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Integrated biostratigraphic (planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils), chemostratigraphic (bulk C and O isotopes) and compound-specific organic geochemical studies of a mid-Cretaceous pelagic carbonate—black shale succession of the Ionian Zone (western Greece), provide the first evidence for the Cenomanian–Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2, ‘Bonarelli’ event) in mainland Greece. The event is manifested by the occurrence of a relatively thin (35 cm), yet exceptionally organic carbon-rich (44.5 wt% TOC), carbonate-free black shale, near the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary within the Vigla limestone formation (Berriasian–Turonian). Compared to the ‘Bonarelli’ black-shale interval from the type locality of OAE2 in Marche–Umbria, Italy, this black shale exhibits greatly reduced stratigraphic thickness, coupled with a considerable relative enrichment in TOC. Isotopically, enriched δ13C values for both bulk organic matter (−22.2‰) and specific organic compounds are up to 5‰ higher than those of underlying organic-rich strata of the Aptian-lower Albian Vigla Shale member, and thus compare very well with similar values of Cenomanian–Turonian black shale occurrences elsewhere. The relative predominance of bacterial hopanoids in the saturated, apolar lipid fraction of the OAE2 black shale of the Ionian Zone supports recent findings suggesting the abundance of N2-fixing cyanobacteria in Cretaceous oceans during the Cenomanian–Turonian and early Aptian oceanic anoxic events.  相似文献   

Eighteen Albian and Cenomanian planktic Foraminiferida from the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Poland are discussed. A local biostratigraphic zonation (six zones) is proposed and certain problems of palaeoecology are reviewed. The lithostratigraphical element is the so-called Trawne Beds, a Cretaceous flysch in the Pieniny Klippen Belt.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous was a time with super-greenhouse conditions and episodic global oceanic anoxic events. However, relative timing of atmospheric CO2 emissions and oceanic anoxic events, and their causal relationships remain matters of debate. Using the stomatal index approach, well-preserved fossil cuticles of Ginkgo from the Lower Cretaceous Changcai Formation, eastern Jilin, and from the Lower Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation, central Jilin, Northeast China, were investigated to reconstruct atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the Aptian and earliest Albian (Early Cretaceous). The results indicate that the CO2 concentrations reached 1098–1142 ppmv (Carboniferous standardization) or 970–1305 ppmv (regression function) during the Aptian and earliest Albian. Our estimates of palaeoatmospheric CO2 concentrations during the earliest Albian (OAE 1b) are slightly higher than the data between the early Aptian Selli (OAE 1a) and the middle Aptian Fallot OAEs; this may indicate the absence of any great emissions of CO2 during the latest Aptian and earliest Albian.  相似文献   

Contrasting compositions and densities of fluid inclusions were revealed in siderite–barite intergrowths of the Dro?diak polymetallic vein hosted in Variscan basement of the Gemeric unit (Central European Carpathians). Primary two‐phase aqueous inclusions in siderite homogenized between 101 and 165 °C, total salinity ranged between 18 and 27 wt%, and CaCl2/(NaCl + CaCl2) weight ratios were fixed at 0.1–0.3. By contrast, mono‐ and two‐phase aqueous inclusions in barite exhibited total salinities between 2 and 22 wt%, and the CaCl2/NaCl ratios ranged from NaCl‐ to CaCl2‐dominated compositions. The aqueous inclusions in barite were closely associated with very high‐density (0.55–0.745 g cm?3) nitrogen inclusions, in some cases containing up to 16 mol.% CO2. Crystallization P–T conditions of siderite (175–210 °C, 1.2–1.7 kbar) constrained by the vertical oxygen isotope gradient along the studied vein, isochores of fluid inclusions and the K/Na exchange thermometer corresponded to minimal palaeodepths between 4.3 and 6.3 km, assuming lithostatic load and average crust density of 2.75 g cm?3. Maximum fluid pressure during barite crystallization attained 3.6–4.4 kbar at 200–300 °C, and the most dense nitrogen inclusions maintained without decrepitation the residual internal pressure of 2.2 kbar at 25 °C. Contrasting fluid compositions, increasing depths of burial (~4–14 km) and decreasing thermal gradients (~40–15 °C km?1) during initial mineralization stages of the Dro?diak vein reflect Alpine orogenic processes, rather than an incipient Permian rifting suggested in previous metallogenetic models. Siderite crystallized at rising P–T in a closed, rock‐buffered hydrothermal system developed in the Variscan basement during the north‐vergent Cretaceous thrusting and thickening of the Gemeric crustal wedge. Variable salinities of the barite‐hosted inclusions reflect a fluid mixing in open hydrothermal system, and re‐equilibration textures (lengths of decrepitation cracks proportional to fluid inclusion sizes) correspond to retrograde crystallization trajectory coincidental with transpression or unroofing. Maximum recorded fluid pressures indicate ~12‐km‐thick pile of imbricated nappe units accumulated over the Gemeric basement during the Cretaceous collision.  相似文献   

