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李湛  栾茂田 《岩土力学》2010,31(5):1503-1508
基于拟静力抗震设计概念,提出利用强度折减有限单元法分析土石坝的抗震稳定性,给出了两种确定地震惯性力的方法:(1)依据《水工建筑物抗震设计规范》[1],并结合有关土石坝动态分布系数计算了沿坝高分布的地震惯性力;(2)直接利用土石坝有限元地震动力反应分析得到的单元节点加速度反应,依据建议的方法确定坝体各单元节点的地震惯性力。将上述计算确定的地震惯性力与其他形式的外荷载共同作用到土石坝上,采用强度折减有限元法确定土石坝坝体的拟静力抗震安全系数。对于稳定渗流期,水位降落期等不同工况,或需要考虑振动孔隙水压力作用的饱和无黏性土填筑坝等不同计算条件,给出了使用折减强度有限元法分析坝体抗震稳定性的实现途径和方法。研究表明,有限元法对边界条件、复杂断面条件和材料分区及荷载组合均具有较强的适应能力,因此,使用有限元法分析土石坝抗震稳定性具有显著的优越性。  相似文献   

堆石非线性强度特性对高土石坝稳定性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈立宏  陈祖煜 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1807-1810
抗剪强度指标的选择对大坝坝坡稳定性评价有着十分重要的影响。堆石料抗剪强度具有明显的非线性,在高坝中这一特点更为显著。因此,计算堆石坝坝坡稳定安全系数时应采用非线性指标,而不是传统的线性指标。讨论了不同的堆石料抗剪强度模型、计算参数取值标准、非线性指标的稳定分析方法以及允许安全标准问题。统计分析了171组822个三轴试验结果发现,邓肯非线性指标对堆石料抗剪强度的模拟误差要小于线性指标和德迈洛非线性指标。采用不同的抗剪强度指标计算261.5 m高的云南糯扎渡大坝坝坡的稳定性。结果表明:各种工况下线性有咬合力、邓肯非线性指标与德迈洛非线性指标3种方法得到的安全系数和滑裂面位置都十分接近,非线性指标计算的结果并不比线性指标高。因此,进行非线性分析时,现有规范规定的基于线性指标的允许安全系数标准无需改变。  相似文献   

A theory for the shear strength of rockfill   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SummaryA Theory for the Shear Strength of Rockfill Existing knowledge of the meaning of the shear strength of rock fill, and of how and why it varies is inadequate.Shear strength is shown to be controlled by the basic angle of friction of rock on rock ( u ), the voids ratio (e) and the particle breakage (B) and to be dependent on the ratio of major to minor principal stresses.Using statistical methods combined with some simple assumptions based on experimental work formulas are derived for the shear strength of rock fill.Theoretical results are compared with the results of laboratory triaxial tests.
Zusammenfassung Eine Theorie für die Scherfestigkeit von Gröbstkornschüttungen (Steinbrockenschüttungen). Das vorhandene Wissen vom Wesen der Scherfestigkeit von Gröbstkornschüttungen sowie davon, wie und warum sie verschieden groß ist, ist unzulänglich.Es wird gezeigt, daß die Scherfestigkeit durch den entscheidenden Reibungswinkel von Gestein auf Gestein ( u ), den Hohlraum-Quotienten (e) und den Bruch von Teilchen (B) bestimmt wird, und daß sie von dem Quotienten aus größter und kleinster Hauptnormalspannung abhängt. Bei der Anwendung statistischer Methoden, welche mit einigen einfachen, auf Versuchen beruhenden Annahmen kombiniert werden, können Formeln für die Scherfestigkeit von Gröbstkornschüttungen abgeleitet werden. Theoretische Ergebnisse werden mit den Ergebnissen von Triaxialversuchen im Labor verglichen.

Résumé Une théorie pour la résistance au cisaillement des enrochements. Les connaissances actuelles sur la signification de la résistance au cisaillement des enrochements, et sur le pourquoi et le comment de ses variations sont insuffisantes.On montre que la résistance au cisaillement dépend de l'angle de frottement élémentaire rocher sur rocher ( u ), de l'indice des vides (e) et de la rupture des blocs (B), et qu'elle varie avec le rapport des contraintes principales extrêmes.Grâce à des méthodes statistiques et à quelques hypothèses simples basées sur un travail expérimental, on obtient des formules donnant la résistance au cisaillement des enrochements.Les résultats théoriques sont comparés avec les résultats d'essais triaxiaux au laboratoire.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

