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总结了褶皱相关断裂发育机制的3个构造几何学模型:同心圆褶皱模型、膝折带褶皱模型和弯流褶皱模型。基于燕山中部中、新元古界地层中发育的5个露头尺度褶皱及其中、小型断裂构造的实例剖析,探讨了收缩变形过程中褶皱与断裂构造发育时序与褶皱相关断裂构造的产生机制。研究指出,规模与所在褶皱构造相当或略小的断裂构造当中,既有形成时间早于褶皱变形的断层,也有在褶皱变形过程中调节褶皱不同部位应变差异的褶皱相关断裂构造,而且卷入后期变形的早期断裂可能成为制约褶皱成核位置的影响因素,以及成为枢纽叠覆楔构造的形成方式之一。断层位移-距离曲线特征和断层与褶皱变形几何学、运动学关系分析,可用来判断断层、褶皱变形发生相对时序。认为影响褶皱相关断裂构造发育的机制主要有3种:(1)纵弯滑褶皱作用中,翼部顺层滑动受到限制而无法持续时,将通过断层向上切层的方式予以调节,从而形成翼部或转折端揳入逆冲断裂以及背离向斜和指向背斜逆冲断层;(2)各种因素导致的褶皱曲率变化是褶皱相关断裂产生的重要机制之一,褶皱曲率变化可由褶皱轴面的合并和新生直观反映,轴面合并引起褶皱曲率变化的层位,可能是诱发褶皱相关断裂,如背离向斜和指向背斜逆冲构造开始产生的重要部位;(3)能干性差异和强硬层之间距离较大的岩层组合发生纵弯褶皱变形时,软弱岩系在褶皱核部的聚集和逃逸,是迫使递进收缩的强硬层产生褶皱相关断裂构造的重要机制。  相似文献   

Segmentation, propagation, and linkage of normal faults often occur in regions of active extension, and observations of the distribution and structural properties of segment boundaries can provide important insights for seismic hazard assessment. In this study, we carry out quantitative geomorphological analysis to evaluate the relative tectonic activity along the Langshan Piedmont Fault (LPF), which bounds the NW margin of the Hetao Graben, North China. On the basis of obtained morphometric indices (HI, BS, Smf, VF, SLK, and χ), tectonic knickpoint heights, footwall topography, and small unmanned aerial vehicles (sUAV)-based field observations, we demonstrate that: (i) The Langshan landscape is in a state of disequilibrium in response to active rock uplift and channel incision; (ii) The LPF consists of two major fault segments with lengths of 65 and 95 km, respectively, which likely have been linked with each other; (iii) Rupturing of the whole of one segment can generate an earthquake of Mw ~7.3–7.5, and earthquake magnitude may reach Mw ~7.8 if the entire fault trace of ~160 km is ruptured, posing a significant seismic risk in the western Hetao Graben. These findings would further our understanding of normal fault evolution through space and time in actively extending regions.  相似文献   

为了提高煤田开采的效率,准确、快速地确定断层和裂隙发育带已迫在眉睫。而三维方差体技术突出了地层横向变化对地震道的影响,能够对三维地震地质信息进行提取,还可用于识别断层、裂隙及地层的不连续变化。这里介绍了三维方差体技术的原理及基本算法,并在山东某采区三维地震资料的解释工作中进行了实际应用。结果表明,方差体技术对断层、裂隙发育带等地质异常体具有良好的识别效果。  相似文献   

Areas of low strain rate are typically characterized by low to moderate seismicity. The earthquake catalogs for these regions do not usually include large earthquakes because of their long recurrence periods. In cases where the recurrence period of large earthquakes is much longer than the catalog time span, probabilistic seismic hazard is underestimated. The information provided by geological and paleo-seismological studies can potentially improve seismic hazard estimation through renewal models, which assume characteristic earthquakes. In this work, we compare the differences produced when active faults in the northwestern margin of the València trough are introduced in hazard analysis. The differences between the models demonstrate that the introduction of faults in zones characterized by low seismic activity can give rise to significant changes in the hazard values and location. The earthquake and fault seismic parameters (recurrence interval, segmentation or fault length that controls the maximum magnitude earthquake and time elapsed since the last event or Te) were studied to ascertain their effect on the final hazard results. The most critical parameter is the recurrence interval, where shorter recurrences produce higher hazard values. The next most important parameter is the fault segmentation. Higher hazard values are obtained when the fault has segments capable of producing big earthquakes. Finally, the least critical parameter is the time elapsed since the last event (Te), when longer Te produces higher hazard values.  相似文献   