Rich dinoflagellate cyst assemblages recorded from the Vendryne Formation, Tesin Limestone, and Hradiste Formation of the Silesian unit, Czech Republic are presented. The results of a qualitative and quantitative study of dinoflagellate cysts are presented and discussed. Age-assessment of the sediments based on 86 species suggests a Late Tithonian to Early Berriasian age for the Vendryne Formation and a Late Berriasian (Otopeta Ammonite Zone) to the basal part of the Late Valanginian (Verrucosum Ammonite Zone) age for the Tesin Limestone. Pelitic flyschoid sediments of the Hradiste Formation belong to the Late Valanginian - Early Hauterivian age. Quantitative palynological study and carbon isotope analysis were applied to understand the change from the grey clays to dark grey clays sedimentation. The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages show deposition in a shallow-sea environment. An increasing amount of sporomorphs towards the overlying layers (they are the most abundant in the Hradiste Formation) shows a growing supply of terrestrial material at the same time. The values of δ13C increased significantly from a level of 0.43 or 0.75-1.81‰ in the Late Valanginian. This change probably indicates an increase in organic matter storage and perturbation of the carbon cycle connected with the dark grey clays sedimentation.  相似文献   

The Bonarelli Level (BL) from the upper Cenomanian portion of the reference Bottaccione section (central Italy) is characterized by the presence of black shales containing high TOC concentrations (up to 17%) and amounts of CaCO3 near to zero. In the absence of carbonate and, consequently, of relative carbon- and oxygen-isotopic data, the elemental geochemistry revealed to be a very useful tool to obtain information about the palaeoclimatic and palaeoceanographic evolution of the Tethys Ocean during the OAE2. Based on several geochemical proxies (Rb, V, Ni, Cr, Si, Ba), the BL is interpreted as a high-productivity event driven by increasingly warm and humid climatic conditions promoting an accelerated hydrological cycle. The enrichment factors of peculiar trace metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Sb, Mo, U) provide further insight about the H2S activity at the seafloor during the organic-rich sediment deposition and permitted us to evaluate the use of Ba as palaeoproductivity tracer in conditions of high rate of sulphate reduction.By comparing geochemical records from the reference Bottaccione section (central Italy) with those previously obtained for the coeval Calabianca section (northwestern Sicily), different degrees of oceanic anoxia were delineated and ascribed to different abundance and type (degradable or refractory) of organic matter, which are limiting factors in the bacterial sulphate reduction reactions and in subsequent euxinic conditions at seafloor in the Tethys realm. Based on a ciclostratigraphic approach, consistent fluctuations at 100 ky scale in the chemostratigraphic signals from the two sections are inferred to be expression of a strong orbital-climatic forcing driving changes in the oceanic environment during the BL deposition.  相似文献   

宁夏银川水洞沟遗址2号点剖面孢粉分析结果表明:该地区在晚更新世晚期孢粉组合以草本植物花粉占绝对优势,有Chenopodiaceae、Artemisia、Zygophyllum、Ranunculaceae和少量的Euonymus、Ephedra和Nitraria等,木本植物花粉次之,有Pinus、Picea、Abies、...  相似文献   

