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Rebbachisauridae is a poorly understood clade of diplodocoid sauropod dinosaurs, currently known only from the Cretaceous of Africa, Europe and South America. European representatives are particularly rare and fragmentary. Here, we report an anterior caudal vertebra from the Barremian (Early Cretaceous) Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight, off the southern coast of England. This specimen possesses several features known only in rebbachisaurids and shares two synapomorphies with the Afro-European taxa Demandasaurus darwini and Nigersaurus taqueti, both pertaining to the morphology of the neural spine. These features are the development of triangular lateral processes and the presence of an elliptical fossa on the lateral surface, bounded by the lateral lamina and postspinal rugosity. The Isle of Wight specimen also shares several features solely with Demandasaurus, indicating a close relationship with the Spanish taxon. These include the presence of a hyposphenal ridge, as well as an anteriorly excavated caudal rib that is restricted almost entirely to the neural arch. However, it differs from Demandasaurus in a number of ways, including the lack of excavation on the posterior surface of the caudal rib, the orientation of the neural spine, and the composition and morphology of the lateral lamina. In addition, the Isle of Wight vertebra possesses one potential autapomorphy: bifurcation of the elliptical fossa on the neural spine. However, because of the fragmentary nature of the material, a new name is not erected. Along with Demandasaurus and Histriasaurus boscarollii, this caudal vertebra indicates the presence of at least three European rebbachisaurid taxa and provides new anatomical information on this enigmatic clade of sauropod dinosaurs.  相似文献   

During the latest Cretaceous, distinct dinosaur faunas were found in Laurasia and Gondwana. Tyrannosaurids, hadrosaurids, and ceratopsians dominated in North America and Asia, while abelisaurids and titanosaurians dominated in South America, India, and Madagascar. Little is known about dinosaur faunas from the latest Cretaceous of Africa, however. Here, a new abelisaurid theropod, Chenanisaurus barbaricus, is described from the upper Maastrichtian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin in Morocco, North Africa on the basis of a partial dentary and isolated teeth. Chenanisaurus is both one of the largest abelisaurids, and one of the youngest known African dinosaurs. Along with previously reported titanosaurian remains, Chenanisaurus documents the persistence of a classic Gondwanan abelisaurid-titanosaurian fauna in mainland Africa until just prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. The animal is unusual both in terms of its large size and the unusually short and robust jaw. Although it resembles South American carnotaurines in having a deep, bowed mandible, phylogenetic analysis suggests that Chenanisaurus may represent a lineage of abelisaurids that is distinct from those previously described from the latest Cretaceous of South America, Indo-Madagascar, and Europe, consistent with the hypothesis that the fragmentation of Gondwana led to the evolution of endemic dinosaur faunas during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Trackways can provide unique insight to animals locomotion through quantitative analysis of variation in track morphology. Long trackways additionally permit the study of trackmaker foot anatomy, providing more insight on limb kinematics. In this paper we have restudied the extensive tracksite at Barranco de La Canal-1 (Lower Cretaceous, La Rioja, NW Spain) focussing on a 25-m-long dinosaur (ornithopod) trackway that was noted by an earlier study (Casanovas et al., 1995; Pérez-Lorente, 2003) to display an irregular pace pattern. This asymmetric gait has been quantified and photogrammetric models undertaken for each track, thus revealing distinct differences between the right and the left tracks, particularly in the relative position of the lateral digits II–IV with respect to the central digit III. Given that the substrate at this site is homogenous, the consistent repetition of the collected morphological data suggests that differences recorded between the right and the left tracks can be linked to the foot anatomy, but more interestingly, to an injury or pathology on left digit II. We suggest that the abnormal condition registered in digit II impression of the left pes can be linked to the statistically significant limping behaviour of the trackmaker. Furthermore, the abnormal condition registered did not affect the dinosaur's speed.  相似文献   

