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Evaluating magnetic lineations (AMS) in deformed rocks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic lineation in rocks is given by a cluster of the principal axes of maximum susceptibility (Kmax) of the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) tensor. In deformed rocks, magnetic lineations are generally considered to be the result of either bedding and cleavage intersection or they parallel the tectonic extension direction in high strain zones. Our AMS determinations, based on a variety of samples that were taken from mudstones, slates and schists from the Pyrenees and Appalachians, show that strain is not the only factor controlling the development of magnetic lineation. We find that the development and extent to which the magnetic lineation parallels the tectonic extension direction depends on both the original AMS tensor, which in turn depends on the lithology, and the deformation intensity. Rocks having a weak pre-deformational fabric will develop magnetic lineations that more readily will track the tectonic extension.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new technique of strain analysis using passively deformed linear markers which were initially uniformly or symmetrically distributed in a plane. The axial ratio of the strain ellipse is determined from the quartiles or other percentiles of the deformed distribution. The technique permits statistical testing of assumptions and rapid reconstruction of the undeformed state.  相似文献   

Summary AMS fabric studies supported by field and microscopic work were applied to identify the internal structure and possible emplacement processes of the Variscan late-tectonic granodiorite-granite intrusions of the Unit III in the Odenwald Crystalline Complex. This Unit is bounded towards NW and NNE by steeply inclined shear zones, the southern part is unexposed. The magnetic susceptibility ranges between 10−3 and 10−6 SI units and is caused by paramagnetic and subordinately by ferromagnetic components. AMS ellipsoids are typically oblate with gently plunging long axes (lineations). AMS foliations and lineations trend mainly WSW-ENE and NNW-SSE, parallel with the NNW and ENE trending marginal shear zones of Unit III, respectively. As revealed by microstructural studies, a penetrative foliation in the plutons is related to emplacement processes. Therefore the observed AMS foliation and lineation are also interpreted as the result of syn-emplacement deformation which is dominantly strike-slip. Weakly inclined foliations around pluton roof xenoliths point to a component of buoyant rise of magma. It is suggested that the granitoid magma was generated in a low level anatectic zone along a left-lateral transpressive shear zone during local extension at releasing bends. During successive fault movements magma ascended through extensional parts of the shear zone. Local normal faults and the Otzberg zone at the eastern margin of Unit III document mostly brittle extension, which overprinted the strike-slip fabrics after the emplacement of the plutons.
Zusammenfassung Horizontalverschiebungen und Granitoidintrusion: AMS Gefüge am Beispiel des SW Odenwaldes Durch AMS Gefügestudien und Gel?nde- und mikroskopische Arbeiten werden die Internstruktur und m?gliche Aufstiegsmechanismen des Granit-Granodiorit-Plutons der Einheit III des SW Odenwaldes erfasst. Dieser sp?t-tektonische, variscische Plutonkomplex ist nach NW und NNE durch steile Scherzonen begrenzt, das südliche Ende ist nicht aufgeschlossen. Die magnetische Suszeptibilit?t variiert von 10−3 bis 10−6 SI Einheiten und wird vor allem durch paramagnetische, untergeordnet auch durch ferromagnetische Komponenten verursacht. Die AMS Ellipsoide sind überwiegend oblat mit flachen langen Achsen (Lineationen). AMS Foliationen und Lineationen verlaufen haupts?chlich WSW-ENE und NNW-SSE, jeweils parallel mit den NNW und ENE orientierten Scherzonen am Rand der Einheit III. Nach mikrostrukturellen Ergebnissen entstand die penetrative Foliation der Plutone w?hrend ihrer Platznahme. Dabei entstand auch das beobachtete AMS Gefüge, das durch flache Lineationen und Horizontal-verschiebungen bestimmt ist. Flache Foliationen im Bereich der Xenolithe des Pluton-Daches sprechen für eine Komponente des gravitativen Aufstiegs des Magmas. Die granitoiden Magmen entstanden offenbar w?hrend einer Transpression mit sinistralen Horizontalverschiebungen in NNE-SSW-Richtung, in denen lokal auch Dehnung erfolgte. Dabei stieg das in der Tiefe gebildete Magma durch die Bereiche der Dehnung in der aktiven St?rungszone auf. Lokale Abschiebungen und die Otzberg Zone am Ostrand der Einheit III belegen überwiegend spr?de Deformation, die nach der Platznahme der Plutone die Gefüge der Horizontalverschiebungen überpr?gte.