活断层对城市建设的影响长期以来受到科研人员与城市建设者的重视。活断层避让距离的确定直接影响活动断裂地区建筑物的选址。伴随着中国地下空间开发进入快速发展阶段,活动断裂地区的地下建筑选址问题应运而生。以隐伏活动正断层为例,综合考虑地下建筑震害影响、隐伏活动正断层地区地质背景、断裂活动性以及发震破坏特征,对活断层地区地下建筑的避让问题开展研究。研究表明:地下建筑受活断层发震的影响比地面建筑小,但断裂发震的影响依然需要重视;隐伏正断层破坏范围受多方面的影响因素控制,地下建筑避让距离的划定需以断层变形带的边界为起点进行;结合渭河断裂咸阳段的地质背景与断裂活动特点,确定断层上、下盘的避让距离分别为30 m和15 m,得出渭河断裂咸阳段地下30 m以浅限建带的宽度为140 m。  相似文献   

长江三峡黄腊石滑坡缓倾角断裂显微构造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从显微尺度研究黄腊石滑波区缓倾角断裂的微观,超微观构造特征,进而分析构造应力方向和差异应力大小。同时探讨缓倾角断裂的变形机制和成因,讨论缓倾角断裂与滑波发生演化过程之间的关系,为滑坡监测与防治提供地质依据。  相似文献   

正断层位移长度关系是近年来研究正断层的一种常用方法 ,它将断层的研究从二维扩展到三维。研究正断层位移长度关系对于研究正断层演化、盆地演化以及油气勘探等方面具有重要意义。讨论了影响正断层位移距离剖面形态的主要因素 :断层端的脆韧性变形、围岩强度、远程应力以及断层之间的相互作用和连接等。根据正断层位移距离剖面的几何形态和断层发育阶段 ,可将断层的位移模式分为 3个类型 :(1)对称的椭圆状或钟状代表简单的单条断层 ;(2 )不对称的似椭圆状或钟状代表断层间的相互作用 ;(3)不规则的锯齿状代表由多条断层连接而成的断层。介绍了伴随正断层发育的传递斜坡、盆内高地等构造单元以及断层位移距离剖面的测量制作方法。测量时应注意恢复其剥蚀部分。  相似文献   

With the launch of the German Aerospace Agency's (DLR) Modular Opto-electronic Scanner (MOS) sensor on board the Indian Remote Sensing satellite (IRS-P3) launched by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in March 1996, 13 channel multi-spectral data in the range of 408 to 1010 nm at high radiometric resolution, precision, and with narrow spectral bands have been available for a variety of land, atmospheric and oceanic studies. We found that these data are best for validation of radiative transfer model and the corresponding code developed by one of the authors at Space Applications Centre, and called ATMRAD (abbreviated for ATMospheric RADiation). Once this model/code is validated, it can be used for retrieving information on tropospheric aerosols over ocean or land. This paper deals with two clear objectives, viz.,
Validation of ATMRAD model/code using MOS data and synchronously measured atmospheric data, and if found performing well, then to
derive relationship between MOS radiances and Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT).
The data validation procedure essentially involves
–  •near-synchronous measurements of columnar aerosol optical thickness and altitude profiles of aerosol concentration using ground-based multi-filter solar radiometers and Argon-ion Lidar, respectively and
–  •computation of the top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) radiances from a low reflecting target (near clear water reservoir in the present study) using the ATMRAD model.
The results show that the model performance is satisfactory and a relationship between the spectral parameters of MOS radiances and aerosol optical thickness can be established. In this communication, we present the details of the experiments conducted, database, validation of the ATMRAD model and development of the relationship between AOT and MOS radiance.  相似文献   