Embankment dams are important and costly civil engineering structures that provide an essential infrastructure for the management of water. One of the critical aspects of dam design is the analysis of stability and safety of the earth structure under various operating and environmental conditions. Traditionally, a deterministic approach is used for such analysis. However, the determination of variables such as soil strength parameters, pore pressure and other pertinent properties involves uncertainties, which cannot be handled in the traditional deterministic methods. It is, therefore, highly desirable to develop a reliability based analytical/numerical methodology for stability analysis of dams taking into account these uncertainties. Reliability and probability theories are developed in this paper for assessing the reliability index and the corresponding probability of failure of multi-layered embankment dams and slopes. Two definitions were used to calculate the reliability index (i.e. the normal distribution and the log–normal distribution). The computer program was developed and validated by the Congress Street open cut failure case. The developed approach was used to study the stability of the King Talal embankment dam. The results are discussed and conclusions drawn.  相似文献   

Internal erosion is the most common reason which induces failure of embankment dams besides overtopping. Relatively large leakage is frequently concentrated at defects of impervious element, and this will lead to eventual failure. The amount of leakage depends not only on integrity of impervious element, but also on dam height, shape of valley, shape of impervious element and water level in reservoir. The integrity of impervious element, which represents the relative level of seepage safety, is not easy to be determined quantitatively. A simple method for generalization of steady seepage state of embankment dams with thin impervious element is proposed in this paper. The apparent overall value of permeability coefficient for impervious element can be obtained by this method with reasonable accuracy and efficiency. A defect parameter of impervious element is defined as an index to characterize seepage safety of embankment dams. It equals the ratio of the apparent overall value of permeability coefficient to the measured value in laboratory for intact materials. Subsequently, seepage safety of three dams is evaluated and the evolution of defect level of impervious element of dams is investigated. It is proved that the newly proposed method in this paper is feasible in the evaluation of relative seepage safety level of embankment dams with thin impervious element.  相似文献   

Structural sliding stability of gravity dams is generally quantified using deterministic factor of safety, FSdet. Large FSdet (e.g. 3 in normal condition), are used in existing guidelines to guard against material and load uncertainties. Some guidelines allow an arbitrary reduction in FSdet (e.g. 2) when the knowledge in strength parameters increases from material test data. Yet, those reduced FSdet are not based on a rational consideration of uncertainties. Propagation of uncertainties could be done using probabilistic analyses, such as Monte-Carlo simulations (MC) which are complex and challenging for practical use. There is thus a need to develop simplified reliability based safety assessment procedures that could rationalise the adjustment of FSdet. This paper presents a progressive analysis methodology using four safety evaluation formats of increasing complexity: (i) deterministic, (ii) semi-probabilistic (partial coefficient), (iii) reliability based Adjustable Factor of Safety (AFS), and (iv) probabilistic. Comprehensive comparisons are made for the sliding safety evaluation of a 80 m gravity dam. Results are presented in terms of sliding factors of safety, allowable water levels, and demand/capacity ratios. It is shown that the AFS formulation, using direct integration, is simple and practical to use in complement to existing dam safety guidelines before undertaking MC simulations.  相似文献   

将非线性统一强度理论应用于土石坝边坡稳定分析中,考虑坝体各应力分量包括中间主应力对土质材料强度的影响,以区别于传统土石坝稳定分析中仅考虑剪切和拉伸极限强度的极限平衡法。提出了一个土石坝边坡稳定优化分析模型,并采用最优化遗传算法对土石坝边坡进行断裂面优化搜索。研究表明,统一强度理论中反映中间主应力效应系数值变化对坝体稳定安全系数有显著影响。利用遗传算法对土石坝边坡稳定进行分析时,不必事先假定滑裂面的形状,根据土石坝非线性统一强度理论的剪裂破坏准则进行滑裂面搜索。针对常规最优化方法容易陷入局部最优解的缺陷,基于MATLAB遗传算法工具箱对土石坝边坡稳定性进行分析,分析结果表明,统一强度理论结合遗传算法能克服常规最优化方法在寻优过程中一些缺陷,计算结果更自然合理。  相似文献   

