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Multiple response surfaces for slope reliability analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper develops a multiple response surfaces approach to approximate the limit state function for slope failure by second‐order polynomial functions, to incorporate the variation of the most probable slip surfaces, and to evaluate the slope failure probability pf. The proposed methodology was illustrated through a cohesive soil slope example. It is shown that the pf values estimated from multiple response surfaces agree well with those pf values that have been obtained by searching a large number of potential slip surfaces in each Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) sample. The variation of number of the most probable slip surfaces is studied at different scale of fluctuation (λ) values. It is found that when full correlation assumed for each of random fields (i.e., spatial variability is ignored), the number of the most probable slip surfaces is equal to the number of random fields (in this study, it is 3). When the spatial variability grows significantly, the number of the most probable slip surfaces or number of multiple response surfaces firstly increases evidently to a higher value and then varies slightly. In addition, the contribution of a specific most probable slip surface varies dramatically at different spatial variability level, and therefore, the variation of the most probable slip surfaces should be accounted for in the reliability analysis. The multiple response surfaces approach developed in this paper provides a limit equilibrium method and MCS‐based means to incorporate such a variation of the most probable slip surfaces in slope reliability analysis. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A data driven multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) based algorithm for system reliability analysis of earth slopes having random soil properties under the framework of limit equilibrium method of slices is considered. The theoretical formulation is developed based on Spencer method (valid for general slip surfaces) satisfying all conditions of static equilibrium coupled with a nonlinear programming technique of optimization. Simulated noise is used to take account of inevitable modeling inaccuracies and epistemic uncertainties. The proposed MARS based algorithm is capable of achieving high level of computational efficiency in the system reliability analysis without significantly compromising the accuracy of results.  相似文献   

Probabilistic analysis has been used as an effective tool to evaluate uncertainty so prevalent in variables governing rock slope stability. In this study a probabilistic analysis procedure and related algorithms were developed by extending the Monte Carlo simulation. The approach was used to analyze rock slope stability for Interstate Highway 40 (I-40), North Carolina, USA. This probabilistic approach consists of two parts: analysis of available geotechnical data to obtain random properties of discontinuity parameters; and probabilistic analysis of slope stability based on parameters with random properties. Random geometric and strength parameters for discontinuities were derived from field measurements and analysis using the statistical inference method or obtained from experience and engineering judgment of parameters. Specifically, this study shows that a certain amount of experience and engineering judgment can be utilized to determine random properties of discontinuity parameters. Probabilistic stability analysis is accomplished using statistical parameters and probability density functions for each discontinuity parameter. Then, the two requisite conditions, kinematic and kinetic instability for evaluating rock slope stability, are determined and evaluated separately, and subsequently the two probabilities are combined to provide an overall stability measure. Following the probabilistic analysis to account for variation in parameters, results of the probabilistic analyses were compared to those of a deterministic analysis, illustrating deficiencies in the latter procedure. Two geometries for the cut slopes on I-40 were evaluated, the original 75° slope and the 50° slope which has developed over the past 40 years of weathering.  相似文献   

吴兴正  蒋良潍  罗强  孔德惠  张良 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):665-672
基于均质路堤边坡Monte Carlo法的稳定可靠度计算,分析了临界滑面搜索策略和稳定分析方法两类模型不确定性对边坡可靠度的影响特性,讨论了边坡失效概率随土工参数变异性的变化规律。研究表明,选用不同的临界滑面搜索策略所得可靠度结果差异不大,参数滑面法(overall slope)的失效概率略大于均值滑面法(global minimum),但差别对边坡稳定性分析没有实质性影响;土性参数变异水平是影响边坡可靠度的最重要因素,边坡在相同设计参数安全系数下的可靠度指标随参数变异性增大而急剧降低;不同稳定性分析方法对应的安全系数概率密度函数曲线形态基本一致,但失效概率差异明显,因此目标可靠度指标取值应与稳定性分析方法相适应。提出的考虑土工参数变异水平的安全系数取值修正原则,对改进确定性设计的边坡稳定分析技术有积极意义。  相似文献   