Information on the ocean/atmosphere state over the period spanning the Last Glacial Maximum – from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene – provides crucial constraints on the relationship between orbital forcing and global climate change. The Pacific Ocean is particularly important in this respect because of its dominant role in exporting heat and moisture from the tropics to higher latitudes. Through targeting groundwaters in the Mojave Desert, California, we show that noble gas derived temperatures in California averaged 4.2 ± 1.1 °C cooler in the Late Pleistocene (from ~43 to ~12 ka) compared to the Holocene (from ~10 to ~5 ka). Furthermore, the older groundwaters contain higher concentrations of excess air (entrained air bubbles) and have elevated oxygen-18/oxygen-16 ratios (δ18O) – indicators of vigorous aquifer recharge, and greater rainfall amounts and/or more intense precipitation events, respectively. Together, these paleoclimate indicators reveal that cooler and wetter conditions prevailed in the Mojave Desert from ~43 to ~12 ka. We suggest that during the Late Pleistocene, the Pacific ocean/atmosphere state was similar to present-day El Nino-like patterns, and was characterized by prolonged periods of weak trade winds, weak upwelling along the eastern Pacific margin, and increased precipitation in the southwestern U.S.  相似文献   


The distinct basin and range tectonics in Southeast China were generated by crustal extension associated with subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate during the late Mesozoic. Compared with adjacent granitoids of the ranges, the redbeds of the basins have not been well characterized. In this article, provenance, source weathering, and tectonic setting of the redbeds are investigated by petrographic and geochemical studies of sandstones from the Late Cretaceous Guifeng Group in the Yongchong Basin, Southeast China. Detrital grains are subangular to subrounded, poorly sorted, and rich in lithic fragments. Variable Chemical Index of Alternation values (59.55–79.82, avg. 66.79) and high Index of Compositional Variability (ICV) values (0.67–3.08, avg. 1.40) indicate an overall low degree of chemical weathering and rapid physical erosion of source rocks. Such features are consistent with an active extension tectonic setting. Other chemical indices (e.g. Al2O3/TiO2, Th/U, Cr/Th, Th/Sc, Zr/Sc) also suggest significant first-cycle sediment input to the basin and a dominant felsic source nature. Thus, the Guifeng Group possibly underwent moderate to low degrees of weathering upwards. Sandstone framework models and geochemical characteristics suggest the provenance was likely a combination of passive margin (PM) and active continental margin (ACM) with minor continental island arc (CIA) tectonic settings. Sediment derivation from Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and Cambrian to Triassic granitoids indicates PM provenance, whereas sediments derived from Jurassic to Cretaceous granitoids suggest ACM and CIA nature. Therefore, the Late Cretaceous redbeds were deposited in a dustpan-like half-graben basin under the back-arc extension regime when Southeast China was possibly influenced by northwestward subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate beneath East Asia.  相似文献   

Alpine metamorphism, related to the development of a metamorphic core complex during Cretaceous orogenic events, has been recognized in the Veporic unit, Western Carpathians (Slovakia). Three metamorphic zones have been distinguished in the metapelites: 1, chloritoid + chlorite + garnet; 2, garnet + staurolite + chlorite; 3, staurolite + biotite + kyanite. The isograds separating the metamorphic zones have been modelled by discontinuous reactions in the system K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O (KFMASH). The isograds are roughly parallel to the north‐east‐dipping foliation related to extensional updoming along low‐angle normal faults. Thermobarometric data document increasing PT conditions from c. 500 °C and 7–8 kbar to c. 620 °C and 9–10 kbar, reflecting a coherent metamorphic field gradient from greenschist to middle amphibolite facies. 40Ar/39Ar data obtained by high spatial resolution in situ ultraviolet (UV) laser ablation of white micas from the rock slabs constrain the timing of cooling and exhumation in the Late Cretaceous. Mean dates are between 77 and 72 Ma; however, individual white mica grains record a range of apparent 40Ar/39Ar ages indicating that cooling below the blocking temperature for argon diffusion was not instantaneous. The reconstructed metamorphic PTt path is ‘clockwise’, reflecting post‐burial decompression and cooling during a single Alpine orogenic cycle. The presented data suggest that the Veporic unit evolved as a metamorphic core complex during the Cretaceous growth of the Western Carpathian orogenic wedge. Metamorphism was related to collisional crustal shortening and stacking, following closure of the Meliata Ocean. Exhumation was accomplished by synorogenic (orogen‐parallel) extension and unroofing in an overall compressive regime.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1196-1214