In this study, upper bound finite element (FE) limit analysis is applied to stability problems of slopes using a nonlinear criterion. After formulating the upper bound analysis as the dual form of a second-order cone programming (SOCP) problem, the stress field and corresponding shear strength parameters can be determined iteratively. Thus, the nonlinear failure criterion is represented by the shear strength parameters associated with stress so that the analysis of slope stability using a nonlinear failure criterion can be transformed into the traditional upper bound method with a linear Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion. Comparison with published solutions illustrates the accuracy and feasibility of the proposed method for a simple homogeneous slope stability problem. The proposed approach is also applied to a seismic stability problem for a rockfill dam to study the influence of different failure criterions on the upper bound solutions. The results show that the seismic stability coefficients obtained using two different nonlinear failure criteria are similar but that the convergence differs significantly.  相似文献   

姚虞  王睿  刘天云  张建民 《岩土力学》2018,39(6):2259-2266
在多点输入方法和等价黏弹性模型的基础上,采用半解析的波函数组合法实现了面板堆石坝在非一致输入下的动力计算。从频域散射角度对计算方法的合理性进行了验证。对比了非一致输入与一致输入下高面板堆石坝的动力响应,发现在采用基岩自由表面点的振动过程相同的对比标准下,非一致输入的整体动力响应较小;在面板坝防渗系统相对薄弱的止水结构附近,非一致输入的动拉应力最大值比一致输入的结果更大;非一致输入下大坝动力响应值的分布相比一致性输入呈现出中间小、周边大的特性。并基于波动理论进一步分析了不同种类地震波入射角度对高面板堆石坝动力响应的影响,揭示了P波、SV波和SH波入射下高面板堆石坝动力响应规律:随着入射角的增大,SH波入射时,高面板坝动力响应强度基本不变; SV波入射时,存在一个临界角,当入射角在临界角左右时高面板坝动力响应强度急剧增大和减小,之前基本不变,之后一直减小;P波入射时,存在一个特征角度,在入射角小于特征角度时高面板坝动力响应强度基本不变,大于特征角度时高面板坝动力响应强度减小。  相似文献   

Yao  Yu  Wang  Rui  Liu  Tianyun  Zhang  Jian-Min 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(1):83-100

Analysis of the seismic response of high CFRDs under non-uniform ground motion input is conducted using a novel non-uniform input motion calculation method combined with nonlinear FEM. The non-uniform input motion calculation method and its basic assumption are validated. The response of CFRDs under uniform and non-uniform input is compared to discuss the necessity of conducting seismic analysis of high CFRDs under realistic non-uniform ground motion input. When the acceleration at the surface of the free field for dynamic simulations with uniform and non-uniform input is kept consistent, the seismic response of CFRDs under non-uniform input is in general significantly smaller, while the dynamic tensile stress around the edges of the concrete face slab is greater. The simulation results suggest that non-uniformity of the ground motion input has important effects on the seismic response of high CFRDs and should be considered in the seismic design of CFRDs. The influence of the incident angle of seismic waves is also investigated, with results indicating that the influence is waveform dependent, while being frequency independent.


吴震宇  陈建康 《岩土力学》2018,39(2):699-704
针对土坡稳定体系可靠度分析问题,提出了一种分析方法框架,包括采用缩减方差抽样技术生成随机变量样本值、采用全局优化算法搜索边坡最小安全系数、采用Monte-Carlo法计算边坡体系可靠度3个主要部分。在此框架下,建立了一种较为简便实用的高土石坝坝坡稳定体系可靠度分析方法。该方法采用拉丁超立方抽样技术生成随机变量的样本值,再用商业软件STAB搜索相应的坝坡最小安全系数,最后用可靠指标法或Monte-Carlo法计算坝坡体系可靠度。工程算例表明,筑坝材料强度参数的随机不确定性对坝坡临界滑弧的位置影响较大,坝坡稳定体系可靠度小于单一滑动面的坝坡稳定最小可靠度,提出的方法可用于实际工程坝坡稳定体系可靠度分析。  相似文献   

The presence of allophane minerals imparts special engineering features to the volcanic ash soils. This study examines the reasons for the allophanic soils exhibiting unusual shear strength properties in comparison to sedimentary clays. The theories of residual shear strength developed for natural soils and artificial soil mixtures and the unusual surface charge properties of the allophane particle are invoked to explain the high shear strength values of these residual soils. The lack of any reasonable correlation between ′ (effective stress-strength parameter) and plasticity index values for allophanic soils is explained on the basis of the unusual structure of the allophane particle. The reasons as to why natural soil slopes in allophanic soil areas (example, Dominica, West Indies) are stable at much steeper angles than natural slopes in sedimentary clay deposits (London clay areas) are explained in light of the hypothesis developed in this study.  相似文献   