提出了一套基于随机响应面法的边坡系统可靠度分析方法。该方法首先从大量潜在滑动面中筛选出代表性滑动面。针对每条代表性滑动面,采用Hermite多项式展开建立其安全系数与土体参数间的非线性显式函数关系(即随机响应面)。然后,采用直接蒙特卡洛模拟计算边坡系统失效概率。在蒙特卡罗模拟中,采用所有代表性滑动面的随机响应面计算每一组样本所对应的边坡最小安全系数。最后,以两个典型多层边坡系统可靠度问题为例验证了该方法的有效性。结果表明:文中提出的边坡系统可靠度分析方法能够有效地识别边坡代表性滑动面,具有较高的计算精度和效率,并且确定代表性滑动面时无需计算滑动面间的相关系数。同时该方法可以有效地计算低失效概率水平的边坡系统可靠度,为含相关非正态参数的边坡系统可靠度问题提供了一条有效的分析途径。此外,多层边坡可能同时存在多条潜在滑动面,基于单一滑动面(如临界确定性滑动面)或者部分代表性滑动面进行边坡系统可靠度分析均会低估边坡失效概率。  相似文献   

基于可靠度的黄土斜坡稳定性分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
唐亚明 《地质通报》2008,27(8):1217-1222
以延安市宝塔区虎头峁黄土斜坡为研究对象,在野外详细调查和勘查的基础上,分析确定斜坡可靠度的随机变量为滑带土土体容重r、内聚力c和内摩擦角φ。分别用统计矩法、一次二阶矩法、几何法和蒙特卡洛模拟法计算斜坡的可靠度和破坏概率,得出安全系数为1.00~1.15,可靠度指标为0.35~0.45,破坏概率为32%~37%,说明斜坡具有较大的失稳可能性。计算过程表明,用几何法计算所得的可靠度指标精度最高,一次二阶矩法次之,统计矩法计算精度最低,蒙特卡洛模拟法可作为一种校验方法,对其他方法进行校验和对比。在不需要获取传统的定值安全系数的情况下,可用几何法计算斜坡的可靠度指标,方法较为简便。当需要同时获取安全系数时,应使用统计矩法或一次二阶矩法计算。  相似文献   

A methodology is developed for probabilistic rock slope stability assessment using numerical modelling that incorporates statistical analysis of the variability of joint set geometric parameters. Each probabilistic input parameter is substituted by its two point estimates. Half-factorial and central composite designs are implemented to obtain a minimum number of representative slope realizations to model. The output from the numerical models is used to construct mathematical prediction models or response surfaces. A response surface can be used to predict the factor of safety of arbitrary realizations without further numerical modelling and can be used to determine the probability of slope failure.  相似文献   

Probabilistic stability analyses of constructed wrapped-face reinforced slopes (or embankments) using frictional soils were carried out using the random finite element method (RFEM). Soil properties reported in the literature for unsaturated frictional fills compacted to different densities were used in the simulations. Bar elements were added to the RFEM code to simulate extensible geosynthetic reinforcement layers and the Davis approach was used to improve numerical stability for purely frictional soil slopes at collapse. The influence of isotropic and anisotropic spatially variable soil strength was investigated and shown to have a large influence on the variation of maximum mobilised tensile forces in reinforcement layers for the steep 5 m-high slopes in the study. The influence of fill placed at different layer thickness and compacted to different levels was simulated by adjusting the soil strength and unit weight, and the vertical strength correlation length in the anisotropic spatially variable strength field used in each slope realisation. Numerical results showed that vertical strength correlation lengths approaching the magnitude of fill lift heights can control the probability of failure for reinforced slopes constructed with weak fills placed in lift heights close to but less than the wrapped reinforcement spacing used in the study.  相似文献   

傅方煜  郑小瑶  吕庆  朱益军 《岩土力学》2014,35(12):3460-3466
提出了基于响应面法的边坡稳定二阶可靠度分析的实用算法。选择U空间中的随机变量,通过空间变换和相关矩阵分解,计算试验点的功能函数;通过迭代算法构造响应面、以确保通过最小的计算量获得最优精度,并在此基础上进行FORM/SORM计算。以一岩石边坡的平面滑动问题为例,通过与蒙特卡洛模拟、FORM及随机响应面法的比较,证明了该方法的准确性和高效性。分析了参数的相关性及试验点取值范围对计算结果的影响,讨论了可靠度分析结果中参数敏感性和物理属性问题。该方法可为实际边坡问题的可靠度分析提供参考,并可以用来进行基于可靠度分析的加固设计。  相似文献   