Pumping tests in discontinuous media are commonly interpreted using radial/non-radial flow analytical models, which do not account for a large range of multistage real signatures that combine both flow types. The term radial is employed in Barker??s sense, referring to the cross-flow area growth with a flow dimension (n) equal to 2, while multistage refers to a flow response of several time periods with successive n values. Synthetic domains are used to numerically investigate the flow behaviour of faulted media, specifically the effect of fault inclination on multistage signatures. Simulations are performed using single faults surrounded by a permeable matrix to characterize drawdown series and to identify hydrodynamic scenarios associated with some diagnostic multistage n sequences. The n sequence 2 ?C <?2 ?C 2 results from interactions between the matrix and a horizontal to weakly inclined fault, while 2 ?C 1.5 ?C 2 corresponds to a higher fault inclination and is a combination of the generalized horizontally and vertically faulted models. These results improve the interpretation of ambiguous drawdown series from long-term pumping tests. This provides a better hydraulic characterization of faulted environments, allowing assessment of fault and matrix properties such as fault inclination. The approach is successfully tested on real datasets.  相似文献   

Active faults in the Zagros and central Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Active tectonic movements in the northwestern Zagros include right lateral slip at the rate of about 10 mm/a along the Main Recent Fault, which inherits the position of the Main Thrust, now inactive, and active thrusting and accompanying folding distributed between several zones southwest of the Main Recent Fault. In the southeastern Zagros (the Fars Province), there are several right lateral faults that extend N–S obliquely to the overall trend of the Zagros fault-and-fold belt. These may be either branches of the Main Recent Fault, or faults accommodating relative broadening of the outer Zagros in its southeastern segment. The Main Thrust in the southeastern Zagros also remains inactive.

The Ipak, North Tehran, and Mosha fault zones and several minor structures in the eastern Alborz form the E–W-trending active fault system with combined reverse and left lateral slip. On the Ipak and Mosha zones, lateral movements with the late Quaternary mean rate exceeding 1 mm/a dominate over vertical fault movements. Together with right lateral faults stretching northeast of Zagros, the faults of the Alborz may accommodate east-directed motion of the Iranian microplate.  相似文献   

The configuration of the lineament-disjunctive network in the Russian segment of the Sea of Japan (sheets K-52 and K-53) was studied with structural zoning of the region using geophysical and geomorphologic data. The constructed rose diagrams revealed systematic orientation of lineaments and faults in the region as a whole and some of its areas. The orientation of linear structures in the Russian segment of the Sea of Japan is compared with that characteristic of the global disjunctive network. This allowed the following inferences: (1) the region is characterized by a single lineament-disjunctive system with four main directions of dislocations: submeridional (0–5°), sublatitudinal (86–90°), diagonal northeastern (36–65°), and diagonal southeastern (136–140°); (2) the directions of these dislocations coincide with the orientation of four main systems in the global disjunctive network (planetary fracturing); (3) the revealed disjunctive network is substantially of the Earth’s rotation genesis; (4) regularities in the distribution and orientation of faults and lineaments are determined by two interacting factors: the stress concentration in areas of the layer thickness gradient and variations in the Earth’s rotation velocity (the former controls localization of faults and the latter, their orientation).  相似文献   

阿拉善地块东北缘的狼山地区新生代发育有3期构造,分别为中新世NW-SE向挤压形成的逆断层,NNE向挤压形成的左行走滑断层以及晚新生代NW-SE向伸展形成的高角度正断层。结合阿拉善地块东缘的新生代构造,认为狼山地区新生代断层的活动与青藏高原东北缘的逐步扩展、应力场逐渐调整有关。狼山山前正断层目前是一条贯通的断层,其演化基本符合恒定长度断层生长模型,断层中间部位滑动速率最大,向断层两侧逐渐递减。从不同方法得出的滑动速率来看,进入全新世以来,断层滑动速率有逐渐变小的趋势。结合阿拉善地块内部及东缘断层震源机制解以及断层的几何学、运动学特征,认为河套—吉兰泰盆地和银川盆地属于两个性质不同的伸展盆地,两者通过构造转换带相连,转换区内断层表现为右行走滑。转换区5级以上地震可能是受区域性NE-SW向挤压,近南北向右行断层活动的表现。  相似文献   