The chronostratigraphic framework of the non-marine deposits of the Central Tunisian Lower Cretaceous (Kebar Formation) is reviewed from a biostratigraphic viewpoint. The outcrops located in the Jebel Kebar, Jebel Ksaïra and Jebel Koumine localities provided charophyte assemblages belonging to two biochronozones: Ascidiella cruciata-Pseudoglobator paucibracteatus (upper Barremian–lower Aptian) and Clavator grovesii lusitanicus (upper Aptian–lower Albian). Clavatoraceans from the upper Barremian–lower Aptian in the Tunisian Atlas are reported here for the first time. The assemblage consists of Atopochara trivolvis var. triquetra, Ascidiella iberica var. inflata, Globator maillardii var. trochiliscoides, Globator maillardii var. biutricularis, Echinochara peckii var. lazarii, Clavator harrisii var. harrisii and Clavator harrisii var. reyi. In addition, a new characean species, Mesochara magna nov. sp. Trabelsi and Martín-Closas, is described herein. The results show that the Kebar Formation is diachronous in Central Tunisia, with a more complete record to the north (Jebel Koumine) than in the type locality (Jebel Kebar). Barremian–Aptian diapiric activity is proposed as the factor that controls the diachronous nature of this formation.The late Barremian–early Aptian charophyte assemblages from the Kebar Formation display strong affinities with the contemporaneous floras of the European basins, thus suggesting that intense supraregional floristic exchanges occurred between the Tethyan islands scattered throughout what is now Western Europe and North Africa. The biogeographic distribution of these charophytes leads to the hypothesis that the peri-Tethyan Archipelago acted as an effective bridge for the intercontinental exchanges of these plants between Laurasia and Gondwana.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous Brezová and Myjava Groups of the Western Carpathians in Slovakia and formations of the Gosau Group of the Northern Calcareous Alps in Lower Austria comprise similar successions of alluvial/shallow marine deposits overlain by deep water hemipelagic sediments and turbidites. In both areas the heavy mineral spectra of Late Cretaceous sediments contain significant amounts of detrital chrome spinel. In the Early Tertiary the amount of garnet increases. Cluster analysis and correspondence analysis of Coniacian/Santonian and Campanian/Early Maastrichtian heavy mineral data indicate strong similarities between the Gosau deposits of the Lunz Nappe of the north-eastern part of the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Brezova Group of the Western Carpathians. Similar source areas and a similar palaeogeographical position at the northern active margin of the Adriatic/Austroalpine plate are therefore suggested for the two tectonic units.Basin subsidence mechanisms within the Late Cretaceous of the Northern Calcareous Alps are correlated with the Western Carpathians. Subsidence during the Campanian-Maastrichtian is interpreted as a consequence of subduction tectonic erosion along the active northern margin of the Adriatic/Austroalpine plate. Analogous facies and heavy mineral associations from deep water sandstones of the Manin Unit and the Klape Unit indicate accretion of parts of the Pieniny Klippen Belt during the Late Cretaceous along the Adriatic/Austroalpine margin.  相似文献   

Mesozoic whip-scorpions are very rare, with only two Cretaceous species known to date. Here we describe a new genus and species of Thelyphonidae, Mesothelyphonus parvus gen. & sp. nov., based on a very well-preserved male in Upper Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. Mesothelyphonus is firmly placed in the extant subfamily Thelyphoninae as supported by the abdominal tergites with a median longitudinal suture. Mesothelyphonus differs from other fossil and recent genera primarily by its very small body size, the absence of ommatoids on abdominal segment XII, and the elongate, slender and toothed patellar apophysis of the male pedipalp. The new discovery represents the oldest definitive fossil record for Thelyphoninae, highlighting the antiquity of the whip-scorpion group.  相似文献   

Alloraphidia kyzylzharica sp. nov. is described from the Late Cretaceous (early Turonian) locality at Kyzylzhar, southern Kazakhstan. It is very similar to A. dorfi, but easily distinguished from it by wing shape and venation. We restrict the genus Alloraphidia to these two species. Ascalapharia raphidiformis is considered a member of Baissopteridae, sit. nov. Turonian Neuropterida are mainly characterized by a mixture of specialized genera of extinct families, and genera (sometimes modern) of highly advanced taxa, reflecting a sequence of global mid-Cretaceous crisis of non-marine biocoenoses.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the Anisotropy of the Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) in two Jurassic–Cretaceous synclines located in the northern border of the Central High Atlas (Morocco): the Aït Attab and Ouaouizaght basins. AMS is used in order to obtain the magnetic fabric and its relationship with the kinematic evolution of both basins. The tectonic evolution of the basins, still under discussion, is mostly considered as the result of inversion during Tertiary and perhaps since Bathonian, of extensional and/or strike-slip Jurassic basins. Both basins are filled with Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous silts and sandstones, with less frequent marine marly limestones.The bulk magnetic susceptibility (km) generally shows higher values in the red facies (163.2 E−6 in AT and 168.6 E−6 in WZ) than in the yellowish marly limestones (97.88 E−6 in AT and 132 E−6 in WZ). Most sites show an oblate magnetic fabric. The rock magnetic analyses indicate that the main carrier of the magnetic susceptibility for the red facies is hematite, whereas in the yellowish facies there is a dominance of paramagnetic minerals. In both basins, the magnetic lineation (long axis of the ellipsoid, kmax axes) shows a predominant E–W direction. The overlapping of the stress fields during the Atlasic basins evolution, in both compressional and extensional regimes and hinder the straightforward interpretation of the magnetic fabrics. However, a coeval N–S compression during the times of sedimentation with an E–W transtension can explain the magnetic lineation found in many of the sites analyzed in the present work. There are also other less frequent directions of kmax axes (NE–SW and NW–SE) are interpreted as the result of local change of the stress field during the early extensional stage of basin formation.  相似文献   

