be sufficiently accurate, a mapping function that relates MFOSM to a more accurate method such as first order reliability method is introduced. To further improve the efficiency of the proposed simplified RGD method, a new simplified procedure along with a more accurate robustness measure is developed that eliminates the need for multi-objective optimisation. With these modifications, the proposed simplified RGD method can efficiently be implemented in a single Excel spreadsheet. The proposed simplified method, which goes beyond any existing reliability-based RGD methods in terms of ease of use and computational efficiency, is illustrated in this paper with an example of robust design of drilled shaft in clay.  相似文献   

A new multi-objective optimization methodology is developed, whereby a multi-objective fast harmony search (MOFHS) is coupled with a groundwater flow and transport model to search for optimal design of groundwater remediation systems under general hydrogeological conditions. The MOFHS incorporates the niche technique into the previously improved fast harmony search and is enhanced by adding the Pareto solution set filter and an elite individual preservation strategy to guarantee uniformity and integrity of the Pareto front of multi-objective optimization problems. Also, the operation library of individual fitness is introduced to improve calculation speed. Moreover, the MOFHS is coupled with the commonly used flow and transport codes MODFLOW and MT3DMS, to search for optimal design of pump-and-treat systems, aiming at minimization of the remediation cost and minimization of the mass remaining in aquifers. Compared with three existing multi-objective optimization methods, including the improved niched Pareto genetic algorithm (INPGA), the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGAII), and the multi-objective harmony search (MOHS), the proposed methodology then demonstrated its applicability and efficiency through a two-dimensional hypothetical test problem and a three-dimensional field problem in Indiana (USA).  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的软土地基沉降预测   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
夏江  严平  庄一舟  许向明 《岩土力学》2004,25(7):1131-1134
基于自然进化原理的遗传算法是一种解决岩土工程复杂非线性问题十分有前景的方法。对遗传算法中一些具有代表性的算法作了简要分析和评论。软土地基沉降受众多因素的影响,在时序上表现出复杂的非线性特征。针对一个加固纠偏工程的沉降预测问题,运用MATLAB编写遗传算法程序进行了预测分析。计算结果与实测资料基本一致,它在全局优化、非线性优化、多参数优化等方面表现出了传统算法无法比拟的优势。  相似文献   

基于多目标遗传算法的巨型水库群发电优化调度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
魏加华  张远东 《地学前缘》2010,17(6):255-262
低碳时代,水电作为清洁可再生能源,节能发电调度为梯级水电联合调度运行带来了难得的历史机遇,如何有效地开展梯级水库群优化调度,充分合理利用水能资源,是流域梯级电站管理迫切需要解决的问题。文章在对清江梯级与三峡梯级径流特征分析的基础上,建立了以水库群整体发电量最大和弃能最小为目标的梯级调度模型。根据电力系统对三峡、葛洲坝、水布垭、隔河岩、高坝洲水电站的要求,用1951—2002年的月径流资料和典型年的日径流资料进行长期和短期优化调度,采用多目标遗传算法得到清江3个电站、三峡-葛洲坝2电站单独运行和联合优化调度发电指标,5库联合优化调度系统多年平均发电量增加约21亿kW.h;短期(日)优化调度较长期(月时间尺度)优化调度发电效益有进一步提升,增发电量约9.68亿kW.h。研究表明,充分利用清江和三峡梯级实际运行位置相近、水力联系紧密、互补性强的特点,统一安排电站机组运行模式,合理分配机组出力,可在来水量相同的条件下获得更大的效益。  相似文献   

岩土工程优化反分析是一个典型的复杂非线性函数优化问题,采用全局优化算法是解决这个问题的理想途径。结合ABAQUS有限元软件,提出遗传算法与有限元联合反演法,将有限元程序作为一个单独模块嵌入到遗传算法程序中,以测点的实测值与计算值建立误差函数,编制了遗传算法反演分析程序。并给出应用实例验证了该法的有效性,表明该方法可应用于岩土工程中的反演分析工作。  相似文献   