Received June 21, 1999; revised version December 24, 1999  相似文献   

The Alpi Apuane region of the Northern Apennines appears to have been deformed within a large-scale, low-angle shear zone with an overthrust sense of movement. The presence of mineral stretching lineations, folds progressively rotated into the X strain direction, and schistosities which intersect the nappe boundaries at small angles suggest that a component of shear strain occurred during the deformation. The strain ratios and orientations on two-dimensional sections have been determined from deformed marble breccias, reduction spots, and oncalites. Data from three or more non-perpendicular, non-principal sections have been combined to determine the finite strain ellipsoids at 33 sites within the shear zone.The finite strains have been separated into components of simple shear (γ), longitudinal strain (λ), and volume change (Δ). Algebraic expressions have been derived and graphs constructed which enable components of γ, γ and Δ, and γ and λ to be determined directly from a knowledge of strain ratio (R) within the shear zone and the angle (θ) between the principal strain direction and the shear zone boundary. The Alpi Apuane data indicate that neither simple shear alone, nor simple shear with volume change can satisfactorily explain the observed strains. Consideration of simple shear plus longitudinal strain leads to a general relationship in which the value of shear increases, and the values of longitudinal strain change along a SW-NE profile across the zone. Integration of the resulting shear strain-distance curves gives a minimum displacement of 4 km within the shear zone. Combination of the finite strains with the total time of deformation known from K/Ar studies leads to average strain rates from 1.4 to 9.6 × 10−15 sec−1.A characteristic flat-ramp-flat geometry initially formed the boundaries of what was later to develop into the overthrust shear zone, and deformation of the underlying crystalline basement is believed to have occurred by ductile shearing. Estimates of 21% crustal shortening for the region suggest that the crustal thickness prior to deformation was approximately 20 km in this part of the Northern Apennines.  相似文献   

Salem-Attur shear zone in the Southern Granulite Terrane demarcates the tectonic boundary between Archaean granulites of Dharwar craton and the Palaeoproterozoic granulites of Salem area. The shear zone marks a low angle thrust which has been steepened at places due to late stage folding. Static recrystallisation during late stage folding has removed the strain marker of mylonites to large extent. However, in a few places S-C angle and porphyroclasts are preserved and have been used to compute the strain. The strain shows apparent flattening by simple shear deformation with 35 % volume loss. A minimum displacement along the thrust has been computed to be 2.7 km. The strain k values increases with r suggesting the strain approaching towards prolate field with increase in strain intensity. The above study suggests the Salem-Attur shear zone is a thrust with low to moderate deformation and volume loss.  相似文献   

Kinematic evolution of fold-thrust structures has been investigated by analogue models that include syntectonic sedimentation. Different decollement dips and basement thicknesses produced different wedge geometries and propagating characteristics. A model with one decollement level was characterized by a closely spaced thrust system during early stages of shortening as compared to the late stages. The frequency of fault nucleation was rapid during the early stages of deformation. Conversely, the frequency of fault nucleation was low and thrust spacing was significantly wider in a model with two decollement levels. Individual faults became locked at steep dips and deformation stepped forward as a new fault nucleated in-sequence in front of the older locked structure. Once the thrust system was established up to 27 % overall shortening, an overlying bed was introduced to simulate syntectonic deformation. Model sand wedge did not grow self similarly but rather its length and height increased episodically with deformation. Restoration of deformed models show that layer parallel shortening accommodated for approximately half of the total model shortening across the multilayers. Calculated error in apparent layer shortening from the restored layers revealed a direct relation with depth of the layers in the models. The experimental results are comparable to a natural example from the Northern Apennines fold-and-thrust belts.  相似文献   

Several methods exist for the determination of the finite strain ellipsoid from deformed pebble shapes. These methods are critically evaluated and others are proposed on the basis of calculations which predict both the sectional and three-dimensional shape of pebbles in simple deformed simulated conglomerates. In many cases it is found preferable to use an average pebble shape to estimate the tectonic strain and that the harmonic mean of the ratios of axial lengths yields an average pebble shape which is closest to the strain ellipsoid shape.  相似文献   