Active faults that rupture the earth's surface leave an imprint on the topography that is recognized using a combination of geomorphic and geologic metrics including triangular facets, the shape of mountain fronts, the drainage network, and incised river valleys with inset terraces. We document the presence of a network of active, high-angle extensional faults, collectively embedded in the actively shortening mountain front of the Northern Apennines, that possess unique geomorphic expressions. We measure the strain rate for these structures and find that they have a constant throw-to-length ratio. We demonstrate the necessary and sufficient conditions for triangular facet development in the footwalls of these faults and argue that rock-type exerts the strongest control. The slip rates of these faults range from 0.1 to 0.3 mm/yr, which is similar to the average rate of river incision and mountain front unroofing determined by corollary studies. The faults are a near-surface manifestation of deeper crustal processes that are actively uplifting rocks and growing topography at a rate commensurate with surface processes that are eroding the mountain front to base level.  相似文献   

煤矿中断层构造对开采条件、瓦斯突出、矿井突水等都有显著的影响。以陈四楼煤矿为例,利用分形理论计算了深部采区断层构造的分维,对断层构造的复杂程度进行了讨论和划分;分析了不同区域断层构造分维值出现差异的原因;建立了断层构造分维与矿井突水单位涌水量的对应关系,随断层分维的增加,矿井突水的单位涌水量也将随之增大。研究区的断层分维在0.7925~1.4534,断层总体的复杂程度为中等。  相似文献   

薛雁  王千军  熊伟  于洪洲  王越 《地质论评》2021,67(Z1):67z1069-67z1070
正准噶尔盆地西北缘哈山山前带形成过程中受到强烈的挤压作用,形成逆冲推覆叠加构造,断裂和裂缝非常发育,南邻玛湖生烃凹陷,成藏条件非常有利。近几年来,相继发现了春晖油田和阿拉德油田,哈浅101井、哈深2井等多口井也见到了良好的油气显示,勘探潜力非常大。但不同区段构造变形和油气分布存在明显差异,前人研究主要集中在挤压构造的发育特征、演化过程及控藏作用(薛雁等,2017),对分隔不同区段的撕裂断层(杨勇等,2014;王勇,2010)研究较少。  相似文献   

青藏铁路唐古拉山-拉萨段全新世控震断裂研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
地表调查表明,沿青藏铁路唐古拉山-拉萨段存在5条重要的全新世控震断裂带,从北到南分别是温泉盆地西缘断裂带、安多盆地北缘断裂带、崩错断裂带、谷露西缘断裂带和当雄-羊八井断裂带.构造-地貌和年代学分析结果表明,北部的温泉盆地西缘断裂和安多盆地北缘断裂带的活动强度相对比较小,平均垂直活动速率约为0.2~0.5mm/a.南侧的谷露西缘断裂带和当雄-羊八井断裂带的全新世垂直活动速率为约(15±0.5)mm/a.而中部的崩错走滑断裂带的活动强度最大,晚第四纪期间的走滑速率可达(11±4.5)mm/a.全新世断裂活动和古地震研究表明,其中温泉盆地西缘断裂带、安多盆地北缘断裂带、崩错断裂带的西北分支、当雄-羊八井断裂带的当雄段等区域未来发生强震的概率相对更大.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to demonstrate how the 12 October 1992 Cairo earthquake relates to the spatial geometry of the northern Egyptian fault systems. A box-counting algorithm was used, in a focused down approach (from regional to local scales) to analyze the fractal dimensions of the existing faults. The results indicate that these faults display fractal geometries that are self-similar over two to three orders of magnitude. It is shown that the northwest-southeast (Northern Red Sea) trending fault system has the lowest fractal dimension value. Coincidentally, this fault trend is the one that the fault plane solution shows to be active.  相似文献   