The distinct basin and range tectonics in southeast China were generated in a crustal extension setting during the late Mesozoic. Compared with the adjacent granitoids of the ranges, the redbeds of the basins have not been well characterized. In this article, provenance, source weathering, and tectonic setting of the redbeds are investigated by petrographic and geochemical studies of sandstone samples from the Late Cretaceous Guifeng Group of the Yongchong Basin in the Gan-Hang Belt, southeast China. Detrital grains are commonly subangular to subrounded, poorly sorted, and are rich in lithic fragments. The variable pre-metasomatic Chemical Index of Alternation (CIA* = 62–85), Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW = 70.90–98.76, avg. 85.62), Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA = 60.23–98.35, avg. 79.91), and high Index of Compositional Variability (ICV = 0.67–3.08, avg. 1.40) values collectively suggest an overall intermediate degree of chemical weathering and intense physical erosion of the source rocks, but a relatively decreased degree of chemical weathering during the late stage (Lianhe Formation) of the Guifeng Group is observed. Several chemical ratios (e.g. Al2O3/TiO2, La/Th, Cr/Th, Th/Sc, Zr/Sc) also suggest a dominant felsic source nature, significant first-cycle sediment supply, and low sedimentary recycling. Such features are consistent with active extension tectonic setting. Sandstone framework models and geochemical characteristics suggest the provenance is related to passive margin (PM), active continental margin (ACM), and continental island arc (CIA) tectonic settings. Sediment derivation from the Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and Silurian–Devonian granites indicates a PM provenance, whereas sediments derived from the Early Cretaceous volcanic-intrusive complexes suggest an ACM and CIA nature. Therefore, the Late Cretaceous redbeds were deposited in a dustpan-like half-graben under the back-arc extension regime when southeast China was possibly influenced by northwestward subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate beneath East Asia.  相似文献   

The latest Early Oligocene record from the Lanzhou Basin, northeast Tibetan Plateau, presents an opportunity to investigate early stage of the Asian monsoon patterns due to its special location. The record provides insights into the global zonal climate and the development of the non-zonal monsoon system. The study identifies possible links between factors governing the monsoonal patters and paleoaltimetry of the Tibetan Plateau. Sporomorphs results indicate the dominance of arboreal plants (both coniferous and broad-leaved) corresponding to a wetter environment, while xerophytes were rare. Based on the Coexistence Approach (CA), the climate of the Lanzhou Basin is likely to have been similar to that of present-day sites in Southeast China, i.e., characterized by relatively high precipitation and a warm climate. Both qualitative analysis of the sporomorph assemblages and quantitative calculations indicate that monsoons similar to those of the present daywere formed in East Asia and reached the Lanzhou region in inner Asia. High percentages of Picea, generally associated with the relatively high topography of the NE Tibetan Plateau, correlate well with the high paleoaltimetry of the main Tibetan Plateau during the Oligocene. Thus, the East Asian monsoon during this time can be closely linked to an uplifted Tibetan Plateau, following modeled relationships between the Tibetan Plateau and monsoon patterns. However, we believe such high precipitation may have mainly resulted from the orographic barrier, rather than being driven by zonal climate factors. Further investigation into the extent of, and controls on, the region of high precipitation should help clarify the role of these processes.  相似文献   

A new ootype collected from the Upper Cretaceous Lijiacun Formation in the Shangdan Basin, Shaanxi Province is described in this paper. Based on general external shape, size, eggshell thickness and honeycomb‐like eggshell microstructure, eggs are referable to the oofamily Faveoloolithidae. Compared with other members of Faveoloolithidae, specimens described in this paper show special characteristics: adjacent pores are usually separated by two eggshell units between which often develop interspaces; columnar eggshell units are relatively closely arranged in radial view. According to these characteristics, we erect a new oogenus and a new oospecies: Duovallumoolithus shangdanensis oogen. et oosp. nov. The new discovery expands the diversity of Faveoloolithidae.  相似文献   