The area-perimeter fractal dimension (D) of quartz grains has earlier been proposed as a strain-rate gauge based on experimental deformation of quartz aggregates. To test the application in naturally deformed rocks, D is calculated in (a) three quartzites belonging to the Lunavada Group of rocks (Aravalli Mountain Belt, NW India) that developed textures between 420–600°C and (b) one quartz reef sample from the Malanjkhand Granite (Central India), which underwent dynamic recrystallization between 250–400°C. Using the above T ranges and calculated D values, strain-rates are calculated for the two sets of samples. A 10−12.7 s−1 strain rate at 250°C is calculated for the quartz reef sample. However, at higher temperatures the calculated strain-rate is >10−10 s−1 for the quartz reef and the quartzite samples. The quartzites show evidence of dynamic recrystallization by grain boundary migration (GBM) and subgrain rotation (SGR), while the quartz reef is replete with evidence of bulging (BLG) recrystallization. T and calculated strainrates are plotted on available recrystallization map of quartz. It is demonstrated that whilst the T/strain-rate of the quartzites does not fall in the region of GBM and SGR, the T/strain-rate of the quartz reef falls in the BLG region. The problems with strain-rate calculations using area perimeter fractal dimension are discussed. It is concluded that the method of strain-rate calculation can be used only for lower T.  相似文献   

Deformed belemnites are important strain markers because they allow calculation of actual length changes in deformed rocks. They have been studied in the deformed Lower Lias sequence of part of the French Alps by measuring the orientation of about 100 belemnites at each locality, recording the amount of extension of as many as possible, and locating the sector of arc on the bedding plane occupied by extended belemnites. For comparison, studies on a similar but undeformed Lower Lias sequence in southern England show that dispersed belemnites have no strong initial preferred orientation, and that a proportion of undeformed belemnites show cross-fractures that would allow extension of the rostra from the onset of deformation.Graphs of frequency vs orientation for belemnites at locations deformed by irrotational strain lead directly to an estimate of two-dimensional strain ratio and orientation. Non-random initial distributions and rotational strain produce more complex graphs, which are treated only qualitatively. Extension-orientation graphs show that many deformed belemnites lie within the sector of extension of the strain ellipse. These graphs provide estimates of 1 + e1 and 1 + e2, which can be cross-checked using the orientation of the lines of no finite longitudinal strain derived from measuring the maximum sector of arc occupied by extended belemnites.Examples from the French Alps show how the rotational and irrotational strain of initially random samples may be distinguished, and how the more complex case of deformation of non-random samples differs from these. The direction of rotation of the strain ellipse can be derived from the geometry of the graphs of frequency and elongation.  相似文献   

The paper deals with inferring the mechanical layer properties of pavement systems by way of inverse analysis. The proposed scheme is based on the availability of sensory gear embedded within the system ‐ collecting different types of response traces resulting from moving wheel loads. The inverse analysis task simultaneously exploits the readings from all available sensors and therefore formulated as a multicriterion optimization problem. Data from an experimental asphalt pavement are employed to demonstrate the scheme. A versatile and computationally efficient layered viscoelastic pavement model is offered and implemented as a forward solver. Recoverable layer properties, elastic and viscoelastic, are derived and also compared with laboratory values. Results and possible future uses of the work are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The analysis of the kinematic properties of the Galactic thick disk based on data from modern catalogs of stellar radial velocities and proper motions is presented. A new aspect of new determination of the kinematic characteristics of the thick disk is that the selected objects define this disk’s properties near the plane of symmetry. The velocity dispersion of stars in the Galactic thick disk in the radial direction and the direction of the Galactic rotation have been determined. The stellar-velocity distribution in the direction of the rotation is asymmetric. The parameters of this asymmetry have been determined, and the lag of the rotational velocity of the thick disk relative to objects in the thin disk estimated. The value of this “asymmetric drift,” about 20 km/s, suggests larger spatial scales for the kinematic characteristics in the radial direction for the Galactic thick disk than for the thin disk.  相似文献   