含油气盆地走滑构造及其控藏作用研究可以揭示研究区构造特征、形成演化过程, 深化油气成藏条件和油气富集规律认识, 对于指导油气勘探部署具有重要意义。基于地震与钻井资料的解释与分析, 运用断层相干体切片等三维地震精细解释、复杂构造分析等技术, 对在Termit盆地东缘Trakes斜坡首次发现的走滑构造几何学、演化过程、成因机制及其控藏作用进行了研究。研究结果表明, Termit盆地东缘Trakes斜坡发育系列走滑断层, 其主走滑带走向为北北西-南南东和北西-南东向, 其雁列断层(T破裂)走向近南北, 呈右旋右阶排列; 走滑构造性质以张扭性为主, 少量为压扭性, 其剖面样式以负花状构造与Y型断裂为主, 少量直立断层, 局部发育正花状构造; 上述走滑构造是早期先存正断层受后期剪切作用的结果, 主走滑变形阶段为古近纪始新世-渐新世; 新生代以来欧亚板块与非洲板块碰撞, 其累积效应在非洲板块内部形成了近南北向挤压应力, 由于挤压应力在非洲板块北部边界的不均衡性, 造成西北非陆块与东北非陆块发生差异运动, 这种差异运动导致Trakes斜坡早期发育的早白垩世正断层发生张扭性走滑变形。在该系列走滑断层带内, 形成一系列古近系Sokor1组和Sokor2组以及上白垩统Yogou组反向断块圈闭, 其主走滑位移带构成油气垂向运移通道, 有利于上白垩统烃源岩生成油气向上运移、在浅层聚集与成藏。


探地雷达在探测玉树走滑断裂带活动性中的初步应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
探地雷达具有快速、检测范围广、探测深度深、分辨率高及对地表环境无破坏等特点,在活动断层探测应用中具有很大的优势。在简要介绍玉树走滑断裂带活动性的基础上,选择高分辨率的探地雷达对隆宝、昔日达和盘琼沟处断裂带附近的活动断层进行探测。采用时间域有限差分法建立活动断层的数值模型对其雷达波响应特征进行模拟,分析断层在探地雷达剖面上的反射波特征。根据断层的反射波特征解译探地雷达图像,判断断层的位置、走向及空间展布。结合探槽开挖对比,探地雷达图像的解译结果与探槽开挖后的断裂带剖面展示的断层活动性质基本一致。根据隆宝、昔日达和盘琼沟处的探地雷达图像与探槽剖面上断层反射波特征的对比研究,解译了玉树地震震中位置探地雷达剖面上的断层展布。研究表明,探地雷达是一种快速探测活动断层的有效方法,尤其是在地表破裂不明显的区域,不仅可以准确地判断断层的位置、走向及空间展布,还可以将断裂带附近地下岩层的层位信息及探槽断面之外的地表下图像清晰地呈现出来,为以后运用探地雷达探测活动断层提供参考。  相似文献   

Gouges formed in north-northeast-striking fault zones of the Sydney region and associated host-rocks were investigated by XRD, SEM, TEM and optical microscopy in order to determine their mineralogy. XRD studies reveal that illite, illite–smectite, kaolinite, quartz and dickite are present in varying proportions. Kübler Indices (0.54–0.71) and low smectite contents in illite–smectite (<10% smectite) in most gouges and host-rocks, indicate the assemblages formed at temperatures between 120 and 150°C. Those at the Heathcote Road, Lucas Heights location formed at lower temperatures (<100°C). SEM images of the clays in host sublitharenites and gouges show a variety of sizes and habits that reflect variations in fluid temperature and rate of crystallisation. SEM studies also reveal that detrital quartz grains exhibit overgrowths and etch pits of varying density, size and shape that are more strongly developed in the gouges than in the host-rocks. These features are thought to be related to higher fluid/rock ratios brought about by major ingress of fluids into the fault zones. The mineral assemblage present and the features exhibited are believed to have formed in response to a thermal event associated with the early stages of the breakup of Gondwana.  相似文献   

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