拉萨白堆复合岩体寄主为含包体的花岗闪长岩,并被一系列平行-近平行东西走向中-基性岩脉群穿插,总体形成类似"条纹码"般的构造形式。锆石U-Pb定年表明,这些基性岩脉主要形成于85~68Ma。同期中性和基性脉岩都表现出富集大离子亲石元素和LREE,亏损高场强元素,Sr同位素初始比值较低,但Nd同位素比值(εNd(t)+3.1)和锆石Hf同位素组成(εHf(t)+10.7)较高,都不具有Eu异常。与中性脉岩相比,基性脉岩具有(1)Mg O含量较高和较高的Mg#(50.6);(2)较高的Cr、Ni、Co含量;(3)较富集HREE且平坦分布。但中性脉岩Y含量较低,Sr/Y比值(38~72)较高,具有高Sr-低Y的特征;这些特征表明:这些岩浆岩的源区可能为受流体交代的岩石圈地幔。中-基性脉岩之间具有岩浆演化关系,在岩浆演化过程中以角闪石的分离结晶为主。结合文献数据,这些新数据表明冈底斯岩基的在晚白垩世(85~68Ma)经历了弧上伸展构造作用,岩浆作用持续活动,可能与新特提斯洋板片的北向斜俯冲相关。  相似文献   

The Elk Butte Member of the Pierre Shale of southeast South Dakota and northeast Nebraska yields a late Maastrichtian cephalopod fauna of nautiloids, belemnites and ammonites of theFeletzkytes nebrascensisZone, best known from the near-shore facies of the Fox Hills Formation. ThenebrascensisZone is the highest distinct marine assemblage that can be recognised in the Western Interior, although ammonites occur as rarities high in the Lance Formation in Wyoming. Elements of the fauna occur in the Gulf Coast and Atlantic Seaboard, and extend into the highest Maastrichtian nannofossil Subzone CC26b, ofMicula prinsii, in Texas. These occurrences point to the existence of a southerly marine route for migration into and out of the northern Interior during the late late Maastrichtian. An analysis of Maastrichtian ammonite occurrences in West Greenland reveals no evidence for a marine link to the western Interior at this time, but rather indicates an open marine link to the North Atlantic region.The presence of upper upper Maastrichtian Pierre Shale in southeast South Dakota and northeast Nebraska, deposited in water depths that are conservatively estimated at 100-200 m, suggests that marine conditions (evidence for which has been removed by post-Cretceous erosion) may have extended well to the north of the shoreline position indicated in recent palaeogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

The coal-bearing, alternating marine and non-marine Longzhaogou Group in eastern Heilongjiang, northeastern China, has long been considered as Jurassic, or mainly Jurassic, in age. However, recent studies have demonstrated that the ammonites and dinoflagellate cysts are of Early Cretaceous age. This has now been confirmed by new radiolarian evidence. The radiolarian fauna recovered from the upper Qihulin Formation of the Longzhaogou Group consists of nine poorly preserved species referable to nine genera. Novixitus is a Cretaceous genus, and the specimens of Archaeodictyomitra sp. and Xitus sp. recovered resemble A. vulgaris Pessagno and X. spicularius (Aliev), respectively.  相似文献   

班公湖蛇绿混杂岩带内分布着一系列小型斜长花岗斑岩和花岗闪长岩岩体,锆石U-Pb年龄分别为97.4±1.1Ma和91.94±0.78Ma,具埃达克质岩特征,高SiO2、Al2O3和Sr,低Y和Yb,Sr/Y>35,轻重稀土分异明显,亏损Nb、Ta和Ti,Cr和Ni含量很低,推测为玄武质岩浆底侵加厚下地壳部分熔融形成。辉石闪长岩脉分布于南侧日土花岗岩内,推测年龄为80~76Ma,岩石地球化学显示亏损Zr、Hf、Ti、Y等高场强元素,富集大离子亲石元素,且具较高的Sc、Y、Cr、Co、HREE和Mg#值(>40),源区为经过熔体交代的上地幔。结合前人资料,本文认为班公湖地区在97~92Ma仍处于持续碰撞造山、地壳加厚过程中;92Ma之后,构造体制从碰撞期的挤压转变为碰撞后的板内伸展;80~76Ma,板内的伸展进一步加剧。  相似文献   

