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淤泥生态浮床的构建及其对富营养化水体净化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用武汉月湖清淤底泥为主要原料,配以膨胀珍珠岩为轻质材料、灰渣胶凝材料为粘合剂制得淤泥生态浮床,并考察其对富营养化水体的改善效果.研究表明,湖泊淤泥、膨胀珍珠岩、灰渣胶凝材料掺量分别为60%、15%、25%时,浮床模块的密度、抗压强度、抗折强度、吸水率、软化系数达到797.2kg/m3、1.02MPa、0.21MPa、13.2%和85.5%,满足设计需要.在为期32d的净水试验中,淤泥生态浮床对富营养化水体净化效果较好,TN、TP、NH4+-N、PO34-P、CODMn、Chl.a的去除率最高分别可达31.1%、38.6%、37.2%、36.9%、39.7%和48.8%.淤泥生态浮床有效解决了湖泊清淤底泥的处置问题,并且可对富营养化水体取得较好的生态修复效果,适合推广使用.  相似文献   

Thermal stratification is crucial for water quality and ecological processes in deep lakes and reservoirs and can be substantially affected by meteorological and hydrological processes in the catchment. However, how thermal stratification responds to rainfalls of different intensities and changing hydrological processes has not been documented very well. Here, high frequency water column profiles at three stations in a large subtropical deep reservoir (Lake Qiandaohu, China) in 2017 were used to elucidate the impacts of rainfall on lake physical process and chemical environment. The impact of rainfalls on the thermal stratification and dissolved oxygen in riverine zone was more impressive than that in transitional and lacustrine zones. The effect on thermal stratification by rainfall was largely affected by the magnitude of rainfall. Moderate and heavy rainfall events could reduce the thermal stability of water column, deepen the mixing layer depth, and shape the thermocline, resulting from decrease of surface water temperature and increased inflows. While rainstorms could totally break up thermoclines in the riverine zone by high volume inflow flushing. In addition, we found that the hypoxia and anoxia initial depths increased during rainfall events in this reservoir, which were well related to the changes of mixing layer depths. This research highlights that quantifying the effects of rainfalls on thermal stratification and dissolved oxygen will be beneficial for optimizing reservoir management.  相似文献   

杨凤娟  杨扬  潘鸿  阿丹  李丽  乔永民  钟铮 《湖泊科学》2011,23(4):498-504
对强化生态浮床原位修复技术修复南方重污染感潮河流过程中浮游动物的种群动态变化进行研究,探讨浮游动物群落结构变化特征与河流水质改善状况的相互关系.结果显示,经强化生态浮床处理后,重污染感潮河流水质得到改善,浮游动物的种类由修复工程实施前的5种增加到49种,且由单一耐污种转变为多种种类共存;示范区各月浮游动物个体丰度较对照...  相似文献   

谭佩阳  侯志勇  谢永宏  李峰  杨扬  陈薇  李阳 《湖泊科学》2022,34(5):1562-1569
污水低碳氮比(C/N)是影响人工湿地氮去除效果限制因素,传统的碳源添加及利用存在成本较高、补充困难的局限性.本研究契合“就地取材,原位处理”的废物利用原则,选择人工湿地常见的水生植物和农业废弃物(玉米芯、稻草)作为对照,对比了挺水植物(香蒲、美人蕉)、浮叶植物(莲)、沉水植物(菹草)、湿生植物(南荻、短尖苔草)的释碳能力,初步确定了以香蒲、美人蕉、南荻为代表的植物具有较好的释放碳能力,在中国湿地中分布广泛,且均对水体二次污染较小.以南荻、美人蕉、玉米芯作为碳源添加的模拟人工湿地实验验证表明,在低碳氮比的模拟表流人工湿地投入植物碳源,能有效提高系统的脱氮效率,对照组、南荻组、美人蕉组和玉米芯组的出水总氮浓度分别为(5.24±0.07)、(4.50±0.10)、(3.75±0.17)和(2.97±0.18) mg/L,对应的去除率分别为58%、64%、70%和76%,确定南荻和美人蕉植物残体以及改性材料均残体和改性材料适合作为人工湿地中原位利用的外加碳源.本研究探索了通过湿地植物配置解决人工湿地水体低C/N比的问题,为提高湿地脱氮效果提供了有意义的新途径.  相似文献   

利用芦苇湿地去除农业污水中的氮是博斯腾湖流域控制富营养化的重要手段.但是,污水中的盐分往往会抑制芦苇(Phragmites australis)湿地的除氮效果.为了探索不同盐度对芦苇湿地脱氮效果的影响和机制,研究4个不同的盐度梯度(淡水、2‰、5‰和10‰)对芦苇表流湿地中氮去除的影响,测定不同盐度下湿地表层(0~10.0 cm)和下层土壤(10.0~20.0 cm)中硝化、反硝化作用强度的变化.结果表明,盐度上升显著降低了湿地氮的去除率,但是不同离子形态的氮变化趋势并不一致.5‰和10‰盐度下的芦苇湿地中总氮、铵态氮去除率分别下降了9.03%、31.80%和23.10%、39.20%,亚硝态氮累积率分别上升了190%、690%,而硝态氮并未发生明显变化.相对于参与反硝化作用的菌群,盐度对参与硝化作用菌群的抑制作用更强是产生此现象的主要原因.除此之外,盐度升高导致植物根系泌氧减少也是土壤中的硝化作用强度降低的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

Mean dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations ([DIN]) in deep, seasonally stratified lakes with comparable DIN inputs can differ by up to a factor of 3 depending on hydraulic and morphometric properties and/or different trophic states of the lakes. In such lakes, net N sedimentation rates were estimated with two independent methods (sediment core analysis and input-output mass balances). They were higher in eutrophic lakes (Mean: 5.1; SD: ± 1.6 g m–2 yr–1; n = 13) than in oligotrophic lakes (1.6 ± 1.0 g m–2 yr–1; n = 3), but independent of [DIN]. Gaseous N loss rates to the atmosphere, as calculated from combined N- and P-mass balances from selected lakes, ranged from 0.9 to 37.4 g m–2 yr–1 (n = 10) and were positively correlated with [DIN]. Reduction of NO 3 - to N2 is assumed to be the main cause for gaseous N losses. A simple one-box mass balance model for [DIN], based on DIN input and rates and kinetics of N removal processes (net sedimentation and gaseous N loss) is proposed, and validated with a data base on [DIN] and DIN input in 19 deep, seasonally stratified lakes of central Europe. The model illustrated that the amount of water loading per unit surface area of a lake (called water discharge height q) is the critical parameter determining mean lake [DIN] relative to mean input [DIN]. Lakes with a q > 50 m yr–1 have average [DIN] similar to the [DIN] of the inflows regardless of their trophic states, because input and outflow exceed lake-internal N removal processes. A high primary production favors DIN removal in lakes with q < 50 m yr–1. It is concluded that measures to decrease primary production, e.g. by means of P removal programs, lead to an increase of [DIN] in lakes.  相似文献   

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