李荣年  滕延京 《岩土力学》2014,35(11):3214-3220
通过10个基础模型试验,研究了钢筋混凝土扩展基础的冲剪破坏特征和破坏规律。试验结果表明,当基础宽度大于柱宽加两倍基础有效高度时,将发生冲切破坏;当基础宽度小于或等于柱宽加两倍基础有效高度时,若基础底板只配置抗弯钢筋时,基础将发生剪切破坏;当基础板按梁式配筋时,基础将发生弯曲破坏,在基础尺寸、底面纵筋相同时,柱下条形基础按基础梁配筋与按板式配筋相比,基础的延性性能和承载力都将有较大提高。建议在柱下条形基础设计时按基础梁的形式进行配筋,以避免基础发生脆性的剪切破坏。  相似文献   

朱唤珍  李夕兵  宫凤强 《岩土力学》2015,36(11):3275-3282
在重要的岩土工程中,确定大样本岩土参数的概率分布对岩土工程稳定性和可靠性分析有着极其重要的意义。为此,基于积分均方误差最小计算得到的最优窗宽,提出了推断大样本岩土参数概率密度函数的正态信息扩散法。该方法基于信息扩散原理,从试验样本和信息论的角度出发,充分利用样本提供的数据信息,而不是先假定成经典的概率分布曲线拟合检验,数学意义和物理意义更加充分和严密。以推断压缩指数Cc的概率密度函数为例,分析了窗宽对信息扩散估计结果的影响规律,说明了该方法在大样本岩土参数概率密度函数推断方面的合理性。用该方法推断了大样本岩土抗剪强度参数的概率密度函数,通过K-S检验,验证了该方法的正确性和实用性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a fuzzy set-based robust geotechnical design (RGD) methodology for the design of shield-driven tunnels. Here, uncertain geotechnical parameters required for analysis of tunnel performance (referred to herein as the structure safety and serviceability performance of tunnel cross section) are represented as fuzzy sets. Given fuzzy input parameters, the performance of a shield-driven tunnel will be uncertain, which is expressed in this study as a fuzzy factor of safety, according to the analysis of vertex method. Then, the fuzzy factor of safety for a given design is used to evaluate the failure probability and design robustness, which are, in turn, employed in the proposed RGD framework. Note that a design is considered robust if the performance of the shield-driven tunnel is insensitive to the variation of its uncertain geotechnical parameters. Within the RGD framework, each candidate design in the design space is analyzed for its safety state (in terms of failure probability), design robustness, and cost. The goal of the RGD of a shield-driven tunnel is to bring the safety state to an acceptable level, while maximizing the robustness and cost efficiency simultaneously. To this end, a multi-objective optimization is performed and a Pareto front is obtained, which provides a trade-off that may be used to select the most preferred design. Through an illustrative case, the effectiveness and significance of this new robust design methodology is demonstrated.  相似文献   

抗滑桩由于其桩位布置灵活、施工比较方便、治理效果可靠,是滑坡治理工程中广泛采用的一种抗滑措施。一直以来抗滑桩设计都是沿用手工查表计算的方法,采用这种传统的抗滑桩设计方法不仅增加了工程师繁重的计算工作,而且很难实现优化设计。文章在对抗滑桩的工作机理进行分析的基础上,讨论了影响抗滑桩经济性的主要因素,以抗滑桩的截面宽、高和长度为基本要素,建立了抗滑桩优化设计的数学模型,并采用遗传算法进行求解。最后对一个工程实例用传统设计方法和优化设计方法所得的结果进行了比较,结果表明,对抗滑桩进行优化设计不仅能减轻工程设计人员的工作量,还可以在满足安全的条件下明显的降低工程费用,在滑坡治理工程中具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的深层搅拌桩优化设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
将遗传算法应用于深层搅拌桩优化设计中,以单位面积内深层搅拌桩的水泥用量为优化目标函数。全部约束条件均按相应规范的要求给出,并针对传统遗传算法优化设计时遇到的诸如计算量大、早熟收敛等问题,提出了相应的改进策略,利用Visual C++编制了计算程序,通过实例证明了所提优化方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Soil parameter identification using a genetic algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is dedicated to the identification of constitutive parameters of the Mohr–Coulomb constitutive model from in situ geotechnical measurements. A pressuremeter curve and the horizontal displacements of a sheet pile wall retaining an excavation are successively used as measurements. Two kinds of optimization algorithms are used to minimize the error function, the first one based on a gradient method and the second one based on a genetic algorithm. The efficiency of each algorithm related to the error function topology is discussed. Finally, it is shown that the use of a genetic algorithm to identify the soil parameters seems particularly suitable when the topology of the error function is complex. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two primary goals of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) for solving multi-objective optimization problems are to find as many nondominated solutions as possible toward the true Pareto front and to maintain diversity of Pareto-optimal solutions along the tradeoff curves. However, few MOEAs can achieve these two goals concurrently. This study presents a new hybrid MOEA, the niched Pareto tabu search combined with a genetic algorithm (NPTSGA), in which the global search ability of niched Pareto tabu search (NPTS) is improved by the diversification of candidate solutions that arose from the evolving population of nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II). The NPTSGA coupled with a flow and transport model is developed for multi-objective optimal design of groundwater remediation systems. The proposed methodology is then applied to a large field-scale groundwater remediation system for cleanup of large trichloroethylene plume at the Massachusetts Military Reservation in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Furthermore, a master-slave (MS) parallelization scheme based on the Message Passing Interface is incorporated into the NPTSGA to implement objective function evaluations in a distributed processor environment, which can greatly improve the efficiency of the NPTSGA in finding Pareto-optimal solutions to the real-world applications. This study shows that the MS parallel NPTSGA in comparison with the original NPTS and NSGA-II can balance the tradeoff between the diversity and optimality of solutions during the search process and is an efficient and effective tool for optimizing the multi-objective design of groundwater remediation systems under complicated hydrogeologic conditions.  相似文献   