This paper presents a system reliability analysis method for soil slopes on the basis of artificial neural networks with computer experiments. Two types of artificial neural networks, multilayer perceptrop (MLP) and radial basis function networks (RBFNs), are tested on the studied problems. Computer experiments are adopted to generate samples for constructing the response surfaces. On the basis of the samples, MLP and RBFN are used for establishing the response surface to approximate the limit state function, and Monte Carlo simulation is performed via the MLP and RBFN response surfaces to estimate the system failure probability of slopes. Experimental results on 3 examples show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of heterogeneity of undrained shear strength on the reliability of, and risk posed by, a long slope cut in clay, for different depths of foundation layer. The clay has been idealised as a linear elastic, perfectly plastic Von Mises material and its spatial variability has been modelled using random field theory, whereas slope performance has been computed using a parallel 3D finite element program. The results of Monte Carlo simulations confirm previous findings that three categories of failure mode are possible and that these are significantly influenced by the horizontal scale of fluctuation relative to the slope geometry. In particular, discrete 3D failures are likely for intermediate scales of fluctuation and, in this case, reliability is a function of slope length. The risk posed by potential slides has been quantified in terms of slide volumes and slide lengths, which have been estimated by considering the computed out-of-face displacements. The results show that, for a given horizontal scale of fluctuation relative to the slope geometry, there is a wide range of possible slide volumes and slide geometries. Indeed, the results highlight just how difficult it is to compute a 2D slope failure in a heterogeneous soil. However, they also indicate that, for low probabilities of failure, the volumes of potential slides can be small. This suggests that, for some problems, it may not be necessary to design to very small probabilities of failure, due to the reduced consequence of failure in this case. The techniques developed in this paper will be important in benchmarking simpler 2D and 3D solutions used in design, as there is a need to quantify slide geometries when benchmarking simpler methods based on predefined failure mechanisms.  相似文献   

基于蒙特卡罗边坡稳定二元体系的建立与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桂勇  邓通发  罗嗣海  周军平 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):1979-1986
边坡是一个具有明显不确定性、模糊性和时变性的系统,安全系数及可靠度理论在边坡稳定评价上各有优缺点。二元体系是基于确定性指标(安全系数)和不确定指标(可靠度)建立的边坡稳定综合评价指标体系,兼有二者的优点,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。考虑到边坡材料指标具有区间分布及稳定边坡的安全系数不能小于其临界值的特点,对纯数学理论模型进行修正,提出了一种更加符合工程实际的边坡稳定二元评价体系,同时选取蒙特卡罗模拟法,将该二元评价体系融入GeoStudio软件,借助GeoStudio软件强大的计算能力,形成一套完整而高效的边坡稳定二元指标分析方法。采用该方法进行了降雨条件下花岗岩残坡积土边坡稳定性分析,得出了有益的结论,验证了该方法的可行和高效。  相似文献   

Slopes are mainly naturally occurred deposits, so slope stability is highly affected by inherent uncertainty. In this paper, the influence of heterogeneity of undrained shear strength on the performance of a clay slope is investigated. A numerical procedure for a probabilistic slope stability analysis based on a Monte Carlo simulation that considers the spatial variability of the soil properties is presented to assess the influence of randomly distributed undrained shear strength and to compute reliability as a function of safety factor. In the proposed method, commercially available finite difference numerical code FLAC 5.0 is merged with random field theory. The results obtained in this study are useful to understand the effect of undrained shear strength variations in slope stability analysis under different slope conditions and material properties. Coefficient of variation and heterogeneity anisotropy of undrained shear strength were proven to have significant effect on the reliability of safety factor calculations. However, it is shown that anisotropy of the heterogeneity has a dual effect on reliability index depending on the level of safety factor adopted.  相似文献   

System effects should be considered in the probabilistic analysis of a layered soil slope due to the potential existence of multiple failure modes. This paper presents a system reliability analysis approach for layered soil slopes based on multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) and Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). The proposed approach is achieved in a two-phase process. First, MARS is constructed based on a group of training samples that are generated by Latin hypercube sampling (LHS). MARS is validated by a specific number of testing samples which are randomly generated per the underlying distributions. Second, the established MARS is integrated with MCS to estimate the system failure probability of slopes. Two types of multi-layered soil slopes (cohesive slope and cφ slope) are examined to assess the capability and validity of the proposed approach. Each type of slope includes two examples with different statistics and system failure probability levels. The proposed approach can provide an accurate estimation of the system failure probability of a soil slope. In addition, the proposed approach is more accurate than the quadratic response surface method (QRSM) and the second-order stochastic response surface method (SRSM) for slopes with highly nonlinear limit state functions (LSFs). The results show that the proposed MARS-based MCS is a favorable and useful tool for the system reliability analysis of soil slopes.  相似文献   