The Koetong Suite of Silurian, 2-mica granitoids was derived from a metasedimentary source and emplaced into Ordovician sediments and metasediments along the eastern margin of the Western Metamorphic Belt of South-eastern Australia. Whole-rock geochemical considerations preclude derivation of the magmas represented by the granitoids from exposed Ordovician metasediments. The magmas were generated by partial melting of material similar in composition to garnet-cordierite gneisses exposed in the adjacent metamorphic belt. Melting at pressures in excess of 5 Kb and temperatures about 750°C produced peraluminous magmas and, when the degree of partial melting approached 25–30%, these magmas became mobile and moved vertically into the overlying Ordovician sediments. During movement from the source region to the zone of emplacement, separation of the melt and refractory residue components of the magma resulted in a range of compositions so that whole-rock analyses of the granitoids are linearly related on major and trace element variation diagrams. Processes such as crystal fractionation and crystal accumulation may have operated locally. The magmas were largely composed of solid material throughout their emplacement histories and the amount of melt may not have exceeded 30–45% at any stage. Metasedimentary inclusions are a reflection of source heterogeneity.After emplacement of the magmas, in situ crystallization of a relatively anhydrous assemblage of minerals led to water contents in residual, intercrystalline, melts sufficiently high for muscovite to begin crystallization at pressures around 4 Kb. Subsequent saturation of intercrystalline residual melt and loss of the resultant volatile phase caused the development of eutectoid intergrowths involving muscovitebiotite-quartz and alkali feldspar.  相似文献   

Empirical discriminant analysis classified multivariate data from 2174 geochemical reconnaissance samples from South Greenland, so that they were related to known geological units or characterized as outliers. Training sets, comprising 514 samples from 14 geologic units were selected in order to reflect only the background conditions of each geological unit. A smoothing parameter of 0.5 maximized correct classification of the training sets and extracted a reasonable number of outliers (289, 13% of the samples) representing geographically grouped anomalies. Plots of the geochemical samples classified into the geological units corresponded well to the geological map.Q-mode cluster analysis classified the 289 outliers into 30 groups with different element associations. All types of mineral occurrence known in South Greenland could be recognized amongst the clusters. For example, there were seven clusters which were characterized by samples with high U values and different associated elements each one related to a different type of U mineralization. Another cluster containing samples with high Zr, Nb, and Y values reflects recently discovered pyrochlore mineralization. Other clusters were explained on the basis of geological units which were too small to be mapped or included amongst the training sets.Empirical discriminant analysis successfully reduced the multivariate data to one map, which made it easier to evaluate the varying element levels over the different geological units. Incorrectly classified samples require follow-up in order to appraise the accuracy of the geological mapping. Classification of the outliers by cluster analysis assists both in identifying samples influenced by mineral occurrences and in predicting the type of mineralization to be expected, thereby substantially aiding in the selection of areas for mineral exploration.  相似文献   

Individual rounded pebbles of schist or foliated gneiss included in a conglomerate can each be used as strain markers when the conglomerate has been deformed subsequently. The shape, orientation and the attitude of the earlier schistosity within a single pebble allow one to determine the strain ratio assuming passive behaviour during deformation. The method may also be applicable to certain individual lava pillows containing paleo-horizontal “lava-level” markers.  相似文献   

海底底质的分类与识别研究具有十分重要的意义,浅剖资料海底反射强度主要与海底底质类型有关。选取南海海域某区块浅剖资料作为研究对象,通过提取浅剖资料海底均方根振幅并绘制等值线图,进而分析判别研究区海底底质的宏观变化特征,最后结合海底摄像资料对调查区底质的直观认识。通过对比分析,验证了利用浅剖资料海底振幅的特征属性直接进行底质分析的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper shows that the Hough transform, a basic technique of image processing, is useful for separating stresses from heterogeneous fault-slip data. The present method enumerates admissible stresses by evaluating their probability for a heterogeneous dataset. Using the results of the method applied to artificial data with known responsible stresses, it is argued that the criterion that has been generally used to judge the resolution and accuracy of a numerical technique for the separation is not appropriate. The result reveals the limitation of stress inversion based on the Wallace–Bott hypothesis. No matter how good an inverse method is, it sometimes inevitably yields unexpected stresses even from artificial data if the data have heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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