本文基于新疆哈密地区1∶5万板房沟幅和小柳沟幅区域地质调查新成果,对东天山北部古生代的重大构造事件以及演化历史进行了系统的梳理。基于下志留统与奥陶系之间角度不整合、下石炭统与泥盆系之间平行不整合以及上石炭统二道沟组与下伏岩系之间的角度不整合的确定,揭示奥陶纪与志留纪之交、泥盆纪与石炭纪之交以及晚石炭世期间存在几次重大构造事件。结合古生代不同时期沉积大地构造背景转换、岩浆活动构造环境转换以及构造变形格式转换的地质新纪录,提出奥陶纪与志留纪之交的造山事件为北部阿尔曼太洋闭合导致准噶尔—吐哈地块与阿尔泰地块碰撞的响应;泥盆纪与早石炭世之间的造陆构造事件可能是北部卡拉麦里洋盆初始汇拢碰撞的响应,其平行不整合以及下伏的志留纪—泥盆纪较稳定环境的沉积序列预示着介于卡拉麦里洋盆与南部北天山洋盆之间的准噶尔—吐哈地块为古亚洲洋盆体系中相对刚性的稳定陆块区,研究区作为准噶尔—吐哈地块的北部被动陆缘受卡拉麦里洋盆汇聚的影响较小;晚石炭世的造山事件则表现为响应卡拉麦里洋盆闭合后周缘前陆盆地的演化,是早石炭世沿卡拉麦里缝合带发生陆块碰撞以来挤压构造作用峰期的产物,其奠定了东天山北部北西-南东向构造基本格局。本文还重新界定莫钦乌拉断裂为北天山构造带(准噶尔—吐哈地块)与东准噶尔构造带的构造-地层分区界线,推断其为卡拉麦里缝合带向南东的延伸,并讨论了早石炭世受控不同构造体制的沉积和岩浆纪录的空间差异性,认为早石炭世北部莫钦乌拉山区域为与北侧卡拉麦里洋盆闭合后周缘挤压前陆盆地的发育过程,而南部博格达—哈尔里克山则总体呈现为响应南侧北天山洋盆闭合后的碰撞后伸展裂谷发育过程。  相似文献   

Abstract The orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene, garnet-orthopyroxene and garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometers, and the garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclase, garnet-clinopyroxene-plagioclase and anorthite-ferrosilite-grossular-almandine-quartz geobarometers are applied to metabasites and the garnetplagioclase-sillimanite-quartz geobarometer is applied to a metapelite from the Proterozoic Arendal granulite terrain, Bamble sector, Norway. P–T conditions of metamorphism were 7.3 ± 0.5 kbar and 800 ± 60°C.
This terrain shows a regional gradation from the amphibolite facies, into normal LILE content granulite facies rocks and finally strongly LILE deficient granulite facies gneisses. Neither P nor T vary significantly across the entire transition zone. The change in 'grade'parallels the increasing dominance of CO2 over H2O in the fluid phase.
LILE-depletion is not a pre-condition of granulite facies metamorphism: granulites may have either 'depleted'or 'normal'chemistries. The results presented herein show that LILE-deficiency in granulite facies orthogneisses is not necessarily related to variations in either P or T . The important mechanisms in the Arendal terrain were (a) direct synmetamorphic crystallization from magma, with primary LILE-poor mineralogies imposed by the prevailing fluid regime, and (b) metamorphic depletion, involving scavenging of LILEs during flushing by mantle-derived CO2-rich fluids. The latter process is constrained by U–Pb and Rb–Sr isotopic work to have occurred no later than 50 Ma after intrusion of the acid-intermediate gneisses, and was probably associated with contemporary basic magmatism in a tectonic environment similar to a present day cordilleran continental margin.  相似文献   

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