观光塔边坡的稳定性分析与治理措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫海鸿  朱玉平 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):487-490
分析了观光塔边坡的失稳破坏机制,并应用不确定性方法对该边坡进行了稳定性分析,结果表明,坡脚陡倾岩层是阻止该边坡继续滑移的有利因素,地下水是控制该边坡稳定的主导因素.最后,基于机制分析提出了针对性的治理措施.  相似文献   

砾岩边坡稳定性分析与防治工程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沪蓉国道主干线宜昌至恩施段高速公路,是国家“五纵七横“交通网的重要组成部分,其砾岩边坡稳定性分析与防治工程是重要的研究课题。本文以砾岩岩体结构面模拟研究,岩体力学参数估算为基础,结合砾岩特征及边坡地质环境条件,提出砾岩边坡稳定性评价的地质模型,并采用数值模拟与计算,得出砾岩边坡稳定性分析的确切结果。砾岩边坡岩土工程加固设计是关系到该高速公路安全、经济、适用的重要内容,紧密结合砾岩边坡的地质环境和砾岩岩体特征,采用信息化设计,运用生态化设计理念,充分发挥岩土工程技术优势,保护环境,提出合理的岩土工程加固设计方案。本研究成果对砾岩边坡防治工程提出了系统的研究思路,对沪蓉国道主干线宜昌至恩施段高速公路砾岩边坡的设计与施工具重要意义。  相似文献   

在有限数据条件下,可靠度敏感性分析是研究各种不确定性因素对边坡失稳概率影响规律的重要途径。基于直接蒙特卡洛模拟和概率密度加权分析方法提出了一种高效边坡稳定可靠度敏感性分析方法。所提出的方法通过随机场表征岩土体参数的空间变异性,并采用局部平均理论建立岩土体参数的缩维概率密度函数,用于概率密度加权分析中高效、准确地计算不同敏感性分析方案对应的边坡失稳概率。最后,通过一个工程案例--詹姆斯湾堤坝说明了所提出方法的有效性和准确性。结果表明:在敏感性分析过程中,所提出的方法只需要执行一次直接蒙特卡洛模拟,避免了针对不同敏感性分析方案重新产生随机样本和执行边坡稳定分析,节约了大量的计算时间和计算资源,显著提高了基于蒙特卡洛模拟的敏感性分析计算效率;在概率密度加权分析中采用岩土体参数的缩维概率密度函数能够准确地计算边坡失稳概率,避免了有偏估计,使概率密度加权分析方法适用于考虑空间变异性条件下的边坡稳定可靠度敏感性分析问题。  相似文献   

基于MATLAB的边坡稳定性极限上限分析程序开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于系统能耗最小原理的极限分析上限定理,利用MATLAB强大的数据处理功能,对边坡稳定系数Ncr采用序列二次规划法(SQP)进行优化计算,并与枚举法相结合,从而解决SQP算法求解优化解容易陷入局部最优解的问题。同时开发了一款简单实用的边坡稳定性分析软件,实现了计算结果与临界滑裂破坏面图形的可视化输出。与经典算例对比分析,计算结果具有较好的一致性,表明了程序的可靠性。分析了内摩擦角?、边坡倾斜角?、? 3个参数对边坡稳定系数Ncr的影响。计算结果表明:边坡稳定性系数Ncr对?、? 较为敏感,而对? 的敏感次之。其次,当?、? 比较接近或在小范围内波动时,对稳定性系数Ncr的影响特别敏感;当?、?值较小时,滑动面通过坡趾下方,而当?值比较大时,滑动面通过坡趾。  相似文献   

边坡稳定模糊随机可靠度分析   总被引:38,自引:5,他引:33  
贾厚华  贺怀建 《岩土力学》2003,24(4):657-660
考虑边坡稳定评价中存在的两种不确定性--模糊性和随机性,以模糊随机变量为基本变量,建立模糊随机功能函数和模糊随机极限方程,得到模糊可靠指标和模糊可靠度。本文给出模糊随机可靠度的计算方法,给出实例并与经典随机可靠度比较,得到更合理的结果。  相似文献   

应用边坡可靠性分析中常用的蒙特卡罗法,并结合稳定性计算的剩余推力法和Sarma法,研究随机地震作用下边坡的可靠性。以三峡库区黄土坡滑坡为例,分析了地震效应对边坡稳定性的影响。计算结果表明:地震加速度对滑坡稳定性影响显著;竖向地震加速度小于水平地震加速度2/3时,对滑坡稳定性影响较小,大于水平加速度时,对滑坡稳定性影响明显。因此在一般工程设计中,可以只考虑水平向的地震作用,而对于设计烈度较大的大型工程,则应同时考虑水平向和垂直向的地震作用。  相似文献   

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