The Carboniferous succession in the Tindouf Basin of southern Morocco, North Africa, displays Mississippian to Early Pennsylvanian marine beds, followed by Pennsylvanian continental deposits. The marine beds comprise a shallow water cyclic platform sequence, dominated by shales and fine‐grained sandstones with thin but laterally persistent limestone/dolostone beds. Foraminiferal assemblages have been studied in the limestone beds in several sections from the Djebel Ouarkziz range in the northern limb of the Tindouf Syncline; they indicate that the age of the limestones range from late Asbian (late Viséan) to Krasnopolyanian (early Bashkirian). The foraminiferal assemblages are abundant and diverse, and much richer in diversity than those suggested by previous studies in the region, as well as for other areas of the western Palaeotethys. The richest assemblages are recorded in the Serpukhovian but, unusually, they contain several taxa which appear much earlier in Western European basins (in the latest Viséan). In contrast, conodont assemblages are scarce due to the shallow‐water facies, although some important taxa are recorded in the youngest limestones. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Platycteniopus diversoculatus is described from the Lower Cretaceous (Yixian Formation, Laoning, China). The new genus belongs to the tribe Cteniopodini as shown by six visible abdominal ventrites (ventrite 6 is sternite VIII), in comparison with other Alleculinae which have five abdominal ventrites; epistomal canthus of eyes not emarginate; anterior margin of first abdominal ventrite not bordered. On the other hand, Platycteniopus diversoculatus has some characters not typical for Cteniopodini: bifid mandibles and serrate antennae. The oldest representative of the tribe has combination of characters of tribes Alleculini and Cteniopodini. Recent representatives of Cteniopodini are associated with flowers of angiosperms, while other groups of Alleculinae, especially Gonoderini and Alleculini are mainly saprophagous and lichenophagous. Age of Platycteniopus finding coincides with the beginning of the angiosperms heyday.  相似文献   

High-resolution clay-mineral analyses were performed on upper Hauterivian to lower Aptian sediments along a platform-to-basin transect through the northern Tethyan margin from the Neuchâtel area (Switzerland), to the Vocontian Trough (France) in order to investigate links between climate change, carbonate platform evolution, and fractionation patterns in clay minerals during their transport.During the Hauterivian, the northern Tethyan carbonate platform developed in a heterozoan mode, and the associated ramp-like topography facilitated the export of detrital material into the adjacent basin, where clay-mineral assemblages are dominated by smectite and kaolinite is almost absent, thereby suggesting dry-seasonal conditions. During the Late Hauterivian Balearites balearis ammonite zone, a change to a more humid climate is documented by the appearance of kaolinite, which reaches up to 30% of the clay fraction in sediments in the Vocontian Trough. This prominent change just preceded the Faraoni Oceanic Anoxic Event and the onset of the demise of the Helvetic Carbonate Platform, which lasted to the late early Barremian.From the Late Barremian onwards, the renewed growth of the northern Tethyan carbonate platform in a photozoan mode and the associated development of a marginally confined platform topography fractionated the clay-mineral assemblages exported into hemipelagic settings: kaolinite particles were preferentially retained in proximal, platform settings, due to their size and their relatively high specific weight. In the inner platform environment preserved in the Swiss Jura, an average of 32% of kaolinite in the clay fraction is observed during the latest Barremian–earliest Aptian, whereas clay-mineral assemblages of coeval sediments from deeper depositional settings are dominated by smectite and show only minor amounts of kaolinite.This signifies that besides palaeoclimate conditions, the morphology and ecology of the carbonate platform had a significant effect on the distribution and composition of clay assemblages during the Late Hauterivian–Early Aptian along the northern Tethyan margin.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):417-430
The Longi-Taormina Unit forms the “Dorsale calcaire” of the Peloritani Alpine Belt (southern Calabria-Peloritani Arc). It is made by a thick sedimentary cover of Meso-Cenozoic age overlying a Variscan weakly metamorphosed Cambrian to Carboniferous succession.