This paper adds to the ongoing discussion on the role of reliability calculations in geotechnical design. It situates design calculations, be it verified by a global factor of safety, partial factors, or reliability-based design (RBD), in a larger context of quality management over the life cycle of the structure. It clarifies that uncertainties amenable to probabilistic treatment typically fall under the category of “known unknowns” where some measured data and/or past experience exist for limited site-specific data to be supplemented by both objective regional data and subjective judgement derived from comparable sites elsewhere. Within this category, reliability is very useful in handling complex real-world information (multivariate correlated data) and information imperfections (scarcity of information or incomplete information). It is also very useful in handling real-world design aspects such as spatial variability that cannot be easily treated using deterministic means. Examples are presented to illustrate how reliability calculations could relieve engineering judgement from the unsuitable task of performance verification in the presence of uncertainties so that the engineer can focus on setting up the right lines of scientific investigation, selecting the appropriate models and parameters for calculations, and verifying the reasonableness of the results.  相似文献   

当前复合地基实践中出现了许多以优化为目的的新的生长点,长短桩复合地基作为一种新型的复合地基处理形式,其优化设计即在满足地基承载力和沉降变形的基础上实现最佳经济性的优化目标。本文采用改进的遗传算法,以长短桩桩体总费用为目标函数,全部约束条件均按相应规范要求给出,建立长短桩复合地基的优化设计数学模型,并编制了相应的计算程序。同时给出长短桩复合地基优化设计算例,计算结果表明,此算法能优化设计,降低工程造价,对工程设计有较强的参考价值。  相似文献   

并行遗传算法对硅藻软岩本构关系的求解   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
利用并行遗传算法,基于不同条件下软岩三轴压缩实验的实验数据,对正常固结领域和超固结领域硅藻软岩的本构关系进行了拟合,建立了一种新的考虑时间效应的应力-应变-时间本构模型。预测结果分析表明,所建模型很好地反映了硅藻软岩的本构关系,从而验证了该模型并行遗传算法解的合理性和可行性。研究成果在地下空间的利用和开发中具有良好的应用前景,对介于岩石和土之间复杂软岩材料力学特性研究的进一步发展具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

黄靓  易伟建  汪优 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):137-140
基于神经网络的响应面蒙特卡罗方法,通过引入均匀设计来安排RBF神经网络的训练样本集,将均匀设计和RBF网络的优势有机地结合起来:一方面尽量减少训练样本点的数量;另一方面,训练样本点均匀地充满参数空间,有利于提高具有较强局部逼近能力的RBF网络的预测精度。应用该方法进行挡土墙结构抗滑移稳定性的概率分析,结果表明该方法与直接蒙特卡罗模拟的结果相当吻合,能够满足实际工程的精度要求。分析还表明,随机因素对挡土墙结构抗滑移稳定性的影响程度由大到小依次为基底摩擦系数、填土摩擦角、填土重度和填土对挡土墙墙背的摩擦角。  相似文献   

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