关于强度折减有限元方法中边坡失稳判据的讨论   总被引:82,自引:18,他引:82  
在边坡稳定性分析中采用强度折减弹塑性有限元方法时,所得到的总体安全系数在一定程度上依赖于所采用的失稳评判标准,通常以数值计算的收敛性作为边坡失稳判据。而有限元计算的数值收敛性受多种因素的影响,因而由此所得到的安全系数的合理性及其唯一性受到了质疑。为了考查目前各种失稳判据的合理性及其适用性,分别依据计算的收敛性、特征部位位移的突变性和塑性区的贯通性等3个失稳判据,针对某一典型边坡算例,采用强度折减弹塑性有限元方法进行稳定性分析,并与Spencer极限平衡法所得到的总体安全系数进行了对比。对比分析表明,以有限元数值计算的收敛性作为失稳判据在某些情况下所得到的安全系数可能误差较大,而采用特征部位位移的突变性或塑性区的贯通性作为失稳判据所得到的边坡安全系数与Spencer极限平衡法的计算结果比较接近,考虑到实用性与简便性,建议在边坡稳定性分析的强度折减有限元方法中联合采用特征部位位移的突变性和塑性区的贯通性作为边坡的失稳判据。  相似文献   

Acta Geotechnica - Currently, there are debates on the relationship between the effective stress and shear strength of unsaturated soils. Thus, it is imperative to present an efficient method that...  相似文献   

郑国锋  郭晓霞  邵龙潭 《岩土力学》2019,40(4):1441-1448
考虑体变对非饱和土土-水状态的影响,将状态曲面函数引入传统的Vanapalli强度公式得到与孔隙比相关的抗剪强度准则,新准则使用饱和土的强度参数和两条不同孔隙比对应的土-水特征曲线。选择一种尾矿砂和高岭土的混合土料为研究对象,进行一系列的土-水特征曲线试验、吸力控制的等向压缩和三轴剪切试验。试验结果表明,新准则能更准确地预测非饱和土的强度,证明了传统强度预测的误差主要来源于忽略了体变导致的土-水状态变化,并提出在不同应力空间内精确地获得抗剪强度包线的方法,合理地解释了强度包线斜率在净应力-强度平面内随吸力增大、强度包线形状在吸力-强度平面内随净应力发生变化的特性。  相似文献   

李得建  赵炼恒  李亮  程肖 《岩土力学》2015,36(5):1313-1321
基于非线性Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则,结合极限分析上限法和拟静力分析法,建立功能方程,推导了地震效应下裂缝边坡的安全系数计算方程。采用数学规划方法,计算了不同参数组合条件下的边坡安全系数值,详细分析了非线性条件下一系列参数对边坡稳定性的影响。研究表明,边坡安全系数随非线性参数和地震效应的增大而减小。对比分析可知,在非线性破坏准则下,裂缝深度较大时,裂缝对边坡稳定性影响显著,且边坡越陡影响越大;当裂缝深度超过某个值后,临界破坏面起始端可能不穿过裂缝最底端,而是从裂缝中间某部位穿过。在地震效应作用下,非线性抗剪强度参数对安全系数影响显著。研究成果进一步完善了裂缝边坡稳定性分析内容,所列图表为边坡的设计与施工提供有益参考。  相似文献   

This paper develops an analytical approach for reliability analysis of infinite slope stability in presence of spatially variable shear strength parameters. The analytical approach considers spatial autocorrelation of each parameter and cross-correlations between different parameters. It is robust, computational efficient and provides insight to the importance of spatial correlation scale on slope reliability analysis. This paper also explores the difference in continuous and discrete random fields and emphasizes the importance of fine discretization in relation to correlation scale. Finally, it shows that conditioning the stability analysis with information about trends and spatial data leads to reliability assessments with less uncertainty.  相似文献   

实际工程中,由于土质的不均匀性、试验条件限制、取样和运输过程产生扰动等因素的制约,使得岩土抗剪强度参数的试验值与实际相差太大。为了取得可靠的计算参数,有必要对滑动带土的抗剪强度参数C,φ进行优化,本文根据滑坡的变形发展阶段确定了合理的稳定系数后,利用Microsoft Excel非线性规划求解器的既约梯度法,对边坡的抗剪强度参数进行了优化,得到了可靠的滑坡稳定系数和抗剪强度参数。  相似文献   

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