The Palaeozoic series consists of pelitic to arenaceous sediments containing layers of acidic and basic volcanics. The acidic volcanics are affected by the “Caledonian” compressional deformations and are referred to Early Ordovician. The basic rocks belong to two different volcanic cycles; the first, not dated, is ascribed to the Caledonian cycle according to its geochemical signature; whereas the second, middle-late Devonian in age, is interpreted to have formed in the framework of pre-Variscan extensional tectonics. During the Variscan Orogeny (330 Ma), the area recorded metamorphism up to subgreenschist-to-greenschist facies and two main deformation phases, marked by syn-schistose early folds (Dv1), overprinted by dominantly NW-SE trending late folds (Dv2).

During the Aquitanian, deformation related to the Alpine Orogeny led to imbrication of the Palaeozoic and Meso-Cenozoic series. The sedimentary cover was affected by a series of N090° to N130° trending folds. Detailed stratigraphical and structural investigations on the tectonic contact between the Longi-Taormina Unit, and the overlying Fondachelli Unit indicate that this structure is part of a frontal thrust ramp which developed during the Aquitanian.

Our geological and structural studies on the Cambrian to Aquitanian rocks of the Longi-Taormina Unit of the Calabria-Peloritani Arc enable to unravel the complex geodynamic history of the central-western Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

New fossil remains of the proboscidean genus Anancus are described. Among them, a complete skull allows us to revisit for the first time the entire Chadian Anancus fossil record. This genus occurred in the Old World from the late Miocene up to the early Pleistocene. The analysis of dental and cranial characters was allowed individual variations from specific characters to be distinguished. In this study we show that Anancus kenyensis and Anancus osiris are very likely synonym taxa which leads us to emend the diagnosis of A. kenyensis. In addition, this study shows that dental characters in anancines lineage are of little significance for biostratigraphical inference, by contrast to previous works. This study brings new data about the phylogenetical and palaeobiogeographical history of the African anancines.  相似文献   

The Haji‐Abad ophiolite in SW Iran (Outer Zagros Ophiolite Belt) is a remnant of the Late Cretaceous supra‐subduction zone ophiolites along the Bitlis–Zagros suture zone of southern Tethys. These ophiolites are coeval in age with the Late Cretaceous peri‐Arabian ophiolite belt including the Troodos (Cyprus), Kizildag (Turkey), Baer‐Bassit (Syria) and Semail (Oman) in the eastern Mediterranean region, as well as other Late Cretaceous Zagros ophiolites. Mantle tectonites constitute the main lithology of the Haji‐Abad ophiolite and are mostly lherzolites, depleted harzburgite with widespread residual and foliated/discordant dunite lenses. Podiform chromitites are common and are typically enveloped by thin dunitic haloes. Harzburgitic spinels are geochemically characterized by low and/or high Cr number, showing tendency to plot both in depleted abyssal and fore‐arc peridotites fields. Lherzolites are less refractory with slightly higher bulk REE contents and characterized by 7–12% partial melting of a spinel lherzolitic source whereas depleted harzburgites have very low abundances of REE and represented by more than 17% partial melting. The Haji‐Abad ophiolite crustal sequences are characterized by ultramafic cumulates and volcanic rocks. The volcanic rocks comprise pillow lavas and massive lava flows with basaltic to more‐evolved dacitic composition. The geochemistry and petrology of the Haji‐Abad volcanic rocks show a magmatic progression from early‐erupted E‐MORB‐type pillow lavas to late‐stages boninitic lavas. The E‐MORB‐type lavas have LREE‐enriched patterns without (or with slight) depletion in Nb–Ta. Boninitic lavas are highly depleted in bulk REEs and are represented by strong LREE‐depleted patterns and Nb–Ta negative anomalies. Tonalitic and plagiogranitic intrusions of small size, with calc‐alkaline signature, are common in the ophiolite complex. The Late Cretaceous Tethyan ophiolites like those at the Troodos, eastern Mediterranean, Oman and Zagros show similar ages and geochemical signatures, suggesting widespread supra‐subduction zone magmatism in all Neotethyan ophiolites during the Late Cretaceous. The geochemical patterns of the Haji‐Abad ophiolites as well as those of other Late Cretaceous Tethyan ophiolites, reflect a fore‐arc tectonic setting for the generation of the magmatic rocks in the southern branch of Neotethys during the Late Cretaceous. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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